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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1892)
" & h k a- I ti h A ' 1 -i P.7 In l - l. t i " It- k i , Mr -i---jifrmiitti tiiinYiiniiiiii Hows it , Your Liver? T , J3 the Oriental Btilutntion, knowing that good hoaltU bannot oxtet without a healthy Liver. "When the Liver is torpid tho Bow els tiro sluggish and con stipated, the food lies in the stomach undi- festcd, poisoning tho lood; freqitent hemlacho ensues; a reeling of lassi tude, despondency and nervousiiesB indicate Low tho whole eyate'm is de ranged. Simmons Liver Regulator has been tho means of restoring more people to health and happiness by giving them a healthy Liver than any agency known on earth. It acts with extraor dinary power and efficacy. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED, As a general family remedy for dysncpMa, Torpid Liver, Constipation, etc., I hardly eve 060 anything else, and have never been dis appointed in tho effect produced; It seems to be almost a perfect euro for all diseases of the Stomach and Bowels. . W. J. McEiboy, J! aeon. Ua. For Locating Mines llr.H. Smltti U now sole ngent tor tli' cale or MarMirts' Electro Magnetic toiik fin A fludlnsj hlrtdon treasure or locating (Jolt for rtllverMlnei. This Instrument is cer tainly tu greatest discovery or lnventloi of tno uge For turther Information adarts DR, H, SMITH, Salem, Ori-jron. M Wanted. Salary find expense', l'ormaucnt place. Apply now owers of nursery stock on boil American and Canadian smlls. lwdy v rirtleVonr Specialty. UHOWN BIOS. CO. 0-12 d-t&s-20t Nurserymen, Chicago. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Routo Sliasta. Line OAUFOnNIA EXPKKSa TKAHJ UUN BAIW BETWEEN PORTIiAND AND S. V. "TlOUltl. Not til. 7:UC p. in. I JLv. Portland Ar. I 7:35 p.. n 11:18 p. in. liv. Balem l.v. I 6:29 a. n 8:16 n.m. Ar. San Fran. Lv.l 7:00 p. n Above trains stop only nl following stu tlons north of Koscburg, Kast Portlanfl Oregon City, Woodburn, tialein, Albauj Tangent, dhedds, liulsey, llarrlsbur Junction City, Irving nnd Kugene. KOSKUUltO MALI. PAH.V, 8:30 a. ui. 11:17 a. m 6:50 p. m. I.v. Portland Ar. I 4:M p. m Lv. Balem Lv. 1:40 p. tu. Ar. Itosoburg iiv. 7.1W . " Albuuy'Local, Dally Except Sunday 6 00 p. m. Portland ealem Albany Ar, 110:S0u.m. 7:,H u. m B.30 a. in iMi p.m, i.v: L.V. I) no p. m. 1 Ar. Lv, PDLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. Second Class Sleeping Cars- For accommodation or passengers holding second clans tickets attached to express trains, est Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: HAIIiY-(nXQErT SUNDAY). "7-SOu. m. ILv. Portland Ar. r"6:30 p. m. 12:10 p. in. I Ar. Coryalllg Lv. 1 12:56 p. m. At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains of Oregon 1'acUlo Itallroad. iut?itia5i T1CAIN (UA IL,y EXOmTSnNDAY 4:40 p. m. I AjV. Portland AT. a.Mu. n 7:1.1 p. m. I Ar.McMlunvllle Lv. 5:45 a. n Through Tickets To all points EAST and SOUTH b'or tickets and lull information rcgaid lng rates maps, etc., apply to the Compa ny's agent Halem, Oregon. lii.P. UUOKIW, Asst.0. K and Fan. Ar'I It. KUIClfliKlt. Atunaeer From Terminal or Interior Tointa tho nern raci iBjthe line to take To all Points East and South. It U the dining car route. It runs throusli vestibule trains; ovory day in the year u ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No chance of cars.) ComrwBed of dtnlnecara unsurpnsBCd, Pullman drawing room sleeiiers Ot latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. iiest that can be constructed and in whlob ucoommodatlcns ure both I no and tur nlshed for holders of first und tooond-liu.r tlckelw.aud; ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Acoutlnuots line oonneotlns with nil lines. uUorUlug dlroot ncii uninterrupted kervloo, Pullman lrj?T ''''? Uon can lies cured In adviuoo liaaiU any agent nl the road. Through tlokot.1 to mid from all oInU In America, F.otfland and Kurope cuu lit purchased at any ticket oltloe of this com iwiny, Full Information conoerninjf rat, tlmt of