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About The Daily journal. (Salem, Or.) 1899-1903 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1901)
ni'l'JMUBJJ -"I.P"""IWWH !- ,' ltt r, &.r'c " kr.y 4. ' FT. I - kY f f TJfifllV6rS8ft:60. ies' Tailor Made iralU at tale price. Xobby Jacket and eapes far tw iner wear; 8bfrt WItU ia ed!ets variety fnrta 50 ceoU t f.&. Tbe bert. Tal us in Satniner ComU rer aibwn hi Ealewi, , )s, 7ic and fl.0J. Htwfcbt front Coreel. 75c to flJML. Oar cartaln department efanwi tme oxeepfffcal god $ 0 Oar Wash Goods Sfonk Is ostnptete awl at attractive prtees. White gnds, all over, eoabroiderlea, laeet, marked at figures that are money savers. Our Drectt.Qoodceauteraarealffrajrar0iirelad tM large sale' from this depart ment ar very gratifying J us. 06 New Idea Holvfers oil's BKrSP JtnnnW C H. Hinges, We have now received our lull We 901 NULL PAPER are selling the same quality of papers that were sold last year at ' ' ' 10c... 12 1-2. 15c ... 20c. J.$C .... '30c... FOR AND HIGHER GRADES IN PROPORTION Mr. E. K. Hall the paper hanger has now returned from California ; all of our patrons who were waiting for him will pleasecall to select your paper and he will hang it Ui your turn.- I. If, HOlllS & 60. ThelLoW Priced Furniture House. lartford Bicycles, $30 and $35 LIGHT, STRONG. SPEEDY. JVBS&ft WcAtlE tfW PREPARED 10 III COUUMHIA HUH, OR aV'B. C. COASTER BRAKES ON NEW QK OLD VVIIBEUS. OTTO vJ. WILSON T7 " i r -m &. We Received Ten ;.-' Go-Carts Our prices are lower than 4visbbbbbbbiHbHbHCsbbBLLILLv Slvanfajre in our carts are greatly above those 'ot omer Is mrsLTi'c li , , Wp m satisfied that if I .cart that will give entire satisfaction? ,. BUREN- & , The Low Price House Furnishers." lUlWHWUlllUfllUUU 115 106 Patterns THE BIG BARGAIN HOUSE OF SALEM DON'T USE GLASSES Inlewj you need thorn, nml when von ilo need them bo euro they lit you. Don't guess at It. Hinges thu optician will give you a thorough examination free ol charge, ami If you don't need glasses will toll you bo. Wo have been hero now flVe yean, anil each year our custn mora are an Increase over thu taut. We arc always here to he found when any thing li not exactly right. VK WAIUtA.NT OUH GLASSES Expert Wstthnuker 20 yeirs Experience. 296 ConmcrtUI Sireet. Spring slock of ?c J5 k'. -10c .15c .20c.' .25c- :ctu, G A J nrcs. MBS BST WHYS Walt Longer for GoCarts. . This fine we&jhqr is upon us for g9od. It behooves jf all mothers to et out In the air anTCmsliine''tth' thep little onfts'. " New Designs of i Friday ever and the poinjs of ad- vou lofltewe will sell y ,'ou a HAMILTON tvi MRS. MCKINLEY'S ILLNESS UNFORTUNATE Presidential Party are Filling Out the Pro gram Without the Chiefs. : SECRETARY OF STATE HAY APPEARS AND SPEAKS FOR THE PRESIDENT The President Is Worried Over the CendltteB of His Wffe.-S&e isTDoln as Wetl as Her Physicians Expected Bat tle Trie .May Be Cat Short as Par as the Northwest Is Concerned. Sak PnArieo. May lS.-Sertary Cortelyou this morning v otue ni' 1...U..H u,. i,Kilr .. condition : "Mrs. McKlnley rested wait dortng the night and this morning was as own fortahle na her physicians expected hr to he." Thorn le some probability of PresUent McKlnley abandoning his profosd trip Into the Northwest, in view of the con dition of Mre. McKlnley. Unless there la a radical change for the better the Presidential party will leave for Wash, Ingtori soon after the celebrations In this section are over. Preeident McKinWy la very much worrM over Uw cowthM of his wife. Watsonvim.k, Cal May l.V-Mi-hers of the Cabinet left Del Mte tWs morning In aeaerdanee with an agree ment rcaolied belere the derUire ( the Preiident and Mrs. MeKteley lor 8an Francisco. The ortgliMU Iteaorary between Del Monte and Ban Praiteo will be followed. Foeretary of State Hay will represent the President aoul the latter rejoins the party. Hak Fbajtcvoo, May 13. Sre4ry Cortelyoa rejwrts tkat there has bH no chalJge In M rs. Mc Kloley's eowdltlwi