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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1891)
"Kily t 1! ftfi i oYrintor of th province of Cachl Vok,wrt mted white attempt agtonake tbelr escape tbroufha jmm tn tb Ancks. Tbey were all offl5l8 under Balmaceda. All of lb mMwes are rcprtcd to b choked up wMh buow, rendering every route ovr the Andes almost irapaiwauie. Tkku mmtttma the rumors to lw4M tly aprpftd tbat Ralmaccda 1ms not tried to leavo the country, but la bidden In one of the monas- tflffe. The search through these ImAUutVoaa Is still ktpt up by the poltoe. Unless the fugitive ex vrMident hftfl already escaped from Chill, It fe OertfchrJie will sooner or later MU Into the hands of his mates. It say be be has put out to ma In some ship, but tbta does not appear likely. Tho United Btatea jtafplilp San Francisco will nail from here tonight for Callao, and thence (the will go to California. BUINED UY DHINK. SnUNOFiELD, O., Sept, 15. It If rare that a moresensational story of descent from wealth and a hapoj home aud the respect of a largi circle of friends to rags and destltu tion Is told of in the police couri than that reported In a special from Clevolond, O., which says that D F. Fisher was arrested on a charge of vagrancy. He presented an emaciated but respectable appear ance and admitted tbat he had no means of support, adding mat ue bad good friends In this city. The story of Fisher's life Is not only sad, but sensational and Interesting. As told by himself it Is as follews: "Several yesrs ago he was a prosper ous business man In Los Angles, Cal., counting bis wealth as $250, (XX). He had a happy family and was respected by all. His wife was handsome, and admired of all the ladies In tbat southern California city. Mrs. Fisher took great in terest in works of charity, and was at the head of tho V. C. T. U. of of Los Angeles, Tbey had been married several years, and their do mestic life was one of happiness, but Fisher's peace of mind was soon brought to an end. Being of a Jealous disposition, so characteristic of a nervous temperrnent, be began to question his wife's fidelity, and took to drink. It was believed by his friends that his snsplclons of his wife were perfectly groundless, and that she bad always bceu faithful. When ho was in liquor, however, bo bitterly upbraided her, and Boon all domestic harmony was at nn end, and there were constant domestic jars. His carter from that was downward, and ho went from bad to worse. It waj about this time the noted temperance evangelist, Francis Murphy, appeared In Los Angeles, and commenced a series of meetings. Mrs. Fisher being prominent in local temperance organizations was ameug the first to be Introduced to Murpby. A mutual feeling of love sprang up between them, and many were their clandcHtiuo meetings. The gossips of tho town were treat ed to a succulent morsel, and before Murpey left It was ourreut rumor that they wero engaged. This was more than Fishers sensitive nature could stand, and ho plunged deeper into drink. Mrs. Fisher applied for a divorce, aud tho court In addition granted alimony to tho cxtout of half of his property. Within a few weeks she left for the East, where she was Joined by Murphy and they wero married. Fisher says ho spent tho rest of bb savings in drink, and to now a homeless wanderer. His story was told in such a pathctlo and honest way that Judge Groot's eyes moistened with tears, and he discharged tho prisoner, The scene created a sensation Ju the police eourt, aud there was hardly a dry eye when the poor man tottered from the room. VKONOUNCKl) A KAKK. Tacoxa, Sept. 15. Tho bank oill- eeraaud detectives assert thero Is nothing new in tho Albertson case, but promlso sensational dovelop- wenta at the preliminary hcarinK of K JJ. Albertsou. Tho San Francisco Examiner story Is a fake. OOT TUN YKAItS. I'MILADKU'JtIA, Sept. 15. Ex President Frauds W. Kennedy, and iEx-Cashler Henry H. Kennedy, of the wrecked Spnug Garden bunk, were today seutenced to ten years Imprisonment each for crimes com mitted in connection with tho loot ing of the bank. "German Syrup" " We are six in fan .t uy. we live tn a gjLM f.v.. puce wncre we are " Tx' subject to violent 1 Colds and Lung Troubles. I have German Svruo for six Years HdccMfulIy lor Sore Throat, Cough, Cold, Hoarseaess, Pains in the Chest aud Luags, and spittiug-up ot Blood, I have tried many differ- - - --: - ant kuku of cough Syrups in my " time, but kt wesay to anyone want ; wf ch a aiediciwe German Syrup .bib be. That has beea nsy ex- yarimct. If yoh xse it cee, yo -will iro back" to H whenever yov pfMKd ft. It fiv toUt relief and i $; uick cure. My advice to every- ?