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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1903)
- i RUSSIANS ARE MOVING OUT ' W . K - Six MoatbsTreaty Period in ' China Ends ; GOVERNMENT TRANSFER To the Chinese Begun and Troops HavelADout All , : fcracuatea ircr v i ; REPORTEU THAT AMERICAK.TIS- C'AL AO EXT SUBSTITUTED : SIL- VER BONDS F3 GOLD IN tE M ANDlXa J.SDEMXITr, BUT RE- I'oitf WAS untrueI ." ....... .-.... - ; ' ' ; PEKIN' April g.4-Today was the . I date of the expiration of the treaty period of six months fixed for the evac nation of th second province of Man churia, During the! past fortnight the Russians have beea removing - their troops from the Inferior of the prov ince. The local governments are being transferred to tn Chinese. ' ! j Acting Without Authority. Pekln, April 8.-t appears that the American fiscal agjenf acted without Instructions ln'presentfng the Indemn ity bond! prarJding..jf.orl the payrnnt.An silver taels. Chde ' the instructions front his Government, .he is substitut ing a bond . providing, for the' payment in gold dollars. ' ' '' V Washington April g. Evidently. tlt misunderstanding cpritinne'; regarding the bonds which China Is ts execute to the irmited States in payment ' of .14 derfrhlty for the Boxer outrages f; pro vided In the protocol. The statement from Pekin tonight; thai" the American HALF FARE RATES TO SEE PORTLAND, Ore April 8. The .Southern Pacific, Great Northern and -NortnerrT Pa-1 ciflc today. decided. jto make. ahalf financial agent, bunder ttructoi from the State Department, is substituting a !Bi:oYldIn for. th; payment of 'the IndMnnty, in goll dollars; tn place of instviTbns''frort the State Department to crtfYepresentativfcs fh China, look to the retention ojt; lodeperwlenf e r. while faithfully" carrj'ing out' the engagements entered into by the XTnited States ft the Pekin-agreement.' -- PredictsBoQr Rising. r.'JV I t . '. St. Petersburg,-April 4jHThe French Bishop of Shechuan, the middle prov ince In the western frontier, of China, preilicts a general Boxer uprising throughout the province. RELATION ESTABLISHED OCCUPATION OF PREMISES AF TER TERM EXPIRES IS AN ' j IMPLIED CONTRACT. A decision was rendered yesterday afternoon by' Justice of the Peace E. D. Horgan in the case which was tried on Tuesday afternoon, in which E. ,.M. Croisan ; brought suit against , ;L Jermain to recover possession of I his farm which Jernrailn was occupying as tenant... -, . . . v : The Justta. took .the -case under fd visement ,'uhtill yesterday afternoon and handed ' down" a 'written -opinion. The court held that "the relation of landlord and tenant may. arise, by. im plication froth the clrcurrtstanc'es of ilie case nnd-the relatrv -positions of -.the parties to" each other for the law will Imply Its' existence iwhererer' there Is an ownership of land on one hand and an occupation of it by -permission on the other..' tr "The Intention to create these rela tions is presumed "where a tenant con tinues to hold over after his term ex- READ ALL OF THIS . i You foever Know the Moment .When This Information May Prove of Infinite Value i It is worth considerable to anyone to know the value and use of medicine, for if there is any occasion to employ it." in the meantime, frail humanity is sub ject ttt o many influences and unfoftH teen contingencies that .the wisest are totally unable to ""gauge the 'future; Know thrti, that Doan's Ointment , will cuie any'rare of hernorrhoidSi common ly known as pllesiOrianyjdlsease of tlie cuticle or skin, generally termed ecze ma. One application convinces -a' con tinuation cures. Read the proof : - ' T. II. Thomas..kttorne7, of COpEast rnnett Ave, Cripple Creek, says: fl Juit ' ns emphatically .endorse Doan's Ointment today as I fl In the moith of June. 1S99. At thlt time t went td a drug store for a" box which I used for Itching hemorrhoids. A few applies r tiohs gave wondfrful relief, and a short continuation of the treatment cured me. There have been symptoms of a recur rence since, but .a few applications o! the remedy never fails to