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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1892)
Vr FHLL a mmm "4 V"" m9 ,atlW m. LOCAL AAD loyd. Our new fall goods are now in and opon for inspection. As they have been care fully polected, personally, on the eastern markets, you can rely on everything being tho newest and best obtainable. SERGES, CHEVIOTS, ETC. immense stock in the popular shades. SERGES-STORM An Jackets, Jackets ! Jackets ! ! The Newest and Latest. T. HOLVERSON, 301 Commercial Street. HIE CAPITAL JOURNAL. TUESDAY, AUG. 30, 1892 KILBEIIT & PATTERSON, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. CHARLES BEAK, Dealer in Hny, Btraw, Grain, Oil Meal, Stock Bult, Flour and Barley Chop, and Mill Feed of all kinds. Terras strictly cash. 822 Commer cial street, Salem, Oregon. OHO. D. OOODIIUE. K. OAHILL. BUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, bnlr, (Ire and building brick, lire clay, sand, gravel, blacksmith and house coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale and re tall. Office 05 State street. Goodhue & Cahill. Tun Albany and Astoria. Captain E. J. Lanniug, president, W, B. Barr, chief engineer, and George Humphrey, attorney of the Albany and Astoria Railwa3' Co., left Buuday morning on a tour oyer tho surveyed route of the proposed road between Albany and Tilla mook. It is understood they will go for the purpose of securing the right of way ior the road and will probably be gone several weeks. They will diive across tue mountains to Tillamook, following the line of the road as near as prac ticable. This company has ulrrndy spent several thousand do'lais In making a survey of the route, and being composed of shrewd business mon who are not accustomed to in vesting money in Idle projects, strengthens the belief that there is likely to be an outcome of the pro posed road, which may surprise the most skeptical. Albany Herald. A Boom Ldttdk. lu this Issue of tho Journal appeared a letter from Seattle by Alderman Chas. Moores, which gives Salemites a few ideas of how they woik on the sound, but at the amo time 19 quite n boom for that city. It is printed with due reluctance lest someoJ our readers should so far forget themselves as to question Mr.Mooies' long standing reputation for truth fulness and veracity. Estate in Pkoh vte. In the pro bate court proceedings have been had m follews: In the matter of the guardianship of Jas. Young, a person of weak nilud, Milton Young, appointed guardian and J. G. Settle- melr, A. G. Bradley and Jacob 0.;le appointed appraisers. In the estate of L. P. Pittman. deceased, bond of J. L. Cook, administrator, in the sum of 51000, approved, and T. W. Davenport, G. A. Webb and E. P. Hicks appotnted appraisers. For Postmasters. The post olTlce department h is recently made the following ruling. "Complalut Is made that some postmasters fail to make delivery of newspapers un less the same are specially called for. This ought not so to,bo. All matter intended for delivery should be so arranged that when application is made for mail, newspapers, as well as letters, could be readily and THE APPOINTMENTS Of the M. E. Conference Made To day at Portland. Portland, Or., Aug. 30. Just prior to the formal adjournment of the conference, tho following np pointmentB for the calendar year 1803, were made by Bishop Walden: GRANT'S PASS DISTRICT T. L. JONES, PRESIDING ELDER. Ashland J. S. Smith. Bonanza J. C. Stearns. Cauyouville M. O. Brink. Creswell Edward Glttens. Elktou J. dimpson. DraiuS. W. Potter. 