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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1892)
W i J CO h. of 1 hs I of i 3 BO tl 3 o! w i l pi r E I i j ir 3 Tj t! i. 3 -ite-iauuaitu ui t proijaMy nfa1Un a fceeeml attack f4 !Hhbm, tb. Prlure of Wales ImAdHfttniy gavo orders that the Wojected military funeral be aban doned, Tlio Prince of Wales in u showing the great -hI Bollcllthle thai lucinberB of the court should uot bo exposed to nn unnecessary risk, which a procession through London wohld entail, nud which would Ik certain to wrlotiely nflt'ct the hcaltll of manynged courtier. It W deeinrd the hmlth of Prince George of Walm Is not sufllclcnt'y robust to allow his exposing hhnwlf hi any way, and tho Prlnco of WKles has decided ho would not bo allowed to attend his brother's funeral. P. W. W.KIVHfcll HUN OVKK. PoRTXiAND, Jan. 10. - About 8 o'clock Buuday morning, pawengei train No. 5 on the Northern Pacific ran over and killed a man named Frederick William Fletcher. The fatal accident occurred about two urn) a half miles from Ho! brook station, and nlxut twelve miles from Port land. At first tho trainmen thought that the englno had struck a cow, and the train was uot halted. After the train reached Lltiuton,wnie dl tan co this side of tho scene, u brake man went back to mako nn Investi gation. The brakemau was horri fled to discover the remains of n human being Instead of a cow. The b(dy was most horribly mutinied, the arms and head bilng completely severed from the trunk. The feu lures Were so mangled as to bo un recognizable. Coroner ftlver wux notified and caused tho fragment of the remains to bo removed to the Morgue. Noth'ng could bo found by which the body could beldeul'. lied, except somo papers found scat tend along tho track. Ho was about twenty years of ago, and a Bcamun. How he euine to bu on tin track is not known. An Iikjiichi was held late yesterday. JOHN 1IAKDSI.KY. PjiiTiADKr.iMnA, Jan. 10. John Hardsley, obstinate and silent, re fused to betray his colleagues In the great sleal of tho state and cltj funds. Neither tho queries of the district attorney, the admonitions of tho bonch nor the pricking of hi own conscience made tho obdurate munlrlpa' criminal speak, when his testimony was needed to open tin doors of tho penitentiary for other and equally guilty parties. John Bnrdsley 's a broken-hearted, tear ful nnd crushed old man. Ills nervt and forco have gone. 'Die brain that dominated councils for ycar and fore d tho city tieasury within his grasp, now only dreams of free dom. A gentleman who has re cently scon and talked with the convict eays that tho old man has no intercut, no heart In anything, but ilvos and treat hoa only In the hope of a return to tho world. "John Hurdsley believes that he will bo pardoned," declared his re cent visitor, " r that his term of ImprlrmiBiit will he shortened. The yearnlug for freedom has beou In tensified by his understanding that a congressional commltlco Is to ho appointed to Investigate tho manago Ojrden banks." Tho gentleman in question, who Is unwilling to nllow his tiamo to ha used at presont, expresses tho belief that John Bardsley, If allowed, might bo willing to appear before tho commit tee, and auiwer questions moro readily than ho did those put to him by District Attorney (Iraham. Thorola some conjooturo as to the power of the committee (o bring tho prisoner before them as a witness, aud some gentlemen are uudurstood to bo very anxious to havo that power limited, CHILIAN TROUBLE. Will bo Settled Peacefully Without Iteferaico to Congress. ENGMND WILL INTBRYBNK Fighting Bob, Important Decison, The Slasher Arraigned, Yester day in Congress, Getting Ready, Walla Walla Items, Democratic Convention, Quay Libel Suit, Foreign and State News, with br Bjrrrr.ED. "WABHiNaTON, Jan. 19. T h e cabinet meeting was today devoted almost entirely to the considera tion of the Chilian question. Pro ceedings were only temporarily In terrupted by the alight lllnehH of Secretary Blaine. There la reason to bellovo tho government has recolved dispatches from the Chil ian minister looking to a peaceful and satisfactory solution of the question in dispute, and they were submitted to tho cabinet today. This may posslblo do away alto gether with the necessity of re ferring tho question to congress. Tho seslon continued until 2 o'clock. The only information in regard to proceedings was