Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 28, 1891, Image 2

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W rt
The latest Kcwi-Sccretnry
Tracy is Surely Getting
Judge Deads Dicision, Chilian
News, Cow Boy Etiquette, Train
Robbers Captured, Navy Furnish
a Vessel, Fire in Chattnooga,
Albany News, The San Franciseo,
Steel Works Burned, A Single
Hand Attempt, Chilian Spies,
State and Foreign News, etc.
Washington, Dee. 28. Secre
tary Tntcy's office presented t
busy scene tbln morning. Wlthh
au hour bo paw Senator Allison
cbalrman or the scnalo comnilttet
on appropriations, Sonutor Cam
eron, cbnltmau committee on uava
flTalre, Senator Butlor, member o
the samo committee, Henatore Fryi
aiut Hale, Cblef Constructor WII
son, Chief Engineer Mellvllle, Cap
tatu Phillips, who la to coramant
the new cruiser New York, Lieu
tenat Mason, executive officer of
same vessel, Commodore Folger
Chief Ordnance Commander Chad
wick, avd lastly, Charles Cramp
I he hlp builder. Notwlthstand
nig this sltfu of rfficial actlvltj
and reportB jprihted of unusua'
work at the navy yards, Offlclalt
of the navy department deny then
is tho leat speck of a war cloud
on diplomatic horizon. Assistant
Secretary 8 cy tald he had alreadj
expressed hU views a? to the uitvj
yard. When asked where the San
Francisco was bound, he declined
to give a defiult- answer, but re
minded tho lost time she went on
for "gun practice" as reported by
the department. She next had
been heard of at Valparaiso, He
said the vessel had no orders for
Chill. Tho naval officer win
should know when asked if tin
cruiser was bound for Acapulo,
replied sho would not go as far
south rs Mexico.
WASiirNnTO.v, D. C, Dec. 28. At
tho departmout of state matter
moyo aiousj in tho usual surene
fashion, and there was not a trace ol
warlike excitement. Offlpials sa.i
nothing has been heard from Minis
ter Egan since tho 25th Instant. At
the war departmout neither Actiup
Sesretory Giant nor Major General
Schofleld, had any iuformatiou, In
fact the only sign of warlike prepar
ation visible at the executive depart
partments, consisted in an
order issued on Saturday
for tho Immediate preparation
of a now 12-luou nun Just completed
at te navy yard huro for transpor
tatlou to California, together with
4000 pounds of powdor and 11,000
Shells. Sonpr Mnntt. tl. outtu...
minister, called at the department
of state at noon. Ho had au inter
view with Secretary Blaine for
half au hour.
Washington, D. C, Dee. 28.
Thoro are to bo two more star added
to tho American flog within a short
time. It has been agreed that
Arlzona'aud Oklahoma aro to de
part from territorial and havo state
governments. This Is the result of a
verbal understanding reached to
tween the leading llopublloau ami
Democratic mombera of tho two
hoUBeB who bayo beou Interesting
themselves directly iu statehood
matters eliico iho present congress
convonod. Just boforo tho Democratic-
senators held their canous to
agreo upon minority representation
on tiunalo committees, tho Utah aud
Now Mexico boomers attempted to
pack thoBcnuto committee on terri
tories with men who would favor
statehood for those two territories.
It la sild the matter of Htatohood
was about that momoiit mentioned
to President Harrison, aud it was
learned ho would not favor it. Ho
belloved Utah had not sufficiently
loug oujoyod freedom from poly
gozuy and Now Moxloo had not a
BUmelcntly largo American oUlswui
ship. So a combination was nude
between Arizona aud Oklahoma,
aud it Is said that not only havo all
the leading Republicans aud Demo
crat iu congress ox pressed approval,
but also President Harrison.
Portland, Dee. 28. Judge
Beady this morning rendered a k
ellou In tho case of tho Rollins In
vestment company agalust tho l'ort
luud bridge committee, The ques
tion at Issuo was whether a tempor
ary re&traliilug luuuutlou should bo
lasted prevent lug tho brlduo com
wittee from issuing the bonds pond
iHgthofcult. The declslnu waa in
favor of the city. Thu Itolllus In
v(?tHieut company was given ten
daygtoillo an ameudmeut to tho
caw ov ktiquettb.
