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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1896)
I tojte&wr&&&jjb&4ijto&. w v I . 'iw rv rfivr w mm rn 72L&mM i Aim tw k ,'JllHR,. . .. 5 k WaWAWw VirvVV I 11 S ' -W t KmImU)!. r- "Pass Your Plate' 4IMir l 0H Prices of 5 have been reduced C lt Battle Ax ft is Low Price; High j Flavor For JO almost twice as e Ax tf as you do of grade plug. Daily Capital Journal, IHV WOPMCK BROTHItHS TUESDAY, AUGUST 23,1800. WHAT IS NEEDED. A itopular cartoon hIiowh Undo Sinn Hut cm lilsbnck with imrcat I ok or wood lyliiKnorosshiHHtdmadi, criiHli Inir tho llfo out of him. it Is labelled "Kolcl iiioiiomctallMii." On tho other mIiIo of u lilfcli Inmnl fonco are four noisy follows. A Prohi bitionist shouts, "avoid him;" a sil ver Republican yells, "you need pro tection;" a freo trade Domocrat Bcreains, "tarlir reform;" a People's party man howls, "Populism." Undo Sam Buys: "What 1 want first Is to have you fellows tnko hold it'KoMicr and lift this load olT my stomach." In ono Marlon county precinct a dozen lending IJryuti nnd;KreoColnao men are iiuulo up or thrco Democrats, three Republicans, three Populists, three Prohibitionists. Tho people are netting together. Tho high funco of party prejudice has kept tho pcoplo long enough from lifting tho load that Is crushing pcoplo and government. Fred Flood or Roseburg, who was ono of tho chlof spokesmen or tho gold ataudard crowd In tho Democratic stato convention last April, has an nounced his Intention of taking the stump for llryan andSowall.-Tlmes. Kx-Spcnkor Keady Is minted In Baker City as wiylng that Oregon will give Bryan 20,000 majority. Mr. Keady has always been a staunch Republican, but now Is out for Bryan. Gccrand his friends are rcmlimed that even tho Statesman less than two years ago admitted that demon etluitlon In 187J1 was perpetrated by fraud. Condensed Testimony. Chat, 1). Hood, broker aud Manufacturer 'i A cent, Columbui, Ohio, certifies that Dr. King's New Discovery hut no equal as a mugu rcmauv. ). it. urown, crop oi St. Tames Hotel, l(. Wayue, Ind., testifies that ,e was cured oi a tough oi two years stand- ne, caueed by La Grippe, by Dr. King's New Discovery, II. F. Merrill, Daldwinsville. Mass., says that he has used and reccomendsd It and never ki:ew it to fail and would rather Jute It than any doctor, because it alway cures. Mr Hemming, 22a E. 35th St., Chicago, always keeps it at brtid and has no fear of Croup, because It instantly relieves, Eree Trial bodies at Fred A. Lege' Drug Store oastoxixov. wilpS- .mmut Iik .1 (U) all commodities & except tobacco 5 tin to date. ? Grade; Delicious cents you get j much "Battle C any other high k FROM AN OLD SOLDIER. KuiTOii Jeurnal: As our goldbng friends are now ko solicitous about tho old soldiers and tho GO-ceiit dollar, why Is It thoy don't know tho old soldiers, only about election time? Will you plenso give tho clipping, I scud you herewith, space In your pa per, a which stands up, so no lily.for the people and their rlghts,and much oblige ono who went out in 1801 and staid with it until Leo's sur render? Old SoM)ti:it. TIIKSOI.UIKIl'H MONEY. To tho Editor of Tho Examiner Sir: In his speech opening tho Ohio campaign, at Columbus, on tho IGtli, John Sherman Bald: "Our great body or creditors here Is tho 070,000 Union soldiers, tholr wldowB and orphans, whu aro credit ors, or tho United States, to tho amount or over $140,000,000 11 year for services and sacrlllces In tho Union urmy. It will be an act or perlidy and meanness beyond expression for this great country to pay them with money of