Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, December 16, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    ' fS?P
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Kjplta! Journal Publishing Company
C.Mto9es Diock. Oommerct&l street.
lMllr. by carrier, per months
Pally, br mall, per year,
Weekly. Pge, per yer
-JO 50
The administration is claiming great
credit fur enforcing the law in the Cb
fefemtfggWrjsat Portland.
'.Thfre1 fa" rjoVreMoawliy the Jaw
a&OBkTnot'bd enforced against all law
breakers But while one ctutoin house
rise, ta belntr cleaned oat' an6thr
MAMttot b balrt.up.'
haft'te'Jvtkle,1irfttr with R venui
Collector Black givitit? a clerkship to J.
Ij Cowan 'he' JJibahou - and Albany
banker anit't6hl8-'Bob and several of
the busted, bank employe.
The reformers should take a reef li'
their sails before their ship slnka. I
Btsralak before it leaves the harbor
Afarmr from Jefferson was In' thlr
week and renewed for two copies of I In
Journal. He pays 500 a year taxcr
aud heartily endorses nil we have Bali'
about tax reform. . Unless reduction V
taxes Is pledged In county and state af
fairs and meu nominated whoartfcoii
feiatently recorded aud pledged toredur
tioua he proposes u vote an independ
ent ticket. That Is, be will make U
his own ticketof sucuoienasbe tbinkr
will promote tax reduction, and reducr
expenses of government in state! and
county. He says he was obliged t
pay all bis road tax in cash this ' year
and cannot see the slightest Improv
mect In roads. But he adds: "You
may Bet me down as a McKlnley ite
publican first, last and always. I be
lieve McKiiiley is an honest man."
He also expressed himself in favor of h
new deal In our state government and
committing our new board of state of
ficials to be chosen next June to reduc
tion of a state taxes. That Is the way
a great many farmers are talking,
It was understood that the meeting
of taxpayers at the state bouse, was to
. formulate a demand for a reduction of
tke Marlon county assessment. As a
' restiltof the labors of the committee ap
pointed it is rather an endorsement of
the assessment as made by Assessor
Cofley, a signal victory for that gentle
man. Following is the report of the
To the honorable state board of equali equali
zateon: Bin In behalf of a meeting of citi
zens of Marlon county held In the state
bouse this 15th day of December, 1893,
the undersigned, acting as a committee
appointed by such meetiu;,, would beg
leave to represent to you ns the state
board of equalization that we have
taken note of the facta that aggregate
assessments as returned by the various
counties as equalized by their boards of
equalization, shows in some Instauceaa
great reduction in estimated values as
compared with 1892. In some of the
ouintleaan Increased valuation of real
, property, and in others a great decrease.
A In the realty of Marion county as
compared with that of Polk, wherein
land Is returned at an average value of
90.63 per acre, and that of Marlon at
, $13.87 per acre. Railroad beds at $2000
' 1 1 Polk and 15000 in Marlon. . The evl
tlsnt tendency being a reduction in tho
oao case, which has dltalularicd the ag
gregate of valuation' In Polk county
.f 198,070, while In Marion the net In
crease i $5,770,802.
In considering these differences tho
comtHlttee'.kAVB ttv report '.tlmt in their
Judgment the valuation of property in
Marlon-county is not above the mouey
yalueofsuuh property on. the first of
' March last, uolewlt may be in agricul
turaMandj. 'The main question whlon"ljas been
'eettpldi-red by the commllteo Is "Shall
' 'WwrMaUi the assessor of Marlon coun-
' iy Th fcVeltort to assess property at Its
-ttWVftttie as the lawVequlj-es, and ask
tMestattf boanl 6r equalisation to raise
tb4 valuation of other comities or iu no-
, MordiWi therewith, ask the board to
lowartba valuation of Marion county
t MrteuraeJ to it, to correspond with the
krwr-MbM of valuation In adjoining
.felMitl4 wbrelii true money values
Jrjmty or quite the same."
To txmcluslon of Hie committee Is to
aa4i Ihe action ot the county board
faqualiaaUoa a sot above the require-
mimot law, aad ask action of the
Mtait board aceortjlnsb', But if the
.fydv4mm4 itffiiwhU to iucroase the
'Tte.iiaMH'lti'MMiitkwij,hloh are lower-
lmg' Wfcw 'Wi ac tiwtlWe of Marion
MMt pemi''ii rswjjf Ml In accordauoe
llwiiillli JbHlCMiNTp,
W. O, HVHaxHi),
R P. Buiwc,
'iliaWriMHldl avvwal thousand
vj mama mmmsJ iwyvmr vm grwp
x , tarmHmnm tmt, amort vurHk, Ht
Mm pr K mm. JB, Motor, t&uUw, r.,
JWlUfAbOjtlM, w I
' " ., - M
a ' hsv 'ft ntfinyWtlliVf m-i 'tffo -'-'tai'VirSi t ' " iv .. -" HMIsstiiY in- ' - -mS. ,li,r. .rij- ' ''I absilili'si stall atii'lili I IfisassaaWMsaBiaaalHsaaeWtisaa i 2i - ' "jIw Jssal
liAlifllMMWB&MW "M;,ki. y frAlrLisaatttoaleiia JMm
The La Grande Chronicle "Says:
Eighteen refrlgorator cars arrived from
the East, and they will be all loaded
with Grande Rondo apples and sent to
Omaha and Kansas City,
The cattle shippers are allowed two
extra men to every three carloads, with
transportation both ways, and many
persons have embraced the opportuni
ty to make a trip .East,
The Oregon Pad tic employes have
received instructions to move up abd
forward to the general office all reports
up to I o'clock, p. m., Dec. 15.
