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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1893)
H '1 - itt FIVE CENT BookCoupon f A PTT A T , JOURNAL. iiT" flATattJOAY. SATUKDAY. HAJtiJiSMi OiitiGfOtf WiJimfiSDAtf, MAY 0, 1893 "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 104, MORLD'S FAIR We will not pay your Way Along Midway Plaisance CASH -:- STORE meat This J. 297 Commercial Keeping Pace With the Times. Have your business accounts kept It PERFECT books, sucb are Tlio Frcy Patent Flat Opening Books. Books that aro worthy of tlio patronage and prulso of the! Government Of ficials of tbo Hlalo of Oregon, nud tbo greater portion of the niercbautile men of the State, are surely derservlng of a trlul by everyone. Manufactured In Oregon ONLY by Tho Mestou-Dygert Book Mfg. Co., Froprlotoro ot THE CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Binders to tbo State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Balem, Oregon. 600,000 OSWEGO - FALL. 1892. We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to our largo and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental, Shude, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and flrpt-closs iu every reerect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, J2T"Mention this paper. Oswego, Oregon Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Boys Wagons BROOKS & SALISBURY, (BUOOKSSORS TO BROOKS AND HARIUTT.) Guns, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Rise Ball Gooik Flags and FirbWorks BOXING GLOVEs, LAWN TEN NIS SETS, CROQUET SETS KNIVES, RAZORS, 8CI880RS, DOLLS, TOYS, NOTIONS, leather and plush goods. Salem, A. N. HALES, Proprietor. A.. N. HALES' HVERY. (Sueoessor to H. R. Ryan.) Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable. A full supply of Horses and Buggies on hand. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Office at stable, corner of Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of tho DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. All housc'flnlsblng material made to order at the lowest Portland prices. See us before' you buy. J. W. TflORNBORG, TUE ITIIOLSTfcREIC. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In the trad enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble U give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemektta street CHURCHILL BURROUGHS Dtigan Bros. F. T. HART, -BUT THE- Will flavo you money so you can pay your own way Means You! W. THOMAS. - - St., TREES 1 NURSERIES. SPRING, 1893. OREGON. R. H. PRICE, Manager. and Athletic Goods. Spraying (Mils, 103 State Street. SEE Future Copies. LEADING MEROHAM TAILOR, 7 - Salem, Or. PERSONAL GOSSIP. Miss Eva Goro of Orlando, Fla re cently killed an alligator with two shots at 800 yards. Miss Jennie Rockefeller, danghter of 9ohnD. Rockfellor. plays the violoncello with great skill Senator Cockrell of Missouri nscs the Identical desk in tho senate chamber that was nsed by Jefferson Davis. Allio, Elihu and Elidad Frank, three brothers who livo at Castle Hill, Me., are said to average 7 fcot in height. Mme. do Lesseps, wife of "Lo Grand Francais," can writo equally well in French and English. She wrote a novel several years ago and published it anon ymously. Governor Turney of Tennessee, when told of the rumor that ho was dead, said he had heard the report and quietly added, "I knew it was a lie as soon as I heard it." Mrs. Bnrgess, wife of a member of the Newfoundland assembly, accompanied her husband to the session at St. John's, walking 230 miles over ice and snow on snowshoes. Nineteen senators use but fivo letters each in spelling their names. The list begins with Allen and ends with White. Nhio of the names are of two syllables and 10 of but one syllable each, Mrs. H. H. Riddleberger, widow of the late Virginia senator, announces that hereafter her newspaper at Woodstock, the Shenandoah Herald, is to be "inde pendent of all political parties or fac tions of parties." Samnel Longbaugh of Empire, Nev., has in his possession a valuable