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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1890)
TW HE CAPITAL JDDIUL rUBUHUED DAU.Y,EXCEIT8UNIAV, IlYTJIie Cnnifil Journal Publihlng Company. (Incorporated.) KnUrea at the portofnee at Haletn, Or.,M econd-cUiM matter. HOfER BROTHERS, Editors. fourth ft tor term of ubtcrlp Moo. Aderttntent to innnra Insertion (for fc name dyr) abotild be banded in oy 1 tfclocti. Uormponr1ene containing news of In tercut end Importance l dmtrM rrom nit vtru of tbactat. No attention will b paid to anonynionl aommunlcntlon. Vttwm delrlnR the Cawtat. Jovkhav Mrved at thtlrtioiiM ran cure It by po Ut card requenl, or by word left at tnl omte. Hpedmcn number neat tret on applies- O.-no. corner Court and Uberty Btreet. THUIWDAY . JANUAKY SO Aooon way to writ 11: 18TTTT Trrr. Fon once tnoitt of u are willing to lose our grip, Tub Chinamen of Chicago havi Indulged In a cluli Iiouhc. TllK Polk county Observer enter upon IU wcond year a a aiicccmfitl wrckly. Tub Dalian Haptlat havo caller' Kev. John Osborne and decided ( build tlCOO church. Tub mall fad itl.s for reaching the country town In tbl count are positively loose. The Polk county republicans art in a fair ascendancy and with har moulous effort will elect two repre sentatives. Don't Imagine that the content ot a lost will may not be proved by good evidence. Lawyer Lockwood in Boston Uurfgcu Thb editor of the Jouhnai. t under obligations to Hon. Martin h. Chamberlain for n copy of Hill' Annotated Laws of Oregon. TitKV hod a gate of 67 miles r n hour on the coast recently. That l only a slight breeze compared with the tornado that greets the man who forgets to order the Kvkninu Joim.fAi, for his wife. ! II .1 , .'-! The dally Astorlau Is opposed to that, city granting a franchise to n steam motor lino on Its main busi ness streets. Halern has Just passed on to the electric motor and belt line sJnjCf metropolitan develop- "ffrcnt. The Mormons pretend to have discovered a gigantic conspiracy of the republicans to disfranchise them, admit Idaho, Arizona and Utah with constitutions hostile to polygamy. Wo presume the re publican party can get along with' out the polygamlsU If thono torrlto ries can spare them. The operation of the now Jury system adopted by tho two Dakota will bo watohul with considerable Interest throughout the country. It Is the first attempt to test In modi, tied form tho Prussian system, which penults n majority of a Jury to render n verdict In criminal cases, the punishment being sealed from thu maximum ucuurdlng to the number voting for the verdict. Hy the lawn of tho Dakolns If nine or the twelve men agree In any case their decision Is to be accepted as a verdict. This Is a departure In the lino of reason and common sense which commends Itself. It this method ts supplemented by making Intelligence a qualification of Jurors It can hardly fall to work intlsfuo tori ly.-Kx. THE IlKl'UIU.GAN OUTLOOK. From careful scanuliig of our ex changes wo can learn ot nodlHcour aging features for tho causa of re publicanism In Oregon. The Held I full or bright prospects for good results on June Jid next. Snows lit the timber and ralus on the farms nugur n yeur of prosperity, and He publloaulsm Is always lu tho ascend ant wherti the laud Is mulling In plenty. There are however some more po elllo and practical reason why the party In Oregon hu a fair show of success. A rvumrkahlo Immlgra tlou has been pouring Into the state from Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois, tho prairie home states of Republicanism. Thu men who bring their families to this distance to secure n fairer climate and richer homes, are not thu men who give solid supimrt (o Democracy. The federal appointment for Ore gon nro so fur as wo can learn all ac ceptable and tending to party har mony. Theru are no