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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1902)
daily onncoN ctat;:::ia:;. friuat, sni-rriMcnn 13. ik: . . " ' - n - Splendid RaciE.Pros:rain at Lens -Gal; Track Yes-' , 'terday ' . - " -1 a m . hiii it jw 1 a vj ii' a at a w.-s -ma -ttw . LONG RUNN1NO RACE j RKCORr , NOW WITHIN ONE J5KCOND O! THE. BEST IN -THE- UNITE! STATES. , . . ; . (From Wednesday's Daily.) The racing program yesterday after, noofii-at Lone Oak, track,!, was tbe best ever seen on the second day of th State Fal r, and drew a tarce crowd te the grand stand, fujly S.eOO people wit" nessing the Interesting and v exciting contests.; Two track records were bro ken during the afternoon, in one cast a record; being established : within dn second of the best record ever made or a regulation track in the United Stales, and "all hands are, in consequence elated. The track in in the best condi tion-ever seen, there are no disputes the horsemen, showing a spirit oi fairness that Is refreshing,, while tht judges are just and fair, and eager tt promote the sport in Its best form. The race yesterday were: ," t 1 Pacing, 2:30 Class, Purs $400. J The 2:39 pace brought out Ave pac ers for the contest,:, when- the bell clanged for the opening of the after noon's program. The horses appear ing were Fred, Brookers b. g. Chester Abbott, I (Brooker driving) ; N. K. West's ch. m. Taffeta, Silk, (Zlbbel); Fred Bechtern'sibJack, mare Alta Cora (Osmo'n) ;.' Ev Blaster's b. g. Rockford, tTilden); L. Richard's blk. m. Zu Lu, (Threlkeld). Evangte had been entered for this race but had been withdrawn and Chester Abbott, took her place on the store-" card and In, position on the track. ; They had an excellent start and at the quarter Alta Cora took the lead, until the three eights when Alta Cora and Chester Abbott took the lead, and swept around to the three quarter post when Chester Abbott took the lead, and came In under "the wire an easy. winner with Alta Corn second; Rockford, third; Taffeta Silk, fourth, and ZuiLu, ' distanced. Time, 2:17. . Whenfthe four pacers cam'? out for the second heat they were In excellent condition and a splendid contest was promised. They scored twice, then got , n -jiv In rood style, amid the cheers of the grand stand. Chester Abbott took the lead easily and at -the quarter Chester 1 had a irood lead, with Alta Cora second, and Taffeta Silk a bad fourth At the half. ; Alta' Cora and Rockford -were ! contesting for second place, Rockford taking second at: the a good lead. , Taffeta Silk, lost ground steadily.! , i When t- they -; entered the stretch they had not changed positions, and Chester Abbott led in easily, with Alta Cora second, fighting witn Roclc ford to keep her place. : I Chester Ab bott won the race in 2i4H- wIth'AHa Cora, "second, ' and Rockford,"' third, while Taffeta, SllJc was 160 feet beyond the distance flag- ' The-time oy quar ters was 33. 1:09. 1;4V 2:11. Chester Abbott won the race Alta. Cora taking : second t money wa third. 1 " i : - . . .. Trotting, 2:15 CJass, Purse $500, Best . 2 in 3. : The 2:15 trot, the best harness race up to this time, "brought out the three splendid animals entered for this event, and the grand stand showed us appro iit nfti : e-reeted the solendid steppers .with aclapplng of hands and-cheers. Th. home were: J. A- Baddeley's b. m- Oveta, (Erwln); C. W. Kahler's br. r Volo ' Clark): Lou Chllds b. g. Chloo. rCht!ds. The latter borse sold n favriritR In the betting ring and mv virtnrv was nredlctea ror nim though hts opponents were splendid stunner, and showed excellept action , In the preliminary vrork. fThe horses scored repeatedly, but .Vplo seemed, for u. little tltneto be unabie to come un der the 'wire on a trot. At last they got the wordwVolo getting a slow start, oni hrinklnff at the flmt eighth, with ho ,ih frn nwlc and nerk to the nrmrter. On the back stretch C drew ahWd of Oveta 1th Volo lost In the dust, far in the rear. At the head of the stretch Oveta and CWIcp began a fight Cor place and down the stretch thnv mo'nprlt and neck, the tontest ending In a dead heat, with Volo badly distanced. - Tl me, Z : n,..rtM it4t4. l:09'4. .1:44.