relic. It is a watch bearing tbo name of "Joseph Davis, Loudon, 1221," and its great value lies in the fact that tho earliest record of a pocket timepiece is 1404 and is Swiss. Tho late Colonel Dave Armstrong of St. Louis was a guest at the great dinner with which tho Planter's House was opened 60 years ago, and be was the last guest to leavo the hotel when it was abandoned last year. For nearly half a century ho occupied room No. 203. Orchid Tea. French women, it appears, have been drinking orchid tea for fifty years, and the consumption of this eipeaslve deli cacy has much increased of late, The orchid from which the tea la made is a member of ono of tho handsomest and most expensive families which grows in the forests of Bourbon and Mauritius. The decoction is easy. Yon just lay the leaves and stalks in cold water, about one gram to a teacup mora or less, according to taste olose the vessel tight and boil for ten minutes. The tea may be sweetened. London Society. Exhibit of Woman' Work. The industrial features shown at the Mechanic's fair in Boston include the establishment of a woman printer in ac tive operation, an exhibit from the laun dry of the Home for Intemperate Wom en, a display of factory work by women, of silk culturo from the woman's prison, and other industries carried on by wom en, such as the culture and preserving of small fruits and of beekeeping. Boston Letter. A Temperance Drink Tor temperance people a health giving drink for the masses. Hires' Not a harmful Ingredient In its make-up. Nothing but the pur est extracts of carefully selecteu herbs, roots, barks and berries. A nuil pick ratku flvt Qlloot bl s DHclc.ui, Btrtlfth- Unlet, Xatrvoccat evf h ntt b4 (t Bins' Jr x M Reserrelrt Breaking and Rtl ntte iuikr Water. C12 CHINESE ARRIVED AT PORTLAND. Voti ghufo Colfapso With ' Itesalls. FftlHl Reservoir' Breaks. Lima, Ohio, May 8. There was a break in the banks of tho Lowlston reservoir In Logan county this morn ing, it la spreading and much damage is feared. t Railroad Traek Submerged. Cincinnati, Ohio, May 8. The Hamilton and Dayton railway traoks are already submerged. The reservoir, the second largest m the country, cov ering 17,000 acres, Is breaking. It Is reported several ljves were lost by drowning In the Miami river, down which the flood finds an outlet Pigtails Arriving. Portland, Mayl 3.r-The steamer Danubo urrived this morning from Vic toria with 612 Chinamen and 21 Jap anese, having a clean bill of health. Special Agent Mulkey, of Puget Sound, arrived to assist in the examinations. The vessel was lsojated In mid-stream nil the morning. Collector Lotan made preparations to conduct a rigid Inspec tion and the result will not bo known till tonight or tomorrow. Big Goal Sheds Collapse. Milwaukee, May 8. The coal sheds of tho Northwestern Fuel company fell shortly before noon. To day 16 men are buried under a great mass coal. All except six of the men escaped without injury. Some of those hurt suffered Internal Injuries, and it Is thought can not live. Lord Craven's Accident. New York, May 3. Lord Craven met with a serious accident a few days ago, while at Syracuse. Just after leaving on bis wedding Journey he was stropping a razor when It slipped from his hand, falling It hit his leg, cutting a great gash. The flow of blood was alarming. Inflammation set in, aud blood poison lug iu feared. His condi tion is serious. A Cook 8aicides. Portland, Or., May 8. Fred Mat- tnielson, a German aged 31, married, a cook in the Rhelnpfalz hotel, was found in a pool of blood in the basement of the hotel this morning. He had blown bis brains out with a revolver. The motive is unknown. He came to Port lend a year ago from Idaho, where he had" been working in the mines. Excitement on 'Change. New York, May 8. Holders of In dustrial stocks on stock exchange are In a frenzy of excitement today, and trading in them approached a panto at Intervals. Prices melted away under attacks of bears. .Blocks upon blocks of long stocks were thrown overboard. Failure in Brooklyn. New