since first bulletin led ttk MOrniinc. INSURRECTION TO BE INAUGURATED In Argentine Republic Where Gov ernor Lord Is Minister Ntw York, May 13. A dispatch to the Herald from MonUsvldo says- The government has adoitel ineaeMres to prevent anyleurpriteby the oonepl ration. Kvery steamship jjoing to Ikieuos Ayres, ArRentlne, to oelng watched by secret agonta to prevent Uie departure ol suspicious persons Iteoauce it is feared that thuy would prepare a coup d'etat from Argentina soil. Troops and pollco are being moblllaed by the government to meet any In surrection. The country is still uxcitod. NOT PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE NEWS Clcmtral lookmit of 7000 bricklayers In Now York. Astoria ninohintsts demand more pay or will strike. (hmural Duwet, Uoor leader, 1ms re sumed opurntlniiH. Mro in suburb of Detroit, Michigan, destroyed IBOO.OOO. (lovurnment of Argentina iirinliiK against consplrutorH, Klgbl lulMirurs uru killed nt Campo Dokilno, Italy by un uvnluiiuhe. Muiuorinl fountain for Umo oouuty voluutoers will bo iiuvoltud May 1 1. Arch lllshop Lewis of Ontario iIIihI nu bounl Dttwimshlp Muuomlui'o May Ith. Ilo wan uurouiu to Kgypt. lA)iulnu Ohamher of Uomtuertui wilt give n bnniiiet to the Now York Uliam Un of Commerce Juno ntli. Bleamor City of Pudunnh sunk in Mle slHslppl river nt Chustor, 111. Total lot ami ten reported drnnued. Population of South Australia by uoiiBUs Just oompietiHt Is :X,6t, an Inorraso of IS percent in Inst decade Bauta Fu ltullroad has ucreotl to ralstt wages of ahoptuon along tlia entire n' torn. Mauhlnists had Uirwte4il to strike May ). J, PlerreH)iit Morjn ami Jns. Kill lmltevitl to have control of the Ner tliern Paulllo, Ilarriinaii InterusU mImi cktlni to have control, Mrs. louis Hothn, who has ahUiHed coiisoiit to interview Kroner and urne him to advocate )hmw. miIVI fur Kitrape toUy from Durban. Mrs. McKlnley Is III at Han PraHaUoa and may cauim cliuiign ol PrealiliMit's plans for rest of tonr. Party trvtJuij without President now. Prenldotit O'Oounull of Aaeootil Ma cbluists tHyn ontkxik very wtootiniiflitK for iutHHlul strike. Will ufletit 100, 000 iuhii directly and over that HHiuber (tidirwtly. Jun JImUIhu Sinris Au itld fariiM-r 1m Ncutlaud ouce weiit tu have H truubbwouM tuullt witmctttl Haul tlie dMKwt nftrr toAtklMK at lb of f.'iuHiig utulnr. 'It I a very uty one I woMhl ad vk' juti to Uv. It out by th nalutaw )(hiu It la only a ahlUliMC rxtr " Hu kUuwtMl tne farowT Utv apparatvw fiw;duiMptHrtHg , ninat,tug that it weiild ate blMt tu tall for n inlnuk'. and befot 1m awmke ln tooth vruuhl b out. After h allieht refaMnnv Uh HuRerer ihummmimI, pwMtMllUK tu nihil hu pur. -nu. uevw tuliul iybMr mt wwl" kiihl the deiittt kindly. "lluotar answuretl tke MMttutw obi Hoot. "A wawi't tMMklHg a' ttutl. lut if A' in gaH ta aWp. A tUotbt X Mud like ta euwut ima NtUar fut-" llttSgOV TIlHtt. Does Constitution Follow PUtT VABMtH(, I. 0 May 13. TUe United States SHrMiie owrt was t'rowdtxl with lawyunt this wmhIir In atiUalvatii ol a deoUUu In the Inata pases. A miHMt baa won In ajrttlatiuii for aoveral days tbat tbn court would ,,rj " tfc cases to- a .. .j.iu &. .:. J. , " " . ,T L wnaUter the oeHKtia feBewa the ? tato ? trftory. There waa bo ojhiiiw, aoo bo ibiiibbuqb as ia woes we ennrt migiit i ready te para npon Um qiieMioa. Ia adniautratlon oirelea it h M6daUr predicted that the OMirt will haad down an eplnkw BMMalatag tbe jp-TereHt oa May 27 and then l)oni. It is not expected tbat the eonrt will be several dittentlDg ophios. Tbe saajorlty of the cob rt will, bwvr, U with the President anA OoKre3, aad Chief Justice Fuller will probably write tle majority pin too. Jttfia White. Harlan, and Sbiras will probably present dlteentlng opin lose, each Joitlae preparing Blsliirnas they will not be able to agree upon one Hunting opinion. It is reported on tbe other band, that a majority of tbe covrt finds great dirtknlty in reconciling tbe tax on exports from this country