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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1893)
EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 6. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." 8ALEM. OREGON, FRIDAY. TTEURUARY 8, 1803. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." YOU ARE MISSING BARGAINS 1 If you do not purchase your HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, RIBBONS, LACE, SHOES, otc, nU Osburn's Racket Store. PllOKKSSIONAL AND HU8I.Nr.S8 A!S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Highest of all in Leavening1 Tower. Lntcst U. S R V. ROtHB. AIIop'pv nt liw. Mntora. . Otrgon. Olll'e!i7l'oiiimo'clnlft. IIOFER BROTHERS, Editors. rpll.MON KOHI), attorney nt law. Snlem. 1 Oregon. Olllce up-stalrs In l'utton's block. l'OHIjISHEDDAILV.KXCErTHUNDAY, DY THK Capita! Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Oirioe, Commercial Street, In P. O. Uulldlng Kutered at the postofllce at Balem,Or.,a s(ci-(lnrs n nttti. LI', CONN. A Horner At law, room 7 . Mtiiylij- lllck. I r J. HMUUII, Attorney nt law, "nleni, 11. Orison. OiU.iiover LhiUI iV Utith's imuK. .tf v5 IS ; L -, They have SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies'- Fine Shoes at $2.50 and $3. They also have a lino at $1.45 that is the best in the city for the money. $- See what they have in CHILDREN'S SHOES before making your purchases, and you will SAE MONEY. ' ) 361 Commercial St., - - - Salem, Oregon. I J.HIIAW, M. W. UUNT. StIAW A 0 . HU.vr, utloriHys nt Inw tun to over Capital XfUlounl tiunlc, Halem, Oregon. Sash, and Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the beat material used C. N. CHURCHILL T S. BURROUGHS CHURCHILL & BURROUGHS, Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for the celebrated economic force aud lift Pump. 100 Chemeketa Street. DRAYS AND TRUCK? always ready for orders. Sell aud deliver wood ' hay, coal and lumber. Of fice State St.. onnosiLoHa em Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout the dav a the corner of State and Commercial streets. Sfi ki Tim At llrav fin NEWTON TANNER J. F. WHITE. White & Tanner's Livery, (Successor to Kills & Whitley.) Mvery, bark and feed Rtnble A lull supply of lioirca and buggies on hnnd Horfes bwrded by dy, week or month. Olllce at stable, Coinmerulul and Trade Btieels. bOHth of Willamette hot-l Ed. C. Cross, F. T. HART, LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. tiBBS38affl vJIOlOO mm. felWM Wholesnlo and Retail 6&mW$?MM Kcalcr in Fresh, Salt uml Slm3MMmJ Smoked Meats of all Jiimls jmllM&m 95 Count ami 110 State Streets. "PflTM & BLOSSE THE iraing Capita ii IT HAS- All the News And does not pervert, disguise or cover up what the public is interested to know. At the same time it does not reBort to sensationalism. If you want 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES,- Crcamery and Dairy Sup plies, Steel Ranges, Parlor IScatcrain all Styles a Specialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS SSyThe best on earth. Give us a call. 10:8tf. A Live, C Newspaper At the time of day when eyeryone has the most liesure to read, have the JOURNAL left at your door. Only 2 Cents a Day. T PT L -:-l 1 "Will be found laboring earnestly for practical reforms in -city, county, state, and national government. It believes in making the burdens of taxation upon the people as light as possible. It does not believe in rings, bosses or .political machines monopolizing the political powers that belong solely to the people. The disinterested and patri ti ci:m i '.,v ays enjoy reading THE JGU-RNAL. W. Taylor, House Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave, orders at Thomai A Johnson's 2G6 commercial street. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 2iH Commsrcltl St., - ilm, Origon. (Next door to Klein's.) Hpeoialty ot Spectacles, and repairing (flocks. Watches aud Jewelry. Residence 882 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE FAIXTEli, Decorator, Kalsomiuer and Pa per Hanger. Leave order ot A. B. Purpn 4 Son's Fur niture store or Broat & Olle, U recent. CI T.ItlOHAIlDSON, Attorney nt law, O, otllce up Anrn In front rooms of new Hush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, nleni, Oregon. JOHN A. OAKSON, Attorney nt law. Kooiuh 3 lUKI 4, Uula A llusu's bunk building, Suleui, Oregon. 8 1 lyr U. K. UONIIAM. W. II. HOLMK8. I to.viiAM A iloLMEfl. Attorneys nt law. JD Olllce In UuMh's hlocK, botueeu Skite uml Com I, on (Xmi'ltm MK. I'OUUK, Stenographer and Type , wrlllsL IJest equipped typewriting out c. but out). In Ureou. Over Ladd & Utah's buulc, Malum, Oregon. BH. IlllAOSUAW, I'UYSlUlAN AMU , Burgeon, nulem, Oregon, oitlco In ou-li-ll'O inun block, upstairs Residence corner ountuuu a. jc corner w inter sireei. DU. W. . MO ft', physician and sur geon, Olnie In hldriilge II Iocs, ba luiu, uregou. OUlce hours 10 to Li u. m. i to 4 p. in. DH. T. O. SMITH, Dentist, W State street, hiileiu, Or. Klulsned dental operu tioiiM ulevury description. Palulooa opera tions a specialty. WO. t'UUil, Architect, I'luns, specl , liculluus uud superintendence lor all ciawes or buildings. OOlco W0 Com mercial St., up stairs. 0. A. KOUKUT,.Archltect, room 421, Mar quniu building, I'ortlaud, Oregon. DW TOWNSEM), Civil Euglnerand . -urejor. Ollicu with Oregon Laud (.u ,S-k'iii, Ur.m. J ) J, LAIWUN & UO Manufacture or nil L . kludtiul Nuhlcles. itepalilug a special. shop ifti.i"Nireei, Pit XEtJUONLODGfci.NOa.A.O U.W. MtelH In then hull In atalu lusuiauce uuLdlng, everi rt tdoeiilay evening. . A. Mo AllUnN, M. W. J. A aELVOOD, llecorder IMI'UOVEU OHDEH OF HED MEN. 1 Kainiakuu IriboNo. 8, Malom. Holds council every t'liurduy evening, at 7.J0. iMgwam luaUtle luxuruuce hall, F. U. UaKLU, I'rophet. K1UNK (1. .. Al'MCS, i luuf of IliHiirds The Pacific Detective and Collecting Bureau. 3ALKM, ... Oreson. C. B CLEM NT, Minager, Olllce room 3. U uy liiuck. Kntes leHouublo. t'ubllo aud private work done. EDUCATIONAL. Ton acres of good eardeu hnd nBJtf letu. Apply utoucoto HOFEit Klt-, JttntNAl. omce For Rent. New house of 4 rooms, North Kalm. on car line, two blocks iioitli of hcliool $7.W) a month In advance, (ieo. Estbsiruth. 12-lm. 15 7H AliilM Good garden lond three miles Fouthenpt ofibepenltentlr on Mscieny road 251 dovin and ba'anceou 5 to In je.ns time. Or trade for city property. V. A. llnrils, Halem. l'.'-M If MONEY TO LOAN On improved Real Elat, In nmnunlR nt d time to suit. .No delay lu cou.lderlng loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Iloom 14, Hush Kank block. 6 12dn Go to the Best. Tho plaro lor young Indies nnd gentle, men io -ujurt) a (borough tduinllou Is the old, but ever new. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. IO ne and still tho lending Institution ot tho North West. Hotter than ever I Nhw course of luklruulou lu Oratory, Iheolngt aud Post-Uruduated. t-1 UOlL". Norma .llusluess.Aradeniy. College, and Uiwcouisesgreutly enlarged and linpioved. FacultUs Increased and Improved. For CaUdruueol CollegeorLaw write Dean H T. Hichardson. Esi , Halem, Or. ForCaialocuuol college or Medical and I'nurmacy write Dean Hicbmuud Kelly,M. D I'ortlund.ur. For general (Jatnlogue write llev. Geo. W'ht taker, I). D., President, Hulem, Or. "-il-im-dw THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland