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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
iruur nccTioxa bach tcksday am friday. 43d YEAR NO.'l3. ' SALEM. OREGON. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1903. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGES. IMCXD HAS CABLED HIS THANKS Emperor William Is Pleased With Reception at Kiel THE AMERICAN SQUADRON Receives Him With National , Salute of Twenty One Guns , EXPRESSES HIS GRATITUDH TO PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT AND CONGRATULATES HIM UPON TUB EXCELLENCY OP SQUAD RON AND CREWS. WASHINGTON, June 25. President Roosevelt today received the following cablegram from Emperor William: On my arrival at Kiel I was saluted by a fine American squadron, and had ihe pleasure of receiving Admiral Cot ton and his captains. It was a very happy' -and kind Inspiration on ' your part to send the squadron to Kiel, and thanks to this fart, I was able to In rpect the magnificent flagship Kear swrge, when I-was able to - compliment tiie captain on the exceptionally good state of efficiency and neatness of the vhip and the fine appearance of his gallant crew. With the expression of my warmest thanks, I assure you that the squadron l warmly welcomed here and will, I trust, make an agreeable stay. Everybody will vie with each other to make them feel at home. In response U the kind and friendly re ception of, my brother by the citizens of the United States. WILLIAM, I. R." Hs Toasted the President. Kiel. June 25. The Emperor gave a dinner lomxni.on me iiuneuuiueni Admiral Cotton, the American cap talus.. Ambassador "Tower. Prince Hen ry, of Prussia, and Chancellor von liu low. Toward the end of the dinner the Kmperor proposed: "The Presi dent of the United States." and the guests arose and remained standing until the band finished playing. "Amer ica." The Emperor lias invited the American captains to accompany him (in his - yackt Meteor during the race tomorrow. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS if JEFFERSON CITY. Mo June 23 Attorn y General Crow today filed a motion in the Supreme Court for a re hearing In the Continental Tobacco Company case which he charge with beiiiff a trust to control the tobacco business of tlie state. Richmond Va June 2Z,. The street cars were run on three of the car lines today without serious molestation. On each car were four to eight militiamen with rifles iaded and bayonets fixed. Portland. Ore., June 25. A eonfer-en- between the officials of the O. R ft N. Co. and a committee represent tlH men being allowed an advance of the men bing allowed an advance of five per cent. . Minneapolis. Minn.. June 23. M. W. Savage, owner of Pan Patch and Di rectum, today refused an offer of $92,000 for the two horses. W. W. Gentry ma le the offer. Boston. June 23. Voung Corbett, of Ienver. knocked out Hughey Murphy, of New York. In six rounds at catch- weights here tonight. READY TO ADJOURN KANSAS LEGISLATURE HAS FIN ISHED ITS BUSINESS SIX SKELETONS FOUND. . TOPEKA. Kanf, June 3. After en4nw WT,"ro" l" raus "l acting two general, and forty-eight i-ial bills for the relief of the flood sufferers, the Legislature Is prepared o a.ljmrn. This cannot take place until the Uovemor has acted upon all the bills, which he Is doing as rapidly posrlble. " A Ghastly MytUry. Topeka, Kan., . June 23. Six human skeletons were today found In a hole washed out by the water Just west of No: to Toneka. Tt xv are not the re4 mains of flood victims, and how they came to be there Is a mystery. j MRS. GEER HONORED WAS CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF THE ORKGON FEDERATION OP ! WOMAN'S CLUBS. 1 ASTORIA. Or.. June 23. The Oregon Federation of Woman's Club today elected Mrs. T. T. Geer. of Salem, pres ident, and chose Raker City a the meeting place for-next. year. f SIR THOMAS, UPTON REACHES WASHINGTON WASHINGTON. June 23 Sir Thomas Upton, who reached New York 'from EngUnj yesterday, came to Washing ton this afternoon, accompanied by William Fife, the designer of Shamrock JIL Tomorrow; SlrtThomas and ir. NONE BUT A KING PETER I TAKES OATH j 4 ,- Will Protect Servia and Sup ! port the Constitution AN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY Followed by Deafening Cheers After Document Was Signed AFTER TAKING OATH AND KISS ING BIBLE AND