to Porto Itico with the prohibition in.the eonetitntion sgalnst taxing exporfsrom aay tate.tbonghUie governmentconten Won is that the tax on importrmto Porto Kieo, not on exports from the United States. lint after titling the court today adjourned until next Monday without announcing as opinion in the Insular aeee. THINK OF HINGESI PERSONALS Dr. J. C. Booth, accompanied by Mrs. Booth, it eo Alice Temple, ol Lebanon. spoat Sumlay in the city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bishop, and proceeded home today. They had been in San I'ranelsoo MYeral weeks. - C. I). Gabrieleon left for Ashland today after spending Sunday at his Ihhiio in this city. School Director II, C. Fletcher went to Jefferson today on business. Prof. J. T. Matthews returned -tbla morning from Oregou City. Judge Boleo spent the day at his I.abisli farm. Win. II. Holmes Is attending court at Dallas. Beware of a Cou?h. A cough Is not n disoaso hut n sym torn. Coiiauniption nnd bronchitis, which am the most dangerous and fatal dloeasus, linvoor their flrst indication a porslntent cough, and If properly treated na soon as this cough upiwars are eas ily cured. Chamborliain's Cough Item edy bus irnven wonderfully successful, ami gained Its wide reputation and ex. toiislvo imlo by its success in curiui; thu discapufl which cause coughing. If It is not heuoflclal it will not cost you a cent. For sale by F. O. Haas, Drug Klt. When Hinges. your eyes ache thlhk of Cedar Shingles. Where did you get thon shingles They are the Detroit brand made by Hoover Bros., and are tbe best shingles on the market. Yea and tbwr price Is no higher than the otber dealars. (io ami K) their No. Is, brand marked 11, 6 lints to X Inches. Afett their .No. 2 clear of knots 6 Ih. from but. They are Mild by b. P. MeOntakea, HlhSt. Knglo wood. b l: lm THINK OF HINGESI Marion County Probate .Matters. In the eatatoof Mary It. Cofgroye, de eeuwj.1, of near Chauipoeg, Shiwu O. Cosgruve has flbd a petitlou for letters of sdmbiistratlon. Tbe estate is valuetl at tMOO, eousisting ol SlU acre of farm lug and timber land. The heirs are usati li. Corgrove, Caioline Vantlne, Minnie Breymau, Fkwcie Ureen, Andrew Murphy, Marga ret Brady, Portlands Kmellne Wagner, Salem, Hugh F. Oosgrove, JauiM Kl drtdge, Minnie Gearln. I'Mward Murphy, Iturwia Von WaHenhoe, Walter Mur phy, Vretl Murphy, CtiaiiiHMg, JoepJ) Poujade.lCarsou : Maggie Klilrnlgt. Se. Studebaker wagons, buggies, phaetons, surreys, rubber tired vehicles, etc. McCormick harvesters mowers, etc. Russell engines, threshers, etc. Syracuse plows, Monitor drills. Parts for any and all ofaboye goods. aisle; KliieGonlot, Vancouver, B. O. I Hnjth Eldrldgo, Freeman Eldridge. Mtehtel Murphy, (Jervals; Addle Law ler, Cherry Creek, Annie Costello, The Dalles; Hester Leonunl, Koealla, Wn.; Agnes Jackson, Jerome Jackson, Mary Coleman, J. A. B. Jackson, Cassio Brown, Vancouver, Wn., and Susan Q. Cofgrove. She has been appointed and hJ Sled her bond. New Dry Goods Store Comlne to Salem Salem Is at present enjoying quite a growth and business expansion as ia erWeoeel by the presence of many new oetaers and lHlsIness changes. Awoog the most .important new enterprises to open up here, will be an extensive dry goods business In the Brtothby bailding recently vacated hy T. Uy,versoo A Co. This place will be deeopied by J L. Stockton, the leading awrchant ami present mayor of In dependence Mr. Stockton has a large bonneis and propoees to come to Salem for the purpose of still furthor extending It, He will open up eome time next month. He will bring a $.",0,000 stock of goods to the capital city. Woodburn Finances lender the new administration this town has no r.tloon and a debt up to the limit. The city is absolutely without revenues excepting a two-mill tax fr bridre purposes. Under its charter tbe city cannot contract any debt, but the courts have held that all warrants for legitimate expenses and necessities must be met out of the county. Supreme