scandals attoat connected with the names of any of our Republican state ofllclalH. Our wtato Is well represented In congro and in the euMo. It Unot too early for the working Republican of Oregon to begin ' II'Jiiovm. This vote was certainly preparation for the autlvo work of, decisive enough to show that the tho campaign. Thu election off House tW not think tlmt the proper men for position's of trtul United Hlates ought Jo pay for Its and honor cannot lx tnndo too le- inltake, nor even for Its misplaced llberutely. Tliv circulation of jjood jooHlldoiuv lu one of Its own uu UtoruUirv catuiot be beguu toottrly. ployc. TELLER OS 8ILVEH. BeualorTeller has delivered a very able eech In the United Htates senate, in whiph he shows up the weak points in Secretary of the Treasury Wludom'ii silver bill. II declares it to be an unfair measure, originating among tho Wall street politicians and virtually a bill to eliminate silver as a coin of noble metal. He declare that the provision placing suspension of coinage In the hands of the ccretary is a granting of dangerous and autocratic author ity, that would result in driving silver out of the channels of trade and leaving gold a mouoioIy 01 circulation. Air. .Teller repateuU the great silver-bearing state of Colorado, lie is termed an extremist by tin old-bug organs. Hut it should also m) remembered that he It a man of uiuinsaiid business experience, aim a republican of untarnished loyalty VVe be'Ieve he bus struck the Win lorn bill a blowfrom whlcu it Will not easily recover, THE WILD OAUK LA ITS, "H.T. Hadley, Mill City, Ore ion." Tile iJjegoa taw lu regard u. rfilliniAwlnVgauieiVas follower It prohibits killing or taking, selMm it having for Bale male deer or hue? from Nov. 1 to July 1 of the follow, and females from Jan. 1 1 Aug. 1. It applies to El It, Moose, oi Mountain sheep from Jan. 1 to Aug I, and f.irblds killing llieao at nu time merely for the skins or hams. l'ue bird, jv covers waterfowl from May 1 tov8ept. 1; prairie clilukeu and sagcSnen, April I to June loth; grouse, pheasants, cjuall and par tridge, Jan. I f July loth; trapping any or these land birds is forbidden; Having any suh in posietwlon witliltj forblJdvn time Is to be con strued aa. prim la facie evidence oi c imlnal Intent. There'll' a stringent law against destroying or removing the nest, oi taking or oUeriug to iwll any such bird's eggi. Tho killing or taking of the Chinese or Mongolian phea- .nla until Nov. 21, 1891, is unlaw ful. Thu flue for vlolutlon of any oi l he sections of the game net Is $-0 to $100, one-half the money to go to the informer, Justice courts to have jurisdiction. DKCAllKNCK OI' VIUTIJE. There wus a time not more than two decades ago, when the reckless youtli who appeared on the streets of Montreal with a noxious weed between his teeth was limknd uim as one who trod thu broad puth which leudeth to destruction, and prayers were ottered up that he might be divinely Inspired to turn from hW evil courses ere It became too lute. And It uuiully happened that he did turn, forsook vice and embraced virtue and grew tall of stature and comely or figure, with tho Hush or health lu his cheeks, tho fire or courage lu his eyes, tho strength or manhood In his arms. He became a model for tho yo ing men or all nations. Hut a m'ghty change has come upon him. It Is with uu emotion akin to shame that t lie oconto or the States have heard tho scathing indictment which the Rev. Dr. Douglas has uttered ngalimt him. 