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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1892)
r"Syj 'l'Jwl''Miq9r'ayiw?-nviB!gfyi'iiitw--at m ,. mjqfiyipiiw ' TOHWT"' l3"T9(f7?v "rqpw ww;? - jv;.in" mtH,- iwijHUh jBjjjiaBSfy prTjr-fsjfjsf W STILL CONTINUING Cut In order to make room and RE EMBER WE OFFER BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENTS. HIE CAPITAL JOUUUL. MONDAY JAN. 25.189'J. GILBERT k PAT1MS0N, Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder, GEO. I) OOOimUE. K. OA1I1LL. BUILDING MATERIAL. Lime, cement, plaster, bulr, fire uud building brick, fire clay, sand, gravel, blacksmith and house coal, wood, all kinds, wholesale aud re tail. Ofllce 95 State street. Goodhue & Caiiill. BltEAD, PIES AND (JAKES. Never better lu the city than at Strong's. WESTACOTT & IRWIN. Salem is the Place. The O. P. r ad has since Jun., 1st made Salem its freight distiibuting center in stead of Albany as heretofore. Transfers are now made at Corvallis of all freight from Yaquina and ocean steamers fur all points in Orcgou aud is received at Salem by tri-weekly boat and from here sent to destination Salem Journal. The above makes a wrong impression. Only part of the freight is distributed at Salem and that only on a tem porary arraugement. Freight is transferred here now the same as heretofore, but not all of it. 'In about two weeks the old arrange ment is to be resumed. Albany Democrat." The office at Salem is informed that the present arrange ment is permanent. All freight from Portluud for points south on the S. P. lines is also transferred at Salem. Salem is only claiming what comes to her. The Vacant Bench. V. Lnir Hill has returned to Seattle, from Washington, D. C, without the federal judgeship in his pocket. In an interview with the Seattle-Press. Times of Friday, he sajs: "I have received this morning advices to the effect that the Oregon senators are still pressing the claims of Mr. Joseph Simon, and the Washington senators are still standing by their recommendation of myself; and that, while nothing can be pre dicted with much positivenes3, my appointment Is probable. Still I am not counting much upon it; am not going to be greatly disappointed if defeated, and am not goiug into the cave of Adullam in any event, be cause thero is too much fun ahead in Washington for any sensible man to go into a cave with unfunny asso ciates as long as he can help it." If a trip to Washington for the office does not kill u candidate an inter view introducing the word "un funny" should. Mr. Hill would no doubt make a decidedly "unfunny" federal judge. Judge Lord's friends Fay ho is most likely to receive the appointment. Street Cleaninc Commis sioner Crossnu has a force of men at work, teams and shovelers, taking oil' the fine coating of semi aqueous, fluid, bituminous mud. At present nothing is doing In pavement work, but we hope to be able to announce the putting down of a block before long, of something of n more sub btantial character. Why Pay Interest ?-Tbe Globe company will sell ten lots in Coudlt addition at $100 each on the install ment plan. No interest on deferred payments nor taxes until after final pay. Singers aud public speakers find Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Inv iluable. It never fails to cleaimo the throat and strengthen the voice. THIS WEEK ONLY. Embroideries, Laces and Ribbons, This week closes our Special Winter Sale, and wo offer our complete stock of Ribljons, Laces aud Embroideries at exceedingly low prices. T. Prices on Caroets. we shall need lots of it prices are being made in all lines. J. LOCAL AND l'KUSO.NAL. Jas. Clark, the grocer, is down with la gr ppe. Mrs. E. M. Crolsan returned from Sacramento Sunday morning. Mrs. Dickinson, of Denver, Colo., Is visiting Mrs. Deborah King in North Salem. Try the best nickel cigar In the city at Clark & Eppley's. The first scent of springlike weather this morning. The supreme court hns decided lu a Linn county case that an appoint ed county judge can only hold till the next elect'on. Successful revival meetings are in progress all over the fctate. Valley Lodge