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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1891)
wWfUHf" 0'K l CAPITAL VOli. 4. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, -MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1S91. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. lr.s. - --r EVENING J J U JlvINxtlI. We Want Mr cVv' r' --v b 1 ri me reoo e to rvnow 200 ELEGANT PHOTO ALBUMS JUST RECEIVED PROM MANUFACTITOEB AT PRICES THAT WILL SURPRISE THE OLDEST INHABITANT. Look Out For Our Display Window. RBM EMBER THE PLACE T. W. PATH'S Sbtt Sinet M S MONEY!' -:- How to make and how to save it is the ruling question with you. ou can make and savo by speudihg it with us. "A penny saved is a penny earned," and we can save rou at least 25 per cent, on o;oods in our line. - -:- Just look at a icw 01 our prices IE 0 S I K R Y. CORSETS. II. & S. B'aek Corset $1 40, Infant's Cashmere Hose 25, 30rts. Children's Cotton Hose 10, 15, 20. 25 ete. Children's AVool Hose 25, 30, !!5 cts. Ladies' Cotton Hose 10, 15, 20, 25, 40 els. Ladies' AVool Hose 25, ."0, 50 oto. Ludies' Cashmere Hose (incts. Boy's good School Hose 2-5 ets. H. & S. Dral) Corset 1 10. 500 Horn Corsets 1 2.5. Alisses' Corset waists 50. And other kinns from 50c. 1 1 1 00. be low. -: - ROOTS AND SHOES. Mona P.ilf T?nnl HI MlnS'l Boy's Calf Boots U N 1 E R W E A R. Infant's Lambs AVool Vests - GO 'ts. Children's mixed grey Uuderwear 25-45 ct. Children's Camelsihair Uunderwear 40-75 ets. Children's Scarlet Wool Underwear 45-80 vtH. Ladies' Merino Uuderwear a0-5 u'. Ladles'NaturalWool RibbedUnderwtar iin-H 2.5. LadUa' ScarletWool Ribbed Underwear !!0- 1 25. Have you seeu our guaranteed KidGloves at $1 40? We still have a lull lino of Notions of all kinds. AIo Hammocks, Cioquetsets, Boy's AVujons,etc. 15. 1 45. Mens' Buckle Plow Shoes 1 15. liens' Oil giniu, 2 buckleShoes 1 45. Boy's Oil raln buoklo Shoes 1 2-i. Mens' Drew Shoes $1.45 and upwards. Boy's and Girl's School Shoes at $1.10, 5.1.2-1, 14G. Ladies' he..vy Shoes $1.15, $1.2'., $1.45. Lades' line Shoes from a donsiola kid. $1.50 to n French Kid at 3.25. Mens; Women's, Children's Rubbers. E.F.OSBURN, 261 CommerciaLStreet. mm a amimiiiiM imi urBWiuiTBinrnm Refuse the Earth unless anrround id wit I) bulbed wire, but every one appreciates the courteous treatment and Si o w S r i e s that give Brooks & H'arritt their immense trade. Finest lim of Hamnierless and Hammer Shot gunsin the state out side of Port laud. Now foods, Hobby Horses, Shonflies, Buby Wheelbarrows, Carts, Reins; Iron Tops, etc. 94 State Street. CORK SOLED CALF BOOTS, the best Avinter boot known. NO CREDIT THE CfflML JOURNAL. H0FER BROTHERS, - - - Editors. UltMSlIKDllAItAMSXCKlTHUNDAY, ny thk Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated Olllce, Commercial Street, In P. O. HulldlnR luitered al the jxwtoillco nt Bnleru, Or., n tecond-i-lati- n nltri. Also bargains in Kip boots, Boys' and Girl's school shoes, but money saved torcasn. C. . U I V H h A C O., btate Street. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Sash, Doors, Blinds & Jlonldings, Turning & Scroll Hawing. House Klnishlus made to order. New dist; KII.N, by which w o cau alwnyi Beep a full supply of seiuwnud Hlocls of nt kind. Agricultural Wort;, Come 'ofTnite nucl Hlgn Ntroets, Snlum, Oregon. m. & &c Sasti and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of .work hi our line at prices to c( mpetc Tvith the loAvest. Only the best materiaLused , CPFURCHILL & BURROUHGS. Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, -AND- SHEET IRON WORKERS. Estimates on all work In our line. IOO Ohemsksta Street, Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. A. KLBIN. RELIABLE SHOES. SALEM. CIAJB THK - LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES, in ir finmTvn n All stock left In my care shall receive the best W hill .Kt I'fllll1 of attention. Telephone No. 24. Cor. Liberty II. 11. UVU1J1J1. 