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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1903)
ItTEEiaT OREGON STATESMAN.. FRIDAY. MARCH 1$. 1303. ut 0r.EGG. lYEELlY STATESMAN J i Published rry TumAmj and Friday by Ui K STATESMAN TTBIJSHIA'O COMrAJiT &. J.' H3i 1 Kti, Manager. SCBSCBlriiOA KATES. year, la advance . V-i x moot ha, ia advance.. . .... 1 hree noaihs. in ad ranee . iw year, on time...... : - Tb B'atewBaa ban beta established for aesl fiftr-iwo yearn, and it baa tone subscribers wr ve receired it b early mat long. anl nan a tta bar read it for a rat-on. Some i tbee object to bavins; tne paper dir-ontinon- Urn of expiration Of h' t wrtUn for Utt benefit of these, and ior other reuou we baTcooocindHlo dneosvonc aoriiu ny when a-Hified to do bo. All pernoar paying wbea sabxeribtnc. or paying in advact-e, mil rtaTe tha benefit of the dollar rate. Bat if Ihrt do not py frr six month, toe rate will! a vear. Hereafter we will arnd the paper to at responsible peraona who order it, though tlvr ntr not aeod the money, with the undervUixi Jsj that they are to pay 11-25 year, in ea they 1e the mbacripUon aoeoant ran oxer sis a on tha. ' In order that there my he no silnin nOan-tin. we will keep thia notice stacdinc M this place I a the paper. i t: W.I. Circulation (sworn) over 4000 MR. GORMAN THERE AGAIN. Along with the mention of the cere monies incident, a few days ago, to the opening of the extraordinary session of - t ... the Senate, a cress dispatch remarks that, so far as the new members are concerned, the ovation with which Sen ator Gorman was received, was the fea ture of the hour. Beyond a doubt, a rood many peopl were glad to I see Mr. Gorman In the Senate once more; beyond a doubt, no body felt better about it than Mr. Gor man himself. lie is very much at home in the Senate.. It ,was hard lines for him to be obliged to step out for a time and let a Maryland Republican step in. Mr. Gorman's career In the Federal Senate began when he was a boy. lit was a Senate page. He was appointed to that service way back in 1852, and that was a long time ago"; It Was two Presidential terms before Lincoln wat elected. He was thirteen years old when he began service as a page. Lat er on, he held one office or another in connection with the Senate' business until 1866. ! Thereafter. Mr, Gorman was actively in Maryland polities. He was elected to membership1 in the Federal Senate in Over 3000 Boys ia various parts of the country are making money fa their spare time . selling The ' :, ' Satunfijr Ereninz Post. Some make f mech as Sio.oo and $15.00 a week. Any boy who reads this can do the same. V W ' detail of Its enormous business is" laid f " ... . -. t . . . . 1 open to ine puouc Aiier i anuu reports were made ou t reeenUyv this company took large space in the prom Inent newspapers of New Yorkv Phila delphia and other cities to tell of Its re cord for the : year previous and so promptly was this done that It was an attestation of the splendid organization of all the vast . business - of the - giant system, and especially' of the method employed in bookkeeping. ONE IN . THE SECON D. IN A DAINTY little booklet, which, we will send to any boy free,'the most successful of our boy agents tell in their own way just bow they hare made a success of selling ,V . r The Saturday Evening Post ,There are many stories of rea! busi ness tact. Pictures of the boys are given. Send for this booklet and we will forward with it full Information how yoa can begin this work. Ho money required to start. We will send Ten Copies of the magazine the first week free. Write to-iday! ' . The Curtis Pmbuahtwg Caatpaar 469 Arch Street. Philadelphia, pa. 1881 and he held his seat until 1899. Just prior to that year, the Republicans had captured Maryland. They sent Wel lington to the Senate. Rather, Maryland missent H1I3 man; In the Senate he was a monumental fail ure. He took his seat in J87. But the Republicans had one more go at It; they elected r"?natorj McComas, who took Mr. 