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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1890)
prftr f Ttr-', Krf ' fpyi( A & 'Vt? CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOI.. 3. "THE PEOPLES' PAPEK." SALEM. OllEGON. VniDAY, SEPTEMBER 11), 1890. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY'." NO. 172. 1 EVENING ' The 'Mather' IVrfcet Ulove Kaitrnlnr. vlM all to buy a pair and be convinced, lor by T. HoLVERSON MIES ifS HnHL EASTERN PRICES Opp. Terminus Electric Car Line. JAS. AITKEN, Groceries and Produce. -The Ret Canned Goods.' Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season. None but First-class Goods Handled. Every article guaranteed a reprewuted. If you would be well served patronize Tha Ornnga Store, 126 State Street. lfeUWfMlL(S vsmamrc . .ii3&a wHmmMmSh Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., Sash, Poors, Blinds & Monldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. House Finishing to order. N.w DM KII.H, by wulc li we can always keep a full supply of tcasnnrd Mock of all kind. Agricultural Work.. Corner of Trade and IllgU .treets, Salem. Oregon. ty v.wiHb G9K19 ject, to we have found n litre a vmsas&r thai eirs they found a dlferenre in quality which explains Ihft difference in price. OUR MOTTO IS Loyest Prices Possible Consistent With Good Quality and Honest Goods. QUALITY IS TIE TRUE W OF CHUrKESS. R. 1 WADE & Co. THE LEADER INe: Jrv-Goois I ! aalo MHUH & CI GO GO 3" oo CD m Salem, Oregon. Who do All Kinds of mm irk An Cheap as any Laundry in the Country Uslusr White Help , and doing flrst-clas work. J-Ladles and patrons Invited to Inspect our proccwi of doing work. I 230 Liberty Street. Competinghouses may some times, for an ob cut under our prices, but in the long buyer bought at a lesa figure J. J. DALRTMPL8 h GO. KKKl'S TIIK LAHOKST LINK OF Dry Goods and Trimmings, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing ami lints in the city. 277 and 279 Commercial St., Corner Court, in Bush's New Brick Block. Do You Play? Play What? Piano, Organ, Violin, Guitar, llanjo, Harmonica, or any oilier musical Instrument? If You do, Call at EASTON'S And examine the finest and largest apartment ever displayed In Salem Just received a full line of Band Instrument. See the grand display in our window. NOTICE! To Strangers Visiting the Fair. If you want to do u little trading while in the city, you c.ui't nfl'nrd lo lnl'8 nur siuie, ion can make .ourseir at home, and (jet nearly everything you want lu our large establishment. We areoHering LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH CUSTOMERS. Our Mock 's luige and complete oeiy competition, we are currying a very large stocK OF FINE CLOTHING. Including Men and Hoys' all wool, every day suits, pants and overcoat All the late pattern, in sloes. Fine dress .-uitK of the most phasing stylo. Working clothe, Underwear, Etc. BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS Largest stock in K-xlem. All kinds and nil prices. Will suit everybody. DRESS GOODS Large and complete stock. Henriettas, Cashmeres, Ladies' Cloth, Al paeas. Lowest prices for a good, stylish clreis. CAPITOL ADVENTURE Co., Opera House Block. On Electric Railway. REVOLVERS, CUTLERY, DOLLS, NOTIONS, Largest Assortment BROOKS k 94 State SOMETHING NEW AT KRAUSSE BROS., Children's School Sliocs,oiidotli Lined Absolutely Water Proof, A School Bag given with ""Z SgSfc1 Boots&Shoes LowerThan Ever. A glance ut the prices In our windows will convince you that this I no "fuUe," hut cold fuels. A call will convince nil. Itespt., KRAUSSE