A gu-as-you-pleasewalking match
from CorvalllH to Albany and return is
to be one of the events 'during the
holidays, wesare told ibera will be some
floB mud mashing 'during this contest.
Work is pregressing: on the Bold fere'
homo at Rjseburcr:
Over in the northern pari of Grant
cunty, Oregon, where it ismauy miles
to anriverorfailroad, wheat is selling
at 90 cents'a busbel,
There has been a great flood up inthe
Palouse country doing much damage.
The streets of Colfax were under water
and in many places cattle and horses
-ttood in water from one to two feet
Tha Dalles still holds ,ita reputation
of being one of the best sheep markets
of the North west. It is Claimed that
there has beeu 170,000 mutton sbeep
tbipped from there during this year,
A large flouring mill is being built
it Baker City. The machinery is all
n the ground.
W. T, Hatton, of Warm Springs, has
patented a self-dumping dirt wagon
that he believes will come Into general
There is a movement on foot to dis
continue the Burns laud office, by add
ing it to the La Grande and Lakevlew
The colony of orcbardlsU on tbe
Nessly place and those adjacent thereto
along the Grand Ronde river are pre
paring- to Bet out about 50,000 fruit treesj
mostly apples, in the spring.
A novel way of churning butter has
been discovered by a lady near Albany
wuo recently set a pot or cream in a
spring near tbe bouse that it might
keep cool. During tbe night a. frog fell
loio tbe cream pot and In Its struggles
to get out actually cnuruod the cream,
so that when tbe lady visited the
spring tbe next morning, she found
the frog sitting oh a ball of butter
washing its feet In' buttermilk.
Ben Keeley, the trapper, who assist
ed tbe Carl in party to escape from tbe
Clear-water country, has brought suit
against Gen. Carlin for the reward.
.Louis Kees, or mgio rolnt, was
gored to death by hla bull which was
known to be a vicious animal. The bull
was afterwards killed.
R. D. Owenby bad a bard and dan
gerous trip Suuday, across the Blue
mountains from Milton to Elgin. Ho
got into snow too deep for travel, and,
llng without food or blankets, was in
a precarious position. With small fjr
limbs and strips torn from bis clothing,
he constructed n palrof snowshoes, aud
-ucceeded In getting out of tbe snow
and reaching the settlements.
Tho Waohiugtou state horticultural
society is In session at Whatcom.
Thero has been 4 180,000 feet of lum
ber shipped from Gray'a harbor this
The Tacoma city council is making
life a burden to peddlers, beggars aud
street musicians,
The state land commission;, of Wash
ington, announces that It will take of
ficial cogulzauce,of the hard times, and
be aBy on delinquents who show good
Work has commenced on the new
state university in Beattle.
Olympla merchants threaten to take
their buslneea from Tacoma to Seattle
unless the Tacoma chamber of com
merce makes the Northern Pacific gtye
the Independent steamers docking prl v.
A Yakima Indian on tho wav from
Walla Walla to the United States peni
tentiary on McNeil's Inland, under sen
tence of three years, jumped from the
tralu Wednesday while It was golnu 25
miles an hour and escaped,
E. Lawrence Hunt, secretary of tbe
cnljege department of tbe International
committee of the Y, M, C, A. and A,
Duminot, travelling secretary of the
sumo for the Paelflo coast, visited our
school on Thursday and organized an
association with the following ofllcera;
Presldeut.J, E. Sawyers; vloo president,
G. H. Bruce; recording secretay, A. E.
Gurduer; corresponding secretary, W,
N, PJntler; treasurer, A, W. Coruutt.
The association will metTueday oven
lug, at 0:30, Mr, Huat conducted
I otiapel exercises Thursday morning,
I Tim 'NTVii-L.til ML.O fluK r,,r..l.l.,1 .
song for the Suuday pohool eBertaln-
uieut at the Christian ouurcU ou Buu
day evening,
Miss Booth and Mr.' Lee entered;
school this week, the'forrner'taklug up
aeulor studies and the latter apcclal
A complete outfit of chemical aa4
physical apparatus has been procured
by the school, part of which arrived
this week,
Tke W. h. Society, at Its last meeting
rendered the following pregram: Song,
society; address, President J. E. Saw
yers; reading, P. W. Talcott; reading,
Maggie Wilson; Society Sparks, Editor
Rogers; song, society; debate: Question
was: "Resolved, That wood is more
beneficial to man than' iron." The
speakers on the affirmative were James
Seavy, Mr. Btone and Mr. Lee. On
the negative were Bland Hardy, W. B.
Cornutt and U. E. Wade. The nega
tive won.
Miss Burnsldes aud Miss Stratford
were visitors at chapel Monday morn
ing. Mrs. Fisher, who is travelling in the
interest of the Missionary department
of tbe Christian cburoh, called on ns
Tuesday morning.