andHan Kniucuoo. Flrtl-chus in all IU upioluU uients. in table are served Willi i, Choicest Frulta Grown In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Notlco of Dissolution. mllE g otery Arm of ri. Furrar & (to. Is X tuu day ulnolvta by mutual ouuseut, rtiuiru urrar leuciug fioin Mtid bioluew, auu Johu A. Vau Lu on continuing tn. buiue. at the uuu plc. Ail puisous owing katd Arm can settle thilravo- uuis wliU either oquiro Furrur or J A. Van Eaton. eulem, viri-gou. Jan, 7, ItO L 1-fuit ri. F.iUAU4CO. Our Little Men and Women. FOR 1303 Is made expieuly lor the younger boys and grls, wuo ,uul their magazine at home and lu cbool fcvery number will contain stories, spir ited picture, pueiDS,vcnes and J ingles,tiud pltts to speak la kCboo ." Itoldes tU thtiu) ibrre will te tue following erlul: 'i hree Little Uold-Dlggrn. Uj O.ltelUr pr All about tbe remarkable adteulurts l some cbllilrcD who silled around Cape Horn to CUIilorut. i be IIuuh vv e Live In. By Lavlnla b, Oiwduin All about our -beads. Itai.ds. and tho re.1 ol us;" lull tue sluJlrg f'nrMiLtl :s ""': : "-".. . ., . A Li I lu umuinuian uno'iiwi. tniy wno . My HUOv Or.Ui.ry.r. lUthjutt otainiy uihimik iruiy wonnj ! uw iwiui . . Ilto fijc u' the Year. Ly Kltfc.ttU i un.ius. ILwuisily w.h U.OUIU us iwk i44lUeMijK'eiurUJiajruiue Authorized Capital 1600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Halem, Oregon. W. A. CLWICK. I'res. W. W. MAIITIN, Vlcoios J. H.ALUKKT, Cashier. Htate, Countyiand City Warrants boughl at Par. d WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, $200,000 Transact a general banking business In all IU branches. GEO. WILLIAMM Presldeni WM. EN ULAND Vice PrtslUtn HUUUMuNAilY . .Castilei. DIHECTOH8: Geo. Williams, Wm. Kin, laud.Dr. I. A. ltlcbardkou, J. V. JlodMiu J. A linker. Hank In new Kzohange block on Com uercutl street. b:li-U FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will beopeued to students Hept. l't, 1KU2. Olleis he most ptiiLtlcal courses of etudv ol uiiy ki luxil in the mate, viz: Michanlcal Eiiglueermg, evil Euglntirlug, Elecirlcul Engineering, Arademlo auu Grammar school courses Hludeuts pruclloi dally lu wood shop, machine shop, and labora tories. Tuition mid Jloanl per Year, JlflO. Speelsl Inducements ton f-w young men u ho wish lo woi k for their board and till llonUurm vacations For prospectus aud lurther lurormatlou, address EDWIN AlOlUtHON. M H, l'icsdtut, Halem, Or. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for business. Careful work specialty, J. F. Will IK. For Locating Mines Dr. II. Hmltn is now sole agent lor tbe sale ol XarsheU' KUclro Magnello lods for 8ndlu bidden Ireusureo or lecating: Gjld or rl verMlaes. Tim Instruiueul Ts er Ululy the grtvtMt diseovrry or Invention of the age Fur lunber Iniortnatlou address DR. H. SMITH, Halem, (Jron. M,T. RINEMAN BKALUt IM Stifle u4 Fu'jr leriei, C(urY, UsMSjMSsm. LaattK, WnetUe Miss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. nilRD YEAR Opens Monday, Heptemuer loth, at Kin dergarten Hall, opposite opera bouse. Children received at th ee years of age uml over. A coui ecllng o asx w be is IhIi I lint Inradvaucrd hindergiirten pu pil an I tlioae b.gliiMiiig primary work, Oulj be bist modirii Kludergnrleu n.etli. .iduii. ployed, l'raua' Uiu ol drawlug niiiI roior woik IxiriHlneed ENGINE AND BOILER Foil sale. Th: holler Is an K-bor.e up right lu ular. land the engine a (Mi n lioriimt I. Ilo'ti an. In go-id oouditluu, and o-'.l I '00 wbeii new ApnlyWiA.ll.rOll-TNEIlA CO.fc'opp. site First National Dauk. rEMJi tJAPANESL TJ 1JLJS CURE AiMirandOimptete 1'niatmei.i, wull. leg of kupptMlloriu, oliitii.eulluvpuie., alwi a box ai,u pl(l; a (SMlihe cuie inr ox. ttrn il, Internal, bund or b.4lig. lUUIng, chronic, retvnl or bcreillUry Pilot, ami Hum) 'olb'-r nlMr.hwx aud icmale weak. iism.; It I. uiwmj.h nil bnlil lo the grusiul liKllli lb flr.l dluery ol w ud twi cute rendering en npvrall.iu utib the suite unil.rfi4ry lio.rullvr. Till rtuib-ly hs never own kuo n i full. II iKr O".