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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1903)
CALL UP.THE FARM FOLKS And Converse With Them As Though They Were Neighbors . ir TWO NEW TELJEPHONE LINES ARE COMPLETED AND OPENED UP IN POLK COUNTY WITH TWEN TY-FOUR SUBSCRIBERS TWO MORE BEING CONSIDERED. . The two new rural telephone lines running over ilfto Polk bounty which have been in'coaYs of construction the last few weeks, were tohrpleted raster day and now twenty-four families liv ing at Lincoln, Zena and between these villages and Sjiletrj, are 'now In tele phone connection with Salem, and have the free use of the Salem central switch board so that th'.jr can converse at any time with-; any oik living In 'Salem the suburbs who has a telephone." or Manager W. II. Duncy of the Pac; States Telephone and Telegraph Com pany, has plans under way for insult ing two more rural telephone ' lines running oat of Salem, end it is only a j .natt- r.r f k ,.,, L tire valley is covered with a network of telephone lines which-bring speaking connections with the majority of homes and business houses in the state, j: The new .'phone running into Polk county are called "farm 'phones. !and In tnlllng a party, the j word "farm" fchould be given to central and then the iiumuer. l h subiH-riliers on these! linen arid their corresponding numbers are given as follows: '! W. 1T.X Elliott. Farm 14, i John I'lum. Farm IS. .John Schindler, Farm 11. " K. O: Moll, Farm IS. J Il;miiih. T'arm lxl. Ed ljtxe. Farm lxS, f : John Walling, Farm lxS. . 1. Abrams, -Fiirtn .15. j " Chapman. Farm 11. i Berchfr. Farm 13.' " Starbuck, Farm 1x4. A. I. Coy le. Farm 2x7. i ; . : W. V.. Duncan, Farm 21. ! : Samuel l'hltllps. Farm 23. ! Sit inuel. Darker, Farm 21. J. E. Phillips, Farm 25. j J. II. Crawford, Farm 2. I W. J. Crawford, Farm 27. J. IS. Shepard. Farm 2x1. i 1. Peaslce, Farm 2xJ, Copper. Farm 2x4. IX O. Henry, Farm 2x5. Coo per, Farm 2x4. , r Gilbert (not numbered). 1 THOROUGHLY AROUSED PEOPLE OF MARI65? C?OUNTT ARE TO ORGANIZE FOR IMPROVE- ! , MENT OF THKTIOADS. , "Tfce spirit of toad Improvement ". is manifesting it?elf in different portions of Marion county. A meeting has been called by the good road enthusiasts, of Liberty, to be held In the school house at that place tomorrow evening, for the purpose of organizing a local;. Good Roads League. An Invitation to ad dress the meeting has been accepted by County Judge John It. Scott, and an other, was extended to Vice-President H. H 'Thlelsen, , but that gentleman Is not certain as yet whether he shall be able to attend. The meeting promises to be a lively and an enthusiastic one, and the residents of the. Liberty neigh borhood have signified their wlflingness to donate liberally, in the way of vol unteer work, toward the Improvement of the public highways In their section of the county. Meetings, for the. pur. pose of orgHnixitig local leagues, will be held in other parts of the county in the very near future and it may. truly be said that the pcopleiof Marion coun ty are thoroughly aroused to the Im portance of systematic, permanent road Improvement and propose to get the good work starUd without further de lay. , ' IN SUPREME COURT MINim OIIDKKS MADE IN cEVKIl AL CASKS ON DOCKET YES- j ' TETIDAY. - "-' Miner 'orders were made In several .le-r.y the SuiremeCourt yesterday us follows: . j In to. Mendeiihall Estate, and E. R. Mendenhall, respondents, vs. Reg Styles Correct Guaranteed Workmanship t The Best Valuts Unsurpassed co tin dim jrrt A 1- . : Spring Suits We've. Opencd OuF Sprfno Lines of : ' ' ;.:;. -;tlVKgKLT OnEOON STATESMAN. TUKSDAT. MARCH Sl,13?3..: :'. Ll. I - I, " ". " V. ' ... ', , 3', . " ' " r E : . ; - a,- 1 , , -....- - i ' -i : : . : rr t ' 1 4 r j , , . . . , - r.-- - i- - - r . r motion that appellant nave five Mendenhan. executor, appellant: order days additional time to servo and file the abstracts of record. . . Wonia Stinchcombe, ar'wllant, vs. New York Life Insurance Company .re spondent; ordered on stipulation that appellant hav thirty days further time to serve and file her brief and respon dent thirty days thereafter. to serve and file its brief. . - , In re. estate of Hiram A, Straight, deceased. Allen & Lowis. a corporation, appellant, vs. Henry K Steven, admin istrator, respondent: ordered on stipu lation that appellants time to serve and file its brief be extended to April 29. 