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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1894)
6 PAPERS A'WE'eKI 2Gcbs. a month by mail Prepaid la Advance. No Papers Sent When Time 1b Oat. $3.00 a Year. RNAL GAP! 1 -AJL. Tho Journal hni a Larger Clr cutntlon in Patera and Maries Connty thnn any Satcm newspa per, See our lint. HOF.KR HKOg I'ublUhern. VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OKEGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, iM4. DAILY EDITION. NO. an. JOtl JUH Any Siiit -IN OUR 15.00 9 Our neighbors are trying to sell a few chestnuts on a fluke sale. We don't dn things in halves, but make a clean sweep. From this date we will give you your choice of any SUIT OR OVERCOAT In our house for 15.00. All go. No reserve. Come and see what 15.00 will buy A. S. BRASFIELD. Ed. C. jMBm Choice Meats. "1 AVjSfcl ilvifir- V'sri's'9ilKKWiat CHURCHILL AND BURROUGHS THE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or weel at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Trucks, Drays and Express t meet all demauds. Also keep the finest (Stallions in thiB county, for nervlce. Barn and residence 2 block south of postofllce. RYAN & CO. Through m mi "I t r I I A T A T ft 4aER&sp& mm in ix ' iJUUV IU fcpiffrO TO SALT LAKE, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS AND ALT. EASTERN CITIES 3 1 DAYS to ' 2 CHICAGO lIOllFS, 8 Quickest to Chicago and HoiJPS Qu'cker to On an(! Kan" Through Pullman and Tourist SlepersrFree Reclining Chair Cars, Dining Cars, OL1 VKlt W. Mllvfc, lUCClVCft. ..r.I.LhUYAND.U.SON,j" ' rorrutea and KbsenU Information call nn or aflaress, W. H. HURLBURT, Ant. O. F. A WtuMngWin Hi-. mr.8d SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS & PLASTERER8 Lea v order at OolUe-rrfchurit block .room 6, muetu, On goo. ft f y$&yM vsz-i hi m t j Ki . GRID Ik uw, op Overcoat STORE- Wholesale ami Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of a lliimb 95 Court and 110 State Streets. FR0EBEL SCH00LS-4th Year. ia Infant, Connecting and Primary classes every week, day from 9 a, m. to 12 m. except Saturday. MISS 0. BALLOU, TRAINING CLASSE3 for teactieiB' daily practice work from 0 n. m. to 12 m. in Kindergarten. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. Classes, meet for study of Froebel system. Mrs. P. B. Knight, Principal. MOTHER'S CLASS. Meets Friday from 2 to 4 p. m. with training c1ur, conducted by Mrs Knight and Miss Ballon. For lerrusoi Information apply at Kindergarten rooms, corner Court and Liberty streets. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The beat hotel between Portland an it Hhi Francisco. KlraUclas lu all 1U appointment. IU tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Grown in the Willamette Valley, A. I, WAGNFR. Prop. OLINGER & RIGDON, Undertakers and Embilmcrs. Cabinet work and repairing. Court btreet, Oppuiite Open lloue, SALEM, OllEOON SHRIVER'S OROHESVfBA. Person wUulne to ergae muiln for lh bnlldusncaoy Kitier ocitnloil will dn well o see us fn furuistt one or "nre Ixili s w as many Uc tilred. r"irt boae oiih ol I.iuO'ln wr ool bous. or bUletu fuel olflc Uko. ahjuVjck, uutaincer. 1141 Int. Cross, pmudtoht r' mmmm A Quorum Impossible in the House. ONLY TWENTY SENATORS OUT An Extra Legislative Session in Colorado. TUB KANSAS KICKER RESTORED. Chris Erans is Located But Not Caught In Congress. Washington, Jan. 4. Republicans are pursuing tbe same tactloa as yester day in tbe house, and Democrats are again without a quorum to take up the tariff bill. Although there was an or der passed yesterday recalling the ab sentees, only 98 members were on tbe floor when the bouse was called, to or der today. Boutelle precipitated the Hawaiian fight by moving tbe consideration of his resolution thereon. McMillan, in behalf of tbe ways and means commit tee, raised the question of consideration. Boutelle was sarcastic and McMillan I'nntemptuous In their exchange of diets which followed. Finally by a lining vote, 58 to 124, the house decided not to consider tbe resolution. Ayes and nays were demanded. 