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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1900)
WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1900, OfiTIIfrGlO) (Continued from Page 3.) i- " - . 1 1 Q. M. Sergt., Joe Austin, rergeantfc. It. Canteobeba, W?. Ki.Ll, G. Hall. J. Strait. Corporals. C. Grasier. II. Emken. C. II 2 man, C. Burns, W. Hall, B..HaI 1. in. " - ' Musicians, F. Confer, L. Confer. PRIVATES. ' , livelier. II. XL Allen, II. t A ! it'll, A. I'. It, C. ' . Mttner, It. I .enter, W. ; j -orutr, C. -l'uford, Jay. 1 rl.m, C. : ..thin. W. Cl.arle. J. ' ; C'vru. E. W. -I Hid. V. . Firr-ldo; Joe. Cuitenbeln, H. Gadke, G. Hoffman.. E. W. Hamilton. W. .Howell, A. E. 1 fourth. J. Jordan,- II. E. .' Miles. O. McCoy. A. I McArthor. F. J. MeKilllgan. W. MeQuade, M. Mounger, P. I .... . ' ft ' r 1 1 laruurr, a. I Pa ulson, J. (Kali. L. (Silver. W. , Sehinfc, II. Simon. IK jSpulack, E. X. Shipley. II. VIesko. G. Whit ina n. F. . William. C. Waack, X. FOURTH BKOIMEST OEFICERS. Colonel. Geo. O. Yoran. of Eugene. 14. CoI.,,J. M. Poorman, of Wood burn., -Majors, J. I. May. of Ashland. R. II. Iabo, of Salem, Battalion Of- Majorat. II. Ellis, of Albany, Sur geon; ..- Capt D. II. Yoran. Adjutant, j Capt. F. L. Chambers, Quartermas ter. .- ; - Lieut.. F. W. Haines, Commissary Sergeant. Sergt. Walter Ross, Qaartermaster Sergeant - . ' . ; :' .'. ! . . Sergt C. G Kaufman; Sergeant Major. . t , ' ' Lieut. I. E. Vinlng. Acting Adju tant. - , Lhiit O. It. Henlenwm. Acting Pstlallon Adiuintif. ,:' Serjrt. F. B. Crubb, Acting Servant Major. ." ' - Sergt. Geo. -.Beach. Acting Battalion fcixeant .Major. Coiwrfll H. It. Hasbm. Acting Reg Iinetdal Commissary Serpent. FOURTH 'REGIMENT-' GENE. BAND-EC Irmn Serct. L. Cnn. fhhf M ush-Iuiu Sergt. Ceo. 1 1. Yer rlngron. JMnHpar Musician, F-rgt. C. S. Cochran. ! Privates, Olive -' CUeJdi're. ,MV ChrUtinu. G. A. . I:ivi V,. iViaj-i Otto GIHtrap 1 W. V. Gdtia:. W. G !os .1. A. II iIim 'i T. U llnj eM. I 1. Kaiifinnn. .1. C. KeNny. A. 1! Knox. F. NY Me.Ufsler. H. U " land. 1. I. S-fitt. Ceo V.V Siuiih Srar verud. H. Sw-et. W. II. Viiir-e!M II. IV Walker. .1. II. Vri l 'r. COMPANY A. 4 Til, KrCKXIl. t'aptaiii. 1L-S. IliHti.u. list MeuK C. Kli:i'jrf:umi:!t. Tt Si rirt. . C. H:Uiimo:l. O. M. Sertrt. V,. W. (Jritliti. Sergeants. C. 11. lunis, V. I. White. F. K. Taylor. CoiT"r:iIs, 1. U. .WIIloHa:ldy, F. MoimtX.. C MeCornaek (. 1 c;;i Kt m p, : K. F St iles. ' W. W. lira nst.; ter. v."-" ' M:usieiaus, Ceo. Oliver. ' ' " PRIVATES. Barker,. Ceo. Bennett. J. S. Crawford. E. J. Coals.. J. C. Cornell. C. A. Craig. F. J. Ctpprnofr. Ij. ln w, C. F. Flint X K. -Hooker. I St. E. IjiWHon. B. K. Lindsay, J. M. McGuire, W. C. Norris. Itea. Taylor, it. M. Withrow. Fred. TildK-tts, .C. It. I'elL Strait. Leonard. !HonY Joe. Marks. C. WohL Waller. Thurston. S. McMartlu, A. Haggard, COMPANY B. ASHLAND. Captain, J; E. Thornton. 1st Lfeut. I. E. Viuing. Jd LleuU Hiram S. Evans. 