tralns.routuH and other details nirnlshou on ..ulloiktion to uny ajtenl or A. X), (UIAIUTON, AsiUtant tlwieral i'uMcnr Aeeat, Kn. Wl KUnt ittiCt, cor. Wftnututfton; 'oc Uud.Oiowm HIIAW it DOWNING. Agent?. fiii YrVii'i'fi'im i iiintiiii'iinMinrr THE TIMES MEN WEEP. ton Svmimlliv for Oilier, hut Pure Pelf Pity Irnw tlin Tears. Thoy were discussing men, nnd duo of them at least wrm cynical. It Khotild 1)0 mentioned in her favor Mint ulie was also observant, and hat nlie wjih disposed to be fairly ittnt ill lymie of lier reinnrku. The onvetTUtion had been ilitornting to ho rtenplo in tho "L" tar in whiel lie two women hat. but when tfiej 'ottched upon the Hubject of meii trho weep the passengers dropped til pretense and gave the young (liilosopheiv their undivided atten tion. It was the woman in tho new seal km jacket who introduced tho topic. "Their profound selfishness la what .TituU-s mo." she remarked, gazing b-'eutly at a stout man who sat op iwito. and who promptly retired mm view behind his newspaper. The average woman is nothing if uit sympathetic. She weeps pro-n-ely" over iierown troubles, but as a u!a she will weep just as freely over ours -if you happen to mention em at tho right time. But take lie average nlan. Is there sympa hy in his soul? No. Is ho capable f weeping with you Never. And ct it's not because he's too manly tox veep, but he will sit down at almost uy time and Bhed scalding tears iver trouble of his own.'" The woman in the tan colored ul tr remarked mildly that she had 'i vor seen them do it, and the stout nan emerged from behind his news iiiper to beam at her approvingly. 3ut her companion smiled a chilling mule. "Within five weeks 1 have seen seven men cry," she remarked cold y. "None of them was intoxi cated ; all wero representative men, o far as strength of character ;oes. Ono was a well known public nan. Ho dropped tears all ovor my loslc because I sympathized with lim ovor tho loss of $20,000 which 10 unwisely invested. Another, a well known writer, wept through tho singing of a Hungarian slumber wng; ho said it had reopened an old .vound. Tho third and fourth cried because thoy had been jilted, and rho fifth was moved to tears at my ffer to bo a sister to him. For tho remaining two there was good ex aifao. Ono had just lost his child; the other was lamenting tho wild ness of a son. But tho point is this, that at ono time I had appealed to tlvo of these men in behalf of an un fortunate whoso case was tho saddest I had over known in my experience, and the matter had distinctly bored them. The father of tho wayward hon. 7ind the young man who or didn't like sisters, had hied to ap pear interested, but it was for my hako. They afterward helped that particular unfortunate, but that, too, was duo to my interest. "I can easily understand why a man cries when n women refuses to marry him," said tho meek little woman besido tho last speaker, "for I have heard so much of that and uhem have seen it myself. They all seom to cry when they're refused. Do you remember tho night when your old friend Phil" But tho woman in tho fur jacket hastily romarked that sho couldn't romember it under any circum stances, and tho conversation flagged. Now York World. Tlio Human Memory. A writor in Tho Atlantic Monthly presents curious facts with regard to tho oporation of tho human mom my, He takes tho ground that tho memory supplies tho place of talent in many cabes, and cites an instanco in which a raro success in point of style was proved to have been achieved by a mosaic ot sontonces carried in tho mind from various vritm-3. nnd carofullvdovotailedinto n pieco of work which proved a tri umph in its completeness, iiio capi tal of most writors consists in in formation, and to tho faculty of memory thoy aro chiefly indebted for this. Memory is almost a substi tute for genius itself at times, and may certainly afford its possessor that whif h passes for originality. A Suggestion. Littlo man nt tho theater, vainly trying to catch a glimpse ovor tho shoulders of a big man in front of him, at