'I Impeach," he says, "the class of so-called socle'y mon as at war with the sanctity of tho family the wastcil eolimof wealth, the deuraded Lsoum or nlttgard fathers, yomiu men tlmt- arise at II, pay inorulngcalls a! .1. and dlue and wine and dbslnutc. and then at the midnight hour marcii out oi tucirciui)hoticH, tnosc heart-breakers or homes I wty, out or their club limiHcaor elsewhere and drive east into darkness. Tell me of the buccaneers or the Spanish main, lell mo of tho vcrymen that gambled for tho seamtesH coat of the Son or God. I would sooner trust luuo eence In the hands or any or all or these than with your sleek, oleairl nous, and polished scoundrels that float about in society." This Is a terrlblu picture. When wo consider thu right morality or tho men who move lu our social circles and contrast It with tho depths of Infamy to which our Ca nadian couhIuh appear to have sunk, we are appalled. And to think that there tiresome among us who would welcome the annexation of tho do minion to thu United States! No. A times no. Let us rather send missionaries Into thu country to reclaim these degenerate men. When they havo repented, when they have amended their ways, then will bo tlmu eunudi to talk or an nexation. Chicago News. Nu Mum SaUrjr Uml It in apparent that thu Houoo of ReprtwntatlveH Htaudit lu whole home awe of (ho aeiilluieut of the Auurlivin people upon thu ipieMtlou of double or hack jm,v, for w luu th hill oaniu tin to iiiinrtmrlntu $7.000. to pay tho monilani thwlr Iwuk ili l. wheh w?:o.ulK.tHl ,v riW,, thnvuHliluror tho tterKWUtat-anim, altt'r (toino piviiiuiititry HKlruilsiiiug tho Mil wan ilofeutitl by IUM a,Vt' to There seems to be no provision or law which makes the tergcant-at-arrus a banker for the members of the House of Representatives. The pay of a member begins from the first day of his elective term, and he may draw his pay month by month. If be does not do so, but allows the money to accumulate In the custody of these geani-at-arms, there is no reason why the government should pay tho members for a low caused by defalcation In theofilce of that official than to repay them hud they drawn their jmy, put It Into a bank and i he bank had failed. It Is a good sign for the country that this vote bos reu ted In this way. It certainly Indicates that the representatives from the various states have a sense of their responsi bility to the people, and that they do not go to Washington merely for the saary which is attached to the oulce. There must have been some among those who voted in the nega tive to whom the vote meant an actual pecuuiary loss, and these men, whoever they may be and Without any partisan dlitluctlon, are entitled to tho credit of having preferred the rights of the peop.e to any ersonal considerations. This probably puts a quietus for ever to any back salary grabs. It establishes the rule that if themem ers of the house cannot take care of ihulr own pay Ihey must lose It; or, as a well-known character lu Cali fornia used to phrase it, that the man who burns his own foot must .valk on the blister. Probably the house will be a little more careful hereafter about ItsdisbursingofHcerH, -to that no default In the ofllce of the shull operate to .leprlve the memoera or their sal aries. Sun Francisco Chronicle. ?.o i.o:?r rriion. lint Cttrwj Jlodcru T-f' Ccn-t ..iiin. Accortlln; to IJo i a:i I rancIco Galilei n roraou? hai been i.ia: with almu5 ancnlns rcr"a::j' ocreoac 'onjtipo'.lna. tt 1j tho new la-attveprlnrlplc In Joy's Vcso- taMQfar!aar;."a. TUo i n'.tcri art full of '"5- eeatoecircnrc1 touCrmiug lt tf.lcary, r.u 1 woglto J'bco ta IUr: latt sffnmtlo!!, a larl frota Can TraaclM-i I Lnu.. u lady raaal cure, doray.: "la nil'.Uiclo relate lho fo'.lowlas erTcirni o. 1 I avo tor ycarj iia 1 a trrai stoma:'.! r.ttcnde-1 wl'li roiutlpaMon, I and never found lut rn i-oarallo:i tlmt helped moo til I :nt roou ... roout and lost lis effect, a I 1 n a i a sufferer till I trlcl Jj7'i Vi-etaVu f araparllla. It thorou;'.i!; rsor:aui:cd me. I I ad ono of I'.io most ieail:i'.-o( t t.tnai.-uln and wailu con tinual d;:.-ei, !):: ca i v1"i t!io aid ot Joy' 3 7l:!i lay i.U a-nntomcl freedom. I an lo'i rui?r!ol aal ''clJiiteil, aud glaUl7 rceiKsiactsd !t " t'LAr. 1 3tzi.vf, Manicure, . . UJ Ccjrau street. 