Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, November 09, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    'imtNy,9K9,r'mmfij$'Ui-m " iH" w-t-.-'w
The Salem Floricoltnral Society
Besolve to Hold It.
In the Lead
That where we are coatinHaCj
Btrirrng to be. ppurred on by yonr
approbation and evidence of good
wilL We think we have rared
our own record, though, this season.
You are warmly invited to ia
- IF -
Yoa art gonlo build or mkHny Mod of
lm?raTeaiaat. ftH on tn oadercfned tor
maderiaL nave cnmple: stock, and are
xdy t supply aa7 prepajed contract, wer
work, rndlox. etc
Salem Improvement Co.
Baptist Jlisitoss. The arrival of
14 missionaries bound for CIna on the
11:17 train is the occasion of a miMton
arv rally at the First Baptist church
tbrt evening; The party Is bound for
the field oMned by W. M. Upcrafiin
western China, far bt-youd where while
nien had ever established tbetuselve
yrrm. Mr. ITocraft returned to
America a year ago to gather recruit
for thla particular field, and tbe present
company la the result of bis earnest
labors. The party will S3ll for China
onthelst. Tbe missionaries are: Mr.
n fra fiMirre V. Hill. Mr. C. A.
Ealoulst, Mr. H. J. Openahaw, Mr. W.
P. Beeman, Mr. F. J. Bradsbaw, Mie
Fnni E. Blfe. Dr. F. L. Malcolm,
Mr. aod Mra. Silke, ilia Gartelin, Jlr
and Mrs. Viking, and W. M. Upcrafu
There waa a meeting tbld afternoon ai
250 and this (Thursday) evening.
KurDEBOAETES Workers. Mra.
P.& Knight and Miss O. Ballou, of
Balem came to Albany thia noon, and
will bo at the meeting at the Congre
gational church tonight Everybod
at oil Interested in tbe education of
young people, particularly kindergarten
-work, should be present. Tbey are
both enthusiastic workers in that line.
Mr. Knfobt has been matron of tbe
Oregon Mute school for 20 years, is a
cultured lady and stand high In tbe
kindergarten profession, having made
it a study in the east. Miss Ballou has
been in the work for yf are, and tbe two
now have a prosperous training school
in Salem, for the education of kinder
garteners, as well as a good class for
mothers. Tbe work of getting mother
and their children Into harmony and
of giving the little ones a proper start
in their education Is one of the greatest
known for the elevation of future gen
erations, and should receive the sup
port of all. Albany Democrat.
Pbopebly Discharged. Gus. Har
rold, who resides in Linn county jusl
opposite 8tay ton, waa arrested Wednes
day evening in Balem to answer to the
charge of running a traction engine
over a bridge across North Mill creek
without having planked it, some time
during last June. Mr. Harrold aav
that be was Interested In an engine,
but that it was In charge of other par
ties. Tbe complaint was filed In Judge
B .tchelor's office on tbe 19th of August
Tbe defendant was released upon ulr
own recognizance this morning when
his tzamination was to be held. Meu
who know Mr, Harold say he Is a
I quire man and regard this as a job put
Up uy interested parties, State Attor
ney Condlt says there was no evidence
against this man whatever.
Our season's stock is now .on pur
oounters fresh, bright, beautiful In
rich assortment Now is tho t itno to
taako your selections, whilo you
Jiavo tho best to chooso from. Care
ful buvJntr has made tho Drices ricrht
Celluloid in all tints for fancy werk:
Cvllulold frames and baskets, and a
iww Una of ladies and gents puruea and
JJookaelkr, 203 Commercial 8t
Never in the history of Salem
have so many shoes been
sold in so short a time as since
our Closing Sale started.
We still have many choice
bargains and those wishing to
be fitted should come in at
once. Remember we have
only the best makes, and can
still please you.
Manaser R. E. Mukaby, of the Ore
gon Pacific, waa at tbe Willamette to
day. Rev. f L. Corwin upon resuming bis
occupation aa a preacher at Balem Sun
day last waa greeted by an audience of
ovkt two hundred people.
