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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1890)
...mufLumiimiMi imwBiqpijpEwpi" MWUi)qw OrOTliD HTnfT DJVl UJHilli ff JL PERFECTjHggigrlg The only remedy known which will Stimulate the Nutritive Processes of the Human System. By this natural and "Implo means it quickly nnd permanent y CURES All forms of Dyspepsia, Constipation, Mentnl nnd Ncrvotn Exhaustion, Genernl Debility, Uraln Fag, or any exhausted or weak cncil condition of the system, from what rcr came, Skin irruption, Hulls, Kim. nlng Sores, Scrofula, nnd all Disease of the Blood, Stomnch, Liver and Kidneys. $ 1 .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00. Dr Tllllcr's Gl page book, descriptive of Hy. dmstinellostoratixeand his other llctnvdlcs tent free by mall. ' HILLER DRUG CO,, San Francisco, Cat, 1'OIt SALK I1V Sold by Dan'l J. Fry, 225 Com'l St. HLACKSMITHING, Wagon and Carnage Making and Repairing Horseshoeing u specialty. Allxvoik euar anteert. JOHN HOLM, Corner of CominorrinlnndChetnclcetn sts., Salem, Oropon. Tm fs'nilr!rrr",EW,"'Kn' IHI Court HI. WM. WIOKEY, House Painter, Decorator, and Wall Tinier. heave order nt John Hughes' store, State street. O. C. CHASE Artistic Paper Hanger and Wall Decorator. Good work, economy and sample work shown before engaging. .63-1'ay based on work measured on the wall. Leave orders at Sargent's, Meyers' or Keller's residencoat Highland addition. 51 V. c cog c UJ - s r-i q J 3! PAINTSHOP. 1 5 6 Commercial Street. House and carriage palnting,slgu writing, paper hanging, decorating, wall tinting and kalcimlning. All work douo first class. Carriage palntlngaspeciaiuy, ciinr gos moderate. P. 11. RANKIN, PROP. Salem Harness Shop, B. F. WILEY, Prop. Manufacture nud make n specialty iof Farm and Heavy Harness. All Ivvork dene in our own shop at fealem aud guaranteed first-class IGive us n call. h (I, II. IIUTTOX, Prop. Castings of all kinds made to; order. I&4.MILL MACIIIXKUY, 'A I'LAXIXO 311L1.S, ffi- COKNICI-S, Min'AL rilONTS, XVIIEKI, l'l'LLK-Xfe, L ...,..i nnsims ot nns' style or pat- tern made in short order, Rinootn nna re-j lllabloin cxe.y particular. nu can save money by buying your Musical Merchandise DIAMOND'S - Music lloin-e, Eldrldge Block. Salem. W. C, MITCHELL, t4-M-!norx QlirfTPfin Veterinary ourgeon. , dSffi1 fothcr domestic omestic aniiiiMi. ....- "ZT. v llx'ery fctable. If nW prow- , engfcgod can b n hi U hour. ' c ,fc h S4lvr-lm nviutley rmonniiy E. r. PATTON lx-ler In onry xarle.y of fine llulilier Stamps Steel SUmpt, 5 Stencil Starepj, & ;lf Inlonr StamM. Name Stamps rut lo unler. t'onM and Uolc fat kampicst'rf work dotM- witu my fine led Rubber Stamps. lllUllll'f. UK W biatr Kl hAitm iitUon Book 'itor Hepair any MaeninerV IU OllOri U.Utr. pect Wat MT. savage win meet win. nslrumcI1b nie.1 lor Iteronl at the ,lllUi. I lathes, engines, hop pres liberal and substantial encourage- Ket-order-h Olllre. and hop stoves built, willinnkeestlmates ,ent and assistance for his company I'KltSDXAh JH'.SThA. Sw-Hrr .SS!k nCtM,ed- 00- in this enterprise. It is a plain bus- G W Wat, II A Thomas l -- iness nrooositiou. If your ntoperty ""(.UVv,es. '", Vl.o J,.... .A' Dr. L. L. Roxvlnn.1 went to . . ..1. 111 1 I...I.. . ..r r, .11. ...111. ........ .... L'ltesf Xi as From (lie Fatal Farm Hill Mint1. UU Us nOXF. YESO-KIIDAY. n ........,.. ,M'S m mo fc.ii- tor (lie 3Ifnc IMIhm- Fntnlntit's. INTO THE MINK. DiNiuii, P.i., July 1. The resell- iiir party line dm; through into thcltiiln Murrel nnd Mnrv MoCormlek Hill larm mine at 2.30 this tunru- were married to-dny faptnlu Mur ing, but before they hail untie far the' rel is best known n ii'-'ciiinsrim-st-ii. fire and black dump struck thetnniid I gers from the sinl.inj: sdennt-lilp, the men mndeihclr wiiyout.jmckly. ' Driinuirl;. rnns were then started and at 9 o'clock this morning nine Mjlecto I men, including three mine inspect ors, district master workman Watch oru.and hUeiintendent HIM started n i In to search for the thirty entombed men. At cleveu o'clock nothing has bceu heard from them nnd there is scarcely any hope of finding any of the imprisoned men alive. TIIK KXTOMllKI) MIN'Klt". On I lie new course yesterday the rescuing party dug through about twenty-live or thirty feet of solid coal, and about midnight struck an entry to the Hill farm mine. The air is being made good aud pure. It will bo several hours before the rescuing party can dig away the coal ho that I he search for the en tombed men can progress. The ut most secrecy is maintained, for fear that lclatlvcH of the imprisoned might learn the news and iusist on going into the pit. The late of the men may not be known till to-morrow. A CMl LOAD ' U l HNs.. Theie seems to be no doubt but that t lie eutoiulM-n miners are all dead. It is now a question whether their bodies can be recovered. At 2 p. m. this afternoon arrangements are being made for another decent into the mine. A car load of cofllns arrived this morning. A FAMILY I'OISONKD. Duhlix Ireland, July 1. The wife nnd four young children of James O'conner, member of the ed itorial slat! of United Ireland, have been fatally poisoned at hea 1'oiiu, . .: i.. i., r.,t,. iinl.lli, i I huuiiu iiiii-- in v.M...i .-v , by eating pickled mussels. TIIK ISKIiT M0T0K hl.NK. An luiniciisQ Tiling for Salem lie hilieral Mlli Substantial En- t'ourageinciit. Mr. OnuG. Savage, the right-of-l xvay agent of the Marion County Improvement company, xvhose mis- sion it is to build a motor line from , here to Silx'erton and n belt line i around the city of Salem, is now consulting tlio owners ol propeuy l through which or in tho immediate vicinity of which the belt lino win .new yards control packing house, opinion hy Strnhau J. pass, with a view to securing their When the packing houses are re- ,; jf .iidorMn, appellant,, vs. substantial co-operation toward its moved from the old yards to the nexv, ; p 1mj K- iy Haminond, ic constructiou. ns they xvlU be, the property of i ho bwuKllts. appeal' rrom Jackson The great benefits to be derived Englishmen will be rendered com-' coniity;ievcied .Opinion by Lord.l. from tho contemplated belt Hue parati-ely worthier. j sta(u' f o,(m, respondent, v. need not be enumerated at this time , Tlie sale of the Chicagostockyards Clatl ()ll)s appellant; appeal from they show themselves in advance j Was one of the sharpest tricks tin Mn,ioiimh county; reversed nnd to the most casual observer. Whllo i English syndicate ever ran afoul of, j mbe rt.,mnded to court below for a these advantages to tho city and to . and this experience will cost our! ew (rj Opinion by Thayer C J, abutting property oxvners aro palpa-' British cousins many million dollars, I ri(j(1 j. dissenting. Uie ns tnosun, me .act must ue mso rofopo zed that as a business invest- meut of capital it is n matter of coup ageous speculation to its projectors and will not be a source of paying In- come lor some yea-s. un uie oiuer , hand, while the city and surround- ing country are filling up with peo- pie nud with Increasing industries , through its influence, the proper y owners and business men will bo ' reaping the prollts of higher values and better trade, thus realizing on ine invesiiiieiii luofc' u.