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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1890)
m CAPITAL JOIMAL. THURSDAY. AUGUST 28, 1800. TERMS OF HUBSUIIIITION. Dally by mall per year, . JO 00 Vallj by mall per month, to WeoklyTjy mall per year, 1 00 Sflt not paid In advance tho price rnargod for the Weekly Jouknai. will be f lio per year. If papers are not delivered promptly notlly tfio oUlce. FKKE DELIVERY BY CAIUUEK. Dallv for slmrlo week. ......... 15 cts I Bally fortwo weeks, 25 cts. Dally by month, Co cts. Collections will bo made on 1st and 15th of month. Subscribers will please leave money forcnrrlers at house or whereon U Is delivered, bo as to cause no delays In collections. The EVKNtNOOAviTAt.JoPitNAii regu larly receives the arternoou associated press dlsprtcheB. NORTH SALEM EXCITED. Theodore Nnlf Arrested on n Ohnrgo of Selling: Liqnor to Indians nt Clicmawn. & Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc, Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. LOCAIi MARKET. Wheat, net 00 centw per bit. Hop, active; SO cents per lb. Eauly Closing Movkmknt. The attempt to reach a conclusion whereby the li!'luei.H houses of the city would elite up at a.i early hour, has about succeeded, the imiclianlt ulniost universally' thai tho Pulesmi.ii aie jtiitilled in tlioir claim. It Is al.-o apparent that there Is nothing to be lost to the business men by early closing, provided it i done by all alike, or indeed if a finall few persist in keepingopeii late tliej will soon tlud it won't pay them, as the people will cease trading after the regular closing hours. There are many reasons that commend tin early closing habit. Larjje bills for lighting purposes are thus saved every mouth, while experience goec to show that sales are not all'ecled a dollar's worth. Then it is consid ered only fair play to give tho em. ploycs a littlo chance for evenlugV rest, recreation and exercise. A strong effort is now being made throughout tho city to have the Sabbath sacredly kept and not dese crated by games of any kind, yet when stores are kept open from seven in the morning until niuo ai night, the storo clerk has not a sin gle moment for pleasure except Sunday. Give them a littlo oppor tunity to enjoy evenings and they won't bo so desirous of excitement on Sundays. Oneof tbcBiirestslgntr of metropolitan life is tho early clos ing of stores, and one of tho surest signs of a slow-coach existence is to see the merchant1 of a place hang ing around all hours of tho night waiting for every stray dime that muy bo afloat. Salem Is now large enough to shako off villago notion and assert itself as a city. Put up tho shutters early. Tuesday night Mr. P. 13. SinuoK, deputy U. R. marshal at Portland, arrested Theodore 2?olf, who keeps a general storo at tho end Of tho street car lino in North Salem, upon a charge of selling liquor to Indians, and the following dispatch in tho Albany Herald this morning was the first known of it it: this city: PoitTiiANi), Aug. 127. Deputy United States Marshal Slnuott came down from Salem to-day, having in charge Theodore North, Crazy All O veil-Sheriff Smidt, of Astoria, came in to-doy with N. L. Uerg, a Norwegian farm er and brick mason of tho Nebalem country, who surprised all his ac quaintances by losing his mental equilibrium a few days ago. Ho is 02 years old, tho head of a family comprising a wife and twelve children and has been recognized as a reliable and substantial citizen. There Is no known reason for his mania, but ho is insane to n violent pitch. 1'ISIUiUXAIj MENTION. Miss Frankio I'. Jones went the Portland this afternoon. to keepT of a small storo at tho fair grounds near that city. North was arrested on complaint of the princi pal of tho Indian school at Clietna wa, who claims that last week two of his Indian boys went to Salem and purchased liquor from North. At any rate they got the juice and went homo in a hilarious state of intoxication. They drove the cows all ofi tho ranch, ampu tated a dog's tail and put vinegar in the milk. Not content with that they put a menthol mixture on the professor's handkerchief, so that when ho blew his proboscis lie be jnn crying and Is weeping yet. rue boys sobered up and sidd they ot the liquor from North, who sold it to them as elder. North was ixamined before a Utdted States commissioner to-day and furnished 3100 bail to appear in tho United States court to-morroiv. AJouknaIj reporter repaired to Mr. Nolf's place immediately to gel it the facts, and was informed that the only article kept there approach ing liquor is bottled cider, manu factured in this city, and