1st Srct.. Elmer Patrkk. Q. M. Sergt.. Winnie Crowson. S4rgeants. Walter IVnney, Frank Crubh, 8. F. Ward, Itobt. I Me Wil liams; tVrporals. K F. Foster. Blaine Klmn, J. A. Mellza, W. C. Easter. James Sieueer., Musicians, W. F. Long, Harry Van Saut.. - - Andre, P. U Applegate.- W. Butler, J. F. Brannon, CottrelL W. Combs, F. Carter, II. Easter, W. Eddy, A. J. . Oaley, C. I Crublt. S. I lowland, W. Hendrlx, F. M. High, H. II. I-ougi E. W. . Iiaslier. R. j Mauzey, W. L PRIVATES. Mass, W. Millsap, J. Mlllsap, O. More.- J. D. Mills, A. Mills. II. Miller. O. W. Patrick, L. Rojkt. P. lltadclifT. A. Smith. W. E. Ssickett. 1 Stevens. I. Smith. M. I Taylor, C. Walson. (i. T. Wooden, J. f- COMPAKY E, HOSEBCRG. Captaii. Frank R. Hamlin. 1st Lient Fred W. Haines. 2d Lieut.. . Harry C. Slocum. 1st Sergt., Fred T. Smith. O. M. Sergt Sum' I Starmer. Sergeant, Zopher Agw. Otnrals, Fret ,W. Wright. Hu Irt Wright. Percy A. WelK Oscar Singleton. Henry Worthington. .MusU-Ians, Charles . Stratford, Fred C. Short. Company Crwk, Melvln Thompson. Comiauy Clerk. . Henry A. Strange. PRIVATES. ; Armltage. Wm. J. 1 iotcher, Jno. Puxzell. W. II. Ityrou. Geo. I'fiiton. , It. L. t'uie, Ira A. '"Liy, Jas. lMi'tkman,: I. V. lUsoil, Jas., Frvin. Wj ' 1 i I.N, Clias. . C;Jdl'.. E O. U iuilin, E. T.' II:impton. E. L. 1 a., s. ; II isstll, J. w. J Hoover. W. E. Howard, C Haines, W. T. Lea t hernia n, C Martin. Wm. ;McI)owell. W. Mef;hehey. A. Mote, Geo. New kind. J. D. Nicholas, Ottlnger. Slianv A. Short. W. Worthington, A (Wright, Eber. E D. O. Karl. A. D. It. II. COMPANY IL 4TII, GRANTS PASS. Captain, J. A. Tate. : 3t Lieut., E. B. Brown. l?t tiergu A. LL Voorhiea. : O-'M.-: Srgt, M. T. PpVy. Sergeant! Wm. Juhusou, r Clia Crow, A. IklgTton. ' ' Corporals. F. ia trick. AL Gentner, Carl Iiyiuer, "Walter H.vke. Musicians. I Axtel, B. I. Plummer. PRIVATES. Bamfield. J. t!olvlg.,E. ; Ieat. A. -, lean. J. ' r . . Davis, It. Estes. Wm. Williams, II. Graff. C. Green. Caitn. IL ; Ha gen. Z. Huggins. R. JHornig, T. tLongenbH-ker, Medley. "E. Jlowers, hi. Slowers, F. Mowers, C. Mc-Clung, C. McCatm. C. Snow. . Trimble. Geo. iTuttle. D. Veatch, E. COMPANY F.-4TII, SALEM. J Captain, Walter Xyon.' 1st Lieut, II. A. Yowi. 21 IJeut., II. A. Kurtz. 1st S.-rat.. J. O. Sntton. Q. M. S-gt.. Iloseow Slielton. ; Sergeants, I. A- Judson, L. IJens ouer. jit I. Uyrd. ; C'orjxirals, Ralph Glover, II. A. Sharp, JW. D. Horner, W. D. Wil liams r " Musicians, B. J. Sharp, jr., Erlck Kleppin s j PRIVATES. . Adolph.j J. J r Aufrane, A. P. Ifeckleyj W. B. BuelU F. L. Copeland. A. T. Cherrlu!tt6u, E.r E. Cloak, W. Dodsoiij I. Fleming, T. 31. Flcklfn.s- , i I In my ton. Ifc HornerJ It. 3. Hughes E. R. Jausmi.i I). Jon.'s, C. II. . J Jones, E. J. Judson.! L. E. r : 7: i Kurtz. E. A. Lneas,. H. Longcor, J. J. Mason, C. Maguire, J. JleAlvIn. M. MeGiunlK. B. P I link its. W. J. Sillier.- SV. V.. Pfeuuig. C. A. t fl v ii -01 ue, Ross,'W.. iSiMrrj E. J. iShlnn. J. O. IThielseu. E. , r COSIPANY G. 4TII. ALBANY. Captain.. C. A. S'ars.. ., , ... 1st lieut.. F. C. Stellmaeher. 1st S-rgU C. S. Harnish. O. Mi Sefgt.. Q. II. Propt. 