2 Eagle Point Thomas Steames. Florence Henry Mays. Gold Beach B. B. Powell. Grants Pass E. E. Thompson. Gold Hill-to be supplied. Jacksonville aud Central Point C. M. Bryan. Klamath Indian Mission D. L. Spauldlng. Klamath Falls to be supplied. Cotinne-R. T. Baldwin. Lowell J. M. Sweeney. Murshtleld- J. L. Stratford. Medford E. E. Phipps. Myrtle Poiut-G. M. Quimby. P.Usley to be supplied. Phoenix George Kochler. Iioseburg E. L. Thompson. Plush-John Wood. Springfield F. H. Colder. Sluslaw W. A. Kemp. Wllbur-W. B. Moore. Wilderville M. N. Hampton. Walker Joseph Sams. A.Kumiuer,va3 transferred to the California conference, M. P. Wilson to the Puget Sound conference and L, R. Januey to tho Bengal conference. PORTLAND DISTRICT SI. C. WIRE PRESIDING ELDER. Astoria G. y. Landen. Beaverton D. S. Wagstead. Canby W. J. Gardner. Clatskanle F. L. Moore. Cleone G. F. Round. Coruelious E. C. Grail. Forest Grove D. A. Walters. Grefhnm J. H. Wood. Hillsboro-H. B. Elwortby. Lafayette C. L. Lowther. Mount Tabor Walter Skipworth. New berg To be supplied. Oregon City Gabriel Sykes. Oswego aud Clackamas Christo pher Alderson. St. Helens To be supplied.. Sell wood H. P. Webb. Tillamook Donald M. Laokliu. Warrenton William Ayres. Portlaud Ceuteuary,J. W. Busn- ong; Chinese Mission ; to be supplied; Clark.J. R. Colley, First Church, to bo supplied jSouthPortland, to be sup plied; GruceG.W.Gue; Patton, to be supplied; Russel street, G. W. Gran nIs;S'.PuI,.T. N. Dennison; Sunny si le, T. F. Boyd; St. Johns, Frank Hewell: Trinity, C. S. Lewis; Uni versity, T. Van Scoy; Woodlawn, E. S. Craven. C. C. Stratton, president aud N. Doane, professor in Portlaud Uni versity, aud the nieuqberd of Grace quarterly confeience. Thomas Van Scoy, Daan of the College of Liberal Arts, and D. L. Edwards, professor in Portland Uni versity aud members of University quarterly confereueo. C. E. Cllue, aijent Portland Uni versity, and member, of Centenary quarterly conference. A. S. Fairchild, agent of Portland of Ceuten- City Court. Four drunks and two"hobo peddlers" reported before Judge Goodull today. Each was lu- vlted to deposit 5.00 for the error of his ways. Two paid; four lanqulsh. The Finest. There is absolutely no questlou but John Hughes, the grocer, has the finest store room In me city, since having removed to his own building on State street, near High. Removed. John Hughes has re moved his largo stock of groceries, lime, cement, glass, oils, builders' materials, etc. Into his own new block on State street N03. 144, 148 aud 148 where he is better able than he 1ms ever been to supply bis cus tomers. New Superintendent. This aftcruoou the stale board of educa tion held a meeting, and elected as Muperintendent of the leform school M. W. Smith, vice B. J. Miles, re signed. Mr. Smith was superintend ent of the public schools at the Dalles for five years, and has of late represented the Northwestern life insurance company in Ptlem. Accident. This morning ai 10: (5 while the men were working on the trolley wire of the Motor Co. in North Salem, tho wire was bro ken and Ernest Nash was thrown from tho tiolley car, aud received painiui injuries, ails wiist was badly sprained and one of the bones of his forearm broken. PERSONAL. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. B. Royal re turned this morning from the M. E. conference at Portland. Rev. Bowersox left this morning for Newport, where ho will rusticate a short time. Halibut Davison & white's. Roy. Father While was a passen ger for Albany this morning. A. O. Condit went to Stayton to day on business. Chiuook Davleon & White's. For a choice meal In a cool dining room always go to Hellenbrand's Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Boise, Jr.. are home from Blab creek. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Piper, of Beat- tle.are visiting at the paternal home of Leo Willis. Sturgeon Davison & Whlta's. Wall paper at prices that paralyze all competition, at Bargeat's. Express wagons at Sargeant's. Pictures with frames or without, at Sargeaut's. Frames aud moulding in endless variety, at Sargeant's. Oysters Davison & White's. Oregon ice cream melons at th Bluo Front. Mrs. M. it, Jessup yesterday no companied Mrs. J. I. McConnell to Portland, whence the latter goes by steamer to her homo In Woodland, Cal. Cleanse the blood with Ayer's Sars'iparllln, and realize what poor health you have had. Hughes,, the Portland .iusurance man aud crack shot, is in the city. Fine poultry Davison &. White's Misses Northrup and Reynolds of