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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1892)
s t& tfk vv ' K kr v , y In kftf a m GE.BAT SLAUGHTER. PRICKS of CLOAKS Some very fine goods will be sold at very low prices in order to clean out ' ' our winter stock. Don't Miss a Good Bargain. The Palace , BLAINE IS BAD OFF. . He Has Given up His Califor nia Trip. TRAIN ROBBERY AND BLOODSHED, Indian Troubles Reported From Fort Belknap. Blaine's Condition. T$KW YoRK,N.Y..Dec.l8. A Post Washington special savs: The pro posed California trip of Blaine, hat been practically Kiyen up. and it ii beginning to be suspected that hie recovery Is not goiug ahead as rapid ly as represented, and that news paper accounts which pronoupced him in a serious condition, are near er right than interested parties ure willing to admit. Train Robbery. Iron Gate, Va., Dec. 18. As the Chesapeake and Ohio vestibule train pulled out of Htiutlngton, Va.r last night, four masked train robber, with two pistols each, appeared, and ordered the passengers to bold up their bands. Two passengers seized one of the robbers. In the scuflle, , one of the passengers, a German from Cincinnati on his wedding -' trln. was mortally wounded, and Peter Drake, also of Cincinnati, writ wounded twice. The conductor so cured a revolver and emptied it twice at the robbers. Iu the meantime the scene was ono of Indescribable confusion, passengors were hiding beneath the seats, women scream ing and fainting. At last the rob- Wj .here, realizing their failure, pulled the bell cord, stopped luo-truln, jumped oil and disappeared in the darkness. It is believed some of them are wounded. Indian Row. , Great Falls, Mont., Dee. 18. News from Fort Belknap Indian agency about Indian trouble indi cates it Is adrunkon row and no fears are entertained of an Indian out break. Senators in Caucus. Washington, Dee. 13, Repub lican senators hold an hour caucus this morning, relative to Btatesiu which there are doubtful senatorial contests, but reached no conclusion. Tho caucus is to bo rouewed this Afternoon. 'A Light Sentence. Davenport, Iowa, Dee. 18. In the district court today George' J. Bagley, for the thoftof $100,000 from the United States Express company, tho full amount of which was after ward returned to tho company, was Bontonoed to two and a .half years in the peultontary, Returns to His Meals. Cleykland, Dee. 13, Arthur Wlullmeau, who uudortook the task of fasting fifty days, has given up the task iu disgust, deolarlug that the people of the town did not up- y predate tho scloutlllo importance if the feat, Fabulous Woalth. Jew York, Dec. 13. The will of late Jay Gould was oflered for bbato yesterday. Executors any An the potltion that tho property ln this state consists of $2,000,000 WUy, aud $70,000,000 peraoualty. Flooded by Water. CuiOAao, III., Dee. 13. Wide spread damage'eaused by tho burst- ' lu of h largo water main on Fifth aveuuo aud Charles place yesterday. Two blocks of cottages below the grade aro flooded., AH tho lulmblt ante are temporarily homeless, 'IiUa maiiufuoturlug district and n'flraH therein lose amounts ranging from oue thousand to twenty ' Uwvueand dollars eacli.nmounllng In aa agregate to a large sum. ? gaits Sarasy Case. OixOiNfiATr, Dee. 13, The Cln. tatuUl presbytery in werct session, voted yatterday upon the seeoud and third charges agulust Profrseor Btoory P. Swlth, of Lane Tlieolog- liMry. and lie wan found -IN- DRY J guilty upon both charges. The charges pertain to his views on In spiration. The committee appoint ed to couslder and report the penal ty at the meeting today, lu view of tho close vote, It Is surmised the pen alty i.f excommunication will not be recommended,and possibly not even mure than an admonition, as the committee as made up Includes sev eral i-upporters of the accused. Cincinnati, Dee. 18. The com mltt e of the Cincinnati