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About Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1888)
CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. 1. SALEM, OR., SATURDAY, MARCH 24, 1SSS. NO. 21. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Gt EO. W. BELT, ATTORNEY AT LAW r and District Attorney. OinceRt court boare. RAMSEY & HINGHAM, ATTOItNEYS nnd Counselors nt Law. Business In the Buprcmc Court a specialty. Salem, Or. FORD, ATTORNEY AND lor at Law. Salem. Oreson. Olflce, up stairs In Patton's block. 1EO. II. BURNETT ATTORNEY AT JT Law, Snlem, Oregon. Office over I.idd & Bush's bank. rrULMON JL Counselor at QIIAW A GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT O Law, Salem, Oregon. Office In Patton's block, up stairs over Belt's drug store. s. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T. RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT Law. Office over Conltol National Bank, 219 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. JW, SPRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, , Salem, Oregon. Office In England's block. Legal business of all kinds. Also both life and fire Insurances, WHirkAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAwT Salem, Oregon. Office with Tllmon Ford, In Patton's building. Will practice in all the courts of Oregon. Collections made. Land office business u specialty. PH. D'ARCY, ATTORNEYAND COViT . selor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Having an nbstract of the records of Marlon coun ty, Including a lot and block index of Sa lem, he has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. THE.'. BEST Woven Wire Bed ! ON THIS COAST! Is Manufactured by GEO. M. PARKER, 133 Fifth Street, Portland. Or. For bale by A. T. YEATON, SALEM, OREGON. NEAY ADVERTISEMENTS. Miss julia l. chamberlin, -TEACHER OF- Voice Culture, Piano & Harmony Music Parlers: 3"' ft"?""1 Bank Block, SALEM, OREGON. ESTAIiLmHVD BY NATIONAL, AUTHORITY. STRICKL'ER BROS. -DKALEKS IN- !EW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEIvI BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com- SU, bet. Ferry and State. QHAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND j5 Shampooing neatly done. LADD & BUSH BANKERS! Salem, - Oregon. rpRANSACTS A GENERAL RANKING J. business In nil Its branches. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS A OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of the city at lowest living rates. Please give us your patronage. I CITY MEAT .MARKET STOVES AND TINWARE! Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. 3-Atthe old stand of Ben. Strang, Com mercial Street. IVt. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty. Shop on the alley, opposite MInto's Liv ery Stable, Salum, Or. TlicCauital NationalBaiik AIUIWU IlttliUIKUlJfl OF - SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid np, - - - - $75,000 Surplus, ...... 9,500 LATEST DISPATCHES. Trouble Over the Proposed Lease of (lie 0. R. k N. DISASTROUS INUNDATION. Two Rivers in Austria Destroy Several UNIVERSITY NOTES. Yillases- -Terrible Suffering. I THE CROWN PRINCE TAKES CHARGE. It. S. WALLACE, Jill. AL11EHT, (- DIRECTORS: - President. Vice-President. - Cashier. W.T.Gray, J. M. Martin, fY. W. Martin, It. S. Wallace, J. II. Albert, T. McF. P.itton. m w D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STIIEET, - SALEM, OltEUON. WA11 kinds of fresh and cured meats always on band. Full weight and a'squarc deal all around. The SALEM MARKET 93 COUHT STIIKBT. Constantly on band tbn best quality of Fresh and Salt Meals ! And ull kinds of S A U S A G E . JUST 11ECEIVED, A NEW STOCK OF NEW STYLES IN WALL PAPER! A KUI.I. STOCK OK Fancy Goods, Moldings, Brackets, Picture Frames, ' Artists' Materials, Etc., ALWAYS ON HANI). W. M. SARGEANT, 307 Commercial Street, Snlcm, Or. L F.J.BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! ' AND UNDERTAKER. FARKAIV8 niX)CK, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other mnrkct- ther In private granaries or able produce, consigned or in store. euner in pn public warehouse. Sialo and County Warrants Bought at far. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reohonablo ntts. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, IScrlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. H. W. COX, (Successor to The Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem, Oregon. FULL LINE The Emperor Wishes him to Become Familiar with Affairs. All kinds of Furniture made to order. A fult lino of Caskets always on hand. mm in I Unmninnci (l 3-The CLEANEST kept market in tho city. Call and see for youreelf. McCKOW &. WIIA.AUD. 49Go to J. O'Donald's hhop on High St., between Court and State, Salem, and get one of J. M. Coulter's patent lniproed LADDERS. Lightest Ladder made In Oregon. Kelly's Old Stand ! I HAVING PimOHASED THE HLACK smlth shop known as Kelly's Old Stand, I will hereafter bo prepared to do all kinds of J. J. JENNINGS, D. DS. DENTIST. Teeth Extracted Without Pain by a .New Process TEETH FILLED WITH THE LATEST Improved fillings. Plates made on short notice, and at reasonable terms. Gold tillineR a specialty. 83-Any and all work In the Dontal lino. Office tn Ilrcyman'8 block over J. M. Rosen borg A Co's. KSTAIiniSIIKD in 1879. CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family Recipes Berlin, March 24. The decree which was issued yesterday author izing the Crown Prince to transact official business, expresses tho wisli ofvthe emperor that he become con. vcrsant with the nll'airs of state by immediate participation in them. It intrusts to the Crown Prince tho preparation and discharge of such business as may be assigned to him by the emperor, and empowers him to affix his signature to documents as representative of the emperor without especial authority on such occasions. Oregon Members Won't Until). NewYotk, March 24. There is trouble in Northern Paciilc and Oregon Hallway & Navigation com pany circles over the propo&ed lease of t ho latter. It seems that tho local board of tho Oregon company have refused to ratify the lease became they consider it inimical to tho in terests of tho corporation and to tho state of Oregon. The Oxford'. Scooped Again. London, March 24. The boat race to-day between the Cambridge and Oxford crews was won by the Cambridge. AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. 3-Tho best five cent cigar In tho mar kiet, IL W. COX, 100 State Street, Salem. Steiner& Blosser g(S IlfCD In the best stylo known to the trade at short notice. The best of workmen em ployed, and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Horseshoeing a Specialty! J. J. JARNIGAN, Kelly's Old Stand, Salem, Or. M. W. COX, Has conbtantly on hand a well selected stoek of Bccricke & Sch reek's auuui luuaia PACIFIC CIDER, VINEGAR AND Fruit Preserving Co. OF SALEM, - - 0RE60N. Manufacturers of Cider Jelly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Pear Butter, Sweet and Champagne Cider, Cider Syrup for Mince Meat, Currant Wine of a superior (uality, lomato lauup, I'lain and German Pickles. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. Too .Much Water. Vienna (Austria), March 24. Tho Scamon river .has destroyed thirty villages. The Iloba river has inundated six villages near Posth. The inhabitants arc in tho depth of misery. A relief fund has been started, headed by the emperor with five thousand dollars. W. F. Darby was summoned home yesterday by sickness in the family. Mrs. llobertson was at chapel Fri day. Miss Eola Royal read u good essay. Dr. and Mrs. Harrington were at uimiH-i i uesuay. i no tioetor con ducted chapel exercises. Rev. Dr. Rummers, of Portland, has been chosen to deliver tho Baccalaureate sermon nt commencement. Miss Lovina Culver, a graduate of the teachers' course of "87, will begin teaching near "WhiteaUer tho first of April. Levi Magco spent Sunday at his home in Polk county. Eb. Mann will spend the Sabbath at his homo near Zcnn. W. E. Perry read an oration Tues day anil Virgil Pcringer Monday. Subject: "Three Crises of Life," and "Symbols." A. W. Bowersox, who has Just closed a six months' school in Yam hill county a week ago, began teach ing at Fairfield Monday. LafeConn and John Grifllth were at chapel Thursday. V. F. Rlgby read an oration on the "Blessing and Variety in Topography." Mrs. W. T. Williamson, of Salem, and Miss Rosa Powell, of East Port land, visited tho museum and were present at several recitations. W.J. Culver, a student tho ilrst half of this year, now teaching at Wheatland, came up yesterday and will spend Sunday in the city. Prof. Van Scoy gave the students quite an emphasized lecture Friday in chapel, on the importance of thorough work and a complete course. The University Is in receipt of a portion of tho library of tho late Rev. Mr Wilber, and exjwets another case of books soon; this will make quite an addition to the Uni versity library. J. B. Early will begin teaching in Linn county in April, and A. M. Reeves, who lias completed a successful school of eight niontlw in Benton county, will begin teaching at Monroe. Tho University lias sent teachers to most every county in tho state. Prof. Van Scoy is having a gravel walk and hedge made in front of tho Woman's college, which will add much to its appearance, and tho tower will soon bo repainted and tho scaffolding taken down, which lias marred tho looks of tho college nil winter. MORNING TELEGRAMS. The Business Outlook this Season is Very Encouraging, CANADIAN PACIFIC SUBSIDY. Ten Million Dollars in Cash and Five l Acres of Land. . KI'IDEMIC I1ISKASES. Hill to Establish Stations' to Prctcnt Their Importations. -DEALERS IN- SAUER KRAUT A FEATURE OF 18S& Homcop I'm J' nin I'nnnnTirmniio UUUu A NEATLY PIUNTBD OUIDB TO BK HAD WON APPLICATION. Toe B. & S. PREPARATIONS Are the Purwt and Rest. II. W. COX lr UMTonly authorixed cnit. WQU1 for tha a 4 H. Homeopathic Pre paration and accept do other. For Hwect Older, lwo ordqrs t Foo torv Otllce. dron n lwtnl. or kpi drlvnriif our delivery whboii. Wo keen 6-cnlIon keen tink 2-mlInn ilaml. Johns that are loaned to ctiHtornera for n term or six dnyg. AH order promptly tilled. O. 8T01.TZ, fiunlnetui Manager. Oregon Peach Bitters STOVES, RANGES, Tin and Copper Ware, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 130, Bute Street, SALEM, - - OREGON, 3-AgcnU for the IJoynton'H furnace. A specialty made of rooting and opoutlng. Hatisfactlon cunrunlecd. Kiigland WunB ttio Unit. Nkw York, Mnr. 2-1. Tho im nuunecniunt is mode to-day that the Gantling gun will Boon become the property of foreigners. An English syndicate wunts it and is willing to pay a large sum for it. tliKMKKKTK IIOTKI, AltltlVAI.S, About eighteen yeftrs ago I received a hurt In my back from a rIIe of lumber falling on me, and ever elnoe bad been nore or let; Through the and the laityearvery mudh, recommendation of Henry Keene, I bonrhtabotUeofll. Klan'a Oreeon Peach Ulttent and before I had taken half the ixhubi louna a rreai retler from m I pienai believe It to be a k!dneya,and heartily recoramen ame. J. II, POHTKIt. Aumrvllle, January 12, UU8, endld remedy for the a It for the A. E.STRANG, No. 303 Commoroiul Htreet, SALEM, -" - OltEGON. A Boston I'rize right. HobTON, Mur. SI. Dick Guthrie, champion light middle weight of Canada, last night fought Ed Bonny, champion colored middle weight of the United Btates. At the end of ten rounds Benny threw up the sponge. Both mon were poverely punished. He Shot at a Vucuum. Snojiomibii (W. T.), Mnreh iM. Jooph Grcor, 2-1 years of age, a popular young man of this place, suicided last night by shooting him self in the head. No oauw is known. -DEALBlt IN- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. 7-Airnt for the BOYNTON OOMPANVH Ubllibdlnl5tt. mcniAnoBON t Furnaocx. a- Got What he w After. Lon Bwartz took in a littlo too much demecratic: qutiiuHiaHm ywtcr day and was somewhat quarrol- mme, A short time after dark he picked u quarrel In the Columbia saloon with a man named Iloynolds from the country, and got a hand some knock-down for his pains. Iloynolds tried to keep away from him and avoid the fight, butfiwurtz was determined to havo it and got it Iloynolds has beon arrested on complaint and will be tried on Monday. HATUKDAY, MAIICH '24, 1888. Isaac Grier, Staylen: Hank Ster ling, Ilattle Snake Itun; G. Mcok, W. E. Giosy, Aurora; Clias. Percy, A.Kuttur, San Francisco; W. T. Woodurd, Union; a.;W. Morley, G. Morley, Silverton; JL