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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1893)
a . l:i.4w.JMlil!t 4 ,; ,r SEE t'lVBiOENT BookCoupon n wpjT A T a ci a 'I' IT ll1i a V v' -eii - - -JsaL. . J. m.M JOURNAL, " I ' J SAT U I (DAY. SATUBDAY, J s VOL. 0. "TID13 VlOVliW8 PAPJSIL" HALISM, UlULtOUK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 1893. "TO-BAY'S 2TEWS TO-DAY." NO. 145. i K - ' ffihJSaaasBMPFrr-jireJ,f J ULY 4 And pooplo will bo made happy, but in tho rnoantimo if you wish to cure the Blues, call around at the CASH stere: And whon you find how little money it takes to buy a Suitof Clothes, a Pair of Shoes, or a Dress for the Family You will surely smile, and say: "WHAT FOOLS WE MORTALS BE" That we have not always traded with J. W. THOMAS, 297 Com'l, St., SALEM, sfflLRitt TUdflyi T-Ijr: .C---"; J " lESTAUrirr fll. iHHI V Pis? &8 III "''r' W H Keeping Pace With the Times. Have your business accounts kepi in PERFECT books, such are The Frcy Patent Flut Opening Books. Books tbat are worthy of tbe patronage and praise of the Government Of ficials of tbe Stale of Oregon, and tbe greater portion of tbe mercbantilo men of the State, are surely deserving: of a trial by everyone. Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co., Proprietors ot THE CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Binders to tbe State of Oregon, Printers and Litbogrupbers, Salem, Oregon. 500,000 OSWEGO FALL 1892, We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental, Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class in oyery respect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, j&3T'Mention. this paper. Oswego, Oregon. H. W. COTTLE & CO., General Insurance Agency. Representing tke following well-known and reliable Cempanies: STATE INBURANOK CO., .(Etna Insurance Co., Traders' Insurance Co., Hun insurance Co.. National Insurance Co., Westchester Hire Ins. Co., Lion fire Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance O., London x Lancashire Fire Ins. Boa, London Assurance Corporation, Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.tJoe. Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance. J. W. TflORNBURG, THE UPHOLSTJtiRER. Recovers ani repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbeineketa street CHURCHILL Spraying OMfiis. r 103 BURROUGHS State Street. T T UADT LEADING MERCHANT ii I nrin i , tailor. 247iCOMMEROIAL STREET. El b. C. JiHfe, Choice Meats. Will , fs. fir? Yoii Goingiothe Sea Shore? Bible students should ?pt one of tbose Oxford Bibles for summer Cha- uuqua circles and camp meetings. Fdrty styles. PATTOX BROS., Salem, Oregon. TREES ! NURSERIES. SPRING, 1893. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats ef allliiads OS Court and 110 State Streets. Cross, be Celebratec at Salem SALEM MARKETS. Wheat 60c per bushel. Oats 3540o per bushel. Potatoes 50C0c per bushel. Flour 13. GO per bbl. Brau (Sacked) (18.00 per ton Shorts (Backed) (20.00 per ton. Beans, white, 3o per lb. Egs IGo per dozen. Chickens 8 to 10c per lb. Chopped feed (Sacked) $20.00. Ducks 12Jc per lb. Geese 7o per lb. Turkeys 10c per lb. Lard 12J15o per lb. Butter 2530c per pound Beef 712jo dressed, Veal 10 to 12Jc, dressed. Pork 712c dressed . Wool 1518o per lb. Hops 1415o per lb. Simmons Liver Regulator Is my on ly family madicine. Rev. S. M. Rol lins, Fairtleld, Va. Young Mothers! We Otter Ton m Remedy -whloh Insures Safety to Lite ot Mother and Child. "Mother's Friend" Sobs Confinement ot its Pain, Horror And JUsk. After using- one bottle of "Mother's Friend" I suffered but little pain, and did not experi ence that weakness afterward usual in such cases. lira. Annie Gaoe, Lamar, Mo. Sent byexpresf, enures prrpald. on receipt of price, per bottle. Book r'To Mother!" milled free. BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Bold by all druggists. Atlanta, Oa. NKW ADVKKTI8EMKNT8. Grand Concert Ily the Wonderful Musical Prodigies, TDE BEASEY CHILDREN Concert Company, Thursday and Friday Etenbgs, Juno 22(1 and 23d. Popular Prices, 25 cents and 60 cento. Beats on sale at Fatton's. WANTED. A lady wishes A situation as nurse, day or night,- Inquire first dor north Dr Kpleys. North Halem. 