3. T. Lnst summer the miccn of Italy attained the loll lent point ever reached by a European Hovereigu by the ascent of tho Urellliorn. 18,7b5 feet. No Family Should lie Witlioct It. Dr. E. S. Helden: I have used your Ethereal Couuli Syrup for it long while. I would never be with out It, as I consider Its curative ef fects instantaneous for enoughs and colds. No I'auuly should be with out it. R. E. WILIIOIT, Stockton. Large size $1.00, small U0 cunts. For t-ule by all Urni'eNls. IliU'hi.-.i h Aiiiiiu halve. Tho best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter ehappud bauds, chilblains, comu and all sltlu eruptions, aud positively cures piles or no pay required, it is guuruiumi to give perfect satisfaction, or money reiuntied. rneo u cents per uox. . For sale by Daniel .1. ery, drug- San Franelhco baiters get from $15 to i"i) per week. Some helpers net $17 and a few ehargu $:M. The union has cut the hours from 00 to (tl per week, and ehaugud the monthly pay day to each week, and In some tases abolished boarding at the shop-i. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was Just an ordinary scrap ot wrapping puper; but it saved her life. Shu was In the last stages ol con sumption, told by physicians that she was Incurable and could live only a short time, shu weighed Ic.-s than seventy pounds. On a pi ceo of wrapiiliiii paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a saiuplu bottle, It helped her, she bought a lurc Lottie, it hrlK'd her more, bought another ud grew bet ter fast, continued Its use and Is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weleh-' lug 110 pounds. For limber imrliu ulum send stuuip to W. II. Cole, DrugL'Ul, FortHiulth. Trial Itottlei of this ivoiiderful Discovery Five as DauIulJ. Fry's Drugntore. Catarrh, Catarrhal Iteafncss Hay ' Fever A New llomi Treatment. Sttfterers un not generally aware i that tliCNO dlseuHt'H im etintuglous, or1 that they aru due to the presence of' living puniNllc-. In ilio lining iiiem-, liruiiu of thu nose and rtistauhlati iuIk. Mlirwcoplu ivseurxh, how ever, has proved this to lu a fact, anil the result of this discovery 1h that a simple remedy has been form ' u luted whereby catarrh, catarrhal I tlearness and hay fever are permit- nenllv cured In tnitu onu to tliree t ylnuilo Hpi)UatUiiH tnudo at home "fiffl ,Ku,;7,Sr a Biiuirur an olntittunt; Uuli Imve Ikvii tlUniUd by rvputublo iihiIu luiitfu injurtotu, A lumplik't ixj plulnmg till now trvulnioiit Is sent1 mil on rvtviiil orHtunip tn my pH-l Dixon v Sou, 837 and SVUl Wct King Strvt-t, 'iVmnto, Cntiml.1. I'lirlstlun Advocate. I 15 . . "T7T . . 1 1 buarcra (runt Catarrhul tnuibk-u ultoula carefully read the above, M-lVlHKl THE CAPITA! EVENING- JOTTOEAX. CITY FAHJI FROFERTV m a it- flHVffitv.i flV Honey Loaned on Improved farms at 6, 7 and 8 Per Cent at 292 COMM ERCI A L STREET, SALEM, OREGON. SSTA number of choice lots In University addition for sale-cbeap.-3 THREE Grand Consisting of the follewing: First Prize Elegant China Tea Set, fifty-six pieces, complete. Hecond Prize Fine Hanging Lamp. Third Prize Set of Rodgers Bros.' Plated Knives and Forks. OKFEllED UY Cox & Grocers, 249 Commercial Street. S7"Ticket8 with chance on one of the three prizes presented to ev ery purchuwr of ONE POUND of our TEA! OlTer good until Marcii 1, 1800. V ' , A. SHAW. SHAW Sz Rea Estate GENERAL AUCTIONEERS! tSrWc have a large It"t of farm also initc charge oi auction sales in any part or the state. NO. U04 COMMERCIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. attention! Wo have farm, large and small, lots from SGO up, and houses and lots n all parts of the city. Wo do a commission business exclusively. If you I wish to sell, list your property with TWO REDUCTIONS. Wo must reduce ourstoek