A. O. U. W. meets tbis" evening for special business. W. H. Applegate, of Douglas cjunty, wa3 brought to the asylum today. Judge Strnhan and daughter Pet, are in the city today. Alderman Johnson is home after a two weeks' visit at Seattle. Charley says he has nothing to suy against the pound country, but de cinre3 Ba.etn to oe the best city on the coast txlay. The Southern Pacific is entitled to I credit for putting dowu a substan tial walk uud crossings between the depot and Twelfth street. W. H. Hobson of Stayton re turned home this morning after spending several days in the city on business before the county court. Two drunks got the usual fine before Itecorder Goodell this morn ing. One had cash and one got five days. Hou. D. Bllyeil of Eugene, Ex Gov. Thuyer und Judge Bellinger of Portland are in attendance on siiji leme court. J. Tooley, who has been employed in the electric power house, left to day with his family for Denver, their formir home. Only ten lots in the Condlt addi tion will be sold at $100 each on the installment pluu, without interest or taxes. Globe Real E.state Co. Now is the time to buy a choice lot in Condil's addition on the electric street car line at $100, on the installment plan with no interest or taxes to bo paid by purchaser. Globe Real Estate Company. The protracted meetings at the Baptist church are continuing with unabated success, under charge of Rev. Whit.iker. Rev. Gllman Parker, of Oregon City, arrived today und will assist in the work the remainder of the week. After a second evening in spirited debate the Alka-Hesperlan society elected trustees, according to its supplemental articles of incorpora tion filed, as follews: W. A. Cusick, Napoleon Davis, Tilmon Ford, Mrs. England, J. J. SVuuv, and turned oyer its library to them, besides em powering them to take entire charge of the mutter. The well built farm house of 'J. C. Vaughn, two miles from Bay City, is reported destroyed by fire Jan. 10. Loss total with centents: Mrs. E. D. Purdy and her little girl, who were reported in The Journal dispatches as among the victims in the Indianapolis surgical Institute fire as saved and will recover, have relatives at Salem. Mrs. Purdy Is a sister of G. A. Rock, well, bookkeeper at R. M. Wade & Co's; and she is also a sister-in-law of Chas. D, Purdy, who lives at the cot ner of Oak and Capital. Best iodides and vegetable altera tives rauke Ayer's Sarsaparllla the best blood medicine. Wall paper, picture mouldings and window shades at the "Red Front" on Stute street cheaper than any place in S.ilcm. Oose top patent leather Infunt slices the latest thing out, at R. J. Fleming's 118 State street. Lots of notions at W. M. Sar geant's. Lots of window shades, brackets, games, children's blocks, frames, moulding, pictures framed to order, irou wagons and baskets. It is n tedious task Helling out as Remember the Place, f HOLVERSON, 301 Commsrcial Street, fc'm for our spring stock. Closo H. LUNN larco n line ns I have on hand, but retneuilwr I am going to keep right on until I do, and as I luivo lots of wall paper on hand I have decided to replenish my stock, aud now I Invite all my customers and every body else who is needing anything in the Hue of wall paper, borders, cornices, centers, or flue paper of any kind, to give me a call, us you can do better in the way of bargains with me than any one elra in Salem or this side of Sau Fruueixco. W. M. Sargeuut. Mrs. Cox, the W. C. T. U. organ izer, lectured at the Friends' church lust evening and organized u union willi Mrs. Snow us president. See the Oregon Laud Company's price list on page two. The -capltol buildiug commis sioners met at 2 p. in. to agree on plans as to the new dome on the ftiite house. See the Oregon Land Company's pi ice 1UI on page two. Sarguut sells window shades at cost. Wall paper at cost Wm.Sargcant. See the Oregon Lund Compauy's pi ice list on page two. Pakdons By full pardon of the governor James E. DBord uud and Joseph R. Peaice, are released from the Portland county jail uud turned over to the Boys and Girls' Aid society. Electric Hitters. This remedy is becoming so well kuowu