'Gorman's seat n 1899, -ami -an' ex- t-ellent man for; the place Mr- McComas lias proved to be. He has several years yet to serve. Meanwhile, to nobody's regret. Wellington went out on March 3, and Mr. Gorman took his place 011 the 4th. I SIC TRANSIT GLORIA. "What is the end or fame V was a question propounded! by.the nuwt cynic ul of poets'in his most cynical mood and answered by him in a 'stanza that is widely accepted as' the most per feet specimen 0f condensed cynicism extant. A little more than a year ago the coun try resounded and the welkin rang with praises of Governor Van Sant, or Min nesota. Van Sunt was the Wellington Mho was to undo the Napoleonic great ness of Jim Hill. Van Sant was the Moses who was to deliver us poor chil dren of Israel from the bondage of rail road mergers, and lead us into a land flowing with universal benevolence and philanthropy. Van Sant was the dash ing, dauntless, splendid Jason who was Wrtd the world of Its mdsfr'Veeent crop gf frightful dragons, fiends and mon Sters. Washington created the nation. jJJncoln saved it, from, disruption, and Han Sant was to rescue it from the gali jig despotism of a baneful plutocracy. " There was a j Van Sant Presidential foom of course, i. Or, conceding that Roosevelt was to be nominated In 1904, (jan Sant was to be his associate on the ticket, sheer force of circumstances $ompeinng him to remain In the Vice Presidency until March 4, 1909, when Sis ascension to the White House would become orte of the most glorious of his rya aocompllshed facts. . A writer in the Anaconda Standard ij&ow pokes fun at.Van Satit, as follows: Asth ma 1 41 My daugntcr had a terrible case of asthma. we tried almost every thine without relief. We then tried 1 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, nd tbree bottles cured her." Emma Jane Entsminger, Langsville. O. Aver s Cherry Pectoral 1 certainly cures many cases of asthma; And it ctfres X U.AM a1i . M MM MM . Ul WllVrllltly llU41dVUC weak lungs, whoopingJ cough, croup, winter I cougjis, night coughs, hard I Cowmlt ymir dnetnr.' irbayiiUksit. then An as be kit. If 1m tella yn not to tmke tt, then don't take tw He kaowa. Daily movements of the bowels are necessary to health. Ayer's Pills are gently laxative.purely vegetable. J. r. ATER CO., lAwell. Mass. "We all remember the social functions 't which, by reason rff his popularity, Van Sant was one of the most conspic uous ornaments. , Van. Sant went to Chicago and assisted in the reception of Prince Henry. ' Or, to state it more exactly. Prince Henry went to Chicago to assist in the reception t Van Sant; for, as a strict matter of fact and per fectly established historical ) fruth. through a mix-up of etiquette the Prince was presented to the Governor instead of the Governor being presented to the Prince. ; Van Sant also went to Washington in the zenith of his fame. The President Invited him to luncheon and made much of him. lie was an object-of extraor ainary interest to Congress, and was viewed with rapt and eager attention by the diplomatic corps. The Washing ton correspondents dwelt copiously .up on him. the artists depicted; his rugged visage as one , full , of "nobility and strength of character, the cartoonists repjjesentei hjm as Ursus breaking the neck of ail enormous corjjoration boll by main strength, and the newsboys bawled him aloud to a large anil adm'e ipg public, a portion of which felt irre sistibly impelled to bow down and wor ship him oft the spot. "A few days ago Van Sant, decided again to go to Washington and see the President, lie arrived. ' but no longer did Washington ' statesmanship and Washington society extend to him the glad hand. lie. was not asked to call on Mr Roosevelt and received no lnvit tions to luncheon at the White House. On -the contrary he found that his rival Tor control of the Republican machine of Minnesota, Representative Heat wole. was hobnobbing with the Presi dent and was looked to by the administration- for pointers concerning Re publican politics In that state, r It was plain that the President did not, look with favor or) the suggestion of Van Sant for the tafl end of the Republic -Presidential ticket In 1904. It was clear that the Republic was ungrateful to Van Sant "and covnted him as political ly dead." It was palpable that there was nothing left for