Mr. Booth conducted chapel exercises
Tuesday morning.
Tho Western Pedagogue or State
School Journal, issued by Butte Bros.,
U to be moved in. a few days from Cor
vallis to Drain. Tho editors will also
print a local paper, the firat issue to
come but about the 1st of January.
Prof. Bruce delivered tbe lecture on
last Sunday, his subject being "Tbe
Progress of Eiucatiou," upon which
the professor greatly istereated all pres
ent. I cheer, I help, Iitreogtbea, I Hid,
X gtaddet) Ibtt heart of man and maid,
I net coniillpattoo'a captive fiee,
Aiid all are belter tor laklDg me.
Thus spoke one of Dr. Pierce's Pleas
ant Pellets. (They are pills that speak
for themselves.) Very small, very nice
to take, produce no nausea or gr plug
yet are most effectual iu all cases ot
constipation, bilious or sick headache,
or deranged liver. Only 25 cents a vial
at druggist. A perfect vest-pocket
The drug and medicine firm hereto
fore dolug business under tbe style ot
Smith & 8teiner, have this day dis
solved partnership by mutual consent,
Dr. J. C. Smith retiring. The business
will be continued by Lee Stelner, a:
Ibe old red corner stand, wbere all
bills and accounts are to be settled,
Salens Dec. 1st, 1893.
J. C. Smith, M. D.
Prices Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Salem, December 16, 4 p. m. Office
Daily Capital Journal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press were aa follows;
Apples 30c to 50c. a bushel.
Veals dressed 34J'cts.
Hogs dressed 5.
Live cattle 1 to 1$.
Sbeep alive $1.50 to $2.00.
Salem Milling Co quetes: Flour $1.25
In wholesale lots $2.80. Retail $3.2l
Brau $14 bulk, $15 sicked. Shorts $15
$10. Chop feed $16 and $17.
43 cants Der bus lei.
Oats old, 38 to 40c; new 25 to BOjb.
Hay Baled, new $8 to$12; old $10 to
$14. Wild In bulk, $6 to $8.
Barley Brewing, at Salem, No. 1.
05 to $1.00 per cwt No. 2, 70 to 85 cts,
AVool Best, 10c.
Hops Small sale, 17 to 18Jc
Etrgs Cash, 27 cents.
Butter Beat dairy, 25; 'fancy
creamery, 30.
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm smoked meats Bacon 12;
hams, 13; shoulders, 10.
Potatoes 80c. to 40c.
Onions 1 to 2 cents.
Beeswax 34o. Caraway seed, 18c.
Anise seed, 20o. Ginseng, $1.40.
Chickens 5 to 8 cts; ducks, 10a; tur
keys, slow sale, choice, 10c; geese 5 to 7c.
O rain. Feed, etc.
Flour Staudard, $2.80; Walla Walla,
$3,15; graham, $2.60; superfine, $2.25
per barrel.
Oats New whlte,35c por bu ,grey,34o;
rolled, in bags, $8 256.60; barrels,
$0.757.00;ca8es,$3 75.
Hay Best, $1012 per ton.
Wool valley, price nomlual.
Mlllatuffa Bran, $15.00; shorts, $16;
ground barley, $18; chop feed, $16
per ten: whole feed, barlev. 70 cts. ier
ceutal; middling, $23(3)28 perton; brew
ing narjoy, uu(ouao per ceutal; chicken
wheat. 1.101. 15 percental,
Hops Old, 10 to 16a, new 10 to 16.
Hides LTeen. salted. 60 lbs. 31 o. tin
derf301bs.,23 ; sheep pelts, 10C0c
Butter Oivkou faucv creamerv. SOrta
82o;rnnoy dairy, 2527c; fair to irood,
Tj(o)ii;ju; common, io w mo per ,
t'neeae - Oregon. 10(3112): Youncr
American, 1516cner pound; California
14c; owiss imp., auij'j; jlioiii,, iH(u)20,
Eggs Oregon, 30u per dczen.
Poultry Neminal: oblckeus. mixed.
$2 603 60 per dozen; ducks,$3-605.6o
geese, $9.00; turkeys, live, 12Jc;
dressed, 14o.
BeefTop steers, 21 o per pound; fair
to good steers, 2o; Nnl cows, 2c; fair
cows, ljo; dressed teef, $3 6P5 00 ier
100 pound
MuttonBest sbeep, $2; choice rau t
tofij $1 75200; lambs, $2 00225.
Hoim Cholw, heavy, $4, 605 00;
medium, $4 005 60; Ueht aud feeders,
Ml m2)4 ou; urcfwexi, o ou.
Vff- 095 08'
Woel: Oreoii Etern choice, 10(5)
13o; 4o ifcf kw, 89o; do valley, 12
, Hona 1$ to 183, w
"xoyiVw-l&.Vly toe, 4555. Bur
UnV., .SOaiie,
ow-iuIiitHf,t 1.151 ao,
i .,
. Cnltore never made a saint.
. A stingy man b never contented.
Good actions, liko sheep, are apt to fol
low one another.
When tho devil goes to church, he does
not always sit on a back Beat
A lie always has a dagger in ita hand."
no matter how well meaning it may look.
There are men who go to a gymnasium
for exercise while their wives are sawing
the wood.