1303. ! ' ?":'--- - State of Orego.i. ex ret P. D. Cham ber L-k in. vs. Henry St. Raynor, disbar ment;! ordered on motion that St- Ray nor have five days' additional time to serve and file; his brief for a rehearing. tiE DENIES CHARGES EXECUTORjOF' WILLIAM FOWLER WEST ESTATE FILES AN . : i SWER TO PETITION. Fort Boise West, the executor bf the last will and testament of William Fowler Wes deceased, has filed an an swer, to the petition of Anna E. West, which jetitlon was filed with the pro bate court on March 17th. the petition er praying for an order of the court requiring the above-named , executor, among other things, .to file with, the c-ourf his final account with said es- ' V vn ln sum of $3,816. as the income from eer- to tain lands belonging to the estate, and of which he has had the control In his answer Mr. WesC; as executor, de nies j the allegations made in the pe tition, and asks the court for an order dismissing; the same, and that his re- J port! of the accounts, etc., heretofore filed of the estate be allowed to stand. and that the matter of the final settle ment be continued until some time next fall i after; the crop season- lie also asks for his costs and disbursements in curred in this matter. J ., To Administer tka Estate. Russ?tl Catlin, was yesterday ap lointed by. the Marion county probate court, administrator of the estate of Cornelia H. King. dcejised. His bond in the sum of J3.200, was approved by 1 he' court, and J. R, Linn, James Kyle and Thomas Kay were appointed ap- Ttr:i t , m In ti m tTv i kaa t t t-o rri v f I. - - - - - - ...... - - - - longing to th estate. The probable valiifv of the proterty. which consists of real entate only, is given at 1600 and j the; heirs named are Leonard King, Km sHl Catlin. Sophie B-', Fearl and jOrare N. Catlin, air being residents of j Burlington, Kansas, with' the exception jof Russell Catlin, who ; is the well known hop-buyer of this city. Mrs. j Cornelia 11. King was the mother of Mr. Catlin. i Appraisers Fil Report. . , la the mnjtter of the estate of E. F. . Parkhurst, deceased, 'George Waters, Frrink Durbin and A. T. Wain, recent- ly appointed appraisers, filed their sup plemental appraisement of the value of certain promissory notes belonging to the estate, and which were overlooked ini the original appraisement, fixing such valuer t 66-23-- V-C- NEW PICTURE MACHINE BAKER CITY MAN INVENTED I j DEVICE SAID TO BE SUPER j IOR TO EDISON'S. iBAKER CITY, Ore, March 23. W. C. Cutler, of this city, is perfecting a machine wliich, m the opinion of those who have gleaned an insight Into the mechanlsmlof the device, will prove su perior to the kinetoscope or picture ma chine of thp present day.; Patent law yers of Washington, D. C, have secur ed a caveat upon the Invention. An Edisoln film, fifty feet in length, Is contained 1ft the old style which unrolls before the jye after a. nickel Is dropped Into the slot. Mr. Cutler's invention will show 300 feet of film, and as each fifty feet i. unrolled a little ImH rings, the observer being informed of the fact that a newjset of views Is approaching. When the film is exhausted a mechan ltal ;arrang)ement rewinds it. arl it jutaln in retdines for business. A Bos ton firm IS reported to have solicited the rights jto the machine, offering' tn manufacture them upon a royalty. iA ioc-il man desires a half interest, and irtade a fiajterfng advance for the right, but Mr. Cutler thinks he knows a prof itable article when he discerns It. and will play the owner for a while at I.-HSL I j Kabbl Rtiepheni S. Wise, of "Portlauu, arrived in Saleiwi oil the Albany local bst night. He wTIV address the stu dents in chapel this nvirnlng and re turn to Portland- In the afternoon. 550 to $25 ' : - - -ft' ! - : .m il 1 li mm. Shirts. 