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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1888)
' !' i Hfenmrm&m wnmnHUJiBii EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL it'Mi.mtiHiv ;VERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. HV THH Cartel Journal PuMbMng ComanH. IMCMMI-OMATKII Gfflw, 118 (Wt StrtH, tHwc Math. TKKMK Of HUHBC'ItllTION TIAII.Y. OMMir. ti mall u n illn 1 i kkiA II Tfoe mouth bjr ntM.'. rar wvfpc owivmeti l)J" WfTlW. WKBKIiY. Ml IIMMtlb Y.""'.'.'.'.'.'."" Oit jraMr, If jfI fttr In ndVMiice, x HHHlllK, 41 tort mMt are ealva Mihaerlittoi. W) nuthoriKd to re- Mr. T. I). J'ih-Iot l oar duly aullwriwl tTili(Nefit. arlftilrI n m4miiI-'Im iiwttWHt the JiH,OrKtn, riM.loini. MHrcli 8. 18. r5SATimA v, may un'ifm, ' cnimot le largely produced or rutin ufactuml by our ieopl." We re marked: "ItcvMon of the larifr, you seo, Iw favored by the republi cans of Oregon; tlie welfare of the country calls for till, and this policy we advocate." J$ut not to o'emtep the modesty of nature while on this wilijeet, we tnurely wWi to inform our friend1 that the Joi-hxai. Im koIiik right along, making friends everywhere it goe, anil adding to its Hubpcrip llon Hit an average of thirty names weekly. Of oourwe, it is imiKiwlble "" t2I ' VI(I gJv'i'K occhhIomhI ollene, 1 l but our xK?rleiife ha been before to-day, that an honest expression of senliniciit, a frank anil fearless dis cuslon of living taiie, and n courtooim tone to all, will win, if (hero Is a Held ojK'ii to ex)loltation. AVo have proved there is room for this Journal in this capital city, and heneo wo are hero to Htay. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. CoiiKrHMiiiHIi, j)i.N(ii:n iihumann. HuprC'ino Judge, v. i i.onn. rrwtlrtcntlnl Itlrclorii, HOIIKIIT 3IUI.HA.V, WJI. KAI't'H, v. v. vvtnos. I'rotwiitliiK Attorney Tlilnl Dint., II. II. HJiWI'lT. I MARION COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. A SOCIAL G'ONTKAST. iirrniMcitTiTinM, 3. II. W A 1.1)0, ll.cloj. T. T. OKKII, Hllmtuii. 1. Q, WI.HON, Btlrm. H. LAYMAN, WoodUirn. Wu, AllMHIIIO.Nd, Huulll RiImii. rneiiirr, K. l. CIIOIHAN, Htlrin. ULPIlK, F. 1. IIAIICOCK, Kilriu, J. II. HTAlIlt, l',.l H.lnn. llntiililim, A. 0. CONIlir, Ataiiavlllo. A. F. IIUCKhllllV, Hllvcitoii. CVIMUIMInNltlK, A. ,11. COHNFI.II'H, Jt.tlim. W. T OIIIM, ULI. XKI MllflrtMllOT. I). W. Y0HKII, Hltmttm. iUNIKIOII, IV. J. CI!J.Vi:il, K,,l H,tiu. (HIMUNIIII, Dr. I). 0. IIYI.ANI). Wc 4l,.irn. A riiiv wiiiids oi' (!in:i:i(. II will I at Kratlfylng to the ruulurx and imtrons of this Jouriml to lie as Mired that uniler its prwnt man HKOiiituit it laiiieHlngwItlignitlfyliiK miiNHws. Not only Is Km circulation being IncrwiMil and t tended In this county and beyond, hut It Is making warm n lends In nearly every hoiwe hold that It enters. The commen dation that counts to our ears from all directions U shaped In somesueli words as tlne: " Your jmperls clean; you do not hIiiimi jHsiple, and you are HlKiral (4i all shade of polltlwl inouKiit." The muvHHMir e put In the Held lataly is.rta this friendly ami ajv pmvlugMfntlmeut In every commu nity he vMla; It aids him 'in gather ing In huftluewi, and he urges the Wllillliuauee. of HiIm gtnenais imiiii. 11 IM glWH few lllslail('(W. A SIllH MirilKir mine In fniiu Hubbard to re litfW. He ald fur another J ear and rwuarkwl: "I Imd luteudel to stop yir Mmr, I am taking moivthan I al; lait 1 llud your e4iluiuns mi elsan, and theiv W mi much In them I hwirtlli-grw with, that I lwU Uvw to kwp It along." 