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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1888)
J nTiWi?f liWi ' MHT mil I I, Hi ifiiipl I CAPITAL T X TIPl TV T T I VJ L JLVl xjlJLo HyiHW& t'AlJ!'!- Hunri ;t VOL. 1. ntorESSioxAi. gauds. riTZO V. BELT, ATTORNEY AT LAW It nud District Attorney. Ofllco nt court house. nlllMDV FORD, ATTOUNEY AND I A 1n. n Tmi. Sl.iln,, ft,,,i Inr nt Law. Salem. Office, P stairs in Patton's block. I IXJllIlCli'l "" 'Ju1 w.wwu. H VW & GUKGG, ATTORNEYS AT Law, SaiCIll, wrui". umwu m x uuuu a look, ur stairs over Belt's drug store. T RICHARDSON, ATPOIINEY AT S Law. Olllce over Ctipltol National Sink. 219 Comincrcinl Street, Salem, Or. 1TTM. KAISEU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, V Salem, Oregon Olllco with Tllmon Ko'd In Pattern's bui'dlng. Will practice in nil tlie courts of Oregon. Collections nmcle. Land olllcc business a. specialty. HST. HELEN, PIANO TUNER AND repairer. All work wirrnnted. i.cae oiders nt T. McF. Patton's book store, state street, Salem, Or. nXl'RKSS WAGON, QUICK AND SAFE Vj (lell ery. Win. Rennle bavins bought the express bus-Iness of Walter Lowe, Is prepared to deliver trunks, valises, pack ages, and any thing else that ho can get in his wagon to nny part of tho city, quicker, safer, better, nnd neater, than it can be done by nny body else. Leavo orders at 3Iiutos stable. IT Jl INSURANCE ftfl C o in p a n y . I Firo nud Ma rine. JO6!. ALBERT, Agent, Salem, Oregon. DR. GILBERT, THE EMINENT Scientist, anthropologist, physician nnd surgeon, will open an ofllco In tho New Bank Block, on Mny 1st, for tho treatment of all diseases of women, nud nil other chronic case, on strictly hygienic and nat ural principles. Medical bat lis, oxygen and electro-mngnetUm used. Charges strictly moderate. Address box 170, Salem, Oregon. I.IIMWII.I Mill llll roirsAi-T:. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. OFFERED BY Willis & Chamberlain. tt) acres, 3 miles from Salem, highly cultivated S."-000 4 lot-, good houso nnd barn, Knit Sa lem. 2S00 Slot-, llnely situated 1750 aOncres, 2i miles fiom Salem, veil Improved, can be divided Into 3 or four trtictR 10,000 260 an C"), 8 miles from south of Salem, fair lniprovememente,lino tl.ber and water 3250 1 block of land, 3 houses, lent for SI2 each, pays Interest on $10UU 3000 SO acres ifi miles south of Salem, fair Improvements 2200 6 acres, adjoining city limits, In meadow . 1200 1 lot. good houso and barn, adjoining court houso block 1850 1 acre, Salem, now houso nnd barn, plenty of small fruit 2000 The foregoing Is but n partial list of tho bargains w o hnvo to oiler. WILLIS & CHAMBERLAIN. Opera House, Court Street, Salem. For Sale. A good Iron frame- Horse I'owor. Good for all uses, fiom ono to full capacity. All for the low prleo of 380. Call at tho Pa cific Cider, Vinegar .t Fruit 1'ro-orvlug Company's olllco. Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE 2SS ACRES, 2H In cultivation, 30 acres good tlmbi'r, bal ance pasture; 100 acres In fall wheat, 35 acres lu oats, and 30 In potatoes. House, barn, orchard, etc. Two miles north of Salem, may bo divided; price, $60 per noro, terms easy. Inquire of G. N. rOTTOKFP, Cor State and Commercial Street, Salem. KARIVI FOR SALE. llfi&Siwres, near Prospect hill, 7 mile, by agood road, from Salem, H8 acres in culti vation, balnnee In timber. Well watered, good $1000 house of 8 rooms, moderate burn, well at the door ; nil fenced and a thrifty young orchard. Thirteen acres seeded to pasture gmm, and 07 nores ingrain. Pur duurer can have liberal terms to harvest wops PRICE 1000, TIME GIVEN. Come right to the farm and save agent's fcss J, P. ROBERTSON, Enquire of Chnrloy Itobort&on, at the Grango Store. STOCK PAKM FOR SALE or RENT! 530 ACRES Well watered and plenty ot Umber. Two wxuee ana two htnu. Good oreiuuxl. Meadow and IS) aerea plow land. Fifty Ma4 of eauta with Ute place If wanted, ana onenoiiKhtoniliU. AYlthlu five mtles ofdeaMoAiSeO.C.R.R. A bargain tor Enquire at Office of Caoital Journal, Swill's OIL CAN HOLDER. I1 Having Died W. K. HmlUi'a OU Can lloM tr la our toveral families. we heartily m. V"f all good wonU seoIn lujararl v believe It to be the moat mmAU and nioxt-nient hoiuetaotd article. i :. M- irria, lit. J. KrvnoMa, ' . Maubewa Co. A- T. Ollbeii, ',r J. N.iSiuith, ir. J. W. Mawditb, fjt had wick. A. Omul. u-jrvr """ A. Omul. 