-iu on- jt f-i.-.nK.A Ib. lijf iMik I Im uuiiuer.s o. toe iuu cu j-.y uK uul , for its construcuon ami running ex- peiises. In view of those tacts, wnicni of these facts, which ,.,,... ,. .i.i 1 elaboration, it is not too much to ex-1 ..... "s... .. .- """" , is increase.! 111 vauie -w, 00 or oopei cent., by the building of the line, you cau very profitably contribute a fair siiaro of this increase tonard . ... irt e A - tlie completion of the work. When Mr. Savage comes to seo you, do not bo miserly or dlscounig- i .1.1. 1.1... 'P..L-,. .. i,,,.i,uus ing with him. lako a busiues view of tho aitUHtiou nnd nooomo a IMirt and parcel of tint progressive wMh h flt8t ukl , hoW lwte M r to ,,,w fro,,t nlllK III ail iniuriiuH. Sum I'iii-IIii-rmirlli. See hero lwy! V.hi mut druss up fr the Ko4irth. The Capitol Adventure Co. Imv Jnet omhiw1 up a big line of new etiits aud pnt.s which tire wBllinc Ml prktM tliHt xvlll astonish you. hrrct r Maiai ia Hit, ritt biuuiu '. luerruia My. la mUw mitieai and rvtallUml Utxtr, daotbaaiMi and asu rakr, the liter I alvajr riuH : uBiiled. and I Of blood uutaialliaic4 with bile. Ooe ur the rbfc-f raaoa Kb Muiuacb BUU-n U uek a Mir ilrlruM- chiu.( rbillaaud lr and evo l.jrm i.r umImiuu aiuwa. a ui lib llrt liablllll of .tLtLiLhT w - n - - - j j.fn-.iirr iuUnty '.r the Miliary iifcaa TT . .r" L 7 lL .?. 111 iii4lir "il tb- uriiM.1 . Ill wlm V tlerU Ibr lit .! I. .T'. 1-I'. U Hi Oner l'rtii m.: prrtiiin fr IksjM fcU.ui '.ntuc ir . ir.ifc-n.iii. u a load II urtllii uibuiiiioii nut. Tbc U u a lumi .u fruui !'. In aa . i.Jriu.r orruiai in.. Iiiriu. tu I- Meuiad t tin u ( it.r iiu.(i i(ii and aall .;,,.!. -lir. ii.twlun lalU the I, 1 . r. .uiv-dr la orevealiac asd r u it rem..M- evrr x- ..1 d.i'n., 1'I over uumt ouoMJ v 1 u rurtiiiMthun, id lite kid Ur.a.ud bladder, abd WaOsluiUum aod iirvnjihia ifce iM-r.HTi'm. 1 fiOTRN NEWS. WASHINGTON NFJVS. A liili-Saviii"; Hero Sulmiils lo iho Senate Admits Idaho To Matrimoin. Day. 'MONTMKXnO I1EN1HI1CKS I'XVKILEDl . ".'..... f aii iiiuupiisu innvd uitU Huv - ornors of Many States Honor the Late Vice President. CAI'l. Mritltn. MAIIKIKv I1ai.ti.mouk, Md., July I -Cup. T1IK Hi:Vl)lMCKS MOXI'Mi:.T iMHANAl'oi.i-, July 1. -Thfjirt'.it day for unxoihiitr the Hendriek's nionuuienr lu iml elear ami ir with n KKii Uteee blowing The earliest trains bgnu to pour crowds Into the city and It was early appar ent that the crowd would bo the largest ever assembled in Indianapo lis. Governor Campbell, of Ohio, aud party, and Governor Hill nud party, of New York, arrived yester day. Among nrrivnls to-day are Governor Francis of Missouri. About every civil and military or ganization in Indiana and many more from Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, and Missouri arc represented. TIIK UNVKIL1XO. The parade formed nt 1 o'clock and was composed of civic and military organizations, the gov ernors of Indiana, New York and Missouri and staffs, and many not able public men were hi the proces sion. It was a mile and a half long as it moved over its course. At two o'clock Governor Hoyey called the assembly around the monument to nrripr nnri Mm final evercisps of mi voitliKr wnro 1,po-.ip. W.....n T.1..1. Un.. . Tin: xvohi.d's kaih. Chicacio, Ills., July 1. The local board of directors of tho world's fair by a unanimous vote decided, subject to tlie approval of the na tional commission, to hold Hie world's fair on the Lake Front and at Jackson Park. Almost immedi ately a deputy sheritl served upon Chairman Gage notice of an injuiic Hon issued r.t the suit of certain ............. i........ .-,.,,. in I. .... An (lUllllllJi; llt.pcil i.i , uu in, in. init i Lake front, restraining the hoard I New York 1,027,227, New Orleans ! from proceeding to occupy that 24G.000, Philadelphia l.OtO.-loO, Pitts I ground for the xvorld's fair pi.rposiw. imrg 150,000, St. Louis 440,000, St. i a sii Alii- vaxkek u KICK. . l.'iS.OOO, Washington 2.10.000. I Chicago, July 1. Details of a cilionin (n notnltKalt now stockyards hero and frcce out the English syndicate which has just purchased , Aii.uiicr Liianie roi uie- the Union stockyard for $10,000,000, IIBiei'acs. are made public today. When the,'l A. Keel. Respondent, vs. new yards are established, the site.-, i,,.Vy, apiiellant; appeal from J being some distance south of the Mtuiu cetintv: decree of lower Union yards, tlie latter will nnt bi- worth one-IIftli ot tlie amount paid . for them, as the projectors of the ,,he ,,lM ,K , (.0L.i,ra,etl iu-iiai a iiiir.uu. Ar.ii.-. A snecial to the JOURNAL from i Albay says W. Workmaster, a lab-' rer was prostrnled to-day by the hentlul,i Wni probably die.'Ther- mouieler atone o'clock registered 91. ,,..,, ..,, ., - - -. - - u lio commit.. . ui. Kh at Kamtln, Union , couni.x. Tlie election of Hon. Joliu McAl-i lister, representative-elect fl0,l, VT..V -. -a f. J !-.. .-.A.f.d...f union conuiy is to oeconicsieu. resident of June James Casteel. Unit iltiwl LiwliL.nli. Inbt Tlltrlll Ho J b i xvns taken xvitli a violent colic and ..... , ..,.i ,.. " "1'opcuo ia.r, ...i........ ... nbotlt txvo hours. u...v t fjuHnj, $ John Patterson and xcife to 1 Serene E Franklin, lot 2 and 1 !?.l',k 41' l ivorrtlt-v (hk) ftne to j j.;,r.inott, lot 4 ' and wj lot 3, same place. Oregon Lnnd Co to Amos Connid, lot 3 nud 4. block 10, , u, , , toH..lem. ghM M fj,,,. lo T p -povul, ; all blk 11, Capital Park ml to n wn .ourioN,?C,Tto;smk'u?; Sulem. T F Royal mid wf to Perry A Krotjliur, 0 iicrois in A F Waller d. 1. c, t 7 s, r w. A HT. LOUIS I'HVSiriAV. lie Te.L a California I'r.Mlurllun. IIU Iteporl. A SC Ioii KaUoaa wiMaM adlletUia w.. iiek hsiita ha w4 feu lariariMd al ttMtir mu by M VaaW fcanartrtUa. Ikat ke allad n Ut tk (IMMioa bi a NdaUva, wa know Sc Iali phyiieUa f M akaaaa- dak Sii. Ttu. doctor w at uaee thai It JZtt!2Z2ZrJrZ it N pifVI "aaet a- aa mmm a-w trt. Uft a eH. a iavtlalk. aad (a. . a..k.aa.. Xtitr mmmAiAW auilMatf. llM im m IW"1W . -'- . 1 . . . -.- . earaiif vrofrtle., and ur XX lahiBf ta Im( IU TlrtUM (urtker. 1 K la 1 hi (ail, aad yM-rihad II 'or batleau w Na)Bra a neai-rai ijata raculalor Al a taauh. I ran aa llbu ahauat akaalala ear fur rooadaaiioa. bli kMataeaa. djrnla, ladbt.