6ENATE. Only a pcore of senators were present when that body was rapped to order. Hoar presented a resolution, calling n the seoretary of the treasury for In formation as to the amounts paid Blount for salary and expenses at spe 'ial commissioner to Hawaii, and by virtue of what appropriation or law the same has been paid; which laid on the table for the present at Hoar's re quest. It was agreed when the senato adjourned that it be until Monday. The Iowa ' Senatorship. De3 Moinks, Jan. 4 Seven candi dates for the neat of James F. Wilson, lu tbe Uuitei States senate have ap peared on the ground and opened head quarters. Thuy are Congressmen Gear, Lacy, Hepburn aud Perkins, Attorney General Stone, A. B. Cummins of Dai Moines and L. 8. Coflli of Fort D dge. So far Gear seems to be in the lead, but will not have enough votes on first ballot. Friends claim be will have a large number of second choice votes on the second ballot. Mrs. Loase- Kicks. Tni'ErcA, Jan. 4. Mrs. Lease has filed quo warrauto proceeding in the supreme court agalust M. Freeborn, ap pointed by Governor Lewelling as her successor on tbe state board of chari ties. Freeborn has bseD ousted temporar ily at lean, and Mrs. Lease holds ber place on the board until tbe final lug In Febiuary. Chris Evans Surronnded. Sanger, Cal., Jan. 4. The latest news from the mountains is tbut Evans and Morell have been located at De masters logging camp, on Dinkey creek, near Pine Flat. Olllcers are to surround tbe cabin this evening and it Is expected tbat tomorrow Evaus will be brought from the bill either dead or alive. Oolorado's Extra Session. Desvek, Jan. 4. Twenty-five mem bers of the lower house, wbiah Is to fufet in extra session next Wednesday, held a caucus and decided that on uo- PMTE W0MI1 Mm vl VMNrm nvMI fHml t0 Bradflild's Fmiali Relator Erery ingredient poiniiii ttiperb Tonlo properties and exert a wonderful influence In toning tip and itrengtbealn-; ber fyttem by drirtog tbroujb tbe proper channels all impntitlee. Healtta sad ftreagth guaranteed to mult from lu ute. Mr wife, who ni bedridden for eighteen months, arter using Uaxomu? Putin: tot two months. Is eettio-; well, J. M. Joiuisoy, MaiTern, Ark. BaABncui RzouL.TOa Co Atlanta, Ga. Sold by Druggists at $V yer fcottle. count of many subjects of local Import ance tbat it would be best not to ad journ at once as euggested. PRODUCTION Of MINERALS. High-Water Mark Was Reached During the Year. Washington, Jan. 4. The roport on the mining resources of the country, prepared by Chief Diy, of the division of mining statistics of the geological survey, shows tbe high-water murk iu mineral productions was reached In 1892, both in this and every other country. The total value of all tbe mineral produce of thtt year was 084,778.768; this Is $20,000,001) greater than for any previous year. Among the large gains was 877,130 tons in pig iron, with an agjjreate prod uct of 157,000 tons valued ut $131,101,039. Gold showed a slight loss Tbe year's product, valued ut $33,000, 000. was 1,598,375. Copper galued 57, 405,GG6 pound-", making an agttregite of 353,276,742 pounds, value $37,977,142. L'ad gained 10,856 tons aggregating 213,202 tons, value $17,080,900. There was a loss of 7000 tons in zluc. The year's product of zlno aggregated 87, 200 tons, value $8,0.29 920; quicksilver 27,093 disks, value $i,24j,6S9; tin from the mlue3 of California 10),0)0 pounds, aggregate for the year 102 000, valued at $32,400; nickel 92,252 pouuds, valued at $50,739; alumluum 259,885 pounds, value $172,824. Bituminous coal in creased 8,000.000 tons, total 113,237,845 tons, valued ut $125,195,139. Petroleum is declining rapidly. In 1891 there weru 64,000,000 "barrels pro duced, hut only 50,509,130, valued at $20,034,106, in 1892. Natural gas Is also falling oil both iu quality und value. Its bigh-waier mark was reached iu 1888, when the product was valued at $22,629,875. Tbe quantities and .values of other non-metullo products during the year are as follews: Building stone, value $48,708,025; lime, 05,000,000 barrels, value $40,000,000; natural gus, value $14,800 714; cement, 8,758,851 barrels value $7,152,750; salt 11,008,890 burrejn, value $5,654,015; phosphate rock, 681,581 tons, value $3,296,227; limestone for iron flux, 5,172,114 tons, value $3 620 480; mineral wateis,21 870 604; value $4,905, 070; zinc, white, 27,600 tous, value, $2, 200,000; potters' clay, 420,000 tons, value $1,000,000 Total value of mulatto min erals for the year, $303,775,020; non-metallic, $371,003; unspecified minerals $10,000,000. The report reviews iu detail the ue of aluminum, and states the principal uie of the new metal in the future will be lu cooking utensils. The use of the principal minerals in the first six months of tbe last yar is also review, d showing a great decline in productl u us anticipated from the general mone tary depression. The Mitchell-Oorbott Mill. Jacksonville, Jan.4.