Connor, J. 13. Kennedy, St. Paul; N. S. Todd,' Woodburn; Geo. llultl, Lebanon; Jan. It. Coleman, St. Paul; J. AV. Hansel, Chicago; M. Alaycr, J. II. McNutt, San Francisco; Win. 8, Hudson, John Gray, Chcniawa; J. M. Ik'rnliart, G. E. Sturgis, nazel Martin, San Francisco; Dr. J. C. Whitakcr, Eugene City; Ike Incstlne, New York City; Leo Stock, Portland. Make no MUtake. Ity dispelling the symptoms so often mistaken for Consumption, SANTA ABIE has brought glad ness to many a household. By its prompt uuo for breaking up tho cold that too often develops into that fatal disease, thousands can bo saved from an untimely grave. You make no mistake by keeping a lMttlo of this pleasant remedy in your house. CALIFOUNIA CAT-H-CUHI5 Is equally oUeclivo in eradicating all traces of Nasal Catarrh, lioth of those wonderful California remedies aro sold and warranted by I). V, Matthews fc Co., 100 State street, Salem. $ 1.00 a package, forle2.60. Mumboat Kirarlon. Tho Iiuliesof tho Woman's CoIIcko AsMKiiation will give, about the middle of April, a two day's steam boat excursion to (ho Cascades. Thoy proposo making thlH the event of the season, so far us genuine pleasure and enjoyment goes. Washington, March 121. The Senate Committee on Epidemic Diseases, of which Senator Ilanis is preparing abill which will be report ed in a day or two, providing for the maintenance of eight national quarantine stations to prevent tho impoitation of epidemic diseases in to tills country. Tho places at which the bill proposes to establish stations and tho amounts which it will appropriate to cover the cost of the establishment and nmlnten anceare: Deleware Breakwater, $00, 000 ;Cnpo Charles, Virginia, $100,000; Sapelo Sound, Georgia, $.10,000 ; Mouth of Missippi, $4f,000 ; Key West, Florida, $78,000 ; San Diego, California, $55,000 ; Sun Francisco, $85,000 ; Port Townsend, $15,000. CiiiiimIIuii I'acllli! Sulislilj . Ottawa, March $. It is stated to-day that the Dominion Cabinet lias decided to pay the Canadian Paelllo $10,000,000 cash and surren der 5,000,000 acres of hind, to quash the monopoly. Five of the $10,000, 000 are to be In tho shape of u sub sidy for a fast Atlantic line of Can adian mail steamers. It is estima ted that before tho deal Is complet ed, it will cost at least another $10, 000,000 in subsidies to diHercnl pro vinces to buy oil' opposition. IIiikIiii'KH liiiiiiilng. Ni:v Yoitic, March i;t. Jt. G. Dun & Co's Weekly Review says There lias been an increase of busi ness generally since tho blizzard. A grout deal of this was to meet de layed orders, and it is not yet quite clear whether or not there Is a deil- nito Improvement in trade. Stocks, breadstuH's, provisions, cottons, su gars and oils are still a little lower, with larger transactions. i'rolmhly True. Ni:v Yoitic, March iil Sidney Dillon confirms tlio report that tho Union Paciilc will extend the Utah Central Bailroad to a connection with the Southern Paciilc at Mojavo in the event of securing favorable congressional legislation. .lollUH DflllCH. PiTTHiiuitu, March 2$. Chair man B. F. Jones, of the Republican National Committee, left for Wash ington tills morning. He denies being in collusion witli Elklns and others In the cll'ort to nominate Blaine. Tin, I'litti-dt .Man Drml. Pin'KitHiiuitri (Vn.), Match 'Si H. M. Bishop, the fattest man in the world, tiled yesterday of Intermittent fever. He was 25 yearn old and weighed 550 pounds. When a youth he tipped the hcoui at .'i(M) pound. I'reo of Hut), Washington, March Ul. As sistant Sccietary Maynard has in formed the Collector of Customs at Han Diego, Cal., that coal Imported from Northwestern Canada for iim- by Spreckcls' Sugar Hellniug Co., of San Francisco, being aiithmiiti' coal, is exempt from duty under tin provisions of tho flee list. DlMIHtlolla rilllllKK, Loh Anoijms, March 21. A !in which broke out in Hunter's restau rant hero to-day, destroyed the place and several storos adjoining. Tin loss Is $10,000; $4000 Insurance. Organization of Alanku. WA8IUNOTON, Maroh SI, The houso committee on turritorltiH ttnluy decided to retKirt the bill for the or ganization of the territory of Alaska,