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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1890)
I J. w the TERMS OP aUlteOItliTION. Onily by mull per year,; . SO X) Dally by mall per monm, ., IV DV- Illllll POl ""l -.l - - . 11 n nil W'CCKly by mall pcrjrcnr, --.-. . IW rir not paid In ndvnneo tne jinco, m m .- it iir..,Mtw Innnvtt trill lm chanted l fin norvrnr. If n: laiWQIOrinO Wfcfhiki. -ww:" """, If nniMTHnrO nov aollVtTPU prompuy mmi; iubhuim FltKE DELIVERY BY CARRIER. Dally for tingle week, cts. Dally fortwo weeks, 2ct. Dally by month,. (wets. Collections will bo mndo on 1st and 15th of month. Subscribers will plenoo leave money forcarrlers at house or whereon U Is delivered, so as to causo no delays In rollectlons. TtIK EVKNISOCAriTAl-JOUItSAl. recti; larly receives tho artcrnoon associated press dlsprtchcs. V .... .If idtnllllUI . r ... i & I n Dealers in Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Paints, Oi's, Varnishes, Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole Agents for Epicure Tea and Big Can Baking Powder. Tin: Ceksus. It is becoming dis courngingly apparent tbat in spile of tho strenuous efforts being made in nil parts of Oregou in tbat direc tion, tbero will be no new cen sus enumeration ordered. Tho men wbo had influence enough to be ap pointed census supervisors and special inspectors, and &o forth, will bring this influence to bear to keep their work from being discredited on the records, and thus a great In justice to a great state will be al lowed to stand just because a few old parly hacks might feel aggrieved If the wrong should be righted. A correspondent of the Oregor.ian sug gesbj abont the only way out of the dllllculty. He wants the legisla ture of Oregon t make an appro priation for the takiug of the census under supervisors to bo named by the governor or governors of some other states on invitation, and he thinks that while a census thus taken might not be officially recog ulzed by the United States, It would at least bo recognized by the com mercial world, and would serve to counteract the pernicious Influence of the present miscount. The sug- gestlou is worthy of thought, but there is no good reason why the legislature could not of itself appoint suitable and competent supervisors without calling in other states. B TlIi:FAMOLsEl,LIOTTSTO-NI01tT. Tho famous Klliotts and their most exeelleut company of 25 pre mier artists including the Imperial Japanese Chrysanthemum troupe, nine in number, will be the attrac tion at the opera house to-ulght. Tho company Is a very large one and tlrst class lu every respect. i lie Elliotts are the champion trick bi. cyclo nud unnicycle riders of the world, and were brought to this country by P. T. B'lrnuiu for the greatest show on earth, and were the fenturo of the Baruum show for two seasons at tho largest salary oyr paid for a single act In this country. Another feature of thu Elliott com pany is tho recent engagement uf the Imperial Japanese Chrysanthe mum Troupe, nine in number, di rect from tho Palace Theatre, Tokio, Japan. This troupe of Japanese is positively tho greatest of all Japan ese performers ever come to this country, and includes four Japanese lady perlormcrs, the best in the world. This feature alono is worth any ones time and money to wit ness. There are several other fea tures that will surprise and delight every one, mid the Elliotts company promise to present the best novelty program ever ottered to tho theatre gov rs of Salem. The prices of ad mission will not bo increased but will bo placed at 60 and 7.1 cents. Seats on sale at ration's, I'leasinc! Exuuasui. Among tho sights which add to tho attrac tion of Salem streets almost every evening now, not the least are the lady equestrians, wlioaie seen gal loping along our boulevards In pairs or with their gentleman escorts in that invigorating, henlth-glvlugnnd most graceful exercise. Many of these ladies sit tliolr chargers with queenly carriage nud handle tho rein with tho accomplishment of ad epts, and form n picture very much to be admired, looking at once