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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1900)
WEEKLY.; OREGON STATESMAN, ; FRIDAY, 1 AFRIL7 13, 190a wati":,"t A'nrc LilOvWIULL! Bill Icr a Wire to llcr.cjzla i lias Passed the Senate. THE SCHEME IS EXPERIMENT ItMay ReanU In th ; Construction of m Cable rroiy Seattle to lh rhiV Ippln. Island. WASHINGTON. April " u. The 1ilI .appropEiating $3p,ooo for a enable IiHwren Sah Francisco and .Honolulu passed the senate today. Hale - ex plained that the building of- this cable would be in the nature of an experi ment, and upon the result.of it would depend in a measure t1r future course erf the gyntmimcrA, ' Vc mtgho be deemed desirable, in the light of the experiment, ' point like Seattle and proceed to Japan by" the Northern route.) f- The District of Columbia appropria tion bill, "which passed the senate to day, carries nearly $8,000,000. ; tA VALUABLE RESENT. Guy M. Powers, -local agent for the O. R. & N. Company yesterday received a very valuable and-useful gift from the company's officers' Inl Portland. The present is a complete set of the. New National Dictionary j Encyclopedia and i Atlas, consisting of J eighteen volumes containing 230,000 words. Mr. Pow ers very highly prizes the gift -which is a' -very valuable acquisition to the com pany's equipment of jh$ local office. AT THE HOSPITAL. Fred Cox, a young man residing in Independence, was received at the Salenr Hospital fast evening, seriously ill witn typnoia lev er. .He is a member of the Indepen dence lodge of Maccabees, and he is ; desirous of seeing the members of that order Tn this city, who can call" .ccn ; vcnicntly. . !' . ; . ONE APPOINTMENT. Gov. T. T. Gecr has appointed B. F. Tuttle, a commissioner of defds for Oregon, to serve for four years. The new com missioner will reside in San Francisco. OFFICE REMOVED. H. I. Big- . gcr Ikis removed his law" offices- to Rooms-5 and 6, over Lathi & 'Bush's bank. . ' . uw. SLIT roa A RtCtlVtR. Former Salemhcs Figure in Some Part- ncrsiup 'L-ir.gatiot) in i.MUitnoman County Coirrts. XFrom Daily . Stw.trr.iwi, Apc'tl. rC- E. Power has begun suit in the State circuit court! against Frank G. 11-ivU "ittinir (nf a decree dissolving the partnership as the Daves Manufact uring ccmpany"says! yesterday's Oregon ian. "Judge Cleland has set the matter for hearing A-pril t6lh on the motion to show cause whjr a receiver should nrit be appointed to take charge of the properties during the pendency of hte case. -The plaintiff alleges for cause oi complaint that she partnerhsip was formed October ,4.1 Hy. the business being the manufacture and sale 01 flav oring extracts, and bluing, and the cap ital tock of the firm was $i4-'5- Hc ssijs that an agreement was entered in to that he was to keep the books, and the defendant was to superintend the -rtnf-if titriiKr ; In violation- of this atrangement. Power alleges that .soon after the partnership was formed. Davss .'.... t , i.orrtitt liiin to have access to the books, and neglected to attend properly to the manufacturing depart ment, or to make proper mpou turn of the sales and collections, ami thereafter concealed from him. io.-t;fT iii lonV- Vf the concern, and - 1'lftli-ll t 1.. ft" ' ' ' . ' . . . declined to allow Inrtt to inspect the snme or to give hi nij any information iii. i-nndltmn of affairs, any excluded Him from ; participation 111 the . - . t .1.-: 1 .. . i D ? 4 conuuci i me uumi.w . - . t , r..-..u -.ciHi that the nart rown iuinH-1. ' , nerhip is indebted o !B. I' ; Shanrbrook m tiie sum 01 4"". "J . "f which is jKist due. and wluch Davis has f.-i- 1 m.' fincrmnt4 to P3V. latlCil .10 ll'cV -" , 1 : --I. t,f arm;-, the: oiatmtiu avers, consist in the main of oiU uiami rturing extract, the receipts for the manufacture of .extracts, books, account' , xtnnnt Hoxe. botUeS. labels, gas Stove, vanila eans. cologne spirit Sd aaratu. Power mji 13 tne-owiiei i : - . . f the oropcrty. and that tt is m danger o bdnT-n same is taken charge of by the court and a receiver apronuca. WASTE ON WESTERN FARMS. - . - 1J .U, IUC to sheep. AH waste vegetable matter sheep and horses. Abandoned meadows """mi; 111 vac ncignoornooa wereL searched for patches of grass, which were carefully mown and man int-rt.