BROS. "CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, First aituoual Hank Hullilliif,', Salt'ui, Oregon, A. P. aRMHTIIONQ, ilnnager. W. I. riTALKY, Pilnclpal I-Day uud Kveiilng sessions Ix-gln Monduy, Rept, 8ih,3 BUSINESS, SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP AND ENGLISH DEPARTMENTS. M ake personal inquiry at the Co'lege for furllier partlculirs, or send for catalogue, o I nlO IliO I I I U I llM where young men und women are thoroujlil ttttwl forwimiiierclal pursuits in the shortest lime mid at the 1 ut expense. 'Jht suctt-wi of former htudcuttJ now holdhur responsible position!, both w JIOOKKEKI'KIW uud HTKNOaitAl'lIKlW, attest. the jUdlty of luHtrucilou ylyrn. Only Absfi'actBooks In every particular, and our prlcts SPORTING GOODS, PURSES, HUNTERS SUPPLIES, Etc. tagpwMBtt'Tnam'gi in the City. HARRITT, Street. 275 COM. ST. 'Every pair. In Spite of the re cent advance in ) leather we are - ZZ'JmXJ Splllnir ss At MwrJ IN MAItlON COUNTY. Work promptly uud n Habit executed by Ike BALIiil AlWllCAUT & LAS I) CO.. I'UANK W. WATKIW, Muftuutr THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. tUULlSIIKD DAILY, EXUKITSUNDAY, 11 Y TUB Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial rttrcct.ln P.O. Ilulldlng hntcrcd at tlio postulate it Hulcin,Ur.,us socoud-uluss matter. Award of 1'renilunn at tlio State Fnlr. ji:kbi:yb. It W Carey, Mucleay, bull 3 years uud under, 1st; cow 1 year and un der 2, 2d. Mucher & Allen, Silvcrton, hull, 2d; cow, 1st. It N Stiell, Dayton. Or, ycaillng hull 2d; best bull, sweepstakes. .lohu H Albert, Haloni,eow il years, 2d. IIou Z F Moody, Salem, bull call, 1st. Clius Miller, Jefferson, best herd of live, 2d. D H Looncy, Jefferson, bull 3 .ears, 1st; bull 1 year, let; bull c.ilf, 2.1; eow 3 years, 2d; cowl! years, 1st. heifer 1 year, 1st; heifer calf, 1st; same 2d; best herd of live, 1st. OI1AUKD bTOCK. Jas Richards, Oakland, Or, steer, 3 years and over, 1st; Mime, 2d. L K Cogswell, Chehalis, Wash, cow 3 years and over, 1st; same, 2d; heifer 1 year and under, 2, 1st; same. 2d. division c sirntr. R. W. Caiey, Mucleay, Merino ram owr2 yrs, 2d; Merino ram over 1 yr and under 2, 1st; Merino ewe over 2 yrs, 1st; Meiino ewo over 1 yr and under 2, 1st; Mine 2d; Shrop shire lam over 2 yrs, 1st; Shropshire rani over 1 yr and under 2, 1st; pair Shropshire ram lambs, 2d;fihrop diiie ewe over 2 j rs, 2d. David Craig, Mucleay, Cotswold ram over 2 yrs, 1st; Cotswold mm over 1 yr and under 2, 3d; Cotswold ewe 2 yrs, 2d; pair Cotswold rani lambs, 2.1; Angora buck over 1 yr ind under 2, 2d; Angora ewe over 2, 1st; Angora ewe oyer 1 yr, 2d; pair Anuora buck kids, 2d; pair ewe kids, 1st. John Craig, Maclcay, graded buck over 1 yr, 2d; pair graded bu k ambs, 1st; pair graded ewe lambs, 1st. II. H. and J. C. Savage, Salem, 'traded buck over two years, ltt; .'laded buck over 1 yr, 1st; ewo over 2 yrs, 1st; ewe over 1 yr, 2d, Chas. and E. Savage, Salem, pair graded buck Iambs, 1st; pair graded ewe lambs, 2 I. L. F. Masuher, Sllverton, French Merino ram over 2 yrs, 2d; same ewe, 2d; French Merino ewo over 1 .sear a nd under 2, 1st; pair French Merino ewe lambs, la'; French Me rino ram over 1 and under 2 yrs, 1st; -Shropshire ewe over 2 1st; Shrop shire ewo over land under 2 yrs, 1st; pair Shropshire ram lamb-., 1st; graded ewe over 2 jrs, 1st; pair graded eue lambs, 2d. John Miuto, Salem, cross breed ram over 2 yrs, 2d; cross breed r.un over land under 2 yrs, 2d; cross breed ewe over 2, 1st; crossbreed ewe over 1 and under 2. 