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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1899)
ii i n. MmMt(iMUmnmMUaa illifliWiTlinirflMinir tfli'im V' 21 ' -""'"''J2l'J." ""'" MtfHM siftMlka iWE DO, DO IT! It does not matter how, or why, the GREAT SUC CESS of our SPECIAL SALE of MEN'S SUITS proving that our Values and efforts are appreciated have decided us to inaugurate this iwf Star pr ise Sale in Children's Clothing Until further notice our entire stock of Children's Clothing will be offered at SPECIAL PRICES? Absolutely no reserve all fresh, new and up-to-date Goods. New Duck Pants New Belts New Caps New Hats G. W. Johnson & Go., StmTTTTrrmTTTFflffTTTnTTnTfTnTnTTTTTTTtTTTI? AROUND THE EVENING 3 LAMP3CX2CXZ.3CXX 5 For Weiterit Reflection on the Newest Hooks and Magaglncs. XMlLkUUUUUUUUUUUULmUUUUULiUK Tho bulletin of tlio Department of Lalwr for May Ima been received. It Is edited by Carroll D. Wright, Com miesloncr nnd in nti able and Interest Ing publication. 257 COMMERCIAL STREET. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. BY HOIH BHOTHKH5 TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1891). -'bally, Oho Year Advance- UDRy, Pom MoiiUm 91.00, Is Advanoo, WmMy, One Year 91.00, in Advanoo CUnnENT EVENTS. Tho American Inntituto of Jlomco pathy bean l!llfty.lftb niiutinl input ItiK at Atlantic City, it. J., with inoro Mhilll 2.000 liiotithor-H tiretumL from all , i- 'Vimrtjiaftlin mm nt rv. Tho convention will continue for nev urnl dayH, tliu ruhhIoiis liclng occupied with (IIhcuhhIoiih nnd cmmyH pertaining principally to riucstlouH connected with tho homeopathic fichool of tnedlulno. I'lans will also bo perfected for tho erection and unveiling of tho Hahne mann tnonutnnut nt Wiihliliijiton, I). C. Thu inltlnl hohhIoii tliU nftornoon wiih devoted to tho annual luhlrotw of I'ronl- lnt licnjatnln T. llalloy, of Llurnln, Nub,, and to tho rt'ortH of tho Interna tional luroiiuoMlouunpathy, tho In turtitato conimlttco, tho comuiltleo on l'( lift; insuranco and Iho Iwrnrd of cenwirw. tf .ft vx pray- TWO PHOOnAMS. l'A Tlio wlrcH to Hal moral CiiHtlo, wuro kopt hot with t'OiiKmtulatory nioHtmu.i'8 Bunt tho Quoou, rtiiiilmliiipr her that tho day murk'.Uho cloFoof tho Hixty-xecond year of her relnn. In accordaneo with llcr maJcMty'H winli tliero wan no formal nliHorvaneo of tin- nnnlvorimry, In lun. 01 Musical Graduating Exercises Ad don or olaewlierc. and Imyotul tho ciih- mission Fiee. "tonitiry (llHiihty of thu llau over tho royal On WedneHday Juno 111 tho North .. . . ... ... .... Kn I fV.ll...... ..I M....1.. l remnunrcH ana mo rouuratuiitiory meH- .i mjm .hubiv, n, . 2.... .. i... .i. iti . ..i i arvin, .huh. uoo., Ulrector, holds coin nu.... .v ...v ..., " moiicumuut uxuroiHOv at Unity church. umui iiu'ii.inin .ii inu 1...1.1. nun ronowing aro uio proi;raniH: by loroiun inlnlHtotH ami itiiilmHwulorH In at ;i o'clock v. m. bohall of tholr ruMioctlvii uovornmcntit ''Vhlloninl l'olka" ,.,.1'ox UiothorH thoroworenooutnnMs:ntonll at- A,,t,"m Ho,mtM l- w -.; ' , 'nfir' ... ..... . . lain tuition. tonUon to tho fact that lmr inuloHiy Ih fa) "UIihiIoh from tho Sitnilain". .. rcciiih certain to bo more largely at tended than any jiolltlcnl leathering held in Loulsvlllo In recent yearn. Tho threo loading candtdatcH for tho gubernatorial nomination ox-Attorney General illar din, Btuto Beiintnr (Joobel, and ox CongroHHinan William J. Htono all have big crowds of rootem. and there Ih n greater demand for hotel accommodu tloiiH than haH been neon hero for yearn. Tlio fight foi tho head of tho ticket will bo a fierce one and it Ih not improbable thata.dark homo may win out. Tho count ruction of tho platform will depend largely upon the Hunuccwiful anplrant for too imi-r"n")r"" nomination. llio flticccHHof General Hardin will mean that tho roHolutloiiH will como out good and Htrong for tho free Hilver Ihhiio, while Mr. IJochol who Ih bellovcil to bo Ilanlln'a iiiohI formidablooppoueut, ban made IiIh canvam on tho auticorora tiou Ihsuo. Colonel Htono Ih u compro mine candidate and would go well