length touches him on tho shoulder. Big Man (turning around) Can't you seo anything? Littlo Man (pathotieally) Can't eeo a streak of tho stage. Big Man (sarcastically) Why, thou. I'll tell you what to do. You keep your oyo on mo and laugh when I do, Exchange. Not the Question. Teacher Johnny Cumso, you may answer this questien: If ouo man does a piecg of work in fivo days, and another man does tho pieco of work in threo days, in how many days can thoy do it working together? Johuny Ploobe, ma'am, I'm not Very well informed on tho labor question. Harper's Bazar. Woman's Unrol lability. A bright observor of woman re mark's that a woman's opinion with regard to her face may gonorally bo triibtod, but that when sho is called upon to judgo na to her form sho Is almost uuivorbally unreliable no was not a baldheadod observer of tlio matter olther, Boston Horald. IBotter than a Government Bend, higher rnto'of interest, indemnity in old ago ' or nt death. You 'cannot Iobo a dollar in a Massachusetts company, Cash and paid . up values guaranteed oftehycnr. Mr. H. G. Colton, Gen'l Agent of tho Massaohu- setts Mutual Lifo Insuraneo company, in in tho city and if you aro thinking of carry ing insurance ho will bo glad to see you. Call at tlio "Willaniotto Hotel or at the office of MITCHELL & LUNN, Resident Agents, M&llAimmimmmiiiiiimtiiiii How It Keels to Iml a Procession. . "If you want to oxporicncO a novel Eenpation," said a gentleman who sports a colonel's uniform us mom borof a governor's staff whenever said governor turns out on parodo, "just got on horseback and tako part in some .great procession like thoso which marked tho Columbian festivities. Tr. tho most curious feolinrr that you over experienced, I will wager a , hat. It beats liashlicesh or opium smoking all to pieces. It is unlike any other thing that you ovor aaw i or heard or felt. "At first you aro all light, and you heac tho bands and seo tho great fur-1 rows of humanity on either eido of tho way as distinctly as you over , eaw anything in your life. But after , nwhilo thingj begin to grow blurred , to your senses. Tlio music dies away and there i3 nothing but r. dull roar in ycur ears, wnno tno crowu becomes morely a dull nnd indistinct mass without form or meaning in your eyes. "But now you begin to seo single figures men hanging from tho eaves of high buildings, boys perched on chimneys or signboards or in some hazardous place. You watch ouo of them with fascinated eyes, expecting overv minuto to seo him fall and be dashed to pieces on tho pavement. You aro constantly filled with an overwhelming feeling that you aro to bo witness to somo dreadful ac cident, but for tho life of you you cannot turn your oye3 away from it. After awhile you cease to be a hu man being at all and become a mere automaton. You aro not controlled by human emotions, but by tho mag netism of tho crowd. It is some such sort of hypnotic state, I appre hend, winch men get into during a battle and which makes them so un like themselves. "Now York Horald. Tho Spider Ilmvk. Tho miners of Colorado who havo built cabins on the mountain sides know what a pest tho small brown wood spider proves to bo. They thrown their webs over our best clothes, cooking utensils, in every comer, where you can got them in your oyes and mouth. Not only that, but thoy will drop into tho frying pan, water buckot or upon tho tablo where you aro eating. Nature has furnished a remedy and a friond when sho gave the spider hawk. The name is given by minors to a small, steel blue wasp almost three fourths of an inch in length. Ho can easily bo recognized by tho quick, nervous strokes of his wings. Thoy build a nest up among tho rafters of your cabin of wood pulp or furze from tho outer coating of old dead trees. Then thoy aro ready for busi ness. Every fow minutes you can see your hawlc climb up the rafters with a spider, sometimes carrying ono four or fivo times his own weight. Somo tinies thoy got a spider so heavy that they will fall many times before thoy succeed in reaching thoir nest. Thoy