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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1893)
1 "--mrm-mmmmmimmmmummmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmHmUKKl EVENING CAPITAL . JOURNAL. zs&isia&isuusBSBJXBL "sass VOii 0, "TiJ M VMOVhWti VA VMt, AJ,MM, OHXUOH4 '.rt.IiJHJMV, ,1 AtflfAUV iO, fftftfi "W-JJAt'H XiWH TO-DAT," JtO, 14 HIKj.'X'.JJlirjL, THE TEST HAS BEEN Tlio IWiVta J'UIONT lifts aloud ft heavy ycmr'n f NiiaooMUil yemr, J5Vf rybutly Mid floll rtfid thoir ytku, to THE Vll limids mlmlt tlinl . Ilia muoM 1 ft micouBM, No DAMON BROS.. - - IT IS NOT ALL OVER WITH! Tho holiday rush at OSBURN'S RACKET STOKE this year was novor boforo equalled, in fact thoir very low prices brought scores of now buyers ovory day. WHAT IS To FOLLOW. Since this great holiday rush is OAor all goods in tho storo are boing pushed off at lower prices than was evor known in Salem. SPECIAL CUT on Albums, Dolls, and all tho remaining holiday stock. E. F. OSBURN, " 261 Commercial Street. Sasli and Door Factory Fronti Street, Salem, Oregon, Tho best class of work in our line at prices to compete with the lowest. Only the best material used C.N.CHDRCHILL CHURCHILL & Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS. Agents for tho celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 Cbemeketa Street. THE IT evening -IT All tine Capita And does not pervert, disguise or cover up what the public is interested to know. At tho same timo it does Upt resort to sensationalism. If you want A Live, CI At the time of day when eyoryono has the most liesure to read, have tho JOUENAL left at your door. Only 2 Cents a Day. II cm -- Will be found laboring earnestly for practical relorms in city, county, state, and national government It beliovoa in making the burdens of taxation upon the people as light as possible. It does not believe in rings, bosses or jmUtietJ auabioM moaopolmng the politic! powers tlmt who Ims bouM good tlioru ho lliu ino&t Aooofiiabfo ovor PROOF OF attfitoinotfl gat tho tiioat nfttlufnotory rouulte, nnd tlio rccdrdrt of thu year show that tlio rcaeoimblo poraou mn hulp saoing tho point. Wu loud on ovorylliing, find oflpocUUly LOW PRICES. 5B55S5! T S. BURROUGHS BURROUGHS, Journa HAS - News -.- u Newspaper ft DM 11 11 11. 1 ir.:r,u MADE. kmUmn, Aticf on Invoicing id tiroolrilHij lliolr liiotliwlfi of (loifitf uiwiii(JMeJot ohhii, uuy ftilrodiiciacL THE PUDDING. 335 Commercial Street. Salem Tract s Drav 6 era Iron works. Drays and truoks tha corner or Htate and commercial nireew. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. Id 130 STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES,- Crcamcry and Dairy Sup plies, bteel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS eThe best on earth. Give ua a call. 10:Stf. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of Wlllanaattt Hotel, 3A.IEIul r - - ORBQOM WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Sabscribed, S200.000 '. Transact a general banking: business In all Its branches. GEO. WItiUAMB lresldeijt Wx, EN ULAND Vice Preslden HUGHMcNAKY Oaahler. PXUBOTOK8: Geo. Wllllams.Wm. Ens land, Dr. I. A. Itlchardson, J. W, llodson, J. A Uaker. Bank In now Exchange block on Com merelal street. &13-U J. H. HAAS, TELE WATCHMAKER, 2I5K Commercial St, ilim, Oregon, (Next door to Klein's.) Hpoclalty o Spectacle, and repairing Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. EX K. HALL, Paper Hanger and Decorator. Offlec at Cham. Cal