2d; pair croKS bleed ram lambs, 1st; pair ciohs breed ewe Iambs, 2d. J. L. Tarrlsh, Salem, graded long wool buck oyer 2 j rs, 1st. D M Guthile, Dallas, French Meiino ram over 2yrs, Is; pi Ir French Mi lino ewe lambs, 2d; American Merino ram over 2 yisi 1st; p'kir American Merino ram lambs; 1st; sumo, ewe lambs, 1st; graded flue wool ram with 4 of his lambs, sweepstakes. It C llalley, Salem, graded lino wool ewe, over 2 rs, 2d; same, oer 1 and under 2, 1st; piir same, buck lambs, 2, same, ewe 1 unbs, 1st, M MoICinney, Turner, graded buck, over 2 yrs, 2 1. John MolCluue, Turner, Lelccs ter owe, over 2, 1st; same, 2d; pair same, ram lambs, 1st. Oliv,'.ott & Irvine, S.tloin, Angora ewo goat, over 2 yrs, i-'d; same, over 1 yr, Wt; same 2d; same pair buck kids, 1st; single Angora, sweepstakes, D (J ahr, Mni'U'i y, Aug ra buck, 2yis, 1st; Cotswo tl ram over 1 and under 2, 1st, John Minto, Hilem, Amcrlutu Mer no ram over 1 and under 2, 2d; Bam tw.t, over 2, 2 1; same, pair rum Iiimln, 2d; t-ame, pair ewe lam'is. id; cios-breed rain, over 2 yrs, lt; same, over I and under 2 yrs, sl ; same, ewe, over 2, 2d; name, ewe, ove.' 1 and under 2, 11; same, pulrr-,in lambs, 2d; same, pulrciwt, lamb', lt. It leh nd Scott, Milwaukee, Or,, Cotswold ewe, over 2, 1st; hjiiiu, 2d; Cotswold ewe over 1 yr uud under 2, lst;samv, pair ewe lambs, latjsr.mti, 2d; same, pair buck Uinlu, M; grad ed buck, over 1 yr, 1st. A 0 Parker, Sublimity, French Merino ram over 1 am) under 2 yis, 2d; u imc, ewo over 2 yus, 1st, R. W. Carov, Maeleay, Khropshlw ram over 2. 2d. L. P, MuHclier, Sllverton, Shrop shire ram over 1 ami under 2, 21, II. W. Cottle & Hon, Salem, An u"ra buck over 1 and uud ir 2, 1st, Special Rent ram of any uge for win, I and mutlou. nrumhm h'Q. awarded lo David Oral, Mni'leuy, one Cotswold rum, "Dexter 30.1(1." 1)1 VIHIO.V II -8WINB. If. W, Cottlu It am, riuleni, Rerk. shire breeding sow 2 yrs old and over, 1st; same, bow I yr, 2d; same, best Utter of phjp, lit; Poland China boar lc9 than 1 yr, 2d; same, breed ing sow 2 yrs and over, 1st; same, s,nv 1 yr, 2d; same, sow less lhaii 1 yr, 2d. John Craig, Maeleay, Rerl;h!rc boar less I hull 1 yr, lt; same, sow, 1 yrold, 1st. K J Chambers, Salem, graded Inar 1 yr, 1st; large white Chester boa 2 yis and over, 1st, R W Carey, Maeleay, Rcrkshire hoar lesi than one yr, 2d; Baltic, bow, 1st. David Craig, Maeleay, Poland China boar 1 yr and over, 1st; same, boar lesi than 1 yr, 1st; same, sow, 1 yr, 1st; same, sow lessthan 1 yr, 1st. 11 O llalley, Salem, Reikshlio hoar 2 yrs and over, 2.1;'samu best litter pigs, 2d. W W Dickinson, Wllholt, Oregon, best litter graded pigs, 1st; same, breeding sow 2yr and over, 1st; same, boar less than 1 yr, 1st. J M McKIntiey,Turuor, Berkshire, boar, 1 yr and over, 1st; graded sow less than 1 yr, 1st; same, 2d. John McKInuey, Turner, Rerk shlre boar 2 yrs uud over, 1st; same, sow less than 1 yr, 1st. TODAY'S JOUIl.XAL FLASHCS. IjUMTNING Roycott the swindling creameries hat put up 12 and 14 ounces of butter to the pound. The Oregonian seems to have Uiied a representative of the syndi cate of thrifty Jacobs to write a daily editorial abusing the mortgage tax law. The tax-gathcrlug Is bad. Rut the tax eaters aie wnr-c Tun JounxAi. reports. , had immense fuir See hero; those pickpockets were not Salem products. They follow tlio great crowds at the great fairs, like sharks after a ship. Rut it was an immeiife crowd. Salem feels proud of her part In th- fair. D some of our grocers sell butter by Troy weight? The Oregon State. Fair crowds were suber crowds. They are always sober at Salem. Salem, whatever else may be lively here,, is a sober city. Even gold needs the