Inde pendent, fearless, gay and cheerful. This suggests a wonder that the state fair management neglects to provide suitable premiums and hon ors for lady riding on the grounds. It was formerly an interesting fea ture of tho program and still Is In many Eustvru localities. It seems to tlio writer it could be made one of tho great drawing cards of the ex hibition and would boa stimulating encouragement of thebenellolal exer cise lu town nud country. The more Horseback riding tho loss dys pepsia, weakness and consumption. Encourage tho young ladtus to ride horwvuiiok and you may luuro the Mtle of cosmetics, but you will im prove tho face of nature. 1 ' 9 ' Ovrioiutfi IN Captain J. Bergman untl Engineer Win. Lalley of tho steamer I.llltnu of As toria, wore unvoted by tho t'nlted States Marshal yesterday on a charge of niuniug their Unit on the KUiblaw river without tho required IIccum:. They gave bonds of 1160 end i nud were released. They claim that they were urrested on orroueouu Information, and Irregularity lu the transfer of their license which they can witlsfaclorlly explain Ilorg man ia tho onloer who did such no ble work lu saviug live lu tho urf oil Capo Jtluuco at tho wreck or the III fnted Bleamer Alaskan which went to pieces oa her way to Southern Pnlifolnla n year ago hut May. ZEALOUSLY AND INTELLIGENTLY. That is tho Way President Wright is lYorking to Have tho Ilotchcil Job .Metuieil. .a. Unln.,, ., . . 1 1 . .. -I I,,., ,J ., ..- uuimunira uu n pu,i,Ml to sit idly by mill leave Hie pretend- " -w ....,,., -..-.. I.. H...I. ..I " vuuoua iviuuin Mi uitu mu uu . condition without a manful attempt to have them properly corrected With a proper ettort on tho part of our representative. in Washington, this can bo accomplished, and if it is not, those representative will hear from the people of Oregon some i day. President Wright, of tho h'n- 1cm board of trade, In answer to the I demand forspecifle statements, this morning tent the following tele I gram, which ought to be reasonable ground for n recount as far as this locality Is cencerned: Oregon Delegation tit Washing ton, care of J. H. Mitchell: I am reudy to certify that the population of this school distih-t, which em braces only a part of the four Salem precincts, was by actual count over 12,000 at the 1st day nl last ilnrcli. David si: mi-son, School clerk nud census taker at that time. Following the above dispatch, Mr. Wright sent another and if com plied with it will thin be an easy matter to ascertain u ho has been left out of the count. 1 lore it is: John II. Mitchell, Washing ton, D.C.: Would like obtained al once a copy of all the names enu inerated in the fourSalem precincts. IMetme have tho same made and forwarded to us at our expense. John G. Wkioiit, President Salem Board of Trade. In the Jot'itNAL's telegraphic col umns will be found to-day a repeti tion of Congressman Hermann's tiewB and a reading between tin lines would indicate that Mr. Her maun is more anxious to shield Superintendent Porter and the su pervisors of the census in Oregon than he is to satisfy the demand ot the people by securing a recount. Fine Spout To-mokkow. Word Is received assuring the baseball management of tho certain coming of the Vancouver's for to-morrow's exhibition contest, to which the ladies are especially invited and will be admitted free. Those of the in mates of the asylum for insane who can safely be brought out, will also be there, Superintendent Lane hav ing accepted tho invitation to give them tho benefit of the amusement. The Salems have been drilling on the grounds a little this week and observers are of the opinion they are now inshapo to put up unusually good ball. The games the balance of the season promise to be unusu ally interesting, as there are no poor clubs engaged to come here, and there Is no fear now hut that Salems can compete with the best of them. Didn't Kicktiii: Bucket. At Wilsonvllle, on last Monday, says tho Oregon City Enterprise, a sou of S. B. Seely was drawing some water for his horses, which lie had hitched to the platform of the well. The horses