and so populur us lu ueed no special mention. Ail who have ued Eh clric Bitters sing the same song of praise A purer medicine does uni exist und it is guaranteed to do ull thut is claimed. Eleulriu Bitters will cure ull discuses of the liver aud kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rlieuui uud other ullection caused by i input e blood. Will diive Malaria from the system uud prevent us well us cure all Mu lurlal fevers. For cuie of heuduche, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters Eutiru satisfaction guaraleed, or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $1.00 per bottle at Daniel Fry's drugstore, 225 Com mercial street. REAL ESTATE MOVEMENTS. Sales heretofore recorded in Jun tiury, $151,923.50. JAN. 23-25. C F Eggarth aud wife, of Seattle, to Jacob Slaiger, bJ aw aw see 19, 8 a 1 e, $1600. Joseph Zoellner and wife to H J Oltson aud wife, s a I n w sec 33 and s w u w sec 34, 5 s 1 w, ex cept 54 u, on east side of Woodburu & Springfield By, $2080. Frank Zoellner to Joseph Zoellner aud wife, 15 a, tp 5, s 1 w, $375, Perry S Burber, widower, to J M Keene, It 3, hi 11, Euglewood, $220 Mary E Morgan and husband to Herman L Herso, It 34, 49, Hamp- don 10 a, $1300. J H and T W Riches and wife to Auton Doru, It 4, bl 1, J W Brown's add, Silverton, $200. mm - "My Dangliter'8 Lilo Was saved by Hood's Sarsaparllla," say Mr. B. B. Jones of Alua, Maine. "She had seven running soies in difierent places on her body, but on giving her Hood's Sarsaparllla there was marked improvement and now she is well, strong and healthy." Hood'B Pills cure Constipation hv restoring the peristaltic action of tho alimentary canal. They are the best family cathartic. I. Young Men's Republican Club. To all Republicans of Salem: A meeting of the Young Men's Repub lican club is called for Tuesday evening, the 20th Inst., at S p. m. at their hull, for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention to bo held on the 28th lust. A general invitation is extended to all Republicans, young aud old, to be present ot this meeting in order that they may hear tho club system explained. An opportunity will bo given to joiu the club. A large uttendunce la desired us Salem aud Murion county should be fully represented at the convention. Every county south Is planning to send full delegations, we should not be behind. By Order ok the President. AlilKH contract law. 1 New York, Jan. 25. Contract Labor Inspector Conkllng and j Osborne, sent from this city to the, raining districts of Pennsylvania to f investigate the working of tho alien contract law, have sent a report to Secretary Foster. The report states they have discovered evidence of a wholesale violation of tho law In the mines bu rounding Scrunton. Nine-tenths of tho miners at pres ent employed are Hungarians or Slavs. Five yearn ago the miners there wero nearly all Americans. At the Arlan mine, in Western Pennsylvania, Hungarians and Ital ia u Immigrants came in squads, ot 200 at a time, direct from the barge office in this city, under the churge of padrones. At tho mines at Carbondale in 1888. there Wero 800 miners ull Americans. While the miners' strike was on in 1889 and 1890, large uumbers of Slavs and Hungarians were brought to the mines from Castle Garden, under the protection of the Plukerton detectives. At the lost election, out of 787 miners employed there, Just sixty-eight were entitled to vot. The inspectors found tho humi grntits were brought over from Eu rope in droves, and passed through the barge office by the agent und taken to the mines to supercede American miners. There are sov erul men employed by the mine owners, whose sole duty it is to visit the barge office aud get immigra tion contract laborers passed through. One man In particular was uickuamed "Much Cousiumnn" as ho would visit the burgo otllce und pecuro the release of Immi grants, claiming thent as cousins, brothers, or other relatives. WILL reply today. Santiago, Chili, Juu. 25. The excitement over the embroglio with the United Stutes Is growing rap Idly. The Valparaiso incident is the prevailing topio of conversation, and the