6-21-81 PvY UP AND HAVE CCHTS.-A11 persons owing me, notes or accounts that are overdue, of t5oo or under, pleate pay up ana ava costs. JOHN HA.VA.ati.iJr. 6-21-dw lw rwn RENT. Two roms suitable for light Jj housekeeping. Alto furnished bedroom and barn, cheap. 13 Court St., two blocks west of Uomnvjrcml street. S-lo-j)t f: lOH HALE. A very nicely located lot, with bouse, on Mill street south ot Willamette) university For terras and particulars, please inquire at this oOUce. 6-W-im KM WANTKO.-Asenu paid a good com- tber ruiBBiuu. nuu pwu ui.mcna mivu em next winter. Brxlal attractions 10 be pushed this year for which we want tbe ser Tlceof best agents every wn ere. TIlEcUBTlH lUBUHHlHO 00 Iloom Sit, Chronicle Ublldlag, Ban Vraoclsco. 3-1UIB PArEK is kept on file at E. O. Duke's Advertlilng Agency, M and eo Merchants xcbange.Banlrranolsro, California, where oontraer for advertising can be made for It. CHHIHTIAN HCIKNCE Literature of all kinds on sale at 328 Liberty street. -&-ly ATTENTIONCasb money paid tor rags, butUea.old Iron and all khdt of metals, aiso hides, at old Court House, Halera. ' 1. TOLPOLAR. BAGGAGE SALE. Tbe undersigned will sell at tbe Bargeant Ixxlring House Id Opera Uooae block, July 1S.1MR. An rone having bsaguge there U re qunted to get mb before sale. 8-lMir WM. BAROEAMT . THE PACIFIC. DBTECTIYE AND COLLBCnNG BDRBAD BA.l,BIVf, - - Oregon Private work a specialty. 0. U, CLBMCM Tf Maaar. OPINION OP TWO POPES. Tho Popo of Italy and tho Popo of Vermont. PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND SHERMAN LAW Opposed to tho Annexation of tho Hawaiian Islands. Baltimore, June 21. Cardinal Gib gons baa given au associated Press oal clal a translation of the Pope's encycli cal to archbishops Mid bishops of the United Btatea on the noted Parochial School controversy. The Encyclical urges that Catholic schools be most sed ulously promoted, leaving It to the con science and Judgment of the ordinary to decide according to circumstances when it Is lawful and unlawful to at tend publlo Bchools. While publio school? are not to be condemned en tirely, still every endeavor should be made to multiply and advance Catho lic schools. Edmunds Interviewed. Nkw York, June 21. An Interview with ex-Senator George F. E'lmunds is printed in which he says: "I have not a doubt but the operation of the Sher man law too, helped brlug about the present crisis. I think it would be well to go back to tbe currency law which existed before the present bank law, towit, gold coined at mint free of charge, silver also coined on payment of seignorage by owner of bullion, and if not enough for needs of currency are presented the secretary of the treasury to be authorized to buy sufficient quan tities. In tills way the demand and supply regulated itself and silver was not' driven out of use, I do not believe in dispensing with silver. If such an arrangement cannot oe made, why not fix a new ratio be tween gold and silver, based on the present market value, no such ratio be permanent. It would have to be changed from time to time as produc tion of gold or silver increased, bull think a fair ratio ll.xed now would last twenty years. I am not In favor of an nexing Hawaii, but I think we should take good cure no other nation gets the Islands. Two Morn California Banks. Los Angeles, Cul , June 21. The Southern California National bank and Los Angeles Nallonal bank, here have closed their doors. Later in the day the Broadway bank and East Side bunhs closed their doors. Tbe First Kutioqal announced that withdrawals the last few days exceeded six hundred thousand dollars. Bank Examiner Gerberdlng says the run on tbe banks is senseless and that they are all fully solvent. Another Town. San Diego, Cul., June 21. Shortly before noon the Consolidated National and Savings bank of San Diego closed ltsdoorp. A statement Issued says tbat assets are largely In excess of lia bilities. Out Rates West. Chicago, Juno 20. The Great Northern put the knlfo into tbo trans continental rates again today by an nouncing a rate of (51 first-class and $33 second class