-; wiA Lu a Troubles is J r-Try tt. Ye will oo be co- mmctd. In all the tewilfes where rou-Germaa Syrvp twd we have a John PrAftklln fcrouble wMh the 4 all. It mtdkimkttkki 4o7g4k i M piee mnhi fr w eepiiryf'v TOE Iff YORK DEMOCRATS Tho Sprlag Garden Bank Wreckers Seatenced. TASCOn CAUGHT The Albertson Case, Lynch Law, After a Desperado, Fire in New York, Van Tassel Again, Fast Railroad Time, Fatal Accident, State and Foreign News, Etc NKW VOllK PKMOCBATS. Saratoga, N. Y. Sept. 15. The Democratic state convention wus called to order nt noon. George Rains, of Rochester was chosen temporary chairman nnd begun bis address. He said: "Tho campaign which draws upon us is to be fougbi upon tho record of tho purtles In ad ministration. It will assure con fidence of the people in their actual leadership. Weare no longer left to cinjuctureus to republican leader Bhlp. Piatt Is on nnd stalks lu mid day for popular view aud judgment. Tue most compromise plauk In the Republican platform is Its precise acknowlegement of reciprocity lu trade with foreign people as ad- vantgeoua to all our industries. Their temporary chairman pointed with pride to the growing commerce of our own country, reciprocity wiih our American uelghbors induced by the matchless foresight of Secretary Blaine. The foresight so commend ed dales from Febuary 1690 and wa very hateful to n Republican con gress. He arrainged the Republican party and their nominee for govern or (Fassett). Speaking of tho census the speaker said tbat the state by it was robbed of Its equal right nt the ballot box. In closing be euloglz ed Hill, nnd hoped the ninntle of succession in the high olllco of governor would fall upon as brave and as skillful a leader and as true a Democrat as the governor and sena tor. Voorbees protested in behalf of New York Democracy against the Tammany delegations In every as sembly district in New York. Jack sou presented the protest of county Democracy. Tho usual committees wero ap pointed aud the convention took a rccs until tomorrow mornlug. ANOTHER TASOOTT. Charleston, S. C, BepUB. The young man supposed to bo Tascott, the notorious Chicago murderer, who was arrested Saturday, Is locked up in the pollco station at Banberg, this Btate, where ho wus taken into custody Saturday at the Instance of a traveling companion. Tho men came into town us trumps. Tho chances are they will go out lionized, as thero Is little doubt in tho mluds of the Banberg police force tbnt they havo tho right men. 8aturduy, two common, ordinary, everyday looking tramps walked Into town. No attention was paid to them. A littlo later ouo of them presented himself nt pollco head quarters, nnd made nn announce ment that took away the breath of tho chief. Ho said he was n Chi cago detective, tbat his companion was YV. B. Tascott, tho murderer of A. J. Snell In Chicago, February 8, 1883. Ho asked that an olllcer ho detailed to go with him to arrest Tascott, as ho apprehended u fight. Pollcemau Case, the giant of the force, was sent on tho mission. Pres ently tho men returned with their prisoner. Tho man nrrested says his name is Harding, and ho was born In Dallas, Texas, aud raised In Auburn, Ala., where he attended college. Ho denies ever havlug been In Chicago, or even in Illinois. Ho says ho Is a bartender, and that a protracted spree Is tho cause of his being on the road. Despite this story, the man tallies exactly with tho description of Tascott. oven to the tattoo marks. The pollco au thorities telegraphed ntoucoto tho pollco of Chicago. Hurtling talks and looks quite intelligent. AKIIONANT VAN TABSKt. IIKAUD FROM. San Francisco, Sept. 16. P. A Van Tassel, tho aeronaut whoso death at Sumatra was reported about a year ago, has been heard from, not as a dead man, but ono who Is alive nnd extremely active. Van Tuasol was lu Loudon on August 10, but Is now on hi way to Bombay, where he will make a balloon as cension for tho Loudon Graphic. Van Tassel left this city less than three years ago on a tour around the world, carrytug with hlui a balloon of 60,000 cublo feet gaa capacity. Since that time his death has been reported no lesa than three times. LYNCH LAW. Bomkuskt, Ky., Sept. 15.