less purchasing power than gold coin." Now Mr. Sherman, without stop ping to discuss tho "purchasing power" or tho American standard sil ver dollar, I would llko to direct your attention to tho historical fact t but tho party, or which you have been a prominent inembor ror 40 years, was In full control or every branch or tho government during tho war, and when you were tho chief of tho litmn clal department; and that notwith standing tho fact that you paid gold to tho plutocratic bondholders, on In terest on their bonds, to these saino Union soldiers whoso "services and sacrlllces" saved this country, wore paid for tliclr"scrvlccH and sacrlllces" In "fiO-ccnt" dollars. And 1 fall to tiud anywhere among tho rec ords whore your voice was raised In bohttlf, of theso Union soldiers. Tell us, Mr. Sherman, why you did not then think or tho"pusc'inslng power" or tho depreciated greenback with which tho American soldier was paid, as compared with tho "purchasing power" or tho gold coin which you paid to tho European bondholders. Whoa you havo douo that, and when you and your party shall tako steps to reimburse theso "Union sol diers, tholr widows and orphans" by paying to them, for their "sorvltes and fruorltlccs," that which Is Justly their duo, viz., tho dilforcuco between tho purchasing power or tho soldiers' grconbuck and tho bondholders' gold, we will glvo you credit for being sin cere. J. W. Dutton. Oakland, August It), 1890. Jbucklens Arnica Salve The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Sores, Boies, Ulcers, Salt Kheuin, Fever and all Tetter. Chipped hands, Chilblains, bruises, Skin Eruptions, and positively cures lMles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to Live ner fee satisfaction or money refunded SKUiiwri-na Oregon Crop Rjport Condition of ciopj Rtf Week ending Aligns 24. I sun. ('nips linrvettiiig "f fall-sown wheat Is about over and threshing Ik In progress. The yields reported are slightly more than expected but. yot not up to the average, as our corres pondents report. "This is the poorest wheat harvest in 44 years." The hot, dry period In July caused the grain U shrink. There arc yields from twenty to 33 bushels an aero reported. Some spring grain has been cut, but general spring-grain harvesting will not begin until this week. Oats harvest will begin tills week, and the general opin ion or the correspondents Is that the yield will be better than was expected. Some rarmcrs have coiiitncuced to work their summer fallow. Hops lire growing finely. Those yards which have been given proper attention are generally better than usual. There Is not so much complaint about the hop louse as yet. Corn Is doing unusually well, and will make a better crop than usual. There Is neyer a very large corn pro duction In Oregon, seldom more than enough for homo consumption. The warm weather has been very benefi cial to corn. Pasturage continues very good. The rain tlioforo part of August re vived It, and tlic result is that It is better than usual. The pasturage In tho coast counties is reported to be very line. Stock is everywhere re ported to be In good condition. Veg etables continue to make good growth. Potatoes will lie about an average crop; tho rain or August saved all the late-planted potatoes. Garden st'ilT of nil kinds Is very plentiful. The late peaches are ripening and being shipped to market. There will bo the greatest shortage in peaches and all kinds or fruit on record. For the first time In the history or the country there Is a failure In the fruit crop. It must not be understood that there Is no fruit, but