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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1893)
'rrr .-"- !' m I? JOVJflNJrfO- CAPITAL JOUHNAL, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1893. m0mhmmimm uMMmtfrnamfatmm SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Wo ftfo now prepared to show tho nowtisfc, largoet and best litio of Summer Dress Ooods, tHE BEST L1NB OF BROUAUED HATJfiJSJN, PLAIN BLACK SATEEN, PT,AIM W.ACiK OHALL1E. EIGU11ED and PLAIN BATISTS, CORDED TAFETTA, SATIN GLACE, 8ATIN GLOEIA. Gold Watch and Beautiful set of DATISOIAN CORD, SATIN PONGEE, SATIN RAYE, STTWO GUTS.' Elegant Ladles' Hllver waro alvr n away Benternber 1st. Our Shoo f tock is still going at cost. All now goods and good quality. TUC DAI APP DRY GOODS I nt rAUUt and shoe company; 307 Commercial Street. - if - VouHroolDglto, "build or make any Kind of Iraproremoat, call ou (lie underfilled lor matorlnl. We have a com pleto iitock, and are ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer work, gradlnr, etc. . Salem Improvement Co. An Apolooy. By an error the JouiiNAii referred to Ruv. O. L. Keller man as coming from Russia. It should have been from Prussia. No one ever heard of a Russian getting off such sou tlmentr, as be expressed from his pul pit Sunday morning on the occasion of his Memorial service' Several Russians have called to ask a correction of the error on behalf of tho Americans who were former subjects of the czar. An . apology Is due tho Russians for the misprint. It is well to add that Mr. Kellerman will find no Prussian In tuls country or abroad to endorse his sentiments. TifK Lanninq Defalcation. Pre vious tojtbe appointment of the reoelver four attachment suits were begun against the private property of Capt. Lannlng, one by JurrTcs Isom, for fll, 940;onoby James Laurent for (6544; . one by Cbas. PfelHer for $1500 and one wsvbytbe JCj,na County bank for $1800. NjSgyrhere was also filed two mortgages by ?JP lBott,i one to E. W. Langdon for I ttofi-yjia oaa ln - A. Archibald for i&tW. coyerlag tho real estate of the mortgagor. t Bkjyolk TitACK. Old cinder track built by the Cbeinokctu Bloyilo club at a cost of $300, la to bo repaired. It OOUld be put In flue condition by wheel aorn contributing small amounts say 26 and 60 cents apiece. It would be u resort of numorous wheelmen in the cool summer evenings, and should bo encouraged by all who desire to seo our city parks Improved. Bi'KoiAii Euitionb. Tho pamphlet editions of tho road laws and fish game laws, Including Inst session's laws, tiro now completed by tho Htuteprlntor.and any of your readers may obtain a copy of the road laws or Ilsh mid game laws, or both. Bend a 2-ceut stamp aud your address to Frank C. Baker, state printer. Vbtkran Fay. Tho grand army people gave three cheers for Veteran Fay at their banquet Tuesday. He was In both tho Union aud Mexican armies, Is 81 years old and marched out to tho cemetery uud back, refusing to ride. PERSONAL AND LOOAL. WmHIIleary of Turner is In town. Congressman's Hermann 1b in Balcm. Fred Byars came up from Portland this morning. B. C. Rejd of tho millinery emporium Is In San Francisco to buy somo stock to tide over the spring rush. Co. I, the new militia company, meets at tho Armory tonight for drill. Two car loads of stoves wero sent out from the state foundry in May. W. M. Wirt, Balem's former nursery man, Is located at 1316 Gorsllno street, Denver. A desirable property for salo on easy terms. Will tako carpenter work for purt payment. Geo. M. Beeler. A marrlago license has been Issued to Miss Mlnnlo Cronk and Archio B. Buchtel. W. W. Culver, supervisor of roads to to tho south, was In tho city today. Albeit, a 14-year-old son of Bon Jones at Brooks, bad his arm dislocated this morning. He fell while running. A Miss Snyder in tho Hughes-D'Aroy block is quito low from consumption. Capt. 8. E. Ormsby was In the city today en routo from MoMlnnvllln. where he was orator on Memorial day. One drunk and two tramns trot sen. lences of fifteen days and free meals and lodging. Rov. Q. M. Irwin, a Salem Methodist