with a platform make up to meet tho vIowh of all the diverge delegatloiiH. Tho fol io worn of General Hardin are utrong in claim that their man will bo chomm on tho II rut ballot, Tho convention will bo called to order at 10 o'clock In .Munlc hall which Iiiih a Heating capacity of 2,500. The varloiiH Balmn comniittcuH in charge of tho important uvontH on tho taitlH In July have tho reputation of thlx city for hoHpltality and euterprlfo in their liaiulH. Let uh work to do all thingH well. Threo private cltixeim took hold of a county fruit urowcrH conven tion on IH houru' nollco and made it it HticccHrt. A htato convention that wiih not looked after wan a failure. Organi zation Ih needed tlientulavfl to make any thing a HticccHM, rki let uh bo up and do ing. .Nothing goeH by chance, lie oth lient who worketh bent. I'rtlno'fl Photographic Magazine, pub llHlied by the Whlt Co., Milwaukee, Win., is n monthly that will yield a greatdeal of pleasure and iiiHtniction to amatiicurH or the slight InveHtmcnt of sixty cents n year. "The lluffalo IIumi" country, in cluding Montana, Idaho, Graugevllle, KlkOlty, Florence, and Iladgor, tho New mining and farming region of Northern Idaho, all directly reached irom Hiokane by tlio J.ewiston oxten mIoii of tho Northern I'aclllc, Is tho theme of a new map and folder Juat Issued, coiilaiiilng tlio latest and most correct Inforauiation'nbout that region. To be had by applying to A. I). Charl ton, AfHt. Push. Agt., J'ortland, Or. "Art for America" is a monthly, the national organ of tho Central Art As sociation, published by the Arts Pub. Co., KInoArtH. IJuildlng, Chlcnco, $2 a year. J, Vernetto Morse, editor, and II. A. 1'lerco, manager. There Is nitiuli of tho contents on tho lino of work for children, for students, and for schools. Home and school decoration aro also made much of. Send for a sample copy, 20 cents. Mrs I.ucy A. Mallory of Portland pub lishes "Tho World's Advance Thought," and haH for years sent us a copy for whfeh wo feel grateful. Hho is an earn est sucker after the good, tho , puto ami elevating. The thoughtless will de nominate her a crank, and declare sho sends It only to cranks. Persons who think at all for theniHelves, who aro any thing beyond more automatlo retinas, or ImpreHi-Ion-rccoIvorH, must sometimes think differently from other persona, and the moment they persist In that we call them a crank. Tho May Juno Midland Magazine is rich In short stories. Tho dramatic de partment, both as to Illustrations and discussions, is superior to any of the monthlies, not oven omitting Tlio book man. I ho editorial department Is siiii- erlor for Its variety and vivacity. He moval of this magazine from Dus Mclncs to HI. Louis has improved its quality in some rosocts. JOUUNAL H RAYS. Porn city the sizcofKalom we could easily dispeme with raising quite so much slock In our midst, AVas it Archbishop Ciiristio's remark able rcscmblanco to Win. J. 1 try on ex cluded his picture from the Orcgonlau ? It need not bo the largest or th ablest edited, or tho richest. Tub Jouii.vai. rats up tlio claims to bo tho 11KST evening dally nespaiHjr in the Morld for a city the size of Oregon's capital. General Odell flays no president of Willamette will bo chosen who is not acceptablo to President Ilawloy. Great Scott, who is Ilawloy. to have his thumb on thoCapltal City's proudest institution of learning? . It is the ambition of tho present pub lishers to make Tjik Jouilval tho IJK8T model of an evening newspaper in tho world. When the supremo court puts ill. ii a. m . me rauerson-uiugimm taction in pos session of it wo shall drape tho building in black and bang the Hug at half-mast for 1)0 days. When tho English speaking race is conquering tho world would It not be well for our selloolH and colleges to pay a lltto more attention to literary cul ture, to producing writers and orators? Wlioroaro our contributors to maga nzlues and Kets coming from In the future? Does not Oregon need a little more literary enthusiasm? CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. the Kind You Have