Vant Sant to do but to The Albany Herald conveys the In formation -that throughout the First rnnfressfonal ' District F "there- Is a strong demand, for a roan of firm and known convictions on certain' great and vital questions which affect the great West." ' The name, we observe with regret. Is not mentioned, but that can be forgiven. What we really need U know Is- where the Herald gets its In formation as to the aforesaid demand We should be glad of the name of a man, woman or child In the First Dis trict yes. or the Second either,' thai has ever expressed the desire indicated or would insist upon it In preference to a package of garden, seeds. Ore gonian.. : , .; - ; The Statesman could furnish the name of such a "man, woman or child' in the Second District; r and it " would not be the. name of a woman or child His sir name is Scott, and his given name and addition is Hon.,Haryey .W This gentleman has had some experi ence with alleged stiong demands for a "man of firm and known convictions on certain great and vital questions which affect the great West," and this xeperience , was enough to curdle . the milk of human kindness in his soul. It was a false alarm. ' 1. " We could probably furnish the names of a few men. women and children in the First District who would be glad ,.----.' to add their voices to such a demand; and who would Insist upon it In prefr erence to a package of garden seed. if you could put a stick of dynamite under ' the comfortable chair or dry igoods box of each one of them. But it is more than likely that, there will be ino one with " the time, inclination or inoney to furnish the necessary dyna mite. ' So the package of garden seeds- and the compound handshake wifl probably be given the preference in the First District. . THERE NOW BY. PROXY. Mi I Or. -f t4T i ) s "Tin Entire Medicine Ghest " Till r any r woman requires if she suffers from heada$he9 nervous ness or sleeplessness, is Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It just suits her womanly 'heeds. Miss M71YMB sZTLmnm. Treasurer Independent Order Good Templmrm. 4 . Weak and sick women who aresuffering from womanly diseases are advised to use I Dr. Pierce's Favorite . Prescription. It establishes regularity, dries . , unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness.' If Favorite Prescription" does not act as promptly as desired, weak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by ' letter, -. All correspondence is held, as sjfictly private arid sacredly confidential. "Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. . The "Favorite Prescription" is a true temperaytce medicine, containing neither alcohol nor narcotics, and is a purely vegetable preparation. No woman can be beautiful, have ruddy cheeks and round form who suffers from -disorders, of the feminine organs. The w Prescription " gives vigor and vitality to the organs "of womanhood and builds up the whole system- The offer of medical advice made by Dr. Pierce is a genuine offer made by a physician whose experience and success in the treatment and , cure of. womanly diseases has placed him in the front rank of physicians who successfully treat the . diseases peculiar to women. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. : ' ; Gentlemen I owe my excellent health to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and gladly do I give you fall credit of the same. Two years ago I had serious trouble at stated periods, and doctored for this many months without getting any better. I had hot flushes, headache nervousness and sleeplessness, but? a few bottles of your medicine cured me. "Whenever I have felt worn-out or badly during the last year, a few doses of "Favorite Prescription n was all I needed to make me welL I have no other medicine in the house and do not need any. This w Favorite Prescription w is my. "entire mecucine cnest,': ana it Keeps me m penect oeaitn. Accept my lieartlelt thanks hn utis uiic luucui. is y n y Yours very truly, 502 D Street, S. E., Washingtoa, J). C. ;.. As the rumpus in Delaware has been arranged," Addicks will do a few Sena,- torial stunts by proxy, anticipating the time, as he has planned it, when he will apiear in the Senate in ierson Having two vacant seats in the Senate. Delaware selected two men tor tnt unj ; ctvntMi? tftrtna Hna nr. tVr tii1a'4n . ..,. .' 