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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1903)
0 -IVUl'KLT ' OREGON STATESMAK. TUESDAY. JANUARY 27, 1903." Tfte- Trophies .'.'"... ' ... Jen may take most delight In the trophies of war or of . the bant or of the athletic field; bat woman take most pleasure in the trophies of vise shopping, especially ; . where they ' are of dally home ornament and utility. ' Tle Barr Btore, therefbrev strongly suggest Sttrerwar , as the mof-t acceptable of ail gift for any woman eon- ; eerned in any event which makes gifts to her a necessary eiceuce. Our Silverware- stock is without doubt the .... imt eompr-hensie In rialem- This is the onlv store in town handling the- peerless "R. Wallace, 1X15 brand; -and we alo carry "fUifrera Bros., 117." A reater feature f UU is the "John. O. iiarr" silverware, made especially : to our order, and which we absolutely defy any store in , . town to eqcal aft tb priceSi iWe earnestly urge a vbit r ... here as a necessary preliminary to any silverware purchase Barfs Jewelry Store Leaders la Low Prices. Stmt mmd Liberty Streets, Safes. Oregon. mmm- JANUARY TERM, 1963. Road and Highway. a 3 o a? O. STEtN'ER'3 MARKET. Chickens 9 to10 cents per lb. Kggs 20 cents cash.! . v Inn Ws -10 cents, i Turkeys 12 to 13 cents. THE MARKETS. POP.TIAND. Or, Jan. 24. Wheat. Walla Walla, 75c; Uluestem, 86c; Val ley. 7o. S ' Hnn Francisco, Jan. 26. Wheat, March, fl.42r H-47. Chicago, Jan. 2. Wheat, closing, nf. Karley. '49 it 56c. " Flax, $1.19; Northwestern; $1.24. : - Llveriool, Jan. 2. Wheat, March, Sitd.-. - THE MARKETS. ' The IocpI market quotation yester day were an follows: Wheat 66 cents. ! -Oa ts 33c per bushel, H:irley--$20 per ton. j' HayChat, S3 11; clover, J9f?ll; timothy. JlOf 12, J Yiw 90cM.O0 er rsa;ilc. Mill Feed Bran, I20J shouts, $21. letter Country, if2c; creamery. Kggn 20 cents cash. ; s Chickens 9 to 10 cents per lb. -Iurks 10 cents. . n .. Turkeys 12 to 15 cents. I Fork Gross 5 to 6Hc: dressed. 6"4c lJH-r Steers, 3c to 4&c; cows, 3V4c; good heifers 34 to 4c. j Mutton Rheep. 2c to 34c on foot. .Veal 62 6c, dressed. Hopt Choice 26c, upward, t?i. prime, 25o and onward. I'otatoe 30c per busheL. Apples 40 cents pr bushel. Onions 404 SOc per busheL Prunes 2404fec. ; J green- CASTORIA For Infants and CHMrea. flis IM Y33 Hat3 Alxajs Bcsgh1 BALFOUB, GUTHRIE 4 CO, Bayers and Shippers of GRAIN Dealers In Hop GroOT1 Supplies FARM LOANS Wareues at TURNER. MA CLEAT. PRATU1L BROOKS. SHAW, '.. : SALfiM. WITZERLAND. HALSEY. DERRY.. MFGRS. OF "ROYAL" FLOUR. J. G. GRAHAM, ; Agent n nt Bents, "Wm. ... Bowers, L O. L. Burdette, J. J. ....... Davidson. W, F. - Dickinson. L A. Durette. F. R. - Hall. C. C Hobart..A. F. .i,..... Johnson, J. Q. - . -. . . Jordan, J. R. ......... Klmsey. J. E. Kraus. A. H. Lambert. L. S.. ....... Laurence, Ed. 7-00 12.50 ., 3.00 .. 11. 0 ... 22.00 . 