Presbytery, to fix tlie penalty ugalust Professor dtulth, found guilty in the recent rial, today submitted two report?. One ncommended reprimand, one aubpujslon. Tho Presbjtery went Into t-ecret session to couslder re ports. A DOUBLE DROWNING. A Woman's Lover Kills Husband and Friend. Richmond, Va., Dec. 13. A novel method was adopted to com mit a double murder iu Henrico county. The crlmo Involves tht story of a divorced man In love with the w ife of another. His love was reciprocated, but tho husband and his best friend were iu tho way of the full and complete enjoyment of the mutual attachment. Seven miles west of Richmond, on the James river, there have lived in the same house for a few years, three farmers named Philip L. Nicholus, Jnmes Mills und Judson Wilkinson. For some lime tho relations of Nicho las, who was divorced from his wife, and Mrs. Mills wore unduly inlimale. Mills appeared to think very highly of Nicholas. Last Thursday when he and Wilkinson were invited by Nicholas to go across the river to cut a beo tree, which he said he had dls. covered, Mills gladly accepted the Invitation, as did also Wilkinson. Not very long after the pnrty left, Nicholas returned with his clothes soaKing wet and announced to Mrs. Mills and Wilkinson's mother, the only other occupauts of tho building, that tho boat had capsized and all had fallen Into the water. Ho said ho was the ouly ono who could swim, aud his companions were drowned. Mrs. Mills accepted the story as true, but not so with Mrs. Wilkinson. Neighbors and officers of the law began to Investigate, aud Sunday morning tho man was ar rested on tho charge of double mur der. Tho boat was found In tho rlvor, aud when It was tukon out of tho water two freshly bored auger holes were found In tho bottom. A short diHtanco down tho stream two corn-cobs, trimmed so as to exactly fit tho holes in tho bottom of the boat, wero foundj In Nicholas' room an augur that fitted the bored spaces wus discovered. Tho theory Is that Nicholas, being aware that uoither of them could swim, deter mined to dispose of them by drown ing, and prepared tho boat so as to sink It in midstream, kuowiug that ho could easily save himself. It Is bolioved ho thoughtWllkiusou kuew too much of his intimacy with Mrs. Mills, and therefore decided that two persons who could not swim could ho as easily drowned as ono. Lucky Young Ladiss. St. Paul, Minn., Die. 13. Mies Eva Williams, n poor clerk In a Yankton, 8. D., shoe store, und her sister Edna, n student In a New York art school, havo liceu btqucath ed (50,000 cuuh by an English aunt. Canton, 0 Dec. 13. Mies Delia Speakmnn, hoso whereabouts wero udvertleed for by J. C.Marhall, an eoceutrlo Minerva widower who desired In leuvo her his property, valued at $-0,000, became eho bore the bii in o naino ns did ills wife when u maiden, hus bten found. She lived at Kent-lnglon, Carroll county, and has excellent family connec tions, World's Fair Orator. OmoAao, Dec. 13. Tha commit tee pn ceremoults of tho World's fair Is serloua'y couBlderlug thn quwtou of luvitlng O adstoue to be orator of tho ('a ut the opeulu' of the exposition in May next. GOODS and SHOE STORE, 307 Commercial Street. HOWLING SNOW STORM. Delegates From India are Protesting AGAINST BRITISH OBSTRUCTIONS. At tho Brussels International Monetary Conference. Brussels, Dec. 13. At the sit ting today of the International Monetary conference Sir Guilford Houldsworth, one of the delegates representing the Indian govern ment, protested ugainst the ob structions 'oliered by the British delegates. He said that but for the tactics employed by the representa tives of Great Britain, the currency question would have been settled loug ago. Sir Guilford declared that the situation In Great Britain had greatly changed since Novem ber 22, tho date of the first meeting of the conference, and he suggested that the conference adjourn a