'Vnking horror of disagreeable, pub QEND . to Dr. R. V. PI CHOC, Duffolo, N. Y., tor a FREE oopy 0 tho "Pooplo'm - Common Somto Modtoal Adviser.'9 For papor-oovorod oopy onaloo 21 one oent stamps to oovor mailing only. Cloth-bound, 31 stamps. The assassination of the bill rejulring t tutorials toi be signed by their writers rlll ba gratefully appreciated by al" j rtodesf'meniibers of - the craft. Ift oui that Addicks is particularly gifted inj 'the way of saying awkward things.. He has just furnished an illustration on that score. He was praising the men ,elected by the Legislature at Dover. telling what good Senators they will make. Right on top of that he remark ed that everything has been nicely ar ranged for the election of a Legisla ture in 1904 that will be favorable to I his own candidacy for the Senate. As suredly, Congressman Ball, the short- term man, -cannot construe - this talk as highly complimentary to himself. It means -that he. Ball, will be tolerated ! for a few months in the Senate merely as the advance agent of Addicks him self. Meanwhile, it is an even chance that Addicks will make his prediction good; there are two . Republican Ma chines in Delaware, but the one Ad dicks runs is the one that does the heavy end of the business. !icity some of us haven't nerve enough :' sign, so much as a $500 check. Ana- onda Standard. The bill also propos al to require the publication of the ames of owners of newspapers in their ournals once a month. Cut,, as stated y the Anaconda Standard, the bill was tnally defeated. ' ' ,N The State Fair .Board has offered larger premiums in the ioultry depart ment. Thisjs well. It will in a meas ure offset the foolish refusal of the Legislature to recognize the growing Importance of the poultry Industry in this stale. The intensified hen Is des tined to lend powerful aid in making the Webfoot State rich and great. If the rumored (Combination of the jould; Clark and kfolTatt railroad in terests is consummated, the Hill and ,11-irrimjin combination will . haye , u 'powerful eompetitor in ceist business. It will be a great thing for Oregon, for it .will mean competition and fur ther powerful efforts in the settling uo and development of the rountry. fanadian legislator rays he got $1000 for. his vote, and a he;d writer on the iPortland Telegram says this is higher rthan in the United States. This head writer i3 evidently a new man in Ore gon, and he has not heard of Montana. Delaware, Colorado, Nevada, etc., etc. VERY DIGNIFIED. in accordance with the usual rro- gramme, the business of the Legisla- tive Assemblv tomorrow nieht will paca nis grip ana return to Minnesota. ! consist almost exclusively of the I;nro. a busied phenomenon." A GREAT COMPANY. There Is being consummated a great transaction, one o the - stupendous deals of modern days, by the Pennsyl vania Hailroad Company. This is 'tak ing tha shape-of an increase of capital stock, the addition being an aggregate of $400,000,000 in new stock together with an amount In bonds. The company will issue, as it nay from time to time seem expedient, se curities to the enormous , total of $483. 570.760. par value. - This will .bring the total authorized capitalisation of the comiiany. stock and fund-l Indebted ness, to the enormous total of $800.0",.- ;.Ko definite statenient has teen issued AS td'" tfie', purposes ' for ( which this anwunt of new capital will be used,' but it ia. known that the company has a vaft" ainount of work laid out which "it will take millions to complete" While the underground railroad Under New York is to be built by another, company the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will own all the stock and at least 450, 000,006; will be used for this purpose. There will be several millions of dollars spent in Washington and at. least. $00,- ;on iK-rmanent Imi'rovpnwit on the line of the road. Some of this money, however,-will be taken-out of the earnings. ; ; t . There are only a few (governments whose transactions aanually