11UJJ1. ami Ferry streets, Salem, Oregon. Salem Truck d Bray Co. H v Hce Sti DRAY8 AND' TRUCKS s ready for orders. and deliver wood, coal and lumber. Of State St.. ontx)sl to Sa lem Iron works. Drays and trucks may be found throughout the day nt the corner of Btate and Commercial streets. "The Best" "The Best" BOOTS AND SHOES. Wm. Brown &Co. 231 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. "The Best." "The Best." J. J. MUTTON, SIGN AND HOUSE PAINTING, pJ5!D,n&tDeootiYe Paper Hanging, Kalaomlnlng, etc., ect Office mmercUl itreeL Reafdenoe 6d Marlon street, II, F. DRAKc, Proprietor. T. G. PERKINS, General Superintendent. - SALEM IRON WORKS, SALEM, ..---.- OKEOON, Manufactures HTEAM KNOINEH, Will Outrlts, Water Wheel Governor", Fruit Drying Outfit, Traction fciifilnes. Creatine, etc. l'urm mi.chlnery made and repaired. General cjents unU nmuufiictiireis of the celebrated Wulilstrom 1'atent JlIudllnfH 1'urlller and Iteels, Farm machinery nmdi and repaired. A IRKVOLUTIOX IN KAII.TtOAIINO. Few persons comprehend the magnitude of the reform In regula tion and control of railroad manage ment that Is involved and belni; quietly worked out uuder the new law that gives the railroad commis sion of Oregon power to make just and reasonable freight rates and en force Its decisions in all matters of rates as well as of supervision. This reform hns all been worked out during the present year. When the law was proposed in the legisla ture the railroad mauagers were in vited to come before thecommltttces and discuss it. Thoy appeared but not to discuss nuy ponding legisla lion. They coolly told the legisla ture that they regarded any legisla tion hs Interference with their busi ness, that they did not waut any such interference, and woro opposed to all laws. They did not Imuglue sui'h a law could be passed wlth-iut their consent, as to give a commis sion of three officers of the stale power over "their business." After it was a law thoy affected to treat It with contempt. To this day the leadlug compauiod operating lines in Oregon have not complied with the law In making such reports to the commission as the law re quires. The commission have been hampered In all possible ways by I lie mauagers witholdlng Informa tion which the eonnnibslon law re quires them to supply. In tho face of tiiat fact tho railroad attorneys had tho assurance to ask delays in these cases fur tho purpose of getting time to supply this very Information which they had neglected to supply as required by law. The railroad mauagers havo sought to take their case to tho federal courts, which has not been granted, tho' they now pretend that their mere petition to have the commis sion cases removed to Judgo Deady's court has so removed them. This contention ou tho part of tho cor poration attorneys Is an insult to our state courts, and It is barely possible thata coporation judge may be found to entertain their meretricious plea. After trying to treat tho law with contempt and denying state juris diction, tho corporations sought to becloud tho issues by Introducing in their answer ull their stock-waterings, inside construction companies, and transportation contracts and leases to ono another and divers ficti tious creations, but all tills was struck out and they aro compelled to face tho music In court on two simple propesitions: Did thoy have notice from the commission when it met to fix the rates of freight, ami aro the rates as fixed just and rea sonable. We have gouo to this muoh pains to place the mutter plainly before our readers so that all may under stand the Issues. Tho buttle lias been fought with urrogauco and hlgh-hauded contempt for tho peo ple ou one side, and patience and in telligence ou tho other. A reason able effort to get at just rates was undo by tho commission, as repre senting the state, on one hand. The managers