Some men are bound in the devil's
ropes because they didn't try to break
bis threads.
The man who lives with his head in
the clouds will generally be found stand
ing with his foot on somebody's neck.
Some men have an idea they will some
day walk in the streets of glory because
they now and then give away an old
roat. Ram's Horn.
.piano Antoinetxe-B tamous poplar,
which the unhappy queen herself plant
ed at the LittloTrianon, fell to the ground
during a recent storm. It had survived
me roval ladv inst about 100 veaic
K&S-S? 'm
KinaT of Wilts! ColetrttM Ocaedr Oo,
"Premium Bud and Oichostra.
Vr. XlUc Medical Cu., Elkhart, Ind.
Yon will TCtnetnter tbe condition I ttos In flro
jrean ajro. yrhta 1 wm afflicted with a combina
Uon of cUeaw. nd thought there was no ktcp
rcnut Itriedall Jdndsofmediclnca.and'ooixa
of eminent vbyticieni. Mynen-cs were prostrated,
producing alniDtt, heart trouble end all tbe ills
that maie life miserable. I commenced to take
ana In three months was rtnrccrtf cuheo.
1 n m t travels each Tear, w ben I aee ice thouoandj
Tid In three months I wib nun
1 u m t travels each year, w ben I aee
of pbjtlcal wrecks, aufferiug from nervous p:
tratlon, taking prescriptions
Imi l ( tnralnfiTsrlaniirhohavenoknol-
n ir-K jge 0f their case, and whose death
it certain, I feel like going to them and saying,
my profession, a r where thero
aresomanysuffll 1RF"D Bena from
OTerrork,men,'' " tal prostra
tion and nerrous exhanstlon, broneht on by tbe
character of tbe business engaged In, I would
M I LE3'
is a bure euro for all eufieiing from these causes.
eold byJD, J. Fry. drneelBt. Haleni
a movement of tbe bowela eoh day, U seccuary
orbaalth. These pilla enpply what the eyetem
taoka to make It recular. Care Readaahe. bnshten
the Srei and oltar tbe Oomplexloa better than
tttmetloa. Thoy act mildly, neither crtpe nor
lieken aa other pills do. To oonvtsea you of their
nerlu we mll earoplM rrae. or fall box 33a. Scld
iverywhere. Boemto Med.Co, Philadelphia. Fa.
Sold by JluMketl & Vautilype.
PersotiH wishing to engage muslo for thp
holidays or any other occasion will do well 10
net) uh. Cnnfurmsti oneormro lollosoras
mnray piece as f sired. First bonre foulh
f T-lncoln fohool hons, or Balem Post office
Gko bllitivsn, manager. l6-lm.
la railing a family of nine children, tar only
remedy for Cough. Col da and Croup was onion
syrup. It Is Juat as effsotue tc-day aa it was forty
years aca. Now my trrandehlldren take Sr.
Dunn's Onion Syrup, wblah Is already prepared
and more pleasant to the taste. Sold everywhere.
larce bottles 60 cents. Take no substitute for IU
Sold by Haakett & VanSlype.
Steamer flliona
Leaves Boise' dock Mondays. Wrdnneila'vi
arjd Fridays 7;S9 a. m., arriving In Portland at
1:30 p, m.
HETOUNlNO. leave. Portland Tuesdays,
Thundays and Saturday at 0 a. m.
Kaat time for passenger service; no way
uuvu"susi(m uanmeu.
KL.DKD THIPdinllmltftiUMOfL
One way,
For frt-lgbt rates and tickets apply to Mitch
"11. Wright & Co., Uolman block. lllm
Bateg, $2.50 te $5.00" nr.D-
The best hotel between Portland a.l,Baji
Kranclaco, rtral-claia In all IU appolmmemts.
IU Uble are served with th
Cholcmt TtuitM
rown la the Willamette Vailey
A, I. WAGNER, Prop.
A I d1iV -ii
f vm! y SME.
I 1 I Hy i a
l K I . l ltfT
aWC"Y Hss
syr ifef
, vsi-ti -srv ."trt r
Bids for Asylum Supplies.
Oregon state Insane asylum Invite sealed
proposals roc furnishing -at tne osyium
near Salem.' Orgt!n, the following sup-
IIea for tna six months ending June
1 dos. each 44, . J4. Vu VA ana 2 Inch,
1 dot. each . . 1. VA, and 2 Inch
I doz. each and H Inch Keystone
1 doz each 1, 1H and 2 Inch flange
1 doz. each H. . i, IU, street rella.
1 doz. each H and H inch sockets.
1 doz. each hi. and 1 Inch plugs.
2 doz. each 4 and H Inch csmpresslon
bibs, finished.
: 2 doz. each 4 and H Inch compression
hose bibs, finished.
'100 feet each of , S. . . 1. and 14
Inch black pipe.
100 feet each of . and 1 inch galr.
H doz. each U. K and Vi Jenkln'a valves
removable disks.
1 doz. each and 1 Inch Jenkln'a vUves
removable disks.
21 sq. feet 3 ply rubber packing.
10 lbs. each Vi and H sq. llax packing.
1 Jackson's llue scraper, 2 Inch.
20 bushels charcoal.
100 lbs. solder. H and H-
2 each extra jaws and nuts for 12, 12
and 24 Inch Stlllsons wrenches.