-2 Time by :14 The second heat of the trot brought ih tarn contestants, ooin in s- ..itu dn n interesting. contest wn - ffi.. k,.a irn a. arnod Start, with h. nutnifle at the first quar i.a ejfiv. Oveta striving w ,i l.... nr with her font rivaL On the bilk stretch, Oveta closed BP the gap a little but was till .two lreths 1n the rar at the head of the stretch, (breaking several j times, but quickly recovering, ana :,iiJ?J ih two were separated by : -"mit U Uo length. Chic leading ? uhder the wire In 2.15 3 In" m 2:13 trpt- ever made on tnTllnV track, the hrt pteeedl "frdntat -a- -low ,n.. called, and when the hm-ses m ap peared on the track they .n J-. condition fr racing. The J" ed -repeatedly. Chlco breaking . time, wrben near the At they got away Ch!co Slightly in t IeaJ.and folding, his H,S breaking badly at the ' . eJ and losing ground. upH the treu was reached. Down the t"t;tT had a, good lead nd w as coming e l ly Hhveta scrainl; . reduce the Bap when J and came just Jifi. Chlco Jogging under hf,lr? .il " 1 ' 42 ... Hh f)- 2:17. Chlco won tne 1 . - . U getting second money. : Running AVk Furlongs. Purse, si-J. The first running race, 4HTrion purse. 15, seJllng. brought out a fl - field, of. runners. The tj; J. U. Brannen'a b. m. Au"ora JV m? - aovan ln ihe addle);;E, R.inckox .... rM.noi . rrhivld): rosier 1IK. g. Jim uio"-" - vi'llllamn eh.. Honest John, (Williams. I I i'1 0Um " pood . Y .V of the Bitters. V It will restore 'j vigor to the sys- . tera, prevent muaruu reter i-x , Ague, and f- J ,tUlC rv ... ' Jikk Beataclie,. Itrrvea'ieis, , la nestles. , v IS crnuAru DniHtla aarf U U Li I Be sure to try it m. Bally Goodwin (Boynton) Holcomb McKennlt's ch. f. Meteora (Powell). They went to the post, and some time was spent la starting them, but at last. after considerable trouble, five got iway In a bunch, while Cora Goetz re mained at the post, tor a few seconds later starting after the field, and trail ing along 159 yards in the rear, to the wire. Honest John quickly took the lead, and held It gallantly, making one of the prettiest runs ever seen on Lone Oak racs- When the runners came down the stretch they were closely bunched immediately . in ' the rear of Ilonest' John. Nearing the wire Au rora B. drew near him and when Hon est John passed under the wire In 54 seconds, the little bay mare was but a neck in "the rear. The race broke he record for Lone Oak track for that dis- Lance, and is within one second or me best record ever made In the United States' on" any regulation ' track an achievement of which the management can well be proud. ' J c ; Running lor Thrse-Ysar-Olds, Six , : turlongs. Purse, $175. - , ' . The six furlong running race, purse $175, brought put six fine racers, and when they went to the post the grand stand became Intensely interested. The horses appearing were : Larson. & McBrldes b. g. Almoner, (with Har mon up); Wm. Buchoits's -br. g. Modder, (McDonald); C F. Clancy's b. g. Sailor. (Desmond). John Kane's b. g. The Maniac. (Groves) ; Wm. Willlamt son's s m. Finney L., (Otis)?: J. H. Brannan's b. m. Miss Rlmpson, (pono van). The horses were at the pbst a long time, but this did not . cool the enthusiasm of the grand stand, in spite of