10.25 14.90 29. OO 41.00 ,c.o 13.00 74. SO tOT Commercial - St, Salem. A RAY OF HOPE. Bears the Signature of TL Masujima. a distlnfruished Japan Toklo. will attend the annual meeting: of the New York Bar Amwk l.itlon' at Albany on January 28. Manujima Is one of the most prominent and highly educated of the modern men of afTairs in Japan. Owing to his reputation an a Japanese jurist he was Invited to attend the bar associa tion meeting; at Albany, and by re jufft will deliver an address ion The Frewnt Position of Japanese Law and Jurisprudence. ' j ' "Wei! She has accepted me!" I "Cheer up, old chant She may have been only 'Joshing you. Fuck. ! FvistT DR. JORDAN'S osmtI iUUSEUU OFnnTOUYi rn i6iaxirrrr,uinuTO8Ci.eiL r 9 wTSLjy m .Mf irW Mnwiih tS A 9 ik Jg CX. JQSQAI CISLiSES CF BSXT4 1 ifXku 111 lySP- - V m M A wl far ok b4 V f I ,Btf n1 a fct rlM. Sli i M A CwIiiIimSh f "I I ' " TJ lii 1 1. ii .ii. wm fa. sfc. rm't a aj abbucc uui rsaa. A i nlli M Longacre, E. S. ...... Malvin, E T. McKee, Chas. A. ..... Pettyjohn. A. D. ..... Porter, J. H. Reeves, Ray ......... Reeves. 0.;c .". Russell. SRV ..... Sehwab, John Seiwert, D. Short; J. F. Simmons. O rover .... StowelL Chas. ........ Sutter,. Josh .......... Townsend.' L. ........ Walker, W. O. : i . . . . . WhiUock. C. :. Work, C H. Williams, Wm. ........ Bass, Bud ............ Bertschinger. J Blackerby. A. F. ..... . Boise. R. P, Jr. Bohm, C Bradley, E. T. . . . i . . . Brewer, J. H. ........ Brewer, J. IL ........ Brown, D.-N. ........ Budd, Geo Byrne, Prince . .. . . . . . Cap. Lumber Co. .... Cap. Lumber Co. ..... Cap. Lumber Co. ..... Cap. Imp. Co. Carter. John B. ...... City of Salem ....... Cutsforth. , J. E. Davis. B. H. ...... Davidson. W. F. Daynes, John DheenerR. W. ...... Gerber, John . , iBentler. Otto Anderson, S. F. Kisslinr,Will Ditmar. Thos Dickinson. L. A. . . . Downing. Everett .. . .- Donker. Peter Durette. F. R. Dusenbury, C. E. ..... Early, H. L. Egan. W. II. Fisher. Phillip Fry. A. M. ........... Funk, J. P. Glassner, J. Gibson, J. R. Hager, Wm. .......... Hall, C. C. ............ Hampton. John Hanson, Neils Hares, James Heline, W. II Heriing, Frank Hicks & Ames ...... - Highberger tc Ritzinger Hobart, A. F. Hofer Sc Zorn ........ Howell, F. M Hughes, John Jones, T. B. Jones, John .......... Jordan, W. F. ........ Johnson, J. O. ........ Johnson. J. P. ........ KauiTman, S.IL ...... Kelley. L. D. ......... 11.00 1.00 10.00 25.50 20.00 . 22.50 20.04 13.00 37.S0 i 84:0 . 4.00 51.00 101.00 30.00 . 2.1D0 : ZS.00 .8.00 2.00 76.00 .60 -" 5.25 .,; 5.25 " 2.40 10.50 18.00 12.40 11.20 3.00 1.20 1.50 5.44 13.14 5.40 1.68 9.00 71.40 4.50 9.40 12.75 6.00 4.00 6.75 1.50 J.50 1.50 3.50 10.25 2.25 3.00 54.00 1.50 1.40 16.00 10.00 1.50 , 3.-00 7.50 3.00 " 2.75 7.00 ' 5.25 '' 4.50 9.00 2.50 1.50 3.50 13.50- 2.00 11.30 7.50 2.80 12.59 36.00 , 11.00 22.00 10.25 . 14.00 29.00 "34.00 ' 39.00 41.00 6.00 1 13.00 ,74.50 T.OO 11.09 , 16.00 10. OS . 25.50 20.00 22.50 20.00 ' 13.00 37.80 84.00 4.00 51.00 101,. 0 , 30.00 2.00 32.00 " 8.00 22.00 76.00 .60 ,,5.25 5.25 . 2.40 J0.50 18.00 12.40 11.20 3.00 1.20 1.50 5.44 13.14 5.40 1.68 9.00 71.40 4,50 9.40 12,75 6.00 4.00 6.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 .3.50 10.25 2.25 3.00 54.00 1.50 1.40 16l00 10.00 1 3.00 7.50 3.00 2.75 7-flO 5.t 4.30 9.0(0 2.50 1.50 3.50 13.50 2.00 11.30 7.50 2.03 Keppinger. M- J..,.. . Kraus, Arthur ........ Sraos, Ed. - . '. . . Kraiis... Wm. ........I. LaFollett, J..W. ...... La ndon & Son. Jr. . . . . Lichty Johnu , Llehty, John Leonard.' Volney Mack, Orlie ...... ..... Mason, T- ' C. . . . Weiner P, . .......... Koenie, Joe .i. ...,. English. - John Clark, H. IL Mdrtonson, Wm. . , . . : Moore, M. R . Murf hey. J. E. ..... Murphey; J. II. ....... McKee, Chaa. ........ Neift. H- .i.... ....... Nicely, M. .. Silver, Chester ....... Smith. Arthur ........ Matbias. Ed. S. . . Cornelias. G. B. Cornelius. A. ... ...... Pate. Wm. J. ....... i Parrish, Frank ....... Paine, Mary ......... Paint, Jas. Pohle & Bishop Porter. J. II. ......... Robertson,' - J. N. Wood, J. M. M. ...... Rossell. John . . . . . Salem Gun Store Schwab. John ........ Shepherd, Chn s. . '. .' . -. Simpson, Wm. Smith & Drake ...... Smith, Mrs. M. C. .... Smith, Mrs. Alvah .... Sowa, Paul' .......... Summers. G. ......... Span ioL Jake Townsend, L. . I '. . . . . , Tueker, A. B. ......... Van Dale, J. B. ....... Wade, R. M & Walker, Marvin Wagner, D. F. . fWaldom, Wm. . Walters. Fred .' West, F. B. ... Whitney, O. C, Wattier Bros. ., Winslow, W. ... Wbolery, Walter Worden. J. H. Wright. J. J. ... Zebner, S. W. .. Ziegler, J. E. ... Hartley, E. W. Allowed on acc't. Stastney W. Rutherford. 33.20; J. H. Co.? 2.25 1-50 " 1.50 5.00 7.00 - 67.52 10.95 4.50 1.W t.i 1.50 1.50 1.50 6.00 " 1.75 1.78 22,22 2.25 S.00 4.50 3.00 4.50 4.50 2.23 1.50 2.25 2.00 15.00 4.50 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 46.00 4.63 6.00 3.00 73.70 2.10, 12.00 -.55 24.00 1.50 47.12 3.75 6.00 ' 3.25 3.75 9.00 1.90 1.60 4.50 24.00 5. 60 4.50 9.00 3.15 .75 8.25 , 1.50 3.60 10.95 .. 4.E0 1.60 3.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 6.27 6.00 1.75 1.7S 22.22 2.25 3.00 . 4.S0 3.00 "4.50 4.50 2.25 1.50 2.25 2.00 15.00 4.60 1.00 7 1.50 1.50 1.50 46.00 4.65 6.00 3.00 73.70 18.50 Gardner, W. F,' Sup't.. 2.25 High. M. M. ....-!..... ' liBO Hughes, John 1 .50 LaCroix. A. IT. . . . ; 5.00 LaCrolx. A. IL J. . . . . 7.0O Rfgdon. W. T. . . .5. . . 67.52 Scott, J. H." .... .L ... . Salem Hospital , ; -, Simpson, J. A. . .1 , . . . Tamiesie. A. E. Brooks,- F. 'M. .'. " Current' Expense, Burghardt.' W. II lrMB, Ja Urn Johnson. S. T. .. Bagley. F. ....... Jones. W. L. L. . Horgan, E. T. . . . Lewis,. J. H. ; . Horgan. E. D. ... 'Lewis. J. H. . . norgan, n. u. ... Lewis, J. H. . ... 6.60 6.601 In the mattenof the iietlttoa ofi Isaac 74.60 ' 74.50 Weaver et ai. for. the location of ' 4 . .60 ' .60jcounty roaL iOrderetl that L. A. Irtck. 5.00 S.OOjinsOir; L-ni BoUao'i and W. J. Culver 5.00 ' 5.00 be apnoiiitel viewers and B. B. Herritk, 8.00 8.00 iJr sur-eyor, to surey and lay out said "LOO" " 1.00 j road. anJ that they meet at the place 38.00 ,,38.00 lor bogmnioff ,on Jan. 2ft,j 1903.. , , 2.50 v 2.50j in the matter of the petition of G. . 40.00 . 40.00 ITuylor'etlaL for the location of a IV. VV IV, vu 5,75 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.70 5.10 2.70 3.70 2.70 30.50 ($2-50 dd) 5.75 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2.70 5.10 2.70 3.70 2.70J Horgan. E. D. Lewis. J. H. Flshbum, J. A. Mitchell. Cas. . Vaughn. Cecil ...4. Smith. Stub . Aaron, B. . . . Horgan, E. D. Lewis. J. II. . Overton. H. . Beach. Amos . . . . . i . . . . ).... & . . 4 .. . 