10 lbs. Asbeates candle wick.
141 sq. feet sheet lead 1' lb.
2 doz. Sampson's battery cells.
2 doz. H and 4 glass gage washjrs,
IfO yards calico, best.
2,500 yards cotton flannel, Nashau XXX.
1,200 yds. pequot A unbleached 45 Inch.
1,000 yards Mariners stripe.
tOO yards Lonsdale bleached.
1.500 yard? pequot A sheeting, 36 Inch.
500 yds. Continental check flannel.
'500 yds. glass crasn towelling, 18 Inch.
200 yds. bleached linen French towell
ing. M0 yds. blue denim.
100 yds. bleached sheeting pequot 9-4.
100 yds. Marsellls check, York Mfg.
6 boxes white stay binding Inch.
12 dozen Turkey red handkerchiefs, 24
in en.
50 dozen Coat's thread, white No.
12 d"Z u Omi'h nire-i I will - N i. IB.
IS dozen Coat's thread, black No.
12 dozen Coat's thread, black No.
12 dozen black linen thread. No.
50 yards table - oilcloth, white.
12 dozen papers pins.
60 doz. prs. men's socks (half hose.)
1 doz. .prs. tnen'a gloves, Nos. B and
10. extra heavy.
15 dozen pairs suspenders.
100 yards sllesIa, 40 Inch, drab.
1- great gross men's pants buttons.
1 great gross pants buckles.
6 creat cross men's shirt buttons, me-
dlum - size.
Ugrosainokcd pe rlhnns.
2 dozen corsets (assorted sizes, 20 to 30.
I dozen thimbles, Nos'. 9 and 10 closed
6 pairs Jean pants, 2929.
6 pairs Jeans pants,. 3030.
12 pairs Jean pants. 3131.
12 pairs Jean -pants. 3331
12 pairs Jean pants, 3332.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3311.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3234.
12 pair Jean pants. 3333.
12 pairs Jean pants, 36 32.
t pairs Jean pants, 3733.
5 pairs Jean pants, 37 .
6 pairs Jean pants, 3832.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3333.
6 pairs Jean pants, 3933.
6 pairs Jeans pautw, M "2.
200 lbs. heavy white wool
150 Tbs. cheapest grade woo!
am, 'as-
sorted colors.
200 lbs. Crown mills carpet -warp.
15.000 tbs granulated sugar, extra fine, dry.
12,OfO tnOO sugar.
6 0is rolled oats.
5,000 tbs cracked beat.
r.fti-tb rorn meal.
600 ft hominy, small cracked.
1,500 R hnrnluy.
5Crt)B8. rlci
W) B. olulng.
S0J gallons vinegtr.
2 OkftUons N. O. molAoiies.
I.OfO tb. corn ttA'ch, Oswego.
10.000 B. Liverpool alL
40 ttn. Orb. rorta. A nnrt II.
S lbs. ctenxi t-irer Foltrrs.
SOEroc" Barmy ma ches (Vulcan).
1 bale broom corn,
3 ucz' ns wh sk brooms.
RS nvzen oj Men", cans (A. Field's Cove).
15 1nien- nna co'n (Kw Vaiie-J
SnORi. soda crackere, XXX, lurhlshed as re
quired. 2 000 gallons syrnp (Standard).
40 D pnrtlet Btarlwax).
2dnzen Worcestershire sauce, In qts.,
and HerrlnsJ
2T0 lb, germea. -
loo S. sago '
50 En china sarch.
flnii &. sal oda.
25 dozen brooms.
200 lbs perl barley.
00 lbs. starch, glos.
20 boi es macaroni.
.8 boxes vermicelli.
fOU.ftrt. cheese. Cranston's or as good, fur-
nlsbed as required.
751b. mustard.
4t II s. black pepper.
S01b. ginger.
23 Ibs.allaplce.
IRrfozMi facups.
15 dozen tea, siucers.
15 doz n quart soup bowls.
2 dos a 1 gal:on p. when.
3 dozn sou n plat-s.
1 nozen bowls i, d pitchers.
1 dozen chamber pots.
1 d z?li bed pans.
1 dozen pint syrup pitchers.
adrzetrlantein elo
3 dozen pint cream pitchers.
SdozenOlnrhdlnne platrs. '
2doz-n 7 Inch pie platan.
8 dozen 13 Inch vceiable dishes.
4 dztn 10 Inch vegetable dUtaa.
1 dozen tuear bowls
Sdoz-n 12 Inch p'Htters.
3 dozen 11 Inch platters.
6M barrels,-rno-o or less, best1 roller, process,
delivered required.
?5 barrels graham, more or less, delivered as
2,500 lbs. eztra pale savon.
1.000 l-.f. Ivory
SQlbs. shavlnp. (n cakra fl- n xviiiiam. a.
JOOIba Engll h break fast, black..
1,000 )bs. uncolored Japan, green.
400 Iha. Java
.X) lbs. Moc.
800 lbs. chicory,
825 lbs. a wek, more or less, best creamery,
3,(00 lbs. Sledge Ilsmmer.
800 lbj. -per dsy, saore or less, of becfj as
iii)vuuii(iui tutniuiureaita ninaqtutr-
811 lbs. of motion per week as required.