minister, was WHAT ORAND ARMY MEN SAY. Some of their Remarks on Kell'erman's "Memorial'' Sarvlce. Ed, Burton! "It was unbecoming to any nil ulster of the gospel." Capt, Ormsby "You seem to havo preachers' In Balern who do not under stand their business. Hols neither a stateman nor a philosopher. The Jouhnal condemnation Is none to se vere." J. P. Bauudersen: "It is to bo con demned In unmeasured 'terms. Hoof furred his services and bis church to tho O. A. R. They had already accept ed another, Ho felt badly put out, but that Is no excuse." Jas. M, McCormlcks "Ho Invited the grand array men and their families there for the purpose of insulting them. The depondent pension bill was enact ed by Democratic voles." J. E. Bennett: "He'd ought to be transported back to Prussia." Capt. Shermau: "If ho had preached that sermon two months before or nftor Memorial day no one would havo paid any uttentlon to it. As It was it was a direct insult to Union soldiers." A Veteran: "Before a man attacks the records of tho veterans he better have his own record clear." Capt. Regers: "Even Cleveland will repudiate such sentiments, if he knows all the facts," Comrade Decker: "You stated only two went out. More went. I sat pret ty well in front and the first pass ho made at the Grand Armv I left. As I wont out, I said; I won't sit and listen to any such G d preaching as that. I said It loud enough to be heard and expected to be urrested for it. But I wasn't." Comrade Ferbes: "My wife heard him aud she felt so badly about it she tried to keep it away from me. I have heart disease and she was afraid it would brlug it on. But I heard all about it from others. Comrade Campbell: "He said there wus not a statesman in our countrv one-tenth the equal of Cleveland." Commander Cressan: "That fellow ought not throw stones at the grand army or anyone else. Ho lives in a glass house himself." Jackson H. Smith was so wrought up over the remarks that he did not sleep all that night and could not well speak calmly about the sermon. Geo. W.'Davis: "Politics or relleion havo no business In a memorial dav ad dress. It is in reality a funeral service. The exercises of the day should be en tirely devoted to the memory of the dead." Finley Perrlne: "I want to con gratulate you on your vigorous trcat- Oarter Respited. Aurora, Missouri Advertiser: "0. R. Carter, who was sentenced to be bang ed at Mt. Vernon for the murder of Robert Crockett, has been given anoth er respite and allowed at least thirty more days to live, in order to have his case Investigated more thoroughly, as Governor Stone on Tuesday afternoon, Issued a stay of execution until June 23. This is the third resnlte emu ted In the Carter case. Havlug been convict ed upon purely circumstantial evidence, there Is much doubt In the minds of many people as to his guilt," LETTER LIST. The following letters remaining In the Baletn postoillco Juue 1, 1893, un called for. Those calling for them pleaso say "advertised1" Allman Juo H Blount Ben. Campbell Mrs M Charlton Sudie Carver E R Dasen J Plunders A T Hoge 8 E Hull Joe Kollar J S Lytton Ed McClure VV. N May W H Pearee A Rose Jas R Sargent Jno A Wood Mrs E E West W W Warner T M Brooks W H Bernheim-A B Capf Henry Craven Jessie Carmean Foster Davis G M Urifllu B Hunt H M Hill W F KibeloMiss Maria McCoy Clarence Morey G C 2 Porter Cbas Ross Christian Reary Fabler Bauford Geo Wecsner Elwood Waters Jennie Zinn CE A. N. GILBERT, P. M. Sarsaparilla idle or Hood's Cures. In savine that Hnnd'a cures, its proprietors make no extravagant claim. Statements from thoUHauds of reliable people of what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for Ihem conclusively prove the fact HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES. Hood's Pills act especially upon the uvei, ruusiug it irom torpiaity to its natural dlltlPH. curt, cnnnllnnllnn nnri assist digestion. AMONG THE6EMS. orous in conception, disloyal in utter ance and with less charity than a savage. SUPREME 00URT. BAlkm, May 31, '03. Tho Commercial National bank of Portland, Oregon, reap, vs. The City ot i-oruauu, app.; appeal from Multuo mah couuty; argued and submitted. Ggo, H. Durham att'y for resp; W. T. Mulr att'y for app. m Hawks & Lovar, State. ' R.C .. n.ttl I I . .. a. .