rather that the shipment will not be so large. There Is, on tho whole, more than enough for nil local demands. Tho weather condition. today In dicate that cooler weather will pre vail tills week, but no rain Is expected to occur, lt frequently occurs that there Is rain the fore part of Septem ber, so that rain from the 1st to the 12th of September may occur. Will IOiumnizi:. On Thursday, October 14th tho second day of tho stato fair a meeting of tho alumni or tho Academy or tho Sacred -Heart, of tilts city, will bo held, tho purpose being to organize an alumni associa tion. It will tako place at tho acad emy between the hours of 4 and 8 p. m. and will close with a delicious luncheon served by tho sisters of that Institution. Deafness Cannot Be Cuied by local implications as they cannot reach tho diseased portions of tho car. There Is only ono wav to euro uciuucss, unci tnai is uy constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an lnllamed condition of the mucous llnliiL' or the Eustachian tube. When this tube Is lnllamed you havo a runililintr sound or Imnerfect hcariinr. and when it Is entirely closed, Deaf ness is t le result, ami unless the luunmatlon can bo taken out, and tills tubo restored to its normal condl- tlan hearing will bo destroyed for- over; nine cases out or ten aro caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an lnllamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will give Ono Hundred Dollars rorany case or Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured br Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars; free. F. J. Ciiknky, &Co., Toledo, O. WrSold by druggists, 7io. Notice to Bridge Contractors, Notice is hereby given that no war rants will bo drawn ror construction or county bridges until contractors forthosamo shall. have furnished to the county court certllled receipts showing that all labor and materials entering Into tho construction of such bridges havo been paid for. G. P. Tkkhkll, "a-d&wtr County Judge. Notice to Contrnctera. Ulils for tho erection or a poultry building, at the stato fair grounds, will bo oponed, at my olllce, Thurs day, August 20th, at 1 o'clock p. in. C. II. UunaaitAR lG-2t. Architect. Notice to the Public. Some very busy person, with more time to attend to other people's af fairs than his own, has reported that wo aro not buying wheat now days at tho mill. Plcaso tako notice that we are at till times In tho market for wheat. II. 11, Holland, Agent Salem Flouring Mills Co. 8 lOOt WEAK CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. Victims ot Lost Manhood tliould sood at on. 11 Tin- n Iks)!; that explains hotv full inn uly vkor 13 costly, quickly rind yormnnoutly rwtoral. No man BUlYcrluK from weakneu caii tf. font to incro this timely nUvlco. I'oo3c tolls how full atruutiih, do Vetopmont ana tone aro imparled to ovary portion of lha body. fvut 'with pvttlr proaf(soled)r lonnyinanouappUcailau. HUE MEDICAL GO., BUFFALO.N.Y. Old housekeepers will tell glass. You know it breaks Washing makes glassware brilliantly Delightful to use for glass Saves your hands saves temper. Sold everywhere. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. SL Louis. Chloano. NowYorfc, Boilon, Philadelphia, San Franclieo. QQQQQGGQQOQQ3GQG(JOWOOQQQOQQS. Free Spectacles. I probably come nenrer making presents or tills kind than any one the following will demonstrate. I believe tlint In mv L'lasscs Is em bodied all that is possible In workmnnsliln. material and duality, and I spare no pains to make correct Ills of tho lenses and frames. Con sultation and examinations free. No. 23i Commercial street. Come and see me. Chakli:s II. Hinges. 