bring positive relief. My opinion of Doan's Ointment then expressed." is the same today as It was when it was first brought to my notice." ' : , For sale by all deilers.' Price 50 cts. t osit r-u tiifn. CO.. Buffalo N. soj agents for Yhe" U. S. ? . v - M Remember the name DOAN'S and Like no substitute pjres "Unless the la milord ' Immediately proceed to eject him from the prem ises, and as the defendant has held over for: two months after his term had expired, and had proceeded to cultivate the crops for nex year, I think the re lation of landlord and tenant is estab lished 'such ad the law will recognize and. enforce, and I think, will .make the 'defendant a tenant 6t the premises from year to year. . " The court holding these views, a de cision was rendered giving Judgment In favor of the defendant. : i ;- . out of BtrsixEsa , . BUTTE, MonU April tIn the sec ond round of what was scheduled as a ten -round go, before the Butte: Athletic CluT "tonight, Harry TVhite knocked out Renry; Taylor, and the latter Is at the hospital and reported In a dying ' on- Both, fighters are colored. -5 Arkansas and Alabama Visit . ed by Storms TWENTY PERSONS KILLED And Many Seriously;. Injured by a Tornado and a ' Cyclone TORNADO SWEPT I . OVER . . TWO 'COUNTIES IN i ARKANSAS AND ONE TOWN THOUGHT TO BE WIPED OFF "THE MAP DEAT H AND 'DESTRUCTION. ; r ' . -.. ... - - - I - - ,. . . . . LITTLE ROCKV 'Ark-. April, 8.-A special Mto ,the 'Oaxette, frorrt several towns in White and Cleburne counties. Arkansas,? tell " of a tornado . which swept, through that. section Tuesday night, leaving death' and destruction in THE PRESIDENT fare rate from all points in Oregon i and Washington to the points Where - ;. . - i f v .''.v ' ' -. t President Roosevelt will stop, on his.., its pathJ ThemaJoriTportlon' iof : rthe country through which the storm plow ed ttw way is remote', from th railroads, telegraph or telephone lines, i Th eor respondent, wire from Sea re y,4 Affei tonight that he had i gone over ai por tion of -the track-of the storm-and that the trees were twister from -tne trunks and houses demolished.';-Thus' farjtit' has been impossible toTaScertain where -4 the stoivn -beganibuf "It" Is known that it' raged in those" two counties. The latest reports are that: nine peri sons are dead, three dying "and" "three badly InjuredL The towns of Little Red, Albion, Bradford, Iteber.and" Pangburn have been heard from thus far; The dead: , Jim LeggetL ' Joe LeggetL Tom King, wife, and three children. A young lady school teacher. A. C. Williams, all near Heber. : Bradford was the first point heard from. Several houses were blown down there and one man seriously Injured. The tornado come from the west and had spent Its force by the time it had reached Bradford. It is feared the lit tle town of Hirami with a population of 130. has been wiped oft the map. It was in the storm's track! Nothing has been Jthu3 far heard from. it. Swspt By Cyclone. ' " " Birmingham.' AIa4 April 8. The lit tle hamlet of r Hopewell, -forty miles north of this city, and one mile from Hancewellr Vas, swept, away early this morning by a cyclone which cut a path df desolation a, mile wide and two miles long. . across, the nrosperous farming section of Blount county. Twelve per sons were Instantly killedthree or four fatally injured., and a score seriously Injured. The dead:' ' . '. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan OrifSn. John Griffin, j . , Miss Griffin. ' Henry McCoy. ! ; : Fred McCoy. , , r Miss Birdie McCoy. C. C. Oden. i . Miss Thelma Oden. Miss C C Oden. 1 , Miss Norma Oden. - ' . Lester Oden. , : Several f the Injured will die. - I TO SAVE THE CURTAINS EX-TlCb PRESIDENT STEVENSON ; V IS stEREFTjpF HAIR ANt MQUJ3TACHE. . f . SS BLOOMINfiTON, H!. April X. Adlat E. Stevenson, formerly A'ice-Prtsldent of the United states, lost his hair and moustache and received painful burns on the face and hand's today while try ing to extinguish 9. fre t his house. The flrf started ln;abedrooro. and VIr. Stevenson rushed in'-td"tear down the blading draperies, j The property