the cold north breese, and the num ber of false starts made only Increased the interest. At; last the runners got away, in a bunch. Sailor leading at the half mile Dost, with Modder a good sec ond, and the ret closely : bunched. It was a pretty race for blood down tne stretch. Sailor leading the rest unaer the wire in 1:15. with The Maniac, second; and Almoner, third.. A Communication. Mr. Editor; Allow me to .speak a fewl words 'In favor or unamoeriain s CouKh Remedy. I suffered for three veara with the bronchitis and could not sleep at . nights. ; : X trtea several ooc tors and various patent medicines, but could ret nothing to give me any re lief juntil my wlte got a botue or xnts valuable i medicine, which - has com pletely relieved me- W. i B, Brockman, Barnell, W; This remedy Is for sale by Stone's Drug stores. V ; THE BUGS. . ' .i,'i .... , i v.- ' See- the many, many bugs , 1 1 Uuzrv bugsl ' t , : Ho- they flutter ithrough the. twilight, causing us excited snrugst How they rustle, rustle. , In the dreamy tdr of night; Flipping, flapping on the highway. Booming, buzzing on tbe oy way, under eaoh electric light. ; I low they dip, dip, dip! . . How they xlp, sip, ip! . T11L they whisk about our wnisKers ana go mugging at our. mugs: Oh. the bugs, bugs, bugs! Oh, the bugs, bugv, bugs, bugs, bugs. bues. bugs! I Oh, h. niirht is -two shades darker ' from the bugs. All sorts and kinds of bigs. fPuisiv bus's! V ' I Bugs that humbly beg your pardon; bugs that prouory inruw vn How the flutter, ftptter, nuiier. Till some lady gives a shriek; Till she clutches at her bonnet. ShotrtiKg that a bug upon m , IFofshe, felt it (limb her cheek. How they wing, wing, wing! tt h. minr nine. sins:!. m. m,iitri ami the I beetles ana eiM-h bussy. buggy thing. l Oh. the bugs, bugs, bugs! hh. the bugs, bugs, bugs. bugs, bugs. buea bugs! , ' ; There's a million miles of breese con Therrare June and lady bugs! Whlk red bugs, 4 there are bats and fleas and Jocusts; there arc moths In search of rugs. ' Bugs that hurtle like a missiles Bugs that roar ana whistle; i that -NOTHING SUCCEEDS The Oregon Firs ReUef AsaocUttoa has been a succeaa ever since it began business In January. im. and is now growing taster than ever before. Its annual report of December 3L 10L show, a net gain in w"1 surinca In force of 3,287. which is CO per cent more than the i net gain of any previous year. It paid "flosses during the year amounting to It is strtctly a mutual InsUtution which furnishes the best of ' Fire Insurance at Cost. For further partlcularsJ address A. C. nf.ier. secretary. McMmnvtlle, Or egon, or if you reside in Marion county. ... ; address 1L A. Johnson. (agent) Satenv Oregon HE SOUGHT THE POLE 1 . ..- LIEUTENANT TEART IS RETURN ING HOME FROM THE FROZ-. EN NORTIL VORTII STDNET. C. R. Sept. 18.- tleutenant, Peary arrived here today. on the steamer Windward rrom V"" , frozen North. He did nor discover the. North Pole during- the trip of, furj vears, but he says that in his last dM he made ImporUnt 1' ! ' . (v.i the note can be reach ST- rV rnosi TnoVtherly point reached latitude 84 degrees 17 nim ' nrthwest or v f""T ,ch. or tape VTm.aI'S I JPUL Peary say s that me iwr v . 0 fz r n r t from Krens Jor. "'rrz latitude 83 degrees. If jater land, on quarters are established as far North j THE POULTRY i IS JUDGED Awards Ilade By Mr. W. W. Browning of Og:denf Utah. THE . MAN Y DIFFERENT VARIE TIES HAVE BEEN DISPOSED OF BY THE JUDGE AND ARE NOW READY FOR THE INSPECTION OF VISITORS. " ''. ' (From Wednesday's Dally.) --, The premiums in the poultry depart ment at the State Fair were yesterday Awarded by W, W. Browning, of Utah, one of the best Informed poultry men In the United States. The' awards are: Barred Plymouth Rocks. J. Murrow & Son 1st and 3d cock; lift hen; 2d cockerel; 1st. 2d. and 3d pullet; 1st pen; 1st best display of American class. Orlo Cahow 1st cockerel: 3d pen. J. O. Watts 2d and 3d hen; 3d cock erel; 3d pen. Buff Orpingtons. Frank Fenwlck 1st and 2d cockerel; 1st andTtd pullet; 1st hen. v - ' ' ' Whits Rock. 4 J. Marrow ft. Son 1st and ' 3d cock- ereL . 