Fsh .m required, clvlng pries per pound for
rariUln0iedl8rernt kinds perfecUy fresh
thb Ber ooxsaric btoox.
kJ ooll'la.91--io. thedosen
1 dozen Imitation irruin rnaL anttablo r.i.
quarters, for aboes Jl in Jl
- --y - f, mj w iiuic;,aas ea.
uovcKinmiwinBllll, snsiea.
II sr-aed Up wk'Mt -erK6lbi, each
1 doz. kljj skins; average S lbs. each.
Mdea sklrtlnr to M tbs. each.
89 Rw. BevnU Crn sole leather, .extra
heavy No. 1, average weight 26 Iba. to
the side.
, ,1 of. balfe TEkrifsh hoe web,
p yards English elm core t la. wMe.
1 do Uk twlt D,
6 spools linen thread. No. 25.
6 spools linen thread No. 35.
2 lbs. Harbours shoe thread No. 12.
6 bottles leather cement (Cub brand.)
6 bottles rubber cement (Brazilian.)
3 doz. pieces shoemaker's wax.
6 lbs. 1 oz. shoe tacks.
3 lb. 4 oz shoe tacts
lb. 74 brum nall. Improved.
12 tbs. 6-8 brass nails.
12 lbs. 4-8 brass nails.
12 lbs. H brass nails.
12 lbs. 8-8 Iron heel nails.
12 lbs. T4 Iron heel nails.
VI lb-. V- iron heel nuns.
Z2 lbs..4 Iron heel nails.
2 doz. Bradbury machine toeedlea
(wedge polntj No 4.
2 sq. feet rubber cloth .for patching.
20 yards heavy ticking for lining.
5 doz. pressed pans, 8 Inch. '
It doz. pint cups.
24 doz. table spoons. . ,
1 doz wash basins.
6 doz. knives and forks.
2 doz. ladles, in' two "sizes.
1 doz. slop palls -with covers.
V, dozen wasn tubs, small sizes.
Iu lts. bees wax, yellow.
2 doz. dust brushes.
8' dozen scrub brusnes, with handles.
3 dozen shoe brushes.
Zdozcn hair brushes.
1 dozen whitewash brushes.
Vi dozen kalsomlning brushes.
2 dozen shaving brushes.
ti uuzru ooae au, u b uvkiug T. M.
i aozen Doxes nair pins.
papers needles .Nos. 2.
papers needles Nos. 3.
papers needles Nosi 4.
papers needles Nos. 5.
papers needles Nos. 6.
safety pins.
E dozen mop handles.
12 dozen mop rags. i
50 packs playing cards double headed.
1 gross shaker pipes.
200 gallons kerosene, mqre or. less, deliv
ered In tanks as required.
.OkuIIous Atutuy tpludie, ur as good.
10 gall us Albany cylinder, or tut good.
100 gallons turpentine,
ailo-. A b y .xiiup.iund No. 3, oraagood.
2 dozen bottles sewing .machine.
200 lbs. parraffine in I lb cakes,
lcaeaxlegrertse, U.and I., or a god
Mens shoes.
20 pairs No. 6.
20 pairs No. 7.
20 pairs No. 8.
20 pairs. No. 9.
Men's boots.
20 pairs No. 7.
1 doz. pr. rubber boots, sizes from 8
to 10.
'20 pairs No. 8.
10 pairs No. 10.
M -.
10 pairs No. 11.
Men's leather slippers.
20 pairs No. 8.
30 pairs No. 7.
30 pairs No. 8.
30 pairs No. 9.
30 pairs No. 10.
20 pairs No. 11.
10 pairs No. 12.
Ladles shoes.
20 pairs No, 3. .
20 pairs No. 4. s '
30 pairs No. 6. . ,
30 pairs No. 6. --'tf '
10 pairs No. 7. ,-....,.
Ladies carpet allppera.wi-'
20 pairs No. 5.
20 pairs No. ...
20 pairs No. 7.
15 pairs No. 8.
10 pairs No. 9.
10 gross shoe laces.
3 gross pens, London Incandescent No. 4
2 gross pens, London Incandescent No. 6.
2 gross pens, London lncandescsnt No. 7
i gross pens, GUlotU No. 40).
1 dozen pen holdars.
S dozen lead pencils. . . .
10 reams Wedgwood letter paper, half
8 lgross Indelible Ink In bottlesPayson'o
2 doz. bottles mucilage, Hon fords Uni
versal. DRIED FRUIT.
In barrels or boxes.
2.500 lbs. apples.
2,000 lbs. peaches.
1.500 tbs. prunes.
100 lbs. raisins.
1 dozpn teftther f1uir, oatrlch.
1 doz. wash boards, best quality.
2 packages each 2, 3 and 4 lb tinned i
1 pair 5 lb soldering Irons.
4W feet each and round Norway.
100 feet each 7-16 and round Norway
rTCn'feot each lxH. lxi. lttx -flat
Norway Iron.
75 feet each xU, x. lxU. lttxtf flat
Norway Iron.
10 feet each . 54. octagon tool steel.
10 feet each round tool steel.
Vt keg each No. 3, 4, 5 front horse
shoes (Burden's light.
V, .keg each No. 8, 4, 6 hind horse
shoes (Burden's light.