8wtteri, Fancy Ifosiery, IT Dusters, Snnirner Ve.U, W JEFFERSON A LIVELY TOWN Many Enterprises and In dustries Are Being ' K Established 1 AND RESIDENCE BUILDINGS CON STRUCTED ALREADY THIS YEAR business .is AND WAS NEVTSR MORE PROMIS INQ THAN AT PRESENT- : i - .; ' ? '5 f ? ! .The picturesque little town of Jeffer aon located on th.e'bank of .'th.J peace ful Santiam. river, was(. visited Satur day by a Statesman 'reporter and he found an exceedingly lively little city. It being '.Saturday quite .a nurobej- .o farmers were in town doing their regu- lar-trading or getting repairs for their farm machinery, but. it was noticed that all wore a busy; air and seemed to have to time to stand on the- street corners, and gossip. They attended to to. their business in the shorttit possi- le space of time and hurried home to their - work. ' The usual number ' of t farmers wera not in . evidence on ac count of the stress of spring' work,, and all agriculturists are "making hay whlleThe sun. shines,"1 as they Xear the present splendid weather will not. con tinue very long at a time 1 when- the spring rains are expected. ' " Graingrowers are a little worried over the exceedingly warm weather, and say nothing makes big wheat crops like plenty of rain at this time of year. A luxuriant "growth of "grass has re lieved the extreme shortage oh paaturfe and stockmen seemed, to be in a mere pleasant frame of mind than formerly. Business Is Lively. ,. . ' AH business men of vJefterson. report ed busines as very lively and all that they: could ask1 for at this time. There seems to be-a great deal of activity In the . building line, especially : in' plans for residences which are to go up this summer. ; Quite a large number of new comers are In the city and will prob ably build in the near fature'as houses to rent are as scarce as hen's tee'th-1.,. New Creamery Plant. . creamery building f has just A new been completed and the machinery In- stalled, and last Monday morning the proprietor, KT C Eldridge, -opened -his new creamery plant and Invited Ahe patronage of the public. Mr, Eldridge is an old creamery man of long experi ence and Is the proprietor' of the" Inde pendence Creamery. He has-not built as large a plant as some In the state, but it is of the most modern type: in ev ery detail, and is probably as 'perfect' a plant, if not piore so, than any In the state."- The floors are all of cement, and'ort 'different levels, so. that -the pW duct""may be handled with"-the "fehst. amount of labor involved. The ittittS Ing. is supplied with a fultsystenj,t)f steam? "hot and cold water, pipes ' mak ing scrupulous cleanliness possible. The churn is a disborow, rotary, and com bined worker' The; cream Is churned, washed and worked' without "being handled or touched. The capacity of this churn and worker is 600 pounds of butter per churning; and , two- batches of cream can, be churned each day-The butter mold, Is Simpson's Improved Jumbo mold, with a Capacity of' 614 pounds of butter; The cream vat. Is of a capacity of 750 gallons and cream in it may be heated by turning steam in the inner space surrounding the cream. Ice can also be packed around It. They are supplied with a Babcock steam tester, which attains a velocity of, 900 revolutions per minute. .A i horizontal steam engine aTfd boiler furnishes the power and hot wter for the plant. The brand which will be stamped n ,the squares of golden butter ia veryj heat, being a spread eagle, representjed, as holding in its mouth a jx nnant blaring the worts ''Eagle Brand.' MrIti Van lei hyde, a- butter 'maker of, long ex perience in Minnesota, is n charge of th plant and may be-expected to take the bt st pssible: advantage of .', the plendid butter making plant. ..; :- The peopU , of Jefferson and .vicinity' glady received the new butter factory in their midt and several dairymen, tmoftj them being J. B. Xiooney. W J. IK)ney, Charles Miller Jr.. Charles Miller' Sr. and T. B, Terhum, ' each awning herds of from twcty to twenty five cows, commenced selling their pro luct to the creamery the morning it opened, and several other dairymen W EARLY doubled were' oar1 sales for January and February i as compared witli iasl ysar, and we've made yjjiarntions ti keri up that jrccartl during tho' spring season it values and styl ana conipietenes-4 oi tssornnent can accoinpiisn iu-j .neveraiave w been better rep3rt-i to serve our customers. Our spring .lines have . never Ibctn' larger or rnore carefully 'irlectedj T 1N SUITS Our, showing of fashionale coloring? in ihe new cuts has not been Mir- passed in Marion county.The smart tlrts'scr may here give rciu: to his most fastidious notions, while th man of more conservative ideas may be cfpialiy as well suiteI:and le no less upto-date. ncmnhtxrlorjR OWN GtAtllANTEE IS BACK OF EVERVS CIT 'feryrnr. mmer Juls -rft i ij I ; i. v.i.;'J- : : : ; i-w.