- About oue this morning a crowd went to the Jail where the (Jlllllaud brother wero coutlued, on a charge of the murder of Shcrlfl McCurgoe, and overpowered the guard. Glllllaud brother were then taken to a ravlriu a short dlatauco west of tho city aud hanged. The boyB declared to the lt they wero luuoceut, FtllB IN NEW YOIIK, Nkw Yohk, Sept. 16. A tire broHe out lu the old Commercial Advertiser biilldjug at 0:16 this morning. In 11 flee a minute the rUtmcd were beyond control. Many people were lu the building aud OMie of thfut had to slide tluwu the Mre esoape throngh den mnoke. It la believed ail escaped. Total Uvtt onttoekuu) building rttlumled nt 1490,090, mrt f which I lnurcd. 0lwtlatijiliica Ihe m k- tweon 1500,000 ami $750,000. A lot of loose diamonds which were on the tables of the diamond workers In the building were lost, they were' valued at several thousand dollar?. AFTER A DESPERADO. Pout Huron, Mich., Sept, 16. A psduter uamed Wesley McDouald interfered with a iiiun. named Tlito. Kyle who waS beating his wife this morning. Kyle seized a shot un aud killed McDonald. He then Hid to tho woods. Sheriff and deputies and u large croud of people and a detachment of Port Huron guards have surrounded the woods in au endeavor to rupture Kyle who Is a desperado. FATAL ACCIDENT. Vancouver, Wn h., Sept. 15. B. I. Mott, plumber, aged 113, employed nu the Clark county court house, lost his fooling while engaged yes terday in fixing the cornice, and fell n distance of fifty feet. He received Internal injuries from which he died in au hour. A YOUTHFUL CRIMINAL. Elicton, Mil., Sept. 15. Harry T. Price, a son of Andrew E. Price, was found dead in bis room Suu day morning with a bullet hole in his head. The boy was five years old. He was dressing evidently when phot, as ho had on some of Ids clothing. Suspicion was entered upon his cousin, Percy Cnrr, who niept with him Saturday night. Carr, who is paid to have been mined away from Jionie on account of his bad behavior, came to the hnusc of the Prices on Friday last and asked to stay until Tuesday. Xo attention was paid to the report of the revolver, ns the other persons in the lioute mistook it for the slum ming of a door. They went to the riHim at breakfast time and found the hoy dead. Cnrr said to the grandmother of tho dead boy, "Aunt Helen, I have killed Harry." He afterwards claimed that the cldid had shot himself. ALL RECORDS HROICEN. Buffalo, Sept. 15. The New York Central yesterday broke nil records for fast time for long runs of passenger trains on either side of the Atlantic A special train, composed of one of the company's standard pusseuger euglues'nud threo private cars, conveying Vice-President Webb and party, made the run 4301 miles from New York to East Buf fulo in 440 minutes, including three stops, one of which occupied seven and one-half minutes. fcXNOULAR ACTIONS OF TWO YOUNC1 MEN. Florence, Sept. 15. Thero was nothing strange in n gentlemanly appear! ug young man coming to Florence August 28 and registered at ouo of tho hotels ns Howard Johnson, of Chicago. As he had plenty of money uud represented himself as being wealthy and here to Improvo his health, it wus a cir cumstance of to frequent oecu ranee to be of particular note. But when, ou tho 1st of September, Johnson was joined by a man who did not register, hut guvn his unmu as French, nnd the pair became anxious to visit Capo Perpetun, aud Idled a boat to go dowu the river to its mouth, then go up the coast to Die eape, and also provided for tho car rying of provisions overland to the place where they proposed camping for a week or mere, and they rowed down the bay aud the same after noon their boat was fo'ind over turned close to the mouth of the river, public interest was aroused. This solicitude was heightened when the provision carrier returned aud reported that theso pleasure scekeiv had not come to the cape. A report thnt they were drowned brought another from a boy, who was positive that he saw Johnson aud his mate walking down the beach toward Gardiner, and a search for any stray article they might of lett at the hotel brought only to light ir haudkeehlef that Johnson had failed to carry uway, and on It was stamped E. Albertson. non-committal. Tacoma, Sept. 15. Ever since the robbery of tho Fidelity bank by Sec retary Albertson all horts of rumors as to tho amount taken have been In circulation, none of which could be verified, as tho officers of tho bank refused to tnlk. The report that Albertson got away with ?1,000,000 lu securities