this was the material purchased by James Toller, the Indian boy In question, mst Friday afternoon, and he was the only one of the Cliemawa pupils at Mr. Nolf's. Mr. Nolf has been a good citizen and it is not at all probable that he considered ho was violating the law in the saleof cider. At present writ Ing Mr. Nolf is expected home and in a dispatch last night ho conveyed tho Impression that everything was til right. It is not probable, how ever, that he will court Indian trade hereafter, even in cider. A gentle man with whom tho reporter talked, bought It more than likely that Toller obtained liquor while at dilverton on a trip to tho mountdns and that ho took oceassion to mix it with his clilcr. There was no such disturbance at the school as the dispatch indicates, and the intoxi cated Teller was taken cure of with out the troubio recited. Hoys' Doumitohy. Prof. Van Scoy is having fourteen new rooms fitted up in tho university building, twelve to bo used as sleeping apart moots and two as study halls, and will givo accomodation to twenty four students. These aie in the thhd story and aro made from the two large session rooms which have been formerly used on that floor, and so will do away with students being compelled to climb two or three lllghts of stairs to go to their recita tions. Tho recitations now will he on tho second lloor of tho university building, with tho exception of ail and a few classes heard by Miss I Ian see,, which will reclto at tho wo man's college.' It lias been a sub ject of discussion among the faculty mru long tune, now to do away with so much stairway climbing; but they havo not until now had the concurrence of tho trustees to turn tho third lloor Into a dormitory for boys. Tho hall of the literary so ciety and tho library will remain on tho third lloor. This ehango in the plans of tho session rooms will be appreciated by tho parents, who havo heretofore hesitated to soud their daughters to this institution tortho reason of so many stairways. School Dibtkkt Mattuhh. T ho directors of this school district held a meeting yesterday afternoon nml authorized tho publication of a new districting for children to at tend tho several schools. It will be found In another column, and will bo highly appreciated by a number of families, the complaint of whom was given In tho Joiiunai. last week. Tho board also ordered a notlco published calling a Meeting or tho district for the purpose of con ferring authority for tho issuance of ucliool bonds, tho last meeting not being considered legal by the parties bidding on ttio bonds, Somo bills ngaliiBt tho district were ordered paid, nml arrangements were made for haying all tho school buildings In shapo for tho reception of pupllB by next Monday. No Inti:m,i(u:nci: Iti:ci:ivi:i). Tho relatives of J. M. Douthit, of Vancouver, whoso mysterious dis appearance has been chronicled In these columns, aro still without In telligence as to Ins whereabouts, uotwithstaudingan unceasing eflort by tho uso of the wire to Hud him. II. A. Thomas, his brother-in-law, to-day received a dispatch from Douthlt's sister, Mrs. Aunn Delay, of Vancouver, saying they, too, havo boon unsuccessful in tracing him. Hi:vi:iu:n'I) Visitohs. Very Rev. L. Schram, vicar general of Wash ington; Hev. I X. Leclerc, of Mon treal, Canada; Hev. 1 X. Hlanchot, St. Paul, O., and Hev. L. Hrosseau, of Gervals, accompanied by Hev. J. S. White, of this city, came up from Gervals tills morning. Tho rover- end gentlemen aro making a tour of this coast ami will stay in Salem a few days. Mr. I. Vanduyn went to Portland on business this afternoon. Monroe Nye, landlord of the Bon Ton restaurant, Is doing business in Portland to-day. Lewis Aiusworth took the after noon train for Tho Dalles, having completed his vacation. Arajor Frank E. Hodgkln and family came in this afternoon from tho Mehama country. Miss Lulu Munkcrs started for Roalie, Wash., where she will be gin teaching next Monday. Prof. T. H. Crawford returned to Portland this afternoon, having vis ited a few days with relatives here. Superintendent O. M. Irwin and family, of tho C'hemawa Indiau school, have returned from Eastern Oregon. Auren A. Stafford, of Skipannon, Oregon, came up on the 11 o'clock train and will enter the university Muiiday. W. A. Shaw, of Shaw & Downing, went to Oregon City this afternoon, looking up the auctioneer business of the firm. Rev. M. J. Uallantyne, of Corval 11s returned home this morning from tho ministerial association which was held In this city. Al. W. Herren, county stock in spector, was a passenger for Port land this afternoon, having in charge a carload