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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1905)
ISSUED SE!.1I-IKL1 d n: ISSUED SEMI-a LY TUESDAY AIIO "HSIDAY AIID FfiiOAY fifty-fifth year no. 97. SALEM, OREGON, FRHDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1905. SECOND SECTION SIX PAGES, ' - i. l, a . a. jl A. A . f t - il: HI K; ifn I' I 1. 1 I I i I III II THE CRISIS IS EXPECTED SOON QUESTION OF PEACE TO BE SET . TLEp WITHIN FEW DAYS. THE PRESIDENT IS ACTIVEX And Hopes to Gain Favorable Recog nition of Entreaties to Em peror Nicholas. Important Developments Said to Have Resulted from Ambassador Meyer's Conference With tfee Czar England and Other Powers Joining Heartly. OYSTER BAY, Aug. ,24. The crisis in the peace negotiations is approach ing rapidly, whether jcae between Russia ami Japan or continuous war will 1k determined very likely within a few days. Since-' he made a direct appeal to Em peror Nicholas, President Roosevelt has been awaiting developments. Today the developments began to appear. Re port from Ambassador , Meyer at St. Petersburg of the audience with the emperor was received and imjtortant ad vices from Portsmouth reached the president. The utmost secrecy is main tained regarding the communications and not the slightest intimation of the nature of their contents is being per mitted to beeome public. It is quite certain in addition to mak , ing a direct appeal to the Russian em peror the, president has communicated with the Japanese government along similar lines. Whether the appeal was made directly to the emperor of Japan cannot be ascertained. Is Not Under the Ban. Portsmouth, Aug. 21. Alexandre II, PriantchaninotT, the social corresjon dent of' the St. Petersburg Slove, tele graphing to his paper tonight says: "After the extreme optimism caused by the news of PresMent" Roosevelt 's active intervention reaction was natur al. However, its importance must not Ik? exaggerated, and whoever knows the tenacious character of the head of the great American republic will not doubt that the president, once entered into the name, will not surrender, as often tin the reasonable but always too hum ble ailvittnr.s of the. czar. " Money Should Make no Difference. London, Aug. 21. It is felt impossi ble that two nations should le plunged Wi ijit inn horrors of war on ac count of the mere difference of a few -'millions In money. which would speedily H'.c landed in the continuation of hos tilities. The London papers in com menting on. the situation, therefore, do not despair of a peaceful settlement in view of the fact that all the differences except indemnity are virtually arranged. Portsmouth, Aug. 24. Cp to 14. o ciock tonight six cablegrams have been received by Witte from St. Pe tersburg. All came from Count Lams dorf, and all were opposed to the Jap anese compromise proposition. How ever, it is positively stated that the cablegrams announce that direct pour parleurs are now in progress between Emperor Nicholas ami President Roosevelt. Would Not Waive Points. . Portsmouth, Aug. 21. According to Japanese information Knmura and Ta kahira are opposed to the waiving of the demand for war expenditures. This authority said: , "In the conference the Japanese contention was that in conceding ante bellum, as demands of Japan, Russia admitted either1 that she was beaten, or that her attitude prior to the war was unjustified, and in either case Ja pan holds that Russia's talk of 'sav ing her face' is hardly reasonable, claiming that her face was lost when she conceded the ante-bellum demands which, constituted the real casus belli." , ' GAMBLING IS STOPPED. "Knights of the Green" are Now Idle at the Town of New port. NEWPORT, Aug. 24': No longer can the knight of the green cloth wax fat off the earnings of the unwary and the unsophisticated who take their outing at. the beaches. District Attorney, Geo. M. Brown's ukase, which traveled from s 1000 HOP PICKERS WANTED! The Hop Crop this year will require as many pickers as lhat of 1904, and I want each and overy one of you to look into my ' Painless System of Den tistry beforo having Dental work done elsewhere. I guarantee to save you money and do your work absolutely without pain; also givo you the high est grade work on the Pacific Coat. You don't want more , than that do you? Aek your neighbor; he knows DR. D. .E-. ' WRIGHT, Roseburg last Saturday and reached the proprietors of th - Tirlnm ostotnltah. ments through the medium of Deputy t ;..:.. n ct ij S ""v iinurur owope was 10 me ei fect that all gambling