CROSS KING PASSED OUT TO CARRIAGE RE APPOINTED CABINET AND NOTI FIKD POWERS OF ACCESSION. BELGRADE, June 25. King Peter to day took the oath before Skuptschina. it The proceeding were marked by great solemnity. King Peter stood erece while the Metropolitan proceeded with the religious ceremony, the responses to which were chanted by the presby ter. When the" player were ended the King klss4d the Bible and then took the oath. When jhe had finished His Majesty advanced j amid the profound silence of the assemblage and signed his name to the document. A frenxy of cheer followed. The King again kissed the Bible and the cross proffer ed by tjie Metropolitan, without the slightest relaxation of the stern line3 of his face, turned quickly on his heel and walked out to his carriage amid a salvos of cheers King Peter thi afternoon received the resignation of "the provisional cab inet and Immediately reformed - the cabinet with the, same members. He today made formal (announcement , of ropean Kurrrnmenis. The oath taker, by the King was in thJ following terms: "I, Peter Karageorgevitch, on ascend ing the throne of the Kingdom of Ser via and assuming the royal preroga tive, swear by Almighty God and all that is holiest and dearest to me upon Uii earth, that I will protect the in dependence of Servia and its unity of government; that I will maintain the constitution and j the laws, and that in all undertakings and dealings I will keep the, welfare of my people before my, eye. Taking this,, my oath, sol emnly before God and the people, I all a witness the Lord God. to whom I shall give account at the Judgment seat, j So help me God. Amen." HE WANTS DIVORCE ACCUSES HIS I WIFE OF ILLICIT relations with another '. man. -. Charlie R, Moore on yesterday com menced a suit 11 Department No. 2 of the circuit court for Marion county Fife will be the guest of President Roosevelt at luncheon at the White House. , Sir Thomas was met at the railroad r station by Major General Cor bin and tonight he wa entertained at dinner and an informal reception by General and JIrs iCorbln. . : GODDESS CAN OFFER THIS against his wife, Delia N. Moore, for an absolute divorce. Mr. Moore al leges that his wife left him on the &th day of December last and that prior to that time and since has been guilty of adultery. The parties were married a Salem, Ore, in 1899. and there are no c hildren and no real or. personal prop erty is Involved in the suit. Mr, Moore claims that his wife resides on Ferry street in this City. Bonham & Marti n appear as attorneys for plaintiff. J To Clsar Title.. ' A suit to remove cloud from title to lot- , in block 80, in the city of Sa lem, and to a tract of land in Nob Hill annex to Salem, was yesterday filed In Department No. 2 of the state circuit court for Marlon county, II. A. Johnson, et ux, being the plaintiffs and The Washington National Building, Loan and Investment association, the defendants. The plaintiffs allege that on or about August 3L 895, they borrowed from the defendant the sum of $1100, the repayment of which was secured by a note and mortgage on the above-named property; that by the terms and con ditions of the note and mortgage plain tiffs agreed to pay to the defendant certain monthly installments with six per cent Interest and a six per cent premium until the said loan was re paid; that the principal sum Of the note, with six per cent Interest, has been paid to the defendant, and that the plaintiffs J also overpaid the de fendant the sum of $108.90 in the way of premium, etc. The plaintiff now seeks to have the mortgage cancelled, and to recover from the defendant the sum of $10S.9O, with Interest and for costs and disbursements of this action. Richardson & Richardson are the attorneys, for the plaintiffs. . L ARRESTED A SUSPECT OSCAR J. WOHLFARTH IS ACCUS ED I OF THE CRIME OF ; BURGLARY. A a result of n clever work on the part of Salem's police force. Os car J. Wohlfarth wa placed under ar rest by Officer Larry Murphy last night, accused of the crime of breaking Into the J. D. Sutherland residence, corner of Cottage and Ferry streets, on Wednesday '-, afternoon. The boy strongly denies his guilt, but the of ficer are confident they have the right party. Wohlfarth is about 17 years of age and , resides with his mother at No. 187 Cottage street, the home