Ban Antonio, Tex., Dec, 23,
Half a Joeti cow boys took posttess.
km of a ii'sni;tT train, on tho In
UfBatlowal aid Great Northern rail
K4 kt lht. They boarded tho
train at uda Station, and their;
slauA mmi. woe tn fnrra u Rhlniti'n
-oft the moving train, be-1)
i be wwe a red. cravat aud hl.-jli ,
Ufc bat. Tlwy then made a uumlier
tf ttif jrouugmdle In the Pullmati
onfcrti afaf fot them, enforcing ull!
dnnm witt. drawn platol. They
rate b Walti for twenty mllw,
vha ttwjr f4tPid off at a way
PrtESNO, Cal., Dee. 28. A skir-i
mlali occurred on Thursday after-;
noon In tho moutatu south of bere
between Bherlli Hendley and Dep
uty Sheriff MoArdle and Gratton
Dalton and lUIey Dean, escaped
train robber. Dean was surprised
in tho inmiutaliw on a way hiding
place and compelled to surrender
without a shot. Dalton, however,
discovered the officers and a couple
of shots were exchanged, after
which Dalton escaped.
Wabiiinuton, Dec. 28. Senator
Washburn, of Minnesota, wrote to
the secretary of tho navy Tracy ask
ing tho use of a naval vessel to
transport to Europe brcadstuffs. con
tributed in this country for the re
lief of the famlno sufForers In llus
sia. Secretary Tracy concurs hearti
ly in the proposal. The sailing ship
Constellation, now at Annapolis,
which was formerly used to carry
food to the starving people of Ire
land, lsa valiable.
Chattanooga, Tenn , Dec. 28.
Tho most disastrous tiro occurred
Saturday, originating in L. H. Love
man & Co.'s great dry noods house.
It spread with astonlslilug rapidity,
burning through tho elevator shaft
ind stairways, cutting oft the escape
f about thirty female employes,
.vho were rescued from the windows
with ladders by flremon. Two of the
vvomeu fell from windows and were
inmewhat injured, and a third was
rescued in an almost suffocated con
Ution. Tho adjoining buildings
Were soon a llamo of lire, consum
ing over half o million dollars' wortli
of property In loss than two hours.
Tho total loss is about $000,000, with
about f-550,000 lnsursance.
Albany, Or, Dec. 2&. A young
man named J. V. Mill left Albany last
Monday to iro to Detbem mines.
Men from the mines say ho has
not reached there. They saw his
tracks whence he lost tho trail.
Tho sniw was about five feet deep,
and the other men were so ex
hausted that they could not search
for htm, It la fearod ho has per
Isliel In tho mountains.
Ono of the burglars who robbed a
gun store In this city was caught
Saturday at Independence and
lodged in Jail here. The stolen
property waa recovered.
A furious rain and wind storm
prevails. Tho river is steadily ris
ing, aud fears of a Hood aro ex
press .
San Francisco, Dec. 28. The
cruiser Ban Francisco loft this port
shortly after 10 o'clock Saturday.
Such orders as the cruiser received
were sealed, and, beyond report
that she would put into tho bay of
Monterey for gun practice, aud that
it was probable sho would sail to
Acapulco, her destination at pres
ent is uuknown.
Readino, Pa., Dec. 28. The
0rjBntr oloc! VOrttH, au nluotr,y
established tlirco yoars ago, devoted
to tho manufacture of high grade
steel, were almos destroyed by Are
Saturday ulght. Loss $125,000.
Minneapolis, Dee. 28.-The
mombera of tbo train orow of tho
Chicago & iNorthwesteru vestibule
limited train, which arrived hero at
1:40 Saturday afternoon, tell a re-
markable story of an attempted
robbery. Tho train had Just left
Eau Clalro and Btoppod at a small
station this side of that place, when
a man boarded it. Tho man walked
forward to tho first coaoh and P"R; thib nouon una given nee
fastened tho door by taking a seat 11tho ,dre" t,mt tho government
cushion and placing it against tho bo1 ovof Volasque at the head of
lock. Ho then pulled two Immense tt P,ot Blve lrouWo auTr,n8 tho to
re vol vers from under his coat, and awgurtUlon ceremonies. It Is argued
thopaosougerswerostartledbyhear- "'?' tuo government intend to
lug him shout in stentorian tenes: blu,UI ,noro wars'ilps. Thomson,
"Throw up your hand." Ho uo "? ""respondent of the Loudon
compiled his remarks in a language
... r..Pnii,i ii. ..niiin n,i !,.
was a spontaneous ox'hlbltiou of
oufts aud finger rings. Ho then
adopted a unique method of robbing n" ,or . o
tho passengers. Ho ordered them ot Rb yet been accepted,
to maroh np to a front Beat, ono by bitting hull's dkath.