that no conclusion had been i cached In the Chilian matter. CHILIAN TOItl'KDO CONTKACT. Wahiiinoton, Jan. 10. George A. Htaburnaga, charge d'affaires of I ho Chilian legation in Washington during Dalmacoda's administration, states tho torpedoes shipped to Chill, which Admiral Walker cabled from Montevideo on their way to their destination, wore ordered by Balma coda during his supremacy and paid for by money shipped from Chill in an English man-of-war. They were Intended for operations against th Insurgents aud not against the United States, Whllo he deprecates war, he says the Chilians wilt light to tho last extremity If hostilities aro once begun, English aud Ger man Influence, he thinks, will be brought to bear strongly for peace. The statement that this lot of tor pedoes was ordered before the trouble with this nation arose, Is conoboruted by prominent ofllclals nt thu war department, who state that lime lias not elapsed since the beginning of tho unpleasantness sufll lent to allow of a contract for so many torpedoes to bu closed, aud the goods bo finished and shipped. n r: 8 pound. Portland, Or., Jan. 10, Tho nuxkty that has prevailed hero for Komo days regaidlng tho wherea bouts of W. M Wisdom or this city, has been relieved by the receiptor a letter from him faying hu U in Bavannuh,Oeorgia. Previous to tho receipt of this letter the last heard of Mr, Wisdom ho was In Now lont city, tho lutter was some what Incoherent and It Is thought Mr, Wisdom wandered south while In a fit of men t4 1 aberration. Mr. Wisdom Is well Known In tho Northwest as the proprietor of a Uoiii'n Robert Inc. M" !!" i Wonderful??" T - - - f..ll.iw tlto uio nt llood'a Biidii'diltli 8ficro easifs ut rufnl.i, iijm a win h utlu'r iim nwllons luo Ik i n j.nw iii-i, jiiiiitotlto KctiHar rnrtille turner of tlilt medli-lnc lllntrcMlnv c ikes nt h0n.i, Ini; rtuiij'laiut ot ttio hiJuuyi aiul liter, ugouiilag Itoh - and jKiln f K 9 A&E I IT rlieuin, (Hmgretv " v7"" ' nlila paioi oi catarrh, atiil urlui nml iv.ifn it'ftr t-limmlatlfttll. nftl rnritil liv ll,ut,la fiin. trlllru It itirlt.ttliti)tuHi, nnit At tlio V i ill tlini) turn' tlto itunturli, onntfn on . p: : I 'i inil ehen Mn'ugtli to vt) funo tUia of Uio IxMly. (llvultatilttl. Conoral Dobillty "For four yMr inv vuu nufferva wllli htruo timwr lnwiclira on the gUiuU umlvr tho itrm, timl (teucnti iteblltiy ot tlto ulmlo e,)U'm, Him UeoAiiio to xxir In liwtltli that o vi'i on tuo yeno of uVfpalr rPKanlUiu lior rrcHiwry. 1'Ii)!oUih dia )iet tot m to luulerttaial licr mkp; t all ovenU !io ntr durtviHl any ItistvOt from their trfatiuo..t, (She Dually coiifluill to try JtiKKl' HrMjarllli. The liiiiiiwlmio tKnl anoiiutkeiInJ natuUrtorv dwt riiQ coniluucil tu tako It. ami ililc tlto KiUlti Btio Iim ualueJ la Meifiltt From 84 to III Pounds tnid s (trvur and in Nttcr litvillli than tte hu mn for ) earn. Tlto buncltp uuder mum Itaro lilmiulklnxl, uml u v lrlUo Hwi'k earMjrilU ulll to loo inuult for , Hiewla time," J. J. Xouciiot M Com PmuvIM 6Uett, noston, Mat. Hood's Sarsaparilla WbrUru'-uu. ititUforf. rmat4tr V tAA Om Rllar KjmiTiKo lion. WHiiiN(noN, Jan. II). A flurry was caused In olllclal circles Hunday night by news of tho receipt of a cablegram from Commander Evans, "Fighting Dob," as hu Is known in Uio navy. Tho lntcifcreuco of tho minister for the tearons Indicated was ery properly resented by "Fighting Hob," aud tho action jif commanders dispatch with Its sphlted comments Is an evidence of tho deep feulluur existing In the cabi net. "If thoho fellows continue this sort of husluoav," said a naval of llcor, "It wouldn't miiprlso any of us to boo 'Fighting Jlob' glvo them a touch of tho American spirit In a foiin that would mako a declaration of war suporlluous." Sccietary Tracy said: "Tho department will reply to Commander Evans cable. Tho refugees must bo taken to a place of safety. lam not prepared to say where they will ho sent, or who will be ordered to take them, but you can statu that they will ho promptly transferred to neutral territory, probably on hoard a United States war vessel." Mecretary Tracy would not discuss further the outlook for a conflict with Chill, any Information officially, hut he I had no doubt of Its correctness. I IT 18 NOT 80. I WABUtnQTott, Jan. 19, Tho navy department ha reccivpd no informa tion In relation to the reported firing on the United States steamer Yorktown at Valparaiso, Chill. The