'i - - -- A. B. Heaton 2d cockerel; 1st, 2d, and 3d pullet; 2d pen. J. O. Watts 1st and 2d cock; 1st, 2d, and 3d hen; 1st pen. WhiU Wyandottss. Geo. Chrisman 1st, 2d; and 3d cock; Sd and 34 hep: 2d cockerel; 2d pen- Frank Hurlburt 1st hen; 1st cock erel; 1st, 2d; and 3d pullet; 1st and 3d rn. ". - i vr.-: ; , , Partridge Wyandottes. W.- T. StoIs 1st, cock; 1st and 2d hen: 1st. 2d,' and 3d cockerel; let, 2d. and 3d pullet; 1st 'pen.!-"-" -".i-"s-- . Silver Lscsd Wyandettss. F. A. Ball 1st and 2d cock;xlst. 2f, and 3d hen; 1st. 2d, and 3d Cockerel; 1st, 2d, and 3d pullet; 1st and 2d pen. 2d best display American clois. , T Partridge Cochin. J C. D. Mlntoh lt and 2d cock;. 1st, 2a. and 3d hen; 1st, 2d, and 3d cockerel; 1st, 2d, and 3d pnlletr 1st and ,3d pn: 1st best display Asiatic clans. "' . . Black Leghorn, f V Alden Hnrlburt 1st cock; 1st cock- erel; 1st. 2d, and 3d hen; lit pullet; 1st pen. , ' V.1- " Single Comb Brown Leghorn. E. Dow 1st and 2d cock; 1st and 2d hen: 3d cockerel; 1st pen. rL T. Banner-3d cock: 1st - and 2d cockerel; 1st and 2d pullet; 3d pen. W. C. iJCynlon 3d hen; 3d pen. . " Black Minorca. .' ' f Mrs. C. T. Nairn 1st cock.' 1 N. L. Wiley 1st and 3d hen; 3d cock erel;. 2d and 3d,pullet; 1st pen. Frank Fenwlck 2d hen; 1st puljet. Blue Andalusian, A. W. Kleln-ilst and 21 cock; lst 3d, and 3d hen; 1st and 3d cockerel; lsu 3d. aiuT 3d pullet; 1st and 2d pen; 1st best display Mediteranean class. White Leghorns. A. A. Hulburt 1st and 2d cock; 1st, ?d. and 3d hen: 1st, 2d, and 3d cock erel; 1st, 2d. and 3d pullet; 1st and 2d pen; 3d best dlspiajr of Mediteranean class. , - . y . , " ; V R. C. Whits Leghorn. A. A Hulburt 1st cock; 1st and 2d hen; IstVnd 2dt pullet; 1st pen. X Buff Cochin. Frank Fenwlck 1st cock'; 1st, 2d, and 3d hen. v -' ; 7 , "Black Langshans. - rnnk Fenwlck 1st cock; 1st hen; 1st and 2d cockerel; 1st and 21 pulleL ! Silver Gray Darking. Mrs. C. D.Nalrn-rlst cockerel: 1st pulleL - ' r Toulouse Geese. Mrs. L.-1I Whitteaker 1st pen. African Geese. ' C. T. Bonney 1st pair. . Mammoth Pekin Ducks. Mrs. Ur 1 Whitteakerlst pair old; ictnalr young. j Gray Call Ducks. W. H. Hulburt 1st pair old; lsl fair young. :. , : . ' Wnite Langshans. i Sell wood Bros; 1st cock; 1st and 2d hen; IsL 2d, and' 3d cockerel; 1st pen; 2d best display of Asiatic class. B'uff CocKtirrBantams. . lA; W. Kleini3d cock; 1st hen- " Frank Hulbnrt 2d cook; 1st and 2d cockerel; 1st. 2d, and 3d pullet; 1st len. trnvin Mr TCeiaon 1st cockr 3d and 3d hen; 2d pen. f . . , WhiU Cochin Bantams. , Hoskin Nelson 2d cock; 1st best display of Bantams. . -1 Mrs. I A. Hulburt 1st cock; 1st; 2d, and 3d hen; 1st and 2d cockerel; 1st. 2d. and 3d pullet; 1st and 3d pen; 2d best display of Bantams. . Golden Seabright Bantams. . C. T. Bonn-ylst cock; 1st laen. Silver Seabright Bsntams. liosKJn A Nelson tmt.cSk; 1st hen. - Black Cochin Bsntams. lIoBkln & Nelson 1st cock; 1st hen. B. B. Red Game Bantams. ; '' Warren Hunt 3d hen Tom Catch 1st cock: 3d hen. : Mornlngslde Poultry Yacd-2d and 3d cockIst hen; 1st in. , , r . . . 