few weeks to enable the British govern ment to reconsider the whole ques toou. Big Snowfall. Ottumwa, Da., Dec. 13. The worst snow storm of many years visited this section today. Six inches has fallen in the last two hours and It Is still snowing. Retaliation. London, Dec. 13. Peters, secre tary of North Atlantic steamship as sociation, has given out a statement, in view of American regulations in regard to immigrants, the associa tion decided to carry on its vessels only salon and second class passen gers, from January 1, next. All special excursion rates for the Col ombian exposition have been with drawn by the- association and no doubt tills action will result In a lame falling off In tho number of foreign visitors. Favors Gold. Buklin, Dee. 13. Iu the relch stag, Count Melrbach, conservative, asked the government to usslst the blmctalilsts in the Brussels mone tary conference. Chaucellor Caprivl replied that the German delegates were lustrncted not to give assent to any proposals that restricted Ger rlght to decide what should consti tute her own currency, and to de clare Germany is content with her present system und would not change It. Caprlvt concluded his remarks by declaring Germany would continue to adhere to the gold standard. Armour's College. Chicago, Dee. 13. Phillip D. Ar mour, the millionaire pucker, start ed for Now York ou his way to Eu ropo, leaving behind his Christmas gift of over ono million and a half of dollare to tho city of Chicago. Absolutely unknown to tho public, work has been going on for one year toward tho erection of a magnificent building in Armour avenue, and It Is uow all but ready for occupancy, It will bo known as Armour Irrstl tute, aud bo to Chicago nil that Drexel Is to Philadelphia, ami Pratt Institute to Brooklyn. The build ing Is but a small part of the gift, in addition to It, aud for Its support, Mr. Armour gives $1,400,000. All that money and brains cnu do will be done toward making It tho greatest Institute for manual train ing, hdeiico, and art iu tho country, Mr. Armour conceived the plan yeurs ago. TheyLeft No Traco Behind. Portland, Dec. 13. Word has been received from L'leatms, Wash ington, that tho general merchan dise store of MoMuter and Hon was entered by I urg'ars last night, who blew the sift open, securing ubout two nuuur-Mi uoiuni m oisti, one. huudrod au 1 nicety dollars in post age stamp, aud bo en hundred dol- law worth of negotlab'e paper. ' Thw l uo clue to the lurgUw. Straightouts Left. TacoMA, Dec. 13. The distribu tion of federal patronage for Oregon under tho Cleveland administration wns the subject of discussion at n conference held here on Sunday be tween Geo. H. Mnflatr, editor of the Portlnnd Eveulug Telegram, D, R. Murphy, chairman of tho Oregon democrat Icstatonatloual committee and Hugh C. Wallace, Washington member of the democratic commit tee. Tt was learned today that tho discussion resolved Itself Into a ques tion of whether fusion democrats or nntl-fuslon democrats shall control tho Oregon federal patronage. The Portlaud gentleman is said to have returned convinced that the ear of the incoming administration will be open to the fusion faction which they represent d and which they car ried out the fusion plan as directed by the democratic national commit tee. Senator Jones' Opinion. Brussels, Dec. 13. To a corres pondent Seuator Jones said: "I have not given up hope that some plau may be evolved from tho dis cussion now in progress, and that before the end of the coming week. If not, tho conference; may adjourn for tho holidays. In the latter event the government opposed to us may see the danger In which they stand, and come to an arrangement. They will discover that they cannot main tain the present system, but may want time to find a way out of the difficulty. I will speak today. My speech will be academic, for I have been abked to discuss the question