report Is not believed. TIIK VALPARAISO IlOUflUS. NfcW York, Jan. 10. A Valpar aiso special save: The lime Chilian roughs found guilty In Frlscal's re port of tho attack nn the Baltimore's en w have applied to Judge Foster to appoint an udvocato to mako the plea In their behalf. One was ap pointed. Upon this advocate pre senting the defense the Judge will piss sentence. TIIK RKFUCIEKS. London, Jan. 10. The Pacific tileani Navigation Company's mall steamer John Elder from Valparaiso for Liverpool was wrecked in the Btralts of Magellan. All the pas sengers and crew of the steamer were saved but the vessel herself will be a total loss. A despatch to The Times from Santiago de Chill says: News of the wreck Is caus ing much excitement In that city owing to the fact It was generally believed it was by this steamer that a nurabjr of refugees who sought safety at the American location had left the country. Local authorities have received orders to arrest all refugees found among the ship wrecked people. ULAINE ILL AGAIN. Wabhinoton, Jan. 10. Secretary Itiaine, while at tho cabinet meet ing today, experienced another attack of Indigestion accompanied with nausea, and felt so uncomfort able that he lefc the meeting and u cut riding. OKTTtNO IlKADV. Vali.iuo, Oil., Jan, 10. Tho navy department Is loelug no time In llttlng out vesela for Immediate dispatch to Chili, should occasion require It. Not a slnglu hour Is being lost preparing thu lhiltlmore. She cannot possibly bo ready under a week, but Is In tho stream rvclv Ing coal Hippllcs. Workmen aro on board, nud her machinery Is rapidly receiving a thorough over hauling, Tho main battery is care fully looked after, and her guns aro being regulated for concentra. lion lire. For tho tlrt time in years, workmen have taken them selves to tho monitor Commauohe, nud her machinery is being over- hniiled, Thu Charlt stop Is exiectct hourly. She will bo floated In the dry dock at once, aud her wiiuta attended to. If steam Is gotten up on tho monitor Commanehe, It will bo the llrst tlmo In nearly twenty years Foriy-wlght hours will bo suniuleiit lime todo nil that la nee-ess-uy on tlio Coniniaiioho, Thu Commaticho Is a single tur reled monitor, w'th two lUteen-lnch smooth bore gun?. Tho wooden corvette Motilcon Is in the stream, her repairs having been completed. unooniinncii reports fay suo re ceived ordois to pro-ced at oneo to Pauamt, A lure loico of men Is at work mi the Adams and the Jtatiyor, KNfl UK N 1'B INTIIKVKNTION. Wabuimiton, Jan. 1, It Ure portol atthocapltol today that tho government of Great Britain has taken ilept to bring about a more friendly teelltu between the Uulted Rtatia aud Chill, ami will luterveue to eflvct a Btfttlement of tho trouble. A memlHT of the foreign atlslrs conitnlilce of tho houw, said this unernoon. that he did not rvoelve WALLA WALLA ITKMS. Walla Walla, Jan. 10. Henry Haines, an Ignorant German, age 13, was arrested on a charge of inp Ing a 10 year-old girl of Ci urid Ott, living three miles below this olty. A preliminary oxnminutton wus held yestoidoy afternoon, and Haines confessed tho ciime, and was bound over for trial with bonds placed at $1000, which ho was un. ablo to furnish. The story as (old by the little lrl to a correspondent andnfterwards In court, was that on Sunday morning her father and her mother went oft vlsitlug, leaving her In charge of tho younger chil dren. Haines had Ucen working for her father and lived In a cabin close to their house. About tho mid dle of the afternoon she passed Haines' cabin, liOHelod her, dragged her in, threw her on tho floor and ravished hor. Oct, father of the girl, says that ho returned home about 7 o'clock In thu evening, and being Informed by I1I1 llttlo daugh ter of whal had occurred went to Haines' cabin, charged him with the cilme, which, after some evasions and answers, he couresed. Ott then sent for two neighbors, before whom Haines repeated his confes sion. Haines, on being sworn, first aitojVoaci"rJtehul(YteiiHflon Is felt among tho citizens. Yestoiday morning Mrs. G. W. Fry swoie out a warrant charging her husband with threatening to kill her. Fry was placed under $300 to keep the peace. Fry Is the man who suddenly left thieo weeks ago, but leiuined last week. He was Jealous of his wife, whom ho charged with deceiving him and consorting too familiarly with another man. Mrs. Fiy alleges that since his re turn lie lias threatened to shoot hur Interesting duvolopmoute aro ex peuted within a few days. IMPORTANT DKOISION. Corvallis, Or., Jan. 10. In thu caeo of the Willamette Valley & Oo.cU Hallway against tho sheriff ol Iienton county, to enjoin the collec tion of tuxes, Judge Pipes deoldod that thu law exempting the com pany from taxation was coustltu tloual, and made the law perpetual Thu utleot of thu decision Is to ox ompt from taxation their property in Denton, Linn and Marlon conn ties. Tho case will undoubtedly be appealed to the supreme court. 