-r liiw : . u - . . - . hTUUlClMifCS lil Owners were , paid a "consideration for theif crop, provided they were reason able m their charges. I v. -r i t ' Prsra ft,vir..1 t :i: " . 1 accumulating upon the . premises was f rathe red op and hauled out upon the wuu. Ul 1U' - uu vciuic . . :t ground froze,, the' teams -would he tct to haulincr mock from 'the wale. rh;ch was, sometimes spread direct upon the plowed fields and- sometimes . -nixed with the stronger barnyard manures village ten miles away my father would i. v:. . I. . ( Of good manure that'could be bought. ana lor sucn i nave Known um :g, pay the crop upon a given piece of -Isnd . r.. T 1 .At,lAj r n V. I 4V1 tWe tide viujij w wiai --v J . nrtff ik!a r , V. -vl, l-t 1-. .VlInlt Wfln the cortt got to be thr-;e or four feet high, all the -wood ashes that had ac- rnmiiltaA 4nrinr th vi r rr nr. ried out in barrels, and theboys, armed with buckets and small spatulas made Frnm cllinart wr kt ?" llmmi.U it in nice litue heaps near the corn roots An additional supply of ashes was fre- ntiMtlw Jr!njt f rom h vitli TP lt- fore "snow flew all the farm machinery . -I . .1. . . .i . . n .t ana uiensus .were gaiucicu uuui mt art in fh turn iutinieu;s. ta be carefully housed until tn;y were needed again. , . , And so a system f carcml sav ng i,, -'l . Vi hrm nn'l house hold operations, not otuy navinj a nap ;nn.,n.x n in nrjrtiri but beinz prdductive of direct profit. Suppcst a similar custom could be adopted all over the south and west, vnere nature has been so much kinder to the hus bandman, bestowing upon him a boun ty that if carefully saved would give him a competence, if not abutdant riches. Here in Colorado I see great straw stacks go up in smoke, barnyards with the accumulations of years reach :.w. -iz-vci tn th tnn of the fences. the land cropped with the same ctre&l year after yearj and costly farm n.a chinery left out of doors the e.r tound, .rwt n mnw and storm, makirg tt necessary for the farmer to renew, it .i ... - a.t, vpirj It seems that rrnrni in Vi re-ioect cannot be advo cated with too much zeal or persis tence. . r. : l?OREIGN NOTES OF INTEREST. Great Britain hasiust made -a treaty with the Topublic of San Marino for the extradition of ifugitive criminals. Golden and diamond weddings were celebrated by 614 couples in Prussia, in 1800, and the state distributed jubilee medals to each husband and wife. r In Berlin and the province of Branden burg the number of these couples was about iBoa and .is. constantly acquiring more. tie ui"aUy wears mice or iou watches, and repeatjrs, changing taem irom cay 10 oay. ' ins s 01 nuccu un cut rubies is historic; they measure about one and a half inches :n a;am eter and are- engraved with the tames ot the Mogul emperors. 4ms personage's crown is . a mass of dia monds set in silver and his sword of state 13 valued at $500,000. ' the form of palaces, u: which he own . , - - . t . 1 - acres 3 vast estaousamsni :n tae uvn of Tokio. His estate ?n th?' cci ter of the city, is made up of hill and va!ley, containing' lakes and wo hJs and c.icr- mnii nnr stnrv ral.l.S. Tlie f.lzce i IS ... -j 1 . surrounded by moats, crossei by mar ble tH-iOires. 1 e Daia res coi a ' m- TH illc r.f iitanv are immense plate glass doors it lacpje;ed irames, so arranged mat a s-f UVI V 4 1.1-7 - ... " - . Some of the sliding doors are covered with gow leal 'and tne ceuiugs , wiin min-l'-ciit prrhroideri'i. ...-. i N . i Kinir Menclek's bobby ls Jhrcnes nl n hai it nrAerA a. n-W ons. : It . 