State Sapt. E. B. McElroy la in Port
land on school business
J. H. Porter of Ale is In the city.
Tnos. Rutherford of Marion is attend
ing court.
An accomodating climate it rains
only at nigbt State warrants are at
pr and all business men are taking
county, city and school warrants at
pair. Tbey draw 8 per cent interest
and are a good investment for Idle
money. Tbe Salem Building and
Loan association let 00 on payment
of 75 month's interest in advance last
night. The public schools will close
on tbe evening of tbe 29 tb for Thanks
giving and will not reopen until tbe
Monday followlnz. Wm. G. Westa
cott, the prince of Salem caterers, was
in Portland today. James C. Bones
and Matilda Elliog were granted a li
cense to wed yesterday Real estate
is more active Miss Lulu Sargeant
of Salem, will give a musical concert at
Amity under tbe auspices of tbe Chris
tian Endeavor some time in the month.
Perrydale Patriot. Mra. C. H.
Hinges (nee Hally Parrfah) returned to
Portland today, after a short visit at
the old home.
The Street Assessments.
The council meets in special eevslou
touigbt to consider the propriety of en
forcing assessments for street improve
ments on Commercial street which are
not involved in tbe suits now pending
on a rehearing motion in tbe supreme
City Attorney Bingham expects a de
cision at an early day and considers it
best to await that and then all street
assessments become due at once.
The supreme court after having ren
dered as sweeping a decision against
tbe abutting property owners as it did
will not Us long returning an opinion
when it reaches the matter on tbe
motion for a rehearing aud tbe council
will probably await its decree.altbougb
many are ready to pay their bills mow
Double Qriac. This is not an elec
tion drive, but the name of that famous
baking powder that Clark fc Eppley
are having such a run jubi now. An
elegant gift E"en with every can.
A Little Moke Ciuek. This is tbe
season when evers body wants a good
drink of cider, and If you would know
what you getordrrof J. A. Van Eaton,
who makes his own. Sweet or boiled,
always choice.
They Incorporate. a., F. and P.
Levy of this city have filed artlolea as
tbe A. Levy Mercantile company, with
a capital stock of 12000. The Gunn
Portable Roller Mill Co., of Portland,
have also filed articles, with a capital of
Warnino. There are now so many
papers printed In Salem it la simply
Impossible for advertisers or readers to
patronize all. Tub Journal Is the
most widely read by people of all par
ties and those managing entertain
ments or any business depending upon
public patronage, are Invited to inspect
our lists and advertising rates, which
are always open to the public. Any-
thing not announced In The Joints-a r.l
Is simply not known to. the great ma-!
jority of Salem people.
A-Uourned Term of Circuit Court
Burnett, J.
Judge Geo. U. Burnett today handed
down decisions as follews:
In suit of heirs' vs. Susan Edgar, the
qourt holds Susan Edgar was not of un
bound mind wheu she deeded half of
her donation laud claim to David W.
Edgur, aud that deed la valid.
Iu Grose vs. Grosse, divorce, denial
to both parties.
Iu Kirk vs. Kirk, same order.
A well attended meeting of this
praise worthy organfe ition was held at '
trisHotet Willamette Wedaesday after-1
noon. The president, Mrs. Wm.
Brown, vru in tbe chair, and made i
some timely and e aeon raging remarks. I
All present ezpresaed themselves ai in
terested aad in favor of holding regular
meetings all winter.
It waa found upon com pari eg notes
that the chrysanthemums bad sus
tained no little damage by tbe early
rains, but that with care there could
still be enough saved to make a credit
able showing. There are without doubt
more and better varieties of chrysan
themums raised in Salem than ever
before, and a resolution offered by 31 r.
Waite that an exhibition be held waa
unanimously adopted.
A committee was appointed to select
a list of periodicals on floriculture, to be
subscribed for by the society.