thoroughly." Another Oiisis in France. Pakis, Dec. 13. Minister of 11 nance Itouver, today resigned ns the result of a letter to Clemeuceau in Figaro, implicating him with Reluacb and Herne iu the Panama canal scandal. The political situa tion is very critical and another gov ernment ciisis Is extremely likely. Was Not Poisoned. Piitsiiuko, Pa., Dee. 13. Coron er's InqHPSt into the death of Isaac Jury, who was a non-union employe of the Carnegie Compauy at Home stead, who was supposed to have been poisoned by strikers, shows death to have been the result of alcoholism. World's Fair Two Years. Chicago, Dec. 13. Directors of tho World's fair have been dlecuss ln for some time, In an cutirely informsl way, however, advisability of keeping the fair open two seasons instead ofjone. It is thought a pity to have spent so much money, with such splendid educational results, to be open only six months. Congressional News. Washington, Dec. 1.!. Senate: Among bills intiodueed and referred wero the follewing: By Gallinger.for suspension of immigration uudtr certain circumstances: by Mitchell, to provide for national encampment of mllltiu at world's fair; by Cullom, to amend Interstate commerce law; by Pefl'er to fucilifote promotion in nc.vy. Consideiation of anti-option bill was resumed this afternoou. George addressed the senate thereon. IN HOUSE. Committee on rules reported back favoiably a resolution ottered by Wilson, Democrat of West Virginia, directing committeo on Ways aud Means to inquire and report presont condition of tho treasury. and future probable revenue under existing laws; adopted. SATOLLI'S SAD FAILURE. Tho Pope's Legate Fails lo End a Quarrel. St. Louis, Mo., Djo. 13. It Is learned here that there Is muoh con sternntln at the ofllee of the cardi nal secretary of stato on account of tho failures of Batolll's mission to tho United States. He was sent at tho .solicitation of Monslguor Ire laud, who assured tho cardinal sec retary that there was n glorious fu ture litbtore for the church In Amer ica If certain obstacles were re moved, und pointed out that t lithe obstacles wero duo to local blckerlugs of priests ami bishops, und above all by the condemnation of tho public schools by the Amerleau hierarchy. Monoignor Salolli went to America as representing the holy father, und at tho opening of the Chicago ex position, aud when the conference of tho archbishops of the Uulted StateH wu held November 17 at New York, ho appeared and was introduced by Cardinal Gibbons, He delivered au address iu which bo told tlietn tlint lie bud prepared a .tD.i r..,t,t-tli. ..f 1.1 npimnalttima ,.. jUa,uh . l..u-v,.uuo ivlilol. Ilm ,,l,r,Ulinna nviemlilnH ' ' "" ' ' " " Bliould slgi In tluul tottlementof tbe Bobool cuesticii, aud notified them that thfra murt be do tami.ffifi&j'ur .rM.Moy " A IpACIFIC UND AND OiiCHABD S jjm& 'SZBX. HR ipSr .If JUrs. Isaiah Emerson Of Manchester, N. II. After the Qrlp Mood's Sarsaparllla Rostorod Health and Strength " Last w Inter I had tho Grip and was qulto sick. After I began to get better, being weak and rim down, I concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparllla, seeing It recommended so highly. I must say that I was moro than pleased v 1th It I recovered my health com pletely In a short tlmo and think I Am In Better Hoalth than before I was sick. I feol sure that this Is due to Hood's 8arsaparllla. In tho pack ago of Sarsaparllla when I opened It I found a sample, box of Hood's rills. I was sur prised and delighted to find how well they igreed with mo, no griping and no weaken ing. I havo tried other kinds of pills, but food's PiBSs have the preference every time now. I i h'nk tlicy aro just w ondert ul. I am glad to reco'n meinl two such good preparation as Hood'a s irsapirlll.iaiidIIoods Pills." jtr.s. Ibaiau EMr.nso.v, East Manchester, N. II. HOOD'8 PlLL8 aro tho best a:tei .iinn-.i fills, assist