Is rldlculnun, as the bank never had that amount lu Its vaults at any one time. President Wallace refuses to ntllrm or deny the story, solely because the trial of tho Seattle Albertson comes up lu Justice Sharp's court, nnd he does Uutwitdi to Bay"auy thing to preju dice the case. THE I'llILADELlMUA TKOUIILK. Pllil.ADKLl'lUA.Sept. 15. Robert Clendenttig & Co., b.uiklug and brokerage firm, were held In bonds of f 10,000 to nppoar In court to answer the charge of criminal liability with ex-City Treasurer Bardsley lu the unlawful conversion of public money. Owing to tho re fusal of Bardsley to testify, the dis trict attorney was compelled, for the present, to abandon hU uiso against Auditor Ui-nerul MuCauuut and State Oabler Llvrey. The court aivlMHl tho dUtrlot attorney to abandon the case against tho presi dents of the dltlereut national banks as there U uot enough evi dence to warrant their nrrvit ou a charge of conspiracy lu havlug paid Bardsley luterest ou hU deposits. STEAMERS COLLIDE, London, Sept. 15. A dispatch has been rexxlved from Algeclrus,Bpalu, stating that a colll.lon betweeu Greek aud ItnlUu teamer oocurrttl t otftbat port today uud nlxty IIvm I wet lost. N.we of neither tmier Is given. Both yesnels are so badly damaged that liny sank. ANTI THIRD TARTY. St. Louis, Sept. 16 The Antl Third party aud nuti-suhtren-ury whig of the National Farmere' Al liance met this morning, uot more than half the number of delegates exjected belug present. The organi zation was tllceted by thcekcllon of U. S. Hall, ex-presldeut of the Mis souri alliance as chairman. Jt wa4 decided to appoint a committee oi five to out due a plan uf procedure to be presented to the convention tblsafieruoon. s . STATE, FROM COOS RAY. Marshfield, Ore., Sept ran?" f rails has arrived . 15. for -A the Coos Bay, ltoseburg& Eastern rail road, the grade being leveled ofl for ibe first twenty miles. A coal bunker and water tanks are being construcied. The first locomotive will arrive ou the schooner Mer chant in a few days, when track laying will commence. A party from England represent ing a i udicate, which bus bceu "experllng" n coal field the la.4t few days, has just returned to Loudon, well pleased with tho investigation. THE CONGRESSMEN. Portland, Sept. 15. The Even lug Telegram's special from Grants Pass says: Congressman Rhigir Herrman Is under pledge to liou. Haro Miller, of Grants Pass, not to be a candidate for re-election, uud it is understood that Miller is now w'orking to secure the support of all Southern Oregon for himself. It is probable thnt he will succeed in get ting the delegations from Klamath, Luke, Jackson and Josephine coun ties. Douglas, Coos aud Curry may unite ou Hon. J. C. Fullertun, f Hnaeburg; if uot, they will uudoubl ediy he found in the Miller column The Grants Pass gentleman Is early in the field and is very active in a quiet manner, lading hisf wires throughout all Southern Oregon. The opposition tp Hermann in Douglas county, his home, is phe nomenal, aud it is sufo to say that nn nntl-Hermuun delegation will go from Ids home county it lie persists in Blading in the field. Mr. Hermann's friends announce that he will keep whatever pledges he may have mudu Mr. Miller, and will re I lie lor a time In order to make au active campaign for United States senator. At any rate, Mr. Hermann is considered entirely out of the congressional fight, and qulrtly aiding the Miller boom in order to head off Geer, Tongue, FuIIertou and others. DROWNED IN THE WILLAMETTE. Portland, Sept. 15 - The roster ofyictlms to tbe Willamette river's cold embrace U lucreased by the nnme of Frank Lnmout, who wus drowned while Ashing oil tho lou.s at Smith's h.iw mill Sunday after noon. Mr. liiimniit stood on the boom about niUlwiiy betweenSmitb's and Pennoyur's mills. He wns seen fishing by two or three boys who were llfhiiig near him n bhort time before he fell in. Tho logs were wet utid sllppeiy, and after he had been standing in them for a white he undertook to change hU position, and the lo' turned uud threw him into tbe water. Hi; could notswim, aud was drowned before help could arrive. DEATH OK VM. CHALMBRS. Portland, Kept. 15. William Chalmers, Sr., of Washington coun ty, while looking ut some stock In his pasture, Sunday, was attacked by a bull aud iojureil so that he died in ltm than half an hour. Mr. Chalmers w.ii a familUr figure in Portland, bing a regular exbkbttor at the fat stoek show, wbw fee-haul taken niy