1. .. Pet Gamss. Frank Smith 1st cork; 2d cockerel; 1st. 2d. and 3d pullet; 1ft pen. Mammoth Bronxo Turkeys. , - Mrs. CD. Nairn 1st pair yearlings; 1st pair" two-year-old. Atkinson Urn. za pair 1st Tom; 1st hen. ' . Bert' Alderman 2d Tom. - V Rouen Ducks. . .r I W. Zortn-it pair. . Buff Turkeys. s L. W. Zorin 1st pair. '. Pigeons.' He Morningside: Poultry Yaid 1st paw Dragoon: 1st pair Antwerp; 1st pair Homers; , 1st PT. carriers. - ? - Cansr.cs. Mrs. L. L.V Whltteaner isi. i Mrs. ... . . . a '.. and 2d best display. Poultry Nolas. , ' The poultry ehibUt this year cota- fares very favorably with preceiln; years, and Supt. C. D. MtntonM eels roud of the fact. ?Tbe oultry pavil ion Is being' kept in a very neat and orderly rnajiner, and Is exceptionally free from disagreeable odors. Four, specimens of young fowls, fat tened br the Eorlub Drocess of feeding were on exhibiUon at the poultry pa- vii ion - vesteroay. i nis process piacesi more white meat instead of fat on the I . - . . . . vtllon'vesterday. This process places I frames and -commands nearly double the market price. The birds were fed! by Thomas Bondeny. f Corvallls, who! served an apprenticeship In fattening fowls in Southern England. THE CLOUD OF FAKIRS SOME REVENUE DERIVED FROM THE OPERATORS OF GAMES , " BY CITY TREASURY. There are more fakirs and games of chance in operation upon the streets this year than for several years past, aud all of them seem to be flourishing. This Is a source of a pretty good rev enue for tbe city also and none of them are being run without a lU-ense. City Recorder Judah's books show, for the fast two days, that 130 has already been realised from these games and amusements, whereas, . for the whole Fair season last yiear, only $7 was col lected The spindle-wheel, "peddlers, novelty targets and African lodgers. are cperatcd upon daily licenses, and when they fail or neglect to take out a license they are tlosed up without cer emony. " City Recorder Judah said last night that he had received scorea-of-appliea-tions for licenses to conduct gambling games of all descriptions, but that he had regarded them with suspicion and refused them point blank. The -Fish pond" game which was In operation here last year and developed Into a "skin" game of the worst type, applied for a license again this year, but Re corder Judah refused the operat-jrs li cense and forbade them Opening the game at all. ' ' ' Sheriff Coluath made the rounds una closed up all the "sure thing" games, which were runnlng w ide open atiu In full blast on Monday night, and stated, that he proposed to keep them closed If be had to resort to seizing their ap paratus and prosecuting, the operators, but they jwere reported running again last night. :"' ' : City Rrirorder Judah and Chief of Io- llce Gibson wore seen last right and when asked what action th city au thorities proposed to take, in the mat ter, Reebrder Juda said. 7; v rFrom the very flrst Chief Gibson and myself have been a unit .on the program of flat exclusion o skin gimes' here this week. Cappers and boosters were to be dealt with promptly and vigorously and their principals shut off from operating any 'cinches; no licenses were to be issued to questionable games, and the pro gram has been adhered to, to the letter. The, early intervention of the county officers has made it unnecessary for the city officers to take any specific ac tion In the premises, unless there shall te further Infringements of the law, "Sheriff Col bath was strictly within his prerogative In his action on Mondsy evening and the effect, will, doubtless, be for the good of the city and county, but the results might have been even more far-reaching had he enlisted the t-o-operation of the chief of police, who was equally ready to act in the mat ter. - .." ' . ' ' Net Doomed for Life. I was treated for three years by good doctors. writes W. A. Creer, Mc- Connetlsvllle, O.. -for Piles and Fis tula, but. when an failed, Bucklen's