Mrs. F. J. B ibeock waa elected as
sitant secretary, to aid Mrs. A. X
Moo res in her duties.
It waa decided to bold regular sessions
f tbe club tbe second and fourth Tues
days of each month at the Willamette
hotel parlors, beginning Tuesday even
ing .Nov. 14tb, at 730 o'clock. The fol
lowing literary program was reported
by tbe committee for tbe first meeting,
which will be presented after the regu
lar business sessien:
Introductory remarks U B.Moores
What we need Mrs. Brown
Song Mrs. trickier
."elec.ion Mrs. Raymond
Reading .Mrs. Burnett
Marion County Teachers' Examina
tions. Thoe present at the opening of the
quarterly examination at tbe state
hou?e yesterday were: Miles Reece.
Myrtle Tomlinson, Scotts Mills; H. E.
Derrick, Mehama; Orab P. Skinner,
Marquam; W. W. Henderson, John
McCourt, W. F. Brager, Minnie E.
Loose, Emiile A. Henry, Mary A.
Fraver, Watson Townsend, Salem;
M. Rudd, Ama Ro?$eiI, Lulu Gordon,
Fay Potloff", Silverton; Jas. G. Rich
ardson, Sublimity; Minnie Graves,
Newberg; R. L. Young, Alt- Angel; H
L. Savage, Stay ton; Mattie Longacxe;
Beuna Vista; C D Abbott, Rosedale.
Saturday Night Nov. 11th. We Will
Return Yhax&s.
Last evening Chairman I. L. Pat
terson and J. X. Smith of tbe Republi
can county and city committees decid
ed to bold a Republican ratification
meeting over the victory of. Tuesday on
the above date. There will be firing of
guns, music, speaking and torchlight
Will Reply. People will reply to
advertisements In The Journal. At-
! torney Fleming has bad 23 applications
I in response to a small advertisement
put in these columns a few days ago.
Latest Returns. John G. Wrizht
has just received the latest news from
the East. It consists of E tatero swi-s
cheese and salt fish of all kinds. Also
choice Butteville sweetwater graps.
A Race. It is nip and tuck aa be
tween time and the Look wood me-en-Rera.
Tbe latter get there when all
else is alow.
Manager Appointed.
At the directors meetiog of tbe San
tiam Lumbering company, at Mill City,
held Nov 3d the fallowing resolution
was passed: "Be it rosolved, by the
board of directors, that Thomas Sims,
ofHalem Is hereby appoluted general
buaiiieM manager forsaid corporation,
with full power and authority to act in
all matters pertaining to tbe Interests
of said company, from and afurthls
date. (Signed.) Lee? Brown. preideot;
John A. ShaV .secretary." 116-dl-wi
Course of High Grade Entertain
ments at the Salem First M.
E. Church
Next lecture In ours- (No. II) Wed
nesday evening, Nov. 15tb.
II. Dr. Cbas. Edwin Lake, Taylor
street church Portland, "Every Inch a
III. Dr. Arthur Brown, of First
Presbyterian church of Portland,
"Father Time."
IV. Rev. G. W. Grannts. "Funnv
Thing) In Dixie as Been by a Preach
er." V. Grand concert by KaU-m artists.
Course ticket Is (200. Single admis
sion la 50 cents. Tickets for rale at
Dearborn's bookstore and Altken's
grocery store, State street. H 3tf.
The only Puic Cream of Tartar Pomlcr No AramoKja; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Stamdard
r,nsf. Si.fnrrlT ic-ou a crroctk. cnivoea F!ttiu- nrtlfda wonf; Jlfc '
half price, just as advertized, and all buyers were more than
pleased. This will be continued for several das longer to
meet the demands of the trade. Call early.
Mrs. Mark Skiff.
291 Commercial Street.
P. S. Store closes at 7 o'clock p. m.
Local Correspondence from
In the Valley.
W. A. Rutherford returned from the
Eist last Saturday, on the overland.