rxetufamtf. HU death,, besiih) beting a eamtf T peK4oat sorrow to a great !?,. m a t- reet Ut to'ihe Mo.xf .w.rit tn'rfnwtcy oi uroguR. He wmi BvesfMr fcv take wme of hh rW tfi.jfc s tile atate fair when ii wa strMt& down. FOHBHiN. THK M1TVI.KNR fcCARR. London, Sept. 15. It Is now stated the Mityleue scare has arisen from the fait that a partj of British naval oliUvrs on Saturday Inst pio uiekeit on u dt-bert Islet oil Cape Slgrl nnd that they re-embarked tho same evening on board their vessel uud Killed nway Sunday. THK RUSSIAN TROOl'S. London, Sept. 15, The Stand ard'x thlosu eonvtiiondouts.iy8 that during the coming llvo weeks 10,000 troops will bo conveyed by the Russian volunteer tleet from Batouiu to Sebastool and Odessa. maiuo;ts Kan Francisco, Cain., Sept. 14, Wheat, btiier 1S91, $1.72, season;. Cmauio, Sept. 16. At close wheat wus wisy, cosh Oil 9 , De cember 01. YEVTUEURBPORT. Ban Francisco, Sept. 14. Fore cast for Op'gon tout Waihlusteu: Light ruins except in Northwestern Oregon. If rou notour Carter' Utile Uver 1MU forlcli Unvlobc, bll'vHi't or ootliM. Hon, you wilt uover b ultlioul ibeui. ThyriHirelr ieibl, muUI modur ta take, lran'i lonrl tbl. ttknh turttlvormJ!t re fut gtvtnx vrT totbcutl koilnuaii'l lutkt 0"eot or tVrtrt LiiU Uvrr 111. If you uy tutiii, iby will cCTiftlnly vA jUUi . - Uji0!.'.""! tuui ttt eata ioou.or ud uut tu tb $MluU.,loni,B - Kp ' Teichlnr Ctrl to Swim, In deep water, under tho care of nn i person, a young girl may to swim In n much shorter experienced 1-ui tnnoht t time than by practicing in suuuuw streams. A rope can be fastened around her breast in such a manner that it will neither tighten nor unloose, nnd If courageous enough she can. thus prepared, plungo in head first Tho teacher will show her the proper way to use the anns, nnd finding herself protected by the rope, she will fed more faith tn the exertion made. Tho aid of the hand Is, however, far better than this, as it can be relinquished in sensibly. The best method of teaching on this plan is for a good swimmer to carry tho lenriier In tho anns into tho water until breuxt high, laying her nearly flat upon it, and supporting her by placing one linnd under tho chest, at tho same tune giving instructions as to the proper mo tion of hands, nrms and feet In n few days the hand may bo gradunlly with drawn and the girl swimmer ablo to do without it Thero aro over so many "don'ts" about swimming. Unlike Punch's, they begin after tho act is signed, senled and delivered, nnd you ore n fnir swimmer. Tho most Impor tant piece of negative advice Is, Don't ever lose your presence of mind. With thnt you are mistress of tho situation and. other things not overwhelmingly ngain.-'t you. can reuch land again. Ladle' Home Journal. Hired cr Ilenteil Copper on Rubber. Investigations mado by Sir William Thomson show that metallic copper, when heated to the temperature of boiling water, in contact with rubber, exerts upon it a destructive effect In order to ascertain whether this is due to tho copper in or of itself, or to its power of conducting heat more rapidly to the rubber, a sheet of rubber was laid upon a plato of glass, and on it four clean disks wero placed, one of copper, ono of platinum, ono of rlnc. and one of silver. After a few days in the incubator at 150 decs. Fahr., the rubber under the copper had become quite hard, that under tho platinum had become slight ly affected and hardened nt different parts, while the rubber under tho silver and under tho zinc was quite hard and clastic. From this it would appear that metallic copper exerts n great oxi dizing effect on rubber, while platinum has only a slight effect, nnd zinc and silver respectively have no injurious in fluence at all. Tho interesting fnct also appears that tho rubber thus hardened by the cop per really contained no appreciable traco of copper tho latter, therefore, presumably setting up the oxidizing ac tion in the rubber without Itself per mcating it. Now York Sun. Cured by Colors. A well known literary character told mo n remarkable story. He was speak injr of tho color euro for melancholia, which ho assorted was practical and In ninny cases nn nbsoluto cure. "I know n coso of an eminent statesman in Washington," said he, "who was affect ed with melancholia. At times he would Qnd himself sitting for hours gazing in space dreaming, so to speak. His family became very much annoyed, and did everything to cheer him up, hut without avail. Ho seemed to