8LA8lli:it ARRAinNKI). Nkw Yoric, Jan. 10. Henry G, Dowd, alias "Jack tho Slasher," was arraigned In the Toombs police court yesterday before Justice Dully, churned with cutting thu throat of William Mu Her, In front of 00 Fume street. Dowd, In answer to the charge, pleaded pulf defense, saying that Midler had pushed against him and he cut him. He explained hav ing the rar.ur In his paesIou bv saying that he had shaved himself on Hiturdny iilghtaud Itmdvet'tontly put the rajfir In his jsickel. Hu denied having cut the other men Itesldes Muller, saying: "ThU Is the only man I ever camo In contact with." Justice Dully then hi Id him without ball for uimluatloii 'lhursday. All throughout the pro ceedings no sliowid exccedlnu stolid IndlHeroiice. He saa he Is 88 j ears of age, and that! ho wus horn in Liverpool. John Dowd, a brother of the alleged slasher, was arraigned in the Toombs police court. Hi said that he called every day at the room or his brother, and that twen YKSTiRDAY IN CONGRESS. Washington, Jan. 10 in tht senate a memorial and petition from tlio National League for tho Protec tion of American Institutions was presented, asking amendment to the constitution to prevent o union of church aud state, and foi bld the appropriation of public iiionov to any acclety under sectiri on control. After a number-of bills of minor itupftrtuuee were reported from the committees and placed on tht- calendar, the introduction of bll. s was resumed. In the hou"o itc-llty, of Pennsyl vania, linked the unanimous consent foi tho Immediate consideration of a rcolutlou calling on the eecretary of the treasury for information as to what amount of money was appro priated aud Is available under the act of April 25, 1800, relating to the world' exposition at Chicago, and what amount so appropriated had been expended, with an Itemized statement showing to whom It had beun paid, aud for what purposes; adopted. A resolution was presented and referred authorizing a select committee on the world's fair to have printed such documents and papers as It may seem necessary rela tive to matters; referred. A number of bills were then introduced and referred. DKMOORATK CONVKNTION. Washington, D. C, Jan. 10. Tho contest for the Democratic Na tional convention Is becoming quite interesting and tho attitude of Chicago Is a subject of much. anxiety among tho competing delegates. This morning until the position of Chicago in regard to the contest Is known many committeemen will refuse to pledge themselves and tho fight thus far Is In tho dark. Now Yon;, San Francisco and Detroit delegationsull arrived during the day and each wilt unquestionably malic a strong fight for the convention. QUAY LIUHL SUIT. Pa., Jan. 10 l'be testi mony In tho Qinty libel suit was completed this morning, John A. Mel tan one of the defendants ad mitted thu publication saying he re ceived a note and electrotype and headline, from Chairman Kerr of tho Democratic state committee, he thomhl the matter was fjr public information and printed It. Daughterty in argument for defense, referred to tho rejection of tho Democratic Jurors and claimed that tho jury was packed. The jury after being out twenty-live minutes returned a verdict of guilty. Tho penalty is u line not to exceed one thousand dollars or imprisonment, or both. Quay will intercede on behalf of the defendants. DDLAYKD HY SNOW. Poki'lam), Jan. 10. The Union Pacillc mill train due herd this morning, is twelve hours behind time. Tlio delay w.wciusedbya freight train being e.iught In the mow noir Picntollo. TRAINS DKLAYKD. Chicago, Ills., Of the twenty this morn In,', from all points, four teen had up to uoon, failed to arrive and uot ono of them was on time. Tho snow blockado was ono of tho most cxtonslve ever experienced. Delayi d train's aro Jrom every point of tho u mi pans. Reports from many points In