vertyMllllonery store. Haem. Oreeon. M. T, RINEMAN BKAXJW IN Stifle ud Fuey firwerw, Creekery.'lUlaMwaM. lamea. Wb4w b4 Willow ware. All kinds efMlll amo vasjetamos aa fruits in taetr , "Hicbaat f rlae paJd ter eaaatn' pr.' miuiiw aauaroet yw Authorised CdpiUl Wo,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK i'T'T 11 .1 "i ttt r" i -i i : hi nri iHMQiinaMiiinjurniMnniwijWiwiiii tlmt it Ji Won h niosl. twiiwWMWw'www'iinii"W DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders, Sell and deliver wood, hay, conl and lumber. Of fice Htate St.. onnosito Ha- may be found throughout tho day at LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR W. Taylor, Rouse Gleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave ordere Rt Thomas A Johnson's 260 Oommerclul street. THE WILLAMETTE, 8ALEM, OBJEGON. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The best hotel between Portland and Han Francisco. Klrst-claos In all lis appoint, nients. Its tables aro served with the Choicest Fmiits Grown in tho Wlllamelto Valley. A, I, WAGNER. Prop. MONEY TO LOAN On improved Real Estate. In amounts and time to suit. JNo delay la conblderlnu loans., FEAR & HAMILTON, Boom 14, Hush Dank block. G 12dw For Rent. New house of 4 rooms, North Kalem.on car Imp, two blocks north of xoliool. S7.00 a month In advance. Uco. Esubslruth. 12-20-lm. 15 w Good garden land three nillrs gouthent of the penitentiary on Macleay road. fiHO down and ba'anco on 5 to lu years time. Or trade for city property, I). A. Harris, Halein. T 12-XJ tf Residence 382 Church St. J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE PAlSTElt, Decorator, Kalsomiuer and Pa per Hanger. Leave orders at A.' II. Huren A Bon's Fur nlture store or Broat&UlIe, Grocers. Nolico of Final Settlement. NOTICE Is hereby given thatrtlapa Bin goandAlvn K. Itlngo, co-olcuIhib or the last Mill und tftutnent of II. 11. Hlngo, dt-reaMd, have this dy fllril their fluafac('X)UUt us Mich ro-txrentors with the county court of Marlon countv, ort gob and that wild court bay tt Monday the Otk day of January, 1803, nt the hour ol l o'clock p, in. us the time fur bearlnicfeald final account and all ob jection thereto. Dated at Malera. Oregon, this lit day of December, A. P. 1A HHI'A IJINOO ALVAKHINUO Co-fjecutoriofttio lat will and testa ment of it. U. lllDgo, deceased, lJ6w r Little 51cm and Weuicn. kor iaoa la mads exprely for tha youuger boys and girls, wllo ivad their tuagatiuu at homo Kvery number will contain stories, spir Ited ptaturM.poews, verses andJlngliBd "ples to pwk lu MtiiK)i." JiteJdss all uit-M tlMtrn writ it ttis following Mrial: 'J tree LHUeUold-IMgifeni. Hj Olive liar pur, AIabttttMri)arktAeadTei.turej oJkOflterblldntH who Ud around Uuie Horn to Utllfbrnbt. TbaiiotuHtWeUv In. Hy lAvlala H. OoAdwlu. All Wut our 'ImnuI, bands, d tha rl ot iit" aot like M4rlnc VLitfuf'OolurBiblaH Oraii'lpapa. y OntUCnrar. lMsturMMtwy witoinadti MsskMf truly wof ihjr wuriny t lit itaior o lb Year. M Kllakkwlb ISM UtuSK uarly aarb AoiiU 1U ' mm mniimiir nin iihiiijiimihji mm iniarn 'tmw'ni'M'i 't"lJ"''niiMi.i 1 i.Mrt m iiii in ininftMwiitLiMMWii! tmtjjmx'iiULMiiD.umjWM.nB r mm u hit I'MflfWwfilHAd AUit HOAINfeM ! SHstniu . t t msnuaau jib- ai1 g" m I JituHn, iinlc tipairtliH In rniion'ti Mm1!. Ui .Vtifiii!iitR. Jl .f. IKd'IrlK, AllofflM1 ntJn, Mftlsm, J Otflll, Uin'MMTTMtltl A lltlftll's nniiRi KM J. aw. m w. Tnfar. mtAw a it. lllt.NT.iiltnr .T,rtiti(njr4Mt fitw, OltKlKiVCf ( ripilni Nitiloitftt