digestion-, prevent coti3tIji! o 1 ion of the proposition. Thn nrcli bNhops were astounded, and wheu Monslguor Satolli retired they unan imously refused to ask for the ap pointment of nn apostolio delegate in the United States. When they came to consider fire busk of settle ment of the school question, all with tho exception of Monslguor Ireland, lefused to sign it. Cardinal Gibbons begged of the archbishops not to reject it, but to receive It without signing it. This they would also not do, but they held it for further consideration. Tho mission of Mousiguor Satolli therefore is au utter failure. There will be no set tlement of the school question on any other than the basis laid down by Plus IX and Leo XIII, and adopted by the Baltlmoie council. There is just now much speculation in ecclesiastical circles as to the fu ture movements of Monpiguor Sa tolli, The chances are that he will return to Eomo to be present at! he pope's jubilee next February, and will not be sent back to tbe United States in any capacity. ' MILLIONS OF LANDS Taken From the Southern Pacific by a Court Decision. Washington, Der 13 Tho United States supreme court by a majority decision Iris leersed the judgment of the circu't court of the United Stotes for the southern dis trict of California, and decided against tho Southern Pacific Kail road Company In four suits brought against it by the United States to quiet title to valuable land lying between the Colorado river and the Pacific ocean. These lands iu South em California are now muoh sought after. They are said to be worth several million dollars, aud were claimed by the Southern Paeflc by virtue of a latrd grant made to It by congress. The cases have been befpre tho court some time. They wero argued at the laHt term, but the court was nearly equally divided ou the merits of the question invol ved, and ordered the cates to be ar gued, and set tho hearing down for a special date. The decision of the couit, reudeied by Justice Brewer, Is squarely against the company on both points before the court, and de prives it of title lu the lauds. The two questions, before the court whother or not the Southern Paclflo Company was entitled to the lands withlu the grairted limits or to tho lands within the Indemnity limits of the Atlantic & Pacific Railroad Compauy. Maps of the detiuite lo cation of the two are couillctlug. Tho court ruled the grants to these lands attached to the Atlantic & Paclflo Railway Company, and that this road never haviug been con structed west of the Colorado river, the lands became part of the public domain, open to settlers. Justices Field and Gray dissented. MARKETS. P o K T i, A N P, Dec. 13. Wheat valley, $1.1S?1.17', Walla Walla, ?1.07$1.10. San Fbancibco, Cal., Dee. 13. Wheat, Dec?1.25j. CiiifJAOO, Ills., Dec. 13 "Whest 71J. Allcaeif Vk or litrue back, bark nclir, rheurnml in, will rind rtllef by wearing one of Curler' Hnmrl weed aud Dnlndonna ltackacho plasters 1'jlce 33 cenU, IlyoUBreaervouordypeptlo try Cnr- fir i.rB,rVn,.Hi.lnir.ouiiei route. von ii'io rrr" riuo, iOMeina mnse lynerHr;elUiT Out) . ruler J, U I tuber- able,uuaihMajJUie pllliiu r both, My ftlmd. look liml you inov bow" fffiVitaiir&AiwDH iwui SSfivS eakauanervo mrr wire r. and you FOR TOWN $2.00 rerdoren ror the On! finished I'HOIOOH.VPHS lntheelty. MONTBE BROS., IM Commercial Mrcil. T. .1. KKKHS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Finishing, Cor. 20th and Clitrneltota ntrcet. Olinger 2 CENTS A DAY, Evening Journal. Delivered at Your Door. SALEM MARKETS. Wli-ut- 62o per bushel. Oats 3540c per bushel. PotHrnes 1050c per bushel. Finn i 5 4.00 per bbl. Brau (Sacked) $17.50 per ton Shorts (Sucked) $19.50 per.ton. Eifjjs 30o per dozen. Chlckeus 7 per lb. Chopped feed -(Sacked) $19.00. Ducks 10c per lb. Geee 7ciper lb. Turkeys lie per lb. Lard 1UJ15(! per lb. Butter 2o35c per pound. Beef 712Jc dressed, Veal 10 to 12Jc, dressed. Pork-712ic dressed . Wool 1518c per lb. Hops 1518Jc per lb. JOHN HUGHES, i)ealcr iu Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Jiorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Teed and Pence Posts. Grass Seeds, Et NJSW AliVlIKTIBEMENlS. 