10 tbs. each No. 7 and 8 Putnam's horse
shoe" nails.
5 tbs. each No. 6 Putnam's horse shoe
25 lbs. each No. 3 and 4 Sweet's :Amer
can toe calks,
10 lbs. each - No. 2- Sweet's . Ameri
can toe calks.
2 horse rasps, 14 Inch, Hitler's.
1 Iron saw handle for key-hole saw
with 6 hh. H to I In h rlion'i.
2' each Morse-twist' drills 34 to 7-lGby(
l-16th wlih inch t-hHiik
30 ns. each of . 1, 1. 1. 1 2 Inch
round head rivets 'A inch.
2 each 6 Inch and 12 Inch monkey
wreuch'-H. O-o I
V4 dozen each S. M. and 1 Inch of
Nos. 7, 8, 9, copper belt rivets.
2 belt punches. No. 7 and 8.
1 revolving punch with -four punches. ,
100 each 14x3-16. 24x3-16, lx. 2xU.
txVt. 2V4xH and 6x Inch carriage bolts.
100 each 14x5-16 and 4x5-16 machine
25 tbs. each Vi and iron washers.
10 tbs. each Vi and 4 blank nuts.
400 feet Inch manllla rope.
400 feet Inch manllla rope.
200 feet VV Inch manllla rope.
2 gross screws each, 1' Inch NO. 7 and
11. 2 Inch No. 14, IVi Inch No. ft.andNo,,
11 K Inch .No 7Hiid.No.t.
2 lbs. brads each, H, and Inch.
1 8, 1 Jeim. e'.bmw bits, first quality.
1 set gimblet brace, bits.
V4 doz. compass saw blades, from 8
inch toll in ti. iUi n'
1 diamond for cuttng gloss, No. I.
1 Bet bcuuh planes, wooueu, Stanley's beat,
1 claw haniiiierNo.7
1 set Firmer cock' rhltels, (Barton's'best.)
5 tbs. add carbolic cryst. pure.
10 tbs. acid, muriatic commercial.
1 lb nitric acid C, P.
1 tb acld.sallclllc .powdered.
1 tb. add tannic."
10 lbs. aqua ammonia concentrated In,
4 tb bottles.
10 tbs. ammonia muriate powdered.
2 lbs. ammonia carbonate.
G lbs. ammonia bromide.
2 lbs. antlfebrin (Kalle and Co.) .
2 Its. blue ointment.
3b. blMti'Mli miu rU(-qulbb.l
2 lbs. chalk prep,
20 lbs. cotton absorbant hospital.
1 tb calomel.
. 2 tbs. chloranodyne.
5 lbs. chloroform (Squlbbs.)
10 tbs. chloral, hydrate (Merck.)
U lbs. ether In V lb cans (Squlbbs.)
50 Iba. epsom Bafts.
I'i Iba fixtr o ,,-bmraIde of calcium
comp. CTilden and Co.)
a n,s. giycyrrntza. comp. powdered.
1 tb golden jseol powdered,
6 lb hematic syrup hypojthosphateeT
D. and Co.)
V4 lb jalap powdered.
6 Ids. mustard ground.
i id opium powaered.
2 gallons oil caztor (Baker's A.
6 gallons oil roalaga.
H lb oil cloves -pure.
a ju oi orange pure.
lb oil DeDDermlnt duk.
te. ,. r --..- . -
iu uu mvcuaer Dure.
vi m ou b&rgamont pure.
2 lbs. pepsin sacch. (Falrchllds.)
1 tb pepsin (Boud&ulta.)
4tba, phenacetln. CUayerO
3 lbs, ' potash bromide tttlfc.
2 bt rV'- h . y . .
3- tbs. potast, cWorata PAwdtresl
6 lbs. potash iodide rran. (MiaWeMh
krodts.) Srta. potash clUat graa, (MaWat-
5, t- Pyrophosphate of Iron (SauihK..
2 tbs. soda boras. DowdaranL"
i tv. .. . -z;r"-
tum. niua urvmiae.
K "'"yppphoephate gran.
; ;r zst.t. u"w.,?. T,n,
ua. nviuugn cult
Joride o Iron (MslHaj.
& tba.
ayrup hypophoephate eorapeuaJ
1 lb vanilla bean (Mexican.)
5 lbs. sulfonat (Bayer.)
H antlpyrtn. pr. fcnorrs.)
30 gallons alcohol. M pr cent
5 gallons glycerine pure.
tbe.-nr&selina XXX-ref. . -
w.oz. quinine sulphate "(K.
2 oz. lunar caustic sure.
x ui, mornnine auinnata, m -
oz. strychnia sulDhat -..
or. red iodide, m.."-'" -
a o. yetiow oxwe mereary.
2 oz. menthol. '
4 oe. cocaine muriate.
J , K eponges surgeons No. L
1 Ibl sponges i carnage No. L
(Squlbbs.) UUa "uf
1 gross 'phials 1 oe.
2 gross phials 4 oc
1 gross phials t oz.
2 gross phials 8 be.
ef iroa
2 gross corks each No. 4.
C and lllnnwi
assorted sizes Na
29. 30 and 31.
c2.W0 empty capsules No 1 (F. d,
s,w empty capsules
(P. D.
hynodermte f.M.t-
i.uyu nypo. tablets No. I In
bqttlew each O. Wyeth Brmt.