ono, nud dopojlt their valuables FortMbadb, S. D., Dee. 28. In
thoro. Two or thrco had started to a recent leaue of a Now York news
do bo, aud there was a waloh, two paper there appeared an article
pookot books and a linger rlugas a headed "Sitting Bull's death,"
nucleus for tho oolleotlou, whou tho which purports to bo an lutervlew
conductor, Wllllum Howard, started with Conrad Disstler. In an
to go through tho train. On arrlv- interview. LteutouuntBlooum, of the
lug at tho door he eaw the troublo Eighth cavalry, who was present at
luthoooaoh, Howard showed his tho time Sittlug Bull waa killed,
geuoralship by not rushing against
tho door, whloh ho observed was regard to the affair: "Sitting Bull,
fastened with tho cushion frame, from his village on Grand river, had
The train was Blowing" up for tho emit dellaneo to Agent McLaughlin
next station, aud Howard hastily at Fort Yates, aud as a tokeu of his
called the brakotiian. Ho told lilm hostility to tho whites ho had broken
that ho would Jump oft tho tralu hi pcaco pipe, and had sent the
and attract thu attention of the shuttered Btein to his agent. Ho
robber, and thou tho brakeman was had gathered about him some 350
to forco the door. Tho schema wa fanatical Iudlttns, ull Imbued with
carried out. Howard Jumped oil tho manlu of ghost dancing, aud had
tho oar, caught tho rear platform fixed Iho date of his departure with
ami quickly opened tho door. Ho bin band for tho Bad Lauds uear
sprang behind a seat. He also had Pine IMdge. This wo learned
a big revolver. Tbo robber uo through aoouta sent out from Fort
sooner Haw htm than ho quickly Yatee. When It waa found out for
plunged u bullot At him. Howard certain what his Intentions were,
returned the fire, and tho robber d forty-four of the Indian police were
vauced down tlw ceuter of tho car sent out. It whs no child's piny for
Hlowly, waiting for i ehancoto getjth's handful of men. They went
a good shot at tho conductor. J out with onlera to bring In the noted
Frank Laue, tho brakeman, at- chief alive, ir possible, but, at all
tempted to force tho door, but the events, to bring him, and uo body
brace acalust it held It firm I v. Ills I of men over curried out morn ha.
cestloulatloua. however, attracted '
the attention of MUwMarySouetber,1
frltilugluoiiour tho frnt seats, aud
ehe Dtickly stepped to the door and .
pulled the cushion
Iaue stepped luto the
. r - - i
frame away,
car. UeaUo
imuarevovor. iiy una uiue iwo
or tutvo of tu Mweugr, who
puld see ihat tbe okauoaa wre
How against the robber, regained
tMr snnses, and they in turn found
revolvers, wmcu tney pn-ouceo
The robber waa by this lime In the
renter of the ear, and he whb just
preparing to take another idiot at
Howard, when Lane fired and
dodged behind a seat. The robler
turned, and Howard fired at him,
hitting him apparently in the shoul
der, as one of his anus dropped to
his side. Ho ran into the closet and
was locked in there, but he Jumped
out or the window almost as soon
as the door was closed. The passen
gers were returned their money and
valuables, which he had loft un
touched on tho car seat. The detec
tives of the company have started
from Minneapolis aud Chicago for
the scene of the attempted robbery,
kind every effort will be made to
capture tho desperado. Ho wore n
heavy seal ring on the little finger
of Iho left band. The company
will oiler a largo reward for his
a rascal's work.
Butte, Mont., Dec. 28. Some
unknown person released tho
brakes on the cable car from wh'o'i
the grip car had been dctatehed,
causing the car to go down the
heavy grade with lightning speed
aud Jump the track. Win. Cun
ningham, a miner, was killed; T. O.
Cameron and Daniel McDonald
were fatally injured.
snowing at sibson.
Sisson, Cal., Dec. 28. It baa
been snowing slnco midnight Sat
urday, accompanied by heavy
wind. Snow is drifting badly;
snow plows are running, and all
trains aro on time, the wind Is
south, and tbero ht a prospect of a
heavy storm.
Chicago, Dec. 28. A morning
paper says an officer of General
Miles' staff received a telegram late
last evening from bis brother, a
United States soldier, stationed at
San Francisco, telling him of the
arrest there yesterday of two for
eigners, ono a Spaniard and the
other a Chilian, who had been there
for tho past three weeks aud acting
in a manner to cause suspicion.
They were arrested on a charge of
vagrancy, though they aro strongly
suspected of being Chilian spies.
New York, Dee. 28. Edward M.
Fields neither eats or drinks, aud Is
growing weaklng every day. He
passed a restles night, and this
morning refused to take breakfast.
Ho complains of pains in his head.
Ho refuses to touch medicine.
McMinnville, Or., Dec. 28.
Captain Medoium Crawford, a pio
neer of 1842, died at his home, In
this county, Saturday morning, of
cancer of the throat.
Valparaiso, Dec. 28 Admiral
Jorge Montt waa proclaimed preM
dent of tho republic in every towu
and city in the country. Elaborate
preparations are beinir iti San
tiago lor thoiuaugration ceremonies.