became frightened at something nod pulled the platform from under the noy, letting him fall into thft well head foremost. The well is about forty feet deep, and contains about live feet of water. Strange to say, the boy was unin jured. His father, who was near, ran to his assistance, and drew him ! out of the well, the boy ridiug up in the water bucket. ' j I)i:atii ok a Pionkkii. A. II. Rainwater, who was one ot the early pioneers of Oregon, died at his home across the river Irom this city on tlie in lust., ageil 7U years, say8 tho Albany Herald. He had been ill for bovcral weeks with tvnliold i pneunioula. The deceased came tu Albany in 1847 and nettled on tlie farm which hud beenlils homo up to the time of his death. The fun-1 oral will occur from thu residence at 1 o'clock to-day. After the .-eryices , at the houn I ho (uneral will be con. ducted by the Masonic order, of, wliicli lie was a member. j ! Uni'audenaiiu: Sin. The h-1s- sors man of the Oregon City Knter- j prise is evidently a studious reader of thu Jot-itNAi., a fact that is highly ; appreciated by tills olllce aud doubt-1 less is by the readers of the Knter-1 prise, but the Joiminai. scribe does not relish seeing an article of nearly half a column, gathered with strict devotion to enterprise, accuracy and truth, credited bodily to theStatos man. Young man, go in peace this time, but iviH unto thee If a repotl- tion of thu crime occurs. FiMit.Nci Must nt: Stoi-i-kd. Tlio Astoria Pioneer says: "All the eannors on this side of the river have been notified by Fish Coininis- sionor Thompson and CampMl to it im ivinl-lmr mill. IP Itmuillv ,r ,m,u. stop pui'itint, tumor peiiaiij 01 pro. ivutlon. ThvcoiiuiiUliuMM aroiiKi . ". "111111UM.11HIH an nun btopplii); ll.shertiien on both Hides of the river from IIhIiIiij;, ivgimlluM of tho Washington law, which llxes Auk, 10 for tho uhwo xeutmu. Tlio eoiiiinlMJloiiorH nay they will follow illsobeillitni'o to their orilom by pros wuillon." Fouu to ONU.--An auiiiKliiK sivtie oemirroil on Center Htroul yextorilny afternoon. Tho Hali'in Klruet rail way utinipuii.v soii Iiiiviiik Home new horm-ii, Itiiowii tix "liuiu'h Kracs," bruku In to work on thuoaih. , Thoyxot hold of onii whioh whh vary Hiiiiini in ins iieturiniuiitloii not to work on tlio publlo wtrvtitH, und ho wus only ovuroonio by four nieu, thnm pushing thu car mid one lead - le tho horse along, Tho oompauy liavw about dMildoU that tio is not a prolltablo liooo on thulr Hue. 1'i.hnty. VnmU butter In nutlU vittitt quautitlM to supply tho do main!, at Capitol Advouturu Cu. K-8-tf. FonsiEii Salkmitks. Thia morti ing'nOrcgoalnn hns the following nc count of divorce court proceedings lu Pertland: Mathilda Towuscud lias lUHtltutcd procccdlugn In tho state i - I tM.Vtl.lf miifl fnK n .llvirnn rnM 1,.- ".i wu.v .v. iiuiiuiwiium uci iiusuanu, Tlionms J. Towiisena. to I ' U'hntn aim win tt.nt.t,1 ..t Cnl... "- on. imo ""iivu iib J4ui;iu December 3. 18S4. Tho plaintifi al leges that she has been cruelly treated, and that on one particular strike lier with a cjinir, but was prevented from io doing by u younger brother of tho plalntltt. Thomas was also guilty of address ing his wife in exceedingly vile terms, nud furthermore was addicted to habitual intemperance. The plaintiff asks that she be allowed to resume her maiden name, Mathilda Adams. Susan I). Russell has brought proceedings In the circuit court for n decree of divorce from her husband T. D. Itusscll on the usual grounds of inhuman treat ment. The couple were married in Salem April 5, 1SSS, and since that time, the plalntl II' alleges life has been a burden to her. Her husband's actions were ever thooof a tyrant, and it was no unusual thing for him to attempt to choke her. He fre lUently amused himself by calling tier vile names nud otherwise act ing in au Inhuman manner. Cootj and SKNSim.E The Ore gonian says editerially: Supervisor Kelly's telegram to Superintendent Porter relating to the census in the western district of Oregon is in ex cellent taste nnd temper, but is weak In logic. The complaint is not, us Mr. Kelly Imagines, that