In order to make room for our spring goods. Therefore we will also reduce our already low prices on BOOTS AND SHOES For tho next forty days. Give us a call and be convinced tnat we mean what we say. Yours, respectfully, KRAUSSE & KLEIN'S, No, 221 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. Wm. DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, cri I ISA-V W SL tCS'Tv. itrilT feis. -- v u ' ..""i STB AM LAUN DRY AT GEORGE IIOUYE'S RARBER SHOP. Money! Money! Money! ' . l"" f''r ad city WHrly, at lowest rales, lljtrgaius lu citv ad country ptxirty. Accident ami Firo Insurance. ' i MOOURS A Ol r.T.P.sntr- NO. .Iir COMMKKCIAL. STUKliT. SALltM, OREGON. FARM -A!I- LOANS A SPECIALTY! Tea Prizes! Boess, W. H. DOWNING. DOWNING, - Agents AND- -o- lands and city property for sale We us, Suburban tracts a specialty. PAVNE & BRIDGFORD. 0 Co. rown & Leather and Findings CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. Thin hntue cftrrlr a lr,;e mock of flrnt- u'u kwhu innu uie ixmi iiiiinumcturers lu tlio wurlil, nud I prepared 10 give NUIifiic linn, Null In nlje unit iiiiilltv, to oven ou w ho 111 jmrxhuM-&,& m tbein, No. 231 Commercial Street, SALEM - OREGON II AVE YOU EVER SEEN AN Y OF those Shirts Collars antf Cutis luuudried at tho SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY? If not make it a point to do so. OFFICE; 200 COMMERCIAL ST MOOllttS A GILLESPIE. o liNorincrn mm uoiuwou. I IT II . IImIiA IHI ll'fl'l I 1- GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO FAOTTB.V1AII.VjIbo1, SHORTEST LInTtO CHICAGO And nil potuU East via St. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. rh VortliHrn PaclHcfntlroad Is the only IWawilal igfurs,tmt-.iU .uc) irom Ion-Undtothi-sist ee that your tlckHrwl via the Northers l'aclrlc railroad nDd avjid the change of fare. 1-wive Portland at?a in. and 8:W p. m. dalIrrtw nJlMIaneBpolU or Ht. 1'aul at PAcmc DlvisioK.-Trn.lns leave Front and O street dally at 115 a-, m. and 8M p.m.: Arrive at T:10 P mand lia m arrive .NatlU toHa in andft) p. ,w TbrouKbPullmanlWaw Sleeping un.. piptnin. ojiy roacucs, " r.-- ---...- . - i u..hinrinnSL. Portland. Oregon. lleput Corner First andO btreeta. THE YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PAW RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's rteanunlp line. ta5 miles Bhorter, -JJ nour lesstimethan by any otnei ipute, nwi ilass througli passenger Hiirl freight line irom 1'ortland and all pomtfi in, the II mmette vallev to and from Bau t ranclsco TIME SCHEDULE. (Except SunonyB). Leave Albany J-"?iJK?: I n....llla a. IJII 1 !W ircuvevopuiii - ::.:,; vrrive luqumu .---- . Lave Yaquina w A Jl Leave Corvallls lUao A M vrrive Albany 1W A i) O. t C. trains connect at Albany and Jorvallls. The abote trains connect at YAQUINA with th Oregon Development Cors Llm jlsitea'jiihlps between aqulna and HaD rrancisco. SAILIXU DATES. STEAMERS. FROM YAQCtN Willamette Vallcr Monday bept. iVillamctte Valley 1'uei.duy " 1 Willamette Valley, Wednesday " 1o STEAMERS, FROM SAN FltAKCIbCt vVlll.iinpttp Vnllev Wednesday. Sent. 4 Willamette Valley Friday ' M Willamette Valley b.iturday ' 21 Willamette Valley Sunday " 2i This company renerveo the right to change sailing dates without notice. M. B. russengers fiom 1'ortlaud and all Willamette Valley points can make cloe wnnectlon lth the train- of the VAIJUINA HOUTE at Albany n CorvalllB ud if destined to twin H inclsto, should irrange to arrive at Vaquma the eening itfore date of sailing, I'ivxuger ani Irdght Kates Always tie Lonrsl. Kor Infortnullon apply tn Slessrs, ilL'LMAN i ;o., KreigUt and Tickel genw aw and at! Front t.. Portland, Or. or to C.C. IIOGUE, Ac't Cien'l Frt. & Pass. Agt., Oregon i"aclfle It. It. Co., Corvallls, Or (1 H. HASWE&l.,Jr. Ocn'l Frt; J: I'ass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 301 Montgomery