It ts proposed to proclaim a general
amnesty to all the minor civil, mili
tary and naval officials who served
under Balmuoeda. Tho amnesty
"f '"J -
"" "vtr luo ru"" ' u,"-or' lu "-
'a,e OI BU"B JuuHt councillors,
""'" congress, governors or
oUlc'rH wAho, woro Particular proml-
""" uitauuiw v uu
luu, Vy- uy uuiiw r
"llng on the part of tho Balma-
T B, JT1 ww uruuBiK
,c,u u "' "K " lJ
""". W1U ".'."'. .uu"",u" JU ""
V 8' w"u"fB "? "
trougs, has offered to sell to Chili a
ship of tho Esmeralda type, of 1000
t08 w,luAP!d "' tvventy-ono
makes the following statement iu
nrdoun order In a more loval man.
ucr. They left the ngenoy Ju after
durk of December 14th, expectlug.
to muke the cantturo at dav ehh
Two troop of tho EJk'UtU oavalr)-
F and Q -left at midnight, to boat1
" --W--
a it inir hu ra vi aueuii) it iiav-
light to nupport tu police aul
veut a rW)ijrc Ji daybftak
M,a IKHi ia -irara nnnmanlltnff Ilia I
! binds overlooking Sitting Bull's
village. Our horses were In a swing-
' lug gallop. We reached the crest of
the Muff, and looking down, saw
Hitting Bull's village undents. Tho
police were occupying Sitting Hull's
limine, their ammunition being
tiR'irly gone, but still keeping up the
fight Several dead were lying
around. The first body I iwitgaizod
was that of Sitting Hull. He was
lying on his back with a hu'b'i
through his bead and ono through
ills left breast. The manner of IiIh
deatli was hb follews: The police
entered his village Just at dawn,
golug to Sitting Bull's house. They
awoke him aud told him to get up
and come with them, that they
were going to take him to the
agency, aud that if no resistance
was offered lie would not be harmed.
Sitting Bull dressed and was led
outside. Tho first lieutenant was
on one side of him and tho second
lieutenant on the other; they started
to lead him toward a pony they had
ready saddled for him. At this
moment Sitting Bull began to yell,
and the Indians swarmed out of
their houses and tepees, each witli
his gun iu IiIh hand, outnumbering
the police nearly niho to one. Fire
was opened at seventy-five yards
distance, and both lieutenants fell
at the first fire. Dull Head, as he
dropped fired at Silting Bull with
his revolver, shooting him through
tho head. Red Tomahawk, who
was himself exposed to a murder
ous fire, turned, and with his Win
chester shot Sitting Bull through
tho breast. The- police were then
obliged to seek shelter in the house.
The Indian police at Standing Rock
ill deserve at the hands ot the public
the slur cast upon them by the cor
respondent. The llttlo monument
ou Grand river, erected by tho
agent and these two troops of tbo
Eighth cavalry, marks the spot
where he died."
Chicago, Dec. 28. At close wheat
wa easy; cash, Jan., .00; May, .05;
San Francisco, Dee. 28. Fore
cast for Oregon and Washingten:
After tho sharp earthquake
sboclt near Whatcom, Sunday,
Boulder creek became white and a
great many dead fish were to be
seeu. This creek starts from tbo
base of Sister mountain, which
was to all appearauces in a state of
mild eruption Friday. Tho high
peaks of tho Sound country are all
recognized as volcanic, and a tri
lling volcanic disturbance is suffi
cient to produce the earth waves
which have beeu felt Here lately.
Vhe collapse of strata in a momi
tiilu, lmllowed out by volcanic ac
tion, is enough to send a vibration
many mllw.
Quite a sensation has been created
In Eagle v.tlley, Baker county, by
tho exposure of a gang of cattio
thieves, several of the parties in
terested belug prominent resldeuts
of tho valley, aud having heretofore
borne good reputations, with, per
haps, oue exceptiou. Tbo Demo
crat's iuformaut states that tho
gang bus beeu .engaged extensively
In cattle butoberlug, supplying tho
couutry for miles around with moat,
their headquarters being iu an out
of tho way pluce, but Ibis created
no suspicion, slnco tho parties were
known to bo interested iu mines at
a place called Timber Cauyoiu
However, some things did look
wrong, aud after following up tho
scent ample evidence was found to
show up their guilt. Steps havo
been taken to bring tho members of
tho gang to Justice.