(orlr, ua by mall, Wliy.iiBir Iioiu Ibl tcriiu.e ni't-JM when a.Hridru fiM.rix.iitvu w,iuiin, w, letuud ketuouvy cu.wlr yJ.u,luPKJ lfe TUB GOltdF, URUW1NQ. Tho most lively discussion of tho pension an far was brought about by the motions started by Mr. Northup that when bills come from commit tees without recommendation they be Indefinitely postponed. Tho same motion was made as to bills coming with unfavorable recom mendation. A few decisive defeats for these motions put astop to them, but during their discussion brought out good points aud a little amuse ment. Mr. Baughmau, of Lluu bad himself rapped to order by the oliulr on account of his rash remarks us to committee conclusions not be ing always reliable, inasmuch as they were often misled, and their decisions were sometlmea obtained by Interested parties golwr, down in their poijkels for that purpose. This was coming startllugly close to a charge of bribery aud the speaker's gavel came down very emphatically. Tho house begins to realize the ter ilble gorge of business which Is ren dering futile Its utmost endeavors to expedite Ihe public business. The ulog upon the wheels pf law-making comes about by trying to do one hundred days work in thirty work ing da.s, and not that many, il Sundiys and adj mrnmonts are counted out of the forty days' limit now fixed for a session of Ihe gen eral assembly. Tin? LtrrrEiiY op akson. There is no tendency more dim gerous to the rlghls of property than speculative over-lnsurauce. There is no dauger to property more insld nous, or more difficult to avert than the temptation to crimes of arson, Wheu tho chauce of proilt thereby is enhanced and legalized by the state placing its protection over that crime, property that is perishable from the tlauiea enjoys no security whatever. The Blackman bill that has passed the senate, called the valued policy bill, in such a law iu our opinion. Il places a premium upon speculative over Insurance aud as such Is an en couragement to burn buildings and destroy property. Whenever a reck less owner or a reckless agent insures property to the point where it will pay to have it burned down, it Is re posing too much contldenco In the virtue of some people to imagine that they will be ubovo tho tempta tion. Tho world is not yet near enough to tho mllennlum to expect every man to be perfectly honest In fixing the value of his own property tn case of loss. At present ho has full protection in the courts of law. A BOLD MAN. Tho present legislature contains one very bold man. Ho possessed the superlative temerity tho other day to refer to "that poor nan, tho country printer." Then he moved to table the country printer's bill, preseultd by Nlckell ot Jackson. It is daring enough to refer In terms of durislou to ifco couutry printer. But lo brand him as poor calls for the Interference of humane ptople. 