ct.; San Francisco, Cal The Oregon Taciflc steumbonts on the Wlll.iincttuo river ulvNlon will leave Port land, south-bound, Monday, icdiieday and Friday at Da. m, rrls-e at Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at S:'Ju i. m. Leive Corvallls. north-bound, Monday, Wednesday and hrlday at Sa. in. Anlvcnt Portland, Tuesday, Thursday .inn naiuruay ai .km p. m. .1.. MnmlfiV t,..l li .!.. .... rl 1hI rim. both north unci south-bound boats lie over ulght at salcui, leaving there ut (i u. m. 0.0 HOOUE, A. G. F. and P. Agent, Union Pacific 11 R. Company "OVERLAND ROUTE." fralns for the east leave Portland at 7.U0 m and 9.C0 urn daily. Tic its to andfron principal points In tin Unltedstatcs Ca ada and Europe. Elegant New Dining Cars. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS. Free Family Sleeping Cars run through on Express trains to Jmaha, Council Ulufls and Kansas City without change Connections at Portland forfcanFiancls co and Puget Sound points. For turther particulars address any agent of the company or I. W.i.EE. G. P. A. C. S. MEU.EN, General Traffic Manager 1890. Harper's Young People, AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. The Eleventh Volume of Har phr's Youxa People, which he Kins with thu Number for Novem bers, 18o9 presents unattractive pro gramme. It will oiler to its readers at least four 6eriuls of the usnul length, nuil others In two or three parts namely, "The Red Mubtunjr," by William O. Stoddard; "Pliil ''PrineoTommy,"by John Russell ColtYKl.I.! Mini "I,,lli..'o i uvMahciahet E. Banqstkk; ttvoi Ollllt-t 1 .11 l..ln I... II -a ' "" --nuiuy ItJALMAIl WJOItTII UOYI-SKN. Two S.Tiia nf l,,.lr.. '!'..!.. will attract the attoiitinu of lovers i mo wniiiier-worin, name v, the (lUltiut titles tnhl In- ll.ui-., ...... una bo ut in ruhlv llln, .-, i i..! him, and niuuiier series in a dlfler- .lt l..tfl 111 l.1!. . - f 1. ; I Iieiv will be short stories bv W D ' 0WEV-S' Thomas Nelsox Paoi:,' , Mahv E. Wilkin, Noiia Pkhuy' David kKr, Hkzkkiah UuttuhI woutii, b. piiik SwErr, Ricuaud Maixwi Joh.nsto.v, ete LUAUU A subscription to IlAiirnit's Jouxo 1koii.k becurcs a Jt Av lie ll'niry. There is M.fu knot I ,C A WlS """"W-Bwto,: PeT vS?r.S! PoS,Ug0 1rluId- ?- 00 Vol. XI. begins November 5, I8S9. SiHvimen Copy seut on recelnt of ea?lLGLE Xl,J,UEIB. pivo Cents Rcnijltai.cts should k nm.le bv Ed?Ji!f:ER & "fern. WANTED WANT1.I .V inn" " k """ "iuub triom hablls wants to correspond ..m.nlnilF. Olilcct, matrimony. Address " - .a M . dm VI A llM M.U.Nelson, ISOD, Mill". ... "-""-" FOlt SAI.K. HJHHAl7K0tlTUAI)Kfor city Property h in Halo n. liny ncresoflnud Rtiltable lor grnpo culture, eight miles south of Ba em. Also two nunc red acres best poach and for sale nine miles south of tfelem, dirt cheap. O. O. tllen. 318 Cheraekcta ktrcet, Salem. SOOIKTV NOTICES. r T Vlllti MUr 111 1 1 1. o iK"". Hi'-ei' . .-u.i..i.m.lll .U fyi....ln. nA. l mgounicsuu iiik"" v.. ...... u VM P. Ml. J.OT)ONALD:C C. V. II. H. WATKltS. K. of K. and H. nUVE l)IaK No. 18, I. O. O. P., meeU On Odd Fellows' Hall upstairs. Oornei Ubtninerclal and Kerry streets, every But urdayat"::p.m. w.VOT. J.L.M1TCHKKL, I.A. MANM7NO. Hecretary. " O. OA. n.-Wcdgwlck Tost, No. 10, Depart . ment of Oregon, meets every Monday evenlngatthe hall over the Oregon Land company's olllce. Visiting comrades an cordial! y Invited to attend. .. t). C. Siikum an, I'ost Commadcr. 8. A. IUXDLB,AdJutnlt. VltOFESSIONAL CAKDS. J. J. SHAW. J. T. OREOa. . TTnnP.VR AT LAW. Halcm, Oregon. OHlco first door to the left at head of stairs In the rear of Ladd & Hush b bank. TILMON FOUD, nttorney at law, Salem, Oregon. Olllce uivstalra In Patton'a block. TOHN A. CAHSON, Counsellor and attorney at law. Member of the Bar of Ontario, Canada, 03 State street, Balem, Oregon. nHYSIUlAJS.