-toa. aud leek kaadarbet Tkeaa teuobw. aaua . tump Itom a dl.tuild eut.lni-rfi of the rtotaarli aadbuaeU. aadi- X raetaUe eaeMartUa U Ike beat laialiie and .lonaek raruUlM I kae Ma, aud aa a ratufal i aoffe(liM aliMMl Hirleclioc- iMfaad X HAKKETT. N. p . W dksaa4oak . M I o. - .l'-'A lltll 111 (111 . IIIIH'll - TIIK INVALID PENSIONSBlLLAI'mOYEH INoHojiiTssivoTarrins AdopltMl in Knrnp-eOther News of To-Day. IV THKSKXATK W.HH1MITUX, I). C'.,.luly 1. The sei.iit- r..; i., author!..' tensiinr of w'."il loinU !m Territory of Oklaho iiti f.u the Kticlit if pii'ili'' sflttn)l ..s ..ivMmi tu day. The -eniitc has alo pnso , a bill for the ailiulsMnn of Idaho. The ptcident has approved the naval appioprintiMU bill, the invalid pen si.'tw lull, the Hist tillice apptopria- lioi.liilt auda joint resolution pro viding temporarily fur expenditure of t he government. XO ltlU'Hli-slVK TAHlI'l'S. Wasiunotox, 1). ('., July 1 In a cablegram from Berlin of a seml ofllciai character, denial is made of the statement published yesterday to the ellect that the power of con tinental Europe, headed by Ger many, had agreed to establish mil ttd repressive taritts against Amer ican imports, if the McKinley bill, now pending tiefore the Ameiiean congress, becomes a law. (fl'IsS AT l'Ol'ft.ATIOX. Washixoiox, July 1. Superin deul Porter makes a guess nt the population of the United States. His guess in round numbers is 05, r.00,000. The ollleial returns will all bo made out within the next thirty days, and the figures will he known to a certainty. Instances in which a recount have btcn allowed are few, although exery village in (lie coun- . j try, w men is (iisaiiuiincii in uiu outcome, wants another go a' tho problem. Returns i'r iiu tho cities given nelow have been aiiuoiiiiied iu the ollleial xvay thus far, Brooklyn 9,10,070, Baltiuioie 600, 000, Boston 417,720, Bullalo 2.-)0,tK)0, Cincinnati ::00,000,Cliicago 1,OS5,000, Cl"veland 218,000, i i.luinlius 11-J.OlK), Detroit 107,00a, ('rniifl Itupids W.lKIO, Indianapolis , 127,000. Louisville 1S0,0 0, Miixvau- ntr .vu,uvw, .Mlllllvii,i'iii- iou,wn'( si i'kcmi: n.nitr T' D',-! Vlotirfd Samly 11.1s 41pK tHMirt m.Minimi, tutliiclliiB ?-I f"m ' t, Iimt of tho judgment, rocovc, Costs iu supreme Levy com t. Sandy Olds case, in which Olds, a Port- IhmiI .mmlilpr. Im been three limes convicted of the murder of E.nil Wener, another Portland gambler, nm three times sentenced to be hung. Much interent has centered in the case nil over the Northwest and tho of this decision has unMoiwly 1()oke(l f()r This clears up the entire docket for tj,e pr,.fcfJllt the judicial career of K-(!ov W W Tluiver chief 'Junlce the imst txxo vonix The coin- next session of the court w ill , incur e the first Monday in October, ' . - . . xvitli Judge It. h. htrnhau, of Al - i i.i..n....i .i 1...1.... u .......,, .... . j , ... h. ... S. JJeiili, ol I'.llgelie, Inking Ills seal llll Hub bur.i this afternoon. 1111 1111' niiiti.'iiiu i..iiiii mi ill. .... .1... .............. ....... 1. r.... .1.. i Senator J. K. Wonthfrford, of Al bany, Is in the city this afternoon. fiOO Mr. Isaac Scott shirtod thin tiftor .yy) noon for Wilholt Biniigi, for h xiiori visit of rocuiwnition. (Ulfi MiM Ix'ule Di-ai-txiru roluriied I hi afluriioon from 11 protracted vial I amoiiif frleiidis l Eufane. W. A. Siutw, f Sltw himI I).ii iiiK. xvas chIIimI to Oreuoii City lo duy to conduct mi auction aale. Dr. KueiMtta tho 'Mitwvy villMiu" of "tint Plantar Wife'," l m wl uilrMbleMilaiftatloH. At IUstl'io.ra ll(MlstlHtHlghl ofUw Hh Mr. Frwl IMUhi, h pnonlinoit y.Hii.KUiiilniritf Itoek WlUy, Iowa, iaiii I Im t-ity, tlM) yuvat of Ilia a-lar, .Mf A V. lluhr it, MIhI Mfa.1 jOjI, will aXHW M (MTIMUM.