nover givo up, but kcop on try ing until they succeed. When tho spider is safely placed in tho nest the female hawk deposits her egg in tho dead body. Tho hawks livo only in pah-s, as far as my observation goes. They become rather tamo and seem to bo obliged to you for building tho spider trap for their benefit. Great uiviuo. Grant Allen on I.ltornry Rewards. Grant Allen's experience and ad vice may be of seivico to other as pirants who may fondly imagine that tho successful literary man treads a primrose highway to fame and for tune. "If anybody thinks," ho says, "that my upward path from obscuri ty to a vory modest modicum of pop ularity and success wa3 a smooth and easy ono ho is immensely mis taken. I had a ton years' hard strug gle for bread, into tho details of which I don't caro to enter. It left mo broken in health and spirit, with all tho vitality and vivacity crushed out of mo. I supposo tho object of this series of papers is to warn off in genuous and aspiring youth from tho hardest worked and worst paid of tho- professions. If so I would say earnestly to tho ingenuous and aspiring: 'Brain for brain, in no markot can you soil your abilities to such poor advantago. Don't take to litoraturo if you've capital enough to buy a good broom and energy enough to annox a vacant crossing.'" ltlcli Scientists. No scientific body in tho United States has so many millionaires as tho American Instituto of Electrical Engineers. At tho top of tho list is Alexander Graham Bell, whoso profits on tho telephone aro represented by eight figures. Next conies Edison with a sovon figure fortune Brush, of elec tric light fiune, Elihu Thomson and Edward Weston nro moro than mil lionaires. Frank J. Sprague was a junior officer in tlio United States navy. IIo is now living in tho mansion which was built for tho Grants. His company sold out to tho Edison company for $1,250,000, and half of it wont to tho inventor. Exchange. AVhon a Man Is llo eloped. Tho conclusion is arrived at that a man's full mental power is not reached before tho ago of twonty fivo, and the dovolopmout of talent is most marked botweon tho age3 of thirty and forty-fivo yearn. Chatn bora' Journal. ; w,tfijaaMrj.iiwsi.T7iri LOCK0 Af0 THEIR HISTORY. InlbrMllnir lnrM Ih itrtriilon toTtiwIrln M'ntloil nnd Evolution. Sineo man brcamo nccretivo or covotoiiH locks and bolts havo boon n necessity. To koop a would bo in truder on tho right tddo of u door and tho fingers of a thief from tho object of his cupidity our ancestors impro vised tho wooden bar and designed tho mysterious lock. Tlio latter was of courso tho later product as involv ing mechanical skill and a knowledge of metals. Tho ancient Egyptians aro credited with tho manufacture of tho original lock, which was snnplo in construction and by no means proof against tho ingonuity of tho primitivo burglar. They wero most ly mado of wood, with an occasional example of iron or copper. Tho warded loch was a further ovolution, and during tho Middle Ages, in which bo much of mechanical work was t'Gsociatcd with sacerdotal instincts and objects tho products wero char acterized by elaboration and the highest stylo of finish. Tho religion of mechanics in those nicdicoval times was conscience in w.rk and faith in its thoroughness, co v.iik'h in modern days wo cannot honestly make so valid a claim. Tho result in tho art of lock making was tho production of specimens, of which it is said that history and antiquarians tell of no finer speci mens, art and handiwork being hap pily compared. The tumbler lock is Mongolian, and has been in use in tho Celestial empire for centuries, tho ancient Chineso being artists in mechanical devices, and by no means tlio blsckheads so liberally scandal ized on tho sand lots and platforms of modern times. Tho combination padlock has also a venerable record, and is attributed to the genius of a French locksmith, tho opinion, how ever, being held by antiquarians that it3 inception dates back to a remotor period. Bo that as it may, it is evident that in locks as in