York, May 3 John Wood, a Brooklyn furniture dealer, tho chief lieutenant of Rev, Dewltt Talmage, and supposed to be a flnamlal pillar of tne tabernacle, made an assignment today. Liabilities heavy, assets $50,000. Weakening in Cuba. Madrid, May 3. In a cable from the captain general of Cuba confesses bis forces are inadequate to quell the up rising. He has less thau 8,000 troops. The Gold Reserve. Washington, May 8. Tbo gold re serve today figures 07,000,000. Exclusion Deferred. Washington, May 3. Orders bave been Issued to tbd treasury 4 ulcers, special agents, leyenue agents and oth ers not to arrest unregistered Chinamen after May fitb. On that date the Geary Chinese aw provides that all unregls tered Chinese in the United Slates may be arrested, As tho constitutionality of the Geary act will be tested before the supreme court on May 10t!i, It was decided to await the decision before or dering wholesale arrests. Up to noon today 14 of 130 Chinamen of this city registered and It is expected most of the others will do to between now and Friday next, the last day under the Geary exclusion act. Weel Dsties Refunded. Washinoton, D. 0,, May 8. An Important ruling, a feet Is the duties oa wool, was embodied la Instructions addresetd by Aetlag Bearetary Ham lin, of the treasury department, to tho collector of customs of Now York to day. The collector was directed tore fund to certain Importer to excess duty exacted on third-claw wool, In accordance with a dcolsion of the olr cult court of appeals at New York. The Instructions will be applied gener ally to all pending cases, and will form a rule for the future guidance of tho collectors. GARTER MAY NOT HANG. Governor of Missouri is Inclined to Commute His Sentence. Portland, May 8. Dectectlve Bam Simmons, who returned from St. Louis Monday, having In charge J. H. Haa klns, an alleged defaulter, had, while In that olty, a conversation with Governor Stone regarding B. C. Rose, alias Carter, who Is under sen tence to be banged at Mount Ver non, Missouri, on the 14tb Inst. Roue was arrested In this city, on the East Side, several weeks ago by Detec tive Simmons and City Marshal Minto, of Balem, for being a fugitive from Jus tice. Ho was identified by a visiting MlBSourian as being C. R. Carter, who escaped from prison iu Mount Ver non, while awaiting execution, he having been convicted of the crime of murder. In order to mako his escape he shot tbo waraen, and for six years nothing was heard of him until ho was arrested In this city. While hero he went under the namo of R. C. Rose, and married a highly respeoted young lady on the East Side. He was a devout church member, and was on his way to services when taken Into custody by the officers. His conduot here was most exemplary, and he fol lowed tho occupation of contractor. His friends did not at first bellevo his guilt, but when he found that all hope was gone Carter confessed to being the man wanted. His sentence was sot, after being re newed, lor April 14, but Governor Stone was prevailed upon to extend it for a month. To Detective Simmons the governor stated that he was unde cided whether to commute the sentence or let Carter hang. There were many points in his favor. He saved sever al lives In Alaska whilo he was a fugitive, and since his oacapo and during his residence iu Port land he bad led an exemplary life. These matters the governor was con sidering, and from all indications he was not inolined to allow tho extreme penalty to be enforced. So Carter will probably bo permitted to spend the rest of blsdayB In prison or stay there un til be Is pardoned. Codntv Court. Judge Hubbard and Commissioners Watsou and And erson meet at the court room this morn ing. No business has been transacted except to bear complaints on road cases and receive petitions for tax rebate. Attending "Teat" In Samoa. A woman recently home from Samoa tells of "teas" in that South Sea island. Tho Samoan tea is quite like any other tea so far as it is an informal festivity to promote sociability over a