Washington, Doc 28. Acting
Sccrotury Graut Bald today ho rc
jjiirtled tho sltuutiou on tho Mexican
frontier us serious and that tho the
war department la exerting Itnelf to
prevent (further violatiina of the
neutrality laws by Garzla's band of
revolutionists. If necessary to pre
vent these tuon from crosslug back
wards and forwards between Mexico
and Uuitod States. The entire
military forco uuder General Stan
ley's command will be distributed
along the north bank of the llio
Grande. It Is said nt tho war do.
partuieut Garzia's movement Is
gaining strength. '
Both tho method aim results when
Syrup of Figs Is taken ; it h pleasant
and refreshing to tho tasto, and acta
Wntlyyet promptly ou the Kiduova.
ver "d Bowels, cleanses thosya-
wm eoectuallj, dlspeHj colds, Iiead-
v"w uu levers auu cure oamtmu
i Ai..f jsKlsKftftdLBt
rlA V'drS
waslmatltmnerraanenUv. Forsalo . J
n &f Bd l b01"6 " N'JKS
""JKl'MW t-
iifmiiii inn a
llf .mw W a 1 JT a m m m IV IMA
for Infants
"CaiforlalsKO well adapted to children that
Irecommend Has superior to anyprcEcripUon
known to mo." II. A. Ancnxn, 21. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St, Brootlxn, N. Y.
"Tho uso of 'Ca-ttoriaMs so universal and
Us merits so well known that it seems a work
of Bupereroijatlon to endorso it. Few are tbe
Intelligent arallles who do not keep Costoria
within eas7reach." "
Cahlos MAnTTif, D.D.,
New York City.
Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Eefonned Church.
Tms Cnrriun
New Poultry Market. -Thos.
Bluudell lias opened a new fish aud
poultry market at tho rear of tho
State Insurance building, and Is
prepared to purchase all the good
poultry to l)e had at tho highest
market price. 12-24-tf-w
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles incl
dent to a bilious stato of the system, such at
Dizziness, Nausea. Dronslnesi, Distress aftei
eating. Pain in the Side, &o While their most
remarkable success li.it Iwen shown in curing
rreadacne, yet Cauttcu s Little Liver Pilu
are equally valuable in Constipation, curinR
and preventing this annoying complaint, while
they also correct all elisor 1 era of the stomach
stimulate tho liver and regulate the bowels
JJven If they only cured
Acho they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this dlstressine comDlaint;
but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
tlieso little pills valuable In so many ways that
they will not bo willing to do without thcra.
But after all sick head
Is the bano of so many lives that here Is whero
we make our great boast. Our pills euro it
while others do not.
CABTEn's Little Ltvsn Tills are very small
and very emy to take. Ono or two pills make
a dose. They ore strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
please all wiio ino them. In vials at 25 cents;
ilvo f or $1 , Sold everyw here, or sent by mail.
CASTES l!EDi:ill CO., Hew Terr,
MM Ufa. Small Fries.
Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils
and Window Glass, Wall Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Kay, Feed aud Fence
Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc,
WANTED. situation tm wattless, by nn
experienced girl. Cnll nt 71 llollevut
street, Salem.
17l01t8A.IiE. A liouso nnd lot for J275 In
U ya payments, unquiro at
Globe real
estate ofllce.
12 28-tf
Wednesday Eye., Dec. 30th.
MUs llnlllo ParrUli, urcgon'n lUvorlle
l'rlnin Dinrrn.
Miss Goueviove Hughes, olo 1'lanUt,
nsslsttd in raullujrs nr,d coiieetted pieces
by Mr. Wm Knglnml, M rs, Clins. Ilelley,
MUsHtratton, MUs Stelner, Miss Harris,
MUs AiluniH. Miss Lttlii8mlth.MUg Adair,
MIsh Chandler, Miss Rtnfcr Mls tjoutli
wlek, Mr. H. IJozortU, Mrs. V. H. Itualor,
Mr. Hcott llozortli, Mr. W. H. Bagley, I'rof.
Parvin atd others.
Tho above named talent insures tho
grandest musical entertainment ot the
Admission, 60 cents, gallery, S5 cents,
Hescrved beats at Dearborn's without
extra charge.
For flrstrolatm hand made brok; andtlle,
go to
LnrRe'hupply on hapd. Wear fair
grpuud, Salem, 72S ,
Conservatory of Music.
1 lnLLAMlETl H L'NIVkltMIl Y.-RIvm
V. snirtoruavHntgr tn students of
uukic rio (metiers, wuesi metnos.
V.)cal aud liiitruinenbil mtwle tuuglit to
thhtsht-st protlrlenry. MontOKOlnif e6t
to study inulo, lixptOMs nuxlrnile.
Klplonius KUfUonm)p'Mlou of course,
OJt termbojlns rb. I, lati,
Muicai lyrtcwr,
and Grapes.