Ar nica Salve . cured me in two weexs. Cures Burns. Bruises. Cuts, Corns, Sores, Eruptions. Salt Rheum, riles or no pay. 25c at Dr. Stone's Drug Stores. . FIOURINO IT UPi The captam strode the quarter deck: :The crews were at the- guns. The powder flames leaped fiercely out. take as the lightning runs. Afar the fortress rose all grim. And bellowed In reply, Till Mnoke and Are and thunder sound Shook both tne sea anu sity. , And the captain tooa His little book, And figured away while nw nnir shook: 1 "3 into 10 goes 16 times. r ;and the square of 12 Is, 4; ' 70 Is the cub or . - " And nr deck Is. wet with gore. And mr hlo is shot to a shattered ."- ; ; hulk,.- . ;:'- : r And I haven't a man alive! The other captain In tho.'forL - Stood sadly on parade ; The gatllngs. seige and other guns A fearsome racket made. They boomed across the troubled waves Against the swooping snips. And as their echoes thrilled the air The captain bit his Hps'. And he also took Ills little book a ntt flmirrd It out with a worried look; :,. g per cent of a dosen men, . : And the sine of IS more. 1 .; 'All bisected by 25. . ' And the arerof 34: 3 pins a. to the decimal. ' And the tare and tret." he said. Combined with the subdivided sum Shows ail my men are dead. Thus each side lost and each side.. won, And each Me fought tn rray. And now they're figuring upon " Grim awful at Its best. Pot whowlll lose or lick if he relies entirely on The old arithmetic? u . WORK OF HTCENDIARIES '"' MSSSSMSMSSBW ' rortKT FIRES IN MONTANA WERE SKT PROOF SECURED DT GOVRENMENT AGENTS. ' BUTTE, MotrL, Sept. IS. It has de veloped today that tb f orejt fires In the Northwestern part of tbe state are probably of Incendiary origin. Gov ernment agents are said to be In po sssion of evidence, tending to show that the fires were kindled. Oregon City, Or, Sept. 1?. Mrs. R, D.- Wilson returned . tonight ; from Sprlngwater. where she has boen re nevincr the nre sufferers. She say (hnt aid is romlnr so freelr that the- neonla w ill have enough food, cloth Ing and other necessaries to last hem through the winter. Al danger of fire Im now past. Rain Is falling lor l&ainear rue Rig ifotiorn cwniry. in flrst time-la many weeas. DeJ not altrays receive the sympathy they deserve. Their ailments are imaginary, or natural andunavoidabie life." Disease and infirmity should cot ated irith old ajre. The eye oi tne pray ku mu. viw ft v. , - . r may be as bright and the complexion as lair as any o - MmrtintnV. - bis vounrcr and more vigorous companions. muscles elastic and fnppie, tne rxes . , ti..i inS elements, then there is a rapid decline cl the vtal VJC inpremature old age and disease. Any deranjement ofJ1"1 ahows itsell ia an txleer, sore, vrart, tumor or fWmc f fJ! trowth upon the body, add rheumatic and netfraljric pams become a.oct constant, accompanied with-poor Ji! ..ft sn J ailments disappear. S. S. S. is iust improve a weak digestion and tone np the Stomach. - If there isaoyncrcwt Ury Uint, or the remains of gome disease contracted in early We, to. o. will search, it out and remove every vestige of it from the system. . Write t:s folly about your case and let our physicians advise and ceip you. This wilt cost you nothing, aad we will mail free our book on blocxl and side diseases. I THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY. Atlasta. Co. I ! FEOU TBEG01 WCHMEES. ya'fetGaaett: The first serious ac cident, to occur . in the new : v .mow Creek mines, happened last Saturday. when James Scanian :as seriously, and prc-bubi? fatally injured wfci'.e working In a prospect hft v Scanian. who Is an engineer on the O. . 