ImtiKiHitlditi, Urrgoti fj T, lUCIlAlHHMN, Allofiiy rtl lnW. n oinrtitilrtlrslnffofttftKiiii of nrif ifiiKlt inmK,rifiiiirruitituifclftl una Ootift ilrwl, Mlntii,Urcnoiii fOIINA. (IAIWUN. AHfli7'l"iitw. 0 tUMiiuM 8 rttKt I, fAta A iiush's .buttk millilltitfiHnlom, Orison, 1 lyr II. v. IKINIIAM. W. II. IIOIiMKH, KOrtttAM A Jloi,MM. Atlotnnys Hi litw. (Ifllnit In lliiKli's hWtnlt. flulWMin Rlnln nuit tXinrl, ottOoinlHt. MM, rotlUK RlptititfMithcr ntiit Tyiir , wrltlst. llMt equipped tyjiewr lilntf o.lmt one, In Urroti. over Ijndd A Hush' bnnk B'ttettit Oregon, Bit. IIHAIHMAW.I'IIYHIOIAN AND , Burgeon, rtnlenit Orrg'in, Olllra In Jiiicli'ltrpynmii block, tipitnhs Itenldcnco corner UlnleHiid H, K corner Wittier street, DliTw. B, 'MWrpliyileliiniiir(l sur geon. Outre In Kldrldge lllooK, Hiv lent, orcgun. Ofllce hours id to Um.iii, Silo 4 p. in, rVrTVuHMrfiTDentlst.W state slrwil, jL fiileifl, Or. latilslietl denial 0crn. fititis uf ovurydrsorlptlon. I'alulosnopenv tlousaspeclnlty. T U. l'UOll, Arnhlleot. l'lnns, Specl YY . iicittluus ntid superintendence ior nil clmms of buildings. Olllee m Voui- Uiurclal 8t., up Btnlrs, a A. KOllHllT, Arohltcot, room4J4, Mar qtiaiu building, t'ortlaud, Oregon, DW. TOWNHKND, Civil Eugiuferond , hurveyor. Ofllco ulth Oregon Laud Co, Salem, Oiegon, I) J, LA1I8EN& 00 Manufacture of all . klndMuf vehicles. lUipalrlug a special ty. Htiop 45 HlntJB street. T)H )TE0TI0NIX)DaKN02.A.0 U.W. I Meets In tlfcir hall In stato Insurance building, every vVidtiosduy evening. H. A. MoKAODKN, it. W. J. A HEfjWOOD.Keoorder. rMl'HOVED OHDEH OK KED MEN. 1 Kumlukun '1 rlbe No. , Halom. Holds council ovory Thursday ovoulnjf,at7:J0. tUgwam In State Insuninro hall. K. O. BaKEH. I'rophet. KUANK O. W ATEllH.Uhlef of Heoords The Pacific Detective and Collecting Bureau, S-A.LK.VI, - Oregon. C. B. CLEMENT, Manager. OUlcu room U. Giay lllook. Ilates reasonublo. l'ubllo and private work doue. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. j The nlace'Jior' young ladles and nentle nisu to necure aithorough education 1b the old, but imiin UK Long and still the leading Institution ol the North West. Hotter than ever I New course of Instruction lu Oratory, Theology and Post-Omduuled. hTUDlEs. Normal, Uuslness, Academy, College, und Law coutmjh greatly oulurjjeu und Improved. , jVneultlea Increased and Improved. Kor t'abtlogue of College of Law write Dean H T. Itleliardson, Esq , Halom, Or. Vot Catalogue of Collego of Medical and Phurmauy write Dean luchmond Kelly,M. D , Portland, Or. Kor general Catalogue write Rev. Geo. Wbltaker, D. D., President, Balem, Or. 7-23-Jmlw FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opened to students Bept. 13, 1802. Oilers the most practical courses of study ol any school In the Stale, viz: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Llootrlcal Engineering, Acudeuilo ana Urammar school ooutsui HtudcntH practice dally In wood Bbop, machlno shop, aqd labora torlec. Tuition and Hoard per Year, (ISO, Special Inducements to a fw young men who wish to work for their board uud tui tion during vacations, Kor prospectus and further Information, address EDWIN MOltllldON.M.H, Prescient, bulem, Or. Miss Ballous KINDERGARTEN. rHIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Heptemuer lwtli, at Kin dergarten liall, opposite opera house. Children received at three years of age and over. A connecllug clus will be is Ulnl.lied lor advanced Kludergurten pu pil uud those bigtuning primary work. Duly