2.000 hypo tablets No. 43 la coses
bottles each a. Wyeth Brot a"e"
200 hypo.-tablets No. l (J. w
i No. 61 (J. Wyeth Bros.1
oil Era.'(FhinipT)lae!
x'b syringe No. i.
uu. cw iivcr
1 doe. Davidson'
a uob. uaTiasons irruin Vn
5 dot. camels 'hair pencils assorted.
4 doz. plasters Altcock's porua
4 doz. plasters Wells strenrtheatnr.
..2 boxes plasters Meads odheslTe (3.
and J.) w.
2 boxes Plasters silk ldngloaa sur
geon's pink (8. and J.)
. 2 boxes Plasters silk Isinglass sur
geon's black i (8. and J.) w
2 boxes Plasters capsicum 8. and J)
8 lbs. pills e. c Imp. gelotla coated V
D. and Co,) .
200 pills oloin 1-S groin (P. D. ond Co i
.SOO pills alolne ,4 grain (P. D. ond Co'i
600. pills i aleln: comp. (P. D. ond Co)
200 pills C. C. gran, pink Vi gr. (p.
D. and Co.)
200 pills assafoetlda, 1 gr. (P. D.
200 pills assafoetlda 2 gr. (P. D.
to i pit s rmmeneogogns
gelatine coalet
taiciv. ana -a.)
30d 'pills aloes et Ferri.
1 lb -fluid ' extract aconite root (P. D.
and Co.)
2 lbs. fluid ext. buehu (P. D. ond Co.)
2- lbs.- fluid - extract belladonna (P. D.
and Co.) .
' 5 tbs. fid. ext. cnecara sogrodo (P. D.
ond Co.)
1 Tb fluid ext, capsicum (P. D.
and. Co.)
1 R fluid ext. conlum seed (P. D.
and Co.)
2 lbs. -fluid "ext. cinchona comp. (P. D.
and Co.)
1 n. fld.f ext. digltallls (P. D. ond Co
xrhi.. ld. xt elrcer (P. D. and Co.)
l.rt)la.:ext gentian (P. D. oad Co.)
2 Ibs.Sd. ext. henbane ' (P.' D. ond Co.)
a ind iiu. oxt. iptfckcauonneo (P. D ond
" S Tbs, fid. ext. Jalap (P. D. ond Co.)
Sitrbs-fld." ext, licorice (P. D. and Co.)
l'lbtfld., ext: nux vomica, (P. D. ond Co.)
, .1 Tb.fld. ext orange .peel (P.- D. and Co.)
2 tbs. fld.; ext. rhubarb (P. D. and Co.)
1 rib? fld.- ext.. seneka, (P. D. and Co.)
. Sttba..1 nd. ext. .senna (P. D. juid Co.)
4 ltb.fld ext., squills (P. D. and Co.)
v lnyfld. ext. Squills comp. P. D. an4
S -Tbs. - fld. - ext .sarssparllla comp, far
syrup (P. D. ana Co.)
i lbs. fld. ext wild 'Cherry (P. D. and
200 . filter papers, round gray. No. 38
Dlo. IS Inches.
2 tbs. soda et potas, tart
.-Samples may be seen ot the ofSee ef
the board. Goods must be, in accordance
therewith, and be In original packages
wheni possible. -The right Uo reject any
or all bids is -reserved. Delivery of sup
plies will be required within ten days'
notice of acceptance of bid. A copy of
the advertisement must accompany each
bid., and the name of the does of sup
plies,, must be on the envelope. Bach
bid- must Include oil the Items ond to
tals In full of the respective clan, with
exceptions of flour, meat ond fish. Au
diting ofllcera are, prohibited from con
firming accounts- of purchases, when the
advertisement does not contain o full
and. complete description, of j the articles
to be purchased. Bids will be opened ot
2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, January 3, 1KH.
ot the ofll.-e of the, board. Salera, Oreren.
-Board lot Trustees.
Wnu A: MUNLT. Cleric of Board.
Leave orderrntttottle-Park'hunit block .room
6, Salem, Oregon.
' Hotel ,3f&ntcrcy.
Newport, - - Oregon.
.IiOcatedun the Beach. two miles noith
.of .Newport, oa Cv,e Cove, a beautifully
sueiterefl spot, wopfieriui scenery, w
bathlnir. fine drives to Cape Foul weath
er lighthouse.' House new, rooms large
and airj finest resort lor lammea t
invalldf. Open all winter. Terms
moderate by day or week. Intending
visitors can drop a postal card to New
port and be met by back.
John Fitzpatbick,
d-2 m Proprietor.
S-ATLKM, - - ,- Oregon.
! Private work a pr clalty,
' O.B. OLKMENT. Manager.
EDiLaniS VU.t
r Ley Hi Blmnk EMJtlishers.
UJL.llNtjrlX-t5t iXltJJUl
D&derlakers ui Enbalffiers.
CaW walk ud reeJriBg.
Crt tteaat, OaaM! ttef Bou,
I .
saaKsansWsaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaar' Safes
i mm. MVssaaaaaV I
wr. imomw-
TWe bbbbK ssWeVSBBBBBar