-Ut vL SelllKer. MJI MllMMlaUt is in her 'l- Jrw. " " " .hh. ifiiinieii ..witw. m aVaqf vv www-' ---W lutllUi III I'llHMaa. tlal laU.riillttf ItuHMir liaa U that Mm ta. will ii ttvpume tit tiMtruii uT bouarbotd lf iMtftrU'H, Willi WM"pttttt" U at- imI. ituMiiMc am rv. HiK laUHKllM ill fllH bUllltllg HIMl lUnuitef t'adl4 Adxeulur- Co Alwi h tiu ft llajc f-r MtU- at n bargain dep-. U! -In lift fii'in t III. ill! u county l. ujht lo the too, hint for the in h uic la-d -voiiltig a tnrtn mimed Win. A. Snider, n man 02 years old, who lms boon out of Ills mind anil yiiiH whnt dangerous to thine nr.ittiul him for the iwt four years. The mucof hi trouble Is hemorrhage of the bmlu. i r.NiWKLLKti.-The theatrical b.mnW of Salem luvo not borne hi f anli,Hit ..ta (Ik. .if tt. Willis and Miss Long in tholr re spective parts in "the Planter's Wife." Do not nii this play Fri-i day night. Pmki'auk Yoi'Hsm.r You want to gel well lio pe.l up Im-I riMtnulim , to the opera house Fihlny night, for the fun of'l he Planter's Wife" will i tet the strength of y. nr foiuirpltvi'i tissue terribly. Oorxcii. Mmrnxo. Tld holinr the Ilrsi Tuc.'day as well as the llrl d of July, tlieSaleni rity council will meet In reguini lon at S o'clock this evening. - DKtxntATlox. A frame is being erected to-day in front of Capital engine house, upon which a grandly I decorated arch will be Used during the nation's birthday. A Daxck. There is prospect for a second dancing party on tho night of July -itli, nt Armory hall. Ar rangements are being completed for n first-class party. Hand and Skai.. Clin. Urn bach, of Lakevicw, and K. II. Strong, of Portland, xvcte to-day up pointed notaries public. Those liavitnr fresh milk to -pniv on the Fourth seo the Capital dairy company, xvlio want all tho mill; they can get. ap on Ilroi'iil04. Try the Capitol Adveiitmo Co's nexv grocery store for bargains iu that line. Fresh groceries, pin visions, orai.ges, baimuus, candles, and vegetables always on hand. Best delivery i ig iu tho city. j JAPANESE BAZAAR. I JKM ('iiinnii'ri'lnlst,, opM)llo I'oxtollli'e. Ritlem, Urreim. Ulrcct Impoilors of ra,ILdt: a uuiuuu v.uiiiiiiuj .uiu . ,,... "" ,:,". ..Iliwuinll, satsunm, i!ionc, irj. Caixlng, silk, ,i;ippe. Minn i.muioiueiiw. 1'bili'ixxnir Mnttlui!. Klue Tons. Klre XX oiks. ICto.. oi iii i . every deseilption tor miIo at lott est prices. Wholesale nnd llulnll. t'.uintiy orders prompllj atleiuted to HELLENBRAND'S lilting Parlors (v I'miily Maim thcto ry , ano Cotiimnvoiai stwui iiilloi' i.-auk: hvUienm lo, irMind'r.ients Sl"TndMHV?'"",ln.O',"aC"kt'l0ecu!lI i'latu of Ho'up.'.. "'.'.. . II llnif-oniM iiV&HiTOiTiitMViStSr !. . Ili'llvnts Cork Chon and lveirs Mutton I'luip nnd Kgirs . X'enlKin ami Kkks Snnsngeiind Kggs Ham and ICggn l''rosi Oysleis any style. .. . 'Jj cents .. alronls . . .il'i cunts .. . 'JTi cents H"i rents 25 Cent Regular Dinner Served From II to3 0'Clock. A nice vailcly of egelnlitcs, Wo., elo. .lnilen, eollee or milk xith all cent meals without oxtiu chaigo. Cholco Cigars, Imparled nnd Domestli', always on iinuil. I'orti'i-House Sleak and lCggs ) cents I'emlcr Loin Steak and Kggs Wl cents A. R rV 1ST. Insti in-tlims idxcn ami l'oitralls i'iilaiel Inim 1'hntojjoipliK or taken from Life, al CherliiKton's, l.ldrldne lilnck, Salem MISS .M. KIRN. Mini ' A K i " y. U) IAUAl) $Z "" M- jos. ALliKUT. Agent. Salmn. Oregon, BRICK! URTON BROS. ' ir iii.iiwirttil tu fnriiUh u llnil-liii, ftrtlcle 1 i iirick in town or eomury or imywiier ' it. I'ru.M. rMtMin ,,, ,,, H,Ui(.BtI1H.t u o. s. ' AM order lef wild XX III n -; ""j liili-l puiiiiplh 1.1I. .idiil In. $iii,Gso Wlil buy one nf Hit-iK-at liiilfMiiUon fuiiix In Marlon eoniity, uliimied iietir Turner, 1 UrWfou. 