the Salem schools, are home from Yaquiua bay. For plats, maps, blue prints, etc. cane u. w. Towneend, lis Htnteat 1 A Oaso of Damon and Pythias. Cincinnati, Aug. 30. A modern cas-eoi Damon and Pj thins has coino to lldt through the application of Thomas Conlou to bo released from tho workhouse, where ho has already served 15 months of a two year's term. His brother Patrick struck n man with a shovel, and by mlstiko Thomas was arrested. Ho pleaded guilty, and was given the limit of the law. It Is a delicate legal question whather ho can be freed, as ho deliberately confessed the crime he never committed. REAIi ESTATE TRANSPERS. From Jan. 1 to date $1,248,003.00 AUGUST 20. H. G. Luker and wlfo to Susan Harrison; lot 21 SuuuybUle Fruit farm J400. G. J. Wolter aud wife to James E. Bruce, Jr.; pirt lot 6, blk 3, Hub bard $000. Geo. Rtiaub and wlfo to A. Me dack; 20 acies s 1, t 0 s, r 1 w $1,100. Christ. Aoudt to Frank T. Cook; part lot 10 Sllverton $450. Jerome G. Ginirrlch nud wife to G. J.'Wolfer; part lot 5, blk 3, Hub bard $30. PANTS! PANTS!! Largest Assortment of Pants Ever Brought to Salem. PANTS, ? ..! .Best Goods and Lowest Pricks I WOOLEN MILL STORES, 209 Comincrcinl Street, Salem, Oregon. 8-20 1 m tho Stayton For Sportsmen. The open sea son for killing grouse, pheasant", Mongolian pheasants, quail or part ridge is from September 1 to No vember 15. 'The open season for killing wnterfoA I is from September 1 to March 15. The open season for killing deer and elk bucks is from August 1 to November 1, but the does may bo killed from August 1 to Janunry 1. It is unlawful to kill spotted fawn at any time. Going Back Ex-Superlntend-ent B. J. Miles, of the Reform pchool, starts with his family to morrow for the old home in Iowa. His reappointment as superintend ent of the Eldora Reform sohool by the old boaid, atun advanced salary, is a high compliment, indeed, and Oregon can ill afford to lose such material from its public In stitutions. But as the Iowa school is fully ten times the size of the Oregon institution, Mr. Miles can hardly bo blamrd for making tho change. Tbe best wishes of many warm friends will follow this good family back to their old home. promptlydellvered to the applicant." I University and member ary quaiterly conference, United Brethren Meetings. Rev. J. S. Jennings, pastor of the United Brethren church of this city, will commence a protracted meeting on the 16th of next month to con tinue over the 25tb. The regular quarterly conference will be held on the24'h, and on the 25th the quar terly conference meeting will be held. On Installments. A few de sirable Ioib in Pleasant home addi tion will be sold on installments at most desirable rates. 75 lots have been sold this season. Also fine city property at bargains. Win. Bugley will have charge of the busi ness during my absence. Wm. E Burke. 8-10-tf Marion Street Sewer. Street Commissioner Culver has a crew at work this morning repairing the box extension of the Marion street sew cr, which Jjas been leaklug of late. During the low water this box has Rlso proveu too short, and it will be lengthened out to the low water niurk, Men Watkd, Salem Motor Company wants 60 to 100 men Im mediately, call at office, Cottlo building. 8-30-tf In New Quarter. John Hughes bus removed hie stock of groceries, etc., to No. .144 and 148 BUte street, where he now has com Biodious quarter. N. G. Harrington, special agent of Portland hospital and member of Mount Tabor quarterly conference SALEM DISTRICT JOHN PARSON, PRESIDING ELDER. Albany J. T. Abodtt. Amity C. E' Crandall. Brownsville David Wolfe.i Brooks W. H. Myers. Corvallls Hiram Gould. Dallas D. T. Somervllle. Dayton T. F. Royal. Eugene D. N. Mclnturff. Halsey H. P. Satchwoll. Hubbard Andrew Kershaw. Independence To be supplied. Jefiere on, J. W. Spaugler. Lebanon, Harold Oberg. Mebaina, J. H Roork. Monroe. To be supplied. Mo Minnvllle, 8. E. Memlnze'. Newport To be supplied. Salem C. R. Kellerman. Salem Mission To be supplied. Shedd 8. L. Lee. Bherldau-E. R. Horner. Sllverton Isaao Peart. Slletz rndlau Mission To be sup plied. Turner To be supplied. Woodburn To be supplied. -Yuqulnu To be supplied. Geo. Whlttaker, president Wil lamette uulverslty and number of Salem quarterly conference. 