-. A .uuuiuiini j-zuv urmnr nt , -0. ,.v., LaGrande. Ho delivered a patriotic mento'he Kellerman performance. address. -it.ari.Kace: "Unkind to tho memory Napoleon Davis, of Salem. .Illvn,.i r"dead, unjust to tho living, trail tho Memorial day address at Chemawa. He Is a Democrat, but suld there was nothing too good that the country could do for tho veterans of tho Union army. Hawks & Levur, paper hangers, 07 Stnto. A homo product it comneten with the world nover disappoints 'ipritlo of Oregon" Hour, made only by the Baiem Aims, but sold everywhere. Mrs. M. E. Potter, of South Salem, has gono to Portland. Her friends suy sho will talio unto herself a husband out of (ho numerous and highly respect- auiu jounson family. A team belonging to 8. O. Ramp, of Turner, was frightened this morning by nu eleotrlo cur on btato streot nud Biimshed a hack all to pieces in trvluc to not aw ay. Street work Is being pushed with hobos, and the street commissioner hns tho south npproaoh to Commercial streot viaduct in good shape. The east side walk will bo completed across tho bridge In a short tlmo. I Hawks & Levar, wall paper, 07 State. FOURTH OP JULY. The Work Began ior a Proper Observ ance of cho Day. Columbian Independence dav will in. celebrated at Salem. There was a cood attendance of wide awake Balemitcs at Hotel Willamette last night for thut purpose A committee consisting of W. G. Westaeott, E C. Cross, Jap Mlnto.aud C. W.Hawks wasappolnted on finances. They are tho kind of men who will leave nothing undone to make It a suc cess. State tournament, July races, cole bratlon, motor hues, no failures. paper haugers, 07 Rloh goldeu Jorsey milk Is being sup plied by the dulry of B. J. Bharjw? ' KELLER & SONSMCORNER, Had a good tlmo yesterday, didn't you? Yes we saw you in tho crowd. You will have a better time aud enjoy wore solid comfort if you invest iu one of our Urge easy rockers. Consider eosifort above everything else. A few mjuutee rest after dinner Is what you would always take. Get ouo of the chenille oouobeawe bIiow for f 12.00 lues you can enjoy many happy mo meat. Your wife's birthday Is npproaohlng Now wirprke her ouoe moreBuy atr a parlor rocker aud see how liam.v be will be. Corns to us for cornice poles We aell ew, all kinds. Buy your shades of mm. 9 are getting Hundreds of or lers. . Paper, wall paper, have we got It? W have It-Have what? The styles, quantity aud proper .prlew, . The '08 fttru are due. INSANK. Otto Ollllnow. of Portion.! John Wendt, of Wurreuton, Mrs. O. M. Fletcher, of La Fayette, Yamhill coun ty, have been comuiltteed to t.. asylum. Loyal Woman Honored. Learn ing that Mrs. Dr. Mils 8. Lund of Su Jem would leave for the world's fair to morrow, tho ladles of tho Relief Horn. gave hor a Ilttlo receptlou at tho home or Geo. W. Davis, about twenty wero present aud elegaut refreshments were served. Dr. Luud was completely tuk- j en by surprise. Bho has been a faithful member of tho order and has many menus ai Baiam. From Chlcano REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. G. R. Pottoril and wife to Isabella Robluson, pt D. H. Smith d 1 c. 43 acres, l,200. Same to Dellah Shenhard. nt T). Smith d l-o, 43 acres, 51,200. Leo Willis and wife to Helen L. Ben uett, pt s 13 and H t 0 s, r 1 e, 107.6 acres $425. Oregon Laud Co. to Charles A. Bear, 1 18 Sunuyslde Fruit farm No. io. in acres, foO. The emerald is now one of the run-.-..