Always Bought A LIFE SAVED. Bears tho Signature of 6&4&& Steam Dye Works. No. 105 Commercial street, opposite Willamette hotel. Ladles' nnd gentlemen's clothing cleaned, dyed, re paired and pressed. Elno blankets cleaned or dved ind nicely finished. Kid gloves cleaned, 10c: dyed 2oc. Headquarters for Screen Doors, Etc., Iawn. field and poultry fence and shingles at lowest" prices. HALKM KBNCU WORKS, (1.M5 Wai.tbb MoKt.p.v, Prop, M Btttte Htreet There is fine sarcasm in this from the organ of the PiihIi that will cause a smile among bicyclists: "The section constructed by H. T. Uriico, of this city, between .Salem and It rooks, ls thus far rojiortcd to bo tho best constructed of tho paths, but the others will bo brought to tho same state of iHirfeetlon, an near as pocsible, before bolng accepted by tho court." NHW VOIIK MKK's MTI1ST JOKHH. 'I wonder If any of the bride's tlves aro present." "Oh, yo. I saw some jstoplo in next room, counting the presents." rela- the rrb:b! Little Men and Women And. Babyland Magazines have been combined into n 32-pago book and tho imiick uk- IIUCKII KUOM f 1 to GO CKNTH A YKAII. It is n splendid magazine for chil dren from two to ten years of age. Wo want tlio names nnd addresses of moth irs of children of aliovoages, ami for a list of nrrv such names we will send tho magazine to you onk ykau runt?. Little Men and Women Co.Troy,N.Y "Doesn't It cost you a good deal to run this yncht, old man?" "Yes, but my wife can't sp.ind a cent when she's here." about to enter ummi another year of her remarkable reign. At Marslialltown, In,, tho Society of Music Teaahers of" Iowa met lu fifth annual convention today, and will , continue lu session through Wednesday and Thursday. The fifteenth annual mooting of tlio vifcXAJ-i. t...i in ,i i t i ;)lllllfUll nilllU I I1IIIIIIUIUIII1V.UI ANMHII- ?utlon began at Lake Park, Minnesota, jioday, with a largo attendance from many parts of tho statu, PniHldcnt llel- e'Jtjor in his annual address urged that tho business bo restricted to competent and irellablo men, and recommended that all members of tho Association join lu tho lugltatioii for bettor statu uud 'national legislation to protect tho trade. The convention will Ito In sosslou three davs. tomorrow reports will bo heard from ,andlug committees, uud the ovonlugs will be given up toentoitnluniont. E At Qlualuuati, O., prominent music acbers from all ports of tho country Ipiraris arriving for tho annual convention "'.?SHi ti,u.. 'P...i,.l...' V.. it.,., ..I tu.W... w, .. iupiu .umviiuir .i,,ifiit,i nrjviil- Mpn, which opens huro tomorrow and continue inroo tiays. ino privmni jjuthurlng Inilng tho 21st annual mooting 'r W tho' orgaulcutloii It Is iutoudod that thu convention shall not only bo fur the , Tntervihauglng of view nnd tho iIIhcuh ' H01Vh' U'ohnlcal musical uiuttors, hut that it hliatl cmiiiiiiiiiiiinito lu h iIIlmiIiIih! tuy thu pnnKs of uitislcal ait In merica. To this oud thu servicos of , Ulio OluclnuatI Symphony onihostra and ,W number of nromiueut mimical urllst ! fIavo beett enlUtctl und tho evening pon- cvtu promlso to M n uotttblo feutuio of tbe gathering. (b)"Tho Pilgrim". Nina Jaeu- etto Wadswortb. "1m Argentine" ... .MaudMorison. "I'll Follow Theo" lennlu Ohliiig. "Tho I'tilmo" inuitasle) Adaleno .. . Hehilllor. "lu Native Worth" Ilonry itutherfonl Morgan "Allegro Honata No. ft". . , . Klm Doty. "Dear Bhady Wood" Kdua Mae Howard. Houdeau l'avorl Op. 11 Jennie Ohllng. "Oh My FornandoV . . . Nina Jaen- etto WiidHWorth. "Allegro and Adagio tiouata" Op. Ill n lUirtha ara Jouos Ovorturo "Dor Frolsohutx" Two pianos Mini Mas ton and Mr. Pox, Misses Hchlf ller and Howard. H I'. II. Ovurturo "Midsummer Nights Dream" two pianos Misihin llowanl and Hehilllor, Mr. Pox and Ml Mastou. "Allium. Bonatu On. M" Nina Jaonotto Wadswoith. "Adelaide" (Aria) Ilonry ., Mi.i Ituthorfonl Morgan. "Kamonuol-Ostrow, No. 2". ., . ... .M. Klva Winslow. boouuaiid Pruyor (Dor Pmlwihuts) . . Kdua Mao Howard Amlaute anil Allegro, Concerto Op. . . Jonn uiyilo lux. 01. Thu Kentucky IKuntierntle state unn- i'entlon to be )m held tomorrow, in "Adagio and Pronto, Concerto lu ( aiajor" First Piano Corn Mao lllosmr, Hocond Piano M. KlvaWluslow. PtstrThoughThyCotMay lie Aria , , ... .. Jonnlo Ohllng. "Jlan'h and Prostu, I'uucurtstmdl" Adaluuo Solillllur. "Krnanl My With Mo," Aria, . Nina Jaunutto Wordsworth 'lllmpsodlo l, Auorguo Up. IH'. .... . . . .lulua Mao Howard. "To Her Bo Fondly IKiIovihI, ArTa, .. .Hiiury Huthorfnnl Morgan. I ugai'Mio Fautakle Nina Jaen . ... wttu Wadswortb. IntrtHluctlun uf cIum by Itev. W. K. L)llIUUU. Awnnlliu Diplomas, Dr. '.. M. IVrvin. "JubntHi (Vvoriuro" nrt Piano, Mboies Wadswortb and Jones. niHXiud Piano, MImms Wlnsluw and HIikMHir. Tho Tacmia Htato for June has eleven features, Im-sIiIcs an editorial review, covering ton topics. Tho name of Ia-oii-aril Fowler as editor no longer apisiars on the magazine, but wo do not miss his touch on thu pages. Miss May Pub lerconducts tho literary page with rare good tasto and a really Hue urltlcal and appreciative talent. Among tho best things produced by tho Northwest is tho N. W. Journal of Kducatlon by .Mr. and Mrs. Ilriutdall, of Hcattlo, formerly of Olympla. llesldos thuablo editorials and other purely ped agogical contents, the June nuinlxir has nuislc and verso for a doll day, well worth a year's subscription to any teacher of little onus. A history of tho Klnderuaiten movement In Washington by Charlotte Ijiy Dewey discloses anew tho devotion of ouo of tho grand young women on the Paelllc coast to tho high Ideals of tho new education. This is the time of year when Outing magazine Is appreciated by thoo who can go on a summer vacation and by those who cannot. To the former it Is an ludlsiHuislble attendant on camp and cottage life. To the ones who stay at homolt brings tho fresh ulr and uxelte- incuts of tho world ofsjsirt totholrdoors. Send to the publishers, WU1-2-I1 Fifth Avenue, Now York, for u&niiy uud elruu- law. Tho woiks of Walt Whitman may now ho obtained in following editions of tho exclusive American publishers, Hnmll, Maynanl A Co., lkwton, "Iamvs of Orass,")jtho mtmo jKiiKirfovers, Wo ; Compluto Prowworkti, fttj Ciiltuuuv, Letters to Peter .Pqylo, l.l Th Wound Drosser; luttors from the hos pitals to his mother, $1.60; soUvtlons imm the proso and iHHJtry, f 1.85. Ilrewn: Waiter, bring mo a dozen oysters on the halfshell. Walter: Horry, sab, but wo's all out of shellllsh, sab, 'coptln' algs. The Grecer: Yes, sir, this grano grino is tho host busikfaHt food on the market. It Is pro-dlgustod Mr. Fadsby (shuddering): Illess my soul I My whom? "Our Henry has been to school for two yours," saiil his anxious mother, "anil I don't ceo that ho has learned anything of value." "Nonsense! replied the wise father. "He thinks ho has, and what more do you expect nowadays?" Crossing the Rockies. The most delightful ride across the conll ncnt is through Utah and Colorado, over what Is known at "The Scenic Kouie of the World." It matters not nt whAt icaion of ths year the tip ti nude, at no time does the scenery grow monotonous, It Is nn ever chanciig panorama of the beauties of nature. One mo in m you are pasting thiou(;h gorges walled in by rocks thousands of feet I Igh, and the next you are aboye Iho snow line, skirling icikrt that tower above you until they seem slroost to reach the sky. One of the chincteilntics of the Colorado climate istbit the extremes of temperature are never met with. It Is neither so cold in winter nor wrm In tuinmer, as uion the lines of railway which cross die deseits and plains the traveler over tho Rio Urarde Western al has the privilege nf a stopover, 'f he so elccis at Halt Luke City, or any. where beween Lcrden and Denver, on all classes nt tickets, ror Information as in rates, etc . ami descriptive pamphlets, call on the nearest Ticket Agent of the O. It. U, & N. Co. or Southern Pacific Co., or address, J. I). MANSFIKLD, Gen'l Ac't. Kb Grnd Western Railway, 142 Third street, Portland, Oregon. Dr J.F, Cook,:tho Botanical Speci alist, Succoods Whore Others Fall. To whom It may concern : This is to certify that Bertha P. Con