He brought "a better half" with him;
a young lady from Kentucky.
G. Bowling has moved into tbe old
McCuIly bouse, two miles northwest of
Frank Wiseman has moved into the
house formerly occupied by Mr. Bow
ling. Mr. Bogga, of Albany, has moved
into the bouse formerly occupied by
Mr. Wiseman.
W. J. Hadley has moved into tbe
houe formerly occupied by Mr. Vau
Burin, aud J. C.Rickett has moved into
tbe bouse formerly occupied by Mr.
Hdley. These changes have all been
mad-? tbe past week.
A Campbellite minister began a series
of meetings at the Presbyterian cbnrcb
Wednesday night.
County Commissioners' Court.
Commissioners J. M. Watson aud J.
F. Anderson, with Judge W. C. Hub
bard, convened tbe November term of
the Mariou county commissioners'
court yesterday.
MUs Jennie Thornbury was granted
a scholarship in the Oregon state Agri
cultural college.
John B. Glesy was appointed con
stable for the Hubbard, Aurora, and
Butteville district.
Tbe assessment roll of County Asses
sor D. D. Ccfley for 1S93 was accepted
and turned over to the clerk.
Tbe bonds of John Scbollarn, con
stable of the Ciampoeg district, were
A petition for tbe appointment of A
W. Lawrence as justice of the peace of
the district of Aurora, Hubbard, and
Butteville orecincts, not granted.
In application of Mrs. Mary Snooks
for aid by county, $400 allowed.
A fine lot of childrens' caps, at the
New York Racket, at their usual low
prices. 2d-lw
For Rest A scholarship in Wil
lamette University. Apply at this of
11-9 If
Abound the Cormeb Gev around
the corner on groceries by trading with
Clark & Eppley the wide-awake Court
street grocers.
The fore of ladies and gentlemen
employed at tl e 8 item steam laundry
It a cmiit to any city, t n I th- people
should patronize that institution in
I reference to the China wash bouses.
The New York Racket Has re
ceived this week, a laree lot of goods
from New York, in the line of lace
curtains, table damask, ribbons, laces,
crash, fine fur ba's for men and boyB,
pants, shirts of all kinds, boots and
shoes, a fine lot of all these article",
with underwear for all ages, at very
low prices. Call and see. 2d-lw
Iron Ore S. Anett, who resides
five miles Si.utb of Ha'ern. brought In
some more specimens of iron ore, found
on his place. He has bad some as
sayed at tbe Oswego Iron works, and
tbey say it it Is fully as good as their
own ore. It showed 39.10 per cent,
W. H, 0. Social.
Social and literary Monday nigbt to
which tbe public are tnvited. Elegant
refreshments, a good program of recita
tions', speaking, and music all for 25
cenU. This Is tbe monthly entertain
ment for tbe relief fund and all who
can should attend. 11 0-3 1
The decision of Chief Justice W. P,
Lord Is of interest to every city inter-1
-.J . .. . 1 . T
es;eu m street iiuproveaieui. "
at rest the question of a city council's
power to assess property and collect!
M.d. Warren, respondent, "vs. M. C.
Crosby et al.,
appeal from Clatsop
county; judgment affirmed. Opinion
by Lord C. J. Tbe court held that the
general law passed at the last session
of tbe legislature providing for "a more
convenient mode of making assess
ments and collecting taxes" bad tbe
effect to repeal the provisions of the
Astoria charter investing the common
council of that city with power to assess
property and collect taxes for municipal
Under the provisions of tbe
general act the power of the city in
reference to taxation is confined to the
levy, the assessment and collection of
tbe city taxes now
devolves upon the
county officers.
Tbe decision of tbe court in state vs.
Wrieht, 14 Oregon 305 so far as it con
flicts with tbe opinion herein is over
ruled. Orderedthat the Portland Bridge case
be docketed for trial at this term at an'
early day.