'Iwnhwllng pMhlbltlonlsts -W-tl Hir Mtiiclum yetenlav. One tvf tlHMH Mid: " mjvr U not Wtn; on the contrary it U making wpuUllmii vtt. know it Ihwiim I Hill making Uw muvim, Mut It U UMlhlliigupaMUId pihllatloii mhi UaHt, w lileli w III Is. if Mi,.nt to w at Uw xiHr tlmv." ls mvH fhMii 1N4K wKinty lu jHiiMHl to meet In town a tow' days Atfo, and tuy mtm to lb. Joi-kxai. U. Tlwyww t dlllVrvnt jh TtttoiU iivuiwIoiis, Uit ttWghlww, IMI MUftttlMMM III Ibvir ailJMMVHl uf ttoa Mwpar. A ihnI utmllty In mm artHur," wkl ou. "U iat to Ww it nil. OUmh liae tWlr fcrtw at AilUt m wtl Uw ih'Wsjk. hpt utMt, mm! tWy aiv Jt ho IIM,v t W rbt Mk H ih.W to Isr iWa (h lultul aiut avoid 1 abu. ,mmj lwinWMw." AaUWWti niim MAi0 )hiiwm by ibU Uur, h Um1 buriu wwiaMfer to wlntui U Htuv wunU www aUinwsl mihA bwity MAiuhMViuM. A tiNuoomi, mm) a nutOltUu. , Uw tlMuocnUk tkkrt, )ia hU auU MrttUoti Wcwum uur iMiU' vtow. MOM hi (imi. i Um' Kuow whmkm ymmptth uk or w hiu .fM )HttN U be." wld w "but your Ulk lut U. Mty wj- of IhluUug, ul I -MiHv)-tayMnjrt." ft It wvtifcUaui pbulbnu mtotitwl at l'yrtUkttd wk (lulnkiiJ out to Uu I. ! fiUUMT, WMl UlM WO) MMt Xu mm: "V iKahiw 1m atvur of rwlitelMK tit auuuat Mtr)4tw by 1 MUUtag frtr of duty Mr)i arlictm a Wo iiiiblish In anotlier column a plwiHlug account of the lnfiiies llbenillty of Mr. John Wanatnaker, of rhiladclihiM. This man is a N'npoleoii of trade. His husiiiess block In the city of Hrolherly Love Btrllcea tho beholder with niime mdutnt the Immense apucu It oc cupies, the vastiieaM of Its stock, and the many hundreds of clerks employed In Its various branches. Tho business Is constantly growing on his hands, more room Is taken In from time to time to meet the re quirement, and it Is probable that at nodlstimt day the limit will be reaohed beyond which a business enterprise cannot be profitably con duced. Tho late A. T. Stewart, of Now York, possessed tho same control ling talent for business. His manu fauturlng and mercantile enterprises (IovoIojh'iI and extended, In this country and In ICurope, until he had an army of (i(,(XH) jiersons men, women and children In his employ. With such Immense means under his control, he naturally accumu lated wontth, the surplus protlta of his business amounting to 1,000,000. This immense sum was added to his fortune, until at the time of his death, his pocsslons amounted to $10,000,000, according to the state ments of some, and to double that iiiioi moils accretion, as others llgurc It up. Ami what good did this labor iously hived treasure do? It was gained by starving the thousands of fellow cmitinc he employed, ami bankrupting every merchant who came Into competition with him; a system of Mieial war wherein tho oaptlvcs are saci illecd without quar ter, and the woixt mmmIoiis wage re lentless control. He lived without enjoyment, a mere slave to the routine of money accumulation; and when he tiled uuhlcapcd by child or friend, his Iiiiuuuk estate went to his lone and aged w blow. Hut such a rcsMinslhlllty crushed the fecbleencrgliwofthlsold woman, and she sought reloam from the bur den by lK(owlng It on a kinsman. Is this a wb employment of sur imwdng endowment ? This mUU1i pursuit of wealth, at the cost of suf A'ring toot bent, ami with no other olwl hut jiMt to heap up? The w le man fbromw Ms oyll, ami his miMlcat jirayer, watt: "(!lve me neither poverty nor rlchtw, ftod mo with food etinvenleut for me," A 1'reiieh aatlrit, oliMirvlug the uulMmaha ipwltttM of (boM mot suixHnl In the purvult of gain, r markwl, "We may Judg w hat storv iWtmu' mjIs by rlelu In studying the character of tu upon whom he lawtows thwn." And If all www of tlaMdrth typo that we lwvo Jwt d4pMAl,lt would Justify lXmg- las Jfrnd's eaiwtle IUIhiii tlutt go4d fclirlveU up (Iwmhi1, and the man dvotol to Its actpiUtlou luw butlmmoHMl part reduced to thei4e and color of a ltiitbli goliiaa. Mut now and tlwn a man like this l'hlUMleJ4ila men-liaut ixdkvw mouetary ktitxHM of tlk odium tlwt