ner, of Mt. Angel precinct. Marlon coun ty, Oregon, has suffered from a cancer ous growth in the left ear for about threo years. The growth was cutout twice nnd burned out once by Albany Physicians. but tho growth camo back as bad as ever, and pained her so badly that she had to bo taken from school. After three week's treatment by Dr. J. I. Cook, of Salem, Oregon, tho Botanical Specialist, tho growth entirely disap peared, andnt this date,',four months since treatment was begun, the growth has not reappeared, and tho ear has en tirely healed leaving only tho scars In flicted by the Albany doctors. I hereby certify that tho alwve state ment Ih absolutely true, and that Ber tha P Connor, tho Iperson mentioned In the uflldavit. bus resided in my fam ily since early childhood, liearing tho re lationship to me of niece. II. C. Ixino. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this eighth day of June, 1899. W. W. Hall, county clerk of Marion county, Oregon. HED FRONT LIVERY FirstClass -Feed and Boarding stables, 1(14 COMMKUCIAt. STHKKT. SALEM, ORE. Wm ULLREY, Prop. Best Rigs for Commercial Men Stable In same Murk Hotel Wlllamutte. srWafo teams and cmnrortnblo rig forludlcsund family drlylnv 11 spes Inlty. Horses boarded by day, week or month uud best of .vatlsfactlon guaranteed. l-l tf THB OHDAT SALT I1AKB KOUTB'i The attention of castbouml travoicis u called to the advantages offered them by the Kio (irande AVestern, "Tho Gieat Halt Lake Rome " 'I he same rates prevailed whether Salem Preparatory School, Summer term ojiens July r, 1899. Tuition per month : Normal and High school. ft 00 Common and Higher Grades '! 00 Below 7th Grade '- 50 A. J., M. A. 0 7 lm Principal. you you Orater: No, gentlemen: I tell that If you want a thing done well you must always do It yourself. voice from the orewd: How nbout getting your hair uut' Kxohaugo. "Adolph, whuro Is the letter I left on my doskV" "It mailed it, sir." "Hut 1 hadn't put tho name and ad dress on tho onvelore." "That's Just It, sir I suppo,d it was an anonymous letter." "aiths j m KIM m h8 Atari BwjM Bljastnr. T SttTTr- Mt. Angel vs. St. Paul. The game of ball played Sunday lw tuoun the Mount Angel and the St. Paul elulwon the Gervals grounds was a hotly contested gnmo ending in a vic tory for St. Paul by a Miiro of 13 to I the tnpis mane via Huntington or 'an Fran. Cisco. The passenger has liu choice of two toutes out of Portland, three through Colo, rado, and lour east thereof. No otlur line out of Portland can offer such a variety of toutes. la Addition, a day's stopover Is given all 1 assengets at any joint in Utah or Colo. rauo. through tiullman and toutist sleeo- ing cars are tun on all trains, as well as free J reclining cnair cars, ilie service and ac commodntlons oflcred are equal, if not su pcrior, to thoe of any trans-continental road, and tatesare always as low as the lowest. If you contemplate a trip east, wrlto to J. D. Mansfield, G.-ncral Agent, Rio Grande Western Railway, 14a 'Ihlrd Street, Poitland, Oregon, for any information you may need In refeience to rates, routes or accomodations. W IMO-tf There is only one place in town to get a FIRST-CLASS HARNESS If you are n straeger, ask your neighbor, he will tell joutogotoW.W.JOHNd us' babk of the Red Front )riig Store. 4.13d wiro Tho Intor-Stato Unlvorslty Systom of Musical Instruction. V.. H. HCO-IT. U. M. l'HKHIDKNr You Can Get a Lower Berth. With one exception tlio Ui rough trnlns of the Burlington Route urealiuo9t Invariably wcll-illled. The exception Is our St. Paul Chicago Limited. On the limited there Is usually room and to spare. Don't Infer that It Is neither so lino, nor so fast, as ANY trnln of ANY other line between St. Paul and Chicago. On the con trury, there Is uo more beautiful train In America. It lias electric light, steam beat, wide vestibules, the niot satisfactory dining-car service on the continent nnd a lower berth for everybody, A. 0. SHELDON. Gen'l Agent, Portland, Or. SOUTH AND EAST PE SHASTA RO'JTE OFTIIE Southern Pacific Co. KXPRRSS THAIW3 MN BA11Y 7:00 p M) Lv...;i'ortland. ..Ar (8:00 am o.'4S pm Ar....Satem .... Ar 545 a M 745 AH) Ar. San Francisco. Ly ( 7.