'V.-SaV. ' H-OdeEr' & Friedman, Oeo. W. Bell, A. Mayer, W. Br man. ailSCKLLANKOUS. H. W. COX, ( The Port Drug. Co.) 100 State Street, Salem. Oregon FULL LINE (1 Medicii UllflCi CI CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes a Specialty. AGENCY FOR THIS CKMORRATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. flS-Tho host llvo cent cigar in tho mar ket. H. AW COX, d&w 100 Stnto Street, Salem. STAIGER BROS., Importers nnd Dealers In ES Latest Styles! Leading, Lines! Lowest Prices! (Jcncral Agents for Oregon of W. R Foravllie's Infallible Corn Cure. 243 Commercial Street, (Geo. E. Good's old stand. SALEM, : : : : : OREGON. A.. E. STRANG, No. 80(1 Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -DRAI.HK IN- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas anil Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. -Agent for the RICHARDSON fc IJOYNTON OOJU'AJfY'S Furnaces. E tablUhed In 1SW. imuril twm 65S2Lii5!!ii WCTIMENOKg Dm and Medicines Boo Shoes cr & . -yy3iM r-fa mo j.. i zr TvrrMeifr-f zx . a. HAVK YOU A COLD IN THE 1IKAI) which doe not get lie eeulve aeeretlon of inucne matter In tlie uaaal iiaaaageaT AVK YOU A COLD IN THE 1IKAI) IiaWKUlg. HflHUll, w w iuu.uc4 vj w, ireuwuft roaring in me ears, more or lew. imuuiruieui oi iw nnni iiKtraur dnUnws or dhudness of the bead, dryness or heat u Miaonramellf Is vour breatlt toulT If so. you have the aymptoma, other only a part. California. Itestorea the aenee of taste and smell, removes had taste and unpleasant breath, rasult lns from Catarrh. Easyand pleasant to use. Follow directions and a ear 1 gnsran tesd byDulMATrifEW'H i Co. RltCOMMItNDBD. nAiTAIN CHARLKS I DIMON. of New York aiy. formerly special aaent of nojolXand Home Insurance Company at Han Francisco, Gal.. says: "I have tiool mandedyour enrauve nreDettles: but I must say, after using bled with Chronic Cutarrn tor i weniy years, a. menu in wondlaiM. USJ., re l.A P1T-Hlini I MnMiMlul Imm k.nh.. ft.... Ift.l .. ilhoais Inclosed rind 15 for which send me UalUornla L AT-K-CUKE for some friends, SOLD AND aUARAKTEED I1Y D. W. MAnHEWS & COMPANY, 106 state ST., Salem, Or SNELL, HEITSHU & W00DARD, Wholesale Depot. SALEM, OR. gMiijmmjgnwMBa""TiTmiTreiyi iwiiih sBmEBgitjJwmaihMumwa VINANCIAT.. First National Bank (.SALEM, OREGON". WM. N. LATHTE, . . 1)11. J. REYNOLDS, -JOHN 5IOIR, - - - - President. Vice President. - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, J.ondon and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers nro cordially invited to dejiosit vml transact bu-Inons with us. Liberal advances mado on Wient,wool, hops nnd other proporly at reasouaoio rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at the bank in most reliable companies. ESTABLISHED 11Y NATIONAL AUTHORITY. Tli Llll 1U OF- SALEM, OREGON, - 75,1)00 - - - 9,500 Capital Paid up, 11. S. WALLACE, - - rioblilout. W. AY. MARTIN, - Vice-President. .1. II. ALHERT, .... Cashier. DIRECTORS) W.T.Gray, W. W. Mnrtln, J.M. Mnitlu, R. S. Wallace, , J.'H. Albert, T. McF. l'.Uton. LOAMS MADE To farmers on client and other market- nblo produce, consigned or In store, either In prlvuto grannrlesor public, warehouse. Stale anil Couulv Warrants Iloimlit at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt leasonnblo rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Kan Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, licrlln, Hong Kong and Calcutta. MARKETS. The SALEM MARKET !3 COURT STIIKET. Constantly on hand the boot quality of tell ami Salt Meats ! And nil kinds of S AUS AGr B. 49-Tho CLKANKST kept market in the city. Call nnd mo for yourself. ilCCROW & WILLAIU). CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATU bTKKKT, - SAUiM, OiUJUON. B-Ali kinds