the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's s stem ol drawing and color work Introduced, ENGINE AND BOILER I7KUI sale. Tho boiler Is an 8-horse up JL right tubular, laud the engine a tt-burse liun.wui.jl. iio'.li are lit good condition, und ofi.t 9700 when new. , Apply to AJ1, fOttaTNEUA CO.oppo site rsl National Hank. JAPANESE CURB Atwiv itnii&tmiWuleiTrititunitil. eonslsU lag of supixMltorlM, otntHieallu eaiwtiies, alMi a box aud pill; a pnliUe on re for ex. trfutl. InUrnsI, blind or MMdUur, Itoblug, bronlc. reeent or herodiurr FIIm, and masy eibar dlssi and female waak. namas; it U always at great budt to tb g-unI baalth The Jim dWoovary ot m wmiIIohI cure rudrlB( aa o)njvUon wttb tb kulfe uunecMHry befMtrur. Tbte ran.pdy baa never ben known to fall. M Mr Ki,lor w, Mnt by mall.. Why ugkr Iruia UiU urrlula dtMauM wb.n m wrttUrtJ ' la tflvaa with tuxm, U ndUBd XTFSN. OH.S U I IwES UlMrtMrl IHH lai'lTJI, J0IM1I, it!r ,mim&iJLmlk.J.jtm3 tm Jkimiv3t iioftK moiwm, tmti tfll.ti' ,0S , iSfJlfcl J iUHfi(MHMIIAI.y.rlX(JKr'l,rtHJAy ftv fin Gfil(til Jeufiml hiblliMfiK Compsrt. UlnfACarrllttfrclnlHlf(e(fnl',0Htltli1lm Knletetl fit lh (KrolofTtce Al Mrtptii,Oftu fttirC'CluK ir dill f A MII.O DKNtAlb Tlio Ofootilnti dotilen ,tlio nilltl Infcfoiico of Tun Joui(NAi tlmt iw nlltly llto only uso Hint tlio ntnta Itonrct of alirttlllcM hnd boon to nliy body, wnn to glvo n llflccu liuiitlrctl dollnr oiorltBhlp toonoof thoOro gotilnn force. It calls TlfM JotiltNAI, ft "very (llrc)UliililoiitiVfltm)ur"olo, Tlio BO.orotnry of tlio bonrd of ohnrl. tics Is not on tho form of tlio Ore Kon Inn It Bitys. lio Is elinply n tmltl wr Huron that nowepniior, Tho wo plo will hardly know the uirieronco, TitK JocitNAIi tins not Bitltl It was any crlmo to bo it uicmbor of the Orcgouluti forco or olork of tbo Htate board of charities. Tho Oregonlan should bo ubovo allowing n member of Kb force to get a salaried position or n clerkship In tho legislature on account of his position on that pa per. Tlio Btuto boaid of oharitlcb ought to bo wiped out of existence, If for no other reuson.tban allowing tuo state to salary a young man on tho Oregouiuu force, whether ho in paid by tho week or by tho column. After u whllo tho only way to got olllolul promotion no doubt will be through tho doors of the million dollar Oregonlan building. If tho young nnui of tho Oregon ian were holding this fifteen hun dred dollar clerkship in order to give the people the benefit nf his discov eries or of aliy investigations that tho board might conduct, through tho columns of that paper, it would be u moro tolcrablo scheme. The board has conducted ssveral investi gations of state institutions. Has ever a word leaked into the Orogon Ian through this salaried channel of Information? Not a word. Will the Oregonlan reporter give the pub llo one word about the investigation at one of the state Institutions which the board is now conducting? Not u word. Wo do not assume that there is anything to report or if there was that this board would re port it. Reforms in state Institu tions are not reached in that way... They are reached only by the fear less exposure of the press and when tho press is used to get ofllco and hold ofllco its services to tho people become a secondary matter. The ubuse of these boards by foisting upon tho paid members of newspa per forces, and regularly paid uowh puper writers is at tho bottom of a great deal of corruption in tho pub lic Bervlco. Aud this Is uottho