15 w Good garden land three miles southeast of i lie penitentiary on Macleay road. $250 down and balance on 6 to in years time. Or uadtt ror clly property. 1). A. Hurls, bnleui. 12-H tr THE FIRST ANNUALSHOW -OF THE- Poultry and Pet Stock Vilt be held at ARMORY HALL, SALEM, OR., January 5th, 6th and 7th. Special attractions and many ol them. Everything new. The only big show ever Blven in Oregon, l'eotile from all oer the stato will nt end. Catm prizes larger than ever uud mor l thoni. For premium llts and enlry blunliM wrlt to the becre tary. Arrangements huve been made with the .xprcs!i Co. to return all coops treo of charge. Win. SAVAGE, Superintendent. E, P, KELLER, Secretary, THE YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregi 11 Development company'i steamship Hue. '2ti miles shorter, 0 hour i lob? Umu than by any other route. Klrt class through passenger and freight lln from Tortlaud and all points in the Wl lamette valltvlto and from Ban Krancleo, TIME SCflEDULE, (Kxcept Hnndays)?"" Leave Albany -Leave Corrallm . Arrive Yaqulna Leave YaQulu.i . Uave Corvallls Arrive Albany . 1:00 iJd UOPII 6.S01M 6:15 A M - 10:35 AW U:10AW O. A C, tr&lca connect at Albany and Uorvullis. The above trains connect nt YAQTJIN.l with the Ororfon Development Co7 Lln jfHtoamshlnRnfltwHnn Yaoulna and Ba KrnuclMx,. N. B. Passeneeru from rortland and all Willamette Valley points can make clos connection wlrh the trains of thi y AO UINA HOimi at A lbany or CorvaUls uud If destined to San Francisco, should arrange to nrrh e at Yaqulna the evening before date of tailing, rMir(rr ud Krelgst Bites Alwsjri til Ii,ikm! or in'ormatlon apply to Messrs HULMAN A Co.. Krelgfit and Ticket rfent 'Mi and iCB Front St., Portland, Or.j O.O. HCK1TJK Aot Gen'l Frt. A Pass. AgU, Oregon Paclflo B. R. Co., Oorvallls. Ur O H.HABWKIiL.Jr.Oen'l Kits A Ha. Akt. Oregon Development On., vU MonUromtrr t ) Wood Saw. Everjbody ?ets (t '. HtcMi's steam yn& rk . Htal u " "" "x AljiilW LOTS FRUIT TRACTS A, H, F0RSTNER & CO Machine Shop, Guns, Sporting Goods, Etc, SOS Commercial Street. Hacks & Wagons BLACKSMIT111NU. State Street, - - Polom. RADAliAUGH k SCOTT, Livery Feed and Boarding Stable, J. B. MURPHY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOHT1I BAlihM. U Htnto Htroct. & Rigdon, Take It! EVENING JOURNAL Uulj 2 cents n day delleicdut your door. 0n nlglil oir duy. Corno Court uud I.llierty. H0EYE & MILLS. PORCKLAIN BATHS AND SHAVING PARLOUS, Only l'oicolorn Math Tubs In tho city. a Com. St., Balera, ur. illTrTHrTir"'ll'",1w'1" ""'l SIEVING VANTt:i)15y n competent dressmat er. Will go to hoiiNes. h.n qulio at 8J5 Liberty. lHJ-lw SITUATION VAJTi:i-lJy ft German ludyiiH cook lu ptlvalrt ftimliy. Ln quire SUi KTChamro block, Corntnciclsl Ht., Salem, Ort-gon. ltoorn 1M. 12-1) St nitllH PAI'Ull 1h kept on lilo at K. O. X Uraho'b Advertising Ab"uo ' f.l (Hid iv MerchnntH hschttnge, San risrlHfo, Callrnmln, wheto contracts lor n(. fc rtlhlug can bo made for It. FANCY WOKK.-Mr and Mrs. Theo, Ott leiehersofiill kluoof lanuy work inomylngalThp Cot lege, 21 Court Ht Mrl Wururoopportuult for ladles and mle. olhluglnqiiul their work has oorcimilotliecll. Ladles wishing to niruiigy for lessons t-hould call nt onco and bee tberr line hHniplea. 12--ot, IJIOUNI). A Maltese cross Masonic badge ' or chat m. Cll at this ollke. LOTS AT A liAUUAIN 'll)elare lots, conviutltnt. to tlty, streets on two sides, garden holl flue for fruit, In rneof most built upaddhlous. Apply roli.ilofor, Jouknai. orilce, alem. Ci(y Warrants NOTICE Is hereby g'ven to whom It nmv oouceru that I havo tn my hands hultlclent iuuds lor tho payment "fall wnnantso'thcclty of i-alem, "en dorsed" between Sept. 25ih aud Oct. 23rd, lKtll Interest will cease on said warrants lrom tho da'eofthls notice. E.J.SW vl'I''OUD, cltytrens. Halem, Dec. u, 1892. 