2d Sergt.. V,. W. Walhu-e. . :ul Serrt.. S. C. Worrell. ' 4ih Srfft., A. A. Gmham. Sergt.. W. D. i Morris. ('orporals, E. W. Stewart. L. L. Vier eek. W. V. Merrill. J. II. Goius. E. It. Huston, J.. Holland. CorporpM.- fi. t,i H. S., ;iv:hvi-4'ring, G. Keeny. Musicians, J. Oli T PR IV Applegate, A. Plain. W. L. Blighton. J. Bjirrett, N. liowlman. L. A. I4iner, E. ' liowlman. A. 3. Cheshire, W. Crabtree. W. f Currie. L E. Dilhtrd, W. B. Dillard. F. C. Edmiston. W. W. Fisheri II II. KnL B. IV Ford. O. F. I 'onl. W. C. illiert W. A. SetflLfG Brrtchr; ILiAliMiUaou, II. ver. W. Smith. ATES. .Green,. O. Green. B. A' jGeddisVAL." Gray, R. C. !GillespIe, W. B. Illowe. O. 1. Hawkins. C. Johnson. A. (Marsh. O. i'M(!ornack, E. 'A. Neet. C. F. I'ennington. W! B Rhodes, C. F. I Russell, W. IK I Tibliets. E. J. Smltli, V. W. Stiles. V. It. r Wiles, F. N. COMPANY D, 1ST SEPARATE BATTALION THE DALLES." Captain. O. E. -ItnrtlL 1st Lient, R..A. Sirtvey., 2d LieuU A. j. Cooiht. 1st Sergt-, Thoa. Smiley. O. M. Sergt.. J. Ileroux. ' Srgeants. M. J. Bartell. S. R. Jil lram, W, M. C)oke, F. Friendley. Corporals. D. Iteardon. E. Lcmison, F. Kennedy, j;. St 111 well,' OGroeb ler. A. Steet i Musician, .Frank Assis. i 1 PRIVATES. Ball; J. Brown. Win. Brown. O. -Busk irk. I BurgeU. ti. I Hard. It. Rloudiu. V.' It. tUMiiier.'' J. C-onuellv, IL CubU-igii. E. Davis, It. A. Klto'j, J. t:it4n. A. ' , GiblMms, F. V. Gehti. II. IL. iliqipiier, i'. i 1 1. ilia i-i 1, F i Ilaiinon. W- D- Jol.HS. D. IV ; lackson. T. Kelly. S. It. Leniison. D. LiiH'h, B. t Llebe. T. ; Murray, It, S. MarUieRi," F. ; jMartin, C. INicIxolson. T. i Parkins. I. D. 'Ro e. G. !Rayburu. A. W. ' Sargi'ant, 11. . Sargeant. C. , ' (Smith, E. . ' Smith. W. ll'hich. B, ' jUlrich. J. iWhiltt. V G. ; S limklt. C. ' ; f (WaKlou. It. . lZiik.i. II. ; S!i:innon, J. COMPANY" A, i 1ST SEPARATE .T BATTALION IIA KEIt CITY. First Lieut. W-W. Carlyle' in Com mand. ? :- i Trimeters. J. IV ' IlauJ c:t,.V C. ' J1: Cuidifl. , ,t .. . . : TROOPERS. Andrews. T. W. jlllroiis,' W. Baltimore' Fraik.Knowles. I. ' ERUJADmil GENERAL CIlAS. IV BEEBE, COMMANDING CAMP GEER Tjinee Corporal, R. MeKechnie.: MuHleian, IL It. Saltmarsh. ! ! PRIVATES. Alexander, A. E. Alexamler. T. ' Pilyeu, W. It. Burkhart. J. Brewer. E. ; Couey, S.M. CaniplMdI. II. It. CHiky. A. C. i tdwell. A. J. Dlekey, I. a Finch. J. A. Fenton, F. It. Groves, D. II. Harris, W. S. Ix'welling. 1 G. Myers, J. C. IMcGee, IV II. Marks. W. 1 Slaekey, C. I Iurdom. A. IV I'owell. F. M. Pratt. G. F. Mason. R. E. Talt J. V. S Itozellei B. F. t ItUIHTt. C. Stalnaker. O. B. 'V! t ...n f .IT Ilardman. I W. Seott, 55. W Ilaskleman. ;T. P. IS now, II. II. Ilackleman. : It. G. ISears, :eo. Ilomschuch,' I. C. Hofllch, G. A. Hofllch. Wm. Ilulburt. Ed. Ilackleman,- V. I Itilyeu, C. Weatherford, A P. Jack. A. J Klum, C. THIotson, W. A. Turpi n, II. E. Torliet. It. N. Talt. J. It. Watson. IL B. Westcott. A. B. Young. I). F. Rich, P. , COMPANY D. 4TH, WOODBURNi v Captain. W. E. FInzer. 1st Lieut.. O. D. Henderson. 2d Lieut.. F. W.