being directly across the street from the Sutherland house. He was formerly an inmate of the Oregon State Reform school. When arrested he confessed to having been guilty of pet ty thievery In the past, but Insisted that he was innocent of the crime with which he i charged. The boy wa locked up In the city Jail and will probably, be lven. a hearing today... AN ENORMOUS PANTHER YOUNG RANCHERS KILL A BRUTE MEASURING NINE FEET, . FOUR INCHES. GRANTS PASS, OreJune 24. What is undoubtedly the largest panther ever killed In the wild of Oregon, waa re cently laln by th two' boy of John Fromm, a rancher of the Lower Rogue River couBtry, Curry county. The animal meaaured feet and 4 Inches from the tip of it nose to the tip of its tail. It was a, monster beast and poasessed paws of unusual sixe and strength.- .: " - ' r . The two boys were out banting and esme suddenly unon the great panther. Luckily they were both good shots and succeeded lit aispatcmng inr it could i reach them. Old hunters de , clar they bare never seen a, panther iK AnAl-mAt1 flflw A 41 thill OFM- Illd I VL II r-wv aawur , it been slain, a few miles farther south Iand across . the state line. It would have been called ""California lion,"' HOSPITALITY YALE SCORED BIG VICTORY Won All Three Boat Races From Harvard Yesterday FIRST TIME ON RECORD Victories Attributed to Super iority of Yale's Stroke Over Harvprd's CREWS WERE EVENLY MATCHED SO FAR AS PHYSICAL FORM WAS CONCERNED. BUT YALE OUT CLASSED THEM IN -ENDURANCE GRKAT CROWD AT RACES. New London, Conn., June 23. For the first time on record Yale today tri umphed over Harvard in a" three of their boat races In the annual regatta on the Thames. The wearers, of it he blue won Jthe eight-Oared race by two by three and one-half boat length and the freshman eight-oared race by two and a quarter length. In all three race Harvard put up a memorable fight and went down to defeat after "gallant struggles in which her boy rowed out the last ounce of their strength. The official time follows: Varsity Race Yale 20: 1 4-5; ar vard 20:29 3-5. Freshmen Race Yale,: 4S 1-4; ar-1 vard S:4S 3-5. Varsity Four-Oared Race Yale 10:50 -25: Harvard 11: 10 1-5. Yale's three victories are attributed by experts to the; superiority of the stroke taught Yale by John Kennedy over that taught Harvard by her grad uate coaches, ' , So far a physical form was con cerned there was no choice between the crew.' The greatest crowd that .ever came to the old harbor town saw Harvard go down to defeat. At .1:30 the big race was begun. Harvard .had the best of the start and at the end of theu first half mile wa leading Yale by half a boat - length. ; Thi he held over the second half mile, but the third hah mile Harvard' efforts begun to tell on the nerve of the crimson eight. Little by little Yale' boat began to creep up on the Harvard. Just be fore the mile and a half flag the shells were even and by the time the flag was reached Yale had wrested the lead away from her old rival and was never headed.. - T BROUGHT TO PRISON MATTT JAR1 GOT LIGHT SEN TENCE FOR MURDER OF HIS FATHER. : Charles Finn, sentenced' to a term of three year for ; forgery; - Jame K White, -sentenced to three years for forgery. Ma tJ Jarvi. sentenced to seven and one-half year for man slaughter, were yeaterday brought to the Penitentiary from Clatsop county by Sheriff Thos. Llnnville and two guards. - " !'J . Matti Jarvi' Crimw.' MattI Jarvi, who was yesterday sen- Jthe penltentUry,; after having pleaded : guilty to a charge ; of v manslaughter. i. I t VI. lk.. nn tha "mArnlnf Of March I5,"lf02; - Matfl was asleep at : home In the second story of the build l Ing - when' bis father Gabriel ' JarvL came home tn a drunken condition, and attempted, to get Into the house, w hich had been locked, against him. Matti was awakened and, after listening to see who it was making the noise, arose, and taking a pistol from a trunk, went down stairs and, opening the front door, placed the pistol to his father's head and shot him. in the eye, killing him instantly. Matti was ar rested and released, on flSOQ bonds to appear for trial on a charge of mur der, but he did not appear when want ed, a he had run away to Alaska. On account, of 4he character 'Of the mur dered man it was believed that a ver dict of murder in the first degree could not be