Court State Supreme court will conclude Its Eastern Oregon term Saturday and le tnrn to Salem. State Librarian Putman has returned to his post after a short vacation. Bailiff Peirine is nt bis post of duty azaln after a short Illness due to the vanity of having a now set of teeth. When your spectacles are broken think of Hlnees. The Grain Outlook. AH farmers calling atTiiK Joohkai, of fice say the conltlon of grain, hops and fru'.t are favorable especially on the hill lands. It will bo good year for ap pies, prunes and hay. The barloy and oats crops looks fine, no etgiiBof worms Grain on French Prairie has not so good a prospect, It having been too cool nnd rainy. More Oil Indications. At tho mill of Jos. Drexler, on East Fifteenth street marked indications of the prcsnco of oil linvo been found in the low swampy ground. But no Salem ito has yet had tho norvo to come for ward with the capital to bore. THINK OF HINGESI State Treasury. First payment of taxes from Clackam as county of d00 was made today. Most counties aro back until June first, when a penalty of six per cont goes on all sums due from counties. Foresters of America. All Foresters are requested to attend n reception and banquet to be given the delegates to the lira mi Court, Tuesday evening, May 14, 8 p. m. Committkk. C 13 '-'t. BORN. UYAUS. At the family home in Gob dendale, Wn., May , 1001 to Mr. and Mrs. Will II. Byars, twin daughters. Mr. Byars ia the publisher of the Gob dondalo Sentinel and postmaster at that town, Ho thinks the center of popula tion is coming West very rapidly. When Nature Needs assistance it may be lt to render it promptly, but one should rem member to use even the most jwrfect rem edies only when needed. The best and moat simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs,nianu(aQtured by tlw Cal ifornia Fig Syrup Co, THINK OF HINGESI If You Want a finely flavored cigar (or every day or alter dinner, smoke a I.a Coroua 10 centolgar.madu liy August lluckeiistein, anient, urn. Dainty! Dainty! Dainty mush foods, daintv hlaouitu dainty fruits nnd dainty teas and coffees am constantly on arrival nt Branson A uagans. Bunt 'I" M "M Hm Ahttft Bti When you think of eye glasses think of Hinges. jBnmcbing i have bought the wagon entire farm machinery business of Air. E. M. Croisan, and sewing machine stock from J-. wheel ana machine trade with the farm mnrl The lint nf nnrk nn. . i C VuVt.' '" r,,."c, 'u " P' uie omer urn I shall -ndMvnr . Su mVn it bl : "J Tu S..A,n. .ne,.r c,ass 'P the United States, business Deonle in .;V t, . u"?1" c.m timers, mechanics r.-r. ,. .,.,w,.ftlfc lllv Jluv, , anaii tatrv n various ins SMALLPOX QUARANTINE RAISED AT CHEMAWA The Disease Never Extended Beyond the Original Cases. The general qnarentlne was raised Saturday, but a few convalescents arc still under quarantine. Nono of the patients been permitted to go out as was reported. The Chemawa American oi Saturday says: On Monday April 26, it was officially announced that there were several cases of small box In the hospitaland as a re- 1 suit a double quarantine was at once es- a boot tne nospiuu ana wie other about the school premiies, The cases with the exception of two were mild they conWhartfiy De recog nized. -The two severe case were David James and Henry Wiggins and we re gret to eay that the latter could not withstand the malady and died April 29th. This was the only death that resulted and in this respect. Chemawa has good reas in to rejoice. The excell ent work of Dr. ClarK in handling the trouble deserves praise. The school as a whole also behaved in an excellent manner. At no lime was cxciicmem higher than nsual and everybody seemed to strive to forget that anything unusual was occurmz. The regular order was observed throughout the quarantine and school went on just the same. THINK OF HINGES! NEW TODAY. Advtrtlseotats usder this bttl 5c a tine eacn Issue FOUND A small clasp purse on the The River Road below the poor farm, containing a email amount oi coin. Owner cm get sime by calling on R. It. Ryan, proving property and pay ing for this ad. o 13 3tt LOST. Au elk tooth charm on State street. Finder leave for reward with Branson k Ragan. 