8, A. Starr, field ageat Portland hospital, aud member erf Salem quarterly eoufwwjo". Matt. Evans, deputy sheriff of Benton couuty, was In the city to day. Capt. and Mrs. D C. 8hernian were passengers for Portlaud this afternoon. Miss Mary McFadden, of Port land, returned homo this afternoon after a short visit with tho family of Supt. McElroy. Jos. Clark arrived home from Newport today. Miss Julia and Master Phil Mete chau lettirued this afternoon from Yaquina. Col. W. II. H. Walters and fami ly are home from the coast. Judge F. A Moore, who was elect ed to occupy u position on the bench of the supremo court of Oregon last June for the next six years, has re moved with his family from his old home in St, Helen's,Columbla coun ty, to Salem. Judge Moore has been a resident of St. Helen's for the past 15 years, and during that period has formed a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He lias been, dur ing bis residence there, a prominent figure in Columbia county politics, having served four years as joint state senator for Columbia, Wash ington and Tillamook counties; also during all the time of bis residence he has been engaged in the practice of law. Evening Telegram. Walter Lyon, of Time, lain the city. Trout-Trout Davison & White's H. H. Thompson returned home from Newport today. Surveys of all kinds, accuulely aud quickly made. D. W. Town send, 115 Stale St. 8-20 1 m Fresh eggs Davison & White's. Miss Nora Manning, a compositor on the Journal, arrived from Alpha, California, this morning, and will spend the remainder of the week at Stayton. Ayer's Pills cure headache. Send a 2 ct. stamp to Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co. Lowell, Mass., for a set of tbeh at tractive album cards. The choicest native oysters at Hellenbrand's. Oregon Ice cream melons at the Blue Front. The finest lineof plctureaud room moulding ever on the coast at Geo. F. Smith's, Cottle block. Smelt Davison & White's. Mrs. John Savage, jr., and son Burt returned from the bay this afternoon. Caught on the fly elegant trout al Davinson & White's market. Oregon ice cream melons at the .Blue Fiout. The loigest shipment of mould ing ever received in Salem just In at Geo. F. Smith's, Cottle block. Suits for small boys from $1.10 up, Notice. Tho Electric grocery store, on East State street, Simpson Bros., prqprietors.wlll sell strictly for cash on, and after the 1st of Sept. 1892. We thank the public for their general patronage the past year aud solicit your trade in tho future, tf Queer Sort of Coffin. . Centerville, Iowa, Aug. 30. Hezeklah Shepperd, a wealthy 90 years old, who "lived nt Drakeville, was burled recently In a oofllu In the shape of u chair, For llileon years Mr. Shepperd has been unublo to rest except by sitting la an easy chair, and in that position he pro posed to dio. Ills friends tried to dissuade him from his ecceiilri? notion, but he had a cablnet-iiiakoi construct tho curious casket. It was substantially built of white o-ik with walnut trimming. It was kept on exhibitlonln Mr. Shepperd's room six weeks previous to his death and he took special satlsf te flon lu displaying it to ids friends. He left instructions to have his body placed In this casket In a sitting posture, tho wrists r trapped to tho arms of the casltet, the limbs to Its legs and t le head and the neck to the back. A glass panel was placed In front to expo3e tho face of tho dead man. Nebraska Democrats. Lincoln, Aug. 30. The Democrat Id convention mutnt 11 o'clock this mornlni:. Matthew Goring of Plattsmouth was chnson tempoary oialrmtin. In his speech he de nounced fusion. 