everything elso in pure mechanics, we aro but improvers on our predecessors. Ingenuity has adapted itself to changing conditions. The lock is moro a necessity than ever. It has moro valuables to pro tect, and better educated rogues to frustrate, and wo aro getting emi nently rich in both articles, whilo in tho skill of tho locksmith as much as m the valor of tho police we place the faith that leaves no headache in our nightcaps, and keeps our bonds and ledgers safe. Wo have ovolu tionized in lock manufacture from the Egyptian artwle to tho modern combination mystery of which, as far as burglarious intentions are con cerned, there is no koy but a deposit of giant powder or a pinch of dyna mite. It is, however, to tho four types of locks named that wo owo all (subse quent evolutions, and aro not per haps, except in improvements, so far ahead of elderly skill as wo some times assume. It is simply a matter of pedigree, and in mechanical in gonuity, as in a family calendar, wo could as reasonably expect to bo on tho census roll without a grand father, as to bo where we aro ni manufactures without our ante cedents. In tho matter of locks wo caro more about practical protection than in making their brass and iron monumental of a canonized man or act, and in this senbo wo aro in keeping with tho age that is moro anxious about its de posits than itn bioTaphie3. It is, however, none tho les a lact that in tho iugenioin mechanism of tho modern lock wo are but ciinply am plifying the discoveries of our prede cessors. A.o of Steel. V. ?lfo Interestingly. In writing lettois to your friends or acquaintances, mako what you say not only worth reading, but as freo as possiblo from all affectation. Say very littlo about tfio affairs of others, and bo guarded in what you write of your own private coucorns, but apart from this do not pick and choo;0 word j, nor fcol obligod to considor how each sontonce bhall bo "roundel " Your letters will, in caso you aro constantly considering your mode, of expression, bo dull and stupid and not worth their postage. Writo to your frieiid3 as you would talk to thorn. In tho lust century letter writing was a fine ait, and as a result wo havo tho most charming and perfect pictures of tho times. Horaco Wal polo, Lady Mary Wortloy Montagu and JIuw. d'Arblay aro threo among a hundred famous letter writers of that day, when to send a letter any distanco coht eomo shillings, and therefore all "tho news," as well as tho social and domestic ovents, was chronicled.--Harper's Young Peoplo. Little j:esiiy for u'Tcn Party. Did you ever think about tho logic of etimulufi Nature supplies her own. It is astonishing what sho will do if you givo her a chance. In how short u timo will sho rovivo the over tired brain 1 A breath under tho np plo tree, a siesta on tho grass, n whiff of wind, an interval of refinement, and tho balauco and serenity are re btored, A clean creaturo needs so littlo and responds so readily 1 There is something as miraculous as tho gospels in it. Later in lifo society becomes a stimulus. -Occasionally tho gontlo excitation of a cup of tea la needed. A mind invents its own tonics, by which, without permanent injury, it makes rapid rallies and enjoys good moods. Emerson. Tlib frir of Intent and AllllllaU, It would boqttlto natural, of courso, to look on tho side of tlio head of any living creaturo (providing ho had a head) for tho organ of hearing, Such investigation, however, up odds how thorough, would be void of results in many instances. In tho clam it is found in tho buso of his "foot" or fooler. In tho most of grasshoppers it Is in tho foro leg, whllosoveral spe cies of Insects havo it in tho wing. Lobsters and crabs nil have tho audi tory sac at tho baso of tho antenna) or feelors. St. Louis Republic. riontliifr n Scheme. Over a tublo in room No. 1 of tho ARtor House, whore so many politlciil eelieinc8 havo beon hatched, I hud a long talk with Mr. Davies, tho premier of British Columbia. IIo wna here osten sibly in tlio interests of his government, but a certain rnilroud