1 - r V - i man or rn e.T 11 r i ! r ni a rrcncu artist in Paris and is truly a gorgeous fT!r ! fwa-i1- -arv1 and .II.!i'd wood - . . . , . - decorated in tfaades a rea ana green. th rtlor of FlhiODia. ihifC Is a pavs rrntin ciirmnnnitn? tup inmuc. which is fourteen feet high, and the monogram of his magssty .t Ethiopian A ry,0im .nl!"f i .1 1 C that "f T lf- fa. the king of Dahomey ihe skulls of ft - . 1 ' -1 I. . . . . . U. ...nil n;s enenwes wmcn .itc'jinci H3 of the ro-al palace and pave the ft ors of his bed room. Ii any king dire t oppose him he is slain, his skull is made into a enp, out of hich. Taffo dr:i!ks to the god. - WAS NOT DAMAGE1) 1 i .t i f ' . ; 1 RKCEX t T&OST ;DIl . SCOT ISJCBE 1TIIXAXJCTTE TALCBT FBCIT. . Vruum Grawm To Mt la Baton Sat- rday Form f l trtBl f ike K.W.AsociaUoa.. THEIR NA11ES FILED (From Danly Statesman, April irJa) " Tin- im- frost of Sunday night did not in arij way? miure the fruit pros- iwJa 4h0- Villamtftte valJev. The v " ---" outlook for ,a remarkable yield- o ai vatictiea wsirever bettser. The recent frpist is reported to have donetxtrtKivc damago hi Hbe ? orchards in, Jacosi conrfty. the large Ifru grpwins drslrict m Somhcrn ; Orego-n. ; t r ' ;;""."; : j On Saturday of tin's wevk a meeting of llh prune growuTs ot Marion county will be held in lh?s crty. , The purpose of 1 the meeting h lo nt the or w.riLcft J jrrtW-a i-rv the Dlan ot wxirk contemplated by the Cured Fruit Astsociattort ,of the Northwest, whxh wnvnrtlv nriianirctd ' in Portkintt. The proposirioTi is for the association acreage in tbe territory embraced m the L r ' 5 Aji K cM-nrM lwttr association iie wiu iv j. -u.v w..y- . . . - foj Saturday meeting. Able sijoaker -;lii k' in a-iWnfIa:-- o exntain tbe befefits accruing from an organization of I growers. 1 he program 01. cxnsisra wfll -be publHhed ; later. KKPUIlUCAJf CASDIDATltS ACCEIT NOMINATIONS Trndercxl Them by th Conaty Convention Mnjr 8tl!l to Ito Hnrd from A f ... .. .. Long- X4t. rFrOni Dailv Stwtc4man, April lh). F. T. Wrightmaw. chairmani of the Marsdrt county Kepubitcan cenitrai com mit!tw naii ,fi Iml im s'hfc oific-e uf '.he -nt-J tfrV- - ao--ntaTK:e of nomin ations of a rrumber of the candidates. recently , nomunafted for the -rtous -"-' - J . ... j J - ventiort. altvd their rtantcs 'have becn cn- lifiratWm of membership in tliU ertsor ration 'n defined in article l. m';jK .Kv.fa'iar arfcl i& asi follows: : mv ncrcrtn shall 't tllClDie IO mem- beirship hi thi association imlessi he shall have paid tor one snare, 5. -v-fte. - - - - , t mil ;nU nmiiK- lh nmnpr. -nr tenant 01 tlie oAi-ncr, of - at ' orchard which produces dflciduous tnuts. f ami as) sven , -1.1 Jrwvrptf'in thf syTYwrn IT CrOO Otf d.C- 4t v a v - rf " - r , o ciduotw fruits. All . persons above the WrL. .rJ i8"vpr; rpcardT"s of X. atvd attv amd all co-partnerships, as.ociations is (lualrficd as h in provided. - If at any time any pt rsou who is a member in good stand c.fio.ii iri-ici V inoiti the oual.fioa- I ' K, i Hit I .-'. - ' 1 -'tiSims rtecesiary to entkle himto become cliesbfe as a memtxff 01 tn association, (H. A.S Crafts, Colorado, in Orange - i ; . . First and foremost is the wae of 4 t - .. ritinni fie iu i is SOUS. 11 Illdiljr ---- . " ' 1 ,;f.ri vr without terti lization or even the rotation of crops. If the farmers 'could haye had M z.ngtanu cuu-.'"-- , . ...,.i.t twi if inherent. I was born .... ta.lnnlv MOOll a UaCK ana grew iu ij .J"j - - woods farm in Maine, where each xairn .'-. 1.- t.... fmm tin- Y'ririn torcst. naa 10 uc um ... ti.. 1 r..rr it rnnU he out in tui-r t tie 4iii v"-".'v - able shape had to be cleared of stamps, dead wood and rocks, then Jevc.ed o by successive plowmgs,! ana this there were a poor soil j.nd an un congenial climate to contend with, yet by industry and economy many a farm er made a good living and more be 1 . . - - - -.. . - - But everything about tlicUrm h-d to be saved. Everything; mat wou.d make fodder for tfte stock vas savci Just as the corn begn o gare tne -ti- .im.. iiv ar "vsre cut. care fully dried and bundled and stored away In the barns, making excellent fcd tor milch