conipauion- ship of ideas. Think of nothing but your gold and your dust will tly away. When will the outrage cvaso of selling a working man 12 to 1 1 ounces of butter for a pound ? Credits are not taxo 1 therefore re peal tho mortngj la law, si.ys the Oregonian ! Credits should be taxed. Will the Oregonian help Ux them. The uext ceusus of Oregon should not be taken by Mr. Porter. To Halifax with Mr. Porter. . There mo no Hies on some editors they smell so rank of politics. Why was not Salem lepreseutecl at the annual session of the Pacific Coast Chamber of Commerce " All the great fair needed to boa perfect suoccbs was a slugging match the fair police should have slugg ed the thugs und pickpockets oil' tho grounds, If the Governor is such an almigh ty auil-mnuo.iolist he mllit have raised Ills hand to ralso the transpor tation boycott against the Orcj;on Statu Fair. Whisper it low I Didn't Ross Simon uud all the great lcadug-light Intellects of Portland have it hand in (riming the Oregon tax and usury laws'.' They made those laws uud got tilt. What aro they kicking cayues for? They are belnj: halter broke cm their own Inventions. Tho way It U being built U Is sure to go out uext time we have a r 'petition of the Hood of last 1'cb- ru iry," says a competent engineer o tho new Hal'ini steel bridge. The l.ilo countutfult good name for II, census is a You can gut all the uewa BcrapH n day lu udvauco by readhUJ tho JOIIIINAI.. Furu woelt n i,t l'orllaud w fteo fiimi tbiigj, (ramblers and pick j pockets, Tlioy worn all at lliu t.luto fair. ' Ah l'orllaud tloea not neeil tiny police, In tho absotieu of ncaily all Its crliiiliKils at the state fair, that city should uiid them up to Hulcm to t.iko tare of those elements. JltriTHtt P IT. Ifyou lire not It'f.-t Ivltiir tu Daily JouilNAl, uivo Itairiai, i'lrty cent a iiionui arrler, ly 3:30 EDITION. Later Edition at 5 P, M. TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. Associated Press I.cpart and Digests of all Important News of To-Day. what's ix a nami:? Portland, Sept. 10. Tho grand Jury has tound a truo bill against Moses M. Rloeh, a drummer, on a charge of manslaughter, for produc ing an abortion on Klisuboth Mlck lln. Mis Mlcklin resided at Cor vallls for several years. At thosamo city Kato Minor lias sued J. Block for 510.2S0 for seduc tion under promise of inarrUirc. Miss Minor worked as a house ser vant in Rloch's house, Rloch being a married man. Tlio Rloch family mint be a bad one. 1NSANK FROM JOY. Union, Or., Sept. 10. James K. Smith, who a few dujs ago recov ered his speech ufier being dumb for 17 je.irs, has been adjudged Insane. It Is thought that joy at the recov ery of his speech has shattered his mind. At times lie is very violent. ATi: ron Tim nto fioiit. Nkw York, Sept. 10. A London cable to the World sa,s: "McAu- II He and Slavlu will meet in the ring for their thirty- round fight for io'JOO at 10 o'clock next Monday uMit. Retting lu London is t.wo to one on Slavin. Spoiling men who are Inclined to back McAuliffe hesitate aboutdolug so for fear (here will not be u square fight. CONTRACTOR CAVASAUCIH A B- feCONJ-S WITH HIS IlSICLOYJJIt'd FUNDS. Si'oicane Falls, Sept. 10. C. Cuvanaugb, a contractor for the Northern Pucillu Reduction works, has left this city with money which should have been paid to his work liigmen, and a large number of rucu are eagerly seeking their recent em ployer. The company was lu the habit of paying the men employed in this building through Mr. Cuv- jitmugh. About $-",00 wus recently. bunded him for this purpose. This wus the previous week's wages of