probable results of war are eageily discussed. While It cannot be said the excitement has reached tho stage known as "war fever," yet the uatural martial instincts of the Chiliau rt'ple uro greatly aroused. It was definitely uscer tained to lay that Senor Perreira, tho Chiliau minister of fonign affairs, has sent United States Min ister Egan a formal notflcatlon that that the Chilian government will rep.y tomorrow to the note conaln ing the ultimatum of the United States government. It is u'so learned that thj British mluibter to Chill has received instructions from his government to otter ti o services of his government as mi d. ator to prevent u war between Chill and the United States. RUNNING NIGHT AND DAY. Philadelphia, Jan. 2-5. At the Mldva'e steel works, where forg ings are being made for the guus for the new warships, orders huye been received from the navy depart ment to rush the completion of the forgings. As u consequence, extra men have been put on, nnd the works ure ruuuing nglit and clay. Tho same is true of the castings for the harbor defense ram now belug built ut Bath, Me. THE DAY OBSERVED. Washington, Jan. 25. Yester day was Sunday, but notwithstand ing tho generally peaceful character of the day, there was any amount of talk over the prospects of trouble with Chill In view of the dispatch of an ultimatum by this govern ment to the South American repub lic. The departments wero closed, and, of course, there was no official public manifestation in connection with the matter. Inquiries at the departments were answered in most cases by the messenger and watch men on duty, nnd there was no In dication on the surface- that any excitement existed in olllcial circles. As lias been stated, the navy de partment does not expect to hear officially from Valparulso until tho Yorktowu returns. Tho vessel should have reached Culluo yester day under ordinary conditions of going. There is an extraordinary degree of mystery surrounding the movements of Admiral Gherhardi and the squadron under him. No information was to be hud at tho state department yesterday, uone of tho officials, through whom com munications reach thepubtlc,having visited the building during tho duy. CORREfcl'ONDENT MAKES TROUBLE. New York, Jan.25. Tlio Herald's Santiago speclul says: I understand British Miulster Kennedy hu made representations to his government relative to Thomson, the correspon dent of the London Times, to the effect thut he has endeavored to In fluence public feeling through the Times and the local papers aguinst United Stutes Minister Egan, re lating to matters entirely foreign to questions at Issue between tho United States uud Chill, and drag ging into the controversy the British minister and the English gover ment. There are strong and well j founded rumors that the Times will recall Thomson. JUSTICE URADLKY'S FUNERAL. Washinoton, Jan. SI. In ac cordance with the wishes of the de ceased the funeral services held to day over the body of tho late Justice Bradley wero plain and simple in tho extreme. The services were held at his residence. Save for a number of dlntlugulshed people present, there was nothing to indi cate it was the funeral of one of the hlk'bcfetlgovernnient officers. There were but few flowem. The casket;, I covered with black cloth, niokle' trimmings aud bearing a small all- j ver plite wan laid lu the library.. About It were gathered the family I mrrrrtff nHMllhr mi iiiismihi 0f the deceased, his lato associates on thebench, whoacted as honorary pall-lx'tirci-H, nnd n quartette from one of the churches. Among the gathering In tho other room were vice President Morton, Mrs. Hani Bon, Secretary Hnlford, Attoruey Goucml and Mrs. Miller, Secretary Rusk, Senators Dawes, Hoar, Hlg glugs. Allen und MoPherson, Solicitor-General Taft, Assistant At'ompy Genernl Maury and other Well known persons The Rev Dr. Burt lett, of tho New York Avenue Pres byterian church, delivered a short funeral sermon, the quartette sing ing "Asleep in Jesus" and "Nearer My God to Thee." After the bene dlctlou the remains were taken- to tho Pennsylvania railway station, where the funeral party