only branch of tho publlo scrvico in whloh tho Oregoman has men paid out of publlo funds. THE LhfllSLATUKK. There is a remarkable absenco of political Issues at this session of the legislature. None of tho members seem to havo como to Bulem for any special purpose, except thoso who havo appropriations to look ufter, They all, of course, represent their constituouts in u general wuy, but seem to bo as devoid of any special pollticul schemes looking to tho fu ture as new-born bubes. There is tin occasional anpirautto sit in tho chulr of governor, or some other state ofllco. Eastern Oregon wants tho portage rullway built, and Speaker Keudy has declared himself heartily In favor of that measure. But there is no politics lu that. Every mem ber is or should be in favor of thut upon tho genural merits of tho prop osltiou, It passed tho souato two years ago aud died lu tlio house. This year It will pass both houses, and as tho governor has helped build one portugo the stato will probably ask him to help build an other uud thus throw tho Columbia open to the truflio of tlio whole east, em portlou of tho state. That will mean a now day for Oregon. If some Willamette yulluy states man could rise to tho dignity und responsibility of the situation uud couple with the portugo rullway bill apian to have the Btuto take posses slon of tho locks ut Oregon Clty,and freo the truflio of this great river from the Incubus of a private organ ization collecting tho tolls, It would boa grand step in advance. The uestlou of open rivers should be made a political imuo and the people should be given uu vexed water priv ileged to the sea. That is a pretty big question und members can win a good name along that lino. THE DUTY OK THE FAKTIf, UmilSUCA.N The Republican house oauounat Its session took 'the tint step toward making a good reeofd for the party when It adopted the rolutlH re stricting xpiidltura tot elwk hire it m iioumum for my one toprv loud thai It should oot the sUte H8n day to pwfbrui' Mm eUtfUl work U k( lit front otUm ifijMe.lof nil In enyahlrtffoWCf.lMIrtlr5 (Wt! RoYal mm$ ABSOJUUTEttf PURE be. ItrHlrlelltitf tho per (llcni of ttlerkshlps to $1 per tiny mid coil tin lug tlio number of position tostloli rtffnro ordered by tho limine, Inn trmiliitloit which If curried nut will ettvii to tho tnx imyofs thousands of dollars. That Is llopubllrniilsiii With n purpose, ami Iloptibllentilsm that will wear well In tho future, Tho ridiculous spcctnolo of paying pages f per day, when tho pcrdltm ofinembors Is only i'i ought novor to bo witnessed again In this slato In n legislature controlled by tho 2to ptibtlcau )mrty. Tho precedent rs tabllstied by this assembly will bo far-reuchlug In Its eficcts, If tills solution, embodying the above re forms, Is faithfully adhered to and practically carried Into eflect, no fut'iro Republican legislature will dare return to tho old corrupt prac tice uf squandering tho publlo funds upon unnecessary employes, It Is the duty of tho party iu power to makosuch a record for retrench ment and reform thatuo opposition party can rldo into power by tho promiscuous uso of thoso terms us u war-cry. !1- , ' I Tho best way for Republicans to prepuro for tho cumpalgn of 1S0O Is to do what is right now. Tho telephone, olectrlo light and electric motors have not como for naught. Gentlemen, wo must havo au improved order of legislation. , , Editorial correspondenco of tho East Oregenlan: "Cleveland him self, the great head and front of