8ALEM MARKETS. Wheat- C4Jo per bushel. Oats 3235c per bushel. Potatoes 15c per bushel. Flour $4.20 per bbl. Brau (Sacked) $20.00 ner Ion Shorts (Backed) $17.00 per ton. Eggs 2025c per dozen. Chickens Roosters, 6 per lb.; liens, 80 per lb.; broilers and fryers, 10c per lb. Ducks loo per lb. Gceae 7o per lb. Lard-12J15operlb. llulter 2o30o per pound. Beef 7(212c dressed, Veal Id to 12Jc, dressed. l'nrk-712c dressed . Wool lo20o per lb. Hups 20o. Ur.lanQ(r' KecoBneaJallw. Mr. J. A. Lander, a prominent ci tizen of Cmrksburg, Mo., and widely known lu tint state, says of Chamber, lulu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedys "I have seen Its good re snlts aud oan reeoaiuwnd it," For sale by J!ukU 4 Vb ttlype Drug at Osburn's Racket Store. d & w II. E. Hayes is visiting on his farm in Clackamas county. Oxfords from 76 cents per pair up at Osburn's Racket Store. d a w A few Indian and Japanese bask ets left at Brooks & Harritt's. Wanted to trade a good young horse weighing 16-50 pounds for lumber. The Oregon Laud Co. eod-3t-wlt.. Boys, congress shoes at $1.40, Men's congress at $1.50 at Osborne's Racket store. d-w Whatever elso the city council does this evening it must not fall to order the streets out of the mud for this winter. Curling Irons from 10 cents up, at Brooks & Harritt's. Wanted, 100 tons clean oats straw, baled. Tho Oregon Land Co. eod-3t-wlt. R. H. Matthews, shirt maker, Is home from the coast and prepared to fill orders. 2t Full line of Glover's dog remedies best in the world at Brooks & Harritt's. Valuable treatise on dis ease of dogs given away. A fine line of English walking hats, silk beaver sailors, and cam paign caps for young ladles, fresh from the Chicago market, at Mrs. D. L. Flester's, opposite opera house. d-w The one thlusr in Salem that Is always on the top shelf, Is French Ice ere m soda. Once tried It Is al ways wanted. Jones & Bernardl are the only people on the coast who make It. William Wolf, of Portlaud, and MissBarah, eldest daughter ofM. Sternberg, one of Albany's wealthy citizens, were united in marriage at the borne of the bride's parents last eyenlng. The guests were after ward tendered a banquet at the Bt. Charles. Many gnesta were present from various portions of tbe state. T. F. Hart, tbe artistic tailor, Is now In bis new quarters In the Bush bank block. Bee bis new goods and order a suit. Secretary MeBrlde arrived In the oUy last evening from hkHt. Hel ens home, Chas. Calvert and family are bene from Xewpert, "Tho Lifo of Mark Twain. No living American has bad, such a varied and intesesllng career ns the famous humorist, Mark Twnln. His life is n romance. Will M. Clement has just completed a largo volume entitled"Tuo Life of Mark Twain," which is published in two editions, in paper at 50 cts., and in cloth at $1.00, by tho Clemens Publishing Company, of San Francisco. It Is a charming volume, replete with fact and fanoy, humor, romauco aud ad venture. It Is as funny as any thing written by Mark himself, aun a? entertaining as "Innocents Abroad". As tho nuthor says; "Mark Twain Is a sort of human kaleidoscope." Interesting paatlcu lars are given concerning his early days; his checkered career in Nevada and California; his entertaining trip as "One of the Innocents;" his first literary success and auspicious mar riage; his amusing adventures In England and Germany; his vailed experience ou tho lecture platform; and his stcccas as a business man: and a lino description of his pleasant home nt Hartford. "Murk Twain" will bo read and re-read by lovers of humor, Send postal note direct to the pnbIlHhers,the Clemens Publish ing Co., Box 2320, San Fraucisco, Cal. Order of your news-dealer. Strongth and Health. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Elcotrlo Bitters. If "La Grippe" has lefi you weak ami weary, U3 Electric Bitters. This remedy nets directly on Liver, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their func tions. If you are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will And speedy and pesmauent relief by taking Electric Dittors. One trial will convince you that this Is the remedy you need. Large bottles only 6O0. at Dan'l. J. Fry's drugstore, 22-3 Oom'l. et. HOTEL AKRIVALS. WILLAMETTE. L. D. Jacks, J. M. Strains, E. H. Allen, C. A. Chattln.E. V. Warren, J. T. Dole, Portland. A. B. Penny, W. B. Fry, E. B. JohnBou, S. F Robt. A. Miller, W- Brown, Jack sonville. E. H. Kertmn, Birmingham, Ala. S. L. Lovoll, Umatilla. Geo. O. Mans, New York. O. O. Scott, H. Marshall, E. C. Hughes, Deloa. D. Neer, Portland. Mrs. J. E. Paytou, Eugeuo. W. R. Bilyou, Albany. F. S, Dans, Sau Francisco. A. Mo GUI, New Whatcom. COOK E. A. Dove, W. I. Thomas, A. E. Foley, John George, Portland. B. F. McLonoy, Woodburn. H. Warner, Spokane. Jas. A. Sterling and wife, Drain. M. D. Hanstader, Salem. D. B. Sewart. A.M. Bwurtz. H. C. Sweet and family, Fall City. UllUUlxO SL LdUUl Carefully compounded dny or 7 nfeht. IOO State Streot. 9 Bargains in Horses. Thirty head of first-class horses at private sale. Real bargains. Salem Motor Railway Co. Rhyme With Reason. To guess tho mimbor, who won hi dare U7 or nil tbe 111m tbiti lluoli 1h holr to. To bear the lialf (ni lotild not Uutr te: And lOTily woman Una her itbure, toe: Hbe'd bava 401110 le i(nha'tl renulr 10 Dr. Pierce's Favorlto Prescrlntlon. For "run-down," debilitated and overworked woman, It is tho beet of all restorative tonics. A potent specific for all those chroulo weak nesses and diseases peculiar to wo men a powerful, general, as well us uterine, tonic and nervine. It Im parts vigor aud strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of tho stomach, uausen, Indigestion, bloating, debility mid sleeplessness, lu either sex.i It Is carefully compounded by an ex perienced physician aud adapted to woman's dellcato ' organization. Purly vegetable and perfectly harm less In any condition of the system. The only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guar antee of satisfaction In evvry case, or price ($1.00) refunded. In Plain Engllish. Unquestionably considered of In calculable consequence in correcting all constitutional contaminations, is Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discov ery. Can conscientiously commend It to careful consideration, confident of its competency lu nil controllable chronic complaints. The"Goldeu Medical Discovery"is the result of much reseat oh and wide experience, by a practical phy sician of world-renown; its formula embraces the most potent restora tives of the whole vegeatablo king dom. It is especially reepmended for all blood dlsoiders dyspepsia, liver uud kidney complaints, scrofu la, salt-rheum, catarrh and con sumption In itsenrly stages insur ing relief and cure In all casesl '11 1 W -hi Dropped Dead. Portland, Or,, Aug. 30. J. E. Swanson, grain dealer of Curlton, Washington county, dropped dead this morning in tho office of Bal four, Guthrie & Co. His death is attributed to appoplexy. Tho Yacht Halcyon. Washington, D. C. Aug. A spe cial says: The treasury department Is very much exercised over tho fact thut it has no revenue cutter In Oregon waters to capture tho yacht Hnlcyon, It Is thought sIio will put into tho Columbia river and laud her cargo. Ban Francisco, Cal., Aug. 80. E. G McLean, owner of tho yacht Halcyon asserts tho yacht Is lu reg ulur mercantile business and not lu smuggling as has been stated. nors, Tho London quotations of August 13th ,for '01 cholco Pacific coast was 2223c. Pacltlo coast ad vices Indlcato a larger quantity and better quality than last year's crop. In England this year's crop will snnVr to s'mio extent from mould, frtwh fly and lice. Dry weather will also have a bad eflect on tho crop. A letter received by a Salem com mission merchaut from Elans & Prltz, hop nud malt dealers of Cin cinnati and New York, baa tho fol fel fol eowing: "You nnd your growers may believe In 2-5 cent hops we don't. Horst Bros, and others are making contracts with brewers wlthlu the past threo days at 20 cents for choice quality, on time, and If they buy at 15 cents, adding I commission nnd freight, which would to 18 cents for Now York, or 10 for Pacific const, then they nre not sure that they will get cholco hops." Thomas' Produce Report, of