Missouri, llllnoN and Arkansas, state that blinding snow storms have raged for tho last twenty-four nours, and that all busine-w is nta standstill, and trains aro delayed. Dispatches from Texas state the rain storm. Monday turned Into sloot.uud tho llyojstook nro sullering teulbly. This Is tho coldest spell Kansas City has experienced, thu thermom eter registering twenty-live below this morning, but later the weather moderated. It was twenty-six bo low at Atchison w here much suller ing was caused by the cold. Last night In Minnesota and the Dakotns was another cold one but today It is somewhat warmer. gorman !ii:-kli:oti;d. Annapolis, Md., Jan. 10. Ar thur P. Gorman was todav re-elected States senator to succceed fcnve nd Lernln. There Is great satisfaction in believ ing that the educated girl is niore af fectionate than the uneducated. Start ini? from that proposition, how easily could we imagine ono of our severe bluestockings, some lady of unMrta age who teaches tho young Idea, dis playing, tho opportunity offering, all the great affection whidi had been throbbing in ber bo-om during the years that she had been struggling with logarithms and methods of teaching. If affection increases In direct propor tion with education, surely the young men who go out on moonlight nights f veu decades hence will live In ely- siiiui That presupposes that education will continue to become more widespread, in the )ears to como the,re may be claw' In emotion, demonstrators of affection arid instructors In the divine art of making love. Able professors will toll how nud why tho passago of tho pons asiuoruiu will raise In each maiden's breast a longing, a yearning for she knows not what Then sh'e will reach the next class, and soon as she writes Q. E. D. after her first dein onstration In solid geometry she will heave a sigh, stretch forth her beauti fill anus and cry for the sympathetic booI which siens and llsures have shown her awaits her. And when, with all the education and refinement her Instructors can give her, sho leaves her alma mater, she will know moro about tho proper dis play of affection and lovemaklng as a fine art than tho girls of our day dream of. In my next Incarnation I hope to be an instructor in a young ladles' sem inary. San Francisco News Letter. Trial) if an Umleratutly. "If I ever get back to London again." said a premiere danseuse, "I'll never go abroad as an understudy, any how. You don't know what it means. Take a girl who has been used to do ing something, who has been at the footlights with little intermissions every night for mouths and years, who is con sidered pretty well up in her profes sion, who is still ambitious, put her whero sho may bo called upon any night to face a foreign public and never gets a chance to appear, and you havo my situation. "The salary? Of course tho salary goes on, but no amount of money can satisfy mo in such a lifo of unbroken anticipation. Tho strain of always be ing prepared for tlio unexpected is worse than that which conies from night ly work. I would not nccept a minor part in tho piece, and hero I am with nothing to do, on half pay, waiting for my chance. If that woman would bprain her ankle, or but it is too wi'ked to oven think of profiting by somebody's misfortune, let alone sigh for the opportunity. An understudy! Oh, how I wish, as I walk Hroadway, that I was back in London!" New York Herald. Ainlior Cnrvlnc. As n material for art carving nothing can bo more beautiful than amber. There are many beautiful specimens of it to be found in tho rowil collections of Europe In tho English collection at South Kensington is an octagonal casket belonging to the queen, tho ob long plates carved with figures emblem atic of tho cardinal virtues. Tliero is also In the same collection a - uiKk-i ;if iircliltiWurnl (lfjqiirn very remarkable for the variety of col ors of tho amber used in its construe tion. It is ornamented with statuettes, twisted pillars and quaint paneling, the workmanship being Flemish of tho Seventeenth century. Ono interesting specimen of modern carving in ambei was shown at tho International oxposi tion in 1802 in tho form of a vino branch with loaves and fruit. Phila delphia Times. United hlmuiilf IIRKWKRY RUII.NKI). Coipa.v, Wash., Jan. 10. Tho Colfax brewery was destroyed by lire this morning. Loss f!!0,000. Fully Insured, MARKKre. Portland, Jan. 10 Wheal val l'y ?l.0UJ ($ !.