of frosh and cured meatH always on hand. Full wolfc-litauiln tquaro deal all around. gMMlllllWIIBlMI I llll llll I BENSON'S EXPRESS. f KAVK ORDKlt.S AT LANCE'S LIV J J ery Stable, corner of 8tate and Front btreetH, or on slate at corner State and Com meretal streeU. Prompt attention nnd care guaranteed. W. A. DBNSON. STRICKLER T3ROS, -DKAI.BH8 1N- STOVES AND TINWARE I Hooting and Spouting a Specialty. tf-At the old stand of lien. Stran, Com mercial Street. the fl NfLY OUAWTEtD CURE ID CA OflqviLLECAU o Capital National VWCUR voir which doea not get beilerf HavWMwan ex- Iaaagee 7 Are you uouDteu oy oreneaa of tbe tttraat, ringing or ig, loaa oi uimu, meinory im r the note ? Have yon lost all Catarrh. Some have all these tbe been reeonv lu three Jars, I am cured of that disgusting TURSDAY, JTTXE 21, TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY 'Till KEl'UUMCAX C0XVEST1OX. The riatforni Declares Tor Protection anil Cheap Postage Nomi nations. Chicago, Juno 21. The conven tion re-convened this morning, tit 10 o'clock. At 10:11 tho roll wns called for the naming of members of tho national committee. 10:30 Warner of Missouri un noticed that the committee on plat form would be ready to report in ten minutes, and at 10:41 McKinley of Ohio took the platform and read the report, which was frequently greeted with clamorous applause. Tho platform sends greeting to Brasiil on the emancipation of her slaves, and to the homo rule party in Ireland, each sentiment being applauded enthusiastically. Tho words "Wo are uncompro mising in favor of the American system of protection;" were received with loud and prolonged cheering, all tho delegates being on their feet. JThc platform demands reduction of letter postage to ono cent, con demns tho democratic administra tion 'for its attempted demonetiza tion of silver, for tho surrender of tho llshing privileges, and its spirit of hostility to pension legislation. Tho platform was adopted by a maiistr voto on motion of Alurino, of Maryland. At 11:10, tho roll call for nomina tions, began. Warner, of Connecticut, presented llawloy's name, without a speech. Creed Ifaymoiul, of California, said : "California asks to be passed." (laughter and cheers). Leonard Swett, of Illinois, nomi nated Oroshain. Davis, of Minnesota, Lynch, of Mississippi, nnd McCali, of Massa chusetts, seconded tho nomination of Groshimi. Hector, of Toxus, also seconded Oreshnm's nomination. AfterGresh ham's seconds had concluded, lSx Gov. Porter, of Indiana took tho platform for Harrison. Tho men tion of Harrison's naino was greeted with prolonged cheering, and the Indiana men got on tholr foet, wav ing funs. Porter was interrupted with cries of "Greshttin" mingled witli hisses. At tho conclusion of Porter's speech, tho Indiana dele gates rono-niiu cheorod, and tho coir volition adjourned till B o'clock. AITHItNOON 8IMSIOX. CmoAao, Juno 21., 8 p. in. Con vention called to order again. Toall, of Texas, took tho platform tonoc ond Harrison's nomination, amid waving of Ixmiiors from Indiana to Hector, who ueconded Grefllium's nomliiHtiou, and applause for the remainder of thcYi'oxwf delegates. Galllnger, ot Xew Ilaiupehlre, alao seconded Harrison, and the call of states proceeded. "Iowa" coming next wan greeted with cheering. HejilHirn, of Iowa, nominated Alluton, who name ww greeted with cheera from Ute galleries; and lloor. In Uie oourte of hla speech lie mUI Alltoon woukl not be found returning rtlMi JUgs. Tlta olieew contirittajl MNd criea for "I'ornker." T) call of 4ts still eoiiUmwa. No balloting will be liml before evening at leawt tvr THk. Hutuv. J mm 20. The uneasy feeling la lumaMiMg. Wu rumor are ptouHful. Tlie huge gan-teoii at Nancy, oojnprlalng 90000 soldiers, are at rork night and day building fortifications-. At BtnUbuvg tbe 1SSS. BBrrow in n mwiTm.i ,.. i same thing is being done, lu Iter lln the war party is in theascendaut, and at Paris Houlaugor is on the top wave. DlMluguNhcd WimIiIIiir. AVashixotov, Jrxi: 20. Knsign "Welwter A Kdgar of tlie Davy, son of Madame Jerome