8.90 9.10 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.7 1.70 5.20 5.60 3.95 1.50 ty road. Ordered that C. A. Dunnlne. Scott Ilbbart and W'. J. Culver be a p. pointed viewers and B-. B. Herrick. Jr surveyor, to-view and survey said road, and that they meet at the place of be. ginning on the 221 at Januaryt 1903, at 10 o'clock: tu m. , ; ' -. In the matter ofthe petition of R. j. Farnham jet ai. Xor the location of a trounty road. and ; a petition of rc. J. Famham jet ai. for the vacation of a a (in 7 - -jter, Tt W'j Rutherford and W, J. Culver be a ppolnted. viewers and B, B. Herrick Jr, sur-eyor, to Vlevr.'. survey and va cate said j road,' and that they, meet at the residence of Ei J. Farnham n Jan. 19. 1903. :ajt"10 o'clock a. m. ; , - In the matter Tof; the petition of Wm. Cline et aL for the location of a coun ty road. Dismissed. j . In the matter of the tax levy for tl$p' year 190 2-j Ordered that the fnl lowing is the levy on all taxable property in 8.90 9.10 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.70 1.7 5.20 5.60 3.95 1.50 ' Following were continued: II. Over-i Marion countj- for the year 1902: State ton, 31.25; Amos Beach. J2.20; II. Over-and county. 12.10 tn ills; state school, 5 ton.. 31.25; Amos Beach, - J2.20. 5 . , : ' Justice Court. Earl, H. L . . . Dosier. WA. 2.10 Ransom, C. G. 12.00 Crabtree,, Dexter 1... - .55 Rutherford. T. W. . . 24. CO Judah, N. J. 1.50 Gibson, D. W. ....... Stelner, D . . . . Aufrane, A. E. ...... Snuder, B. W. ....... Crintenden.. C. N. Carson & Adams .... Queener, W. II. Hill, A. ........ ...... Clark, Cyrus 47.12 3.75 6.00 ,3.25 9.00 1.90 1.60 4.50 24.00 5.60 4.50 9.00 3.15 .75 8.25 1.50 3.60 road T. Fletcher, 32.60; W. H. Scott, $3.20; ii. B. Her rick, $3. Poor Account. 13.50 . 8.20 7.80 11.25 2.75 3.25 13.68 (75c dd) 13.30 8. 20 7.80 11.23 2.75 3.25 13.68 Colbath, B. B. 5.00 5.00 Culver, W. J. ........ 2.00 2.00 Gervais Weekly Star . 7.50 7.50 Griswold & Chase .... 2.00 2.00 Herrick. I?. Ii-, Jr., 1.00 1.00 Lockwood, C. M. 9.00 -9.00 Lembcke. Chas. ...... 2.00 2.00 Moores, R. E. .... 53.20 53.20 Patton Bros. 10.95 10.55 (40c ddj Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 8.35 8.35 Reasoner. L. G. ...... .25 .25 Richardson. ,W. Y. .... .80 .80 Rodgers, Geo. F. & Co. 21.15 21.15 Roland. J. W. 5.00 5.00 Sutton, F. A. 12.00 12.00 Salem Sentinel . .'. 10.00 10.00 Statesman Job Office . 4.00 4.00 Siegmund. J. C. 5.28. 5.28 Scott, J. H. 2.25T 2.25 Courthous Expenses, Croieker & Co, C. W. .. 162.00 162.00 Gray Bros. ...i 1.00 1.00 Hughes.-John .... 14.90 14.90 Pettlngell, W. D. . , 1.00 1.00 Salem L. P. & T. Co. . ! 40.00 40.00 Salem Water Co 12.45 12.45 Steiner & Berger 7.00 6.85 (15c dd) - Justice Court. Horgan; E. D. 3.00 3.00 Huckestein, Aug. ..... 3.00 3.00 ($1 dd.) Savage, John. Jr. .... ! 3.00 2.00 " 1 il dd.) Rutherford, T. W. 3.00 3.00 Hadley, W. T, 2.00 2.00 3.35 7.55 1.70 7.80 2.25 4.9S 4.90 1.70. 1.70 1.70 3.00 2.00 .3.00 2.00 i.Ort Colbath, B. Scott, J. II. Jail. B. ....... 68.04 Insan. : .30 Election. Bort & Buell 85.00 ......... . Coroner. Clough. A. M. ........ 7.20 Stock Inspector. Keeler, D. D. ......... 75.00 Circuit Court. Brown. Emma M. -... 14.15 Tax Rebate. 3.35 7.55 1.70 7.80 2.25 4.95 4.90 1.70 2.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 68.04 .30 8500 f .: ' 7.20 5,00 14. IS 2.17 2.32 7.50 . 7.50 13.90 17.50 Grinde. A. A. .... . . . 2. 17 Savage, AV. N. ....... 2.32 Statesman Pub. Co. ,. 7.50 Hofer Bros. .....,, ., 7.50 Needham, L C. 13.90 Miley; Wm. ...... . . . . . 