12-fl ot i; )i) Tho Boaul of Trustees of the Oregon SUtu Insanu Asylum luvllo sealed pro p,Kalsfor lurn'shlugat the asylum near 8 ilem. Oregon, the following supplies for the six months eudlng July 1, 1KJJ: BUY GOODS. 2000 yd, cotton flannel (Nashua xxx) tirwn. 1200 yds Amoskcag mariner's stripes b ttoHiiii white .l00 yd. Lonhdule bleached sheeting SO luohes. 600 dslequotA sheeting unbleached !!G Indies. 20C0yds fequot 1 shoe ting unbleached 45 inches. 2u0jds Continental checked flannel. K00 ' utais crash 18 inches wide. IW0 ' bleached llncu und French crash IS Indies vide. iUlyah Anm-.keng blue denims 0o7, iOO ' I'-l bluoclied sheering pequot. IU ' superior hutln dqiuask 58 luchos W1UH. 2'jO 400 600 2C0 colors. bed ticking A O A 30 lnoa wide. Martellod clucks Y'ork mfg, Diagon ploth assorted colors. American shirting printn light 12 doz while stny binding inch wide. 15 ' ladles' cotton hose. 5 ' ladle-.' cotton handkerchiefs. 10 ' mystic Turkey red hau.lkerchlefs 21 Inch. i "i doz No. 30 black (Clark's mile end) thread W doz No. 38 white ' ' thread, 20dO7 ' 18 ' ' ' ' thread. 2 doz '60 . . t lire id. 3 doz 00 ,,, thread. , 60 yds table oil cloth best quality light color. cmoc'Eiiins. ll,r)00 lbs gianulated sugar. U 600 G U mgar. 60C3 ' rolled o its fresh ground in barrels. 15U cracked where fresh ground in ban ols. 1200 lbs gold dust corn meal (or as good) lreh ground lu barrels I2ro lbs hominy fresh ground in barrels. I'jCJ choh o.lslaiul rice. 16 Ogals Amber drips (syrup) in EOgalbbls. AO - genuine New Orluans molaebes best quality. ICCO lbs torn starch Oswego or as good. P 000' Liver pool talt BOO che. se. Cranston's or ns good. itO OftCo'sA&HbruidcaibfcOda. too ' cream tartar J AFolger'o prime or as good 2T gross - ulean sunerlor safety matches, 25 diz brooms. 2 whisk brooms. 31 ' cans ojkters Field's or as good. iji ' torn bto'ling braud or as good, 10 b"xes vermicelli. Itl doz concentraitd Ive Arpericarj, tiOlhihleilo wax cindiesHoz taz WoiceslershlreBauce (quarts) Lee & Perrins, " ' WO lbs xxx soda crackers fresh, tVM UIIJIU- loo gloss surch Oswego or as good. 160 ' Pearl barley. -llOCERW ' dozsoap dUUes. 6 0 HII CU(S. sauteis. odh quart soup bowls. ouegu Ion pltcheis. l s up plates. one pint -jrup pitchers. tflnuidlnuir plates. tumblers, 7 Inch p'ute. 1 Pluttream pitchers. 12 Inch vtgetable dishes, 10 ' , 8 , lanUrn globes. Miake stlu. suga bowls, wax 'ape's, chamber pots. 15 ' ' 1 2 ' 0 ' i2 4 ' t 1 ' 4 4 2 ' 2 ' 1 48' 1 ' OILS, ETC. Ite!8 .a' J' ' uiand In tanks 175 parumuB in cakes 5x8 inches, FLOUR. aXnmSreor,esHbe8lroUer Process de X1KATB KBlbs per day more or Jesf bt-ef as re. quarters. " "' w"uu u,ua EOP. HS0 si5,rk's Favol r as good. u ProcrorAUttiuble'srvoryoraMgooa. DUIEO FltUIT. 0 1VS 5Kj'h-f f t of.tood quality, VIKVrJ a COO gils pare cider. Mt'ini-M 20ibsma t'K'ri' aw b'tt'k pepper Kround. i glugerfcrounu ' IMfl lbs Columbia Ira'nd eras good. i Asylum So AND FARMS. J. I- DENNETT k SON, CANDIES, 1'rnit and Cigars, P- O. Block. R. T. HUMPHREYS ClKai-8 and Tobacco. BILLIARD PARLOR, 243 Oom'l Street. T. W, THoSrg, The Upholsterer, KomodclH, rumors m. , upholstered luiSMS? & clam work. Cliemeketa n Htute Insurance block. JOHN 1KWIN, Carpenter and Bi Shopw HtntemrMt. ler, Store Fittlups n Specialty f run-Mini miLWMm n. TrM COFFEE. 4fi00 lbs rostn Klca flrst grade. 100 ' Gov 'Hvn. ISO ' Heal Mocha. MX) ' C'hlccory. TOHACCO, 1WX) Hledgo Hammer brand or asood. STATIONERY. II rentns letter paper "Earlslon" half shceti J 12 doy lead pencllsruli UpasiorredNoj. ii i uvruu o jnuejiuiu iuk. i! i;ios3Gillotl's40l pens. LUATIIhlt. 1 sldo harness Oregon extra or as good. 5 solo Htoeliton2"to27p unds per side extni h"nvy. Jbirksklns. 