devices of what ever nature should be immediately closed, No time was lost by Deputy Bwope in, issuing the mandate of his tuitri. .even me nicicei-in-ine-siot ma chines were turned in Oia wait Tho demand of the District Attorney waa sweeping as vo ineiuae oooze" emporiums. It is yet possible to "get what you want" in the various re sorts on 'Sunday, the same as on other days." But the hum of the roullette wheel can no longer be heard in the room ana me poiter enips nave been relegated to the back room, t " 1 . . GIANT POWDEB DOES IT. 1 BAKERSFIELD, Cal., Aug. 24. A terrific explosion of giant powder oc curred at Paris, fifty-one miles from Bakersfield, today. Mrs. A. W. McRae, her son, George, and Oscar Duclose, were instantly killed. Mr, MeRae re ceived injuries from which it is feared be will die, and three others were bad ly hurt. - . s IS SAVED AGAIN ... 'tr- IIOCII Oti IS ANOTHER REPRIEVE FROM SHADOW OP THE GALLOWS. Hanging of "Bluebeard" Set for To : day Stayed by Justice MaOruder i Pending Appeal to Supreme Court to Escape for Third Time. CHICAGO, Aug. 24. Johan Hoch, the man of many wives, convicted for the murder of one of them, and under sentence of death, has escaped the gal lows a third time. He was to be hang ed here tomorrow, but a supersedeas was issued today, on an order of Jus tice MaOruder of the Supreme Court. The Justice said that he had care fully examined the records presented by lloch's attorneys, and his study of them satisfied him that there was suf ficient doubt to justify a review i the entire case .by the Supreme Court The case will come up at the October term of the supreme court at Springfield, Hoch has been confidant that the sen tence of hanging would not be inflict ed. He had very little to say when in formed of the action of the Justice. Jailer Wheatman said it was the first time in his experience that a prisoner has exhibited no concern about his fate the day previous to the execution. Hoch was smoking a cigar when told of the issuance of the writ. ; "I am not guilty of . this horrible murder," he said, "and noW x will have the opportunity of proving my self innocent before the highest court in the state. I never felt that 1 would go to the gallows. I may be guilty of other crimes, but never of that mur der." MAY CAUSE DEATH. Discharged Employe Stabbed Manager cf Columbia and Nehalem Rail way at Columbia City. i PORTLAND, Aug. 23. A discharged employe, whose name was not brought to Portland, but who is in custody at Columbia City, stabbed and seriously wounded, 'at 6:34 this morning, D.,N. Miller, general nanager of the Colum bia and Nehalem Valley railway. Mill er had discharged .tne employe last night, and the man intercepted him this morning and began a quarrel. Mr. Miller received two tab wounds, .one penetrating the lung, the other cutting the left arm. A physician was suirr moned from Portland, and had Mr. Miller brought to this city late this afternoon, lie is at tne Good Samari tan hospital. Tie has .been operated on, is gradually sinking from loss of Mood, and is said to have practically ho chance to. recover. j ENDORSED BY THE "PROHIS" i WILLI AMSPORT, Pa,, Aug. 23. William H. Berry, mayor of Chester, Pa., was today nominated state treas urer by the Prohibition convention. He is also the Democratic candidate for state treasurer. AND IN PORTLAND ALSO? ST. LOUIS, Aug. 23. The United States government building at" the Louisiana Purchase i exposition, erected at a cost of $500,000, has been sold to a wrecking company for 1000. The steel trusses in the structure alone cost l(0,000. XHI3 IRA WADE MAY YET GO FREE NOT LIKELY HE WILL BE INDICT ED FOB LAND FRAUDS. THE . LINCOLN COUNTY CASES These Are the Ones Before the United States Grand Jury at Port ' land Now. Attempt to Mix Wade up in Fraudulent Affairs Proves Abortive Jones Be fore Jury Yesterday Others Were ; Interrogated. PORTLAND, Aug. 24. The Evening Telegram says: It is believed that Ira Wade, county elerk of Lincoln county, will be freed from federal indictment at the present session of the grand jury. In investigating the Siletz reserve claims with the supposed object of bringing a new indictment against "Willard N. Jones, Thaddeus rotter ct al., the jury is expected to return, the finding that Wade was innocent of complicity in the alleged Irands, and he will go unsmirch ed. In the former indictment it was charged that he was equally guilty with Jones, Potter and others, and when that indictment was withdrawn at the suggestion of the court that the document was faulty knd the