tho men immediately under his em ploy. But it also sum to pay other men employed directly by the company. The men have not received u cent, and say they have seeu Cuvaiiaugh from time to time in various saloons spending money fuely, and invari ably drunk. Others say he has bor rowed all tho money ho could be sides. One man said Cuvauuugh had boirowed sums of $5 and $2o from difteicut men during the week. Tuesday morning wus the last time lie was seeu lu Spokaue. It was learned that Cavanaugh for merly was intimate with u certain woman in Seattle The woman wus in Spokane lust week and it Is thought Cuvaiiaugh was Induced to bonow uud obtain all the money he could in other wuys and leave the city with her. KJJXTINCJ Till! ClIINKSIJ. Oi.YMl'iA, Wn., Sept. 10. Gov ernor Ferry has received a telegram fiom Washington, signed by Wil liam F. Wharton, the assistant sec ictary of stale, requesting that he should bee that no law or right Is violated in tho attempted ejection of tho Chinese fiom Abeuleen or Graj 's Harbor. It seems that a few dajs ago tho citizens of Aberdeeu held uuuetlug, uud decreed that the celestials must leave the city by Scptcmlci' 22ud. Some SO Chinei-e living there aic prepared to go, when tho Chinese minister at Washington was telegraphed of tho affair. He laid the facts before the state de partment with the result that u tele. gram was sent Uovernor Ferry us stated. When asked what he would do lu tho piemlses, tho chief execu live stated that ho would take no action unless theio was danger of violence, when ho should ii&e every endeavor to pivvcut a breach of the poai-o. As tho mutti r now stands, it seems likely that the Chlucro will ouletly leave the tf la) 'a Hurl or town, that Is following Tucoiun'it example in endeavoring to ibl. hewelf of v(io un desirable clement. two Pi:opi.KANiTinH'm:N houses PLUIHll, Nkw Yoiii;, N. Y 6'cpt. 18.-A l.ii'yo building iiitcd as a stable und I cs)0K,r Miop wjh destroyed by tiro i thli inoiiilug. Two people wero .imriivii to iieutu uud several were 1 1. ..ii.. i.. i i .i.i.i. ,.. i lM . "VM,. ' ,",,vl'" "''Y perished. Tho flio wan ciutscU by thcvxplitlou of ii pitch Mule, WAINI! IIKI'Ulir.ll'AN fsniONfl, AuautiTA, Me,, Sept IlTlio ntuhlli'iiu victory n Mulic Is not illuiliilulitcl by tho coiret't count, Ollklal leliirmi glvo Ihij-lclgU 1810 plurality Mr governor, Wo Elated the, cilliec day hu (Iro npiita hud not ut'ct dUooycied In I ho United mules, It wuh Incorrect, Pireiinula ImvyUou found In mUi i iiiKton county, tm,. sertoFULA Ti Impurity of tlio Wood which rn duct i unsightly luniinorwcllliiB oall.c KlauUsor tlio neck; causes painful ruiiisHf Bnrci on the arms, legs, or fectf de clo r ulcers In tlio eyes, car or nose, oiten cr. Iiir tittnducsi or deafness; Is tlio ortnlfw t pimples, canccrotn growths, or tlio la:, other imnlfest.ittons usually ascribed "humors;" and fastening upon tho ltm causes consumption, and death, lie' tlio most anclrnt, It Is tlio most general all diseases or affections, foi very t persons are entirely free from it. Ho,rBceanCJRED ny taking nood's Sarsaparllla, which, I y the remarkable cui es It has accomplished,, often when other medicines have failed, has proven Itself to bo a potent and pecul iar mcdlclno for this disease. Some (.1 theso cures aro really wondcrtul. It xu suiter from scrofula oi Inipuro blood, If suro to tiy Hood's Rarsaparilla. Kvcry spring my w tfo and children lir.vo been troubled with scrofula, sores break, nig out on them In various places. My llttlo boy, three ycnis old. lias been a terrible sufferer. Last spring ho was or. mass of sores troin head to tcct. I was advised to use Hood's sarsapaiilia, and v, n have all taken It. 1'lie result Is that all lul i been cured ol tlio scroiula, my little b. y being entirely ireo from sores, aud all foi.. of my children lw.k bright and healthy." Y7. B. ATHERTOX, Passaic City, N, J. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by droits. gl;lzorfJ. Trer-ii-cit fcj J.L IIOOC S CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mas mo Dns One Dollar Capital National Bank SALEM OREGON. Capital Paid no, .- - - $75,000 Surplus, .'..-.- 15,000 It. a. WALLACE, - - President. V. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALUEIIT. .... CaabJcr. DIRtCTORSt W. T. Oray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Mnrtln, K. H. Wallace. Dr. IV. A.CuBlck, J. II. Albert, T. ilcF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either In private Krannrles or public warehouses. Slate and County Warrants Bonght at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rnten. Drafts lmwD direct ou New York, Cbleap, Han KniuclHoi, Fortlund, London, Paris, Berlin Hiuiir Knnsnnd Calcutta. t Nati SALEM OREGON. -OR. J. KEYNOLfaa, urnr e l T,,t - .Preaictent Vice President Cashier lUUPi 21U1H,. - - GENERAL BANKING. Excnanze on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County nnd city warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit nnd transact buslnes. with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonnoie rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at tho bank lo most reliable companies. Hand May rick Mle MURPHY & DESART, Successors to D. Nash, have a well estab lished Urlclt and Tlio factory In Norta ulein, near tho fair grounds, and are pre pared to furnish tirsl-class brlolc and til on short notice. Samples of ISrlck or Tile sent free to any pol ut desired, on Hhort notice. Order, can oe left with Joa. FUbburn, HO State street, where Maniples can be seen. d&w CONSERVATORY OP MUSIC Of the Willamette Uulvurslty, Salem, Oregon. The past school year haB been the most " suc-cesnful In Its history Ii)(.reued utien dance and numberof graduntci... The most successful music school on the Northwest const. The courses of Instruction Include piuno, orgsn, pipe organ, violin ard orches tral Instrument, vocal culture, t armony, counlei point and claa teachlnif. Diplo mas given on completion or course. Tlie musical director will bo nsalncd by as able and elllclunt corps of teachers. Mend for catatofiuo ". M. PA IIVIN. 7:25-2m dw Musical Director. Next term begins Sept 1st, ISM. ULACKSMlTinNG, o Wagon and Carriage Making and Repairing Horseshoeing a specialty. All work guar anteed. JOHN HOLM, Corner of Commercial and C'bemekqta. ta., hnlom, Oregou. Convent of St. Panl. ST. PAUL, MAbIONC'QCTX.Ob., Conducted by i Tho Slslcrs of the Holy Nnm ' ; Terms navoMo ner month or per .nsasa In ndvanco. Hoard, tul'lou, boddlng, . dlework per annum. SUM. Was bin pat mouth tl, Music extra. Koi pnrtleHlMt uddrvss Sistbh M, VitTOU,HuBMtoNM Firs miii I Bank WEBSTER ink iniuiiHn, for the Family, School, or ProfeMloaM riMflw; The Latest Kditlonha.ll,0OqM)d.UIII. Wlary, ud over J.OUO.mhm, vUb. MIimMIi nearly every rgf. wide, tutfif fM 1 leaf HloUoBanr, Mw wmmMm W World, ud a lleUnry ut yliWia. auDiuemi,nuuieAiuriicniijvnBaBaHH TM VBMTiA W IMAf ..tnRKM It U revoraauhOfd MHMI W rAtmnltct lhl ." DONTIII by buylajc th ebMB pkoM sTKirnss IWtM . .A coaipllfd by agent ,'r."' "7 ' Ilka nanua. TkllirltM. TtMUiM.a41M WttMtM'l DmMhi O.AOJ Mssmm: M4tTJII j I M 4 ,i ; i-i 1 VI SI 1 1 (1 ''tl -Il ft Tt 9. i .a -Uttl.'.t - .. l .j