6 13 3t A SELECT LOT OF COWS, GRADE Jerseys and short-hdrns for sale, singly or the lot. B. A. Snyder on Union road 3K miles south east of Turner. 6 3 OtU WANTED. Furnished room for house keeping, by small family. Inquire of li. b. lluntsmger, htate btreet un- iuntsiuuer, dertaking Parlors. 51331 BICYCLE STOLEN A high grade "Monarch" wheel 20 Inch frame, black enamel, wooden handlo bars. Christie saddle, taken from Bush's bank cor nor May 13th. Reward for return to Chas. SplUhart, Fairgrounds. 6 13t3 Weather Report Monday night cloudy and threatening with showers. Tuesday probably fair. Wheat Market, Han Fhancisco, May 13.-Cash $1 00 Ouicaoo, III., May 13 July. 72. GOLD DUST FLOUR MADK 1IY The Sidney Power Co, 8I0.NKY OI1EOO.V Made for family use, ask your grocers for it. Bran and shorts always on hand. A, T. WALN Agent Carter White Lead 7 l-2c lb. J Pure Boiled Linseed Oil 74c gallon. Pure Raw Linseed oil 72c gallon, Pure Sots. Turcentine 63c gallon. Pure Zinc in oil, Green Seal 25s 12c lb. Pure Zinc in oil. Red Seal 25s He lb. Akiove prices will be revised from time to time. Figure with us before buying (taints. We will save you money. Only high grade goods at Fry's Drug Store "Next to Fostoflice Salem, Ore. Land Enriched Two car loads Nephi Utah Laud plaster just receive!. New stocks uf ence posts, Lath, Shingles etc. Uiant' Ctuneut and Koche Harbor Lime. D. S. BENTLEY & CO Phone 301 319 Front St and vehicle business of the Commercial street, and will cairy m various ...ttbese an6 tbeve MIGGINS Men's and boys' Spring and Summer suits at a saving of one-third their regular price. Men's Clay Worsted suits for $9.00. Scotch Tweed suit for $6.00. A well made and neat looking suit in Ore gon serge from-$4.50 Large assortment of meirs ana boys' hats at special values. Remember us when you-want a sweater. We have them from 47c to $3.00. FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET Cor. State and Commercial Sts., Salem Ore. prices 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 45c, and 50c, worth double. Cream silk hoods 25c, 45c, 50c, 75c, worth double. Ladies sleeve less union suits, 19c, worth double.. Chil dren's silk or taffeta mitts or gloves, 10c, worth double. Ladies' silk mitts, 15c, 25c worth double. Great values in dry goods & shoes at .,.'. Greenbaum's Dry Good Store First door south of Post Office. The Crystal Ice Works Creamery Co. A new and modern creamery Is opened in connection with tho Crvstal Ico Works ot Corner 19th and State Streets, where all the products of a first-class creamery will bo kept. When you are in need of pure, ewoot cream, ico cream or a tlrst-clasa article in tho butter lino, bo sure and give ua n call. Also butter milk delivered to any part ol tho city, vJ. U1AGUIRB, moR. Telephone 2071 Main. UsSFsLjji! Jiji lKc? ' New Arrivals Of fine KOods are a common ruvi rrnr ! at our grocery. Inferior food products are oeer cheap, no matter how low priced. All our linos have the true cheapness of prim quality. Stapls aud fancy :Kreen. dry ami limiid: domestic aml importel, it's all the same: our store is the place to do tino things for ""rH- M. T, Rineman 132 State Street Phone 3 ut ltn Usm IT C? Ii . . t . I .1 'will consolidate the twe Tat Mr there continue my present lanre IS. and nnd lines. o to $5.00 Infants white lawn hoods ' Nowas the Season to Plant.... PANSIES LOBELIA CARNATIONS CALLI0PSIS SALVIAS We have the Plants, and will have others in season. Call early. Sayage & Reid, Seedmen, Lalem, Ore. Besides the Tribune Bicycle Standard and White Sewing Machines Which I have been handling so successfully at my old stand. I will be moving the wag' gons and vehicles today (Atonday), but the wheels and machines are still at the old stand, the moving of which I will duly announce.