Ask Your Friends
Who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla
what they think of it, aud the replies
will be positive In its favor. Simply
what Hoods Sarsaparilla does, tells tbe
story of its merit. One has Leen cured
of indigestion or dyspepsia, another
finds its indispensable for sick headache
or biliousness, -while others report re
markable cures of scrofula, catarrab,
rheumatism, salt rbeum,etc.
Hood's Pills are purely yegetable.
Rubbers with opera and common
sense heels, at Krausse Bros.
Good goods for the
least money at
Lincoln County Assessment Roll.
Tbe first assessment roll for the coun
ty of Lincoln was received at the cap
itol yesterday. This county was created
by the last legialaturu by taking a slice
ofi the west side of Benton county.
The summary shews:
109.599 acres of land $ 397,679
i!l,920 improved laud)
42 miles railroad track 172.800
rown lots
Improvements t
42 miles telegraph line
M-rcbandise and implements
Notes and accounts
Snares stock
239 011
Furniture etc 30.S7S
366 borees and mules 10,210
2 491 cattle 31
2,019 sheep and goats 4,019
302 swine 73
Gross value
Total taxable
$1,046 471
$ 960,752
A Weak Digestion
strange as it may seem, is caused
from a lack of that which is
never exactly digested -!. The
greatest fact in connection with
cott's Emulsion
annenre nt thicruMnt it 5c .a...
digested fat and the most
weakened digestion is quickly
bircngmenea Dy it.
TJie only possible help
in Cottsjtmption is the
arrest of waste and re
newal of new, healthy
tissue. Scott's Emulsion
has done wonders in Con
sisztptionjust this way.
Prpsr4 br Seoul. 1.' 3C.U.Y. AUdrasrlrts.
Kunrex brothers
Manutartare Standard Pressed Brick,
Molded Brick tn ail PatUms far Kronu
and supply ths brick lor the New RaJeai City
"Jarvu nr rVniuoiiary, Salem, Or, mw I
Largest and Best Assortment
100UEl Jlii STQRS,
The men who bad tbeir pensions cut I
ofr tthnnt hMnn. n-.m hrH frnm
i ib waa uuk JCUflluust Ul Slltef icjtlj
' " " lB" IUIU imBW-
f"J "' wullueuu" Bre"
jnu j. ucauaj t eu uiucu tus x n uutcouuic
fear of free trade.
Tbe Indian war veterans will bold a
meeting in Portland on Saturday, the
10th. Officers for the ensuing year will
be elected and other business will be
Linen and Turkish bath towels, nap-
kins, and doylies, at tbe New York
, Racket, cheap. 2d-l w
Bid3 Wanted.
For painting on reform school work,
J P to v- 10th, 1S93, at the office of
, v- Knighton, architect, Where plans
ana specifications can be seen.
10-30-iw A. J. Hazell, contractor,
A Republican Party in Town.
The Republican party got off the 11:1
train today. He was eight feet tal
His knee came up to tbe six-foot Jour
nal reporter's belt. He was a black
Republican party, nearly three feet
broad across tbe shoulders and 106
inches around the chest. Following
conversation ensued on tbe street car:
"How tall are you?"
"I don't know. I am still growing."
"Where did you come from?"
"Ohio, of course."
"How long were you growing to be
of such an immense size?"
"Ob, 1 was always a healthy Infant.
But I have grown several feet since
last Tuesday, and expect to grow sever
al laches a day until the official returns
are in."
He Is a travelling, colored athlete
connected with a dog show. If be
gives an exhibition at Salem all will
want to see this gigantic type of 1S9H
Republican majorities.
Do not suffer lrom si k headache a raomen'
longer. It Is not nec.s ary. Carter's tattle
Uver Pills will cure you. lxwe, oue little pill.
Small price, hmali dose. Bmall pill.
lira. Cbas. Smith ot Jiraes, Ohio, wrltrs:
I h ive ued everj remedy for alc& headache
I could hear of lor the nasi tlnen iwsnt. but
Cater'UiU Liver Hlla did meiuoreeood
than il the rest.