IVentyvarlillcaofifhrorMle. Manual
of culture and dttcrlpilve tutaloue of
plums of either of thi-o. lxt of all table
frulU, sultutile fqr thus climate, cut on ap
plication to. E. IIOFWI, Salfiii.uregoQ.
To Strawberry drawers.
Tbo underjU4 Ua oontmoted for Urm
quantity tattie JeuJe, (swrpWB prli.
wlunrut&alrmstrubviTy stir) aud Trl
omuheda Oand, (bes ytWder bikI uiot
roaubl lata bury in Hiilru. uiurket.l
m II. W
CT5S, BS1HO, auu j
NV . till.
uar, auu sMiie. rruuu-a pure ktocy
iinKiw- vuiaiotrut uvt, ttaa.
lis, aiki ten rfr riit4
JW M.Jf3Ui,
wtlwu, UiSKJ
iver igilg
1 pills, zm
and Children.
CtutorU curca Collo, Conrtlpatfon,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructauon,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d
Without lnjurioi
us medication.
For several years I have rocomrnendeo
your Castoria, and shall always continue to
do so as it has tavarlably produced beneacial
Eowm F. Pardm. M. V.,
"Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave.,
New York City
CoJipjtinr, 77 Sltmiur Btbekt, Nkw Tons.
Wholesale nnd retail dealersjln
289 Commercial street. Telephone No. 33.
To Loan on Real Estate Security.
Af.'en'cy Pacific Stntrs Snvin?, Loan '
UullrtliiB Co.
SAbKM. - , Orocoo
Room II, Bush Bank block. 5 12dw
Paper Hanger.
Leave order at Ulobo Heal Estato Exchange
THE board of trustees ol tho Oreeon
Mate Insnno Asylum hereby Invite
scaled proposals for iurnishliigut the asy
lum, near Salem, Oreeon, the following
supplies lor tho six moDths enttlug July 1,
1000 yds Amoskeng maiiners ttrlpcs blue
and white.
300 yds Lonsdale blench sheeting, "A inch.
500 yds Peq not A sheeting, 3(1 inch.
600 yds American shirting prints light col
ors, nssoi ted.
800 yds century cloth, dark colors, assorted
ICO yds continental check, flannel, black
ana white.
200 yds red nnd blue check glars crash, 10
inch wide.
800 yds bleached linen and French crash,
18 Inch vrlde.
200 yds Amoskeag blue denim's 0 ez
GOO yds Marseilles York Mig Co checks.
200 yds Amoskeag a O A ticking, 80 Inch
100 yds Naumkeag corset jeans dark drab,
0dozmeanm Blze thimbles, closed euds,
10' Ho 3(1 white thread, Clark's mile end.
6 10 ' ' ' '
10 ' ' 80black . .
0 ' 18 ' ' '
IS gross pearl dress buttons line 21
1 M each No. 2, 3. 4, 6 and 0 Mlhvnrds nee
5.CO0 lbs Lpl salt,
400 cheeso, Cranston's or as good.
2500 ' cracked wheat, lresh ground, bbls.
2500 coarse hominy ' '
2500 ' oat meal '
1800 ' rolled oats, American
boo ' dried currants, fresh, good stock,
200 '0 Co's A & H brand carb soda.
2000 ' choice island rice.
150 ' cream tartar, J. a. Folger's
prime, or as good.
200 glojs starch, Oswego
-100 ' cornstarch, Osw ego.
10 gross matches, superior Safety.
25 aoz brooms.
20 doz cans oysters, A. Fields or as good,
25 doz concentrated lye, American.
25 doz cans corn, Wlnslow.
100 lbs tapioca.
2C0gal coal oil, Pearl In tanks.
2 do bath bricks,
1 doz clothes baskets, willow, large size,
snuare end.
200 gal molasses, New Orleans, genuine
12 df z palls (galv Iron No. 20 plate, round
300 lbs ' black pepper, ground.
40 ' ginger, ground.
40 ' clunamun '
50 ' mustard
15 ' iuiico
20 ' sage m
10 doz glnss tumblers.
2 ' yrup pitchers.
20 ' quart eoup bawls, f. G.
20 ' teacups,-
600 bbls more or less, best roller process,
delivered ns wauled,
2500 pounds Kirk's Savon or as good.
H boxes Ivory Boap. 100 cakes each.
10 lbs shaving soap (Palmer's burber or
ns good).
1000 lbs uncolored Japan, Eclipse or as good.
2500 lbs Costa Illca, !lrt grade.
bOu ' chtcory, ' '
200 ' govtJuva, '
100 realMocba, '
1000 lbs Kapldau, or as good.
600 lbs per day more or lessor beef and
mutton na required In equal parU ol
foroaud hind quarters.
l side harness, Oregon, extra good.