-.. ,, , i who have contracts with ciirnfe .will commence patronizing their ova'creamery the first of- the month, or as soon as their contracts with other creameries expire A large number of farmers In the neighborhood have ex pressed their Intention of keeping a number of cows. Between 300 and 400 cows,; mostly Jerseys, are In sight at the present time and their cream will be going to the creamery inside of a month, and they confidently expect the cream from. 600 cows Inside of a year.'; No skimming is done at the creamery! as most of the patrons own hand sep- I arators, and' the rest are preparing to. j MK Eldridge, of the creamery, sold four j separators last week. 1 . : J This creamery will .leave & large amount of money in ? the "community each year, and will come to be one of ; the most important-industries engaged in by the Tanners of that section. , . , .Talepbone.Servica Growing , W. Lt Jpnes the Jefferson barber, also runs the. centrajt. telephone jofiice, and he- reports that four local lines are beng projected. The subscriber have already been secured and the 'Instru ments will be installed Th a short time. Three party lines will run in as many directions from Jefferson. In' i Marion county, to supply the farmers with tel ephone service, and one line will cross the Santlam into. Linn county. 'Besides thia twenty-five have subscribed for phones Inside the city limits. ? These lines, will all be in connection with the main line, running through Jefferson. Mr. Jones has recently enlarged and improved his office building, and runs a. fruit and confectionery store in con nection with the barber shop and tele phone station. .' , " " ;' Has Good Bank, j ! One of .the most substantial institu tions - of Jefferson which recently sprung "Into existence is the " Oregon State Bank, of which JI ;A. Aupperle, the flouring mill man, is president' and 11 W. Hazard Is cashier. Thi bank opened for business last August, and Is proving a great convenience, toi the peo ple of Jefferson and the ftrrounding country, s"JiOj were formerly compelled to do their banking, busines In. Salem or Albany. V.- s-;, . ' ' .. .- , -? : A New Sawmill. : Mr.' 'Aitpperle has also recently com rettdTa sawmill, adjoining the flouring mill and run by water power, taken from the race, provided originally for the flourmg mill. Even now only a small portion of this water power Is being utilized, and from time to time new industries will bet added, the-only thing necessary for power being to put In a-new Water wheel. The sawmill ffiH8 need n nas caused an era of building to be planned for this Fsummer, .which will probably be a re cord reaker. -The lumber is engager far . ahead of its manufacture, and is hauled oft as fast as turned out. The recent flood carried away their boon) of logs and caused considerable delay; but they now have a drive coming from" Up 'the Santiam " river, in Whlph there is 300,000 feet of lumber. Grinds the Year 'Round. The flouring mill runs1 steadily the year. around, even frotW ,jw till har vesti when, the majoritynof mills are laid aside for. lack of wheat to grind. They turn out about 135 barrels of flour per day, and It flnds-'Wi'eady market, being shipped to Portiandhnd South ern Oregon points. The mill also en joys a' large local exchange trade. Many New Buildings. " There .are no business buildings planned so far for construction this summer, but quite, a large number of neat and showy cottages and .substan tial residences are How in course, of construction or planned to be built. E. C. Hazard, the bank cashier, will build a handsome residence In the- near future. ProT. , W. A. Wiley, principal of the Jefferson public schools, is plan ning to build a new residence near the handsome' public school building in the north part of town.- Work is now going-forward .on a pretentious residence being built by Mrs. Denny, near the de pot. ' ;' ' . - . A. J. Shoemaker is building a nice house just south of town. This build ing was commenced as early as the weather would, permit and Is " being puehed to completion. Sam Pease, the miller, has commenced work on a. new: home." : ' " ;: , . - ,i Rural Delivery System. , The Jefferson postoffice is In Smith ; Jones gcreral merchandise store, and the, iBUrrotinding farmers are supplied bjr a rural ideltveTy systems A rural route from Albany also comes withlni about three miles of Jefferson. J ' U - if . ' and 50 Per Cent Interest V or$I20Kuit for