I ave-no equalas a
ipromptandpositlve cure
ml oubnii-, tomttualUtn,
1 r hick I'caaxcae. mi ouban, i-ouittus
pain in Carter's
1.UU0 uver rum.
Try them.
Headquarters for all daily papers, at
J. L. Bennett's post office block uowb
stand, tf
HOUSE Painting, Decorating,
11 Hard Wood Finishing,
Can elve good reference. Estimates furnish
ed. Address, Ueo. Juchstnrh. falem. Kesi
dence on -alem Motor iUIlurny. Itorlu Salem
LeYeordertatttleiuer&UtoRtr. umd
Kntes, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day
The beat hotel between Portland aad Ban
Krancuoa. Klrst-clasa In all lu appointment.
IU table are served with the
Choicest Fruits
Urown In the Willamette Valley.
A. I. WARNER. Prop
i And I have started a "CDbTOM H0U8K" ot
S? n,.?.'isu,te . t Commercial,
where I will 1m pleased to meet my old cnU
nie. and plenty ot new oner In want ot
Uon!i.or 'hoe' .yood flu, jo-d maurUt and
cood honest work.
Demands Mackintoshes,
for ladies and gentlemen,
full value.
0vet8 and pants. The best goods on
quoted for cash.
Willis Bros, for a great deal less money.
cash Drioea.
-uaieai aij les, correct irtmmlugs, elegant colorings.
,L iV L,iBJS'?I0!1.D
havq tbe line and their priow are right.
FOB RKNT. A iarm of 70 acni H mils
lrom the city, partly tn nop, inqnlreor
B. J. Fleming. Over Basil's bank. ll-l-M-i.
4-OTerneu In nrintu famtw
Most bo able to teach music sod boob
keeplnr. Apply to Mm. John Htijmtrfcl.
care Hotel Monterey. Pctofflc, Newport, Or,
WaNTKD Pn-hlDr eanTa'ter of cood ti.
dreaa. Liberal salary and expeuie pild
wetkly Permanect position BR0WH
BBt. Co., Nuneryznao, Portland, Orfrnn.
107 lm
THIS PAPEB U kept on Hie at E. a Dke'i
Advertising Agency. 61 and 63 Merchants
Kxchan;e. San i"ranein-o, California, where
contracts for ad vertlslnz can be made for u.
kinds on sale at 333 Liberty street.
of all
strides have been made In
klarice the past year or twoj Best exam'
oiesonu- proeress yon will una in oar
lock. All thelatt and newest Ihlnn ex-
luat are represented In our attractive.
show windows, with prces attacnea
Call and see them. It will reDar yrra,
People are mshlnr to avail themselves.
or our ofier on these goods.
Patton Bros.,
Chatwin House.
J un fcuth of the Methodist Church, in Salem,
Kverythtng new and clean. Tables served
with the be.n of everything In the market.
Special attention to commercial iravellsrs.
MeaU25cU, Board and lodging lrom M.00
week up. Free uie of piano.
The Oregon Land Co.,
At "alem, U engaged In sellintr fruit lands
In In vicinity orearera. Oregen, where more
fruit la now growing than in any part of tbe
lO-lS-Joi Managers.
The Rustler Wood Snr
And he doesn't burn up half your wood, In
fuel, when ho uiwt It. Make yoar contracts
with him personally or leave orders at Veatcbs
cigar store Dearborn's book store,36 Hummer
street, or address me by mail. 6-11 u
Connecting and Primary Classes open
Monday, Sept. 25Ui,
or. Court and Liberty streets, opposite oper
For teachers and mothers will begin October
Sd. at the same place.
For particulars apply to
Mrs. P. S. Knight,
CU and see us when you want one. Mackintoshes
Prices tba lowest. Our boya f 5 00 micalntosb U
the market, at the lowest prices ever
when you can get the same goods at
A good Hue of durable shoes at low
wet, comforter, etc Tbey