embarked for JNewark, where tho final ser vices will be held tomorrow. WANT TO ARBITRATE. London, Jan. 25. Tho correspon dent of The Times at Mautlugo to day telegraphs that paper It is understood Chili has agreed to submit her entire difference with the United States to urbltrntlon. It Should lm iu Kcry House. J. B. Wilson, .171 Clny St., Sharps burg, Pa , Bays ho will not bo with' out Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs nnd Colds, that it cured his wife who was threatened with pnumonla otter an uttack of "la grippe," when various other remedies and several physi cians had done her uo good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pu., claims Dr. King's New Discovery lias done him more good than nuything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottle at Daniel J. Fry's drugstore, 225 Com mercial street. Largo bottles, 50c. and $1.00. Window Sargeant. shades -at cost Win, All the crockery, glassware, lamps, etc, at Gilbert & Patterson's will be sold ut cost to close out the stock. Those low prleo cloth top ladies' shoes at R. J. Fleming's Stute etreet shoo store ure having quite a run. They are tho best for tho money in town. The teachers of Iijaho propose to make u creditable display at tho world's fair. Pictures of all tho modern school buildings in tho state together with samples of the work performed by the scholars will bo exhibited. Notions at cost Win. Sargeant. o At Cost That slock of china and gluxfl tableware. Gilbert & Patterson. Wall p.tper atcosl- -Sargant's. i Iinimro or vitiated Mood ) nltio times out ot ten muted by noma form of constipation or Indigestion tbnt ctogs up tho system, when tho blood naturally beconua impreg nated with tho clfcto mutter. Tho old Sarsaparlllan attempt to reach this condition by at- lading tho blood with tho draillo mineral "potash." Joy's Vcgetablo Sarsaparllla Is modern. It goes to tho seat of tho trouble. It arouses the liver, kidneys and bowels and Invigorates tho circulation, and tho Impuri ties' aro quietly carried off through thonutu rat channels. Charles, ot Bcamlsh's Third and Market fits., 8. I, writes: "I took ltfor vitiated blood and whllo on tho first bottlo becamo convinced of Its merits, for I could feel it was working a change. It cleansed, purified and braced mo up generally, and every thing Is now working full and regular." Vegetable SarsaparfHa For sain by Dan'l J. Fry, 225 Com. street. SALEM MARKET RISl'ORT. A SynopsI ot tho Markets Hii)lug unit Soiling Tricon. REVISED QUOTATIONS. Ilt.-rAII.Jl'HICUS. Hhoulitorn.Sugar cured.per lb,I0 ihi-akfugtbacou 15 Hams Hueur cured, por .Ih.UflJjJc, Ueef-6m$ Pork 8 10 Mutton Mai2o. Veal lOisuo. Timothy heed l'or pound, He: soiling lied clover need I'or pound, He. WhlteclovorHoed Per pound, UUc. " AluUtelSf per pouud. lied top loo per iouiid. Lincoln Oru Uia per iwund, Hyo (ImsK 10c por pound. Orchard Omni 17o iwr pound. New poUtoeH lUo per bushel, fanned FrilliTeache, 3 00; apricot, $3 00; black berrleM, HI; corn, best prudes tt 00; tomutoeit 1 0- ktrlng bcuim ft A0; green pium (1 te: iMr (liiz. In two lb CAii. Fresh Vetfeuibfeii. 1'otatoew 4Mu;curruU 60c: parsnips 76c; onlonx So put lb, MkU.-Buliiion ft$10opcrlb; HlurxeAH Kb 7.' r lb-small Hull too por lb; aullaalinou, 7frl0a peri lb, nnviN'j I'liicKff, Wheat "jwti 8ia, storage X6. Klour l'er barrel, K.U0, bwil l(J lbs, OaU l'er bushel. HHK Harley l'er busheLMiaiou iiniu i-er ton, ji wai;inin, saclirrt.j Hhorts J'er twi,K 00 .suol.ed. uup vat ion, vm.w " Wool 17c to esa. Kkks .'toe (wr aozen 1'olaUxs l'er OUMliel.Wc Corn meal .'Jo per xmnd. ' CUireno I'itauo et jxiuud. Dried plums l'er lb. ttStfo. Dried prune IVrlb. luglSn. tucked. Duller iff) a&to ixir pound for good -Lnrd-ioacoperlb 1 lam l'er pouud,lh&12c( UaeonsldeM tMlu por lb, Hhyuldw rw i UlUekeui Turkeys UttuelGt Ctifckeiui..70lOa Vc ll. lr lb, rpo-jua. Turkeys 10 to Via Ut4ee8perlb. Ducks, VPlfn per ib Hops, ,b0Wc, - - - Rad Blood. k$F& Joys DRpPIPC'C fiDalflBaking v dPowder ptod ia Millions of Jfojne Ti inrnr-iOBW It is said that solves are qullo numerous lu northern Idaho nnd Montana this season, where they have committed many