'Z sides skirting. F1BH Fish ns required, giving prleo perpoutiil forfurulshmg the different i. rnds ol dsa lo llfht chu.B ooiidltlun, IIAIlDWAltE. 2 doss dust pans. !2 ' gnlv lion buckets. !t groiS li No 7 flat head Iron wood screwi. a ' jZ ' 7 ' 2 IK ' 0 ' ' ' ' a ' VA ' 10 ' 2 ' 2 ' U ' ' ' ' 2 lbs Jj Iron brads. 21 2 V4 ' 100 IbsXd cut nails 1 ,0 ' SUi ' 1 CO 111' 0' GO' H 10' 8' Irou. 400 1C1 1(0 100 100 )CJ finishing wire' 1(1' !CJ leot each li and round iron Norway. UO ' 7-hi ' 160 ' lA ' ' 8 ' f.l oc'Riron tool steel. 60 llA II tt iron Norway. 10 lbs each us0, 7tnud t. Pulnum horse shoo nulls. 15 lbs each and washers. 6 ' y. 15 lbs In nuts. 15 ' No 2 and ! 3 Sweet's American steel loo cilks. 1 10-luou horso rasp Illller Bros, 1 encliC 10 aud M top aud bottom swedes. iu (iKg ii iiuea uai neaa rneis. i jxi.iiiiii i inii a uau peiu nutumer iy, and 13-1 lbs. 1 set twist drills C-8 round shank by HJ Ir.un I-s to 1 1 rath 3-S i lug and taper machine tap Oiem ilver I plig each 310 can rage bolts, 1, 1, 3, 3 and 4 Inch long and 4 inch long ' i wa i,VA,i?yi and 5 inch long ' ' 1 ' 3-8 ' ' 2,iii,3,i,6 and 0 Inch long ' ' 1 ' ' 1-2 ' ' 9X,SX,ttA 0and8 Inch long 1 ' ' 14 machine bolts X, IX, 1S and 4 inch long ' ' 1 ' ' 5-10 ' ' 2,2.3,, and 5 inch long ' ' 1 ' 38 2,a,3,4,& 0 Inch long ' ' 1 ' ' 1-2 ' ' 2,1,6,7. nnd 8 inch long ' GOO lbs best olacksmlth coal PLUMBING, J4 doz rnch 3 4, , , Jenkins valves removable de us 2 doz fach flushing's to Uaud 1 o, VA toianio-tf. 1 doz tach A 1 1 2, 1 1 4, 3 4, 1 Inch flange unions 1 doi! each 1-2 1 1-4, 1 1-2, 1 street ells 1-2 doz 1 Inch plugs 150 teet eaoh 2, 1 1 2 black pipe 150 ' 2, 11-2 galvanized pipe 2C0 ' ' 1 1-4, 1, 3, 4, 1-2 black pipe aco ' ' li-i, 1,34, 1-2 galvanized pipe 160 ' 3 8,11 black pipe 1-2 doz cutter wbeols for No2and r.o HauurtiT's cutter ., .. 1 each llrock'b chain tongs 2 feet and 3 feet I 2 du pnoii 5-8 und ocotch guage glatses 15 inch long 1 hose strap fastouor 1 doz boso fasteners 1.2 doz boxes plug safety chain 20 btiBhels charcoal 75 lbs Bolder 20 lbs .No IU insulated copper wire. DRUGv Gibs carbolic acid crystj 1 ' boruclo 10 ' aqua ammonia, cono 2 gross bottles- oz 6,lbs chloroform, Bqnlbb's for anestnesn 2 ' collodion 1 gross corks No8 . , 1 lb 11 oxt Idecao, Wloth Bao or P D 4 Oo 1 ' ' CannablK Indlca ' ; 2' ' prunlsvlrfcliilana' ' 1 Wpdgewood morlarNo.8 5 gals glycerine 1 glass graduate, 10 oz ,h 2 0 npomorphlr.hypodermlo tublets.N yetti 1 oz tnorphine, sulphate 1 'b citrate potassium lib Iodide 2 gal castor oil 2 di z sti engthenlng plaster 2 doz porous plaMer Ailcotks I lb simple ointment llbviiBellne XXrodnpd 1 mortur, wedgewood8lb ... 8 rnplcs may bo teen attlif ofDCO orinc board, goods musi. be Imietordance inere wirh, und atn' in o lalnal packsges wnen possible. The right toreject uuy ";" Is reserved. Delivery of fcupplles will Df quired within ten day' notice ol Wl unceofbld. A copy of lliUadverlitenJeDi muBtuecumpany each bid and tbe nam of l he class ol su uplles must be rltten oo tbe envelope. Eaoh bid roust Include J tholtHmsof the class bid "on.,nnd.Sri give Items nad totals In full wi'h ei tlou of meat, flour, fish. Auditm"!""" are prohibited from conllrmliig 5r!: of pun buses when the adverllhenieni now not contain a full and eomi)letfldecripuu" of the articles to be purchased. lllds will be opened at 2 o'clock p. ! on Monday, January 2, ISW BYLVESTER PBN-fSi1 GEORGE VVlcUIUl'Iw PHIL McTSCIIAN, W. A. M ONI.V. Hoard of trustees- Clerk of the Board. Sclentiilo America" Agency ior OlVEATSf. o.Vosssa mm -w copvRioHTH. For Information " ree ""JSmr Yos Orde.t bureau for icurlnj rsrwffDii; &SIDMoFcegiTW!iWaw"- CL'SLltlji Gl Air rtl'l 131 . . . .J.ntl8flPJ'.T.E ivpmv. .r.'.'M"i" ku wn una sjiovid ba ftwt I""B1J1 Wrtrua. MDJdUUiUir nuw- .;,.-w, .. vsiiiKEarsifsr;" ? Agency wjA sA fcP W K M Mr j&mr 1L2 "T i ftftftftA. yfe t-jJ&XiHser' ttt ii f m trti