of sheep for Seattle. Misses Lulu Sargent and Nora Harris returned this morning from Ocean Grove, where they havo been enjoying tho sea breeze for the past 11 vo weeks. Presiding Elder M. C. Wire took the afternoon train for Portland, at which point ho will board a steamer for San Francisco and enjoy a littlo rest after the season's hard labor. Hon. J. J. Daly, of Dallas, was in the city last evening. The judge is grand muster workman of the A. O. U. W., and visited with the brethren of protection Lodge last night. Hand Conciiht. This, Thursday, evening tho Second Hegiment hand will furnish entertainment for tho music loving Salemltes in tho fol lowing program in Willson avenue: March Col. Goettinge, White, schottischo "Sleighing in tho Moonlight," Holllngson; overture Strathmoiv, Bennet; cornet solo Fantasia, Mr. Coomer; waltz Solia, Bennett; overt uro Impromptu, Dal by; gallop "Iron Horse," Class. Ti:u:iuoni: Li.m:. The work men on tho Salem-Poitland tele phono lino have reached (his city and are now digging post-holes aiong Commercial street. They have followed tho wagon road from Chemawa and along tho traveled route to the fair grounds to High stieot, thence west to the street car lino and will follow that to tho oftleo In tho big lintel. Homusick. Mr. mid Mrs. 'Trim ble, of Piety Hill, stinted to Nes tuoca Tuesday morning mid got as far us Perrydale mid there hud a mUhnp to their carriage, mid while tho blacksmith umtronalrlmr It tliuv first began to realize how pleusuut a summer resort Salem Is When tho repairing was done Mr. T. said tohtufrau, "ItUfoity-nve miles to ncBiuccamiu only fourteen toSulom, u wuicn snail we gov" Bpomwwmi, "toRalem." nu,,.,(WJ .,( ,e,r neiRiiiKiw, yester uy mey ureve into town haying bwn uway only ono day. They will take their vac itlon at Lome. Mii,Li:iiSni.i, at L. hoi:. Sup erintendeut Downing of the state prison, has so far been unable to locate tho runaway prisoner Miller, but Is still zealously seeking for him. Ho received a letter to-day from the marshal of lllllsboro, wlnv thinks Miller was there and him hopes of yet trucking him. 'There Is no certulnlty about It, however. NeTll'i: TO ENUMKltATOItM. Tho numerators of tho four SaUmi pro ducts are hereby untitled to bo present at tho board of trade rooms Friday evening at 7 o'clock sharp. W. F. Hoothby, special agent re-enumeration. Evniifcdirnl Convention. Tho work of tho convention was promptly carried on yesterday. After organization, in the morning tho questions assigned were opened and discussed in a lively manner. All tho members of the convention participated. The present crisis in the church wns ably discussed by J. Howersox. The members of tho convention seemed to all agree on this one point viz.; that "heaping coals of fire upon tho heads of our enemies" (controversial) is tho best method of defence. Tho essay on "Superiority of Christian Ethics," by M. J. Ballun tlno was a production of merit. The comparison of Christ's teaching and tho promulgations of ancient and modern sages was brief but most forcible The practical results of the same were also presented in such a way that all present were convinced that Christianity, with its code of morals is superior to all other Isms' or codes. Lay representation evoked nn In teresting discussion. All the minis ters acknowledged it a good thing. The lay members havo hold this opinion for a number of years. It Is bound to come. Tho Sabbath day question brought out another lively discussion. D. V. Poling opened tho subject giving tho plain and undoubtedly correct position for tho christian to occupy. Tho christian duty is to keep tho Lord's day holy, and use his moral influence that all others do the same. 'The Lord resting on tho seventh day was discussed in such a way that It was enough to disturb tho peace of tho skeptlo. Tho liberal and conclusive arguments brought out placed a now halo of sanctity around tho Sabbath. The evening session wuh princi pally taken up by tho discussion on "Christian Development." Many phases of this much disputed sub ject were brought out, "Jumping in to u man," "growing into a man" mid being a "full man" (spiritually) at conversion, were all considered. Tho convention did not lay down n dognuitlo lino that every ono must toe, In order to grow in grace and the knowledge or Christ. Tho following member of the convention attended: J. Bowersox, C. ( Poling, O. L. llamls, D. V. Poling, C. N. Plow man, M. H. Ballantyuo, V. J. Strayer, and E. S. Holllnger. I After passing complimentary res olutions the con volition adjourned, mi wen pioasoa with their short but jiio re- So, to tho