w-owJd atlaeii, t It tlw rtwilt of na MllU)tHMt. It Utati at(al tntth UtMt tlw iHlewKof eaptiMland labor U lik'titlcikl. It ikmw uut Nvwk (liat way lit tb pctkd HiRHtl of UrV, but )irt and ttaMr m iimh, with lMr NMtUtWUUi IUMU life MIoWW, k iiopMHHsl w ttli tlik taw la wyal Kitomv, aud ufe eoMtluct W mhal by Htunl duty. 1 f w luul utow WVmh Hiakvr tkfw wailtl l Awwr labor triW WbMw iwm iwv thirty traUw! hy uarbor uo r.uUntit, imm! Um altulm of Hfc aw iwt w UA Hh IHHtMi. A 4wmU or m vgo, Uk yatxliMMU, awttotemrn and tow oktM ojwmUv) of Dm lUklUMMv aud (Mo tvm, VMlMl UH lb ptwMMlt of Ummmu- PMX by AgMkm, to ivfNWMMtt UwU tMr pramtt im oT jmy, W fwttU h iWy. wouM not m Ulb. TUy lukwl au luertM to flJK. Mr. Garrett, the ollleer appealed to, waa drawing a salary of $80,000 a year beside liberal ditidendstm tho stock he owned in the oo-opefUoii. At his death he left an estate Worth $6,000,OW. Such an apnUoatkm should have Impressed lllm with Its justice, and it would have boon only human to treat his applicants civilly and promise to lay their case before the directory. IJut he choetoget angry at such presumption these mudsills, and drove thorn from his preKjnce with tho declaration that he could till their placos at the same rate of jwy if they were dis satisfied. The men struck; they burnt up millions of dollars worth of the company's property, and when tho military wore culled out scores of lives were sacrificed. This was asking for bread, and being piled with bullets. The loss was as sessed on the property owners, to tho railroad comjiany, whore Injus tice was tho cniiMj of the riot, - caK.'d scot free. Hut this Instance established the fact that when the wage rate gets down to 00 cents a day, wo have reached tho danger H)lllt. And this is tho controlling Issue ln-fore the country. Political speak ers are dinning the eitrs df their au diences witli wearisome talks about the tariff; but tho matters of great est import to the people are n men opiltnblo distribution of the earn ings of Industry and relea&o from tho ruinous drain of interest on bur rowed capital. Some few moot the Issue as Mr. Wanamaker litis done, but others must be forced to it by other moans. EW AIJVKIITISK3EKNTS. A POSITIVE FACT. The most complete stock of DRY GOODS are to be found at TAJKS & BIIOWX'S. , , . ., , The beet assortment and most reasonable prices in Parasols and Sun Shades at LUNN & BROWN'S. n,.r .w. ininitrml Pinlirnirinrv suits in Batlsc. Zephyr. Nnnsook, Swis from I. ,, , .,., .,!, i,f t.ttvv x- Tinowx'S. t'lU. Mil VU1UJ-), nun iii;i.-3 iv. mi. jju.' ---- .. -- A fine stock of Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings-best assortment oi Gloves in Silk, Lisle and Kid Gloves, at LUNN & BROWN'S. Carncts, Curtains, Curtain Poles, Rugs, Drapery Chains, Stair Caps, etc., etc., at LUNN & BROWN'S. Do not forget the place and name 239, Corner State and Commercial St. LUNN & BROWN. wjbjinnwj.wJL mj-i'manu THE BEST STOCK OF STOYES IN THE CITY IS AT R. M. WADE & CO'S, 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM, GROCERIES. Cash Grocery Store, ISAAC S. STEINER, Proprietor, 124 v State v St., v Salem. -A.full stock ot Groceries, Canned Goods, Fresh Ycgefaldes, Etc. J ust received a nice article In New-:-Orleans-:- Baking -:- Molasses. Sn (tl Tl i nuts 1111 A lkttkk from Beth Green, "the father of UbIich," to tho American Fisheries Society, now in sckhIoh in Detroit, inallUHion to the newly ap pointed United HtateH HhIi conunis- alouer, MarHhulI McDonald, express ed liiHa)pn)val of the common sense manner in which the commissioner lias begun his career, and averts that If lie continues in the way he luiH started out, his work will be a grout succosa and a credit to the United States. Continuing, Mr. Grcon says the experiment of accli mating ('alifornin salmon in the waters of tho Atlantic coast lias been thoroughly tried and luw re sulted In failure. Fin ther attempts In that direction have been discon tinued, and the propagation of this fish will hereafter be confined to tho waters of California, lie has no doubt that tho increase of salmon can bo made as largo as that of the shad. Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Ranges, AND MANY OTHER LEADING STYLES. Also a Complete Stock of Hardware and Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriages. Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried 'Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes J. D. McCully, IS DECEIVING A FINE LINE OF CLOTH NGH -HATS AND- FURNISHING GOODS, ETC. Sc.vA'iuu Bi'MWAHT, of Nevada, has written a letter, which we find In tho Halt Lake Tribune, wherein he says "Utah will never be a state, until it is certain the territory is free from .Mormon rule." The American people will l)e perfectly satisfied to have that territory remain in a condition of tutelage awhile longer, but how about Dakota, Washington ami Montana? There Is no Mormon rule in the jHilltiwil dependencies, still there Is no movement toward their admission to statehood. In venting Utah with sovereign attri butes Is not what is troubling tho IHHiplo; but withholding the rights of cltiieus from the other Inchoate eoniinouwwilths onuses popular rest-lttemio.. 211) COMMEIICIAL STREET, SALEM, OREGON. WM. BROWN &. CO. DEAI.Elt IX- NHW 1D.1IAY. AVI U.AMKTTE UNI VKHSITY. 811CONU KUCITAL THE KLOCUTIOXAUY ITIMLS ox Friday Hvoninjr, .lime 1st;. AOMtwtMl, S MUl. TfcU OMMlWttl Season Ticket. KLl l'KUKKWS AT LVKflB., Admh ii ar wIp. hU mii ELI PBHKIXS' LECTIIRB, aywlM Im Um wurld Kir ru Mid The WrtiM vriU nottunM. M iockx tutn. Mid aaihm nil HMtbdt' r. MMb klm I ttop. In mar uf a Mv)ail U Um tactiuw, orlt k idKHtkrdto uiW W.1""1 '7,F lIK IMVft HUI MMUI IIW CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Tells and Fm-s. No. Ml VvmmmmM ilrwl, &VLK.M, - . OREGON. laiitrtiHM MmrtK Bank Block, Three Doors South of 1st National Bank! HACKS -:- AND -:- BUGGIES! AttiMiliif ortMetia, bugtlw, nwOEMMl ta Ihh fwmn made buectw. Every one Warranted! ri v,M adwll TRCNT SEAT AT THF riivrun I . . .w..ta..1v, NMMMUWKI. ' 'W Tlw Higtwt Pried Sts, Mtj m, il Mi Oftft IImk. Uood aiiywbefv on Mtrtlt tut WS il. , fiOoTo7?lPB jc!?. JOBBJNG and HORSESHOEING. SMSBBS9E9V Scriber -:- and -:- 'Pohle. Oregon Petit Prunes, ' Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 201, Commercial Street The Reliable Grocers, KELLER & SDKS, Arc Still on Top, WITH Renewed Life ! inckeased patronage 1 Heavier Sams 1 New Goods I Join the procession and send In your orders we will treat you fine. Every body speaks In prnlsoofonrcanned goods. They cannot bo supassed In quality. Look nt our display windows os you pass. They are tilled with delicious things. b o o It Is , o Cn- h MBg i -ISgttefe. l S H j O KLg, Leather and Fiiidin s! W 0 v -.N j L jm 1 Ay 'Ml X For the Indies : Call and examine our Labor-Saving Carpet Sweepers lour styles, heather dusters always in stock. Jamaica Uannnaf, direct from New York. Big fellows and very Juicy. KELLER SONS, Tho Grocers. Grange store Salem Co-Operalive Association F of H. DK ALEItSI IN Choice Groceries, Frovisions, Fruits, and Vegetables, Crockery, Glassware, Butter, Eggs, and Lard. A.t, KINDS OK Produce Bought! JAMES A1TKEN,' Manager. 126 State St., - - - SALEM, OR. JOB DUBOIS II. K. Dubois. Dubois brothers, Proprietors Cliemeke to Hob FREE BUS. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travelers. Prow ta pCtay. SAMtM, . . OltKGON. COJn-EE .HOUSE ! . B. WA.XICINS. -s- Prop. X tat au bou. from Se ta So. -S tt