claim tho reduction of rates Is more that) they can stand, I ! imllixivin cjj flint I Main pay profit on fictitious slock Is tho biggest tax they have to pay. It has worked for this reform without salary or ictnlner fees und believes the people will sustain It. Every dollar that can bo kept jusMy out of tho hands of the corporation manip ulator is a dollar saved for the pockets of the people. IIUIOI) V1L1 TKI.U Tills trite praise has been never so well Illustrated as by the record breaking horses of the past Eeasou. At Baltimore on tho 10th St. Elmo nud Little Bctz, both horses that traco their pedigree to tho original Morgan stock won tho great races. A dash of Morgan blood In a trotter is now considered ultra-fashionable, Old Dioured, tho winner of the first English derby, and another king of fast horses, has a traco of his light ning blood In all the record-breakers of the past season. In tho breedlug of Direct, tho 2:00 pacer; Allerton, which reduced the stallion record to 2:091; Nauoy Hanks which reduced tho race record to 2:12; Mombars, first baced tho two-year old stal lion record at 2:18; Arlou, the wonderful stallion, which last week throw all previous two-year old reo-ord-i far iu the background by plac ing tho murk at -153, fUul Hell Bird, which lowered tho one-year old record to 2:271. Somewhere along the lino of pedlgreoa of every one of ttiesd recoru-breauers Is a double, and In some cases a triple and quadruple cross of this famous old derby winner. Tho scientific breeder of fast horsos may not bo n sentimentalist, but ho recognizes tlio potency of heredity. bu(jui:sti:i OOMMUNT. Pendleton has a Pow-wow club of course It Is u literary society. The Democratic purty of Louisl ana Is divided over tho lottery ques tlon. Tho lottery company is not divided over anything. No ono complains of late that the Oregon railway commission lias not been earning its salary not even the railroads. Tho Marion county Fruit drawers association will hold a mid-winter fruit and flower show the thhd Tuesday in January nt Salem. Kentucky moii are renowned for bravery and chivalry. This reputu lion is enhanced by TIioh. A. Cook, of Mt. Curmel, marrying nls mother- in-law. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. .1 X1 .m&m t 1mH$ bwder ABSOLUTELY PURE Whether Cleveland shall be the candidate of tho democracy next year or not depends on whether tho Itepublicaus carry Now York this coming November. Tho San Francisco chamber of commerce has endorsed tho Cali fornia Truflla association which has beou formed to route ull freight to the east by tho cheapest und most direct route. Tho value of tho exportublo sur plus for this yeur of tho cereals ac cording to u reliablo New York statement Is 30,260,000, agtiinet ouly 18,160,000 loot year-the In crease being $101,100,000. Some newspapers aro advocating the designing of a president's Hag as a special Insignia of tho executive olllce. It is nouBonso. Tho Hag that protects the humblest private citizen is good enough for the presi dent of the United States. Km Uttll u id Po.fy.o. M Plumbers and Tinners, 247 Commercial street, Salem. Garden Hoso and Lawn Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tip wure, Tin roofing and plumbing a seecialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. SNOW THE YEAR ROUND At 100 Chemeketa Street. HOUSE - and - SIGN - PAINTING. Only First-closH Work Paper Hanging, Kalsomiiilng, "Wull Tinting, etc. Varnisldng attcl Dl'Ull, Natural Woda Finish. K. IS. i&W'M for Infants and Children. "CastorUUto well ftdiptod to chOtlrai Uiat I recommend It aa superior to any prescription tnoirn to me." IL X. Atcim, II. D., IU So. Oxford EL, SrocUn, N. T. "The u8 of 'CutarU'b counlrnrwl and 1U roeriu to well fcnoiru that It teams a work of cupereroKatioa to endorta it. few are bo lotellfotot farolllM who do uc keep Catfona within cut reach." Culm JUrrnr, D. D., New York