demurrer offered by the defendants would be sus tained, it was thought that the list of defendants would be re-indicted at the present session. Recent developments are thought to have convinced District Attorney lleney that Wrade is either entirely innocent or sufficient proof to convict him is lacking. Wade arrived in Portland this morn ing in response to a subpoena and will appear as a witness before the grand jury. This is regarded as significant, and indicates that his testimony wnl be used against the principal defen dants and ue wi. be allowed to go free. Evidence of witnesses, however, is be lieved to show that Wade was not pos sessed of the information that tho homesteaders whose affidavits he took Were fraudulent, as is claimed by the prosecution, and that Wade was not act- ? ! 11 l xl A ing in couusion wiin me claimants, in bis capacity as county clerk, lie took affidavits of final" proof, and this is said to be his whole onflgction with the ease. ' "-s I The former indictment was a singular document in that it charged' Wade with an offense against the government, com mitted, it was alleged, in April, 1902. The fact was that in April, 1902, Wade was plowing on his Lincoln county farm and had not yet been elected coun ty clerk, and could not possibly have committed the offense before, he became county clerk, as prior to that time he could not take affidavits of entrymen. J It is hinted taat this phase of the case may involve his predecessor in of fice, who was county clerk in April, 1902, Wade not being elected until June of that year. The official serving before Wade was J. II. Lutz. In that event, too, the government would have to establish a guilty knowledge on the part of Lutz in taking the affidavits of fraudulent entrymen, and it may not be possible to do this. Backing at Home. Lincoln, county people assert that Wade is entirely innocent of any wrong in this connection, and the indictment, in so far as it touches him, should be dropped. It is said that the people of 'the county almost swear by hira, and that be has the confidence of the sec tion to such a marked degree that he was elected to a. second term as clerk in June, 1904, and that he stands a good chance of being returned for a third term. Investigation of the entries on Siletz homesteads, said to have been engi neered by Jones and Potter, continues today, and the witnesses are entrymen who, it is alleged, were procured by the above two to file on the claims and later transfer thenj to their employers. ' Willard N. Jones, the leading defen dant in the indictment, was the star witness before the grand jury todav. and was supposedly quizzed as to his Siletz transactions, lie was in the room for some time, and it is to be in ferred that he spent a bad day. Addison Longnecker,' another of tho entrymen on the Siletz claims, was in terrogated , by tho jury this forenoon. NEW OFFICIAL IS NAMED. William McMurray Appointed Assistant General Passenger Agent of Soutern Pacific. I SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23. The an nouncement was made today that Wil liam McMurray has been appointed as sistant general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon wiin headquarters in Portland. A SENSIBLE JUDGE. Eefuses to Be Party to Marriage of Extreme Youth and Old . ' Age. SEATTLE. Aug. 23. Announcing he did not lielieve it riffht for an old man to 1 marry a mere child. Justice Davie today refused absolutely to periorm a ceremony to make O. L. Lander, aged 63, and Elizabeth Alexander, aged 16, husband and wife. NO ACTION YET TAKEN. wiRTTTNnTnV. Auc. 24. Sneskinu of the consideration that has been riven the Bennington report, Secret itary Bonaparte said today that it , WCluru uivie , the testimony was reviewed. Ne ac4 tion has been taken yet upon tbs ree Vmmendation of the court of inquiry ' that Ensign Wade be-court martialed. BUTTER EXAMINATION. Showing Something of Results of Adulteration In Various Countries. WASHINGTON, D. C Aug". 