24tr CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, lit tw tlalli tlguton ef ttn mi? mi;ir. In Town. You'll bcsuiprlsi.i. Won't "yellow the clothes." Won't burn your hands. Nothing equals It. Hettcr than soap. Extra largo packages. Soap Foam Washing Powder. lluniu:3. -John HIRES Rootbeer con tains the best herbs, berries and roots nature makes for rootbeer making. Take no other. Mut.ooirbj Th. obiriu r.. nirti r... rbtu4ipUi. A Ka. p4cktg mtk.i s g& Bold trrvbert. There's mora clothing destroyed by noor sonn than bv actual wear. "Hoe Cako" sonn contains no free alkali and will not Injure tho llncst lace. Try it and notlco tlio (lluercnco in quality. joun ungues. Anothlii Salk. Tho Motor Hall way will again bo bid off Tuesday, September 1. if MAIL, I3UKMC1N IEAGLD Brand cc::densed isle.. I Mas No Equal 2 SOLD nvnRYWHERO I wmmm&z&mmmi JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in groceries, paints, oils, window glass, varnishes, and the most complete stoce of brushes of all kinds in the state. Artists' materials, lime, hair, cement and shingles, and finest quality of rass seeds. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO UENT Dcuhle cottage on South Com mercial and llellevlew. two blocks from nost. office. Hot water and baths; modern lm- provemenu. Inquire 85 Uommerclnl. 21 6t FOU SALE OK TUAUli. An elegant 12T aero tract orland In Hampden Park addition, on Asylum avenue. Will trade for residence property In Salem Address W., care Jour nal. FOR SALE OK TKAUU-S acres ImT proyed farm land, 4 miles east of Salem, with new houso. new barn, running water; will sell or trade for cheaper land. Address O. M. Reeves, Salem. Or. 737 im FoK Driving mare for sale at a bar galn; weluht about 1160; good traveler, In- fllllre of Wm. ltrnum Xr f'rt tr if ' -.-.... - .. j.j .. CARPET PAPER Urge lot ot heavy brown wrapping paper (or sale cheap, jus the thing for pulling under carpets. Call a Journal office Kindergarten and Primary School. Mrs. C. M. Onle ivlll rx.rmrn lirr L-in,lr. garten, including pilmaiy department in sep. arate room. Also Training Class for Kindergarty ncrs in September, COLT TAKEN UP. A threeVmr-nlil rnl, Iviw rnlnr an.l 1.! star in forehead, was taken up by the undej- sigucu. uwner can nave, same uy proving property and paying costs. Gall at place, 5 miles cast of Salem, on Micleav raid. &iffUc4U you that hot water "rots" glass. UST Powder clean iu warm water or cold. ; or silver, tin or wood or paint. ; your time, your strength, yourj 50 Gent ON THE DOLLAR, Ed, S, Lamport, 289 Commercial st Salem, Or,, Haslbought the Frank E, Shaf fer and the M, Bcamcr harness stocks at forced sale, $4,000 worth ot goods will be disposed of at 50 cents on the dollar. Sign of the White Horse, Salem Steam Laundry Please noticcthc cut ia prices on the followingi Shirts, plain 10 cents Under drawers 5 to 10 cents Under slims 5 to 10 cents Socks, per pair 3 cents Handkerchiefs I ceni Silk handkerchiefs 3 ccms Sheets and pillow slips 24 cents per dozen, and other work In proportion. Flannels andjjothcr work inJJ tcllipcntly washed by hand, Col, J, Olmsted Prop, WANTED. Solicitors for campaign book "Bryan. Sewall and Free Silver." authorized by llryan, written by R. L. Metcalf, Editor Umaiia WorliMierald, appointed author by llryan. Contains speeches and platform, A bonanza for agents, a free silver mine lor workers. Only $1 50. The only aulnorizcd book. So per cent. Credit given. Freiaht paid. Outfit free, begin now with choice of territory. Permanent, profitable woik for '06. Address' The National Ucok Conce n, Star building, Chicago. 