are great er contp; duct ion and hasty passage of paper wads. -Anaconda Standard. f . The Montana legislature must indeed be a dignified and deliberative -body. A few short days ago the people of the East were freezing to death. Tht thaw has come and the floods with It and Just now they are being drowneJ. A few weeks later the hot days wil come, and the hotter nights, and the will be roasted and fried Into their graves. It is high time the pamphlet? were being forwarded and the other work of Invitation being done, in di recting the alternately frozen, flooded and frizzled Easteners to this land of plenty and promise, whereT nature is kind and holds out no false hopes; , Marion county appropriates $200 to wards the expense of getting up a good :ounty exhibit at the State Fair. Oood! There is Jto Marion -county taxpayer .vho will not say thii is money well Expended. It will help to create a iriendly rivalry in this matter that will result in great benefit to the State Fair and to the people of all Oregon. The farmers of the country around Jalem ought to turn out en masse this ivening and hear Hon. Aaron Jones, faster of the National Grange, at the 7ity Hall," and the people of Salem should help to pack the ball to the very loors. Mr. Jones is a man of national ame and of great ability, and he will ntertaln and Instruc t th crowd. Over. $700 of the $1000 advertising fund f the Greater Salem Commercial Club !tas been collected. There is only about 60 yet to be subscrilied to complste the und. This will be forthcoming as noon is" the members of the committee 'can et out and do some work. In the mean time the work on the pamphlets is go ing forward. 1 . Eugene is the place, and Thursday, .April 3f, the date for holding the Con gressional Convention. This looks very much like the gentleman with the compound handshake has the first in ning in the game. The last dollar to apply on Willam ette Cniversitv's debt had not been pledged yesterday, but the glad and glorious news Is due any day now, after which the larger measures for the ex pansion of the old school, will be un dertaken and carried forward vigor ously and unhampered. . RICKETY CHILDREN. : ;;;haiks '.to the LegisUiure s sober LoOSe joints, bow. legS, big 1 thought, the abbreviation y of 1 i ' ' i r . I Montana' Hill remain Mont insiavS -of iicuu, auu son- Dones mean . w - v . . ... t . . m . J Monte, . says the Anaconda Standard, rickets. It is atypical d IseaseiThe explanation of the itr.igr:ph is for thphet vnrL-inrri nf Sroti that the Montana .Legislature, Pmilly Emulsion.. For the weak bones Scott's Fv m 11 1 t i n r ,nrrltr trirs , . . . , ' , I ling . down the course to two yriis.i The insurance companies will mark powerful tOniCS the hypOphOS- (why two years.? While they ,e at thw V,are thar stands for Portland on whites. - r Or the lOSS Ot flesh ,l wn3r IK1 rauy enterprising r,u the map wlth ATtfa spot thls YCMr, with ScottS Emulsion DrOvideS the makf ft ,,e year-or 8ix rTK"tt"'. rj a background of silver and gold 3V.OII IIMUIMUII piuwura UICflg Ive .the Institutions a fair rac-i tliat! . ' - nourishing Cod-llVCrOlL : ,1 issue, dlpk,mj8 wlnle you wait, if only: The Socialistsare in the Con- ; ScottV Emulsion COrreCtsPou the price and are.wUUng to' sresslonal wrap. It will be a three or i r - . - . r i . f i - ; , me enecis or lmDenecL nourn w PERSONAL AND GENERAL. t ' - - 1 " I The Portland Evening .Telegfrani congratulates the state of Oregon ter 1 the fact that Senators Mitchell Fulton - wilt work Inj '-harmony in4' the matter At apitintments. ' Did the Tel egram fear they would not oi1i 'to gether? . ' O O O ". ' ; ,i ; William Faber whose fine resident e In East Portland was burnetl on Tues day, is a member of the firm of Fa her. & .