- Settlemler. Lst Sergt., E. Moshlierger. Sergeants, Jaek Craig, T. C Poor- man. Geo. Beach, Allie Enple. Corporals. W m. Fry. II. D. Bom- hofT (acting Quartermaster). II. Bar rett Grover ToldJ Ralph Hall. Lister DurrelL - Musicians, Chas. Whitney. Win. Flint. I " PRIVATES. Armes, E. Berry, S, E, Iieneh, A. . Brown. W. B. Branager. Fred. BMHle. C. By land, F. ML A. i Barlier, S. Bevns, J. E. Cauimack, C. C. Chaninss. O. Dixon, IV Dowd, N. B. l'ngle. Joe. Fiefter, G. Garrin. Ang. Hardeastle, S. B. Klllen. B. Kent. A. S. Matt son, Ray. Mattson. Ralph. Moshleger, O. A. Moshliegef, L. Moshlieger. It. .V. Miller, W. C. Mack, J. S. . McCorkle. M. G McKay. G. J. Owre. W. I Poorman. F. I'oorman, W. Pope. F. L. Richmond, B. Richards. C. Stark. E. Saunders. . n. Townsend, L. Todd, IL Young, J. . Young. I. C. Van Cleve. A. M. Walker, It Waterbury. J. 2d Lieut., Hyland Cory. ; 1 at Sergt.. C. E. Houston. 0. 31. Sergt.. Ed. Bowers. Sergeants, 1 Emory Case. Homer Reeves. Settle, W. Wilson. Corporals. Jim Wright. Allteif Stone, Herbert Wisdom, W. Weav ers. : Musician, David Haines. PRIVATES. Anderson. W. ; Brown. A.; Case, I.. f Chandler, (i. , Easterbrotik. T; Eieiiom.. F. Earnest. C Johnson. It. , ; James. C. ' '' ' Johns, C. ' Miller, E. SlltcheU, G. Moss. It. MeMunlo. A. Newton. A. I'rescott. G. A Reeves. J. UolK-rts, F. Sparks, E. St(H'lman. A. Sturgill. 3L Stan wood, ,F. Wolf, E. COMPANY B. 1ST SEPARATE BATTALION LA GRANDE. Captain. A. C. Williams. 1st Lieut., Chas. Owsley. 1st Sergt., W. O. TrilL Q. M. Sergt.. B. il. Grandy. Sergeants,; M. A. Herr. A. L. Rol erts, W. T. McGee, G. W. Buchanan. CoriKrals, A. O. Itrookler. G. U Wootls. ti. W. Peck, It. W. Johnson. F. B. Huston. ! ; s Musicians, A. Jennlson, E. McCom- PRIVATES. Bartness, J. Real, It. C. j Bennett. J. ; Rtxldy. B. i Brookler, R. s Clay, H. . ' Cross, t. " -' ' i I)avls, E. C. Dye. G. W. Farrls, II. C I'an is. J. K. t Farris. W. T. I Florida. J. IL Hopier. T. It. i lust on, E. . D. Hall. J. Huston, J. T. , Jackson. O. Keeler, F. J, . , Ktrtley. A.M. MeCracken, F. V. McEwen. J. C. McKIddy. II It. MlUer, R. II. Mlns, W. L. Rntleilge. L. r. ScrilHr, C. J. Sercy, D. R ' Shaw. W. WlUiamson, T. IL Beard. IL W, Bhicklaw. Wm. Brown. A.' C Bryant. II. W. Canfleld,, A.. A," Clem. J.' C. Coffelt, J; J. Iavis. "W. W. Donaea. F. K. Elklus. II. A. Fuller, IL It. W II T, 1 jl-rfjveuii. I iSleranda. C". C. Meramla. G. L. Mills. H. jOakley. C. T. . Retherford. L. Robins. II A. ! Robinson. .W. jThomas. G. I Weaver, O. G E TROOP B, SUM PTE R. , CnptaIn.iT.fK. Muir. . 1st LleuL, 31. -E. Thornton. 2d Lieut- J. F. Shelton. -1st Sfst.s Frank ItandalL - Q. 3I.i Sergti' Wm- Robinson. - tiuidon Sergt Sam. It. Stotu , , s Sergeartf s, iL. B. Llvermore, C. E: Robiin. Ieo. IIelmlek.i "i. . Corporals. G. V. illddleton. G.- W.! Crane. I. V. Xebergall.; JI.- S. Dur gan. J.' A. Brown. . F. Muzzy. 