24. (Special.) One wonders if a recent analysis of buffer made in Germany will not account in a large measure for the falling off in the export of American batter to Great Britain in the last ten. years. Consul Hamm sends from Hull, England, to the state ue partment an interesting report on the adulteration of butter shipped to Great Britain. There were ; sixty-nine samples of American butter examined, of which fifty-four contained borax., or boracle acid, and - forty-three samples con tained coloring matter. However, the United States is. not the only country hurting its trade by sending fo Eng land adulterated butter, and Holland, Denmark, Australia, France, Sweden, Russia, Norway, Canada and other countries all make a bad record., the samples showing boraeie acid and col oring matter ,in greater or less amounts. GIVES RISE TO SPECULATION AMBASSADOB CONOEB, OF MEXI CO, TENDERS RESIGNATION. IS ACCEPTED BY THE PRESIDENT Thought to Have Been Selected as Spe cial Commissioner to China on Boycott. Later Developments Indicate that He Will not Go Upon This Mission May Be Succeeded by Ambassador Thomp son of BraziL OYSTER BAY, Aug. 22. Edwin II Conger of Iowa, has resigned hia rxst as ambassador to Mexico, to take. er fcet October J 8,. and President Roose velt has accepted the resignation. Mr. Conger's retirement from the di plomatic service was foreshadowed last week. It was indicated then he might lc sent to Pekin as a special eomnus- sioner of the president to adjust the differences between this country and China over the boycott of American goods by some Chinese commercial guilds. While i no official statement is obtainable regarding the mission, there are reasons for; the ' statement that it has either been abandoned by tho presi dent or has been declined by Conger, At any rate, it is believed Conger will i ot go to China. It has not been determined definitely who will succeed Mr. Conger as am bassador to Mexieo, but it will prob ably lo David E. Thompson of Nebras ka, now ambassador to Brazil. It is hitown that Ambassador Thompson de sires the Mexico post. Many Complaints Are Filed. Washington, Aug. 22. -Protests ngninnt. the Chinese boycott of Ameri can goods continue to be received by thje state department. No further re ports indicating the progress of the boycott have been received at the de partment and it Ts not believed there is any progress of the boycott ou'sMc if Shanghai. OFFER REWARD GOVERNOR CHAMBERLAIN WANTS TO AID IN CATCHING MAN WHO FIRED FLAX MILL. If Law Authorizes It, Price Will Be Set on Capture of Dastardly Criminal Who, Governor Believes, Is Trying to Destroy Flax Industry in Oregon. Believing that th burning of Eu gene Posse's flax and flax mill was with deliberate intent to destroy the flax, industry in Oregon, (Jovernor Chamberlain has under consideration the offering of a substantial reward for the arrest of the perpetrator of the crime. The governor is in some donbt whether he has authority under the appropriation mad by the last legisla ture to offer a reward in a case of this Kind and this question he is now in vestigating. The appropriation was for the express purpose of paying tRe sal aries of special agents to be appointed by the governor to apprehend criminals and collect evidence of crime, but no mention is made of rewards. The governor says, however, that be may offer a reward even if this appro priation does not authorize it, but n that case he would make the payment conditional uon an appropriation by the next legislature. - ' THEY INVITE CRITICISM. . Commission on Revision of Immigration Regulations Sends Oat Letter to all Agents. WASIIINGTOX, Ang. 22. The com mission appointed by Secretary Metealf of the department of commerce and la bor, to revise the present rules and reg ulations under which the immigration laws and the Chinese exclusion laws are administered, today sent a letter to all rue officials of the immigration bureau In the field, asking for an expression of in opinion on each of the rules now in operation. The letter to the. immigra tion agents practically is the firet step taken by the commission. The roost important steps proposed by tbc rommission are public hesr.njj at wr-ieh criticiams. of the service may bo l ed. - , J (RUSSIA WILL NOT PAY IT REFUSES ABSOLUTELY TO PAY INDEMNITY TO JAPAN. THE INFORMATION IS OFFICIAL Renter's Correspondent Is Informed by Count Lamsdorf to This Effect. Roosevelt's Personality Saves the Con ference From Absolute . Rupture Has Taken, Possibly, Final Stepo in the Matter. ST. PETERSBURG, July 24. The correspondent of . Renter's Telegram Company was today authorized by Count Lamsdorf, the foreign minister, to state officially, and in the most for mal manner, that Russia wiU pay Ja pan no contribution, direct or indirect, nor make any cession of territory what ever. President Saves Rupture Portsmouth, N. II., Aug. 24. Presi dent Roosevelt's move to save the peace cdnference are following each other in quick succession. He is now believed to have taken a new step, possibly the 'final one, in the shape of a last appeal to both sides to leave the question of the