8 10-301 OREGON CENTRAL .AND Eastern R. H. Company LYAQUINA2IIAY ROUTE. ' Connecting at Yaqulna Hay withthef-'a Francisco & Yatjulni bay Steamship Co. STEAMER "FARALLON," Sails from Yanuina every S days for San Francisco, Coos bay, Port Orford, Trinidad and Ilumbolt Day. Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Shortest route between the Willamette valley and California, Fare from Albany or points west to San Francisce: Cabin, $6; steerage, $4; to Coos bay and Port Orford, cabin 6; to Humboldt bay, cabin $S; round trip, good Co days, $t6. YAOUINA HAY ' Hie most popular seaside resort on the North Pacific Coast. No undertow surf bathing absolutely safe. For thuse wishing to combine hunting and fishing with aquatic sports, this resort has no equal. Deer, bear, elk, cougur, brook trout and salmon trout can bi found in abundance within a few hours' dihe of the bay. HP-Reduced rates to all points. EDWIN STONE, Manager, Ccrvallis, Or. I. C. MAYO, Supt. River Division. M. P. HALDWIN. Loral Agent.Altona Dock Salem, "I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be unto nil people." A "BIBLE KEY"' "Therian of the Ages." J Till le tl.t. 1ucft ...a. I. jt !.. lltt.l. . I issued from the pross. It gives a complete explanation of all the doctrinal subjects of the holy scriptures, presenting the wonderful harmnnv. &imnltrtt nn.l tux..... nr -.i. plans for the redemption of tne human family from sin and death. Tho work is complete in three (3) volumes, all for $1. Address T. H. LLOYD, 164 Waller street, Salem, Or. 7.17.1m SALEIVf WATER CO. vwcei wuiameue riotel uuimin"' ror water servir antiiu a, nn. im payable monlhlv in .ln. r.i.. . complaints at the office. There will lie no deduction in water rate on account o( temporary absence from the city unless notice is left at the office, f iafi watcr for ,r,i8lion will only be furnished to regular consumers using water tor domestic purpose. Contractors for side H. 1 .. tck J'j,and Plastering will please Eli u rb.uJ d "e.P'P'" l)aBC 17 of M.ncuuie 01 rates tor 1H03 for copy. 93, API"y ar Tho Rnnu rrndUnnn "" An ....' - .- "WO(l C H. MACK. .: - DENTIST.- Suct-efsor lo Dr. J. M. Keenr, old White Corner, Salem, Or. Parties desiring superior operations at moderate fee in any branch are in epecinl request. Peter G, Norgren, (Formerly with P. J.Larsen & Co ) Carriage and wagon shop, 320 Commercial street, tiring on work, old or new, and have it dene with a guarantee of 'satisfaction. 6 26d&w tf WHAT IS SAID. Borne say we give the best mealln town for 15c. We say try us and see. m S. RICHARDSON. PROP. Second door north of Hotel Willamette. "THE ANDERSON." Stago headquarters centrally located at "'I he Anderson" for lines leaving Salem. Slates there for orders. All packages and parcels left thetc will be cared for. Waiting parlors, good rooms, and meals at all hours. GEO. W. ANDERSON, Prop. Depot Express. Meets all masl and passengir trains, bag gage und express to all parts of tbe city. Prompt sci vice. Telephone No. 70. JAMkS KAUiSK. MEN WANTED to chop cord wool. The Labor Exchange wants n numbc, of good wood choppers at once. Apply at warehouse. U. J. SHARP, 8 4 tf Manager. !- H. HAAS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, Makes a plalty of fine repair work, Setb Dicni.