loss i smalL ; ; , L , : - N '- " X OIL STEAMER OVERDUE. PHILADELPHIA. April 8. The oil steamer S. V. Luckenbachf which sailed from Sabln Pasa, Tex,; March M, for this city, has not been reported at the Delaware Breakwater The Luckenbach should Kiave reached here "early "f last week and shipping .men are becoming anxioos as to the fate of the vessel. The tanker Roma, which sailed from Port Arthur on March 23. reached this port last week.; The captain reported squally "weather, but said nothing of havinsr seen or nassed th t.ntror,r,o .v. rh agents of the vessel are the Sun Oii Company. She carries a crew of twen- ty-five. DEVASTATION wrrnicLT onroojf-rf ATKSMAy, WAS HELD U v BY A GUNBOAT Norwegian Steamer David Has Exciting fcxperience , OFF COAST OF HONDURAS pverhauied by fatiumble and i y Boarded by Half Dozen : . Hondurans MATTER 'REPORTED TO CAPTAIN - COGHLAN. WfiO IS SElARCHING -FOR GUNBOAT Wini . ?fO SUC ' CESS ADMIRAI MELVILLE HAS SURPRISE IN STORE- : s NE vtl ORLEANS.1 La, April 8. Cap tain Warnecke, of the Norwegian steamer David, which has arrived here fronTCoba, Spanish Honduras, reports an exciting experience with the Hon duran gunboat Tatumble. The; David was: off the north coast of Honduras when the Tatumble , hove in sight :and commanded the ' merchantman to put into Utila Half a dozen, Hopduran soldiers were put on board the David, which proceeded o Puerto ,Corte har bor and informed Admiral Coghlan of what" had' happened. - : : . ,: -' - Two United States war vessels went at once In search of the Tatumble, but from last -accounts they liave. not . lo. 1--? LWiII Surprise Sailors. j i Washrhg'fon, April 8. Admiral Mel-vure,r;ehgineer-ln-.blef of the navy, -bas a Surprise In store for the saiiorstwhJcb -perhaps will ! be" -a 'revolutfonary lit its effect In navaf construction as was his famous triple screwv For more' than a year he has been preparing plans for a. turbine propelled warship and it Is ex pected they will be made public soon. ' For a Thorough Test. ? Weymouth. Eng., April Designer Watson, in an Interview this afternoon said he certainly did not like the chal lenger on her first run to leeward today but her after performances he thought made ample amends. Her windward work was already - up to his best exf pectations and he looked for , f urthef Improvement! It has been arranged," It conditions suit to eendthe1 yachts to morrow, over ' a measured 'America's 'cup jpourse, fifteent' miles to the leeward ahd return. ' -. "' "V""" fefeF tRUS -'HJVS , , OG ANIZEif: c;.f i .i .ij.-Kv x'rtjtlit ; CHICAGO, AprTi S,A ! isptchi to. fh& Trionne from New York says; a certificate of- incorporation s for "th United States 1 Biscuit -'Company ! tas FLOOD IN THE SOUTH NEW ORLEANS, La' April . With the blowing out of forty feet of crib bing at Hymelia cievasse today the situation there has become serious and fears are expressed that unless " the KANSAS 1TOPEKA, Kan ' April- 8-Returns from; all,. towns in Kansas which -heU elections yesterday r.disciose the fact that the vote of enforciag the- prohibw itory law is the most overwhelming in the history, of Jj state. A special et- been'filed in Trenton N. J with a cap ital pf J 4.500,000. The new ' ' concern promises to be a powerful competitor of .the National Biscuit Company The financial powers behind' the .'pew com pany are not disclosed, but it is under stood thejr are millionaire . Chicago capitalists. It is v regarded " in .Wall street that the new company will 'be operated as an adjunct pf the beer combination, with Armour interests in controL , The capital of 1 4,500,000 Is di vided Into; SJ.500.000 7. per cent cumula tive and 13,000,000 common stock. ' WESTERN "UNION'S SUIT, - i v. PHILADELPHIA. ' Anril ' Ti. western Union .Telegraph Company has entered suit in the United KtAt Circuit) Court atrainst ho Phibdelnhid : Baltimore & Washington, and the-Phii: ABOUT! THAT 03AT You wear a -coat- Why ? To keep the cold put Kor 10 i keep the- warmth in; W haj of , thef faotjy that-has : no warmth --the thm.! roor- lody. that flacks tiie healtHy.. nesn ana tat it