8. L Road. . v. as working In .1 rh.ft when suddenly the dirt and rocks from above gave way and falling uron the unfortunate man. knocked him the ground and frovwed him with trnrr than a fott of. debris. Lr.7 Hotle. of Valc wa. summoned and did all posltI for th twn"s com fort, aad ba some hii- that he may recover. Florence West: A few days ago fire destroyed B. I. Paln-'s enlti on hts homestead on'Know lj-s Cret-k. He had burnt som rldrhing and gone away thinking the fire was out, but It started agpln In a tree on Ihe hill sldo above Ihe house. The tree fell and rolling down the hill set Are to ; the building. .- Eugene tlu.trd: About 3 o'clock on- day .afternoon tbe alarm or nre .was given and the firemen were N directed out West Klghth street, where. .While passing the residence of J. M. Shelley, a load of straw being hauled by Crirsn Matthews, was dlscocrvd on flrs. The horses were unhitched, thai stiaw dumped off. and a stream from the ho.-e soon extlnguli'hed the lire. The blase probably or:pnatfd from the frlctlcm of the rear wheel rubbing on the hayrack. as it wss flrrl discovered in that local ity. Dalles hronlcIe: Just as often crin? complaints of the work of the IlendUh little wire manipulator around the city. Perfcara it Is putting ; It too Strong to ra "liendif h.M for tho are not nearly so much to blame, as their parents who fall to show them the results 'of this dangerous practice Called "pranks. Thursday tvcpTS A. H. Beall and w ife ,wcr wilk'ng along on the center hl!l they ran acryns wire stretched from one ride of 1m walk to the other. Mr. Reall was thrown to the ground and badly bruls ed about the shins; but hts wife for tuhately escaped unhurt. j i Dallas Itemlser; That water works oronositlfn is a' two sided question. That would be better off with them there Js no doubt, but whether it can afford it Is the point. Many town In the state. Independence among them. are groaning under burdensome taxa tion, and some of them . ran never thrive because of It. Dallas 11 now paying a 34 mill tax and the proposed bonds Will Increase it to perhaiij Jt mills. ' Will It iav the tax oavcrs to imima lh u1.1lt Innnl burden. Ait the j12 eoo bond8 are to be jmldfoff within liwenty years. It would call for raring stwnetblng like 31.000 a year abjve our lothor expenses. Nor is that all fwr the wt cf procuriiif watrt rleht, rewrvolr site and right of way would have o be added, and where is the money conning from to pay fur . It. i Calmly discuss these' question -. wlt-h your neighbors, remembering .that those who havej the most taxes t X-ay should have most welghL If anybody-wants to puit -la waterworks as a private enterprise, let all say amen. Albany Herald: Yesterday a nies mr wu received irm urownnvuic giving meagre particulars of a. prol- ably fatal combat, which occurred near that place early yesterday morning. The melee took place In the Gentry hii yard, about one-half of a mile from Brownsville, and as a result the life of George W. MrCaney I despaired oi, while J. L. Cooper must answer to the charge of murder In the event of !- Caney's denth. It appears "that J . l. Cooper and Geo. W. McC!an:-y went to the Gentry hop yard together, ytster day"rnorr.lrig about 4 o'vlf U, they be came Involved In an sltercallon. whi-h ended in blows being exihsnged. llhir ing the progress of the light 'n'T picked up a chair, and swinging H through 'the. air. struck Mctney over the bead, crushing bis nkull. indi ren dering htm' unconscious. . Medical as sistance was at once summoncl, but at latest report, the ihyslUns ltml Ix w unable to arouse tlw Injured man! from the stupor Into which he was cst by the blow. Later last -n!ng thei phy sician trephanned the skull and thought the relief of pressure on the train might enable the patient to