grow worse every day. "Finally his wife hung roso colored shades in his library, and then she sewed a piece of roso colored velvet around tho nndcr rim of his hat. His Wends guyed him considerably about it around the halls of congress, but they knew not what it was intended for. Ho paid but little attention to their fun, for ho had felt the effect of the rose color upon his mind. It was barely two weeks before ho was entirely cared, and there Is not now a happier dlspotitioned man in this conn try." Atlanta Constitution, Anthracite In Mexico. The authenticity given by L. B. Howard to the previously reported dis eover? of a large deposit of anthracite coal in Sonera, Mexico, is of great im portance, lfr. Howard, who bos just remrned from a careful inspection of the propertiaT brings specimens of an-Sfkraovte- coal whoee value is apparent CA'arvy ene who h&s used the product of tfto PsiMMjhuala. mines. The mines org so aeiir the Golf oi California and nt 6 samer time so near a railroad that with the construction of a few miles of traak. the question of transportation faaflitlca would bo disposed of. ix. Howard Is confident that the coal collld bo laid dowu hi San Diego, if brought by water around tho peninsula, for 5 per ton. Tho discovery Is of Interest and Importance, not alono to San Diego, but to tho cntlro region west of tho Missouri river. San Diego (CaL) Union. jSCROFULA Is that Impurity ot tho Wood wlilcli pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings on tho KlaniUot tho neck; causes painful running sores on tho arms, legs, or teetj deelopes ulcers In tho c yes, oars, or nose, often cam lug blindness or dcatnoss; Is tho origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or the many oilier manifestations usually ascribed to "humorsi" nnd fastening upon the lungs, onuses consumption, nnd death, llelng tho most ancient, It Is the most general nt all dlseasos or affections, foi ery few arsons aro entirely free from it, Ho,rBcoan CURED Ily taking Hood's Barsaparllla, which, by tho rcmarkablo cures tt has accomplished, iitten when other medicines bate tailed, has proven liselt to lm a iotent aud pecul iar medicine tor this dlsoase. Somo o these cures aro really wmnlerful. II you ufler Irom icrotula or Impure blood, bo sure to try Hood's Sarsapartlla. " Ex cry spring my w -f e and jhtldreii Uve been troubled wuu tetutuU, sores brak iiig out' on lliem tn various places. My UUie boy, three joars old, has been a (crrlblo suflervr. Last spring he was ono ruiis ot sores trota bead to feet. I was aitvlicil to use Hood's Saria partita, and wo bavealltakcalt. The result is that all cava been cured ot the scroiula, my little boy twin entirely tree, trum, sores, and all tout ot my children look bright and healthy." W. W, Atuewton, I'assalaClty, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparllla fMbyiirflMUts. flisuftrfj. ITtixutJkl J L ROOD CO, Apolir!i, Lowu, Jjui 100 Dotes On Dollar JOHN HUGHES, ! Dealer in Groceries, I'nMftWk nnd N intlow Glass, U nil I ft- fllT UUU Jiuiun.iuoio .... erlnls. Lime, Hair. ?nils mici Shingles. Hay, Feed ami iente Posfe. Grass Scwls, Etc NKW ADVERTISEMENTS. OOM" Two nlrely furnished rooms i. nn flrntl K.rnldCOlilUfny hirei-i.uuijf iuinl knorihoiopent noure. 0 14 :)t V l.inil.' Cullnt itUMrs. D. u Firier, OltKENT. Foity nre ot good plow lesien 911-tt up-O'lle opera lmuc, Police lor Jlitls. N' rTfi'K IS IIEUKIIY UIVEN THAT eel-il ma win i6 receiveu uy tuc i,.rii isin.ut wiiifli tlinofuild bias win do I ill ii i"ii:k. ill. cpeneiirnrtliobulldli.g nnd construction or asower commencing nta potnl ontuo Court sticet sower nt llie jnnnholebetween blocks 6J nnd tit, nnd running Ihencc to to tbe renter of tlionlle) In block M nt tlie north line orfourt street; theuce turning to Ibe iwt ul nn nn?le ol 51 degrees 45 min utes, ni d runnlngnlone center tit nlley In block M.nudtndlng nta point Inlhecen. ter of the nlley In block M nt It Interact' Hon with tbe south lino of hemcKeta street. Mann nnd iecUlcntloim for tho conslru.