17.50 Reports and Petitions. In the matter of the application of E. Schott to sell liquor in Sublimity Pre cinct. Granted. , In the matter of the claims of T. W. Rutherford et al. for surveying and laying out a road on the premises of F. Stasney. Ordered that the expenses of the road be paid out of the funds of F. Stasney deposited with the clerk, and that the balance be returned to said Stasney on application. . v -; In the matter of county aid for Al bert Wollworth. Ordered that he be al lowed the sum of 35 per month for two months.' -; : - i: In the matter of county aid for Mar garet Lambert nof St. PauL Ordered that she be allowed the sum of 35 per month and that R. E. Kirk be appoint ed disbursing agent. , In the matter of transferring funds from the Special Road Fund Into the General Fund. Ordered that the treas- urer be instructed to turn all funds, irt his hands from the special road fund into the general fund, and to credit all such funds hereafter received for 1901 Into the general fund.- ; . ; ' In the matter of the petition of ; C. B. Moores for the vacation of certain streets, alleys and avenues In Highland Avenue Addition to Salem, Oregon. Granted. - -:. i I mills; indigent soldiers.. 1 mill;, road tax. 1.50 mills; total, 19 mills. ' In the matter of refunding taxes on the property of W. J. Jefferson, sold as unknown to John Wills. It appear-. ing to the j court that there Is a double assessment on this certain property, it la ordered j that the clerk draw a war rant in faVor of John Wills for the amount hej paid for the piece bought in 1.70fby him as. unknown, and request him 1.70 ltd surrender his certificate therefor. 3.10 In .HiA mutter "of advertising bil. tar' a free ferry across, the Willamette river from the county road on the premises of IL B. Gerrin, leading to the. river, to connect with the county road in Yam-( hill county, leading to Newburg. Or dered that the countjr judge advertise fpr bids in some paper of general Cir culation in the county - . . In the matter of the apiointment of a road supervisor for Diet. No. 2. Or dered thaU Alex Coyle be appointed t succeed J.'jR. Hordan. Jr.. resided. In the matter of the construction of a bridge across North Mill creek on Cottage street.; Ordered that the coun ty, judge and road master be authorized to consult with the proper city author- j ities, and concur with them in having j such bridge built, provided ; the cost j does not exceed-3225 the- city and to furnish "all iron used there- county in.-. j -i -. f ' 1 In the matter of selecting the Jury for the year 1903. On this day the "court selected the jurors to serve "lur ing the year 1903. ; A ItXASWO.'iDER HALL'S GREAT DISCOVERY. One sinatt bottle of Hall's Great DIsJ. covery cares all kidney and bladder troubles, removes graveL CTires dia-4 betes," "seminal emissions, weak j and lame backs, rheumatism, and all j ir regularities of the kidneys and bladder In both men and 'women, regulates bladder' troubles In children. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt of L One small bot tle Is two months treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. ! Dr. ;; c E.' W.'' Hall, sol manufacturer, p. O. L. Box 629, St. Louis, Mo. Send for test!- : monlals. .80W by all druggists, and at DR. S. C.) STONE'S drug Store, St- , lem. Oregon. ' ; ( REA2 THIS. . Bandon. Ore- Dec 8. 