-00 p m A Few Interesting Facts When people are contemplrtlng a trip whether on business or pleasure, they natur ally want the best service obtainable so far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of the Wisconsin Central Lines are paid to serve the public nnd our trains are operated so as to make clo'c connections with diverging lines at all junction points. Pullman Palace Sleoplng and Chair cars on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled, Meals a la Carte. In order to obtain this first-cltss service, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over THE WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES nnd you will mike dirert connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any lurther infoimatlon call on any ticket aeent or correspond with JAS. POND, General Puss, Agent. M11.WAUKKK, Wis, or JAS. A CLOCK, General Agent, 246 Stark Street. Portland, Okr, Ar Ugden ... .Ar IHopm Ar Denver. , Lv 6 45 p m Ar .... Omaba .... Ar 8 50 a m Ar . . Chicago ....Lv 6,30 PM Ar. ..Los Angeles... Ac 925PM Ar... El Paso.... Ar a 35 p m Ar.. ..Fort Worth.. ,,Ar 8.40 a m Ar. . New Orleans. . . Ar 8 40 pm DINING CAKS OBSERVATION CARS. Pullman hrst-class and tourist sleeping cars attached to all through tralm. Toutist cats through to Chicago without chftngc. ROSKnURO MAIL, .DAILY. 8:30 A M) Lv... PmtTand ..At 500 PM 6:05 P M 6.40 A M 8-15 p m 7.00 A M 8ms pm 4.IS PM 7-55 A m ' 1 4. -3" J150: 1 730 PM PU A W to55 A MLv.... Salem.... Lv e-20 pmi Ar .. Koseuurg.. l.v WEST SIDE DIVISION. BKTWKKN PORTLAND AND C0RVAU.IS. Mail tialns dally except Sunday. ortland.. Arl 550 PM L.v I.': 7 to AMI Lv. ... 1 1. "55 pmi Ar....Corvallls.. .'20 p u At Albany and Corvallis con .cct rains of the C. & E. Ry. INDEfENTiENCE 1 ASSENGEU. KXrRESB TRAIN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. 4:50 P M ) Lv 7.'30 P M Lv. ByoPMjAr ...Portland... Ar .. McMlnnville Lv Independence Lv f 5--5o -) 4-'So S.-25 A M A u A M Direct connections at ban 1-rancisco with steamship lines ft HAWAII, 1APAN. CHINA. 'UIEPHILLIl'INES and AUS. TKALIA. For thtouch tickets and rates call o- W, W. SKINNER, Depot Agent, or 0 D. GAURIELSON City Ticket Agent, 332 Com- merclal St Salem Of. K. KOEULKK, Managei C.MARKHAM G. F. &P. A. Potilant ufflfSI following their Co-operative Institution which I KlnuliiK t number tu acuity by liuimruda nd ltd liuiilU by thottsitntlH, Kmhmclnit iiihn rhar- A N&tuinnI lKlnuiuK t mini aim lt Dunns oy limn twenty tolfii Kor llif benefit or Pui'lln orrrlvHtolVaoliers At Home. KIOllTir HCIIOLAMTIO VRAH. (Vrtlficuti'N KraotHl from a rvutilarly umi uimiiuiKin. Kxplsnatlon of the s)-item In detail In tliPM colmnna Watcli tor it. i:rTAAM):itS-WILMMAN. Htato ItnprotientAtlTe ami Mnmber nt tbe l-'aolilty Hlluleo over Vin.t Nstloual Hank llMir.. One or two ilucts open for mlvanced players lu piano quartet. Oilers travelers choice of the routes cast, They ate all famous for scenic attraction. O. R. & N, via Ogden and Denver Shasta Reute via Sacramento, Ogden and Denver. Shasta Route via Sacramento, Majore Alberquerque, A daily line of throuph PULLMAN PALACE and lOURIST&LEEPERb, San Francisco and Los Angeles to Chlcag this Is The Short Line from southern California To the East, OR&N Ih 11 DKrAnTi I OH "fast" Malll 8 p. Ill, TIME SCHKIlUI.E. From 1'ortland lAnntvc Spo kane Klcr J.supm Snlt Lnko, Denver Ft. Worth uinnna, Kansas i;uy, mo'iapm Iiuls.Ohlcaso and East, I Walla Walln, Upokaue, Minnn- iipous, hi. raui, DUium, mil wuukeo ChlcoffO and oast. p 111. 