from St. Paul to Ban Fran cisco. This includes berth and meals on the steamer from Seattle to-Han Francisco. This will drug tbe Union Pacific into tbe light, unless that road is prepared to sacrifice its Portland business. The Atchison announced it would put Into tfleet at once a round trip rate of one and one-third fair from Texas points to Chicago and return. Tillamook News. Tillamook. June 21. Au insurance adjuster is here. New buildings are being started. The steamer Eimore baa arrived with provisions. Yesterday evening tbe steamer Har rison started to tow the lumber schoon er Del Norte of Ban Francisco over the Nebalem bar. Both tbe steamer and schooner went aground on tbe south spit of the north channel. The crews are safe, and it Is hoped tbat tbe boats will be gotten oft at blgb tide tonight. Stanford Dead. Mknlo Paiik, Cal., June 21. Sena tor Stanford died at 1:20 o'clock tbls morning. He p&Hbed away peacefully In bU sleep at nisretiiaenceairaio Alto. It has been evident for some lime that tbe senator's demise was a question ot but a abort time. His symptoms were apoplectic and bis weight was Increas ing alarming. Chief Justice Fitzgerald U named aa bis possible euoceworlu the senate. Bad Fire Loss. DULUTit, Minn,, Juno 21. Tho five story Bunnell building, containing four saloons, two newspaper plants, with living rooms above, containing twenty people, burned nftor midnight. Four dead bodies arc already taken out. It Is believed tbreo more are in tbe ruins, dead: Mary Ford, sou Robert, Eliza beth Maybor and daughter Colla. Monoy Ions, $40,000. Murder in Spain. Madrid, Juuo 21. Tbo greatest ex citement prevails as a result of a dyna mite explosion near tbe bouso of ex Prlmo Minister Castollo, last night. A number of persons were killed and many wounded. It Is believed tbo ex plosion Is tbe work of tbe Barcelona dynamiters, tbe revolutionists there be ing very active of late. The President Appoints. Washington, D. C, June 21.- Tbo president has appointed 0. B. Howry, of Mississippi as assistant attorney-general. LIZZIE BORDEN FREE Jury Bring in a Verdict of ac quittal. OCT AN HOUR AND TWENTY MINUTES Tke Defendant Declined to Speak to the Jury, New Bedford. Mass., June 21. At the opening of tho Borden trial District Attorney Knowlton resumed bis argu ment in behalf of the commonwealth. He addressed himself to tho motive for tbe murder. He pointed out tbe enmi ty of Lizzie toward her stepmother as a sufficient motive for ber murder, and said her killing necessitated tbe killing of her father, a stern man, who knew of tbe enmity and who loved bis dead wife. Tho only way for Lizzie to posel bly escape punishment lay In killing her father. This theory is the only one which would consistently account for the double murder taking place over the period of an hour and half between tho acts. Tbe speaker continued, arguing tbat tbe silk dress produced by tbe defend ant was not the dress worn at tbe time of tbe murder. Tbe two versions of tbe burning of defendant's dress were lireo oncllllablo. Ho discussed defendant's conduct since tbe murder. He declared the story of the quarrel, told by Matron Itogan and afterward denied by ber, about a quarrel'between the Borden sis ters was true. Ho said tho production of tbo hatchet was no part of tbe gov ernment's caso. He closed with an eloquent appeal to tbe jury. Tbe court then took a recess. On reassembling the defendant was given an opportu nity to speak. She said : "I am Inno cent, but I will leave my case In your bands and with my counsel." Justice Dewey then charged tbe jury. Ho defined tbe different degrees of murder, and stated the presumption of innocenco wan Increased by defendant's character. There must be a real and operative motive. Tbe Judge further charged the jury to weigh the evidence to see whether tbe defendadts's permanent stale of mind showed a motive for the crime. Every material allegation In tbo indict ment must be proved beyond a reason able doubt; that Is, to a moral certain ty. Ho compared the direct and cir cumstantial evidence. He said tbe failure to prove a helpful fact might not be. Lizzie's statements about tbe note