the census of Washington Is padded. That is .Mr. Porter's busiues, not ours. The complaint is that the census of Ore gon Is some 60,000 less thnn nil in ternal evidence, without any refer-1 ence to Washington, Indicates that j if should be. We don't grumble at I Washington. Her census takers hue done a gixid job. But we want a srood job in Oregon. Mr. Kelly hasn't made a good ob. We want some one else to take hold who will. The Santiam Mines. Messrs. j W. F. Read, C. E. Browuelland W. i II. Bingham, returned yesterday I from a trip to the mines of the Al-1 bany Mining & Milling Company j in the Quartzville district on the Santiam, Bays the Herald. They went up to arrange for pulling in the machinery to work the mines. The engine, boiler and one of the rock crushers is already on the ground. The machinery will be put in place as soon as possible. The ore taken out by the men now at work is the richest ever found in that dis trict, and Is free gold-bearing quartz of n semi-decomposed type. Tho company expect that it will prove a veritable bonanza, which will prove a big thing for Albany. Bonv not Ykt Bkcovkhkd. The body of Mrs. Anne Koebel, who committed suicide Wednesday by jumping into tlio river from the steamer Lutona, has not yet been I recovered, nor are any eilbrt being niadoin that direction ki.vh to-day's 1 OreKonlnii. At the place where the I Milcide occurred, the river is about I derson blowing his police call vocif '100 feet deep, nnd the grappling, erously all the way. Wlien he ! timt was donn bv tl? steamer's crow reached the corner near the 3 almost a hopeless task. The, justice oi me peace at uregon cny, '" the absence of the coroner, wns notified of the nfl'air, and word was sent to the husband of the deceased, who lives on a farm between the towns of Needy and Canby, but he has not yet been heard from. Almost a Fiki: The Jouhnai. ofdee came near being close neleh bor to a lire this afternoon. . park from the llueof Ad. Wuldemtir Nel- foil's engine caught on the roof of, his dye works, two doors north of . this otllce, and had burned a nice lit-. tie hole when Mr. Neison discovered H. Timely action of Otis Kaiser, who has a shop next door, soon ex- tluguished the Incipient tire without raising any alarm. - Nici: Homk Skcuhkd. Mr. M. J. Kcoti, who has been here the past year or more with ids eye open for a choice location, has finally secured a beautiful spot known as Glenwood, adjoining the Orphans' Home grounds on Asylum avenue. This purchase contains one acre, has a good residence thereon and he says he Intends niakliic It his nermanent abiding place. Gonkto Jkkkkiwon. In answer : to a tolegram from the Lltm county court, Judge Waldo and the other members of Marlon county court have gone to Jeftorsou to-day, to mpt flu fnrmnr Iwuli nml lnnb llltn ,omo ..... ... rL(lutloil ... .,. i,ryce imi.i uuilt there ncross the ., . , ., trorkS i" Nullum by both coiiiitU, voum- qnently tliero Is no session here. Vo thk X(miN-PAiNH.(win P. IluKhus tuul City Recorder Conn loaded themBelves, togottier with ai huutliiB, IlalilUK und cauiplUK out- tit, into a whkoii and departcil yes-1 tordayforn trip covering ten ti.a or mo tu tho mountains at UpjKT ' oiiim linn ui mr rani a t u-ur mmr, w hloh is about C0 miles i men nuovo i.i'i - . anon. 111.-, .ivim Tli.lllnKnrifl.Viir.uj duo hero going north at lKBthUaf - utiiixju is not oxpecieu until bix J or kivou o'clock tills oveiilng, thode-, lay being caused by tho Miuth-bouud' ! frulght jumping tho truck this morn-. lug early between Oakland and Iloacburg. No Inlury to jversons Is L imported and tho damag la not known here. Sco tho bjrga m oilVrel at Far Konl'a 6 and 10 cnt tuuteri. R-7-6t SCHOOL FUND APPORTIONMENT. The Amount enrh County Receives from the State School Fonil Interest. The state beard has completed the apportionment of school fund In terest among the several counties according to the uumber.of children of school ago returned to the stato supcrlntcudcntofpubliu instruction. Following nre the several nm'niiuti - Baker- $ "892 Benton -.. Clackamas . - Clatsop Columbia Coos .