8 it. m. ox. Hun Hstur dny 10 p, ui. I -e live yalem T.1S am 1TUH lliu mid Hat 10 h, m. Moll Wert Krl OCKAN aiUtMHHIl'B. For Han Kranclacu, Hall every live days. COI.U.MMA ltlVKll HTKAMEltS. To Astorln and wuy landings, ajKj- kali Flyer t.l a. nt, NO ELBOW GREASE NEEDED of. . sr v swfi- VasVr I ';tm jf&0lJ&uj 1 1 1 1 w L "Llbow Grease" is ft slang term, denoting lots of tubbinx It Is fast filling Into illsusa be,u of the islmost untvetsul us of Gi&T Washing Powder "Tno Pohig.guos" Is it story of u llnrvunl Humuuir scIkm)!' " hy Arthur SUihwihhI Piur, puhllsluil l."v titnull, Miiyunni A Co., Itustoti. It is tingling with it ittlot humor nml , spirit of onjoynhlo fun ami folhlo u kwuiiy phitnnt us tho kwt work nf Howolls. it Is rich in its gruphlc ih plutlngof tho typos ho struyglo to so- our tHlucfttlou tlurlng tho wwttion tluiw of oollogo, ns Willi itSMiiuo nf tho typos who iuiHirt It. It Is to U IiojhuI nil tiro not of tho cigarotti-stnoktng oynirtil tyK of Pnf. IMtilliin. Tin. ohuntotor of JvmIo, tho onjjugwl gfrl with u thirst for oomiuust of tho innhj siHHiios, U lrwn with a grtmt tlolnmov unil tnto humor. No lmttor lsxik for Ntunuiur nuullng has Utut wuujmmh'.I in nmny it tlay un.l It is tlcUiiWl t s mom than oplumumtl phteo in llghtor Amorl oun lltomturo. ti f fh 1V flTfwe'c V S7 JL ,iA A VsVmStsT I rSM (jt KfifWLjmm. A 1 xrP SJ i" mt lHLs WJJ ss fsw grwise-ls nttdtd lth Gold Dust. It makes house- ;V.IA 1 olfuute Instead of a hal.l t. 11. t-.rv It...... .m,. S& y?" ,. yo-r lewjw, your money, h Is Utter and MMtaSrHtSM SMH lor all clcaniK. Kur nritt M-m.nmt. Ii..u ..r WNKlsajs., wmvt uwm s4t, ' -. wwlLtf.i Market for llcrtie- and Piult. A corrosivindout wrltiuu- from vt,. torhi 11. 0. uiulwr thtto Juno 1A xtutivs tlmt straw bwrrltw utv gottlng rljnt, tlrst tstiiwuiis wiw t fifty tttnts unil th.. mvxt nt thirty wvou twits por mm. I'wpwilllH) vory light as tho nmn,v plants wtirv hurnml out last Nunuuwr uul othors tliotl .luring thu oohl wtjt spring. Thiw wont lw a ItaH eron of upnW or pruntM in this looitlity. Mrsi. lm, Wlllu lw. roturuva from Stwttht, w Intro slit) luu ln vttttti; with itvr uaugtjtur, Jim. H. II. Wiwr. In the oldett dsys men leully, at least. thy or the admiration of women. It is a stent bljr otuetliltiK for a woman to feel that her husband is truly a capable snd intrepid pro lector It Is a corn- it for ber to feel that he has the physical stamina and courage to de fend her throuith an me vicissi tudes of life Novad.t) there not much to ad mire about the averuue tit a it lYiim a nit. standpoint. He maybe a moral and u men UI giant, but the flesh of ill health la vtcok, and he is probably a physical It is not In nature for a sickly man to be a brave man. Ills spnit uy be willing- but bis uuuy i :. inai is me man own ruult Any man can be healthy who will pay a lit tu common sense attention to his health when he has it, and when he gets a little out of sorts, take the tight remedy Matty of the dtaeasea that aillict mankind ate iiBce.uis uirectiy to tnuigestioii. tortiidity of the liver and Impurities in the blol I)r. Vietcc'a Golden Medical Discovery is the gicatrst medicine for disorders of this uatutt It strengthens a weak stomach, corrects all disorders of the digestion gives edge to the appetite, invigorates the liver, putifies aud enriches the blood and tones up and invigorates the nerves. It seatch out disea genua, kills thctu aud cartirs them out of th. system. It is the great Wood maker, flesh builder and nctve-tonic and restorative It make strong-, healthy ftieu put of weak, sickly invalids. Medi cine dnltr sell it and no houest dealer will urge substitute upon you . ",' btsntsktugDr Merce's OoWen McJ. kl lUKuvtry ao4 relists' n. wuu My that thy have wotktj wouJrrs in ray w ' wiitn thlak I am well, but will take euVWe bStlU make sate tbe cu u itim..i 1 .T..,T peak to. highly of the 'Wac-vere I u pit . II BET OIliON WfflJ ff) Apply to the agonts of the O. IV !i N., O. S, L., Southern Pacific, or ,hc undersigned, for folders and descriptive literature. Gen'l Aut Worcester. J. DENERKUX. Itliljf Vottland. Tlio Mtslcl DrqgOn Newspaiwiflantl Ktttnily.Jutirnu1. Uniting News, Fiction, Literary, Ranch mid Dulry anJ.Mnrkut News inlatlraotlye readable form. SALEM VHKLf 1 JOURNAL The Geo, M, Bcclcr Insurance Agency Always to the front with best rates anil policies In the leading companies, Employment Agency, Ho you want woric, or need help of any kind? Apply at once. Rental Agency, Property to lent, Uoglsu?r our agency. 