the Democratic party, Is doubtless en tirely honest, quite capable, und Is safe and courageous. But can wo deny thut he favors uu unequal and unjust Bystem of taxation or that lie insists upon tho single standard- gold as full legal tender mouey ? Are tho millionaires and heads of great corporations who are apparent- lylils chief' adVlsersp-BUohmen as Whitney, Grace aud Vlllurd, likely to advise for the benefit of the poo plo?" NOTICES OP NEW BOOKS. The JotntNAii roylew editor is thrown into an unusually pleasant frame of mind by recelvimg from the author, Judge William O. Jones, of Robinson, 111., a copy of "Birch Rod Bays, and other poems." Tho lines oontulnod therein are wiittbu iu a most huppy vein, yet thoy are ueurly ull contemplative in char ucter. In perusing its pages one cuuuot but conclude that tho writer Is u huppy, contented American citizen, one whoso highest Ideal Is u perfect home life for all his fellow men. Judge Joues was u college champion of the Hoo. Geo. II. Hoi man of Balem, nt Belawuro, Ohio, in the eurly sixties, aud tho poem which gives his back its title re. lutes tho experiences of thoso inter estlug days. If any reuuer would take a sum mer outing Iu midwinter, or enjoy u light summer atmosphere by the January flrehldo, ho or she should read Mrs. J. II. Rlddell's latest uov el, "A Mud Tour." It gives u live ly account of u tour on foot on tho continent, and Is one of tho bright est books Issued from tho press of thC Uulted States Book Co., Chi cugo. Price, CO dents. "The Woman who Dures," by Ursula N, Gebtefeld, Is u recent vol uino on tho socluloglcul question whloh Is Just now uttructlng such wide utteutlou, It is published by Lovoll Gestefeld & Co., New York and Is well worth reading, even by thoso who ure not lu sympathy with thu Idea set forth by the authors. Muny works are coming forth on this und kindred subjects, ull or which Una an appre ciative circle of readers among thoso who accept their standard of truth us the correct one. 'iho Gestefeld volume uo doubt reuchos an largo un audience as any work of the kind easily can. "The Rose" la u valuublo book published by Bodd, Mend & Co, ou the cultivation, history uud man agementof that favorite, flower. It is from the pen of II. B. Ellwanger, of Mt. Hope nurseries, at Rochester, N, Y au experienced florist, III chapters ou the sol. plautlng, pruning, dlseunes, hot house work, etc., have a practical value that evHryrot grower In Owgou would apprvelate. Home of feklWawsHy amateurs should poM; the book and profit by it. fitfbjr cie, Baki Powder THE NEWtST N6VLTtt4 Claret lillclunH ftfe ettt (nirtfjrfe, Ola Vine tird tied wltti brrW of Mf Initio ribbon, Dresden eliltin to now tmMiomiibk tm small wartts und rdsl aMtf, q Bohemian gift is now mtWto W m alexandrite, which Is gr by tf mA' rcti vy iiigut, A iiitutkouio whisky flmk k ot bltto glass mounted in ollvr. tings of flsli, shells and settwed. Ouo of tho (Inert pieces of brie-) is it curnvol of Bllver. covered - turcs in enamel, These nre frw tlquo subject und each sftll ta a i picture. Tho latest fashions in tiookMt black seal: cigar cases of Humd i card citties of salmon colored senl: orantlum 1ko1;s of llzzsrd or dlHglltt" sinn, au tiro tipped with sUrer, Modern delft Is ono of the hkmUhV tractive wiues now shown, sined'H it used iu such a variety of InteresMitg tides. Au ink r,ot nhiiulates a nkamdtdp with Hinall boat hanging from' the&trtta. Joweleis' Circular, WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. , Tho National Farmers' Grange, has voted iigahiat opening tho World's fair' on Sunday. Ono of tho tmiloiiH tli!ntr in ha axMh. ited at tho World'a fair Is a map of tbo united ututcs. 