Hoiuiicirto. nnd Miss Matilda Emery, daughter of .Mrs. imiipneu t l'.merv, were mar ried at .St. Matthew's Catholic church this morning, In the pres ence of n largo company of distin guished people. Swl-ts CiilonUti, Sax Fiiaxcisco, June 20. M. H. Goldstein, agent of tho Portland board of immigration, is trying to induce a colony of twenty to twenty-live Swiss fanners to go to Ore gon, and suggests that it would be u good idea for some of the boards of trade in the counties to consult with the Portland board, to see what in ducements can be given them, as they are considered a most desira ble class of producers for a country. Dnitli of mi Aliollllinilit, Tho llev. James Freeman Clarke of Huston, who has just died, at tho age of 78, conspicuous as he was among tho preachers of the Uni tarian faith and as a liberal writer on religion, was, perhaps, mil to as well known throughout the country for his zealous Interest in polities and his uncompromising indepen dence as a citizen. J Ie was a fearless and outspoken advocate of the anti slavery causo and an ardent sup porter of the government during the struggle for the union, and his close friendship for Gov. John A. Andrew gave him more than the ordinary opportunity for making his counsel and inlluenco ellcctlve. Hut after the war issues were settled ho resisted to the utmost of his power the Intolerant spiiit of his party and the tendency to renounce moral purposes in Its action. As a delegate In the MusMicliusetlH republican convention In 187JJ. when Gon. Hutler tried to capture tho nomina tion lor governor, lie announced and boldly maintained tlie "divine right to bolt" if such a candidacy were forced upon tho party. lie promptly followed out that principle when Hlaino was nominated for president in 1881, and was oneof the most elleetive advocates of Cleve land's election in Massachusetts. Dr. Clarke was by nature a true in dependent. New York Times. Mr. Joint March, an Intelligent farmer of White Oak Springs, 111., has discovered a plan which ho thinks will do away with the necessity of dehorning cattle. Ho has conceived the Idea that tho ap plication of a certain chemical sub stance to tho genu of tho horn soon after tho birth of the calf will com pletely prevent tho growth of tho horn, and that 'no horn will over appear. Ho has tried tho oxpoil moutou fourteen calves this spring. Some of them are now over two months old, and no horn Iihh yet begun to grow. Xei'Hlhe l'. If you sillier with asthma, bron chitis, or any other (lUense of the throat or lungs, nothing can sur prise you more than the rapid Im- piovomcm mat win ioiiow mo use of SANTA A1UK. If you lira troubled with catarrh, and have tried other medicines, you will lie tumble to express your amazement at tlie marvelous and Instantaneous cura tive powersof CALIFORNIA CAT-H-ClJKK. These remedies are not secret coiiiimiuuiIh, but natural pro ductions of California. Sold uttil.00 a jmckae; three for $2.50, and guar- anieoo ny it. v. lainows wo. 108 State Street. "It llakni )l TlnT To read nil these advertisements of medicine umii medicines ..lien they enumerate with Mich partlou la.Ity and mlnuU'ueia of detail, all the diseases mankind, womankind, and eVeu "bahyklud," are heir to. How cheap one feel to commence what she tipHies to lie a tragic or tender love-atory, rend mull her symiwthles are so thoroughly aroused that she can scarcely sleep without knowing whether they were married or not, and then liave It end something like this: "Dr. Pierce' Kavo.lto i'reacrlptioii is the only positive cure for all classes of "female weaJmeaa," aucii an nmlaa- ! lsMaiinsilltli ussMijl Iskss I luilti.. etc. For aale by all dnigglata," Dr. IHeroe'a Pellets are Laxative or Cathartic according to size of dose. Call on Winter A 'lliomaa for tli beat greceries: In town. Cream aoda, loe cream aotla, milk snake, lemonades at Strong & Co. 'a. Fruit Ice cream, at tttrong & Co.'