-i clurkk, etc., 215 Commercial Street IVHMYTQ LOAN On farm land security. Special rates on large loans. Loans considered without delay HAMILTON & MOI.t Bush bank bulldin9. MONEY TO LOAN! On city or farm properly. Over bush's bank, T. K. FORDJ C. H. LANE, 'til t . Silo n Or !7Suilii $15 upwai is. 1'. ntsf upwands-Fj MZ'S HARKKT tSTFREE DELIVERY. W0LZ & M1ESCKE Props. Dealarsln alFkinds of fresh an. I salt meats nffFresh sausago a specially, 171 COMMERCIAL ST I. B. DROWN, 187 Commercial street. B Salem. Oregon. POZZONFS 2 SSI?SE-5 SftSSRJIISiKSKl.t" .'"S- "' 1 K, pi.o,-. .y"w'. ' " Mfr.M"Sulp'.0I1?n Ponaer-teautlfyto,l . reiresutiiB, clcanlr. he ihfui j v..i...'' I A Collcato, Intlilblo protoctlon to tho ca. I I Mniryox ""'OJWHSrS a mag-1 1 1UJV IU fri. ... . 1 AT DKUaaiBTS akd FANCY STORES. tii . .) .1 a non-nclsomu reuHxijr or Uouorrbie J'loet, dporruoiorr)ni). :. it-a).yi '!, unnatural ui Jwif SitcwI T3 cnarcm, or n luHimma -3 .i uri. Hod, Irritation or ulcra- , -rru Moujao. tiqa of iniicou nicni . u rticErik CritUiCilCo. branM. Mou-utrlncrut. eiNaiisiti.o.anB r "rniiBi. EC TTilLR FOUNTAIN WASHER ! EAUNDloijfH -VIA- Shasta Route, OPTHE Southern Pacific Co California Express Train-Kun ,l . 8non. m.l I vi..rrrr-! ilfS?! Iltoo p ..- 1 r',u"iiaiui, .a, nr- ".f Lv Salem.. A'l2.n. : train. .... TTf TZdl P ta. 10145 " Above trains jioua7"7::7fn--r-U2LP5-City, Wttaimrr&CTr115" Jellerson Alluny! Allt' S J.k Shcdds, Hahey, Ilarrlsbur.l. Junct'lT'" tuBeiie, Cresw.ll, aKu ?' from Roseburg to Ashland, Inclusive ""' !r South 8:30 11.111. 11:00 a.m. 5:20 p.m DINING CARS OX OODENToijit PHI t AnTMirn..-.....w. ,.r- & and sccond-clas, sleeping caaitSSi,,, throunh in!... "win W KST Sinr.' nuncio. Between Portland and Corvallii, dsllr ( CeM Sunday 1 ' ' ltt- -r. -.I 7:30 a.m. I Lv. 12: 15 pm. I Ar. ' "Qi H.m. ... " jiiu v-orvams connect lih trains of Oregon Central &Eattem RsilrSj. Express train dally except Sands;.- 4!4S P- m.l lv. I'ortland Ar. I IJacLm" 7S P. m. f Ar. McMlnTllleLT 1 c-iil. . THROUGH TICKETS iu uii poinu m tne jtajtern blstes, Csnsdi and Europe can be obtained st lowest run from W.W. SKINNER, Ant,Slea E. P. ROGERS. Asst. G. & tV7 R.KOEHLER. Manager. ' k Si. Paul By. GLANCE AT THIS MAP- Of the Ch'cago, 'Milwaukee and St. Pnl Railway and note its connection with sll transcontinental lines at St. Pul and Onib, and remember when going esst that its uVw are lighted with electricity and heated by steam. Its equipment is superb. Elejisl DufTet, library, smoking and ileeplnecan, with free reclining chairs. Esch sOetploff car leitlihas an electric reading bop, m IU dining cars aro the best io lhexU. Other lines are longer than this, but bom arc shorter, and no other offers tbe shore Iu- iirir,n nri-nrnmrvlnllnns. TllMe SIC SUBClcat reasons for the popularity of "Ths Miltss- J !,.. Tnnnnn ileket auents in every rail- road ollice will give yon lunner or address , . j ..1..- irHHtioii C. J. EDDV, General rteni, J. W. CASEY, Trar. I'sss. Ajrei. PortlisJ Through Tickets TO THE EAST! VIA THE Union Pacific System, . .. Tinril 91 Ibrough Pullman Palace wP 'i, eepera and FreeJ Reclining Cbttar between Portland to Chicago. n .in. are heated b:tem 1 lighted by Pintsch Hgbt lime to v-iih.k", j - s Time to New York. 4 Jj ,jthan ce Whlrh Is many hours quicurj" For rates, time tables and tun. apply to BOISE s0 SABKSM, Agents SJ' o nROWtt Dii-ft '..uhnVaW LHUIUB , Jv. Portland ai Tuurr lv- Salem lv $&' SjlHtPASSENOER; So.ltll I " -r- 4:00 juii. lv. Portland a?iS 0:16 p.m. ar. Sale K 12?-1"- " - n - U.IHI H tn Chicago, Mi Jf, PAUL , -.8" . 4 I i k MIKNESOTAJNO K ZZ fMILWAUlMr xoOC,T X -M AwflnedccplexIonraMt 1'ilcc 35 cents a bo. For sale by Fred A 1 LeEK f t f r JJr mJ ? Jr L m hgpBUrUK w Vt -C t fc wpC I V 8 tt im J. Ut PICKENS. 0,8.1. JM P '" Paia wrariwr. T 11m ,r s iviTn. iv der, ytpr J' a- K (Hrrnlar unt an rMDtti r