288 COMMBKOIAL STltHOT, SaT.HM. Iavo Bali m I'ulhii Hat 3 p. in WII.LAMKTTK HIVKIt rortlnml, Nuwbvrg and Laudlnga. For Dayton 4 p. u 4 P. sa. us Hum. Ar Salem way 6 p. 111, .iions Weds Frl Tn 'I lmr Pat, 8:30 pm Artfu WII.I.AMKTTE ItlVKlt ' lni torvuuis AUNiliy und Wsyioa. m. 1'OllltH. 1M1111 I Weil 'and Frl WILLAMETTE RIVER DIVlblO Daily boats to Portland as above. Transfers to street car line at Oreg Oil; If the steamers arc delayed there oaud trip tickets to all points in Oregon, Washing ton, or California. Connection made at Pott laud with all rail, ocean andriver lines W. H.HURL1IU1U. Gen'l Pas. Arl Portland. Oi G.M. POWERS, Agent, Trade street dock Salert.. UOISE & BARKER, City Agents. Kurtz & Hamilton PLUMBERS and TINNERS US COURT STHKKT. YAQUINA KOTJTE Corvallis & Eastern Railroad CoumictlUK at YAQU1.NA with the VAQUJXA BAY STEAMSHIP COMPANY 8TKAMEH3 "WJSEOTT" FliM-claaa; In vcry re cl. The abovo stsauifr la duo to sail from Yaqitlua every eight daya, Hhortat Houto itetuccn Ilelweeo Valley Poinfs and San Francisco Ksrc: Albany aud Points Weat to San Francisco Cabin 110.00 Hound Trip.......... .. 17.00 II. U VVALOKN. KDWI.V 8TONK, T I. A H. A. Manager J.TUKKKK AKeiil. Albany, Or. In issued Tliiirsdaynntjrnlngjln time tA reailt all r ts nf the state the mime wtjolc. 'ii 10 m Weekly... Make a sneciaitv nf nil trmnu f bheet. Steel and Galvanized Iron work roofing and guttering, a full line nf Pumps and pump tlulnga. Prompt work and reasooable prices. U.eJcar.r.Jf ,n s.lock l,,e Fairbanks wind mill. Call und see us before iMviiig your order for mill or tank. Hione SM hi two lurlncniitiiliM ull lnttrUint Foreign, Natlona) antUStatoINew?, ,1 1 ma i-'-aoo- a M Uv galotd wit lht ortu twuuds. nIihVux u heavy t I il4 thnTa(r " TB luejwtat ccttalslv uiMUi.. Au Independent Associated Press Pipsr-ror tho Peu pic. Send foi"ample free. PHOMW WORK AND LOW PIUCES: whsn j ttratUsMi t Use R I hroh myUdyanJ Uwn, Ut ajl tMsleHsai on tuv. twt It It ItllU sitw tkun the wnltaun four or 6 d)a, THKjpgKNALlmsthcfujiejt reixv.of tf.erfolnui of Hie lnublaiuraland state sjtUciu!, xwe aiindepen, dent.ehwr and 041144 ommeat on jit public maUer. h'endltitrlal sultorlptlM. Reisffelman BLACKSMITHS aTid WHEELRIGHTS. We will shoe your horse, build or repair your wairon or ItuplementH Ilelnir Ucated to bUy our Patrons have a guarantee that our work will bo stlbfaotury. Shop 100 Chemeketa street. Teloohone 2765. . tr W1LUMKTTK RIVKlt DIVISION STEAMER WM, M. HOAG, vniui uru, nae. Itiiunlnj lietweeii Portland and Corvallis, Btojiijnirataltv.a,v laudlngs. ' UIVKR 8CHEI1ULE. IK)WN-Tiies.lays, Thursilays and 8uiirtsys. leaves Corvallis a . ,0 leaves Albany., .... . 7 T tn laos Itneua Vista a R,' w leaves Iudeiientletice .. TT. a. tu leaves 8alcin ..Wa. nt Leaves Nettbers.. ... .n,so Arrive t'ortlsuu.....,.. ...L , 4:30 UP Mondays. Weilm-sdaya ami Fridays. Uaves rortlaiid 6 a. n urii-a iowoerif-........ ..10.30 a. ut leaves Balem ..... 3SU ti. ra leaves ,Iudeendenitf. .. o.0f)i.ia Uavea lllucim vista 7.30 p. in Ives Albany :!0p.m Arrlte COrrallls ,U:00 p. m The steamer has been equipped with first oIsm aei-ouimoJatloiis, Including an elesaut piano. Unaiirpsiwed for carrying both freight and pakaeiiRtrt. Uoukf-Kootof State street. 0. MAERTZ, Agent. Balrui, Oregon C.BULUVAN.Bupt Albany, Orego IIOPEtt BKOfcf RAZOR TAX AH people aro hmb notlfieil Uiat a I tax on Itasora of arc for nitemtHirlui' Is now mi and oan baraid at tlm.hon I v. fl.u. ... n mie mm uo. at High Btrntt. opposite , Court House " EshausUon and break down Mbn 5-20-t VtMUU.uIaC Dr. IWes' Hwvint. Oregon SI1011 Liue Railroad Thu Pltect Route to Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Olvrt chnlee of two favorite routes, via the I'nlttfi 1 Paritw Kast Man Uns. or ths Itlo Oraudd hcenlc Uuea. Look nt the thue H DaytoBltLake 2i Days to Denver 3 1 Days to Chlcatto 4i Days to New York Fr.R.'u,u.Kch,,lr Crsi Upholswred Tou 1st SWpiBK Cars, and hillman Palace Sleepers operated on all trains. For further Information applyato nOISK A UAKKER. Agents. BaUta. W. E. COMAN, Gsn'l Agcut V. O. TKRRV.Trar. Pass. Agt UtThlntBu Portland