depredations agatust stock. lu tho Priest river country they recontly treed an old prospector, and it was Botno time before he succeeded in fighting them off. The heavy snowfall has driven them from tho forests toruuge near the settlements. On, Sugar I Certainly; etltl lu it. Twenty pounds of granulated, or twenlj-twoof Extra C for $1.00. At Rinemuu's fuuilly grocery. ABOUT WATERING HORSE8. It niiuutil lie I)nn Frequent!?, Particu larly on Long Journey. A horse can live twonty-flvo days without solid food, merely drinking water, seventeen dnys without either eating or drinking, and only flvo days when eating solid food without drink ing. An idea prevails among horsemen that a horse should never be watored oftcnor than three times a dny, or in twenty-four hours. This Is not only a mistaken idea, but a brutal practice. A homo's stomach Is extremely sensi tive, nnd will suffer under tho least in terference, causing a fovorish condition. Feeding a horse principally on grain and driving it five hours without water is liko giving a man salt mackorel for dinner and not allowing him to drink until bupper timo very unsatisfactory for tho man. If you know anything about tho care of horses and have tJiy sympathy for them water them as often as they want to drink once an hour, if possible By doing this you will not only bo merciful to your animals, but you will bo a bono factor to yourself, as they will do more work; thoy will bo healthier; thoywill look better, and will bo loss liable to coughs and colds and will livo longer. If you are n skeptic and know more about horses than any ono elso, you are positivo that tho foregoing Is "wrong, because you have had horses dlo with watering them too much, and boldly say that tho agitators of frequont water ing are fools in your estimation, and you would not do such a thing. Just reason for a moment aud figure out whether tho animal would have over drunk and ovcrchlllcd its stomach if it had not boon allowed to become ovor thlrsty. A horso Is a great deal liko a man. Lot lilni get overworked, ovoratarved or abused, and particularly for tho want of sufficient drink in warm weather, and tho consequences will always bo injurious. Sensible hqfitlors in large cities aro awnkonlng to tho advantages of frequent watering. Street car horses aro watered every hour, und somotimos oftener, whllo they aro at work. It ia plenty of water that supplies evapora tion or perspiration and keops down tho temperature. What old fogy methods amount to may bo scon by tho chango in medical prnctlco to man. Twenty yoars ago a person having a fover of any kind or pnoumonla was nllorcd but llttlo water to drink, and then it had to bo tepid. Today practitioners prcscribo all tho Iced water tho patlont can possibly drink; and in addition cold bandages aro applied to reduco and control the temperature of tho blood. What is applicable to man will novor Injure a horse. Uso common sense and human feeling. Don't think it is ahorse, and capablo of enduring any and all things. A driver who sits in his wagon and lashes his worn out, half curried, half fed and half watered team should novor com plain of any abuso ho may receive from his master or employer, for he is lower In character, harder In sympathy and less noblo than tho brutes ho is driving, and desorvos, in tho naino of all that is human, tho punishment of a criminal Chicago Journal. Accounting for Rains of Ulood. A colored deposit rosombling brick powder took placo in a valley of Piedmont on an October night In tho year 181-1. Tho powdor covered tlio trees aud grass, and tlio noxt day a Uno rain fell, which, on being evaporated, carried away the loss colored particles. Tlio remainder, accumulating in tho cavities of tho loaves, produced tlio startling uppearanco of blood spots, and created tho utmost alarm among tho peasantry. It was dccldod that the deposit, which had an earthy flavor, was of volcanio origin. An analysis of somo colored rain that fell in tho Netherlands lu 1810 showed that tho red matter wan ch lolly chlorido of cobalt. Doubtloss tlio alleged rains of blood which wero always looked upon by tho ancionts