needs f, - ' .: For such we sav that ScottW ; -ukion;providesJtie:right Kina ot a cxat. aViivHB cause Scott's Emulsion builds firm, : solid flesh sun. plies -just Enough -fat to fill nature s jeauirements no more. That means bocluv' warmth. - 5 ' -- .' V v ; '' -wmiol -ii; -WtTI iesd yarn a KUBpJ tre apoa rqal. " SCOTT k BOWKS, 409 Pnrl St. New York, jtjdat. april-io, 1903. iVore' entraf' li:iii Hed br'lhe Periiisyl adelt.tsi & Baltimore roads! both r-ontxbl van in. In which the same points . are j Involved as In the suits' against the' Pennsylvania, the dec ision Un Which i ts now pending in the tjintea fciars Circuit Court of. Appeal". Th plain-, tint teeks to have the . railroad com panies restrained from; interfering vith Us i-oles and wirB. " j" - FORMER CLATSOP SHERIFF. . THE DALLES, Ore, April '8. Thos. A. Va'rd- a citisen of The. Dalles, and well known throughout Eastern ; Ore gon, died here of Brtghfs disease, af ter an illness' of about two years. Mr. Ward was a pioneer of Oregon and was formerly sheriff of Wasco county. .Itching piles? Never mind If physi cians have . failed to cure you. r Try Doan's Ointment. No failure, there, 50 cents, .t jiny-druy store, t ; ? i .- PRESIDENTIS IN SECLUSION Arrived at -Yellowstone Park and Disappeared - pitNETR ATED ITS DEPTHS And Will Wot Reappear for Sixteen Days at Least WILL ENJOT REST, AND CESSA- TIO N-FROM PUBLIC DUTIES AND 5 WILL STUDY THE NATURE OF ' THE VARIOUS ANIMALS THE i "Weather is fine. SqiNNABAR. Mont, : April. S.Presti dent Roosevelt is in the Yellowstone Park, and for the next sixteen days be expects to enjoy ,-oompIete - rest and cessation from public duties. He will be in " almost constant communication with Secretary Loeb at Cinnabar, but nothing, except of the utmost import ance, will be referred to, him. f y In company with John Burroughs, a naturalist, who accompanied him from Washington, he will closely study the nature of the -various animals that in habit the. park. ( Every trail leading into the preserve is closely guarded, and no one will be allowed to disturb the President's soli tude.. His headquarters will be at the home Of t Major Pitcher,. superintendent 6f thfi park,. A number of iqamps have been : established liv diflTerent localities. and - thse ; wvi te , occupied . Dy t President. from .time '.to time.'.' - Thej special train bearing tpe Presi.- dent and his parly arrived at the Gajd. ner. entrance to thje park. at 12;30 this afternoon 4nd waSinjeby a aetaehment of the TWrdr Cavalry and, a number, of cowboys. ,iTb.aV President . dressed t,in riding. breeches and coat. wlt,h,a ' light ed his horse and. made a brief, address to the,.jpeople. congregated near' , his train... ... . . . .. . . . . ,. He then bade them and. .nis party damage can be immediately repaired other portions of the 3,000 feet of work will be endangered by the strain upon it.,. The water is going through the opening at a terrific rate. REMAIN DRYsFOR TWO YEARS fort , was made ; by .the' opponents - of prohibition to make a good showing at mis eiecuon. a "a tnus pave theway for .resubmission in the campaign two years from now. Only six towns of any importance'in'the state voted In -favor of liberal policy toward - the saloons.'' good-by and led jthe way Into' the pariC The;traln7returned to Cinnabar where tBecretaryLoeb"an1 fhe'rernAlj- der of the party will lfVe in it while tne president is absent. . On April 24th the President will start on his trip to &t- Xxuis and the Pacific CoasL The weather here Js very mild and reports from the park art zo he. effect that tnere is little snow in the -icinUy of tne President's. headquarters, . - MET AFTER MANY YEARS REUNION OF CLASSMATES WHO HAD BECOME MISSION ARIES. , ALBANY', Ore, April 8. The pres bytery of the United Presbyterian church of Oregon, which completed Jts session- In this "city yesterday, was the occaai'on 'of the meeting of two, mini s- been classmates in'cOllege and who had, not seen each other since their gradu-f ation. , Rev: J. O. AsTienhurst. how- of V Llnnasho, Crook county, and Rev. TL B." Morrison, now or