sip of some thing." The peculiar cordial brewed by the native women is usually tne "some- thing" offered, drunk out of a cocoa shell beautifully polished. At tho king's pic nics, fetes of which the monarch is very fond, it is imperative to drain your drink ing vessel,-and as tho cordial is very ex hilarating this, in the case of weak head ed visiting women, is sometimes disas trous. "I went to a tea whilo thoro," said the woman in addition,"which Robert Louis Stevenson gave. Ho is thoroughly Sa moanized, and wo all sat on mats on his piazzas, he cross legged, exactly like tho natives. When I returned the hospital ity, I provided bamboo seats and little tables, but Mr. Stevenson would have sons of them, choosing a mat instead, though his courtesy is such that ho apol ogized for adhering to a custom in my house which I had not adopted. I saw him frequently, and ho seemed well, ex cept for an ashen appearance of the face at times that is quite startling. Ho is charmed with that corner of the world," -New York Times. Haw Don For tfaa Drltith. A new wiro qulok firing 6-inch gun has just been adopted for the British naval service. It has succeaif ully passed exhaustive trials. It is a long gun of about 40 calibers and weighs seven tons. It carries an elongated shot of 100 pounds a distance of 7,000 yards and will strike an enemy's ship or fortification four miles distant It Is so rapid in its action that, fired with cordite at a long range, it has three or four shots in tiieairat the same time. Each weapon contains several miles of wire, it having been found that a gun made up of this wire is stronger than when manufactured of bomogeseous metal. Wire is also found to stand tbe first shock of the elastio force of eordite or gunpowder better thau koa or steel, while the loaf bore sables the whole of the qfcarge to be afkSMued,-CUeaoo TriWaae. Highest of all In Leavening Royal s&m ABSOLUTELY PURE MONARCHY DEAD IN HAWAII. Why ike Sugar King is Against Annexation. IMPORTANT BUDGET OF FOREIGN NEWS Tko Centre Party Re-Organized in Germany. SpecklesMn Honolulu. Honolulu, May 8.A factor not new, but more than ever Important, has made its appearance in Huwallau politics, by tbearrlvalofClaustipeokles, the "Sugar King." To an Associated Press correspondent he said: "The labor question Is the all-Impor tant one, and constitutes my ouly ob jection to annexation. Planters must have much labor and this In the neces sities of the case must be Asiatic labor." Bpecklcs has called on Queen Lllluo kanlaul since tho magnate's arrival, aud informed the deposed sovereign that monarchy is dead beyond restora tion. "Whatever the result may be," sbo Is quoted as saying, "I will not utter a murmur. I have advised my people to remain quiet." To President Dole, upon whom Hpec kles also called, the latter Ib said to have given assurances that he would support any good government. If be should persist In his Idea of a republic, he would find many Influential men ready to assist him. Eight Hoar Bill. London, May 8. In the bouse of commons today Samuel Woods, a labor member, moved a bill establishing 8 hours as a legal days work I u mines. Gladstone commented on the probable eflect of the measure and supported It with some restrictions. The bill passed second reading. Vote 270 to 201. Papal. Appointment. Bohr, May 8, There Is a report that Monslgnor J. J. Kali, of Wheeling, W. Vs., will be appointed coadjutor to Archbishop Kenrlck, of St. Louis. It is confirmed. The Behring lea Case. Pabis, May 8, F. It. Coudert took up the argument for tbo United States In the Behring sea case before the court of arbitration today. THE ASHY BILL REJECTED The Centre Patty In the Reichstag Goes Against the Government. Beklin, May 3. Members of the Centre party had an uproarious meeting today to consider tho proposition sup ported by Von Huene as to the terms on which the Centre should support the Army bill in the Reichstag. Von Huene's proposition was rejected by an enormous majority. Count Von Bui lesterem thereupon resigned as