-Uuless some thing unexpected turns up, the Cor-bett-Mltchell battle will surely tuke place. It is probable that the origluul plan will be fully carried out but If it is found Impossible to pull the fight oil In this city, a secret battle ground will be selected somewhere iu the limits of Duval or St. Johns counties and the contest will go on as if nothing hud i happened. This is the gist of arrange ments made within the lust few da,s. Corbett yesterday signed new articles agreeing to fight any place in Floii da named by the club. Mitchell at first refused, but today signed.under the new articles. Etch mam will fur nish his own gloves. Within a short time legal proceedings will bo Instituted by tbe Duval club testing tbe legality of the contest. Exactly what these. will be Is not stated by the club peeple but it is a notorious fact that no jury oan be found in Dnval county to decide agalust the battle, it is pretty oertalu the outcome will be favorable to (he club. If Governor Mitchell then sees fit to step lu and interfere all pl'Ht for the fight In Jacksonville will be dropped and now battle grounds select ed. The location will of course be kept secret until January 25th. It will puzzle the governor to deter mine what courss to pur sue to prevent the meeting. Assignment. 8t. Louis, Mo Jan. 4,The Haynes Realty ud Financial company, one of the luavie't real estate firms thocliy Assigned. Liabilities about $100,000, the assets are claimed lo be u early enough to cover the liabilities. Train Broks Loose. MoNONQAir, W. V., Jan. 4. -A loaded cl train broke Iocjsb on the ln oline and rustiel diwu tin slopj, crunhln FilmnrtAi)itfrau ami Ililwrt Bitter aud fatally wounding tbeo others. THE REVENUE PROBLEM. Attempting lo Tax tho Corpor ations. PENNSYLVANIA REPUBLICANS SPEAK OUT Flutform of tho Keystone Lend ers on tho Tariff. Washington, Jan. 3. McMlllin, cbutruiuu of the sub-committee lu charge of the Internal roveuue feature of the tarlfl bill, has outlined the sali ent features of the income tax measure which he expects to complete in a day or two. He said: "Tho corporation part of tho measure will not require an Inquisition on every individual to de termine whut- umouut of corporate stock he holds, but the assessment will be made against und paid by corpora tions in the first instance aud heuce a man owning corporate stock will not be worried by assessors unless he Is sub ject tu the individual iucome tax. As to foreigners aud fureigu associations holding interest aud bearing securities iu this country, will bu assessed the same as our own citizens. The- col lection of the tax will be in the bauds of tuu Internal revenue bureau. Indi viduals taxed will number uot more tuau one-third as many men us wore taxed uuder tho old luco'me lux luw." The bill will provide means for com pulling disclosures as to exact incomes, eoulewuut similar to the methods used by the several states. Penalties for failing to report or for falso reports haVe uot yet been fixed. Jerry dlmp sou said that the populist sectlou ol congress would solidly support tho iu come tux plan. He regarded it us opening the way to free trade. Re pre Huutative Turstiey, ouo of the members of the ways aud means committee, who voted for the luojine tux, toda met the objection that a tremendous oppsltiou would come from the clus recelviug incomes, with the lacouic re marks: "There are more men driving drays than receiving Incomes." Keystone Republicans. Haiuushuko, Peiiu., Jan. 8. The Republican state convention to uomiu ulu congressman at large convened here i'he platform makes the turin the cen tral issue, us the one which It requests voters to give the fullest posslule ex pression as u matter of vital national Importance. It denounces the Wilson oill iu the following terms: "The sim ple uutluipaliou of this measure bur closed thousands of workshops, reduced to idleness 2,000,000 workers, und soup liouses now displace former hives of in dustry. It has reduced values tu un amount greuter than the