scheme also occu pied a good denl of his attention nnd time. Tho schemo is to uso Hudson bay as a waterway by building a railroad from each of its shoits respectively to the Atluntic nrrt Pncillc coasts, and thus savo many miles of construction. Ho drew imaginary lines on the table and mapped it all out so that any ono could see with half an eyo that it was not only a Reed but a great thing. And yet good, great nnd suro, as ho told mo everybody adnttteu It to bo, lie said tlmt New York financiers had advised him to float tho stock in tli" English market. Iloeeeiiied to think Mutmouey vn3 a rathev scaixo article in 2i o w York. Ls ho right or wrong? Now York Herald. Sift SPASMS A DAY. X Zlilra STcdical Co., Mlhhart, Ind. Grx'LEMEH: I ncTcrloso nn opportunity to recommend Dr. Jllles' Hestoratlvo hcrvlne to any pm ,'iiuuiiill.kiai ilii iivituun luiuiimuw T ii1,K ,lm iipcttmina ilint ,t U.II1 Tint fiUnnnnlnt (him. I. en ourboT was cl?htoouiannthHoM ha iviunttapert with violent ijiitms. IboijoliineM ho wmM huv9 five or six -1ino vuriquT nrNtriT; finally our dnirorut -econmv.eaii 'tl -. 0 -m, ,, m- Dr. Miles' Ke ioratle Ker tf 5 J 2-.' S. fft Ine We tried n b.-ttle, uirl fsf' 'l"' could 6eo tlmt 'io wan ncNcriTSD from tvi first oosc. Wa ustd tl ice bottles, and I am happy to Bay tho child via r-NTIRCLY CURED. We used no other mm ay, and his cure 13 complete. Ho Is KESS THOUSANDS ly healthy. You ore at liberty to uso my namoln OOU1DINO THE PRAISE OF THIS WONDERFUL nCMCDY. S. C. Heacox, Agent Pacific Express CO. Hastings, Nebraska, April 6th, ISM. i ii:nsm Rt-nBioQay. Vic tbico mny.pmybi- Dr. Files' Nervine, MOST CERTAIN CUBE FOB HEADACHE, KEDEALOIA, 1TEEV0U8 PE08- TEATI0N, DIZZMESS, SPASMS, SLEEPLESS- HESS, DULLNESS, BLUES, and OPIUM HABIT, SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS. gold by D. J. Fry, drucgipt, Falcm O YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABY? Maybo yon think this ts a netr business, pending out bnbies on application ; It has bcon done before, however, but nover have those furnished been bo near tho original sample as this ono. Everyone will exclaim, " Well 1 that's the sweotest baby I ever saw 1" This littlo black-and-white- engraving can plvo you DUta iaint luca or moexquisito original. -Tfyjfw" V "" " TWT f VY I'M A DAISY." whlob wo propose to send to you, transpor tation paid. Tho littlo darling rests against a pillow, nnd Is In tho, net of drawing off its pink sock, tho mate of which lias beon pulled off and Hung asldo wtth a ttlumpbant coo. Tho Uesh tints nro perfect, and tho eyes follow you, no matter whero you stand. Thoexqul sltoronroductlonsof this greatest pnlntlng of Ida waugh (tho most celebrated of modern painters of baby life) nro to be given to thoso who subsorlbo to Demorest's Vamlly Maga zine for 1S9.U Tho reproductions cannot be told from tho original, which cost JMOO, and are tho samo Bizo (17x inches). The babyls lifo size, and absolutely lifelike. We have also In preparation, to present to our sub scribers during 1803, other great pictures by suchartlstsasl'ercy Jlornn.JIaud Humphrey, Louis Dosclutnps, nnd others of world-wide renown. Tuko only two examples of what we did during tho past ear, "AYnrd of Pan Bies," and "A White llouso Orchid " by tho wife of l'rosldcnt Harrison, and you will seo what our promises rr.enn. Thoso who subsori bo forDemorcst's Family Magazlno f or ISfO will possess a gallery ol cx nulslto worhs of art of great valuo, besides a Magazlno that cannot ba equaled uy any in tho world for Its beautiful Illustrations and subject matter, that will kcopovcryono post ed on nil the topics of tho day, nnd nil tho fads and different items of Intercut about tho household, besides furnishing interesting reading matter, both grave nnd gay, for tho whole family; nnd whllo llcmoreM'd is not a fashion Magazine, Its fashion pages nro per f eot, nnd wo givo you. rr o cosf , all tho pat terns you wish to uso during tho jear, nnd lu nnvslzo you choose. Send in jour sub scription nt once, only $2, nnd you will rcnlly get over