'IVriru imny. !n. c.& J. 11. I'Oin'HH, ltn.l etat ngtllU, Aiinisvllle.Or. il:rt-lm Capitol Home Addition U iMiilllflillv liunliyl III I nil Maliilii uy.tll ut buautlfully kwuted III ljutL Malum. MMitli of ttm Klei!lrle IUIIa' Hue. near lb ' , ior Itouae. l.xrut lol, KIKIW lant. . aoil. Var ale by T. II. WILSON, Owium'. Ml Stale street. Huleu. wmwL Capital Dairy Co Hurvb aw waparad to Mlr AimIi milk A. '. Kalrwblld, K J. Kelly and W. V. enuiadoai tm. i aay uan at iba eHr Lv al Mluio.t lbv'..taWe. Tlie Salmn Oanncrv U W Ui k la Ibe i.tarkel Iff nil i-auialac va rWUaaof Clieri'itu, IJlaoU Uasjtlienm ami llliu'kliojTles Afler .line I5lli. a-'-Awdw iN-A.Mi CoMMinU.M V v SWAN Oxer Txxo Hundred of tlnst Fountain Pen manuf. idimd nttrnctivennu moro uesirnine. A full HnoofMAllIirrODnA- BAUD'S Gold Pons are always In stock, nlso PHOTO ALBUMS, AUTO ALBUMS, SCRAP HOOKS, SCRAP PHTURFS, PURSKS, CARD CASKS, VISITING CARDS, WHDD1NG STATIONERY. Remember tlie Place, 9S - -( xm Grand COX A Handsome Latest nnd improved pattern, nickel IliiLsh, xvitli complete set of utensils, (purchased of R. M. Wndo & Co.) A Ticket xxitli chance on this elegant Prize presented to every purchaso of ONE POUND of our RHLIANCE CAN TEA. Price 75 cents per pound. S. . CATTKUMN. IV. T. KKIDON. W K. CA'ITKHLIN.1 CATTERLIN, I ! A r J2v-VJ 1 We now I in vc for for side on tinny terms the most dcsiruhlu Fniu.s nud City property. Tho celebrated Ankony tract, comprising over 1,000 ncuw of the linos! grain, fruit and pasture land iu Iho Wllliuiuitte vnlluy lias been surveyed into small tracls to suit pur.ihaurs. You need mil buy of Ut. Wo will send you to tho owner of any land xvo have for wile, niul you can miikoyour own bargain. JUST ARRIVED. -Tin- Laigcwl FLAGS, BANNERS, FIRE WORKS, AND LANTERNS, INCLUDING W11KICLH, FLORAL FOUNTAINS. DFA'IL AMONG THE TAILORS, WHISTLING JACKS, F.le. jlj y ))jjno' V (' i O ' ' "' lllll llll-.. I lli)L V I J' Of all utu4. All !. Mini kiu'U of luut.-rns nt SMITH'S INSTALLMENT HOUSE, MOT Com 1 nt? rein I St, Snlt?m. THE SECOND ! MOOKIi X: Deah.m In Furniture, Nolloiia, (jutHomit arc, GUuMWHre, t'ixHra, Tobuctai, uit.ilM aiMl Kuik ii kliula of GumU Mild .1.1 ..Hiiiidmloii WMMI..fa..ri III..IB. I Churchill Sash, Door Stiili( llnors, liliiitts iV .MoiiIiIIii,'s, Turning k Scroll Saw in - --Ilinwe rlnlablHK Near llllX kind. Itll.V by al.leli we ia ulwajr. kreu full aoip . 4 aeaaa.ited aim k of ull A.arU-Lilurel Worka, Ctfurr and lllji .ireela, Nulem. Dre.Hi. IJOWKANCK HKO.S', I.IIMHKK - iu mail Hn4, xnblil. Lumboi, Lath, Shingles, Finishing Lumbur, MouldingS&CiUnjMyJfiM Hyoftt All a wwupdy I alteud lad !,. I'rUiM aa Ik m lite W--f. Hnrr Iu tV-llntr lnilldtu I inlli in Lirlle l ..f Hlrl.i AGENCYe OF THE FOUNTAIN ioilto IV. i arc now in uso in M'nrlou county alone. It is ono of tho very best All Insurance cents uso this Pen. Tho lato Improvements rondor It still more d?:fo tn ascSSSSSESC S'iwri2 STRisisT, Saum, Ore. Tea -otl'cred by- & BOGGS, firorei's, 21!) ComMieirial St. Garland Cooking Range RIGDON & CO., ED STATE AhMirlment of- I'm 1 III I ' ! iljIS I I HAND STORE, (JSIJWNI wcpihI land kum. ihhimI'I un.l Hold I'wr KIhIc un.l LlU-rty St. 1Vfa4 . . k Manufacturing Co. lo o In airaniai . .. ' l I 1 l