as such fatal por tents were to bo similarly accounted for. Washington Star. Remarkable Change lu a l'letare. A lady who is now dead ordered somo few yoars ago from abroad sev eral pictures, among which thoro came one of tho Virgin. Thero bolng a stain on tlio lower part of tho picture, it won stored away. After isoveral years tho imago was taken out again, and lot in placo of tho stain a largo troo waa plainly to bo seen. Another lady of tho a&uio family be came afterward tho owner of that won derful picture, which sho has taken to tlio States and hud photographed. All tliat is to bo soon in it now la a largo tree leaning somewhat to tho right, while on tho opposite side tho head of tho image can bo eoen very plainly yet. Through tho brandies of tho troo ono can distinguish tho head of a man and a pair of (lands In a supplicating atti tude.- Panama Star und Herald. 40 Years the Standard. Tr iiil Special FOR ONK WEEK, COMMENCING TODAY (JAN. 20), WE OFFER All Wool' Yam at 75i a Pound. ColorsWhite, Black, Red, Blue, Browu nnd Grey. This yarn Is Wocttk $1.00 a pound regular. Best Imported Saxony Yams, 8 Cents a Skein, Call early as quantity Is limited. Special values' In Ladles wlntet Underwear. Our specialty, the celebrated R & G CORSETS. ' q ' " ' - " " - wmm JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and llordor, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence rosts, urass seeds, .Etc NEW ADVEItTISKMENTS. in Is Just tho iriaco for you to go to school. FEBRUARY 1, 1892, Is the time to enter with the beginning of iuu iuiru lunu. New rooms tor youuc men will be ready. Flrst-olass Instruction In all branches. Rates Cheap. Geo. Winker, D. D, President. asl Market. Chns. Wolr, of the "German Market," will hereafter sell for cash only aud his prices will be the lowest. To Strawberry Growers. The undersigned has contrncted'for large quantity or tho Jessie, (sweepstake prize winner at Salem strawberry fair) and Trl omphe de 0 and, (best ylulder uud most Rrodtable lato berry In Salem market.) om H. V. Savage. Baiem, and J. W. Gil bert, Aumsvlllo. warranted puru stocy and plauts flrst-olass, Catalogue freo, roau. Bentnmber Its. AIbo ten other 'artotlcs Address K. IIOFKR, aw Salem, oregen Conservatory of Music. ITmLljAMETTE UNIVKItBITY.-Glves YV superior advantages to students of muaiu, riu Lcuuuara. A,tiM;itb itiotiiuna. Vocal and instrumental music taught to the highest protlcteuoy. No uso going cost to study IUUM13. Kxpousoa modnnile. Diplomas glveu on completion of course. Nozt term begins leb. 1, 1BUJ. . M. PA11VIN. Musical Director. Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeak at All Hours o! tlio Day Nouo but white labor em-iioyed In thlt establishment. A good substantial meal o Hiked In Drat cIhbh style. Twonty-flve cente per meal RED V K O N T. Court street, between Opera House and Mluto'B Livery Summons. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Ore gon, for Marlon county. Mlletlllley, plaintiff, vs. It. M. Glover, defendant. To It. M. Glovor tho defendant: In tho name of tho state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the comiilalut filed against you In the ubovo entitled action, on or before the Hth day or Kobruury, 1HW, the same being the tlrst day of next regular term ot tho ubave entitled court after tho expiration of the puuiicauou oi mis numinous, ana you full so to appear and answer, tho plaintiff will tako Judgmentugulnatyoufor the sum of 170 together with Interest tboroon ut the rate of 8 por cent, por annum from March 110. 18H8. until Mid. und all costs and dls. burtemontsol this action. You nro hereby notified that this summons Is served upon you by publication by order ot the Hon. It. P. Ilolse, Judge of said court, mado ou tho lltli day of Nov. IMil, directing tbnt said numinous bu published six consecutive weeks lu tboOAl'iTAl,JouiiNAl,,publlsliod ntHulum, Marlon county, Onyon. K. P. McOOUNAOand U. T.HIGHAllDSON, 1 5 01 d m Attorneys for plalntlfl. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. ELLIS k WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of Wtllaxnvtta Hotel, SAX-ISM - - ORUOCN L B, HUFFMAN, Livery Stable anil Feed Yard. Thi Beit Box Stall and Corral In tht I'lty, iuiei, lumiiy nursenu specialty. (In rear ytllamette hotel.) SALIC M, ... OKKOON W. M. DeHAVEN, Boarding - and - Sato - Stable. One dair west of Lunn's Dry DoodH store on Htate street, quiet furnlly leums. Hiwo. tal attention paid to transient slock. 6:111 TRUCK AND EXPRESS, MOltGrAN & atEADE, Truck & Dray Lino. Uood Uzu na;iJfoxnpi work la oar trochoid. SILTTON&SON, KxproHM KHd KKKgHge. Do luullug aud quick delivery to all parts of the city with promptueM and tare, UY0 orders o,t U, W. WB,d Oq's. University Capital City Restaurant in Sale OPERA HOUSE4 ) BLOCK. 25c Warit Column. Notices Inserted for ONE CKNT PKR WOUU EACH INBEKTiON. No advetw tlsement Inserted In this ooluma for le than Jwenty-nvo cents. ROOM AND BOAIID.-A largo front room In good house, suitable for two. person b, with board or without, and use of largo library. Apply at Jouunat. omce. l-za-tf rlt IUENT New house In North Salem. Apply to E. Holer, North Baiem, or at Jouunaj. ofllce. ITK) RENT. House ofnlne rooms Stable 1 nttached with city water; Highland addition. Enquire SG8 Cottage street. lm mUK AiiKA-HESPKIUAN SOCIETY X Meeta every Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, In tne hall over the State Jnsu ranee building. Meetings are open to tho public Kev.llobertWbitakcr.Prcs. Dr. W. A. Cusick, Vice President. 108tf- Notico to Contractors. SEALED bids will bo received by the Street Commissioner and Committee uu streats and publlo property at the otflea of the street commissioner uutU Monday, January 81, 1802, at l! o'clock p.m., for fur nishing nil material aud constructing a bridge on High street where it crosse North Mill Creek. Plan and specifica tions are on lllo lu the office of the street commissioner. A check of deposit certi fied to by Bomo responsible bank of the city of 8alom equal to five per cent, of the , amount of the bid must accompany each bid. R. A. CKOSSAN, 1-23-ld Street Commissioner. M.T. RINEMAN DBATJCR ,IN Staple and Fancy Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Wooden and Willow waro. All kinds of mill feed. Also vcsotnblesaod fruits in their season. "Ulghost Price paid for country produce' wusoiici nsuaro oi your patronage. & 131 State street OREGON STATE SCHOOL JOURNAL ItiJft o ran of tho state department of publla In struction. The Journal is iv monthly mag. azlne devoted to school and home educa tion; thorofore, it is indispensable to teachers, aud Invaluable to friends of edu cation in goneral. Prlco SI.OO perannum; five or mora copies 60 cents eaoh; sample copy 10 cents. Address J. I), IIoumkb.. IMJ7-tf Proprietor, Albany, Or. Paper illanger. LcaveorderatGlobe Real Estate Exchange INBrRANOK Oompany. Fire and Ma rine. Q. V.llEKLEIl. Agent, - Baiem, Otivo Salem Abstract and Loan Co, Tho only Abstraot books of Marion county. Heal estate orders filled promptly and safely, W. H. I-I. WATERS, MANAQSR ANYTHING. From baled hay and feed to fine toilet soap, Key West cigars, tobacco plpei, knives, etc, can always bo found at lowest prices; ut T. BURROWS, No, Ztf.OommejrahU St.. Salem FEAR & HAMILTON, Loans negotiated on improved form and city property. aA.L,rcrvf, Ori Itoora 14, Hush flank block. 6 rot lilw Itustlo Hocking chairs, Setters, gents of fice or reading chairs, lump stands, center tables, flower stands, buby rooking and high chairs, etc, for sale Or Exchange for Second IIitHtl Goods Call awrt luipectnustlciworic at old Court House, 113. AUklnds.of furniture repaired. IL T. MARTIN, Propr. JTABM FOItSAIiE. 820 acres of best stock and fruit land In Oregon fur sale at a bargain. Will li ia lots to suit purchaser. Address or aatl om U J. UintoL KuighU. Ore. Near BU ver Creek Vails. T83 '? CCUfC'-. .Salem. Oregon, W. I, taly, PmldMtt. A, 1. Anaslrong, Manager. KhhInohh, Sfcrthiidf Typewriting-, Pennmanshlp, KMllak Departments. Bludeuta aAmme at suy time, CutuJoguo it. J. H. HAAS, TIIE WATOIIMAKR. 21)KCnunrclISt., - ), Omm. (Nest door to KWa's.) BpjohtJty ol Stctacia. Mi rtWtf sijioj (gfa& jPPMHIMJIllMWMI SS. m brneX fcliiH I l riif&Tp-nttliM i 'i-1 i fliiBsiMgiiH m T.