secured, so he wa permitted to plead guilty to jrvansiaughter. - -' - IS NEARING COMPLETION Carnival Grounds Will Pre sent Appearance of Large - Tented City THE, . j EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE HELD AN IMPORTANT SESSION LASTj EVENING AND TRANSACT ED MUCH . BUSINESS MR. AR- " "NOLD1 IS PLEASEDl . The executive committee of the GreaterjMid-Sumfher Carnival he!l an Important bosiness session at the office of General Manager Judah last even Inig. Ei J. Arnold, owner and manager of the mammoth Pacific and Oriental Carnival Shows, was present, and re ported' his shows as doing an Immense business throughout the valley and the state. Mr. Arnold is very much pleas ed with the prospects, for the Salem Carnival and feels confident the man agement will score a big success. . The executive committee, among oth er matters, made the following orders: Sub-Manager M. O, Buren wa di rected to look up fourteen men to act as ticket takers during Carnival week, and to f report them to the executive committee tonight. It was ordered that one day and one night policeman be engaged to serve during ; the week on the Carnival grounds. It was also ordered that the sale or use of 'fireworks on the grounds be ex pressly forbidden. Manager Judah . was directed to ask the-city for the use of one fire hose reel to be attached to an adjacent hydrant for use on the grounds In case of fire. This was a wise move on the part of the committee, and if the city author ities grant the use of the reel, which they no doubt will, it will ' practically instirej against all loss by fire. The general manager was also direct ed to secure theservices of D. A. Dins moor and Rudy Hopf to assist in pre paring; for the Queen's coronation." The 'band under contract for service during Carnival week was placed un der the Ndlrect orders of Sub-Manager Hal D. Patton. The Salem Marine Band ;has .also been engaged to play on the Fourth. It was ordered by the committee that the Judges of the Baby Show shall not be appointed until two hours before the show osen8. The executive committee makes a formal and urgent request of all the merchants In the city to decorate their places of business for Salem's Big Car nival Week. A number of young ladies are want ed, to act as saleswomen In the "Coun try Store" on the Carnival grounds, and all who desire to act in this capa city are requested to call upon Gener al Manager Judah, at the city record er's office, tomorrow ''(Saturday) morn ing, between the hours : of 9 and 12. Mr, Davenport, manager of the "Coun try Store." will meet them at that hour and place. ! The merchants who hare kindly of fered; to help out the "Country Store" will please have their contributions in shape ahd'ready for delivery tomorrow j afternoon, when Si Perkins and his hayseed band, and country store sales tribute to: the "Country Store": The following is, a complete list of those, who have kindly offered to con tribute to the "Country Ctore": Salem Woolen Mill' Store. T. Holverson A Co. JZ.;M. Wade & Co- J. G. Graham. . ... yitf. Fraser, Leader. Jos, Meyets & Son. Gray Bros, . Patton Bros. C. H. Hinges. Harritt A. Lawrence. George Will. . '." ,! Steiner Drug Co. ' H, D. Trover; Geo. W. Johnson & Co. ML Bredemeler. Weller Bros. Buren tc Ham II ton. Fl A. Wiggins. "'" Dalrymple 9c. Co. Jj L. Stockton. Gilbert ' Baker. George EvWaters. The carpenter," painters and elec tricians are all busy jgi the Carnival ground and the big- arch, buildings, etc, are rapidly" nearing completion. Arnold's mammoth show will arrive tomorrow, and before Monday morning WHlson Avenue wffl.p'resent the ap pearance ota large tented. city. PROMPTED BY JEALOUSY ORION PRICE KILLS HIS BABY AND WOUNDS WIFE AND : :r - v - ,A MAN.