wero discussed at length. He said they must be satisfied they were false. Every fact proved must be reasonably consistent with guilt. Tbe government did not show that anybody else bad an opportunity to commit tbe crime, but must prove (ho defendant committed It, Tbe jury must reason as to tbe ef fect of tbe defendant's conduct and statements. Tbey were not to conolude by expert testimony, but were to apply to It a reasonable Judgment. Tbey might convict if satisfied tbe act was done by another party.but tbat defend ant was present, aiding and abetting. The fact that defendant did not testify should not Influence them against ber. The Justice concluded but charge to tbe Jury at 3:10. The jury acquitted Lizzie Borden or murder. The jury was out an bour and twen ty minutes. j i i n mam Wanted. Girl for general bouse work. Must be capable of taking full charge. Enquire 243 Union street cor, Cottagt strtet, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report Rofcd .! ABSOLUTELY PURE REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. It. B. Bice and wife to Wm. Stretch; 4 acres in sec. 29, 1 0 a r 3 e, (100. L. F. Mascber and wife to J. A. Hicks, 15.72 acres In sees. 3 and 4 1 7 s, r 1 w, G28. F. and T. Rosner to Theo. Klrsob; lots 5 and 0, b 0, Mt. Angel, $200. O. L. Thompson and wife to Alex. McKay; 68.20 acres In sec. 21, 1 10 a, r 3 w, 1,000. ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY. W. J. Arkell, publisher of Judge and Frank Leslie's Illujtrated Newspaper, w n f "Jddoe Building, no, ) itb St., 14, 1801. J Cor. Fiftb Ave. and 16tb New York, Jan About three weeks tilnce, while suf fering from a severe cold which had settled on my chest, ,1 applied an All cock's Porous Plaster, and In a short lime obtained relief. "In my opinion, these plnsters should be In every household, for use In. case of coughs, colds, sprains, bruises, or pains of any kind. I know that In my case the results have been entirely satisfac tory and beneficial." Blob golden Jersey milk Is being sup plied by tbe dairy of B. J. Sharpe. Torpid liver Is cured by TUTP8 PILLS. BBAWBERRY FESTIVAL. On Thursday evening, June 22d, the St. Joseph's society will have a festival and band concert, besides other amuse ments on tbe lawn adjoining tbe Catbo llo church. They extend a cordial In vitation to all. Admission free. 0-20 3t Will positively cure slok headache and prevent its return. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Tbls la not talkj but truth. One pill a dose. See advertisement. Small Pill. Small dose. Small price. Pain from Indigestion, dyspepsla,and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of Carter's Little Liver Pill Immediately after dlnuen Don't for get tbls. If you are tired taklug tho largo old fashioned griping pills, try Carter's Lit tle Liver Pills and take somo comfort. A man can't stand everything. One pill a dose. Try tbem, Drop in and look over F. S.Dear born't Circulating Library. He baa oyer 2000 paper and cloth bound books to select from. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed t Castorbv Before Going to the World's Fair Enquire About Tbe Limited Express trains of tbe Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway between St. Paul and Chicago and Omaha and Chicago. ' These trains are vestlbuled, electrlo lighted and steam heated, with tbe fin est Dluing and Sleeping Car Service In the world, Tbe Electrlo reading light In each berth Is the successful novelty of tbls progressive age. and Is highly appreciat ed by all regular patrons of this line. We wlsb others to know lis merits, as tbe Chicago Milwaukee &. St. Paul Ball way Is tbe only lino in tbe west enjoy ing the exclusive use of tbls patent. For further Information apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, or address C. J. Eddy, General Agent, J. W. CABEY,Trav. Pass. Agt. 226 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf Any lime 1 tbe rlcht time i for everybody to I urinic WS.z'Root i Beer A temperance drink. A home-made drink. A health-giving drink. A thiret-fluetichfasr drink. A driuk that w popular everywhere. Beucww, Spu-UlRft EfJencsaat- I A cent BAekmn