. txo. OG i -r-- iiiijtjHilcll1gimuiUJlLTMitMaBMCT TKljKGltAPllIC SPLINTS. Two men, named Pitman and Stouelleld, quarreled yesterday, on a itmii neat c.iiensuurir, v. T., over n colt, when Pitman shot his dispu tant in the stomach, indicting a fa tal wound. IV salmon weighing 71 lbs. was caught at Astoria yesterdav. It was packed in ice and sent to Chicago. A number of oilloors and their deputies are still lu pursuit of the train robbers in Montana. Tho sheriU'of Custer county is on the trail of three men, and it is thought tho lleeing bandits cannot escape. A San Francisco njarket report says tlie finest lot of new crop wheat reached tidewater on Friday. It brought ?1.:U per cental. Last veor new wheat reached tldo water "live days earlier. In China the people left destitute by the recent Hoods have rebelled against tho authorities. The troops have Joined the rebelsand murdered a number of government ollleers. Details of gales on the coast of Ice land last month show that 400 French llsheriuen were drowned and thirty vost-ols wrecked. A prominent Jeweler in Los Angeles, named Thomas Vaughan, lit about three weeks ago with about $8,000 In cash and diamonds, and his creditor are anxiously en quiring for his whereabouts. It Is believed he has gone to Australia. In Sacramento on Tuesday, a drunken tough named Mike llfluk, hired a rlgut a livery stable, and tho stable proprietor seeing him abuse the, endeavored to recover possession. Urlnk II red at him and was arrested. The following night he hanged himself in tlie cell. Culled liiKliiilliin Clillili'ou. Two Intelligent Indians, Depot Charley and Frank SlKec, from tho Sllelz Reservation arrived on tho river Monday, says the Handon, Coos Co., Recorder. They canio for the purpose of gathering up Indian .children to be taken to tho Reserva tion, and thoncetotho Indian school near Salem, whore they are taught tho common English branches and made to learn trades. Depot Char ley is most enthusiastic lu his work, and has large photographs of tho buildings, grounds and groups of pupils of tho Institution, which ho uses to supports his statement regard ing It. Ills sou Is leader or,, as ho calls it, captain of the brass band at the school, and Charley polutH out tho boy, in tho group, with a degree of pride that Is allectlng. Tho old man is an Interesting talker on tho advantages of education and tho good work being done by tho school, and thinking of himself, us ually coiieliiilea with the remark, "I am mad my father; he not give me chance." Then with a sign of char itable resignation ho says, "Hut he not know." Charley will probably go as far south iih Smith river. Ho curries a letter from Indian Agent Lane asking the oo-oporutlon of tho people in tho good work sought to bo accomplished by thoschnoh Tim feiiililiiiiif Wl'cK. A stranger in the kittle cities of Southwestern Texas Is often awakened at curly dawn by the beautiful but sorrowful song of the house, or sobbing wren. If the stranger has been long awuy'from homonud friends, and Is sensitive to Impressions of external nature, he never forgfts tho iiecullar, melan choly note of tho tiny songster. It begins lu a high, clear key, like tho twinkling of silver IhIIs, and de sending gradually trom one sweet chime to a.. other still sweeter, it suddenly falters, breaks off and sol like n e'llld tho song dying away, in a gusp. The listener Is touched with syniimthctlc emotion, and may Hud It diillciilt to slay the uucom foi table feeling that one of the little ouch In his own family circle fur away l weeping and sobbing for his return. The song la heard only in the twilight of dawn and Is rejK teiMnit a few time. Then tlie liaudHome little singer, with plump brown breast, snrockled with abruds of black, retire through some crev ice lu the house-top ami la rarely seen during tlie day. S a AUslaU Cars. The OIUaiNAL A1JIICTJNK OINTMENT to only put up In large two-ounce (In boxen, ami la an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped liawU, aud all skin eruptions. Will poaltlvely cure all kinds of piles. Ask ftr the OlliaiNAL AIUKTiNIS OINT MENT. Bold byD.W. Matthews A Co., 100 State street, Salem, at 25 cents xtr boxby mail 80 cents.