-- Crook -. Curry .. . Douglas Grant Gilliam Harney Jackson ... Josephine .. Klamath Lake Liun.- Lane Malheur .- 4954 )) 2098 (.0 .- - 2180 00 I0":i ;.-) 1003 () ma io 0480 ." 2o()9 ft ins:i oo 1004 7,") 0300 2.) 24S0 ft') 1270 20 11SG 10 8870 00 8010 2.-, 1104 ;:i Marion 11,524 CO Morrow 2102 40 Multnomah Polk Sherman -- Tillamook Umatilla. Union Wallowa. Wasco -. Washington . . . Yamhill - 22,422 80 4212 2o 80-3 65 1463 83 6973 03 5592 (S3 2100 05 4331 15 6387 .J5 5775 .'15 144,372,15 A Pleasant Company. Elliot t's Voyagers arrived by the mornii.g train from Albany In their own coach, which is handsomely and conveniently arranged as a travel, ing und residence outfit. The nni-i- agers are pleasant, intelligent gentle- men and the nine Japanese, four of whom are females, are verv interest. m) better about Salem. Part cash, lug lu their novel Oriental costu-i.e, balance on time. For a few days and manners. The company :.y-jonly. Call on Catterlin & ITigaou, peared in Albany tho past t.o 1-50 State street, Salem, Or. 7-24 tf. nights and the papers there are vuy " of their poif-m . A m"' U,t nt ,reMl ueatland anec. tho street para Tho street parade, wi : U usually occurs in tho afternoon, I.. -been postponed until this eveni.. at 0:,".() sharp, when they u ill form at their ear near the Salem flour mills and march down the street, a pleas ing night for the curious. The opera house promises to be well filled lo witness their exhibition to-night. Man Hi'x Ovkii. As the ov v. land passenger train w.i- coming through Grant'- Pa-she-t nighi a man who was lying partly acro.-s the track was run over and badly injured, but how seriouMy the con-1 duetor, from whom the Jouiinai. , obtained the information, could noli tell. An etlort hns been made by ' this office to obtain particulars ! telegiuph, but without success. Tlie( man was a section hand on the mil-j road and the conductor did not j know whether it wus suicidal intent or intoxication that brought bim in his wculiar position. Tt wa tliou-!u I lit' '"l(' J'"- Ca u.i no thi: Pouci:.. A chap with too heavy a jag of corn juice , tried to run Geo. Anderson's ho- i tel he I evening aud was promptly marched toward the cooler, Mr. An Ja IiObllll bleu- the whistle and a big crowd collected, out tuere was no policeman within Iieariug, so ' Marshul Ros, who was over near ' home when he heard the whistle, , came back aud took the man in charge. IIandsom k P i, a N s. Architect i W. D. Pugh, of this city, iseugaged m getting up plans for a new bank building at Grunt's Pass which will be a fine structure. It is two story high and will be built of stone and brick in tho most modern style of architecture and beautifully tinl-h- i'd. Tjik Nkw Hitmen:. How happy those Polk county farmers will be when they can come over and get j the benefit of tlie exceptional bar gains otlered bv Squire Fairar & Co. I'KKSONAh MENTION. 11. H. Pinion went to Portland . this morning on liu-iucss. Prof. 12. A. Bennett, of La Centre, j Wash., has been visiting friend-In j Salem during tlie week. Mr. James Thorn, of Oregon Ciiy, came up last evening and is doing business lu .Salem to-day. Archtctect McNally hiiulea tlyiug trip to Independence to-day, where1 ho lias a big piece of work in ohorge. M. G. llarbord, an old timer ol Salem and city marshal here some .-. ..v..,, ............. ..v ,,- I veara now ti resident of lvnkuio jeure, now u rtsineui oi -1ok.uio, Fa s, arr veil ast even tig tuul la re- eolvliiK thoKnetlngs of olil fneiuls. ui.c- i" -ivii. i JNiiein, tne ncwl-v 0,w,ed ,lolltol colonoi of tew!rtiid ruglment, O. N. ., u iuaklnB piepanitlonst.i Mt all the comnlw oflil nliiioiit, says the Orrgun Utyjurtorpribo. lloforo you start for the ? Jhw i r iiiolliitaltis ilnn'l forirut t.. ,mLp . - - r- -.i, tiiitis iinirt torgut to i NINO Jlll'UNAt. to ywir mo kvibw ' camp. GOOD IlUI.l' Sfl'l'LIUn Tlwi.i l vUhlng gumi help, either boyti or k"i mnuiMunnw mwim wmio attending school win bo supplied by calling on Pmf. Van Sony at otiCti. d. 4. t. lllblmril'4 Illituuttllo ami Llier I'lll. jrtzxTw rtxMui sniii "-..::". :...." iz-?"m .