purchase price of the northern half of the island of Sak halin to the arbitrament- of a board or commission. . Pinal arbitration has been in the president's mind' from the beginning, This, however, is an inference from what is actually known to have taken place last night and this morning. He sent to M. Witte during the night a long message, without doubt outlining the new step he had resolved upon. Presumably this message was prepared after he had received the account of Ambassador Meyer's audience with the emperor at Peterhof yesterday. It would seem to follow logically that Mr. Meyer's reply was not satisfactory and therefore necessitated another appeal not to allow a mere question of money to stand in the way of peace, and to suggest a new form of compromise for the point still in issue. The president's message reached As sistant Secretary Pierce and was placed in the hands of Baron. Rosen arly to day. After the baron . had consulted with M. W itte, the proposition was placed in the Russian code and dis patched to reterhof. A reply to the president was' delivered to Assistant Secretary Pierce at 9:30 this morning. Whether it was a reply from Peterhof is not known. It may only have been a message from M. Witte giving his views of the new step proposed by the president. At any rate, the summons to Mr. Pierce to receive it was an urgent one. Mr. Pierce was with M. Witte and Ba ron Rosen twenty-five minutes. The message given him was immediately placed in the state department cipher, sad it should reach Oyster Bay this afternoon. Mr. Roosevelt, in fact if not in name,, is acting the part of me diator. It is reported that the president will send some one to Magnolia to communicate direct with Baron, Rosen and M., Wirtte during their stay there. No confirmation is obtainable here of the report that Emperor William and Emperor Nicholas" have arranged a meeting. The reports persist, how ever, that fhc change in the emperor's instructions to M. Witte, after be left St. Petersburg, from a conciliatory to an unyielding and peremptory spirit, followed and was due to the meeting, of the two sovereigns in Finnish wa ters. Germany's 'Emperor Is Blamed. Portsmouth, Aug. 24. The prospects of peace seem desperate, but not hoje less, despito the prevailing pessimism. There is still a chance, and the forces working for peace are continuing their labors. The president failed twice, but is fighting on. The result of Am bassador Meyer audience at Peterhof yesterday is nnsatisf aetory, but nol a rebuff. It left a door open, and with in s fw hours after lh rereitit at Oyster Bay of. Meyers account of the audience, the president sent a new ap peal through M. Witte. The emperor had already in effect declined the proposed compromise of fered by Japan, lie had refused be cause under a disguise Japan had of fered to withdraw the article asking for a remuneration for the cost of war on the condition that Russia repur chase from tbe military possession of Japan tbe northern part of Sakhalin at the fixed price of 1,200,000,000 yen, the estimated "frais de guerre." Had Japan not inserted tbe sum, had that been left to a future adjustment of the proposition, it would have un doubtedly proved more palatable. The president dm not suggest tne price or the fixing of a price, and believed that the latest effort was to secure the, eon sent of tbe emperor to agree to accept the Japanese proposition with the amount subject to further adjustment by sn arbitration board or otherwise. According to the Japanese, Witte has already offered to divide Sakhalin. FEVER CASES ABATING. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. Total to date, 1600. New eases today, 44. Deaths today, 7. Total to date, 226. Cndrr treatment, 237. 24. The persistent report circulated here Ij that Kmperor William- has been one of the main obstacles to peace, and that, while ostensibly in sympathy with the president's efforts, he is advising Em peror Nicholas not to yield. The foun d.ttion fnr this belief is the fact that Witte 's instruct igns were made more imperative and intransigent upon the question of indemnity and the cession of territory after the kaiser s inter view with the Russian emperor, in the gulf of Finland. HE IS RECONCILED. King Oscar No Longer Feeto Inclined to Oppose Son 'a Claim Upon Throne. STOCKHOLM, Aug, 24. The feel ing in government circles regarding the accession by the Bernadntte prince to the .Norwegian throne has under gone a change. King (War no longer opposes the acceptance of the crown by hix son Charles. As