Aw.kinmr.nt. Mrs. A, 11. Far- rur, who has been engaged hi tho pleasant stay In tho capital cttv. til 1 II It 1(1 TV lilialmth.fci tut ti uitiiut iMufo i nuido mi assignment yestorday to Portland ,4irtius. Mrs. FurrurU a very Industrious lady and there Is universal regret that she hhould meet llumialiil trouble. Mrs. M. K. Wilson has Irst now i season, mid can Tup Purest and llest Artlolo known to uicdtoul science are used In preparing IUmmV Barsapa rllla. Every Ingredient lt carefully selected, personally examined, unit only tho best ixUiikhI. Tho niedl- Jllst re- oluo Is nrermred imilnr .. ii..v,.,.io . .. . I -.l ---- itiv HUI'VIIIO' ceivtHi tue una now goods of the . ion ortlionuiiMily cormtoiit nhnr. please till hor "olt. nml every step In the process customers. In tho now im.1, bloofc. wlluTviowtoS' TlS St Bamaparllla t holiest powillil result. Prodnco and Sliver Prices. Those who havo followed the course of market prices, ns given from week to week In our market review, huve noted tho Improve ment which has visited several Im portant lines of produce, but possi bly have not contrasted the figures of to-day with those of a year ago. Tho followingcomparatlvo showing will bo lutcrest: August, MM). Wheat, buyer Beason.......Jl 41Ktol VK ' spot, shipping 1 Z1X to 1 anj llnrlcy, buyer seftKon...... 8H? " spot, feed 2"5 August, 1S00 Wheat, buyer season SI 65 to 1 b! " spot, shipping 135 tol4IJi Barley, buyer season . 1 vsy. lo I iy, " spot, feed 1 2 to 1 3l This shows u. notable advance, es pecially in barley, which has, in the case of spot feed, almost doubled, Wheat has shown an average ad vance of 10c per ctl., but this is part ly offset by the advance In freights, which are 10s to 15s higher than a year ago. Tho course of silver since the re cent favorable legislation is ulso of Interest as related to produce values. In August, 1889, silver was quota ble at 921c per oz. In New York; now he quotation is $1.19J per oz., an advance of 27c per oz. This means that a miner having an out put of 100,000 ozs. would only have received for It last year $92,500, against $119,875 this year, which gives the mine owners $27,625 more money to spend or loan out. Tho more money there Is, tho cheaper the rate of interest and tho higher aro furm products, and providing the amount of money does not ex ceed legitimate needs, and has a good basis of value In itself, the more prosperous aro are producing interests.- Pacific Rural Press. JOHN HUGHES, 25c Want Column. Notices Inserted for ONK CKJJT l'Ell WOKD EACH IN'aKKTIO.V. o ndyer tlsement Inserted In thlt column for less tlinn twenty-nvo cents. Dealer in Groceries, Paiitls, Oils ami Window Gluss Mill Va )er nml Jlonler, Arlisls' Mn terinls. Lime. Ilnii. Nulls nml Shingles, Jiiiy. Feed nmi Fence ! LSTaofStSYsoSI. Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc. , &Z$$ cist. Near corner ol Commercial mj SniUUMi uriiwn worKi-u UI1 Do rewnruea jy corucr! Commercial Marriage License. A license to wed was Issued to-day by County Clerk Babcock to Robert E. Kirk and Agatha McDonald, both of this county. NEW AIVi:BTlSKHh''T School Notice. All pupils went of Capital street mid north of North .Mil! creek; nnd all cast nf Capital street and north ol tho county road, lend ing eastward from Cnpltal utroct through Englcwood addition and north of Ii'MI slon rcmclery, aro required to attend the North Hnlem school. All pupils south ol Pouth Mill creek and west of Summer street; and nil between Summer street nnd the rnllrnnd mid south of the county road, lending past tho resi dence of A. Bush are required to attend the South Snlcm school. All pupils be longing to the nrnt, second, third nnd fourth grades and residing writ of Winter street anrt between North Mill rrcrk nnd Houth Mill Creclcnre required toatti'tid the Central School. All others nre requited to nttend the East Salem school, Tho name nnd residence of each pupil desiring to nttend school must be uels teied with the ncltonl clerk before tliey wlll he wdmitted. I!v order of tho bonrd of directors- W. 11. 8IMl'M)N, School Clerk. s: Brft d w if Notice. The iiniiitul meeting of the stockholders ofthel'npltol Adventure company will 'if held nt theolllceof thec-oinpnuv in ilein, Oregon, on the !th of Sfiiteninei-.nt On. in. !B-td . KHIEHMAN. l'rcx. SELECT SCHOOL!! MISS KNOX Will open her prl ate school on Monday, September 1, at tilt I.lltlo school building. 23-1IH Do You Play? Play What? lMnim. Organ, Violin, Guitar, Itanjo, Harmonica, or m.,- u ' '" n,,i otlior musical Instrument? If You clo, Call at EASTON'S PATimM.r Home industry, and tue And examine the linest and largest assortment ever disniiupd i., a i auUT' ' J" received ,, full lino of Hand Instrument-. See the LZ ' nnd Marlon streets. TO KENT Oil FOIl SALE, cticnp forritsli, n good upright piano. Call nt :W7 Win- tir street. tf PRIVATE HOARDING.