City. r.ate Putor Bloomi&sdalA Reformed Church. Caatorf a care Oolie, ConxtlpaUoa. Bour rltomach, Diarrbasa. KrueUUon, Kills Worms, tires sleep, and promotes d restioD. WlUuxu Injurious medication. For seTrral years I hare reeoraraeadec year ' Castoria. aud shall al sys continue te do so as UhMlBrartshly produced henefldal fnynlfii" Eowur P. Piaors, X. D- tbo Wauhrop," 13th Street aod 7ih At Hw York City. Tu CnrrAoa Com-unr, 77 Mcsiur Braxxr, Kew Yowl. and furthermore uwert that their rates were already too low before they were reduced, If that had been true they were not uetlug like good business men und the power of regulating und controlling these properties should havo been taken away from them long ago. If what thoy cluiin is true the stute hus properly taken uway the power of making rates. But it was not true. It has not been shown to bo true. Facto are in possession of tho state that go to contradict the claim of the companies that their rates were already too low beforo tho com mis sion touched them. Their claim Is us fatso as liuvo been ull their as sumptions throughout. The reform iu railroad mutingo mont in Oregon ha been well fought o it on the part of tiie people by I lie ommlwtlou und the attorneys for tie state, l'lu-ru remains now but one duuger to the peeple: brib ery and o irruption uloue can now defeat this luw from going Into ef fect. No one should sneer at the possibility of such an attempt. Great corporations have been known to employ money to curry their enrfs. There are IiibluniT enough where the officials of the people and the courts have been corrupted. Oregon hat len freeliiy her rklrU of political corruption of late years, und it Is to xiluf there will be no tnlnt of it to defeat trans portation reform. Tjik Jovhsal has Ix-en deeply Jnterestfd in securing Jul and fixed reasonable rates alike to ull uivti and communities. It bus been firm a It Ix-llevwl wan right to Imj for a reduc tion in freight rate, it believe the money levied oil (he people to fat ten thwe corporation olllcIaU end Tho Oregon Ian Is getting up an "Oregonlun Iteferonco Book" us the canvasser explains It. It will con tain a business directory and adver tisements and will cost $17,000, the expense to be borne by subscribers and advertisers. Ir is a great enter prise. U. I). Richardson, n bachelor, wishing to vury tho monotony of his life's autumn began u corres pondence early In the yeur with some seventy eligible I idles In all parts of the United States, ills labors havo not boon In vain, for Wednesday ho was wed to Mr. Mattle J. Scott of Greenfield, N. Y. She is a pretty widow of thirty und has two children. The selection of Mr. Holmes as referee In the railroad commission ciMM will no doubt prove satisfac tory to the people's cause. Ho Is u fair minded man, und his report on the points remaining to bo settred, whether the companies had due notice and whether I he testimony before the commlsalon warranted It In reducing freight rates, may bo expected to c-iver the ground. He will proceed at once to gather the materials for hU report us rofun-e, Tim Vorlil Knrirlisd. The fudlitici of the present day fox Jig production of everything that will conduce to tho material welfare and :otnfortof iiinnktod ore almost unlim ited, and when Syrup ofl'Jga was first produced the world was enriched with Use ouiy perfect laxative known, as it is tho only remedy which 1 truly pleating and jcfrethlrig to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the (system iftntly In the Spring-time GEXERAh NEWS NOTKS. Oregon City was Saturday mudo u signal service station. Russian peasants are attacking tho shops of tho Jews In tho fuuilno dis tricts und pillaging them. Tho Palotiso City Milling com pany's mills were burned Friday night, causing n loss of (70,000; partly insured. Tho Union nnd Southern Pacific ltallroad companies havo Hied their answer Iu tho suit of tho