Ban Francisco, estimates a yield of from 105 to 110,000 bales, irom Oregon, Washington nnd California. The Hansen Hop & Malt Co., of Milwaukee, gives tho following esti mates: "Crop prospects in Europe, Bohemia and Germany are at pres ent excellent nnd there will be quite a largo surplus there for export, which will have to go to England or the United States, or both places. England expects three-quarters of a crop and will have to import some hops. If Germany has a large crop of good hops, thoy will buy a good many there, which will cause thorn to neglect our hops. New York state crop I3 looking well and promises to bo somewhat larger than last year, which was from 125,000 to 130,000 bales. We estlmafe that California will raise as many, If not moro, hops than last year. Wash ington probably not more 'than last year. Judging from tbe present outlook, wo will havo a surplus In the United States of 50.000 to 75,000 bales. If we havo a large demand from England, prices will bo main tained. If not, we are liable to see low prices after the American brewer has supplied himself with bis first wants." Saved a Weman's Lift. Mr. J. E. Thoroughgood, writing from Ge6rgetown, Delaware, say "Two teaspoonfuls of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rom, dy saved the life of Mrs. Jatwr Thomas, of this place." He also states that several other very bad cases of bowel complaint there have been cured by this remedy. For sale by Baskett A Van BJypo Druggists. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. lH The nlnce lor vounir indlm ntut1 ranll. men to secure n thorough cducatiea is lb old, but ever new WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY,, 3 Lorwand rttll tho leading Institution of the North Wcsu Hotter than ever I ' New course or IrjBtrvctloa In Oratory, ThPOloKynnd l'at-Qru(luald. r , HTUDIEs.-Nornml,Jlaslnes9(Ao4mr,' College, aqdLiw courses greatly eularrod atart improved. Faculties Inrreasod and imp'ovfld. for PautloRue of College or Law write Den T. ItlobnrdPon. Ksq . Hulem. Or. 11 For Catalujuo or Oolloge or Medloal nad -m l'barmncy write Den Richmond Kelly.M. H For general Cfttaloguo write Rev.rjeO. Whiuncor, D. D., Prexldent, Salem, Or, , 7-aklm-dW " ' FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Vttt bo opened to RtudonU Sept. 13, 1SW. Oilers the most practical courses of study 01 any school In the state, viz: Mechanical Iinglneerlng, Civil Engineering, KleotrloAl Engineering, 'Academla and Grammar sohool couraos Student practice dally la wood shop, machloo shop, and Inborn tones. -) Tuition nmt Hoard per Tear, (ISO. Special Inducements to a fsw voung 'men who wish to work for their bourd and tui tion during vocations. For prospectus and . Author Information, address KDWJNMOHIUSON.M.B. ,' rresdent,Haim,Or. .' Lawn PAitTX.;Last evening the ofllclals and em;Uyes at tbe asylum gave a reception and lawn social for tbe benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Jay O. Smith and Wilson MoNary, who expects soon to depart on a tour in tho east. Tho Second Regiment band wob present, and of course good music was had. A numDer of friends from tho city and Portland were present, all of whom had a most enjoyable time. Refreshments were served, nnd after It became pool the party retired to tho build ing, and thooo so inclined ludulgod lu u social dance. All departed, wishing their hosts a most enjoyablo trip and a safe return. Conservatory, of Music, MARKETS. P o it T l A n D, Aug. SO, Wheat valley, $1.20 Walla Walla, 51.12J San Fuanoisco Cal., Aug. 30. Wheat, weak Dec. $1.80, Cuioaoo Ills., Aug. 80, Wheat 70. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY;;' SALEM, OREGON. Tho course roost complete and the lilcn est grade of any muslo school in Um Northwest. Best and newest methods of teuahlng. Enlarged lacllitles and new plan ror Instruction of beginners for (be coming school year. Diplomas granted on completion of course. Next term beau beptomher 6, 1892. Z, M. PARVUS? ' fiend for catalogue. . Muslo Director. 