31nsieians, 31. C.kthey. E. Grdv. Farriers, C. Faqna. J. F. Parkinson. TROOPERS. Bradley. D. P. Br(Kks. E. E. Brown. J. 3L .' Ballantyne. B. , Cronin. W. Campbell. B. Daley. A. D. Fortune. E. Gibbs, II. V. HolHn. C S. Hyde. IL Kane, 31.' T. Iiwsoii. F. H. Ijiwkoii. W. It. IV V It. c. iLoekhart, lK-khart., tMcDevltt Moore, O. Muir, II. IPentland. Rogers,E. . JTalifero. J. V jTalifero, W, G. iTietJen. T. ! Vandttyn. W. II Wa riuT. E. IV VMiHlemau, 31. Fre'zlng Weather In July Would cause great "disi-om fort and lns:. but fortunately iris nelloiu known. A vast ji mount of misery is this nesison. however, by ImiHiVerishetl )dooU Mor appe 'tite ami general debility, j Thesi? conditions may lie'reimtlhtl liy vi- rh-lilng the bhsxl and toning the stoiuaeh with IIoVs Sarsjiparilla. This meilieine wriiis to put new lite Into the whole pliysieal sys tem. Klmply lieeause of its .won ler ful jsiwer to purify, enrich' anl vi talize the blood, create an appetite ami -Invigorate the llgestive func tions. We advise you to get a liottle and try? It if you are not feel ing Just right. It will do you more god than a six weeks vacation. It is the., best: niedieine money can buy. -r ilLMLWUD SiiAor RdlUTIA ' Oov. T. T. Geer; and Staff Honored Guests at the National Guard Encampment. Entire Strenoth of the State's Citizen-Soldiery Paraded before the Chief Executive- A Governor's Salute of ID ' : Guns The Daily Routine. DIFFERENCE IN THE CAMPAIGN tFroni Daily Slatesiuan. July 11.) " 3f bunted on a spiritttl- liarger. which : ! 'Sat like , a veteran V-ftvalry ollleerr GoV.f ;T. T Geer last eyiniius nv ipwi njf the- Orcgon'Na t Iona I il tta rd. gCPtuiip ier, the entire brigade be Cig. paradel- before;, tlie t-oiumander-iii-ehief. . . .. - ; -: It Was an insiirlng sight to view the entire strength of the state's mil hht, the front' si rot eh in;; along the en tire length of the parade ground l."s feet, the brigade front inakiug a . nuli tary sjKftafie never ln'fore kkii In Oregon. ' The ' Infantry . was In a line tf ituiss-s. tii Fourth Iteciiueut, i'ol. Geo.' ' .' Von; n , coinmanding. 'on tin light. "To the left' or the Fourth regi iiMitt. and forty -pace; , Intervening, vras the right ot the Third reg'.iutnl under Colonel -.Everett-.' liie- ejirate battalion beliigaildeil to the this.eom mniii). making it a three-battalion iTinient.' T'-the left .ol, tl:!., and Ki.-ty paei'S inlerreuing. '"v.K.. Light RaVtorj' A,' In battery" fwr.t -tin Ir-i couimaiid of -C'ajt. II. IV Wel-.-Ii. On U'.e left of the battery, and sixty once intervening, were Troops A. nn-.l R. :ivalry4 under eoinmaud of ?i in Copelan and Muir; tln e-.1valry v,as in line of i columns and platoons. kt adimr as a iiattnlion. The briiradio was In this fonnition '.Tiie-i Go i'. T. -TV Goer. ntt--.ided b.t his stiff and followed by three iroop ers-as orderlies, n'lije.ired at the .en trance to the iwrade gror.nd. v.hen he was met rand reeolvt :! by Gv':ier.i '. F. Iiee1n 3i ud stall. vii's,v the Gov- J tract, liavo dlscovenvl ere this; on the contrary, they have diseovered that Hohtieiliig " Involves ' an' J amouiit"""if arduous Inltor, nit.l tluit Ihe. neamp meut was not arranged for the pnr juise. of play for the troop, but to iM-rfect them Hit that? mot '.arduous of all work in Ultr.ry drill. .' - Svera i Hours ver put Iti; In luird ' Work,;.