- - ' LEWISTON, Ida Jane TL A rpecial from Stltes tQ toe Tribune says: ,OriQn Price shot and killed his J-year-old baby, wounded hi wife and also Ed. Leach, a sawmfll man .tonight. : Jeal ousy" vra the cause. : The" prUoxier was taken to the county Jail for fear of a m00j i.! tjM.LjaL.4t RUSSIA MAY NOT ACCEPT Petition of B'nai B'rith May i Precipitate Trouble IT WILL BE PRESENTED But it Is Doubtful if It? WiU Ever Reach Hands of ; the Czar ' RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT WJLL NOT INTERFERE WITH INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF OTHER NATIONS AND DEMANDS SAMR TREAT VMENT FOR ITSELF. '. WASHINGTON. June 25. A call of Russian Ambassador Cassini .upon Sec retary Hay today developed ofilelally the fact that ine Government of the United States Intended to forward the Jewish petition to the Csar if It is pos sible. Officially, It is expected that the petition wil be received, but the Inti mations from Informed sources a re that the Czar will never see the peti tion as the Russian Prime Minister will not receive it for transmission. The Russian position ts this: "Nor wll it be possible for Russia to receive any representations regarding the Tvlschineff incident from a foreign power. A Russian Government takes the same position as" that long held by the American Government, namely, that itrefralns from interfering In any internal affair of another power and must insist on similar treatment for it self," . ' If Russia declines to recede the pe tition. Ambassador McCormick, who is now in the United States, may remain indefinitely, and Ambassador Casslni. who is now on his way to Russia, may take a long vacation. - ; FOR THE DEATH CHAMBER ERB & VAN PATTON AWARDED CONTRACT FOR REPAIRS AT PENITENTIARY. (From Thursday' Daily.) Erb & Van Patton, o' thla city, were yesterday awarded the contract, by the State Board of .Building Commission ers, for making a number of alterations repairs and Improvements at the State Penitentiary. Among the alteration to be made will be the raising of the hospital .building and converting it In to a two-story structure for a dining room. Another and the most Import ant .will be the partitioning off of an apartment from the south end of the present dining room, which will be known as-the death chamber. In thl room all of the executions, under the law passed by the last, Legislature, will take place. It was also the intention of having six steel ceils put in, in which the condemned prisoner were to be confined, until executed, but. It wa decided that this need was not so urgent at the present time and it wa deferred until the other work, which was of more importance, shall have been completed. " Erb It Van 'Patton will sign, si con tract to do what alteration and re pairs a are above mentioned, for an aggregate sum of $10,000, and to raise the dining room floor for $5."3 addition al. There were three bids" submitted, which Included the construction of tlu steel cell, obliterated from the con tract, a follows: H. N Ely, $11,600; Erb & Van Patton, $11,473, and F. B. South wick. $11,797. . If the verdict of the trial Jury Is not set aside and the .sentence of the trial court is not repudiated by th Ssprerae Court, the execution, of W. P. Peacock, convicted of the murder of Alexander Kerr, at Parker Station, on May 18th last, and sentenced to hang, will take place on August 1 and the death cham ber must be gotten in readiness for thi event In good season. Erb & Van Pat ton are to furnish all of the labor and the material, except the brick, and are to begin the work' as early as possible. Drivsn to Osspsratien. Living at an out of ,the way place re mote from civilisation, a family is of ten driven to desperation In case of ac cident, resulting in Burns. Cuts and Wound. . Ulcer etc. Lay In a supply of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth; 25c at.D. J. Fry drug store, j"- ; - AGAIN IN TROUBLE. " ASTORIA, Ore, June" 24- E. D. Brooks has filed a suit In the circuit court against Wlllard . Wroten and Charles Wise for the recovery of $6100 damage. The complaint alleges that on February 14. 1903, the defendant Wroten assaulted and beat the plaintiff In the Waldorf saloon, breaking hi Jaw; In two places, knocking out two of . his teeth, and wounding him In the face, head and body; that defendant Wise i . owner of the Waldorf saloon, wa present at the time of the assault, , and aided and abetted in. the commis sion of the acL . Of the amount asked for. $100 1 for medical attendance and $500 for disfigurement, pain, humilia tion and mental anguish suffered by the plaintiff a the' result of the beat- ,n5v ; - - : . i m: H " 8AXKBT IS BLIND. , . NEW YORK. June 2S. Irn D; Sankey the evaneglist. Is now hopelessly, blind. Mr. L A. Sankey, hl-daaghter-ln-law, tVid today: "The Cest specialists we coulJoJtaIn :haveexatn!rietj Mr," San key and all agree that bis case la hope less." . . )