S-H In value. Addrees the publisher, W, Jennings Domorost, 15 Bast 14th St.. New York. If you nre unacquainted with the Magazlno, Bend W cents for a specimen copr iUtfOEN'SJ LATEST PATENTS WITH ELECTcn. BEST WraOVEUENTS. ? MJFKETIB SUSPNSCRV. Will ear Wtiot UtdltUt ! Mitlam rtiiltlit from u Mttil lBB,Uda, dlaUt. loaiffi. until dtbtlttj. ,lrrft win", Itaiatr, ibtvtullia, 14ij, lli.r tJ lu.dd.r mpl.lBU.lno.Uil. uti, iilulu, fia.r lU-l.nli u. ThU tUfltrU ball coiluIm H4tfffl lMiririBi. oTtr til dkira, ! (liu tir.i lait la Imuoi. fell tr tb iuc x (ottill l,ueo, acl olll r tH of lb. alt 41aaa or M V.J. Tktuuli ka.' Un aurasl tj IMi na j.lova iDttuilsn ,rur U ittr rtwiatta I.IU1, td tr, budrxb it iMlluonUU lu It U 4 nin itir m Dirt..! ISlkulCl) UMThlV WM-SUKV,lK, IrttalWBtirtB4HlB)ItilUtWilHU.IICMt lJtbudllfrWatnt,UVlllJlTttl)ue(,WNUua SJ (tr lUuntHl ruBtlci, tull4, a4., Ira, Xltilii likJirxaBMr hzibotiuo 00.. Wil7 Plift fi.,l0TUM., (NUU WWW -V4W Tp'i'jw V' " TWVfV Jfv &U&, mil BEL f JtHpiSC 3S liLm . the BEST IN Bi&cKweHV iu!l Situated in the immediate section of i B t-wmm my Smokirx? Of tOMCCO, mat in lexuire, nuvui aim uiu.ij .- ..w 6.w. ,..-.-.,. in the world, and being in position to command the choice of all offer ings upon this market, we spare no pains nor expense to give the trade THE VERY BE5T. When in want of the best; ask for Bull Durban). Sold everywhere. None genuine without the Trade Mark of the Bull on each package. BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO., DURHAM, N. C. B&sm g U Q i s 3 2 l, () CD C c SfJ O Cy 7 H d fl) H W if) S JS j5 g s i ii M 5 Z C v j r uwft r) o w "d o Kisxzsssa - C C Iv BAN Ii you would bo clean aud in the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the S.Ufi.H a'JTEAM liAVNUKY where all work i done by white labor and in the most prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED. Liberty Street wawgtflrrrir.TT-wimMmiiyiMwwnaELuaaLuijnaflai3ra Notice oi'Flnal Sett lenient. VTOTICE 1 heifhy given, that George Q. M HliiBham executor M the ettale of H U ChubU, dcieaKed, bns filed bis final uc couui tin mcli executor, and the county ?i0Ur.?f.Mur,..n. co"". tircgon, has set tli fittnlav ot December 1U Ht the hour of 10 o clock a. 111. lor the lienrlng thereof All pcrcons having bbjeutlnni tu ma ac count nil) pi tat'Ut tlinii o K'i'd court at ialA,.l"!.e' "EO- a- HINOHAM. IHWw Executor. Ivesideuco 882 Churth Bt, J. J. MUTTON, l AND IKE PAISTEB, Decorator, Kulgomluer and Pa per Hanger. Ix-ave ordem nt A.;b. Rurcn A Bon's Fur niture suiru or Broai& Olio, Oroccu. SOMETHING NEW. The new Time Card, which Is now In ellect, via the "Wisconsin Central Lines," In ronnecllon with tho Northern Puclfloll R ntlorda the travelliiR pul.llcthe host facilities trora all points wet to Chicago and points east and south. The unsurpassed equipment ofTered to Its patrons, combined with speed comfort aud safety, surpassing ail its competitors. Ail through trains are r. nipoged of Pullnmn vpalllmlcl ,lr . '...: sleepeiB, with dltilnpiHrjt ahu day coaches nf lntpci iivui , 1, J The daily tlirouqli fi.r trsln etch way, ruskiug (.'0t)ja cni.urcilou at ( hlcaco tth trains in ull dlreoiions.- for Halt!, time luhlen. ctu . an- b--- -..., iiiiriii rut no j i, JR., or Jas.0. Pond. aen'lPMu.andTkt'irfnt, ili'ihlhimttm THE WORLD Durban Tobacco country that produces a grade hayc your clothes done up J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 215K Ccmmerclil St., - Sslem, Oregon, (Next door to Kloln's.) Bpecltilty ol SpectncleH, and repairing (Jlooks. Watohw and Jowelry, White's No. 60, SALEM'8 FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for buKlnegg. Careful work t-ptclHlty. j, j,-, wiUTJfi. BM.WaitePrintingCo. largest establishment In the clly.l OVER BUSH'S BANK, SAXBlvr, -.- ORKOONi Wood Saw. Kvjrybody get tllmrlen Binllh' ftcam wood wiw, "Tha RukUer." Urdow nt W Front Ktreet. E;. K. I-IAIvL, Paper Hangerand Decorator. iffyrlr! MfM J ,oo tOhM. cWvtrt' MUHwiKy 1 i m f. GO CD CD CO m CD I Cases? EMMatt BV SiaBffiRMaW o IBBaV GO pa tJiafdl Jk.