1901. J Dr. E. U. Hall. St. Louis, Mo. Dear I Sir: I have used your Texas Wonder j for kidney and rheumatic trouble. Its effects are wonderfuL . It has no equal, and I can 1 cheerfully recommend it. Yours truly. ' TJARVET TJOWR Big Reductions on. mmm 0 Boys9 Suits With and Without Vests; Late Styles ! They're piled on our counters in onler, one price lor each pile. v. See what they contain. To save space we menltidn each size and Reduced to $1:15 Rediuce'd to $2.75 Aire 3 wa.... ,.... .$!. 50 Ajze 6 was 1.50 Are 7 was..M.M.. 1.50 Age S M.,....... 1.50 9 Wftl,ffMi ............ Age 5 was. Age 6 was. Age 7 was. ....$4 00 4 00 . 4 09 Age 8 was . . . . Age 9 was.... 4 00 4 00 Reduced to 2:o6 Ape 14 was.. Age 14 was.. Age 3 was.....j.i Age 3 was'.M..i.. Age 4 wji .16 00 ....... vu 4 0 ... 3 50 .... 3 SO Age 7 was....... Age ' 9 was....... Age 14 was....... Age 15 Was...... 3 t9 3 50 2 73 2 75 Reduced to 2:25 Age 10 was ...36 00 Age 15 was 6 00 Age. 4 was................ 5 50 Age 4 was........... 5 00 Age 5 was............... 5 00 ; .. -.... - . - ' .- to 3.06 Age f 6 was..... ........... 5 00 Age. Age- Age. Age Age Age Age 15 was.. Age 11 was...,. Age 13 was. . ., Age 14 wias.. .. . Age 15 was..... Age ' 8 was. Age 10 was......,, Age 11 was........ Aire 3 was. Age 4 was. Age 5 was. Age 6 was. (j 4 .S3 00 . 3 00 . 3 00 . 3 00 Age 7 was...... Age 8 was...,., Age 9 was...... Reduced to $3.25 3 to 3 3 60 Age 3 was Age 4 . was. Age 5 was ........ Age C was ...... .$5 00 5 SO 5 00 .. 5 00 Age 7 was....... Age 8 was , Age 41 was ., Age 10 was....;;, 5 00 5 00 4 09 5 00 5 00 5 00 "5 00 REDUCED TO $3.50 Age 3 was.... 5 60 Ape 7 vras.'.:.'. Age 4 was 5 TO - Are 8 was 6 was. , 5 5ft r. Aire 10 was i . was 5 "fti 3 was....,..-,...,... S CO' - 4 was............... S" 00 ' 5 was........ $ (,o ' was. 5. 00: REDUCED TO $4 00 Age . 4 'was.. ............ ..$5 CO Age 9 was........ 5 56-,.'; Age 10 was.-.. 5 50 - Age 11 was............... s 50 i ' Age 12 was......,.;....,.. & 60 ; Age 13 was... ,.... 5 50 ' Age IS was.. : 5 50 Age 4 was., t : 6 00 . Age 5 was....'.... B 00 'Age 6 was.. .i.., ....... K 00! REDUCED ..TO $5.00 Age 12 wa.. .$6 00' Age 13 was.... Age 14 was.....i .. 6 0 'Age 14. was.... Age- 9 was 5 50-V ' Age-15 was.... Age 12 was..,., ; 5 50 : j . . 5.00 . 5 00 5 00 5 00 4 50 4 50 4 50 -4 50 7 was............... 5 00 8 Wit. j. . 500 9 v.-.i ' Ag Age Age At;e 19 s, . Age It w;--is,... Age 12 v'as,... .Age 13 W,is.,.. !Age 14 was..,. Age 15 was.... ro o (i (.( 5 50 o 50 5 50 1 ' U - c T'fT f e neckw,ear'. I.npe reduce.1 to 3Sc We overloaded a little for bolidays, that's all, the styles, are correct Those $2.50 and $3.00 hats fi.r $,.f,are K"'f ',koni",'.ca'S- " r n0rth Jot-,,MEN'S SUITS still afford a goid assortmeot of sizes and patterns. $12.50 suits for $7.50; $15 suits for. $10; $18 smts tor $12.;ipattlje way vre are. cuttmg pnees on scores of suits. Don't .lelay tiU your size fa gone, Clearance Sales Prices also on Extra PauU, Overcoats, Oolf Shirts, Sweaters, Caj.:, Slickers, puck Coats. etv N ; .. . - v - - , r . ; SALEM "WOOLEN MILL STORE ; . , - OPPOSITE CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Headquarters lor Salem-Mado Blanket!, Flannels Indian Robes, Men's and Boys' Clothing and Ladies' Suitings. , .