-.- !" ! M) eoiumoaly mnuwtni; the Tocy are tdaptetl n Uiiti adulu andahll. um f mii, dmQWllh iwrfartt knfiilv V ..... ... tbey lutve,nu oiual In (be eureur4ck bead- "-'--" - h m v ml mm .mu ItV aehe. cuatnaiioii.ilvfiiifjitekiaiiit K.m..n. uw; ard, aa u iiKlr, lhT eoteefi any other preparation 1 17 ly Picnics. Almost nnv bov or uirl can tell on what a picnic Is like, but I won ler how many know why it is so halletl, or that the custom Is snld to late only from 1S02. not a hHtidrcd I years ago. Then, ns now, wneii suou tertaiuument was being arrati tfor, it rns customary that thosoj I'who intended to be present should : supply the eatables and drinkables. T.'ilOriirinally the plnu was to draw (Bjtip a list of what was necessary, Wf .1,1.1, t0 o nvi'ollptit. nnn In follow. for often, when there lias been no previous agreement, it is discovered, when too late, that there is too much ofoue kind of fowl and not enough of another. The list was passed round, and each per.-on picked out tho article of food or drink he or she was willing to furnish, and the name of the arti cle was then nicked olT the list. So It wus from these two ora"s, picked and nicked, that this form of out-of-door entertalnmeut first became known as u "pick-and-niuk," and then as a picnic, the old-fashioned name for the baket parties of to day. Harper's Young People. Notice. All persons are warned against purchasing stock of the Gold Mount ain & Dry Gulch Consolidated Gold it Silver Mining Co. of It. H. Mil ler, he havim; ::o stock standing in his name on the company's books, nor is be uuthorizod to transact any business for the company. K. B. Cannon, President. Salem, Aug. 7th, 1890. S-7-d-lw $2500 will buy a well established business with a good paving trade ' i--" "-ccm-u at .i. u. )ti.Sm r He also lias nice tomatoes, nucKle berrics, plums, and all other fruits md vegetables in the market. HOTEL AKHIVAbS COOK HOTKL. BAChilders, A K Bend, J A Frank, M Fleishehaner, Portland. Gen F null, X Galaway, Eugene. Ij B and J Bagley, Vancouver. S. M' Wood, San Fiunclsco. S W Perlncer, Kentucky. G D DiniinicK, Hubbard. WIJ Holmes, Mill City. H Ktnber. Port Angeles. .1 I Bush, IIep)ier. A May lor, San Jose. J A, and Tillie Hunt, C A Brown. .V OltOWL." Mr.. Kditeii: Although my taxes are imnll, yet they an its burdeiunrao to me as If I paid much more. And a.- a tax-payer, I feci that I have s. right to criticise thoso extravagances that are factors in tho crea tion of high taxes. I have in my mind the county hospital. No sooner does tho Im pecunious citizen becomo broken do u aud debilitated, than ho rushes otl'to the hospital. Even persistent dyspepsia and constipation aro getting to be excuses for admission. Hence, allow mo spaco to enter my feeble protest against further continuance of this pernicious practice. It costs too many hard dollars for the treatment of these unfor tunates, and it is high time that they should know that they can save the county that ex pense, by the Judicious use of a few bottlei of Joy's Vesetublo Surtaparilla, a remedy that within my observation Is a sovereign cureforthosetoocommon disorders. If they won't tnko It they ought to be compelled to by some law that would meet tho case. Under tho circumstances a full hospital is inexcusable, hence this growl. A CITIZEN. A Cure fur Sick lleailaclie. ' 'Mils dIstrclnK complaint Isdnetonn 1 limctite or slucgili liver or enn-ti pitted - SSSnLr!!erd!hS!S di " zltitn ..lid an iiupii'-ie dufl pain in the head, Klieu m sef re a o prevent nnyitM 1 or slit-p. One of Dr. fluun's Improved IJM'i l'Uls will releiiveyou ol till the paiu- aril inl-cry and a few mun doe- will cor rc-.