5slde sole, Htockton,25 to 27 perslde, extra
1 calfskin, good stock.
12 doz Payson's Indelible ink.
8 qt (Stanford's premium fluid.
3 copying '
J ' commercial Ink.
0 reams letter paper, Wedgewood half
sheet, or as good.
r6Wru1pttuTSCi!8' D,xon'B BPWt No
2 VXI Hdtin luaui6cent No 4 pn.
2 tuts anion's 404 pens
1W lbs dried applfs, god quality, sun
llXMl!fe(lditl,ni5Pne9 sood quality, auu
1000 lb dried prunes, good quality, In sacks
uiicu. 111 aari!.
aoi.ttridum arwqiosum.
5 lbs carbollcum, ciyst.
1 ; Ixiraelcuin.
' aromon brnmlduni.
t autl pyrlue.
6 btsmuthl sub ultras, Bqulbb',
2 grow botUtai.U dram. HU,U"'
? ; 4o
1 BOS.
..' ?.1lP2nclU,uorted.
3 lbs chlorofhrumm. Rnnii.t,'
f J culodlon. alilnck
S gross corks, No 4.
' 11.
8 fts Fl ext sawapariuacotnp. Wyeth Allro
iirt "","
vos fpl rad,
opet.'"' J
wnltaraJ, '
buchu. '
Proposals for Supplies.
Fancy RucklTs
Solid comfort in every
1 1 mm m
The Oregon Land Co,
The Beautiful Capital C'ty of Oregon, and County Seat of
Marion County.
Is engaged in selling farming, stock and fruit
lands in the Willamette Valley. If you are looking f
land do not fail to call on us at Salem or our agent in Porf
land. The Willamette Valley is very far ahead of an"
other place on the Pacific Coast as a fanning, stock an
fruit country, and i the most delightful place m the World
for a home.
Office in Gray Block, Cor. State and Libertv Sts., Salem Or.
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing Company
Office with the Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, comer
State and Liberty streets, Salem, Oregon; is engaged in
setting out and cultivating Orchards.
1 glnss graduate, gal.
100 hypodermic tablets, apo morphia, M0
gr wyotu s uro,
109 hypodermic tablets, pllocarbinae mur,
100 ' dlgitatenl, floogr
W. & Bro.
100 hypodermic tablets, physos sallcyl 1-40
gr. w. t Bro,
1 lb llquorls potass arsen.
i oz. morphloj sulphas.
1 doz medicinoglnfcHes, J oz, English lines.
1 lbs pepsin pute, Fall child's.
100 ' parnflue.
1 ' pulf doverl.
1 ' ' acaclae.
80 ' potassll bromldum,
1 . ' ' chloras.
6 ' ' nltras, powd.
1 ' ' cltras.
1 ' ' lodldum.
60 oz quinine sulpbas, P. A. V.
2 ' oleum clntuimoul.
yA lb ' caryophylll.
2 gal rlclnl.
4 doz strengthnnlug plasters W. &J.
4 doz poious plasters, Allcock's.
10 lbs shaving soap, Williams'.
1 ' ungentum simplex.
1 ' cltrlnum.
1 ' ba-lllcum.
10 ' vasallne, XX refined.
3 ' bDonees. iiir?ft onrrlnp'o
1 mortar wedgewood, it gal.
6 lbs fcodll blcorbonus.
6 ' ' ' bonis pul v.
2 bbls carborns.
2 lbs bromldum.
400 feet ground iron, common.
$ ! . ' , ' Norway.
tA ' llill lAa
y. keg of No 5 tore shoes, light Burden's
10 lbn No 7 Putnam shoe nulls.
15v. MSweet'p American steel too calks.
10 ' 4
1 No 3 solid oast steel machinists ball peln
hammer, octagon, 1 lb 12 oz.
1 10 Inch horse rasp. Heller's.
1 doz 12 inch round flies, bastard.
' ' 2nd cut.
1 flat bastard flies.
1 - t
H round '
' ' 2nd cut.
flat mill, 2nd cut.
' knife bastard.
' ' second cut.
remilnr tnnpr fllon alncriAnnt
i oy, - oum uipernies, uouoiecui.
2,o , .S . ,' hueo cut,
12-foot steel square 18 blade No 100, Eagle
1 No 0 level 24 Inch best quality gray iron
steel bars.
1 No I Acme cutting nippers, inter
ohangabele Jaws,
2 IH incn "eich screws, 20 Inch over all.
2 No 7 Distln's hand saws, 21 inches.
u ?' &.cuUen f0T 8 lncU Acme nippers
500 ns No 20 gal sheet iron 30x03, best brand
500 ' 22 ' 30x0. ' '
500 ' bst blacksmiths' coal.