10 by so feet, made of pickles. Cutharino Weed BarnvS, of Alhaay, will deliver an address boforo the pho tographic convention at tho World's Co lumbian exposition. , " Tho managers of tho Chicago exposi tion havo lumlo restaurant arrangement which wiU'enahlo them to seat 45.000 persons at ono timo. Spain's Columbian exhibition comtatt teo is organizing a military brad 'aom- tirtnftirr 100 rtnrfnT-m.vt'fl wlin will okmm concerts during tho entire period of th lair, '- Tho territories of 'Now Mexico, ArbMSMt arm UKianoma nave unitett 09 ptcw war f a JOint World'a fair bufldi&ffita,ijUlL:: each of the UTi-itbr-vilVmYtWHSk quarters, A Authoring of Players. )!rj At a gathering of players one of tha party told a little talo that amused thdm all, "It tvai in London that I heard H," said ho. "Thrco actors were dining to gothor, and ono of them loft the tabid littlo early. 'Poor old Hicks,' says oad, 'thinks ho can play Hamlet! Why, he isn't up to melodrama.' 'That's so,' mijt thoothor.' 'I saw ldm do a serious pat onco, and it wus tho funniest thing tt tlio season. Well, I must get to 'the' theater. Good night, old man.' Tb one who was loft at the table dare Ma good night, and as ho watched ,bim t ceding down tho room he folded hid aMM across his breast and Bolilo.qnbjedt Bb old Fitzl Thinks ho can play lago. Thd audacity of thut man is sublime.' ( "After ho had smoked np his cigar ha likewise tiroso und stalked out. Thatt tho waiter ran his fingers through bid hair, rested on his right foot, pat Ml hand into his waistcoat, and in Irvfof csquo tones exclaimed for his own ban Mt: 'TIicho youthful popinjays fancy thai thoy thoy, forsooth! have leareM thd art of acting. Now, when I was'ta thd legitimate' Uttt just then he, eaafht the landlord's ore and began' to etoav away the dishes." Now York Sua, To Clean Diamonds. I To clean pearls properly rtKuir8NaMa caroand considerable patience, bat tdj clean diamonds properly does BOt'fd-j quire as nmcli. Muny who entkiavoH clean tho diamonds without HUtiagt to u lapidary find when they aw tt that their effort lias not been' ad and that tho diamonds are, thoafk 1 filbly clcunor, yet oven less brilliant 1 boforo. Thevmav bo thorouKBiy und the origiuul brilliiuioy retaittdl j tho following manner: Takd, a f warm wuter with u few drop of moula in it: uso a little soap with 1 bniBh (an old toothbrush wUI dd) 1 clean thoroughly, ufter cleatiuur l clean hot water und dry thsw. 1t veniont it will bo more dron them into n little jewdldr's d aftor rinsing and permit th to 4f I that way. whereunou .)m wttl D i to possess all thoir original briWaaajf. This method also cleans the gotdl which of course does not leeeM ltd I its. St. Louis Globe-Dwooera. l'rlckly Meat. Tho fuffectlon known te ba' inutcQ hu "prk;ky heat" is net fliuxl to tho tropic. CdrtMnoej tiona indue it For oauiijfck a bakers, grocers, WioldiqraW;: washcnvouiau have it, and ta mimui una genou uaasisi timea. It k a WMConmgumi at thrtakiu, oliarwctartia tiflrl poamnce of amall, banl slightly red. ftecotupanidd itohioir, Thiddiwappad farout Titu-U of tha bwdy, tort , anulyou the front of hms M hand, the bides of tM 1 fOd. It id often dw to i ieditor)abiid. Tha beat 1 biinplo, uiutimulattg food 1 Mad lirufMHr utteuuua toi ifttiHi ba lajMiniii m. M