-t the livernml-tonmPhnnilie.ciilntetliv Ixuvo!. While these pllN are small, easily inluMi.nudmllil andircatleln their action 1 thero is no iiiedlciuo maud that will so ef- ' fectu.illv cure sick hoadiiohr. i'n-entsa .box. Sold by Smith Asilciaei ROUT. friIO"PSON. XEW RESTAURANT, Oppusito Wcller liros., Coin'l St. EVERYTHING N EJ V I Menls at nil hours, nud In every style. I Best meal m the city for 35 cents. Ui-i us 1 a rail. Dissolution Notice. t Oi'lL'K Is hereby given that the co-jmrt-. nerxhip heretofore existing a mi doing I business uuder the ilrm immooi" DelHiu a i Kue-tluer Is ib)s .lay dissolved by mutual eoiicent, Cbiis. II. Kaestuer having dis- i poMHlorhls Intereal to the underblgued, who will continuotlie business, nud elicits i thPMtrouHgo of old and new customers at I lu' old tand on State street. ' S:S-w ,Vt CHAM. UK I.EuN. MUSIC CONSERVATORY OF Of the Willamette University, Salem, Oregon. Th lwst celiool year h ben the mt.t Muxtftil in Its history. IneruMsod alien diuHvitnd number of graduate. Themo! MUVf-MU! IlinIC M'lHKII till III .ONUWt.l w"'- The iour.s of instruction inelude ,,, 0,1H.nNU,,mHIU,ore,eB. rwl inMrumeut!., voont oiiliiir, harmony, HlUUlVkJIUIUl HUU UtHKft ItUDUUl. U1I1H mmglinn on complotiou of oouro The musical director will be iiMlted by an able and t'ttlcltnt twrp of taMClHint. eud 6r oaulogue Z. M. t'.vitVIN, T:'JS-3m dv .Miikloal Dlrwtor. Ne.t term begins Sept ui, ISMO. HELLENBRAND'S Eaiin I'atliirsJt Candy Monuractory, I'WS Comniorolul Stroot UlMfOKr'AHK: ..... . . .. . Mnt.?!e"",!h!::io et2u inale or iwi.; .... 10 cent Hot Cukws CXitlw or TW. tf eiHtW IWiifctetik ami Btra txmWl rK uuopuuu i-Blyx .cuu Muium WMijianil Bw,.. SivbU VtmtvtiH and Hsk.. ttcfMls SauMiseand KgRw, ceuu (lam and hir 36enu PrtU OjtJT4 any AI nxiti c-tR.rrDKSHvgrM-Mt.30'CfKk. k i ... i . . . a. " '""4-r?Aiwi.& . A lUWlUuilllOUl 0XtfU 4iivrt AWU IPHt -umw n rvsntA, VI Z .'. Jl -,.. .. - wn . " - . " .l uotee, ncwr, imixirteii nud DoiaeMIc, alwurs oa uaud. Vortfr lloukc bUak and .&. 50 ccnu Tender lln Weak and R. .ounni 25c Want Column. - 1 ,,EIl word each Insertion. No ndycr- t' " '" nOl'ND AT I.Asr.-A Poll-'. ! w II r elenn a piano without summing It. l-'or wile at limmond'.s music house. poll SAI.K -One house and two lots In " South Salem. Inquire of W . H. Mmp fion. PrlreSflAV I JTVJlt ALK Team, cow ami ciui, nuu i tumvliic machine. Alsonn so-aere farm. vkU on or SddretM f . c. .lory. Hov 01, Knlem noil SAl.K -The Uormnce rrult farms, 6. I 10-IAnnd 20 acre tracts, nuelr located within I miles of SalPin. Prli-e $ per m.rc IlOKllANCK linos. KelUnger building, salem, Or 11ATIIOM7.E Home Industry, nnd use Mountain Halm Couh Cure. Guar anteed to cIm- rollet or money refunded. M....,,(v,..tM..n,t 1. 1- tl. ll.i!rn-. talem. Orc- gnu. Smite saletn. Memer Mite nireni iur l-Sdlm U"MRV M CTAiy PV IN AFRO Th" comy'.t '. rt.iry of St-in j t recent tlirlHIns lrentu - ail tao d.cloi .10 uf his Iraportan Uijcnicn for tlio first tlma in the wo k unit n liy iinnclf. entitUd "In Darkest fri"fi " U not bo l crlie I by Buy of tho so cal eil "Sto-.lej lo .U" u w boiu;: olfireil ai "g en nine" ami 'a.nlii'iiiic ' To no one of these liaj Stanley contributed a line. Tli -rels no question about this statement being correct in every mrticular Wo guarantee It, and will clTe pa-tl-ulaiM on application. PIIITinM In onler " t0 misled, see UnUllUll tbat the book bears the lm. print of CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS And that the canvassing agent carries a eerllncatt tf agency from us ft. L BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. General Anents for the Pacific Coasb jnmcs8.Feiton.ooie nccnt ror Mnrion rntintv. Srtlnm. Orrron. J. H. HAAS, THE WATCmrAKETj. 2I5M Commercial St,, - ialem, (Next door to Klein's.) Oregon -pcclalty of Spectacles, nnd repairing Clocks, Watches nnd Jewelry. FINE HORSESHOEING AT Scriber & Pohle's. Special attention given to shoeing road sters, driving horses, Interfering and crip pled horses. A large Stock of Hand-Made Shoes Carried. We give our personal attention and cm ploy none but experts in this department. 