-tlon of raid sewer Isou flic In tho olHcoof ibe city surveyor. A deposit ol JlClOOmusi iiccunpiuy the bid ns u gunr nntceorgo)dr..ltli ontbepait of the bid derthat lie will execute the conlrrct bond and undertaking avd ftirnlsh good iintl suHlclent sureties lo be approved by the mnyor In oue tbe contract Is annrded to an 1.1 litriliM-. whli-h del Oslt. 111 he for- foitofl tntiiii t"! In pjmft of f ill u re onlhe pull or ihu blUder to comply with nny ofnnil Hqulreineiits; said bond, eon trart and iinuerlokHig U on file In the ofllicorthu cllv nirejor. The clt of 4.ilem reserve the right to rrjeil nny nnd nil bids. Done by order of the common council of Ibe City ot '-hIciii, Oregon. M. K. GOUliKIX, 8-14-td Recorder of the City of Salem. AAMOLD! -THE- 71 AT M. E. CHURCH, Friday Evening. Sept. 18tli. Under the auspices of the Epworth League, nnd Ai. E. B. S., for the benefit of library fund. Tickets, 50 Cents, Cu sale at Dearborn's Book store. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Fair Weolc, 1891. The Belmour-Giay Dramatic Com- pauywill appearduriugthe week in a choice-repertoire of POPULAR PL A VS. Tuesday, September 15tli, Will be presented LISS." Change of play each evening, USyReserved seats at Pattou'a. rr rnm i 1, 110 STATE ST. Tuesday, kept, the 15th, The Closing week under tie man agement or win. jMciiherson. A pleasant place to spend the even iiitr. A STARTLER, To-night. Tne boys all say it's growing better. 3 Ratling Comedies. Come, Come nil. You'll Come Agntn. New locution. The J. C. Booth real estate ofrleo has been moved over Jones A llernHrrtl, New Uu-ih bank block. Dissolution oi Cu-parlnershin. rplIK firm of snow Bros has dissolved this JL day the copartnership exlullui; be tween me members, uy mutual concent, E. K. Snow continuing in thebuslncss.ana assuming all tbe liabilities of the Arm and to collect all debte due tho tlrm. K. C. Mnow retiring from the business. K. K, SNOW. K C.HNOW. Dated at Siilera, Or., Aug. 8, 1UH. K 8 -Iw W. M. DeHAVEN, Boarding - and - Sale - Stable. One door west of Lunn's Dry Doods store ousimo sireei. uuiei mmiiy icams. spec ial ntteut Ion paid to trausient stock. 6:ltl :- Salem Boat House. -:- Boat office foot of Trade street, Pleasure aud hunting boats. Bates low. CHAS. II. McCLANE, Propr M.T. RINEMAN- BKALEli IK Staple anil Fancy Groceries, CP&kf.ry aiiwnre, 'Lamps, Woerten and Willow ware. All kinds of mill feed. .'l,l,J,,.,ea0l,f,'us lu their trawir u- g " ivxlA U,T uulry produce. ....'" ""' yur iMironage, W hs Btate st 3 street PAKM FORSE. WO acre of best stock aud fruit land In OrBonfijrkaleani bargain, win gcu in lou to suit purchaser. Address or call oS ul, CJ.HlliKiKnlgbU.Ore: Neur Silver Creek Kails, fc 7 s 3iu A. J. SHIMP, M. D.. Physicittn and Surgeon. :il Jle ot 1'blUdelphlu ELECTRICITY .IS THE TRMr rvruv amiU.,.ShTu,cl.,M,eumtlc. J. "rain and iienou dUeasw. Kvery rarletr S r,ehSfti Renowned Violinist A Ore fruit or ntke Hand with .r.n T. BURROWS, t "The Best" BOOTS AND SHOES. w II . n iiw Aj 231 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. "The Best." THE OREAT Portland Industrial Exoosition With Its World;ot Wonders OPENS SEPT. 17,1891. CLOSES OCT. 171 Music by the great ZAPAD0RES BAND direct from the City of Mexico, Artltrom the crcat masters of Kuropo nnd Amei lea, valued at a quarter million dollar?. Wondorful Electrical Adaptions In lull operUlou. A Hpleudid Serleaof Mineral Exhibits. Every Department Filled with Novel and Interesting In; Art, Science and Industry. A GreafpriNuniberof Exhibits than ever before presented upon the coast. The Stock Department made a Promi nent feature. The largest DUplny oi;Fruitand tbelKlncst Exhibit ot Agricult ure over mndeiln the 1'aclflo Nsrthwest. All manufacturles; In lullmotlon. Everything New. No Dead Exh bits. The Exposition ol Expositions Admission as usual. Gieatly Reduced Rules.for routulttrlp on 'all passen ger lines. a 3 dw LOW SING WEE, Merchant tailor. All kinds ol clothing made to order. Repairing and cleaning neatly done, Oue sack suit FJJ, formerly J.W. line frock suit S."2, firmcrly HO. One overcoat $20, formerly $0. Ono vest fif 0, formerly SI. One pair of pants S7. formerly 810. SSi Commercial tet., -Salem, (ir.'J 12 ltn ) 1 .Druughtaiid driving horees, youug auiioltl. Inquire of G. W. ANDERSON, Cook Hotel. E. K. HALL, Paper Hanger. LeaveorderntiUlobe Real Estate Exchange J. K.WHITE), EXPRESS AND TRUCK LINE. Hrtullngf ii kinds. Rest work, Wagou at every train. 1'IIII.LIM CO., Merchant Tailors. i" "n,e. of ''nportl and domestic Zl,- A'8 wmplete stock of genu' furnlshlug goods. All the latest styles 315 Commercial street, " iyies Those Afflicted With the habit ot using to excels, LIQUOR, OHM Oil TOttCO) Can obtain a COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE. AT THE KEELE5T INSTITUTE land, or. tal. or write. striMK- iZ?..rJz Htrtetly ttMind-n- 00 Prem "The Besf r. I.n VV 'The Best' 25c Want Column, Notices Inserted for ONE CENT , WOHD EACH INBEIITION. nJ1,? tisemeut Inserted In this tolumn tnil tlinn twenty-flve cents. rorl LO-JT A large pocket bonk coatai?H .lltp.?Perawhlchllreon,yvinabiri; U'l-lwiL. A If Ill.tTV-T1 : "'"his I7IUltHENT.