regain! con sciousness. We. can give only the cause of the dlput -which Is allege by Cooper. He says that MrCaney ac cused him of Sponging his living from McCuney. and of being a bum. j This led U the row. which resulted In the nrobabtv falsi bloWi j - Mm. Mraney beard the struggle, snd baatened to see what was the ,Ui. Kiit When she arrived, she found her husband uneonscfrm. Coop er notified the deputy sheriff of the af fair, end sail that he was ready to give himself up when wanted. r ' 1 . : ' Alttany Herald: Amnr. those, re turning from the rerin up'ths ftuib Snntlnm. wbleh . has Wn visited 'by re are W. H. Worrell. -Wa MrHll and N. II. -Kprenger, - j lop. A. M. ArJt bo ram In Sunday evening. J They - report that although the Are has ben Albany people UavO Umber cUUmay and and attention hl regarded as parely A m meir always be associ uaire eyuS -y-- - - inuxi its ntitnuve. healtu best blood purifier for oM people. 11 ow or hurt the system like the strong mineral reined es. but cenUy and thoroughly cleanses the biood and sUmulates the debilitated orpins. rhen all bodily saclx tonic as ia peopie new y Burr's German .Stilvc Heals quickly all cuts or ori. draws soreness out of lame back, and draws slivsrs out ef flssh which often break off too short to puTU Sticks k sticking plaster.- Try It and you never bo without, uy man - L. M, BARR No. 120 State St. t aacm, ur. CHINESE Drug Store I carryVauVinds of Chines drugs an i medicines. Roots and herbsnature s medicine. Oood fvr all kinds of sick ness. Cures opium habit. Good for the blood and kidneys. , DR. HUM BOW WO, 2i;l MHrty Htrrct, KnU-m. Orrpm IfiUt 3TUU0S, mw:' Will Vunt for mirethfl .mlBg'M.nlM. ner ot rentfSH l.l hertf .reU- Tor and rnicMlrfcM on DR. W. LONGv T Vclerlnery Uurgoon. ... , Phone 2T61 . CX. 40B0AH BI3CASC3 CF m t - J- K &m4 iw fat aisr. ipork f4 ' riMl LW. jHl saw- - - a Mmmtm CM t. , ' or. oaow a ecu iosi tst st. s t. 41 rrS Helf-tones and Zincoraph3 TK B-Ntlltrf Els. 1 Yoscmi to Engraving Co. E.teKrs - Csgravvr of Printintf Plntcs 9 Mnimrr flu. 9. T rbM Ihiih S90 t INSRAIICE HOMft MAGOEBURQ HARTFORD COMMERCIAL UNION LONDON AND LANCASHIRE SPRINGFIELD SIX OF THE LEADINO FIRE INSURANCE COMPANUuS. - HE2TTIT XL SUCCESSOR TO C. D. GARRIELSON git COMMERCIAL 8TREIT2!. BLKM. OREGON. S. C. STONE, M.D. ? PItOI'JtnTOlt OK u ftt niir in nnitn hfnnrn ulllllt S:-UKUtt SlUUtS hali:m, oil Th atores (two in nurnler) are lo eated at No. 235 and 237 Commercial acreet, and are well stocked with a complete lino of drugs and medicine, toilet articles, perfumery, brushes, etc. Dn. STONE. Has bad soma 25 Vears experience la the practice ot medicine . and now makes no charge for consultation, ex amination or prescription. lie does a cash business, lie neither buys on time nor sells on time. I-!r-ers. Journals, "day-books, borkkeei i , hill collectors, and all the modern para phernalia of credit drug stores, are un known' in bis business,' hence a fuU a took aad correct' prices. some fire In the-'db.rlet irdr.-u-ed ! those 'claims, that very little d irn .; has been done. The rort of the f r has b-sen shove Hhat country. 'i i . report that ifesjirs. Irettyrrfin I Webb, of I'ortlahd, who were cum. ! near them, were forced to fi-e for th Uvm In the middle of th nltlit. 1 '! fire bad spprochel to clow proximity of their cmp Iefor It wan .discovers -i. Bn.i 'th"" danarer wan fv lmolrnt tit they vv-re urn We to Mve ttny ef . ; -posseHjons. Among the tr.i f t of y' i Mmfr land Ihit werip d' f ro(. j v ; r ' two hundred nrres belonfc'rify to th A- Smith Lumber Company, of ZUiu,- poiu. - vTarr DR. JORDAN'S oncarfj iuosEOU OF.ntmTonY; f rn imiiiiniT,iufra3ciKo,tiL Berkeley Stables as possible. (Poretto); KlafoBj