10 Albany compound No 2
6 kegs of 8 penny cut nails.
1 ' 4 1
800 leet x)i angle steel.
K doz l$ inch tees. - -
l Y. '
hi ' J
01 1 t ".- --;,.- -" - ''.
.1 lis ' elbows.
Unions flange
Keystone union
lock nuts
' K
Bushings. I inch to M
H 'lit
lpch stop and waste
Inch FllltAr hlha fflnlal.Afl
1 ' each Vnnrt A mU.,.ii, .. o...
lerblbs ' ' r-""4 "-
JS ,f.et Jnon ?al wrought Iron pipe
7 ... , .
jw - i oiacK
100 . ,
. H.d0 ncn Scotch gauge classes. 10
Inches loug
lnhe2oug,nCU 8c,Ch gnuee C,aMe
I Star glass gauge cutter.
jSawP'pf may be seen at the office of the
.,uu. 1. u.icca, uuu gooas must oe in
nooordance therewith and must come la
fl'"" iw;aKrB wutn posaioia.
Ihe board reserves the riht
the right to reject
any nnd all bids
llelivcry of supnliea will be rrnnlrod
within ten days' notice .of accepUnce of
-.. n. uiW ui luia uurmiKmeni mum
accompany each bid. and the name nt the
cUtsof suppllts mutt be written on the
envelope containing bid. Each bid must
include all the Items ot the class bid upon
and must give items and totals in full,
yrlth exception of meat and flour. Audit
IDS' oxneeru are nmhlhlfpri fr.im tfni1rm.
log accounts of purchasers when toe ad
vrrtlscment docs not contain a full and
com pie te description of the articles to be
1 Mias win oe opened at 3 o'clock p. m., ou
I Tuesday, Jan. S.W12. ' '
SI H j2v&H H
31 fWafl
25c WanCoiumn,
Nwtlces Inserted for ONE CKNT PEK
tlsemeut Inserted In this oolnmn for less
than twonty-nve cents.
LOST. IVo deeds and tax receipts In aj
name, enclosed In envelope. Return
toJoUBNAliOlllce. MATTIEWfl.DE.
12 10 3t
EOR KENT New house In North
Salem. Apply to E. Holer, Nortli
Salem, or at Jouunai. ofllce.
LOST. A packngeof hair goods, between
Mission street and Keller's store.
Leave at sirs. Frank Cooper's Etore. lllTtf
TO RENT. A house of Ave room!, en
quiroof T. VanderBan. Wlntentreet
north of Union. U23SI
TO EXCHANGE. Ten ants witnlntte
city limits of Yankton, S. V., for pHip-
erty in or
near Balem. W.
f. Dftble,
Halem, Or,
FECIAL BAHQA.IN.-A bargain l( of-
terpd in the 1 n. Ullbert nrowny cor
ner Marlon and Front streets, till on J,
C. Booth, room 13, over Ladd a Dttintant
11 21 lw
J7IOUND. A new leather slipper. Owner
can have fcamo by proving property
nd paying for this notice.
TO BENT. ITouse of nine rooms. Stable
attached with city water, Highland
addition. Enquire 308 Cottage street.
Meets every Saturday eienins st
o'clock, in tho hall over the blate Jnin
ranee building. Meetlngsare oren to tne
public. Itev. Robert fiitaKer,lw- '
V. A. Cusick, Vice President. 10 lit
'The State."
Assets Over 350,000 Dollars.
GEO. M. BEELEB, City Agent.
And special agentfor Marion county, u'
nrnwiin mo uompany.
Balem, Oregou. W 1. Staler, President
A. P. Armstrong, Manager.
llusliioss, Sliortlinntii
Tj'pswntlnj, Ponumanshlp, Fngltta
iiepartments. Students nflmltwa
atanytlme. Catalogue frea.
Msldent. KSSS'
VieelVestdent. Treasorer.
275 Commercial Street.
Makes the neatest and best Abstracts la
tho country.
City Wan-ants.
NOTICE is hereby given that tSJ
sutllclent funds on toraV
uryol 'becltyoftialem.OrfgonP.,
warnuits of the city of JaJem. , '""fftb
by the tnwsurer before the Sddsy or r
ruary, imi; na mic ZYi.1. notice.
warrants fiom the date of tUU nuce.
Balem, JJe. 17, X831. KVl.ArFORD.
ni9 rnMd3cuiZ.
Ask for Huret'a
, "STAFF OF WFE' ' .
Or whole Wheat Hour, $gl
anrilKt luting breftd- A1
Famous Pure Aurora buck
wheat Flour.
-Hum's bet WUoOHS&t
Also our pure 8y IVoYBbsUteW'
lor these goods and tak w Aurorti
s " Vvl?;ii