railroad commissioners, Tho Russian police havo given uutice to bankers that no dealings with or through the housoof Botha child will bo permitted Iu Russia. Dlllbls, leader of the opposition In thu New South Wulea legislature, has formed a now cabinet. Ho suc ceeds Sir Henry Parkes. Edward Albertson, tho Tncomn bunk robber pleaded guilty to the charge of grand larceny. Ho has not been hentonced yet. Tho mayor nnd council of Spo kane have removed Messrs. Smith aud AVhlteomb, two of tho commis sioners, for lnelllclency and Inatten tion. Newspapers of Victoria, B. C.,aro publishing long accounts of an Illegal trafllu in young Chinese ulrls brought from that country for crimi nal purposes and sold when landed on this sido. Lord Lausdowno entered tho capi tal of Cashmere, India, and was enthusiastically received. The vice roy is giving personal attention to tho reported Russian inroads ou the Pamir. Advices from tho Morocco stuto that tho sultan hus entirely subdued the rebels against his authority) and captured two Insurgent chiefs, both of whom were impaled; besides the tnxos duu the sultan, tho rebellious tribes were condemned to a heavy lino. Adam Greu,, a farmer living near Salem, lias sworn out u warraHt.for tiie arrest of his sou, Adam, Jr., for tho theft of money. James Stewart, of Grant'H Puss, hns been busy grafting chestnut sprouts onto young oak trees. He thinks nuts cau bo grown quicker that way than any other. A gold brick worth J8200, tho re suit of a nine days and twenty hours' run at tiie newly discovered White Swuu mine, is attracting much attention ut Baker City. John Wink, of Pendleton, hns sued tho Oreuon Short Line rail road for $20,000 dnmnges for Injuries sustained by being thrown from a handcar last July. Ho alleges a defective track. A few duys ngo a stoer raised on tho hunchitrnss plains of Crook county by Howard & Baldwin, was weighed on tho scales at Shcrur's Bridge and tipped tho beam at 1020 pounds. Another, 1-year-old, bo longing to S. L. Logon, weighed 1060 pounds, Grant's Pass Ceurier: A box-cur can lake, on an average, 1000 boxes of apples, Tho freight Is 26 cents a box of fifty pounds to Sacramouto, Thus tho ulco little sum of (260 Is what the railroad goto for u fruit-car to Sucrumento. Thu value of the apple here Is about 70 cents a box ut present. One soiled dove; ono little cljia- TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Associated Press Report anil Digests of all Important News oi To-Day. MISCELLANY. TIIll MOODY IiIUKIi SUIT. Mount Vkunon, Wash., Oct. 0. Tho great Moody libel suit, wliloh ha9 occupied tho attention of tho superior oourt for tho past weou, was llnUhed Saturday evening. Tho day has been tukou up by tho aU torueys in arguing tho case. Judgo McUrldo gave his instructions to the Jury nt 5 o'clock Saturday evening. Aftor bolug out two hours, tho Jury returned a verdict for thedefendaut. A great deal of Interest has been taken throughout tho trial by tho fi lends of both parties, many ladles being In nttendatico during tho on tiro proceedings, and during the nrgumeuts of the attorneys. Tho courtroom was packed to its utmost capacity. Hnlf of tho crowd were ladies, and many business firms gave their clerks n holiday, and some of tho olllrea were closed during tho tlino. Tho streets woro full of people Saturday night, dlscura lugtlio trial. Mr. Moody hns given notice for a now trial. A NAltKOW KSOAI'K. PoitTJiANi), Oct. 20. There enmo near being u railroad accident on tho Southern Pacific nt Aurora Thurs day ulght. A gravel train run on it switch, and when tho Allmuy local ciime along it found the switch open. Tho train run ou the switch, colliding with tho gravel train. Fnrtunntuly tho local engineer had slowed up, and the collision wch not very hard, but hud It been tl o overland train, duo an hour later, there would havo been n crneh, as that train doea not stop at Aurora. " rette; ono