-" yesterday when the entire brigade, consisting of ' two 'regiments and a wparato battalion of infantry, two irtKips of .eavnlry, ami one lilit batt-ry of artillery, were pnt ihroiih the evolutions, givinz t ho eamp and parade ground a most martial and animated iippen ranee. The work of tJ.e cavalry and nrtillei-j-, i-spw-Lilly. attraef'd iiiueh nilviit'oii ami f;i.--aiie emiiTfiei.t fir Use . exet-lleiie. if their evoluiions. The infantry, how ever, did not. - lose any admirers Jy reason -of this, eviksl iir.i. li tairatiou by ilie drill in which tli, I'lil ire fore p:irtie!prfel. Tin .t!ire: jlltlie sevral ion ,nn put fiilif til ail llie time' ossi!.le ia ij( drills, and are deriving m.;.-?i l.eiieiit from the w;:!c for .themselves n-rl i heir- -onttn;iud:. - . i m ,Ve?:ierday nfienHnn il.e -Vom'p:niv efiiniaaiiders of the Third r;-.'ii:i:rit drill', d their re?p-.H-t Ive. in I'eiKMideiilly, and they m : ! a g.hl sliowinar. , Prig.Tde' Iu.1T.l5l:irlei7i"' is "a biny cnp friini e:ul- moriiincr till late :ir night, nnd General Pve. the brigade eouimauder, and Major :re nle;if. as sistant adjutant: general,, are kept constantly at work 'Issuing order, re ceiving reports, nnd direiting oiera t ions on the entire -field, and n a result of their . untiring effort :inJ close application, the work of the en tire brigade is of a high standard of excellence, and the camp coin pa re tF F resident McKinlcy Will Not Par- aicipate cs limpid. ; .r rM i i. w C- '. r ' i '" 1 1 - W '4 PliCUC Cl'S'NfSS TRtYtNLS IT i . - tbe Coiit'Kt Will Narrow lowu to " Tw.i1 IssufH-Tlie Cnrrucy - il ieliou i Paramount. (UXTON. .. July 11. The cam paign ot 1'H in Canton will not In a duplicate "of the camiaign of PS Mi. It is not the prKeut intention of Air. Me Klnley to make speehs to the dele-1 gallon. 'who maj- visit Canton during the summer and fall, even If he should remain here all the time. The. Presl- den will le so much occupied with pub lic business that he "will have but little lime. to devote to the campaign. lie says his iiosition Is much different than four years ago. Then be was a prb vate citizen, and as the candidate o his party, felt justified in taking the active , part be did In the campaign. Now he Is lresilent. of the whole neo- ple, and feels that he should give his attention to the many questions of wiMciuuii'iii ieiiuuig ami constantly arising. It Is the present intention of the President " to confine his heartv participation in the campaign' 'ta hia sieecn tomorrow, and his letter of ac ceptance. - ., a ' i COMPANY C, 4TII, EUGENE. Captain. J. M. Williams. 1st Lieut., J. A. Currie. 2d Lieut, Geo. F. .WiUoughby. . 1st Sergt, 1 1. Hunter. Sergeants. II. G. AVestbrook ." r xt. Elroy, C. P. Sylvester. , v TROOP A, CAVALRY. LEBANON. Capta In, Wm. M. CopLtn. 1st Lieut C. IL Young. 