-- Good boa id with nicely furnished room", in the tlnestpnrtofthecity (right by the street car) may bo had nt reasonable rule, by calling at !W7 Winter ticel. tf .Mmiiitai'tiircd llv II. II. Oro. Salem, Ore gon. Smith &. Stelner sole agents tor i Salem. 1-Sdlm ITtOH S'...E. CIiimo trod! lnmlly 1 bont.niirs uti.t xiiU.s. complete ANn l nIVtiO Wlnelii'-lerrllle. Inq lie.K'oiti merclal stief I nOUNI) a V IiAST.-A l'oltsli that will , 1' clean n piano without gumming It. i Korsnient Diamonds iiinsie uouec. display ill our window. picitf-uu uxvmx u'B-1'.j.icartn SUMMER GONE IS it F( OK SALE -j Mio house nnd two lots In South Salem. Inqitlioof w. IJ. Simp son, l'rlco yj.i. ; Aiiiumii : Tlie For good-? nt the CAPITOL ADVRNTURK CO Ihmm', ami with (3-rand lias come Rush cow nnd calf, utnl . innn-lnir machine. AKonn MVacio farm. Call on or addi c-s l C. .lory, Ilox 1)1, Salem i TTIOK HA I.E. Team, 1 li Ready For the Fray As usual we are With the largest and best selected stock we ever carried nnr ' flopnitliKUiNari' chuck full of the Latest and Goods in rn!! Unmrv ArlJIf-.'nn:.. Ilu-ir n-speetive Hues. VyaUlUn IIUIMOnuUlllUlliiJri'w jnwio nnti lnininiiiKS. Clnthiny, Hals, Boots l Stlllllo I lift lii rltt ( i l-fini.ftjio .t ...I !)......!! . ..., .. ...... . ...,t, ... w, L, , v., ,,,,,, , IIV,H)S, As in til till nv nnd Shoes. N beiiutlflillv loiiiNd In i'.nsi Sail muiIIi of the Elti-tile lCuitii. line, near the pover house. Large lots, idOxldO feet. Good soil. Eorsale by PIANO-VOICE AMI French - and - German Languages taught at nwins (J and 7 Hank bnildlng-ouuudafterKeptemberlst, HY Mlises LAl'KA (iOLTKA and ANNIE THORNTON. s:l.2w More Fku it. Squire Farrar & Co. aro buying all the fruit that comes their way, consequently have the best in market. T. Tifi State IJ. WILSON, Owner. Slieel. sillliii, i m jias, n in the future we WrLL JLE.A D Tl-I K ol low pricea. ill) u Iheii' is no such word as. fail. , llest stou- for people ofnll olassest to trniln i;i BlIvSlNEsSS IS BUSINESS. That's m bal we s.i.v, and that's what we mean. If you mean ness call and ?.ee us. We will irive you satisfaction Van have the latsi- I CAPITOL ADVENTURE Co., Opera House, Salem, Or, i rv-'"rrjt"",w'"J't1" mi in nmii1 .i Capital Dairy Co NJ A. ' Kalrebild. I!. .1. nre prepm-ed to i.tlver cooled mi ici-. to iiii ut Lenvonri'Pis nt .U'ii'oa l.mi'' Kelly Hresh of the .stable. and i f il ij ) ? T S D o n't Fought. Tax-payers j suouiu not forget tuat tuelrclty tax is due and will he delinquent after Sept. 6th. after which time a penalty of C per cent, will be added. E. J. Swafford, 8 18 lOt City Tax Collector. Newport. Persons wishing one or more nice, furnished rooms at Newport, apply to editor Journal. milliard's Ilheuinntlc nnd Liver Pills. Theso pll.sarc scientifically compounded nndunlroiiii In nctlon. No griping pain so commonly following tho use of pills. Toey nro adapted to both adults and chil dren with perfect, safety. Wo gua antee they lmvt'ino equal In tho cure of sick head ache, constipation, dyspepsia and billions ness; and, as an appetizer, they excell any other preparation 7 17 ly Smith a Stelner, solo ngts. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC I Of the Willamette University, Salem, Iregon. The past school j ear ha" been the most ol j ear hlslor illSillT III a v SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St. All styles of the FnmousHlngcrconstant ly on hand; also repairs and iicedles for nl kinds of machine. BU11T CASE, Agent. TI-1E STATE 0 Opens College. D September 12, 1S0O. COURSE OF BTl'DY arranged expressly to meet the needs of the Fanning and Mccliniilt-al Interest of the state. Ijuge, t'ommodlousaud well-ventilated buildings. The college Is located In n cul tivated md Christian community, nnd ono of the healthiest in tho state. M I L1TA11Y TR A IN ING . Expenses Need Not Exceed $150 for the Entire Season. Two or more Free Scholarships from oveiy county Wi lto for catalogue to li. 1.. ARNOLD, I'res., Corvnllls.Or. S-2U-2m-dw THE YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company'i steamship line. J2i miles shorter, 'JO hourt lcsstimo thnu by any othei loute. Flnt class through passenger and li eight iln from Portland nud all points In tha Wll lamettu vnllev to and from Snn Fniuclscn TIME SCHEDULE, tExeeptHundays). IjOavu Aibiiny l:fX)l'Ji Leave Corvallis .1:40 Pit Airlvo YaiUlnn &30PM Leave Ynqnlna (cl'iAM Leave Corvallls IO::i5AJt Airlvo Albany 11:10AM O. it C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. Tho nbove trains connect nt YAQUIN.V with tho Oregon Development Co's Lin jfHteniOHhlns between noulim and Sa Francisco. 