-?Ceis, of Salem and Albany, imp dealers. Mr. Faber had but recently completed - Ms. magnificent resiriciiie and moved into it.; His loss on house and furniture' was. about $JJ,000. o o o J ",3Tlie insurance c-omiianies" Sp-;iHls and adjusters had been ", camping in Portland fpr several days, oil account of the fire that :. damaged Lipman.' Wolfe & Co.'s big stok so seriously and burned 'out so many offices. Tlu-y will be detained there a "while longer. on account of the serious losses by fire on-Tuesday. The Insurance companies will be required to" break the best pi t of a round million dollars in .settling the losses. '';:'.'' " o a .. " " ' : The use of electric motive power on British railroads has! progressed rapidly that the various companies are now arranging to adopt a uniform syn tem so that' the -motors and ars ran be used indiscriminately on all lines. The combination will be something like the beginning of the end of the old steam equipments, and may even mean a complete merger of the whole rail way system of the kingdom. umanity i a foolish thing sontimes. Many a man does one good thing and then spends the rest of bis life being proud of iL ., , . . . o o o . Conspirators in most countries have to wait for signals to rise, but the rebel in China, always has his queue. f o o o There were doings in the United States Senate the other day. - Illinois forced a Mason, to-quit his job, Wash ington took a Turner from his grindstone- and Missouri pulled down her Vest. San. Francisco Bulletin. o o Science harks back to the dim P-S.t to find a time when Ice covered Eu- . rope. It should not be forgotten, how- -. lever, that Europe has found traveling St. Louis does not want much;, only B,lppery nee the adoption of the conventin8 in 1904. ' But there are a great many good things In this world that are lost by not asking for them. The improvements at the "State Fair Grounds are going to be made, not withstanding the veto of the special appropriation bill, and preparations will go. right on for the grandest fair ever held In this state, or on the coast. " Although Its propinquity has not Vet assumed an -acute phase the millen nium undeniably is approaching. For the first time In many years the coun try is without a single Senatorial dead lock to its name. There will be many special attrac tions at the. street fair for the week ending July 4th. There will be some-1 thing for everybody, and everybody will be here for miles and miles' around. The Anaconda Standard remarks that ! the extraordinary session of the United refused to carry out its original pic it j stiltes senate will at least be exlra to legalize gambling by licensing it, rdlnrv in th. on that It will con- lit ill J tun uciaiT icjiirarciiMiuv.i. i The big colleges are alKiig of cut-' J than the gross business of this great Jishment and brings rapfd im I ' The ; Washington Legislature appro- YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TAK ,r,y- '. . nrnvrMnenf in ivirv nv trvipriated.more money than the rgon . INu ,. One of the great things about-this 11:1.,,.. rL;iJron ' - i (Legislature, notwithstanding our large When you take Grove's Tasteless. Chill .,... . ' iriCKCly CIIIIUICII. ... I. . . Tnn'ii- K,-air Ih. fnrmiiU I. -..1 ' t n'nipanjr i in? iaci. nui n gives ine I . u, ' ' " - " isums set apart for the IWi Kalr. the -" widest publicity lo it business. It does V ' S far F. S.-pKu . , 4prtage road and the Indian War VeU f".'' th,3 threugh-the newspapers.. . ryTJHnoU ' F-H f - - .KJSS. No curerho" - ; . ' i " o o . : ; The question before the class in his tory Is: With the Philippines In fiont of Irtm-and a multitude. of anti-Imperialists knocking ; DiS military record, would Alexander have wept for more worlds to conquer? r.::f: Un-- ' O O O -' An agent' claiming to . represent an art school which Is about to be estab lished in a near bytity worked the lower-end of town the other. day. .lie carried with him a numbej- of envel opes and in each Instance, the lady of the house was . requested to draw and ir she was lucky enough to get an envelope with -a card in it she was entitled have a picture painted; for the insignlficent, sum of ,9r- . Every lady that drew was "lucky.", and drew a card. ,but ere. long .whf.Vtbe ladies had called - on each other and 'each had tmaaterl of ' her Krreat success ''a great light" dawned on them. J and the agent, would, do well " to. have a little' preliminary, ' practice- dodgiMg rolling pins etc, -before "he attempts to collect for the pictures. The ladies feel cheaper than 8c Infact, they feel as cheap, as 80c ., , i i " . -