2d LieuU E. L. Power. - iv rergr U. A. Wiley. Q. M. Sergt C. C. Cruson. " 21?nJrsU C' w- Ionaca. - Stride Sergt., IL C. Moran. Sergeants E. F Gny, B. O. Nichols, A. CJ. wmiams. Earl R. inigh. Corporals. G. h. Coffert T. V. V0- . Road. Lee Canfleld. W. J. Booth. T. L. UaU. iAiiee Corporal, A. CL. Baker. SZeT'J- -Tapper. F. L, VaiL B acksmltha, Chas, Bland, Hervey . Saddler, Geo. Pryv.-.. - agoner,- Lemne Arnett. . THE EAST PLEASED. Canton, O.. July 11. "You can say mat we or the Kast are pleased with both conventions," said Postmaster General Smith, wdien asked to say sometning on the political situation.? I think the contest will settle down to virtually two issues, one ! of these, prolmbly the chief one, will le the cur rency question. The Democratic con vention 1ms made It so. They have proclaimed their stand for silver. nrti the battle of four years ago on that question wm nave to bo fought over There Is no such Issue as IinneriallRit. Tint Is fiction. There can be no Im perialism In a free country; But the question of upholding and strengthen ing the Government in dealing with issues growing ont of the war, and In administering the new people brought under our care and protection, is an Important : issue and will figure con sph uously In the campaign.? ;" ' s" , TOPULISTS ARE BITTER. r Lincoln. Neb., July 11. The fusion forces of Nebraska. Including tlio nm- oeratie. Populist and Silver Republican parties, held their state, conventions here today to nominate a full state and electoral ticket. Some bitterness was evident among the Populist over the defeat of their Vlce-PreshleriMiil eo n i 1 ! lint p. Charles A. Towne, In the Derao ora tic National Convention; Vp to a biti hour little had been aeeomplisbed, either by the conference committee of the three nartles. which was to wt.i on the apportionment of -officers among the three parties, or In the way of oth er' business before the conventions. W. 4. uryan ami Charles A. Towne made brief addresses at the Populist convention. It Is believed the work of the conventions will , not tie : finisiwvi lefore morning, as lively fights are anr iiciputeu over nearly every nomination. 1 If w ... ; . .... . V 1 v GpV. T. T, G El Ht COMMANUER-IN-CIIIEIV; ernor's salute of niuetwu pans was being fired In front of the brigade headquarters.?' When the Several com mands bad passwl the Governor and his fKirty and the troops had been re vfeWe1" by. t lie state's chief executive and returneil to- their quarters, the Gubernational party wiis escorted to General i Beele's headquarters. Mrs T. T. Geer. and a party of friends had also arrived, and an informal reception was held here, many prominent so ciety people iH'ing present. The scene was a brilliant one ami a most pleas ant and enjoyable evening was spent, until at a bite hour Governor and Mrs. Geer and their party, returned to the city.. ' . . Adjutant CJeneral C. C Gantenlieln, ami - Lot. James Jackson, Inspector. General, remained In camp, and will Ik tlure for several daj-s: the former will arrange for --paying the men be fore the end of the wreek. and the lat ter officer will inspect the troops, r Iiast nights review of the