(; Walla Walla fUiTJ SI.UO. Chicago, Jan. 10. At close wheat w.iseasy stiong, ,S7jj May, .02. San Francisco, Jaw. 10, Wheat buyer, season $1.77. WBATHKK REPORT. ftutlifuctloii Gimrnntenl. "I'm nearly always disappointed in tho Christmas gifts my husband buys mo," confessed Mrs. Dunmick to Mrs. Kickshaw. "Is that so?" "Yes. He means well, butho doesn't seem to get mo tho things I want I try to appear pleased, of course, but I'd rather havo things I caro for. I give him hints, hut ho nover seems to catch thotu." "Now 1 not cr havo any trouble like that with Mr. Kickshaw." "How do jou manage it?" "Hasilv enough. I buy him for his Christinas pawont Just what I want to havo myself, and lie gets for mo Just what ho thinks ho would liko to have, and then we exchange tho articles with each other." Harper's. IT 16 MdSSdClottw LP Protects ovory porton injurtd in that Utah,, so thai he cannot loose his money in co of misfortune as is the case with other statu. You may f- rjoC your policy but the policy won't forget you. It is "the safest and best. Every man ought to crry Insurance and should put his money where he can't loose it. : EVERY POLICY IN THUS STATE HAS CASH and PAID UP VALUES GUARANTEED MAKING IT BANKABLE IF DESIRED. SEE ,1. L. MITCHELL OR THE GEN'L AGT. OF THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO KEAb ESTATE JluVBMKNlS. Transfers heretofore recorded iu January, $03,102 o0. Chas W Wilson aud w ife to Chas McCowu, 112 a sec 7, t 7 s, r 2 e, J300. 8 V Fuller aud wife to Mt.thlas Goulet, lots 5, G, bl LM, Gen Hi, 700 Estella Haynes aud husband to Andrew Iloblnsou 41.81 acres, Felix LItaymoud d 1 c, ?'7O0. Snfe in tlie MliNt or Danger. This would hecin i coutrmllctlon In bo, inr...t ,ji ftia pv.. UuL axnprifMjce bus tirnieJ ltd iMnsIlillltl. luUe ihe case of tan IniUvlOml who dwells lu h malurlou'. The Oregon Land Co-, WITHiPRINOlPAL OFFICE IN SALEM, The Beautiful Capital Cty of Oregon, and County Seat ol Marion County. Is ensran-ed in selling farming, stock and fruit rJP&" If you are looking for uilu dcfi nee KffiinM tlio drwiiKd chills .!. ll iO lm n- n.mranfin Pnrf .viiit ii nuxrucu t snu.oi y, umc.-iin, i.,m i o iHitT.'iik to call on us at oaleiii or ourajjeutin x ore- ..-i. .j I1..1.. .1.... ..r I nl. .. t,. -.- .- . H y piovvullmt Hosteller's stjinnUi Kilters ! iirci-lstlv this Tills loulliiiin dues liol unit thu Held re til medicine hat proed its efflcucj. In Sou.Ui America ihe Ititliniun ol Iuji n.i. .Mi I o, finery wtt rf In u Here iniusnia b'irn diMM luk on lis most ousllii Ueaiid lunnldibli tyies, the hitte sis n reorfdzed specltli in illmiltubie diui ud, un I priiirlbed by .thTMlplnnx m renntfi. .olenl. lo id it In dlsordei-Hof Ihtsio .inih, liMruml bowels tud agnust turn ue.iitjir, lu (jnppe. 11 unproMs appetiU aiij s ivi iicuirallz,t hemi utlsrii itnJ l.liluey caiiiplu nt. CARTERS Sick Ile.idichennil relievo all the troubles Incl Jent to a bltloiio itftto of the sjBtem, soch at Dizziness, Nait-tft DinrsiniH, Distress aftei eating. Pain in tlio Side, &c While their mosl reuiarkuble success hay been shown in curing Ileadaciitf. yet CARTcn's I.ittlk I.iveh Pilu aro equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preentiiiK this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, timulato the liver and reguUto the bowels Cven It they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those .bo suffer from this distressing complaint; hut fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these little pills Taluablo In so many ways that (hey will uot bo willing to do without them ACHE s the bine of so many lives that here li where we mako odr great boost. Our pills cure it while other do not Guura's Little LivEn Puis are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a doso. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe, or purge, but by their gentle action S lease all who uso them In vials at 25 cents, vo for $1 Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CASTI2 ItEEICIUE CO., Uev Tnt MR MM Small Pries. Land. The Willamette Valley is very far ahead ot any other place on'the Pacifio Coast as a farming, stock and fruit country, and i the most delightful place in the World for a home. Office in Gray Block, Cor, State and LibertvSts.,Salem,Or. The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing Company Office with the Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, corner State and Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon; is engaged in sotting out and cultivating Orchards. LIVERY AND FEED STABLES. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South ofWlllamette Hotel. SAUSM - OREGON L. B, HUFFMAN, Livery Stable and Feed The Best Box Stalls and Corral In the 'ty. Quiet, family Lories a specialty. (in roar Willamette hotel.) SAiSM, ... OREGON PItOFKSSIONAI. CAICUS. GEO. II. BURNETT, Attorney ot law, Salem, Oregon. Office over Lndd A Bush's bank. TyARCYA BINGHAM, AttorneyH and XJ tounseloib at law, bflem, Oregon. ila Ing an abstract ol the recoi da of Marlon county, Includlnc a lot and block index oi Salem, they have t-recinl facilities lor ex amining titles to rial estate. Business In the supreme tourt and In the stato depart ment!, will recele prompt attention. Q T.W O. ollK Buh bin lUCHAIlDWON. AUoruev nt liiw. olliee up itnirhlu front, rnning ol new 1 block, (.oilier toiuiileicial undC.mrt stietts, aleiiijtjiegou. JOHN A. CAKVJN, Attorney nt law. 8 and 4, haila A Jlllhli's ban k builrilDg. S llem, Origcn 811yr I'llMllol ll) Alllfllipn. I lmvo ridilon mpully entirely awny from a baml of nntolupo, nud thoir cu riosity woiiM load thorn to pursuo ine for hour ncroHs tlio plain and over tho hills. Ono mooiiliglit night, when the uilrngo was very strong and magnified a band of antelopo until thoy appeared as largo as a band of, I know u party of United States cavalrymen to llro on thorn undor tho mistaken notion j tnat tnoy weru senaing n "olley among a party of hostile Indian warriors. Waslitngton Inner. Sclentldo Fallaclri, Old Lady These 'ero Kiientlflo notea BALKM SIAlllCKT ItKl'OKT. iV SyiinpnU of the Markets Uuylnp and belling 1'rlcen. KRVISEDjQUOTATIONS. KlTAIUPniCRS 8houlders.Sugar cured.per lb, jp. Breakfast bacon 15 ""e"-5"5'r cucd, l1e:b1l Pork 810 Mutton Sai-'Uc.l Vtal-10!.5)12VJc Timothy heed-I'er pound,?ec: liclllng Bed clo er seed-1'cr pound, Uc. hlte rlo er seed-l'er iiound, ae. ": Alslkc ISc per jiound. Bed tpp Uio per nouiiit. Uncolu OniNs-uio per prund.t it o (Jnis(,-lCo per pound. Oiclinrd Uras..17o per pouud. piuniotw loe per bushel. t VrS ,,'"".,.!:?."iB b H S . "t tj, irr unz. in two lb canp. ru Vegtlablfs.-I'otntoes V; carrots oCiS PiirnlDrt7Sc- onions ,tc per lb. Msli.Jvilinon N10cperlb; bturireoH 5a SSS i perib. 8lUfe Crlb: wM ituYiNo rnicxs. Wlinit-Cntli S7c., storage two. M1.1ur7.1 ""f1- w- bt I lbs.' Ont8-er bushel. SOfflBWc. Barley-J'er LuNhel,4015?. llrnii rertDii n iiiaf,.,iii ... Sborts-fer ton. W ooi" " wVS? Chp-l"r ton, ).(: -I "ticked Wooi-t7ctodo. ' Eari hggs-issc tier doien. I'otatcKM-Ver bushel, 30e Com menl So per wmnd " " nte,7,'JU,J lundT fr e,J plumt-l'erlb. M7c Ilried pniue-l'er lb. Tn12e, Slimilders-,fo rir lb rhiekeng..7ltv per pound,' ( im wr lb. luchmTjprih ltop, (ilie. W. M. DeHAVEN, Boarding - anil - Sale Sialic. One door wist of Lunn's Dry Poods store on State btrcet. Quiet latnlly teams. Spec ial attention paid to trauslent stock. 5:ltl TRUCK AND EXPRESS. MOEGrAK & MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. str'gdhotldam8laUa',IPr0mpt Work l80Ur B.F. BONHAM. po.wiii a Howies, i.j uircoin Knshv i, and Conn, on Coni'lht W. H. HOLMES . OtPcc in Biish'8 block, bct,ten Stuto qilMION FOKD attointy at law. Salem, blook "' "r-Btalra In i'ntton'b n fj; McNAI,L-i. Architect, New Hush .Vf, Br,ei1I,nn block. 1'lans and speclllca tions of all clasbes of of buildings on short ooilfed afi'"01 ln,euileBC0 of work promptly WDPV.GU' ArcbUeet. Plans, Sped ... .t ncatious and superintendence inr all classes of buildings merclal it., up stairs, Otlice 2J0 oom- CAn,59BiEIJS'. Alc"cct, room 42f, Mar . quam building, f ortland. Oiegon. SUTT0i&S0i, Express and Buffffiicc. ju uauiing nnd on ck dellery to nil parts of the city with promptness and care. I,ea e orders at B. PAl? W ade & offii! First National Ba SALEM, OREGON. GENERAL BANKING R J',?le"TLAND-clvil Sanitary an d Cottle-PrkhusrBlockaTenlC6relon.Ce W it. -VOUNG.M. D.. oitlce formerly liL; ncilp,led. b 1)r- iiowland, corner V?u5."