uutiuuul debt. It will enlarge the free list ou product which employ the greatest uutnbei of American workmen. It will strike with equal cruelty, thi farmer, the miner, lumberman, Iron-worker, glassworker aud textile worker. It will transfer work from om own mills, mines aud workshops to those of foreign couutilos, It is section 1 1 iu its authorship, und all too plainly aimed at Northern Industry. Itttirlkeu Southern Industries only where the same blow reaches the Northern indus try. It fosters the pluutatlou system, and destroys farms. It is un attempt on the part of the free-iraderd of the .South to reduce tho industries of the North to the level of those ot the tioutli. It Is vicious iu a uhauge from specflu to ad valorem duties, the latter inviting foreign undervaluations, lending to con stant accumulative fruuds upon rev enues. It is vicious in reducing Instead of increasing lh revenues. It will re duce the revenues many millions of dol lais, und the reductions will grow with the times. It is ylulous lu compelling the government to make up these defic its by means of increased luternal direit tuxes. It Is doubly vicious iu com pelling Its supporters to resort to the most odious war tuxes or borrow mon ey, Jt is wholly erroneous lu the the ory that the less work there is to do lu this country the higher will be the wages of the workmen. The protection policy conveys an opposing thought iu that the policy which secures the largest umouut of worn at home Is the one which secures the beet wuges to the home workmen. If tho Wilson bill does all them) things iu tbe threat which It conveys, what will it do in its fruillou?" The platform then calls on the Penn sylvania representatives to light for the defeat of the bill, aud closes with a de nunciation of the uuputrlutlo foreign polloy of the Dtfiiiocrutlu administra tion In the Hawaiian matter. Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report E X m& ABSOLUTELY PURE PORTLAND SAVING BAKK Tho Investigating Committee Reports Favorably on its Condition. Portland. Jan. 4'. Tho Committee which has been luvestlttatinc the con dition of the Portland Saving bank has prepared the ' following report. Total assets, three million nine thou. sand; liablhHe?. two million four hun dred and seven ty-flvo thousand. Of the assets one hundred and eighty-one thousand bills receivable of doubtful collection have been deducted, leaving tbe excess of assets over liabilities three hundred and fifty-three thousand dollars. Of tho assets two hundred and ninety-five thousand are cash on band together with about seven thou sand eastern exebango, making the total three hundred and two thousand dollars. If arrangement for reopening tho bank are not mode this month it will be compelled to go into liquidation. Big Firo at Toledo. Toledo Juu. 4.- A fire last evening caused a Iops of fully half a million dol lars. It broke out a few minutes after 6, in tho elevator of F. N. Quale and Co. on the river. The cause Is as yel unknown. Au explosion of dust caused a geueral alarm. Tho elevator with its contents is entirely destroyed. A strong northwest wind carried flames across Madison street to elevator and business nlook of C. A. King and Co., which is ulso a total loss. The flumes also spread westward across Water street to the rear of a large five story business block known as the Chamber ot Commerce uulldiug, owned by T. B. Brown and occupied by the Western Union Tele graph Co., American DislrlotTelegraph Co. aud a large number of ollices which were also destroyed. From this the tl imea spread south to the next oullding, five stories high, iccupled as a museum und theutre. This was gutted within a few minutes. The next building southwurd was tho wholesale drug house of West ern & Truax, also a total loss, to the west the flames leaped across Summit street tbe chief retuil street of the city, injur ing the Hartford block, but the firo was here checked without great datntge, lu the rear of this building Is the ofllco of the Postal Telegraph Co., the manager if which removed all tbe apparatus possible, thus cutting oir all tnetcle graphic communication for tho present, as the Western Uulon olllco and in struments are destroyrb. A two-story block on tbe northwest, corner of Wut cr and Mudlsoti streets dlagonully icross the Q'lule elevator was slso