troops, by Gov. Ti T. Geer was the first time In Gie history of the State of Oregon, when the Chief Executive of the state. mounted,, reviewed the National Guard, no one or nis predecessors having ever appeared at an encampment on norseoacK. , i ne i iovernor made a fine appearance, -showing to gMxl al vantage tnml' being able, to look vrf and alKre his surroundings-with ease. Life in Camp Geer is not all pleas tire, as the tnemliers of the National Guard, ; encamped on - the Highland GATAElMIh la tlllu (U?e tber thodd b cIe&&Uaes. ' Hj9 Crcani Dalm :en?.ootiiend beds the difessed membrane. It core eitarrh nd drives rar cold la the hcsA aidc!y.' : : ' ,x Crtam Balm U placed into the ntxrtn!, preJ ever tlx membrane mod ts absorbed. Ee'.ief l Im mediate sod a cure to.lov.-v It Is not drying doee not produce sneering, large SLse, 60 cents tt Dtaj glsU or by .Trial SieclO cents by mall.' $ fK t ELY UU0H1H3, K Wanea Suect loric mvorably with that of a" camp ; of ltial size-of the regnlar army in fact, the aim of General Iieelo is t make the National Guard equal In all resiKKtsi to the regular establishment. and he proiosfS to keq the MilitUv on a war footing, so a to bavfr the brig ade prepa ml' to move at short notice should troops be ueexletl by the gener al Government. . , j The camp Is kept las clean as itd: possible, and Is a. model .of neatness. Every morning the garbage wagons run through -the camp and pick up all refuse, and men who, for some In fraction of the rules, have lnen plne ed In the guard house, are comiM'lleil to help clean iq. In the ease of the camp of the caalryj it was foun 1. yestertlay, that the ;qnartennaster"i details, orderel to clean up tiiat part of the grounds, had not reachel there, and Captain Coindan, commanding troop A, the Lebanon: cavalry; set bis own men to ioliee the grounds, and they went at It with a wilt and smu made that neighlsrhool appear liko. a garden spot All refuse. 1rusir"ele.. : was removed, thetroopers using tlMjIr , own 'tta foil for tile work. ? I ?. U . i General Eeelw U-Hevn: hihh servance of the formalities.; Yesterday ' afternoon, while passing over the Tir ade gronnd. followed py .an , orderly,; ' leading ; a hors,- he came- nir ' ili 4 flagstaff. He promptly removel his hat while passing under' the flag: af ter passing the flatrstaff, he noticed ' two enlisted men lounging under the Stflfs and Stripes, their blouses un butfonel. and taking .things i-asy. -The general , promptly V rebukel ; the, then for lounging in that sar red fqmt and In so f-lonchy a manner, and or dered them away. The big brass cannon , In front of the brigade headquarter have leeu . drawn up nearer the general's tent, and were yestertlay. given a god cleaning, the polished brass glisten ing In the sun, reflecting some of tl old glory that was theirs when these pieces saw sterner servleo than that of aeting as a piece of -Statuary-in a soldiers" school. . As "tinkindness has no reniely at liny," let Its avoidance 1h with you si loInt of honor. Ilosca BaUou. 1 f J :