Ontarld, "Stalheur county, were classmates and graduated together in the Xenla tOhlo) Theolog ical Seminary. Immediately after they graduated they , separated. Rev. Mor rison going as a missionary to India ahd Rev. ' Ashenhurst to EgypL Most of the Intervening years they have pent in foreign missionary work,' but because of poor health both retained to the United States and began home mis- swJnarF-work in frontTer 'districts ln Oregon. ; They both attended the pres bytery, in this city,'1 and thus met for the first time in many years. ; A corn on the toe of a Philadelphia man caused his death. ' ? Americans bought in Parls last yixr tlZ.UA -oth ot ioo-liver' pie; 2&j6&3 of human hair and, $120,000 worth of, mushrooms. " . - 1 - TJj .it L The H 1269 LIBERTY ST. Dry Goods and Millinery Store. 302 Commercial Str t Challies 5c a yard. The best that can be had for the monejy fast colors, great va riety ot pretty pat terns. Batiste Lawn, ; plain new patterns, tiinj swell lines. Millinery in all the latest styles. Visit this (lepartnient. It will be a treat for you. Here you will find the combined features of style, quality and reasonable prices. 302 Commercial St.. Attention flif! Hop Fertilizer. No- 10 i 't il , v- -. i . Egpecijai Iy Ar your purpose, combined u r on rcsul t . i " of eicpcniuelits: '" ''V' : Garden 'and Field , Fertilizers Nos. l, 2, 34 and 5 :ivwnl-1je;fouatI;to-uiall reqmi,ement9..'.-Imd . it? -R!L" olAsjfer,'etd.vY6lir !oieii 'Solicited. ,' Bfp, Seed nmr Poultry Supplies. Througn personally conducted, tour ist sleeping: cars between Portland and Chicago, once a week, and between Os- den and Chicago three times a week, v4a he Scenic line; ' ' ;-" - ' Thrwugh Standard . sleeping car daily, bet ween Ogden and Chicago, vis he Scenic line. , . ,.. 5 Through Standard sleeping . cars iTaily between Colorado Springs anl St. Louis. . . Through Standard and tourist sleep ing, cars daily between San Francisco and Chicago, via Los Angeles and Kl Vzzo. ... : ', Through Standard sleeping cars and chair cars dally between St. Paul anf Chicago. Be sure that yoUr ticket reads tii the Great Rock Island Route. The beat and most reasonable din ing car service. " . L. B. GORIIAM,' General Agent. . . T. J. CLARK, Traveling Passenger Agent, 250 Alder St, Portland. Or. : -WIRE FENCE lean t ron tnoner on fenee wl'e.' T m now rKtnr order inr In tare delivery oirert rrora janern niu. - races siwsys the lowest. Correspondence r.IIclel. , . K - WALTER MORLET, , 8a) em fence Works. 51 Btate Et. Slem . : - . .... . - , Orgasted 1294 $13,046,070 losorsnco in lorce. fareH out to em hern lfc'02 47S7.24 H.4. Johnsoa 8lm. Ore. Agt. tir Mr' ivu county A C Chandler Seifr Mc 3fiDnni Or A GENHRAL STRIKE. - All STERDA M. April 8. The munici pal employes here nt tonight and de Mde"d . IqL go -tout ba: a." strike, tomorfoVT This action will affect the gas, tele phone, sanitary and water services. Easter r Offerings (nJ.lQsincent Carpels FurHrh ami fcur passing all jir'vUu3 attt-mptff. JVs,u(iful 1 1!W tn for liaiiy, lil.r.Hii -, lining .prims ami )arioix. , Your farJy 4Jiie4-t2ii u ill he arpret ;ild. wM 'furnishing Co, and fancies, all see our new SZS3S Growers ! mriio i " . .. 8ALEM, OREOGN ILLINOIS Is an iniKrtant state ami .11.9 ler fx ut of it population,, lia located on Chieajro, the1 reatoft otn inerQial criitrr of the Vst, ln-xt reaclu-d from the Noith went hy this famous railr;atl The Northwestern limited Daily between MinneanllH, rU Paul and t;hiCii;o is ujc - peer of all line trains For low?! rm'cs,, time of train " fut I forarallou write ( C. Jtt. '. ir.lHI.KK , - . Trv;iiic Agt.. n Azrtt'. 2 4UK;r. Ui..t Or. Money to Loan , On Improved farm and city projrts at lowest rates, i. I TIJOMAS K. FORD, ' ' r , Over Ladd & Bush's Ilanlr. Saiem, Qregoa. ' CHINESE Dr ug S tore l carry ailTtinds'of Chinese drugs and medldnes. - Roots ami herbs nature's medicine. Good for all kinds of sick ness." Cures "opium habit. Good for the blood and kidneys. DR. KUM DOW WO, C2i Liberty Street - Salem, Oregon. CASH PAID FOR" eggs at Commer- cial Cream Co. Si?