Kmku c mIIhii ef tblil I dtlldoui Uvui(. Don') U dtccltrtd lis dttUr, 1 tut ins mi M urgsr proM, twu you sons otmr ' kind ! ,Jui i gio4 ' 'U fU. Ne Imlutkai i U ss food M A fsaulM Hun, J ((p'-ttyl) iu J Baking' Powder PERSONAL GOSSIP. Sir William Pink ia one of tho few English grocers who have ever been knighted. In a poll taken, among tbe editors of France by Tho Petit Journal aa to who In their opinions should constitute the "real Academy" Zola led with 1 ,103 votes. ' Mr. Gladstone is ono of tbose people) " who do not destroy letters. Thovcner-' able statesman is said to havo a collec tion of 00,000 lottcrs deposited in a strong room at Hawarden costlo. Ex-Senator T. W. Palmer of Michigan is considering plans for the Investment of 500,000 of his own fortune to bo de voted to the advancement of women who have to earn their own llvjng. Dr. P. H. Reiche of Wavorly, Md.', has ' a bronze medal which was struck by congress to commemorato tho valorous charge of Colonel John Eager Howard Jan. 17, 1781, at tho battlo of Cowpens. j Tho Duko of Parma spends all the In como of Chambord on tho famous castle of that estate, and since tho death of tho Comto Chambord, Ids undo, is said to havo used $100,000 yearly in keeping it in repair. i. Thomas Duffin of South Lincolnshire, England, was 06 years of ago last Janu ary. Ho has a son, Qeorge Duffln, who Is 72; a grandson, George Dulfln, who is 47i a great-grandson, Joseph Duffln.who ., Is 23, and a great-great-grandson, George ' Duffln, aged 6. 1 Tho twin brothers Darius and Cyrus' Cobb of (Boston, who are 60 years old, look so much alike that their own chil dren often mistake them. Thoy married' sisters. Darius is a sculptor, and Cyras is a painter. William Hunt, the artist,' once styled them"Sorious" and "Deliri ous." FA8HION'S FANCIES. Pearls, brilliants and spurious jewels of ovory description are used to trim fashionable hats and bonnets. Many of tho shot textiles this season aro very beautiful, but tho oifect in soma of tho new changeable goods is vulgar- lzod by Introducing upon tuelr changing surfaces hugo stripos and figures. J Thcro Is a choice variety of soft, sheer woolons, armurcs, crapes, surahs and bengallncs in tho now shado called, "stroot hollotropo," which la far more dainty than tho original tints in this color. ' Noprottior fabrics aro shown among cottons than tho percalinea and the! VTvAnnYi anA RAfjli .cnlivii d merlin ma They are now woven so wide that they can bo made into seamless skirts with selvages at the top and hem. j Somo of tho new bouso jackets aro mado with a- simple round waist to which is applied a gathered flounce of silk or laco, which falls over tbe dress skirt to tho depth of about 13 inches. 1 There Is a. capo collar tbat is also fin ished with a frill of laco. ! 1 Blouse waists with bolts all around and round waists with blouso fronts and girdles aro favorite corsages on imported dresses of light toxturo, such as cfapa lino, laco, veiling, challie, India silk and tbo delicate somidlaphanous old fash" ioned lawns and muslins that aro rivlved by leading modistes. New York Even ing Post , ' Home Madh Bread. It is the best of course, and especially when made of tbo Salem Ml Is flour, which is ao-1 know led ed tbe best In tbe world. nir z a as r-TTf. Hh UUII I AMI- I I r- I III- "H.UI.HL. a-fjj Rates, $3.50 to $5.00 per Dy The beet hotel between Portland aid BaaV V.n.l.iu Ulna. aIam I., al, l.i. a.knAlH.n..B,a V .I.NI.-IWU, VMBFirHMH. tB U r I tm J 'fVIHI , ! im huiis ro servca whs im Choicest JFruittt drawn la the WMasasUs V Jlejr. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. W1SC0S1N CENTRAL LINES. tNorthirn P.tUc R. R, Co., Lm.m.) UTEST TIME CARD, Two Through Trains Dally. titfpm i.-aopai IftlAftin 160pm T.ltaMi &33pin 7ll6lD) t-lJH)tn 7.aBin I Minn. a I ..-MtlMUl... StSBikM tUuluths ll.eSMN 1 . Ashland. HMus (..Chleatfe Mfs-w lej&ftB) Tickets sold and bassac eheeked thwsfc to all points la tbe United (Hale acid CwiK Clee connection wed la Ubtaaae with m traiss vBiBa; nasi ana noma. Korlull lBferasatlea apply to ear &3: lie aw v. wm, rait. ana it. a$v o - 0,1 tfj -f v. VJ1 tr o i "ii -N i ' ;-Vi...,Wj