-, of precious stones. Very few rubies, red sapphires, exceed Jivo carats In weight. The most beautiful carnelians are found in Arabia and India, ' Tho Amazon stono is pure feldspar, first found on the Amazon, now In many oth er places. Carnelian is greatly improved by ex posure to tho sun and then heating in oarthon pots. Tho diamond has been found on nil , continents and in almost overy country ou uo giooe. Thonenxl Is thn nnlv nmm tVioV J-. .. ....., Qwtu vUv.W UVV9 not require the lapidary's art to bring Tho diamond is not among the earliest gems known to man. It hns not Vipoi. found in tho ruins of Ninevoh, in the iiitruscan sopulcners nor in tho tombs of the Phoenicians. Tho finest opal of modern times be- jongeu to impress Josephine. It was called "Tho Burning of Troy." Its fate ia unknown, as it disappeared when the ames entered -fans. I Tiger eye is a peculiar crystallization Of ouartz. formerly verv raro nnrt maflw Largo doposits have been found in the western states ana in .south Africa, so inat many common articles aro now mauo of it. Tho Golconda mines are now exhaust ed. At one time 0,000 men were em ployed in them. Whon the Sultan Mah moud, who reigned 1177-1206, died, ho left in hia treasury over 400 pounds' weight of gems from Golconda. Yellow quartz or topaz resembles the rem topaz in color only, it is softer, lighter, different in crystallization and cieavage anu in electrical properties. Much of the yellow quartz is manufac- mruu uy neating ametnysts. St. Louis v.u uo-uemocrat. IA.KItlKU. Not Bkaooino. Clark & Epploy are not bragging about anything In particular, but they simply want it un deratood that they lead on groceries, anu neat trie world on prompt delivery. F. S.Dearborn hits just opened a new lot of Blank honka. siu.plnl ml.... 1 1 .i.i. ...... -1....I... i. ..' l .. . . . i,c"-' ii'i vmiiin, unsh -Mums, miniature sets for oftlee work. 203 Commercial street. HANNA-HOVENDEN-At the res- iiieneeor Mr. liumphrev, Eugene. June 1, 1893, at 0 a. m., Miss Hattle riuuua or Eugene to Ueorgo Hoven- den of Hubbard. Tho groom is Mrs. Frank Gilbert of 8alem and a wealthy farmer ot this county. Ho has many friends In this city. TURF TOPIC9. Redmont. 2:21. will bo out with tho pacers this season. Martha Wilkes will havo a uo-pounu bicycle sulky this year. flnnn" rpform is a HVO IsSUO in tills country and a growing one. Nelson, 2:10, will haul a 23-pound al uminium bicycle sulky this season. TnM.. t Pna. tma fny tlin tlltr.l timO been elected mayor of Itacino, Wis. A inaro owned at Hart, Mich., has pro duced two sots of twins in two years. ' Allx, 2:10, trotted 11 heats below 2:15 last year a phenomonal feat for a 4-year-old. Seven men in tho stand threo judges, three timors and tho clork is tho now rule. George Starr will begin tho season with at least seven 2:20 performers in his stable. f 4t-t t-.ftnr. vanrwA a rnflnrpl lift much this year a3 it was last, we will nave a mam neiow a:uu. Experiments show that aluminium horseshoes wear as long if not longer than those made of steel. AROUND THE THRONES. The Duke of Connaught is said by the queen to more closely resemble hiq father in personal appearance and disposition than any other of his sons. Princess Gortschakoff, daughter of the princess, nee Stourdza, and granddaugh ter of the great' chnncellor, will soon marry Prince Konliachefl;, a captain in the czar's guards. Tho king of Dahomey is said to have 230 wives, tho sultan of Turkey 300, tho shah of Persia 400, tho king of Siam COO, the king of Ashantce 8,000 and the em peror of Morocco 0,000. ' It has hitherto been the law iu Japan that if a woman was not married by a certain age the authorities picked out a man and compelled him to marry her. The mikado has just abolished this usage. Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Aus tria on his tour through India noticed that the Raiah Patiala. when he was nro- sented, wore a turban with a doublo row of diamonds and Innumerable pearls and other gems and learned that tho rajah had bought them from the Empress Eu genie for $850.000. u raped and'Undrapod Statues. A person would imperil his judg ment who would exchange the ex quisite movement Been in the veiled figure of a woman for the Mime nsr- uro deprived of the thin, flowing tunic ban Francisco Argonaut. Cures Scrofula Mr V. .1 HAWAII tT.'fA-J .... mother has bee n cured of Scrofula bythe useof four bottles of 99S after having haU much other tre MHHi atment, andlelnK reduced to qui tea low condition of health, as it was thought sho could not Uve. INHERITED SCROFULA. 