47 and 51 State Street, Silem, Or. Insure in Your Home Company! "The State," Which has for the pait six years PAID MORE TAX AS. Issued More Policies, Received More Premiums, And Paid More Losset Upon property located in Oregon or Wash Ington than any other company. It was thi- First Company to Pay all Losses in Full and in Cash ily the three great conflagrations of Seattl Ellensburgand spoKaue Falls. GEO. 31. HEELEB, City Agent And Special Ageut for Marion County. Ottice in the company's building. SINGER SEWING MACHINE Office 181 Commercial St. All stylei, of the Famous singorconstnnt ly on hand; ulo repairs and needles for al kind of mm nine. M'KT CASE, Agent COOK HOTEL Contorand Hteh Street. JG.W. ANDERSON, PROP. COOK. Tke Cook iiotol is oppooltr court house cnnvelont to burnetii ntirt of city und street oar line runnintr pabt the door, ltntrt. 5 1. IV) to $8 00 a day, according to rtxirn. bpeclal term-i to boarder! and ramllie-i. MeCROW k WILLARD, DenJers lu i Fresh and Salt Meats. i ELDRIDOE BLOOIC. J 1'rieeof MeaUby theiinarur Jo. j Mutton by tbequarttM-.- 7c I 1'orkuy the quarter ."c. ' UoU StoPo. I Itoasw . Se, I Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY & DESART, Baceedr to D. Nah.hftve a vellwub- kkts 'Y&'taas wieai. naur ih Mr vmntui nrt . miia tn A.i:i. r?j.rrvjrir.T:H w- Qa .kA nfl- on short notice. mpie or Mnclc or Tile int frws to aay oe A with Jba. Fiihburn. 110 Bute titt. I wntre umplea can be iveen. dw LOST. A leather pocket bookeoiitoliilns n niarrlnjre llenM.a pwleiit for a deed . : ,.,..! nfiir tviraireiirilitlpvnliiee.xcetittotl'e Scil owner. Kinder leave Urn sameottlie Joyii- NAkoinceanixoaeuiiauiy rewnruru. m DARKEST Great i wun r Eldridge Block, CALL OR WRITE. in Granc t : I" Si'andtkther's day, when the world was ffood ... .w.v4, , - . , There the grace of salvation to seek; I And then, afternoons, in the quiet, cool shade, In hammock, on lawn, or in parlor they laid, ' And thus resolutions were firmly made, With S. FRIEDMAN to trade all the week. In the days of our fathers things were not much changed, i From church going habits we were not yet etrancred And still one great thought was in sight, I That whatever was clone on the great Sabbath day, j Whether worship or music or harmless play, I This sound line of reasoning they all must ebey: j Where FRIEDMAN was selling the goods were i all right. I And now as brass bands send their melody forth, falling crowds of a Sunday south, east or north, To take part in excursion, foot race or ball; .Though n change is proclaimed in the way of de ; votion, And the world has jissuiued a more ffo-ahead motion . . . .-. . 1 lie desire is still as resistless On Predman. at the The world in some things is the same all the time; This especially true is in the care of the dime, Which is never too plenty or easy to ret. i rp trutl once allowed V hy the Capitol Adventure Company fill every tram With the wares of the world, for sale to the throng, At the Opera House corner, where this is the seng: "FRIEDMAN still leads the market, you bet!" UWmil T tie St. ) For Boys COURSES : Preparatory, Commercial aud Classical. Easy to reach; hourly trains run between Portland anil Vancouver. All denominations received. Number of boarders limited, early application necessary. Duriiifr the pat year students were in at'endenco from California, Ore gon, Montana, Idaho, British Columbia and Washington at large. For Catalogue and detailed information address: REV. DIRECTOR, St. James College, Vancouver, Wash. iMiili -KEEPS THE LARGEST LINE OF- Dry Goods and Trimmings, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, Clothing and Hats in the city. 277 and 279 Commercial St., Corner Court, in'Bush's New Brick Block. Only Alistract Boo lis T - vening Capital Journal! SO .Gents The Latest Telegraphic News and the Best Local Reports. Offer! $(i()0 P1AXO for $2W, Upriitht bm.,.1 S5IIII PIANO in flue or. er i2S ' kXOHMOUS BARGAINS J,' ,.... H5)' l'i,l!'os fra few weeks onK.Un,teU i iiuuos i r a fi.w ,uni . 250 OHGANS, the finest In thn w,i. if -$201) ORGANS for $!)() worI(1' for Mil if IiiO OKUA.N3 for $70. Buy now alid save mouo installments. ' Cash or ll .rgains in all kinds of music goods at Commercial St 1 GUARANTEED. hh Day . vv.,uWiuj uuuy Mioum. . G ' as ocean, Capitol Adventure, to call. tlie reason is plain WASHINGTON. College Men, and Young PLE & CO., IN MARION COUNTY. Work promptly and reliahlv executed by the SALEM ABSTRACT & LAND CO., FRANK W. WATERS, Manager HF IVIpritli. m?