? Liberty sti ean. Telenhone No V'uce ueurs: s a. in. to 12: 2 to 4 n. r..: Besldence 18th street on Telephone No. I). , find 7 to 9 n. m electrio car line, T) JoA SnM0l7' ,pnyslcian and sur J geon. Office lu tldrldge Block kA. icin. Oretrnn. nw iTA7..'u8,o PJ9.f' fca 2 to 4 p. Office hows io to 12a. m. NAPOLEON DA vrs JOHN S10IrIZ: BTgrcsldent. Ice President. -....Cashlerf Han PuvNoiaoit, Jan. 10. Knre iwht fur Otx'K'iii uml Wuslilngteu: i-ieeirltitf mid couler. I'ronounrfil llouflfss. el SaifJ. Froiun letter written by Mn. Ada h. Him!, or Oruton, S. I)., wetiiieie: 'Was taken with a bad cold, whloh vettltHl on my lunjpi, couko tet in nuu uiiiiiiy ieriuiiiai.Hi lit wunuinii tlon. iMtunloetoni gave uio up, m. In tli' papers tiowadays Just mako me A WARNING DON'T USE BIG WORRi tired, Nover heard sucli nonsense in artWffnMJw5.SS!?rt?-!? ,n"n. or my born da-. ") PU'hwopi.ta.i or wo' ojieSi'cb Kephow-Whntharoyoustrucknow, i.";P? rl.l T.lo Tl.t. nonn. . T..-IJ I. 14 " T"! "" r . U COBCl rf. ... .. M,J4 B9 l UUWr 13 "TK.tV, in opposition to tlio sun. The Idea Old Jupiter can't hold tv candle to him New York Weekly. ". -nkimft:ri:. nd k. mum wliVrn L? it, ? vbTw frmn-t rulaniMh,uJ., iV" r5H?hwr' l4iiBUu .n.i . ... t ."." ' nlCKCO nd n ty yiNire iiKti hlu brother Henry had' been coiiinutUiI to Ftttthtili H,vliiin but ho liHiln'l Uiin L-nnl !,,. .., v .., .,.., , ...,.K . ... . . -". Ho had lo lieen iu niilwwm irl .n" I.mi" ve Uut a uliort lltms If avvluni ....1 m. il.. ..!... 7. "rt...,P.. 'IU.P l0.Jy av "W. - " : " iciiiiiiicti ii i uouiu not way witn yeiinsandthathokiiew hlo brother "'' friend on earth, I would tueti was n "llttlo o!P' at times. Jolm y iot onw aUive, My husband Dowd .eknowWgrt that ho w Rl0j8$X& attractetl by religious mattery nnd , mid l.ld. I Ve It atrial iook hi was proud of It. Justkv I)utTv i. all elcht bottW It hut nii ... tultted h'm to Un cam of thu ?m thau,t OoU I am uow a well and ir, wv, uuu liWH mHind u h. it touwj4bmiicri iji " uewwary .. . .----, Litt..i:.r .": ,M,,r wmmn .. -"""i1 i"i umnnu.ui... . (I AfnrLA . nou ll. or ThU.VT ration, An Staple as Ceflee. "Chamberlalu'a Cough Kemeily . oM.j.lw an wuvv iu una vicinity, vxphiiou ImWTbt.'i l n It boa done au Immeuse amnnni r : v. b .u .h d m,. kkxI alnco Its Introduction here." A. w"".'. " raaleb7b:GoodVuern- M.&iG..'5..Vral!aSB2 - "q- - rf"-"iij " iVHTiiiMt i.j a . . r-'"ni Iff.1-.f iHnui i Twh.7 . z.-,rzr.' 1. " 'THK m They make on feel m lhouh iitw. v.. tJJr,h yi".,.n' Takooae of rrtr IMU Uytr PllU ilr Millar. It will relief djuiMlH, aid dlcrk)B, rtv tuao nnd ijror (o the ytem. Jon nanlty mkUM that H U mdlria. when taklne Cutvr iatll Uvr liu.: they ar ery mi no Ud ffsu, M troubl't ftoiu torpid Uver r rclHTi4 by WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAF1TAL STOCK, all Sabseribed, 1200,000 xnnsacta.enera.b.busl u-'iPv.WWAMS.. w.;.ENGLAvn UUH Mc-NAHV. JJlIlKfTYl3. -- Bank In nsnr p..i merclal aireet. -"-uanee "lock E "offlee'i'SV ' D..HomeopathUt. tU'h Hre!tWf?rlS,,reet! "esidbbce 347 at eniir.!ft.L Ge"ral practice, special Sen? SneU t0 dlseft!,e8 of Won'eu aud WT)nUSL,?1 1(.D Physician and sur f.t" BCon- i'ructlra limited to dimu a fc? s,.Me,u' CHt"r?U IncludTnl Cotn?h!nvrtJ"Piuf.e."-bf'-pla, Office la m, o Z,. '""'"" ""UQ H. unice hours n-atr. iriiin v io u a. m and from o f "' .V-H m , w t i44l Dffift.AXM. Offlcahour., ZXikD g: eu and piiurtrr. ?.. " '." ulBe w worn .i.aiiCUi;t1 HUI11U. Lomiuertlal stieet DUthe wmtE' Den,l8t' Offlcoover inetautV.i.lic Lon,w. -ou" nnd Com- Lmerclulktieets. PwElHo -Vice President -vasnier on Com- 8.13. IX tVn7.'f!.'",.J ?I: finished dental opera- lions a specialty. -- -, .. vv.. on, p.SI.aesPon. Painless obcra- HCSINE-sS CAKD9. TTiat Ured, Uuscutd reellDK and dull head- ESLA iSffi La.f TBI VU" LW iiS!fS?K K and you will find nsllf Thtr nr hli """" h t 0o it "" ' to da good. " '' (Founded In 166S.) i Mi IRON BUILDING, SALEM, . . Ins STZtM-!'Mm' beat nnrin... " "ul repuinnc. only the lSu?cMSldeffi?toyeU- 0P'08Ue RKreMirlnlf,'ninlaekTllhfc' klndo1 Lor.:i,.uiL,loy rthur Cilo e. u uroftoaional ....w ua a inui. liorphor. 4-11 Horse Cash Market. .J& . 6 aeHJf.S. -"" " --V IMV he Q ln lewtat. MrkM- V Q4 hU OREGON w In au de. fal In OtnS. if..i.'SSSto. with -VB'ff Wld.lS' 25?, W -ntJ.1581" Baita. ;,nS'.rT "a3,an; iVlnrtDJl In. SHs&vSffS H4U 4 . i ..aHlS t?K? Ai?wa: tai"A.T!S?.MWdMtVMSI2. w iyir. 7KEvr 5S. BBffif7aTS .IS.N. K-VIGHT. lllflokaml.h thB fiii'WWJl,,,rilJ tt specialty. Hhop the foot or Libert street, jfiueiu. Orffou. a.-ju P. Jki-M.lV.?'nu.mctUre of all iy MmFrt siat'estV, r,DK U SpeClUl tlo? Ail wnJ?1" Plflewalks, Uicavatlpg-, - tuer with Iiuiran Ilros. 4:IMra n ailTilH ;?.? lny,ns5 "PH'eW Iaja j, G X.UUUMAK. mi w'-iss;iif " gjjMiltii-iiwriiiTitiiiWiiiffiiWiffiiii itwiim mu --- n h " wt, Tnn m tc-