'Ihe world hud hitherto wiLtldmd him ilch. Now ho Is poor; poor indeed that a proud and haughty colon should do him rover eucu, It is qulto probublo that a large number of tho soloits of Oregon would never hav.o becoin known lo fuiuu iiad It not been for tho poor country printer. They would be re posing in the peacelul oblivion of llielr own bailiwicks, Tho inun who sneers at iho country printer's poverty has a small but deserved future. a sr.m: EL-mitm uuur i'la.nt. A bill Is on third reading in the senate to have thustulo puruhuse ma chinery aud material and construct aud operate Us own electric light plant. By utilizing Its present water power ut the prison II is believed light for all lt)o state institutions could be manufactured at a merely iionilnul price. This Is recom mended by tho Capitol Building Commissioners. There are inuny other things the slate could do with lis authority and capital. Il UuquiMlIuu whether lu tho end such an eUotrlo Jig lit sys tem would nut Involve a plant cost ing many ihousuudu uud requiring a large payroll, 1 ho hoiiiH9 rfur to I djetatvd o. wvBsentsRras-sss-ssra-araar. Umotimr VituuUytt. tutst ft gMd ABSOLUTELY PURfi THE LEOI3LATUKE. HOUSE, 2 P. M. FEB. 2. Following bills were reported nnd ordered to 8d reading: Belknap, relating to assessment and taxation, no report, tabled. Belts, defining trespass by stock, amended. Ford, relating to property exempt from taxation. Conn, to prevent sale and distri bution of Infected fruit trees, plants, etc. Duncan, assessmenr and taxation, tabled. Hobbs, terrna of office of certain county offices, ameuded. Ford, state examiner of engines, laid on table. Bleveus, assessment and taxation. Ford, for relief of order of St. Ben oJicl. Ueer of Clackamas, running at largo of stock. Sheridan, liabilities of railroad companies. B evens, assessment and taxation. WilkiiiBou, same subject. Geer of Claokamas, relating to ln olosures. Layman, relating to hedges and shade trees. Ford, election of assessors. Upton, lncomo tax law. Upton, railroad commission bill, tabled. Belts, right of aliens to hold prop erty. Belts, stock Inspectors. BENATE HILLS HEAD. To amend law to protect hotel keepers, boarding houso keepers,and lodging house keepers. To authorizo bridge across Will amette at Oregon City by Portland general electric company. To amend law for extirpation of Canada thistle. Relating to directors in stock com panies. ItKPORTS. Medicine and pharmacy: No, GO, to amend practice of medloiuo and surgery act. Northup opposed com mltteo amendments. Tho first aot was passed In 1880, which did not apply to those then practicing med icine, If thoy would register in the office of the county clerk. Ho had helped liberate a man from a steel cell at the stuto prison only the other day for not having registered. He wanted that struok out. Daly sustained tbe commltteo re ports proposing amendments. Adopted. Northup moved lndlflulte post ponement. Ayes 25, noes 80. Lost. To third reading. SENATE DILLS. By Gates, making women eligible to hold educational offices. By Willis, repeals Incorporation law. By Douny, to amend law relating to trial by referee. By Dodson, to amend charter of Baker City. COMMITTER HE POUTS. Medicine nnd l'harmaay: By Cooper, practice of medicine that It do not pass. Public Merals: Senate resolution No. 4, Cogswell.amoudscoiiBtltutlou Sec. 10, art. 11, limiting debt of ojuuty, school district on city to 0 percent of all property. Adopted. Salaries: Senate bill 2o, fees ot as sessors (3 00 a day, except Clacka mas, Marion, and other counties, bo at four dollars; Commissioners (3 00 except a few counties ut H 00, and Union county 10.00 a day. By Gowau, fixing aulark'H of coun ty superintendents. SENATE HILL. To authorize State Supt. of schools to send out circular of Inquiry to as certain what text hooks are preferred The tnujorlty to decldo for six years what books should be used. BENATE 2. p. m., Feb. 2. IIoubo Joint memorial relative to restricting foreign Immigration; tabled. Third reading senate hills Cross, to