7-W-d2m-wlm Miss Ballous ' KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR , Opons Monday, Soptemuer lUtb, at Kln dorgorlen Hal), opposite opora house. Children recolved nt th-co roars or ose aud oyer, A connecting o'aM will be si- FiWJmI iIUo.80 D8luiiln primary work. Onlybe best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prong's system ot drawlrg and coior work introduced. Miss Annie Thornton,' OraduiiUj ot theDicsden ('otiHrrvatoryof MUHlaKJcrmanx) win i.i i,n. J.,rIJ Y5 nnrd I' " building, oeiiten.ber 1st. ,.i?truVtlo.n' Jf1 voijI and InsiniweDUl muslo, also In ycrmaa nud French, 8-5-K A Lunatjo, John II. Thompson of McMiuuville, was today com mitted to the aayium for the Insane. They mako ono feel as though life was worth living. Tako one of Car ter's Little Liver Pills after eating; it will relieve dyspepsia, uld diges tion, give tone- and vigor to the sybteiii. To be free from slulc hcadaohe, blllioiiHuess, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Liver Pills. Strictly vegetable. They gontly sthnulate tho liver and freo tho stomucb from bile, You hardly realize that It is medi cine, when tuUlng Curler's Little Liver Pills: thoy aro very small; no bad effects; all troubles from torpid liver ure relieved by their use. "Pi 1 Cv "I liiyLw GSPoS ft la Million! of Hwi-o Yiri tit dUwktd Oure Yourself. Don't pay largo doctors' bills. Tho best medical book published, 100 pugea, elegaut colored plates, will bo sent to you on receipt of threo 2-cent stamps to pay pastnije. Address A. P. Ordwuyi & Co., Uos ton, Mass. m 1 Prohibition Oluij Meetino. There will bo a meeting of tho Ba Icm Prohibition plub at tho W. C. T. U. hall at 8 o'clock Tuesday night, tho 3oth. E. C. Mlnton, president, Oliver Jory, secretary. m Prof. Parvlu Is busy this week moving to his uew South Hslem homo. Tho university couldn't be moved up onto that beautiful hill, but It seems tho professors are drift ing that way Just tho same- 1 m 1 Saved His Obilld's Life. A.N. DlJferbotigli, York, Neb,, says: "Tho oilier day I came borne and found my little boy down with cholera morbus, my wife soared, not knowing what to do. I went straightway uud got a 26 cent bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera aud diarrhoea remedy, and gave It ac cording to directions. You never saw such a change lu a child. Ills limbs and Itody were old. I rub bed bis limbs aud bedy with my bands, and xfier I bad ulven bjm tbe eeonud dose be went to alicp, at my wife says, "from a death ld be waa up playing In three hour," It saved me a doctor bill of about three dollars, and what U better: It saved my child, I mh reeoH) r wllbaekwr enuMlenue," For ale by livdjeUAVnuSlype. Select School, TTTIXfl KNOX will begin herteleet sheoJ f TA. U'u fln,t Moniliiyln Uepteiuer. at tbe tiff lo Central sohool building. ' f 25c WantCoiumn. ' iw.wxB,u vo reut a good farm el V ubpuUWm-re. by thorough rm. er. 1103, ..-vj.'K,u-7o reut a good fJood reference given, i.aii a thWof- U-JMw WANT1CD -A married lady with huln Ull!llbriiluk. trftrlilui. ,lt ,-ukltln. . I..llnl.l.. .. - '. ' . . ".. f"--"".. JouruuloUci, Ul Adilrww, 'i'tiutmtt;' " B-IH-O WANl'i'D-WOMKN AND (ilMM-, ine hi tying juuclilne operator, itee'ty of work Hhdi ure pay. hmlew WoetottMilS i 1 ore. AM'KD.Tn rBt a good mxkm wttb Mlnut Sic or Hlclil. mnnu wllkUi ilKinl ilveorkU bloeksor busluees. J- mM )l. I1.KAUAW. ; -rirk I'aUHltWMbWMt. IMN4 rilUK OltKOONJAN AT HLR. urrgoaiau bus esutouslifd a s in Haiein. tindw ouiv u Irvlne,wllkuovra tWwti KMUhb paper man. jut. xrvine win nave or tue sew service or tbe wen as we business of the mw 1 andvleluilr. lie will attaiufin llun ol the paper In tbe elty, aM ' subserlptlous and aAverAsejneal JrvluesoJfteelsIa HuUta Wtu tore corner eveve aen uis )rwulaB. ttx P'lMH) ou AMIMt neptew berlei. BssVBIbsW 12 TDM aaepssl 't MMf 5 uercsei ffUtfsUM MMHaW I n eiBsjBjBpp Ui frm weak as -HW partial ak Iium ii.4e I uiaoaaet ktuy ui a I asl 1 if we c'n lnviui you au iooui ana tun ymoe over new isn Masses m rarkburetbioek, Oawanreis)