I ' Milt Martin H-e EI v Pri2:e, OboiMMnnrvraacB TH1I RUNS l-'imt traliiH xvitli I'nllman Vditlbule Drawing room Hlocporx, dining carH nud I'oiieliiM of latent (IohIku, liolxrcou Chicago nnd .Mlixvauki-u and Ht, 111111 and .Mlnue apoilK, Khxl TraliiH Willi l'lillman vcntlbulc.1 drawing room HloopcrH, dining cars nntl coitfllieH of latent il-Hljrn. butxveen Chlcneo aiul.Mllwuiilteoand AHlilandnml Dnlutli Through l'lillman voHtlhiilo dmwlng riHmiiiiideoloulHtRleoperri via tho North ern l'aeltlo rallnmd hulxreon Chicago and I'nrtliind.Or. Convenient tralim to unit from KjiHlcrn, Vetiirii, Nortlient nntl control W'laoon. uiu ikiIiiIm. iitronllng nnc(tiiilml Bervlroto and from witukexliii Fond (lit Uio, Osli IionIi, Neenali. Alimetiha, Chippewa KallH, IO111 Claire, Hurley, Win., mm Iron wood and lU'Hnciiii'r, Mich. For tlekutM, Hleeplng car roiorvatlonn, IlinolnlilcH nud other Information, npply loimi'iilH auyxvhero Iu tlie United Htalen ur Canada. H. II A1NHL1K. (leu'l. Mgr Mllwaukco, XV l, J.M.IIANKOH1). (loii'lTniino Mgr., Ht. l'uul. n.r.iiAituiw. Tralllo Igr., Mllwioikoe. Win. LOtilHKOKHTKIN. Ann' I (lim'l 1'uHM'r mid Tkt AgU, Mllxrau ken. WU From Terminal or Interior Points Hie n n n i 1 in 11 Aim '(im in iMiii.nnM 11 1 (lumuiiuuiuuu In tho lino to take To all Points East anil South. It l tlieillnlng ear route. It ninn through v.Mllbulu traliiH overy day In tho year 10 ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO ! INo elninxo of rnni.) ComiMMii'd or dining cara iinKiirpaiiiied, l'lillman drawing room Mlceitcm Of lule.l etilpuienl TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Ihwl that oun ho conKtriuicd and Iu which MPcouiiiioilalluua are ImiIIi freo and fur nUhed for hnhkini of flint ami neeonds'la llekem.iinil KUYMAWr DAY COACHES. A eontlnuoi 11 :ico oonno-!tng with all llniw. uirnrdliig direct nud unluterrupteil rervlce. l'lillman li f ' lonn can bo e- i-ur.xl In ad vi r any agent of 11m r'Hin. Through HoUeU lo mid from all point In AinurliMi, Hnglund mid Kiiroiw can bo purehuMsl at any tlekel otllco of this com- Iny. Kill I Information ronccrnluir rutea. tinin . 01 irniiw,ritiivnuiiuuiii:rueuiiiitll!nuIietl (in uiilleutltn In any uyonl or ! A. I). CIIAHLTON, 1 AwiUtutit (lencral l'anaengcr Agent, No. 1 111 Pint alrett, cor. Waahlnuton; l'ort Imnl, Oregon. Kusene City llondu for Hale. NirriCK w hereby mrtn that under the fovUInmif unactol the 1. uUlaturo 1 of Orrtfon entlllBd, "An act tolncioriio 1 rate the City of Kugne and to repeal all ! uela unit part of aeta n eonrtlcl here 1 With," rllml In tho otllco of the aerretary .. . 1 .. j. -l. - -. i . ui atuie, ruuruurr jj, iw, mo common CTMineHl of I he city of Ktieene will laaueaud duiHinel ilia Uiiida of nld city at par I value of Imin ftiO.iuJlo fAU.UU, in denoinl iwlkoMOf from lltu tu IIUX) aa tho pur may dmlre, imyublo 'M years after date f taauluif tlm aaine, with Interest j thereon .1 the ruto not to exceed 5 r rnl IM-ruiiuum, imyab'e acmlauunally. Kenlwl iroSMala to iurehao wild bouda . will Ih, riHvml by Ilia undernluned D eJ.'CCoarv I I , n iiiMaMMyMMMi mbmmmuii -- i tti KuKene, Urt-uoti, until Hepteiuber lal. Ii$mi. and all proiXMaU received will tt opened nnd considered on IIm4IIi day ol Hepteiuber, 10, and aalit , lunula wilt be dUioaei of to the peraoit or iwrauua making tho beat oiler or oUVra iberefur. Mil llml. l.hlO. II. V. lKlllUlH. ItM-oriter for Ihel'liy of Kune. i r.-..jhiTMa vssmsmammmMtmmmm