-Good omco room oiiS L1 , Hoor In excellent location. EnonS at JoUHNAI, otllce. V. I TIOU RENT. A ripw i room cottaee. r. ? quire ol Mrs. 11. L. Klester's, orojft "rv" ''D" wHa rriOU KENT OHEAl'.-Two furnUtri L1 roomH for light hnuiokneplni (S furnished ns kitchen ond tbe nth p. Z3 loom. Nocblldron. Call at l&l f'hem.iZ linfnro II n ,n n... , .wv. U1l 7-ANTLD.-A Kirl to do general W IV wnrlf. Ann vnl.Klni.i.liiM.. I ou. a.... t.V,i;r' "-"-xs.wcny, u,Ural,.,., 8W l.ioll ItENT.-yeveral good office room 1 over my btore on State street. M.T. KIUKIIAK, TTJOUN1). A ladies pin. Owner ran m J Mime by cnlllutjat UilBoftlcc aud m 3iSMUVj:u. airs. Krnnk Cofper bI JAi moved her corset store doflntUlnl also measures taken anil coi-siU rt-adck order. 2S9 Cominerclul streed, nexttoU JJurus. ai POH SALE. About one ncro of iiinjirl barn, with running water In tmi! uaru. a ueauiuiu locution ler u nviM I 1 quire in seconu uousc on rigiu nana a 1 oi ejiuin iiveauc auer crossinf bii UUiUg LUJlBjlUill. Q TTiOll SALE. At a bargain, n ni...... JJ home.elgbtroom hoube.h.njfiiijiei and neatly papered, with two Jots on cor- A t),Dt lniflnn1n IlnltAi . . . . wt Apply to Williams & nglauii tauwi-r nci. iiuaii jm.v ci nil v i Trfij.. company. 84 Jm WANTED Our agents make ttWu svn a month Eelllngur eaxts on im, merits. We want county aua geneial agents, and will take back all goods ns ' sold If a county agent falls to -clear jioo and expenbesafiern thlrtj days' trial, or n general agent less than J250. We will send large Illustrated circulars and letter with aBpecial offer to suit territory sp. plied lor, on receipt of 3 one cent btamps. Apply at once nnd get In on the buora. Address Renner Manufacturing Co.. Pitu- Durg. i-a. 17U4WU SALEM IRON and ROTTLE H0U8ri Cash paid lor old Iron. roc. metil. rubbers, bottles, etc Second hand goods uuui'uiuuutuiu, uiuai lot) commercial street, 9 8 2w dw TTEMORRUOIDUfPllfslofevcrvvarlMT ii Ulcers and Klbsurei, Prolapsus uf the rectum, etc. Positively cured without pain u i detention from business, l'atlents treat tuem. selves at their own homes and a cure soar- uuieeu. si.u tfiiu uj iuo uiu uarparooi method or cutut?g nnd llgnturlDg. Ad dress Western olllce, Columbia JleJlod Co., Lock box lUSulem, Oregon. 99Sm Capital City Ittn J as. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm Meals at Ail Hours oi thef Nono but white labor emoloyedlilMi establishment. il A good substantial meal c keil In n ' 1 class style Twenty-five cents per meal, rb;d it-ront Court street, between Journal Office anl Mlnto's 1.1 very. ONE OK THE LARGEST ESTABLISH ments In tho Htate. Lower rafeatnij Portland, Largi the State, a-d b Largest stock Legal n price list or lob printing, nnd cataloiroot legal blanks. E. M. WAIXb, Hteam Printer Salem Orowa. Oregon State Fair, ! Thlrty-flrst annual exhibition undetW nmnagemeni oi mo urrgwu r,aK".'?,.i.i Agriculture, will be held at the BUtei" grounds near Salem, commencing on Jlondav. Sentemfoer U, l'ii And lasting; one week. OVER $15,000 IN CASH PBE3UITB Offered for agricultural, nock and ween" leal exhibits, for works of art fancy work and trials of f peeo. Reduced rates for fare nndrelM on fransportatlon lines to aud fr0PLL nuS Important improvements haveDeeB"JJU upon the grounds and Increased fso""" are ottered exhibitors. I'arilion will hnflnen4Xi2hls in the t - - -- -- -f o '""'"""r 0 ......liii A splendid Held ol twweswi.g,,, A SDeerf department, and tine exniw did field ol horses enirr partment, and tine e. racing will bo given each day 1 bo given each nay ,fn0(U. it for premiums clos Monw Exhibitors aro urged to "; entries 7:-W p. sn. . Exblb tors are urgr - - mauv of their entries on fair as potslble. Uoods, '1ntfjrui cles for exhibition must be In tneir j - 'anTrnaUWdsr by 10 p. m. on Monday. I'RICES OF ADMiayCV .Man's day ticket - S Woman's day ticket. . . fit Jlau' season ticket tt iViiman's season ticket - -rrJTcutf Hen dtn the secretary at )&j3,ii r to Ueo. W. Watt, assistant wcreiJi Salem, for a premium ur. , J. T. AWEltoON. prw dent, dw-tf J.T.URLUO,. .gecrtUT- ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. PRINTING. MORGAN 3IBABR Truck & Dray Line. Gocd tininl TTOWpl &X?Zv& txoDhoia, . o.j -"' ti