des troyed. Toledo, Jan, 4. A careful estimate of the losses by last night's fire foot up to three quarters of a million dollars. ARRESTED FOR INSANITY. Charge of a Plot to Got Rid of a Homesteader. Dbthoit, Or., Jan. 4. (Special to I'iik JouuNAL.)Djputy Sherift Cooper arrived here last evening in quest of ii. II. Harper, a homesteader who has a claim near this place, and who has been charged with Insanity by parties here who ure trying to beat him out of bis claim. We hope Salem officials will look at this In tho right light. Signed Citizens. Adjourned. WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. The Senate adjourned uutll Monday, without transacting any business. House adjourned without taking up the tanf! bill. No quorum. Churmau Ilolman, of tht House democrutlo cau cus, issued a call for the caucus to be held tomorrow night ut 7:00. Forty seven democrats signed the request for the call, Extremely Cold and Heavy dale. London, Jan. 4. Extremely cold weather here and on the oontlnont. A heavy gale Is on lu the Eugllsli chan nel, it Is bo severe that mall boats are unable to cross. Two Men Killed. Wausaw, N. Y., Juu. 4. A freight (rain was wrecked here this morning. Twi men vote killed aud one seilously it jar, Baking Powder I National Politics. Chicago, Jan. 4. Chairman T. Car ter.of the Republican national commit tee, left for the East yestorday after a conference here with party leaders re garding next fall's congressional eleo tlons. In an Interview Carter said: "Tbe national executive committee will meet in Washington on January 11th, and knowing how tho great body of the party stands upon tho principal issues aud whether or not there have been radical changes In popular sentiment In congressional districts and especially where these districts are located Car ter said tho Republican party favored tho use of both gold and silver and ho no longer considered the Feople'u party a factor iu uatlonal politics. Happy Poverty. Ashland, Wis., Jan. 4. The senBa tion of New Year's day here was the feeding of 1,000 children on a mlnco pie twenty-two feet in circumference, four tnohes thick, weighing nearly a quarter of a ton. Half dollars contributed by hotel guests were put iu the pie edge wise aud drawn in each piece. Over 1,000 pieces were given out in this one pie to the chlldron, and It proved a happy and novel gift to tho hundreds of poor children. ... i i ...j Pension Decision. Washington, Jan. 4. Tho nension office, it has been decided, in ylew of the act of oougress of December 21, '93 no longer has a right to withhold a pen sion from Judge Long, or Mlohigan, and has directed that he bo again placed ou tho penHlmrrolls:"' "'"" More Receivers.' IndianapoliSj Jan. 4, E. O. Hop kins aud James II. Wilson were today appointed receivers for the Louisville, EvansvllleA St. Louis Consolidated Railway Co. Tho lino is 880 miles long aud wa3 lately controlled by D. J. Mackay syndicate. Mid-Wintku Fair. In view of the importance to our stuto that Its various products and unsurpassed resources be shown at the mid-winter fair, now held at San Francisco, nnd recognizing that the capital of the stato Is expected to do itsshurem all that concerns tbe wel fare or our commonwealth and the de velopment of Its revenues, tho under signed Invite business men and citizens of Salem to meet this evening at 7:30 at the Willamette hotel parlors to devise wayB und moiis to and the work of the midwinter fair of Oregon, doo. W. McBrldo, Phil Metscban, Frank E. Hasklns, I. L. Patterson, Krauts j Bros., Claude Gatch, II. W. Cottle, W. Q. Westacott, F. 8. Dear born, J. H. Albert, Win. Dumars, A, N. Gilbert, C. B. Moore. "A3 old M tUoliiu8"and never oxcoll- cd. "Tried and provon" is tho verdict of millions. BM Pt'VZ Simmons Livor Eogu- rs.PTTP'VonXy Livor JLJOPtGt ond.KidnQy modicino to which you can pin your -yy faith for a l747 euro. A JL tJUfl mild laxa tivo, and puroly vog otablo, act Y ing diroctly - C on tho Livor X fffO and Kid nova. Try it. Bold by U Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder tobu taken dry or made into a tea. Th Khv otUt M4Ma. " I have UMd yoarllramoru Llvw Sfftt lator and can coMcleaciotaly say It klurorall liver medicine. lcolfrf HieJlolnocliMtln lUair.-Oau. W. JA9K spy, Tacow, Wafclotoa. JVXVaHY rAWCAMfm tsWa Ula C sUAMJi m 4 ah UMAAsAtfdh ,( 'r&tut