-MlW.DK. M. E. McCoV I phyBldan and surgeon, has located and taken rooms over Squire Farrar' irrocery store, uuruuiu uiocudcb ocu falty. Consultation free. 12-21dw CHAHLES C. OUltTIS, M. D.. Surgepa and Homceopathlo physician. Office and residence, 13," Court street, In ofllce tor- , inerly occupied by Dr. lthsdcn, Salem, Or. Olllce hours 8 to a iv. m. nnd from 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Diseases of the rectum and chronic diseases a specialty. Fifteen years experience. 4 NDUEW II. DIVEN, PHYSICIAN AND SUUGEON, iSulcm, Oregon. Offlco heurs: 9 to 11 a. m., 3 to 6 Jand. 7 to Olllce: Court street, next door enRt of Dr. Rowland. Hcsidet.ce. 301 Cbcmcketa st. PHOFESSIONAI. NURSE-A specialty made of confinement!, large experience Mrs. C. C.Morgan, 290 Commercial street. l-zi-iin pTwILLIAMS. STENOGRAPHER . and Typewriter Copyist. Wlllmako reports of trials, etc.; copying ou type wrlteraccuratcly and neatly done. Olllce over A. T Yeaton's furniture store, Com mercial street, Salem. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, all lclnds of decorating; prepared to do contracts. C. 0. Morgan, 'iUO Commercial btrect. 1-24-Im "VTOl'ICE Is hereby given that the part JM ncrshlp heretofore existing between 11. A.Thomas and John M. Puyn , has been dissolved. Parties owing or having bills against said Arm can settle with either party John M. Payne. NOTICE. NOTICE Is hereby given that at a meet ing of the stockholders of the OAr itai. JuUHNAi. Publishing company, held De ember 4th, 1880, by unanimous vote tho capital stock of thucompany was Increased from Five Thousand to Ten Thousand Dollars. M. L. CIIAMI1ERLAIN. Secretary. Professor Loisette's MEMORY Discovery and Trai ning Method. In spito of adulterated imitations which miss the theory, nnd practi cal results of the original, In spito of the grossest misrepresentations by envious would-be competitors, and in spite of "base attempts to rob" him of the fruit of his labors (till of which demonstrate the un doubted superiority and popularity of his te.ichintr), Prof. Loisette's Art of Never Forgettiug is recog nized to-day in both Hemispheres as making an Epoch in Memory Cul ture. His prospectus (sent post free) gives opinions of people in all parts of the globo who havo actually studied his System by correspon dence, showing that his Sv8tem is used only while being studied, not afterwards, that any book can be learned lu a single reading, ruind- pectus, terms and testimonials ad dress Prof. A. Loisette, 237 Fifth awuuv, n, i, l-y4Wi5m 1890. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. A IIPW Mtinl? (wnui.n lcil l F.bwi.n A. abuby will be presented in by Andrew Lanu. Harper's Magazl-.e has nhnn'in fi sTe.lul nrrungemenu with Al- .,,1, ,uu Krt'iuesi oi iivinir hienchnove Uts, foi tho oxcluslve pubir ili!!!n,ln,?f!r "' f!!r,"jofu numerous Jtory, ' P entitled -The C'ollnosts of Tarascon I .?."B.rAaon,ule!i of thtt Famous Tatta r in. 1 he story will bo translated by Hen- Myrbach?' "Ulf 1,lll!,rnt(;a bf ItosJiand BM,iP;h"owc,lB. w,n ontrlbnte a novel- .nSr'81 andLi.fc.dlo Hearn a nowicttc in two parts, entitled "Youmv " banilMiiiiely lllithtratetl. my' ofP'.,ir.Pn8,tirn!ea P-1!'0"1'. touchlns subjects mmi .', in,.Vres ."nalnlu short stories, C?fi ""'.'nifly i.rtic es, the Magazine will malutaln Its cll known standard. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. I'ER YEAIt: Harper's Magazine ., M uurper's weekly . M 'luriiers iiazar . m nrper-a Young l'eople 2 00 i'f, f to all suhfcrlbers ia the L'ultcd stales, Canada, or Mexico. ..,T.".y"!!""0.8,o-f e Magazine begin witl lVr,KliW December ol foriutiiVnV wiii ii". """' specined, ut S?n?S?.?J,.,..S!KJ,W'y tP Number .'eVj'KTtTdu: Keiiiittatim should bo'nmde bv Post. om.xM.u.n.yordtrordruft,rnvoi7cIutn8oa ilSwn?!ihlnlutB?thi0 PPy this adver. Addrs: Harper 4 Prothers.Kew YorK SSSSk miliUmmmSm rarasas T WMMffvWfc