leader of the Centre to Count Von Preyslug of Llchteneg. G.Moos, of Straubneug was elected to succeed him, In llleohstag today Chancellor Caprivl declared the government would endeavor by every constitutional means to secure the pas sage of the Army bill. A GREAT MATCH "So Be Fought at Coney Island for a World's OhamploBship. Nkw Yohic, May 8. Jack Dempsey and Mysterious Billy Smith, conqueror of Tom Williams the Australian, matched this morning to fight for a purse of 10,000, and the welter weight ohamplonshlp of the world, at Coney Island atheletlo club June 80. MARKETS. Portland, May . Wheat valley 91.30. Walla Walla, I1.12J. Ban Fkanuisco, May 8, Wheat, May $1.M. Cwigaoo, May 8,-Wbat Jlj. Power. Latest U.S Gov't Report Baking Powder Jeff. Darts Honored. ' Richmond, Va., May 8. The city council has appropriated four thousand dollars to defray the expenses of the re interment of the remains of Jefferson Davis on May 81. FKOM BSOOKI. Mr. F. X. Gobln handed us $1.60 and will read the Journal for a year. Mrs. L. Beokner was in Balem Wed nesday, E. K. Shaw and Mrs. Ramp drove to Balem Thursday to have some dental work done, A few of our Brooksltes attended the lodge ratification at Btlverton last week, The musical concert given Wednes day eveniug was very Interesting. Sev eral good selections were well rendered. We would bo glad to have you come again. Mrs. Renny and little son, of Salem, visited Mr. Blanton's this week. Mr, H. Burendrlck's family loaded a car with household goods Friday, bound for Portland and Hunday the folks left on the 2 o'clock train for their new home where Mr. Barendrlok will meet them. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Maseey accompanied them on their Journey. They leavo many friends in this com munity to regret their loss, but what is our loss is Portland's gain. Mr. J. R. Hall, of Gresbam, and Mrs. N. J. Wlllson, of Powell Valley, were" In Brooks this week. They are talking Ing of locating here In the near future. Mr, F. J. Bolter's sister, Mrs. Blge low, of Portland, Is visiting relatives la this vicinity this week. Miss Ida Harris, of Salem, has been visiting friends and relatives in this vi cinity tho past week. Mrs. M. L. Jones and little daughter returned from Portland Saturday. Rev. Mulligan preached Saturday and Sunday at tho M. 13. church. Leo La Flcmmo and Lee Van Osdol were over from Li Ftiyetto last week. Mr. Leon G Irani spent Saturday In Salem returning Sunday. Mibs May Salmon went home Friday evening and returned Sunday. Mr. Hoover's family moved Into their house In Brooks Tuesday. Our black smith will be nearer bis work now. Mr. Blanton drove to Balem Friday. Mr. Looney la making Improvements on his Brooks farm. We hope to have him among us soou. Leslie Galbreth, of Salem, was visit ing Shaw brothers Friday and Batur day. Mr. R. N. Ruaguess received a dis patch from Arkansas that his father la very slok. Mr. R. left for that station on the 2 o'clock train Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Savage, of Balem Prairie, were visiting their eon E. M. Sunday, Miss Alma Chapman Is in school again this week after some weeks ab sceuce. Mr. Glgger's moved In to their new JiQueo this week, Tho young people of Brooks gave a farewell party in honor of the Misses Barendrlcks last Friday evening and pleasantly spent the time in playing tho usual games. E. M. Savage drove to Salem Satur day. Prince Byrne and Jack Brooks were In these parts breaking a fine Rookwood colt Friday, owned by Geo. Savage. E. K, Bhaw and wife dined with P. Byrne's family on Salem Prairie Frl lay. Mr. ilogau wasHllghtly Injured by a burrow lust Buturday, Holsou boot uguln now. There will bo a meeting held iu the M, E. church next Sunday at So'eloek fur the purpose of organizing a sing lug club. Everybody Invited to coiie i out. Miss Kreba and Mrs. Dodge easae Is on the 8:80 Tuesday. Mr. C. C, Bluber an ladiMtikMM stock buyer Is In this vMaltv tfeb) week, ; E. K. Bhaw aud E. M. lavage dfevt to BeJeu Saturday, 847 COMMERCIAL STJIXET. WHIM'"! Vl" W