soon as the union between Norway and Sweden is dis solved his answer will "be given and will probably be in the affirmative. IS IT MURDER? EUGENE PRINTER HAS BEEN MISSING SINCE SATURDAY AND FRIENDS WORRY. Had Been on an Outing Trip and Start ed for Home but Has not Arrived May Have Committod Suicide or Met With an Accident. EroKN'K, Or., Aug, 23. Ilarley C Miller, a well known printer of this city, has leeii missing Since last Satur day,' and his absence is ..causing great worry to his relatives and friends. Sunday, August 13, Miller, in com pany with three friends. left Eugene for the Upper Willamette country on an outing. Last Saturday he left camp for Lowell, a small villig" fw miles away, for the purpose (.f securing more provisions for the party. His compan ions waited a day for his return, and running out of provisions they broke camp and started for Eugene, thinking that Miller had taken a sudden notion to retnrn home. They were surprisc.d upon arriving here, to learn that he bad not arrived. When Miller left camp he had a revolver and a few dollars in money with him. The suicide theory has been advanced,' as be was known to le despondent at times, but . bis iriends and relatives think that some accident has befallen him. Others think, perhaps, he wished to get out of the country, and that after - reaching the vaiiey he boarded a train at the nearest railroad station. It is intimated that there is a woman in the' case. Miller is about 2H years of age, and is a widower, his wife having died at Stockton, al., about two years ago. A searching party wil be made up today. ROOM IN OREGON. Plan to Induce People of the Congested Eastern Cities to Come to the West. PORTLAND,' Aug. 2X IVbatc in the rural settlements section of the Na tional Irrigation Congress, which met tms morning in the assembly room of the California building, was largely along the lines of allowing for the over flow imputation of the eastern cities a place in the west. In this connection William E. Smythe of Santiago, Cal., introduced a declaration which was re ferred to the committee on resolutions of the congress, and 'which1 gives the trne inwardness of the resolution- of last Monday, introduced by Mr. Smythe, which was at the time turned down. - Mr. Smythe introduced a resolution which in effect is as follows: . "The president of the National Ir rigation' Congress is instructed' to com municate with the president of the tJni ted States, and. If the latter shall give assurance of his sympathy, then the president of this congress shall, with due deliberation, proceed, to take the following steps: "First To appoint a- commission, consisting of whatever numler he mav deem best, selected from among well known men who are femiliar with such problems and wbo shall be drawn from various parts of the United States, so that its work may be one of national aignificancc, "Swond To invite said commission to assemble at Washington, 1. C, at the earliest convenient time, to coh; sider the questions which may be sub mitted to it." "Such men as Jacob Re is, ex Secre tary Iogan, and earnest hearted, broad minded men of their stamp," suggest ed Mr. Smythe, "should be' appointed on this commission, if it is decided up on. I am of the opinion that it will meet with tbe eager approval of Presi dent Roosevelt, as a man interested in the great problsras of tbe eastern cities." Mr. Smythe suggested that tbe arid public lands of the west might be irrigated, and a section allotted for each state to bo given in 40-ered tracts to the families of each state, amis would in a large measure reduce the congestion which is now proving so ap palling. During the debate ucorge w. unrton of Los Angeles, wbo supported the reso lution, stated he had no sympathy with people of such German accent that their Lngiish was hardlv recognizable, and who would get ep in the 'eiotu and cry "Keep on t the foreigners." CHOLERA IN MANILA. Two Soldiers and Several Natives Die of Disease One an Ameri can Woman. MANILA, Aug. 24. An outbreak of cholera ia Manila has been reported. Yesterday two soldiers died at Camp MeKinley, which is now- quarantined. In tbe city several natives, one art American; woman, have died. The sur geons state the disease is not Sfri'.: DECLARE AN ULTIMATUM FRANCE SENDS DEMAND TO MO ROCCO MAT LEAD TO WAR. DEMANDS BOUZIAN'S ' RELEASE Sends Word to French Minister to De mand the Frenchman's Release ' - atr Once. Unless Demand Is Acceded to Legation Instructea to Leave Morocco and Mil itary Movement Will Begin on Fron tier of Morocco. i i