1-JUM PmtwH mv Ifttln I...M.4I... Scrofula, which appeared all over up all hope of his recovery, when finally I was Induced to use (JJIJi A few bottles cured him, and Vfy no symptoms of the disease remain. Mas. T. L. Mathers, Mathervule, Miss. Oui book oa Blood tnd Skin CHscitel milled fice. awirr srsciFic to , aiimu, Cl. ASTONISHMENT NOAH'S ARK Is a thing of the past1 But one of the things of the present time is Tb? NEW GOODS, Neu) Styles And LOW PRICES of MEN'S and BOY'B CLOTHING at the O. s2P SALEM, OREGON. Grand Week -for The Children. A Pretty Souvenir Given to each little girl calling at our store SPECIAL SALE -OF- m CIDRISll For This Week. This will be the largest display of Cbildren'a Vt Trimmed Hats ever seen in this city at SPECIAL LOW PRICES. $1.00 FOR ONE f IK $1 SPECIAL ji.oo Of two hundred Ladies' and Misses' FOR pretty trimmed hats $1.00 UKATUH. win go to cuua with a brother and thonco nsrhatta to Etirona on u nnr. ttloual tour. I Good uew house to rent, six hlooks fri)lll iwuaf. nnifH. Alun u f.....ini i . I- ....... .au w ill! UIBlJltl miu.iioUfln to rant, rnniiiu nr n. m ' lieolor. 5 20-tf McNKIL.-At Ale, on Tuesday, May 30, 1893, Mrs. Sarah McNeil, aired 76. KELSEY.-At the state insann iiHyluin, Tuesday, May 30, 1893, C. C. Kelsey, oRed 33 years. DUNCAN.-At the home of his pa rents, 454 Llherty stieet, at 1 45 p. in. Juue 1, 1892, of brain fever, Arthur, son of Mr. ami Mm. It. a nn.i.n' aged S years, 6 months, and 28 days' Deceased Is next to the vounrcut nn of Mr. Duueau.of thoCanltal I.nmlr. lug Co. Its expected on eveiy side at the VAJIIE-I i ana MUI1( of our display of Card Cases Iund I-eather Goods of every description A fine line of Tra ellng Cases. SEE THE DISPLAY. Patton Bros., Booksellers and Stationary 08 STATE BTREKT. NEW ADVKKTIHE1MENTS. FOR SALE. .,,, of Haiem. 5-30 6t-dw jnnv UAT.T T-ntTiL?rv . . . rr " f.wnu n. uuncn or Keys. Owner pun i-et fctere at jHNxr,ciVnedt WANTKD. Position as HilloHlllnn nl. lector or any business, by youugiuan perfectly familiar with overy business houseand resldenco iu Baloiu nrHiiimri. J, O. Shoemaker, care Jojminal oftloe. BIMPI.Y Pkhkkot. Tlioao Prlco ex tntots and tlavore for dellcaciea, desserts aud e eeaut hnnin pmiburu ... i. , . mm - -"""- V'.'.,V,J W.V m U uau nuiy at j. a, Van Katou's. Don't foriret tlm saio ai ma State strvat. DMAt 2ft llVl ulinA Columbia shoo a tore, 118 Hawks & Lvar, State. ' paper haulers, 07 DPRICE'S JTlw oaly Pure CrtAm otUt Powder.-No AmmoalajNo Alma. Vmi in MiUiooa of Horn 40 Years the Staodui riOOD Hulnesg Ol'lVlltTUNlTY fonrhi-1;;..,-" m"uri ,or rea .' m rea frawi Deun a..h.nrt n-Ji'Jt... . ,.., , nv,iur, rjera. last illeeiu.t of Salem .ugiewooa, aalem ... wu. U1KCO 10 IteturntoC.T.Timninns. va Ih0A.V.n'wlyloeUdtoUwltli pntveriiyV.,Tny?'K,"P? inquire at thU office. 5-bMm FUND.-A cold arf pin same by caillnff at fni. paying extece. Owner run t ocrnal office xnd tt lifi3Ss lie ler. SEE show WTismnw This will bo the largest and greatest display of pretty trimmed hats ever oflered west of the Rocky Mountains ,,w FOR i.oo TIME UNLIMITED. 25 dozen Ladles', Misses', and Children's untrlmmed bats 25cts. imn ... 25 dozen MIssch' and Children's trimmed everv dav sailors 25018 FOR 25ct. 25 dozen Ladles' and Misses' Leghorn flats 25cl8, FOR 5cU. . 10 dozen Plaokue all Colore 31 w FOR $1H0 We show an exceptionally large line of the latest Ladies', Misses' and Children's Flue trimmed hats and bonnets, which for variety of styles, perfection of trial- unugs cannot ue surpassed on tho Paclfle coast. STORE OPEN UN'IIL 9 P. M. MRS. S. G. REED. SALEM, - - nRFRON.. 265 Commercial Street. m it i n i a li t i . L'-TdNertUlnVVr.S1.8 JP-.P. Dart's bxi er- no.. ranclsco. L ;Ad;eHuinVVnC, 61 .nd V" H? e' xchange, 8n Franclifn iWrr85 'rchinu A"uii.uondTkefrv'?" I. TflLIXlLAR. WJffigjZg LINEN SALE. This week we make substantial reductions on all Table Linens, NapklnsToweli, Splashers, Bureau Scarfs. vtn. Special low prices this week. Buv what vn - in tu. u, now. aud . you will save money by so doing. WILLIS BROTHERS & CO. OPERA HOUSE CORNER, - . . . BALEM. OREGON New Hue. of Jacket., Kid Glovea, R. db G. CoraeU and all kinds ox Bumraw Dreat Good bow displayed.