authorize construction of bridge at Oregon City; pussed. Report judiciary committee Veatcli to prohibit employment non residents as peace officers; engrossed. McGinn, to amend code relative to attachments; engrossed, Myers, re lating to election of presidential elec elec eors: that not pass. Weatherford,rx tending liability railroad cempanle: amendment ordered printed, Cogs well, relating to Judgement! en grouted. Cross, collection taxes; en growed, Butler, estates in dower; engrossed, Deutiy, distributing per wnjal property; eagrod. Uaytw, forolbln entry and (tetalrwr; MgroMfd. iluyw, uttl lu dowel ; auMuduwutortlwpriftlwi. viuito mupuia or CASY WHEN YOU KN(S X win flow to Squeeze rifly Unpti pacno iroin an Juniptyj Til bot you fifty He can got fifty drops of of on empty champagne mo man wno made was n Now Orleans group of louncora in aal tcl. Soveral looked upJ papora, nnu ono that?" "I say I can got fll champagno oxt of a bot hnvo drained. I'll beti dollars that I can do it" "I don't beliovoit," yrwu, want io taxe. bot $500 to your 15 it," and ho pulled out a I greenbacks. "Toll ua how ittsdcWl nro convinced your offrt3 ono several of us will putt dollars against your $100 f nish tho champagno to stout man, becoming int tho discussion. "1 can't toll vrm linw , " " . " (' answered tuo stranger. ono of tho things moroc than explained, Whora'ffl Somo ono ordered ino uottio was soon esig passed around for inspectli) ".Now, remarked the! loans man, "turn that down for fifteen minutes i satisfied thnt there isnon it, and thon I'll show vo little trick." Tho bottle turned up nnd loft for a f to drain. Tho ctoup man critically', as if expi thoy wero about to he I legerdemain perforaano&Jj "Now, gentlemen, i visitor, "you will see that 1 pareutly impossiblo will i be a very bitnplo matter.". ing a strip about nine from n uowspaper ho in the upturned bottle. TL got damp, and graduaw drop of wino oozed fr of it. "Tho Bnmo can bo thread. It is simply an of a very siuiplQ law ntf Tho moinbors of tho group if thoy ought to havo Una; foro, and yet as if thoy ha! they wero Imposed upon i speaker centinued: "Tako my advice nover furnish tho chnmpague You can always got some I it. and nover explain the i you got tho chninpagn " expounder of tho law of traction scooped in the to wont off chuckling. New ' aid. Electrical Mamlfacture efj A macliino has been : ployment in hospitals sickrooms or for tho dk largo publio halls or built! roudors tho production" simple and comparative!! sivo operation. Tho ozOn mospherio air by this complishcd by omployhs motor, driving a blower, w( tho air through tho an current for oporating ft&J Ing taken from any nvatJal iilant. Tho air is first po a diying tube to eliminati uio moisturo, nnu is tuea to tho cluster of tubes ffl ozono generator. Each tuho consists of trie thin gla&j tubes, the being nearly filled wltn; which ono olectrodo dips.' discharge of electricity, tho current driving th passed through a spe transformer, takes place I space Intorvonlng batwc walls of tho glass tubes, i tho air flowing through of tho apparatus, where utud or stored, ua reqs York Toln""i CouipensatloH for Ms How much is a mi Tho markot price iu BerlU , bo six shillings, one of . cafes in that city recent thirty-eight uew waitew manager insisted before tored his service on their their mustaches. After i thoy were buddenly wont in n body to the- demanded com pens tioa i of their musUches, ana i obtaining from him the shillings for each n fMlAIlGrft. J,i CURED OF SICK Wft V. arfewMNws, SFVtHWI 'I ikkms trreNM Coetlveweso emei Plei kava (r4 wy I Ms WUrst war AM UmH uTiuUI iesst it. imnmtmt4i ur w