PARIS, Aug. 24. As a result of a ccial meeting of ministers today, it was announced that a military demon stration would be made against Moroc co unless the sultan promptly yielded to the French demands for the release ot -a French Algerian citizen named ilouzian, who was unjustifiiably arrest ed in a Moroccan town. The instructions sent to tho French minister-at Fez are to make a final demand on the sultan. The minister was informed-that if the demand is re fused tho entire personnel of tho lega tion shall depart from Morocco and a military movement will simultaneously In-gin along the Algerian frontier. It is the intention of the military authorities to occupy a" Moroccan bor der town, probably Oudjda. However, the officials are confident the sultan will yield Wfore permitting the carry ing out of the threats of using military force. . OBJECTED TO RESERVATION. Government Hold-Out of 200,000 Acres of Land in Utah Mc ts With Vigorous Protest. VASII!NJT . Aug. 24. (Special.) Numerous complaints have !cen re ceived at the 'depart ment of the inte rior against the reservation by the gov ernment under the president's order, of 2mi,(hh acres of tne best agricultural land of the I'intah Indian reservation which will Ikj opened for claims this mouth. Acting U(on the matter tho president, after an investigation, or dered that 8."i,0OO acres of tho land bo restored, and opened to entry. An act'of March 3, 1JH)5, provided that Itcfore the opening of the Unitah Indian reservation, the president might set apart and reserve any Isnd neces sary as a reservoir site, uplands neces sary to conserve and protect the water supply for the Indians, r forgencral agricultural development. The geologi cal survey investigated the matter and reported to the secretary of the interior that it would bo advisable, to reserve some 2O0,iMH) seres under this act. The president accordingly issued his procla mation. When the complaints reached the department the survey was asked to make another investigation and re' port, which they did with tho above stated result. 0 BAIN OUTPUT. Enormous Receipts of Cereals at Twelve Important Points in United -States. WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. The bu reau of statistics rcjorts that the total grain receipts at twelve important pri mary markets during the month of June amounted to f0,510,rH.' bushels, of which M,42',0.)H bushels were wheat, 23, 14,757 corn, l.V31,iH oats, 3,005,4 !H barley, and 2,054 -rye. A total In bound movement during the correspond ing montu in 15K14 aggregated 4;,2.'lO, 313 bushels, being over 5,000,000 bush els less than the 1005 receipts, tho large increase for the present year be ing due largely -to the arrivals of corn, oats and barley. Of the Interior mar kets prominently Identified with tho receipts of grain, ,nicago led, having received 107,74H,145 bushels during the first six months of the current year. Minneapolis came second with 47,201, 100 bushels, and St. Louis third wiih 22,433,070 bushels. THE EASTERN VIEW. Think Boycott in China Is Just Treat irert fr Our Exclusion Law. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. All sorts of opinions sre expressed here over the Chinese boyrott of American goods, and the acknowledged fact that Mr. Wu Ting Fang, the former minister from China fo this country, is at the back of it all. ' It is supposed to le erfect ly just treatment and rctaltiation for our strict exclusion laws, and what Chi namen term unjust treatment of their countrymen in America. It is said the Chinese government has absolutely nothing to do with the boycott, the entire matter being in the hands of merchants and private individuals. Word has been received here from Portland, Or Uyit $10,000 lias been raised by the Chinese hi that eity to aid in carrying out the. boycott. Ho far, it is said not to have seriously af fected trade except at Shanghai, with a pretty st rot. g movement at Canton. 7WP0UND MAN DEAD. - CHICACO. -Aug. 23. Philip Krigh, known as " Indian's 700 pound man," is dead at his Lome in Stilesville, Ind. He had been ill for several months with drojHiy, and suffered greatly during the hot weather. For several years Krigh was In the employ of a circus, where be was exhibited as the largest man ia the world. His weight aften reached 775 pounds. He was over six feet" tall, but his bones were yery small. It re- ?uired two tailors to take measurement. 4 or his clothes, as it was impossible for ne man to reach around his IkhIv. It took several yards of double v. i . . :. jooU to make him a suit.