8AIMMI pat:;:. STKAMHIW. KllOM YAQUINA Fanillon, Friday, lunu X) Wlllametle Valley,.Tuesday ...July k Kamllon.Huiiday . Willamette Vnlley, Thursday ." 1 Fnrnllon, Tuesday " I HTKAMKllH. ITKOM 8AN KltANC18 Wlllainelto Valley, Friday June 27 Fanillon. Tuesday n July 1 Willamette Vnlley, Banday " li iu 15 to successful in its nisiory incieasea niieu iliinuo and uumbcrof Graduate. The most successful music school on tho Northwest coast. The courses of Instruction include piano, organ, pipe organ, violin and orches tral instruments, vocal culture, harmony, counterpoint nnd class teachlni;. Dlplo mnsgleu on completion of Tin musical director will bo assisted by mi nbloaud efficient corps of teneheis. -v-nd for catnloguo .. M. PA IIVIN, 7:2j-2m dw Musical Director. Next term begins Sept 1st, IK'io. ACADEMY OF THE SAWED HEART, Salem, Oregon. This well known institution of learning will be i e opened for l he i 'f! Ion ot hoei'l eisand duy-pupilson .Monday,; sept.,1, Is u). Parents aro kindly requested to send their daughters at the. beginnlne ol tl-e session, nnd theteb.v facilitate proper clas sification. Terms per quarter, (payable in advance.) Hoard and tuition, 1"; tin. ehnnl, K5. W, SSandK); Miisle, .md, with um- of piano, ?l.j; Dialugalid Jialut Ing in u-atei colois, ss- nil painting, per le,son,?l; Piiicvlnlii ) ilnt ing, per lesson, il, Entniueflie. p.ijabli- tnl once, ii. Voc.ll iiiukIc In ol li-e.s, neriniiii. French, Indiistilat Dtaulug, Plain and Ornameii Uil Needlework, torm part of I he prescribed course. Telegraphy. Pliouogmpliy nnd Type wilting aie laugh t at the usual rales. lor lurllier particulars luuulio al the Academy, or address SR. SUPERIOR. hiS-wlm-dlw he State iuiian,! 9 Wlilcli lias I'm lliepiiil -ils m-iis PAID MORE TAXAS. IsS h-iI Mo'e V ln'ief, lidccivwi More Piutniuins And ?alii Moru Lossiii U.-h piH'wrli lim-tiMl 111 Oiesun of y nsli 1 1 1 l i i : i iliini tiiivuiiifi' (iiinpan.i. I um selliiia; nt meats nt i Jit" follortiiig prices: .DOILKI) l'AZlW from JIOAST 15KEK 'JOODSTKAK liKKF l.v tin- (JI'AHTEIt MITTTON liy Ihf QUAlft'EH my murkel.s on SJnte and Court sh-pets, jJ'OHKliy thutjUAIt -0 to S Cents 8 Cents S to 10 Cents o Cents 7 Cents 7 Cents fii'- m vnmiiaisv lii Lussi's in Full Mil in Casli Ut CROSS. .A.3 K.Vi LUMBER CO,, DEALKKS IX Dy llio three irieat eoiiilngmii.nis oi Ellensburgaiii! .spoknnc talis. GEO. M. UKELEK, City Airenl Ami "pei-lal "ent lot 'Minion t'oiinty. i llllee In thiTOinpatiy'h hulldiu. Fanillon, Thursday . wiuaiueiio v.iuey, iiiesuay...... This company reserves the right ciiiiiiku sailing unies wunoui nonce. N. II. Passengers from Portland and all Willamette Valley points can inako clost eoniuvtlon with the trains of the YAOUINA ROUTE at Albany or Corvallls nnd If destined to San FpiiicIsco, should arrange to arrive at Yanuinn tho evening before date of sailing. 1'Astrugrr nJ Freight ltstm Alwsm tk( towrnt. For Information apply to .Mexsrs HL'LMAN A Co., Fielght and Tlckel Agents aw nnd a Front st., Portland, Or, oi to O.C. HOllUE, Ac't CIcn'l Krt. 4 Pass. Agt., Oregon laclrio R. R. Co.. Corvallls, Or C H. HASWELL.Jr.Oen'l Frt; A Ihiss. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 301 Montgomery nt.; Hnu Fniurlsco, Cul Remember the Oiegnu Paclllo populf ummer eiieursloiiM low rate tickets a now on sale from nil valley points YiKpilna and return, c (i. noauti, Akt. O.K.and P. Agvii First National Ban SALEM OREUON. PENSIONS ; WAROF THE REBELLION I Under the actof June L7, lsHI, all soldiem I who served ninety dnjs in thell. i. sei vice (luriinx thewarol theiebellionandarenow disabled phsli'all (uhetlier injuries or disease was Inciimd during service or since) are entitled to pi-nslons nl trom id to J12per mouth. Widows of deceased soldiers uro entitled to SS pe- month and K2 per month for each child under thejigo of sixteen yea r. Father or mother of deceased soldiers whoare now dependent, me entitled to pension. soldiers who nre now receiving pensions nt less than 81'J per month should apply at once under this art. Applications underthls net will nntnitVct any pending claim. .Make applications al once I). 'J fsIIEIOIAN, U.S. Pension and Claim ngent. P.O. Rex 281. Milein, Oieuon. Deputy County Cleik. write lor blanks, w Pioneer Bakery ;!AM0S STRONG, 271 Commercial Street. lo-ugli & Dressed Lumber, Latlisi ami Shinirlc?. Cull on us and favc money at our .yard in NORTH SALEM. THE SECOND HAND STORE, iVIooiis & Osborne Froneh and C-teriuuit Wheat and llyc Hrenfla in City Stylo. Vicuna JlotU. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAKES. Pastry and Confectionery Baking in Full Stock. My new bread and cake bakers I are lli'Ht-class ui'tiis In their line, and I aim to have , Everything as Fine ns the Finest. I In-alers In Furniture, Notions, Queensware, Glassware, Cifiurs, Tobncco, Candies and Nnl.s. All kinds of second hand goods-, bougptand sold. Goods sold on commission. Cor. State and Liberty St. E. SCIIOETTLE, 272 Commercial street, merchant tailor. The fines suits to order at the lowest prices. A perfect fit cuar- n nt red. Repairing and cleaning done. The only first class tailoring es- tabiisiinient in tne citj WMUUrjiKIIMBl " "' "" ' ri-.i-.-. i i . nM t ft ... IK rT7TT,V''l "'i ""PI ! JllL tiSsZEZLigZ DR. MILLER'S Special Prescriptions. HOME TREATMENT SELF CURE A Specific Remedy for Each Disease. F.itf:ene City liunds for Sale. NOT1CK Ik hereby gicn that under the provlslonsol an net ot the h-glslnturo of Oregon entitled, "An act to lucorjio nitothoClty of llugeno and to repeal all aelH and part of acts In conlllcl here with," tiled in the olllco of tho k eic-tary of stale, February 'J0, 18W), tlio common councilor the city of Kugcno will issueand dliM)ii( ol the bonds ol said cltv at par value of irom sjui.hvuo $VHit), in denoml. nations of fioni ;10l to sKinl -s the pur chaser may deslri-, (sijnble :id ycais after date of 1 smi I in; the same, with Interest therisju .t the rate not to exceed "i per cent per annum. panb n'ml-untuially. Healed nronoi-als to nurehucu said bonds win do rieeneii nv uie umierslgueit ni i-.ugene, ur".'on, until 1st, Is: 0. and all pioposal will nc oiii-neu ami eons tho 5th il'iv ol Sontemlier. lsim. and sail! bonds will be ilUposcilnf to llu i'ison or pfi-Mius nuikltivr tho best oiler or oilers therelor, The common council icservcy the right tnieject any nnd ah pmposals. Ily order ol the council. May ilst. Is,ki. ii. F. DORRIS, Recorder for tbet'lty of Kugeue. COOK HOTEL State nud High Street. G.v. ANDERSON, PROP.j HENRY HI. STANLEY OUllTiH'l IU II. II. lUim. Alining Application No. l'XlTi:l) 8T.VTK-. I.ANll Ol'l- IC , I Oukuon Cirv, Dnvon, Aug, 1-1, 1MP, XT OT1CK is boiebj glxcn that the Capital 1 Consolidated Hold and sller mill. ing company, s. F. chndwlck. president, I whoso postotllce iiitdiesH i- -alcm, Oiegon, I has this day tiled his application for al patent lor ftxX) linear ieut ot the Capital Consolidated Hold auilMlver mine or vein beating gold and slUer, with surface ground MX) feet in width situated In lli-n-line mining district cou.iij oi .Marion and ' state i f Oicgon. and designated bv the Held notes mid otliciitl plats on tile lit this ! otllceuslol No. 'Jill. .s.tld it .No. 'jui he. lug described as toilows, to wit: lloninnir.g ut a rock In place with mound ol stone, I witu netring tree corner Mi, l; thence et io sioue in mound oi ngttee corner No ;tbene 'I lo stone In mi. nml nt i stone- corner No..!; thence s. 17a w , i;iu 1 feet lo nvlc In place with mound of stone, , corner No. -I; thence . 7.1 i: 'i0( feet to iilace ol beginning. Magnetic Mtilatloii 1 to ijc r , iMntaining II .,.' acres. The location of tills 111I110 N reorded In the recorder's otllee 1 Marion couui , Oregon. Any and all persons claiming mtveisclv any oi Hon of ahl capital Consolidated Hold and Mler mine or sttifuce giouud are rt i 11: red lo tile their nderso claims with IVie legUterand iecelor ol the I'.S. land olllco at Oregon Cit, lit the st.iteof Oregon, dm Ing the da vs' period of publication thereof, or they villi be buried by virtue 01 the provisions of the statute. l.T. Al'1'KRs.o.S, Nlivwd Register. rirn - indeislL'iied Wllu "' ""B lre September ' N- I7 "' uv f,',,t , wlVn. I "bine vvlih tiearln Idereii I on ! N.-. "' '. T' !! i TWe Coel: llotol Is upMsitr court house conveimit to buslnoss part 01 city and street our line ruuiilmr ixtst the door. Rates Si.Oo to U1 a dHy, aiwrdlng to nsiui. Special terms to boarders and families. j Oivgoniaii Rail Ituml Company. I llenenil ottlcmi northwest corner First I and 1'lno streets, Portland. K.VST SIDK From IMrOamt Silver-Coburg ton ae mull MHtlons. Toward lHirtlaud l'orfnd Porfd mall Kxp 10 4S rt ti WM. . 1I)UK. . D1U J. KKYNOLbw, IOIIN MOIR, . Prvsweut Vice l'rt-slileut I Cmhler 1 GENERAL BANKING, Kxchanon lortlaud, Kan Francisco, New rk, Ixvndon nnd Hong Kouc bouuht HUd told. State, Couuty nnd City warruuu bouuht. Fsrmeiu tiro cordially luvltcU to ud tnuurt buslueM wLl" .M' .k'beriU advancM luado on wheat, wool, hop aud other proin-rlyai rwuouaeie lattw. lusurauca ou tuclt te curlty ran tie obtained at tho bank In mc reliables conipanlr. I.V J.V AM ah l" 4 S' ,2J '"ortrndSl'LM sis 8 a II M.....Kllerton IS ift 5 O7...llrovvnvlllo 7 40 ' Cidmrg & oj VWT MUk. Alrllu iiiall IMitlaudmall IA AM uU .aS -,JMUdr.VWV 1JJ.W Im1 Junettoii tv6 JlM .... Hlimridan wul 1 1 iviiun sa t ...MunaVHith.... 