fijrures oat that omer ton- i - - , . ftictira E. E. BAILEY, D.M. D. Graduate of. North racist Denial CuHcjc OUR MOTTO Honest Work at Honest Prices All, Work Guaranteed. Examination Free Koorusl-2 McCVrcack Blk. Take elevator, oxvr Jos. Meyers & Bmw store Spring Right up to the scason's best styles are all our hats: New York Millinery Parlors 371 Com. St Agency for E-astern Oregon Mard Vheat Flour Peacock Brand, gocal as the Uel . SWEET PEAS ; All Kinds - Only 50 pounds of last shipment left.. . , Fine assortment'of Tulips, f JladlolI, Seed, Feecf, R and Poultry Happlies. PainU, Oils and , (Jless. Iargest assortment iu ttie City, SAVAGE S FLETCHER '. HALEM, OREIiGN . 3W TRANSFERS FOR WEEK REAL ESTATE BUSINESS SHOWS A I i STEADY, INCREASE EAvJlt- WEEK. If Last week there were filed in the Ma rion :" county recorder's o-Uce deeds of transfer..aggresatmg.,th conslderaliotv of . 50,-VSa.T This, shows a marked gain.j In the seal estate business over previous weeks. The week before it amoUintid to about $45,000. and the first we?i In the month $26,537. People who. are plan ning to build during the summer are hurrying to buy property before it ad vances any further, as they realize it is doing very fast.. Many are investing for speculative purposes-In order to profit by the steady advance in values Which will come during the next year. 'v Several realty transfers were yester day filed for record In the recorder's of fice, aggregating a consideration of $9, 2S9. A patent was. also filed transferr ing 322.2$ acres of, land from the United. States Government to Pilns Jones, girl Signed by President Johnson in 1S30. The realty deeds a re, s R. R. Ryan and wife to Htisiin V. Weir, 6. acres in township In, range 3. w. ; wd . .p . ,; . .... 5 9 J. iX Beardsley and wife to Evan '-P. Weir, 42 acres In town,5hi0 7 s range 3 w.; wd ... . ...... .... . 2r,oo Amos 'W. Lons. t ux, to Emm KngdahU. lot 5 .in block- 4, in Boise's" First Addition to Ser.n j wd f . .... iJ10"i) Henry. Bwke, et ai:,- to ChHrle Becke, Jr the southewt quarter of section 2, township 4 8.. ranse 1 w containing lSfli acres of land; e. d, .. .. .. . Robert McGIlchrist and wife, to V. M." Wilson aid wife, 7.0 9 cr-S. also ot2S,'In Sunnyside Fruit Farm, No. 19, all !n townshipS s ranue 3 w.; fcd . . . . . . . . AriOTliha Bemerd. et Annis B. Jones, parcel of land In town 100 !M0 , i j- 1 T O P C0AT.5 on Yoar Money .l'jffi'SoTSJKsffiJSi' way dosen't it?. Thane 12.50 ttiid KKSSl '1 MRS: HOOKER, Mgr ship 6 s., range 1 w.;-wd ,.1 .. Georjre W. Knappet Ux, to F.fN ' Crane, 15 acres of land In section' 13, township 5 ranee 1 W- jwd George W. Davis, et ux, to C. T. , Pomeroy, et ux, Ihe east half of lot 10 In block 67. of Salem. Ore wd .. .. .1 .. .. .. .. Lauriatt Beach to John Zimmerlee, et ux, 25 acres of land in town- "ship 5 range l.w:, wd .f. . i Vol ney .Leonard to Arthur F. Ho-,, bart, 2.R acres in township g, range 1 w.; wd ....... ., Jacob B. Shuck and wife to W. E., Owen, parcel of land In town ship 5 s.. range 1 w.; ci, c. d. . Jacob P. Shuck, et ul, to W. E. Owen. 3.81 acres bf land In sec- tion 25, towhshlp 5 s., range 1 w.;q. c. d. .. .. .i. Charles II. Crocker to W. Al T. Bushong. trustee, lot 9 In block 9 in Brooklyn Addition to Salem, q. c. d. . . . . . . . . . . .... 300 .200 ; . 1H Total! ..ihosi A HEROIC ACT : " 1 ' About 4:40 Friday evenlnsr, while p'aylng on the can factory wharf, at which whs moored the lighthouse lend er Manxanita. little he ochimson fell -from the wharf Into the ThvT, FtrHting on the guard as he fell. For tunately the steamer's crew and a nnm ber of other' men ' were near at hart?l, and the child had been the waterbct w moment when -Michael Nolan, second officer f 1 . the Mnxanlta. bravery plunged Ihto the river and grasp"! the drowning boy. ' A rope was quickly thrwn to "Mr. Nolan and the noytwas safely pulled up by willing hands and every attention directed to his rcsti cltrttion. wMich' was soon effected: THe gallant lifesaver was assisted to the deck of tl) steamer afUr being fn'tm? chilly "yfa-ters; alout ten minutes.- Morning. Astorfatf. ! Exierlmnts are leing mane to rnan ufictb re brown iaper out of Irish, lxg I -eat. '''"'..-""-."" . '' . .- . j-, . . . Cater To. The -Stylish ' V ... . .... t ' Trade Topcoats 514, $16 r1 flats forf are a snap sure. millinery. V '' ''; : "j "-' j:; -t ;" 'V ' ' WOQtiiSi :M XaH: store