little matclijone llttlo cur tain; one little pull of smoke; one big fire hell; ono uleuni (Ire engine; hooks und ladders; .'J()00 excited Mitectators. Firo In Iloso street at Wullu Wullu Wednesday after noon; loss, 15 cents; cost to tho city, $100. Harvest on thu Umatilla reserva tion was finished three duys ago, Thu crop hus been enormous, more thuu ever before. Tho aoroano was large und yield uniformly good where the ground hud been proierly prepared. Ono reservation farmer, Louis Bergouy, who secured u big yield, wore out three nets of cylinder teeth In threshing his own crop of 100 acres. bVofom Can't be Cured by local applications, us they can not reach the diseased portion of tho ear. There Is only ono woy to euro dvuwe, und that is by constitution al remedies. Deufnew Is caused by an Inflamed condition of tho mucou lining of thu Kustachluii Tube. When this tubo. gets lullamcd you have it rumbling sound or Imiicrfect hearing, aud when It Is entirely closed, deufut-t Is thu result, and utiles thu Intlariiatlou cau bo taken out and this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, hearlug will be de stroyed forever; iilneeuM-woutof ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but un Inflamed condition of the inucoum surnee. WeMlllglvft One Hundred Dot badly mangled, lar for any cuso of deufutm (Canned THK OUN WAS LOADED. Nkw Yohk, Oct. 2(1. Lnwjor Howe, the famous criminal attor ney, nnrrowly escaped taking tho life of a Juryman iu tho court of general sessions Saturday. Ho wu speaking In defense of Aloxutider IIuppc, ou trial for killing Frank Krutchmau Inst March. Thu pistol with wliloh Kretchmuu was slain lay ou tho tublo In front of Mr. Howe, who, In thu course of his uddrcss, thought it advlsablo to Illustrate to tho Jury how tho two men stood, und then ralsiug tho weapon, said: Now, gentlemen, to make this matter perfectly plain I'll pnll tho trigger. "Hold on," yolied Assistant District Attorney Davis, springing to his feet, "That gun Is loaded." Lawyer Howo turned as whlto as ills shirt front, und sat down In n hulf-duzed way realizing how near ho hud comu to blowlnif n hole In tho Juryman ut whom tho gun had been pointed, The latter tried to smile, hut tho effort was a ghastly failure, and It was some minutes beforo Lawyer Howo was ablo to proceed. Huppo was con convicted of manslaughter. KAN INTO A FltlllCIHT. Vancouvwj, B. 0 Oct. 20,Tho train duu hero yesterday noon did not arrive hero until midnight, owing to an accident ou tho line, between Keoloy and Brandon. Tbo story told by a passenger on tho train is us follews: While the lo comotive of u freight train In charge of Conductor Chester was pulling some cum ou a switch, u K-cond train came tearing at twenty-live miles nu hour and dushed Into that irtlon of tho freight train which was resting quietly on thu main line. Con ductor Chester ran up thu lino to signal (he coming (ruin, but It ap pears that Rogers, who was pulling thu second train, although he had lilueuulne reversed, could not hold her buck coming down the grade. J la and his fireman, Holder, Jumped a few moiuonts before (lie collision. In the caboose nt thu icur of the first train weru tho following pavH gers: W. Joll, J), Bunting, James Bull, W. McLennan, C. R. Fessea den and Janus Bennett. All rush ed for tho door to escape. MoLeii lieu null Fftfxeiideu succeeded In Jumping free of the wreck, but Bunting wu caught, He was take from the wreck badly burned, and with thu less of one leg. Jolt wm killed outright. Ills body won taken from the wreck toon after Hell U also up or Jf0c,.tftmc,aUdIthelett MX&WS "? it Is known the more popular U be- F.J. CHUNKY 4c Co,, Tolodo.O. U. cotuei. Bold bydruggUto, 73 cento. led to b dead, but as yet Ids body me not been taken front tho debris. Hunting is a young married man, about 23 yra old, aud ootite ,B,ioriiliiiirtMristoMisSsyisslaiaii'lsTii unr"" -- - '.