7lK . .. .lrllv ... tu Tlckel for Vl Bide sutlou for sale at ftxdol Jetlersonst Tlcktu Air K.i h de tat Ions for sale at I umn dert. Cor. . th audJstrwts. CHAH!,a Tr Utn Hnpt i.en F, W JkWw Ugl. i-vi- DH. HI'.UER'S IHYDnASTINE RESTOrmiVE. Stimulates nutrition. Purities tho Blood. Cures njipliaTcsOpSkaianUCencral Debility. A perfect touicand strength buiUer. DH. MILLER'S ANTI-BILIOUS ST0MACHANDLiy:.nj:UnE. Cures Biliousnesi an.l aU'LivcrTrouWcs, Chilis and Fever, MalariaTFov eriT and all Typhoid conditions. DR. HILLER'S CATAHllH CURE. Cures Acute Catarrh, Chronic Catarrh, Catarrhal Deaf i"ies"i "Guaranteed tocuro the worst cases when directions are followed.or money refunded. Dn. HILLER'S COUGH "UIE. Cures Colds, Hoarseness, Coughs, Bronchitis, l'lcuns) tuTaTiTeuuioiiia; reiiev cs consumption. Contains no Opiates. Cures Croup In 10 minutes, PI HILLERS DIPHTHERIA AND SORE THROAT CURE. Prevents and cam Dn ! tts-ruT 'ttill jiojithclj euro any sore tnroat in from S to 21 hours. Cures Quiny in 3 iu 0Jt.MP LR'S FEVER CPE. Indispensable In all acuto diseases attended with fever I in in a uiu cures scarlet r'ovcr, Scarlatina, and Measles. Mothers trj It once. PI. MILLER'S NERVOUS DE3IL1TYCURE. Cures Nervous Weakness, and Lcs of l' ..r. Never fails, bend for Private Circular to Hlller Drug Co., San Francisco, .u. DT!. MILLER'S RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC CURE. Cures Rheumatism, Ncuralju, iTTunioa0'oi 'and' auauca, by neutralizing the blood acids which came them. i. HILLER'S TEETHING CURE. Aids tho growth and development of children dunuf ., n.,k i.i ...ti ..i.i.....i aas ,n nNivpiili an J cures v 'I-CHUHK lVIJUil, CIISUr.9 failllCSS ICtllllll Alia UUUa tvtw. - """ , ...., Klekets, llraln Troubles and Bowel Complaints. A blessing to mother an J eiaia. DR. HILLER'S WHOOPING COUGH CURE. Prevents and Cures Whooptni. Cou.'h. N'OTt-Wlth exception of Dr. Hlller's Hydrastine Restorative, Dr. Hlller s lhejf? and Neural.-lc Cure, and Dr Hlller's Cough Cure, ths abav 0 remedies itili' form, and, if not ebtalnnhle frrni vour drugsst, will bo mailed free, on receipt ol price. $1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00. These remedies are the result of 25 yoars of professional experience, and rj fiiaranteeltocurewhena euro U pnsoibie, Dr Hlller s Bl-pa.'e book of JirectionM home treatment, containing valuable Instructions as to hygiene and diet, sent "- HILLER DRUG COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, U. S. A. Knu JColn liu IHV'F I l?l)V n..r..Vf 09 Pnm.nnrnifll f.. Salflli. mvi wait ti ima ii u, nu, muui, um luhihiwwu. .., --: JUs - J arra"- imr T-yy fT l I T "'" t3gBBMM fctrv'.,carj-g'ra-w?r,7.wlu t ia lliat il'iiion Pacific R. R. Conpiy DUGAN BROS., "The Plumbsrs, "OVERLAND ROUTE." II IN DARKEST AFRICA trains for the dost Rave I'ortiand at 7;lO m and 90 niu dally. Tic tts to and froir principal poinu in tin United Suites. Ou him nnu curopt.. KIcgant Xew Dicing Ca. Th eoiuilw sl.wx .;f FUnlvy's reut thrillloj au I 1 1 iljcku i i,u in,.i . -Mru X "'. mtltUt "la DVit , im, r i r. a.' "li "? '" l ur any ot tha o. ol l 8ti,l w Uilas oiImmI a "wb- buuWr CMlribuwd a lion. TU J i no gjaiUon aUwit this sutwumt betac 'W.1 ,B "? Pkalar We nikriutto It. and ,WrWJ?frM MJfatiiL CAilTinN In onltr Dnt to 1 misled. sm UrtUllUn that tL. booi Wars the lo. ISUIIOI PILLMAX PALACE SLEEPERS. ;Qfonm nnH Plumber's aVod L...i.. oi . . .. . ! WIUUMI WltM "- ;vniinij 3iwuux'vwr run uimueu ,, i'.XtinWJa tjvllla. tf llliuiha l.aius.l ' ..,'airof flnd 1 and Kun-iaflty wlthoutclMtuw ' ?, ?! iVi'Ss" ,,a CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SON3 J that lb eaaTaalnf ant earriu a oarUftcaU HIHJ t(UUl U itlltllM Uonnw-tlousat r'ortlaml orSan 1'iaiu-t co and huttttt Sound rlnla. l-or lurtbwr particular addr ateiitof tUe-oiuuui or I. W.1.KK.C1 v -sMfi i.fciv, (lotierui Tramc IW.iM- M iiiulmr ueun ife Comf 'im. nir(;tii. SOU Commoroial St lieatiTs in Goods, irtCUJ any FINE HORSESHOEING ,:iScriber & Pohles. WM Trrii.rr?v A. L BANCROFT & CO. House Painter, Decorator and Wall Tiller. Lui. road- SpwUi ttntl-n jfien w "jrtoi P" :ciSTlrulBgUire. iuirfrrn?'lu pi. I hoiim,. A wrftv Si.f k of lland-ilailc Shoes 132 POST STREET, &AN I-HANJ1SC0. Gentral Aaents for the Pacific Coast. We gneourproi nui attcaton4j; &"nlSl ' trsct