cows during the winter. The re miininir stalks and husks were also . I ,fr liinV-intr . and fed to 9 V vl k V . . J (7. A- .h1. Ttin rta!lf and odi fttf carefully saved after threshing, making nutritious oduer especially auHiv a,-.. All w3tii vegetable matter from the harvest fields was gathered into compost heaps and ' mixed with 1. h:(wiinn and some ma- nure Irom the barnyard.; The most wasteful use made of straw was to vse i:.. ta,n nr three divs t" bed down the cows and horses. After all a f.n. j, ,,4 n. 11! t and the hay in the barns, all the. corners and waste . One English marquis has to wok for his living. Thef Marquis of Nor manby who w;fs a clergyman when he succeeded to tne tine w." and is now a canon of Windsor, found his estates heavily encumbered. tie thereupon turned schoolmaster and opened a preparatory school j for the icons of noblemen and', gentlemen that has brought turn money. Bucharest official arc conscientious. After a revision of the registration lists in that citv the following notice was sent out: ""Major A.., It s hereby brought ta your notice that your name isf struck off uie list ot electors lor ucpum - the First district and will not again be inserted in it. The reason for this is the fact that your death occurred some iXM Ovon Nie,uhr'8 fame as a his torian has faded in Germany I lis monument, erected by Fredcnck W il- Ham IV. in Bonn at a cosi 01 ,u. threatens to .fall to pieces, r The town of Bonn is Teady to give $.250, half ttH . t ii, rorvblre if some one "Will cost ji v - ... .... provide the other half. The .Niebuhr family declines to . it-. CTfniral ; covern- -mcnt has remained unanswered for a Le rlVC O I-IOCK is umm. At first welcomed as relieving the kr- 1 ; . aftrrnoon receptions it lias .1 :i -i ;in n o-atTonomi'c nuisance. 4 It V V I iii.v " The original tea anu vr.cs J , r 1 sive additions turneu into an iau.-. . . 1 u ...,;i- ;nt.rfj-rid with din- coia luuv... ...v... " '"v---r - . ncr. Dinner was pu but' this worked tltavoc wim uk 1.. 4k.f m time, and the stagc nas power enough in France still to put f. It bin five o riocK teas mmci ir-. t...r u nn W horses arc . 1 ri rnnt ri St AiatK S. to have a race meeting this year The idea was starteo as a jow. s Venetians took it up enthusiastically and $8,000 was coiiceico ir v" 1 few davs. A coninmuc inoui.- j a. L" - ..n r.rlmjn . has the ine mavui, matter in band andhas lead out a race-course on tne the old drill ground near the railroad sthtion. it will dc tne nrsi Venice has ever seen. s . ; . Thirty-one persons are mi " rriKf..U in GermanT for fraudulent evasion of military service. The chief culprit was a cigar drummer who died in detention before the trial, and seems have had a "pulTV with the exam iners.. His trade was do people, as lie cnargca sci Tat- vmntion. This was ?al J."' ..V VJ Hrn Serins? the VCUUg . .1. pvannnation. men ocrorc i . t . cHis.-fi svnmiuaia v. SO mat. intj " V i 1 I f c t:.. rmihU, ? He bad :..-t-. Imnunitv for a dozen ytars in tle towns along the Rhine.. tiered on the. regtw of tfommatioTis I AirPtiWt ttnaft. notifica- kw for. that punxMe. and trom which r T i', 'dL official ballot will be .rnde up. XLrelf " ber ho Thd acctptanrcs thus far filed .are, 01 v t . : f .hiVassociation. eonme. but a small portion of those to 1 1 therrtn(m he shall cca-e to be a Woenwrskliii the iregtsKB-, as trxre are notification of inch result to m.r,rv rtrmivnarfciiy t'hem m former years, "t'-'j . .. . ..-.i. . i , . " r " T ; i. " i.," W toTtnwrtn "sens to sucn nwiiwn ; Th?3 accounted for by (the change m P ' y , f eh. asiatiorv by tTO. 133 manner 01 geiecnng row wpciri-. t ,.-f mtf.tnwi in n mwlooe. ons. an the rhe af?e" prid. and addressed, to tlie appointed by t w county cotirt. but in; ,J.',stelowll rAklctiec or place future they will be Reeled Alter of- K ,Trd deposited in tlie U- ficers are chosen. aaid a inere -arc r. TlW t.mard of di- thtrty-six road dtncls rr, rctors shall have tlie-powcr from time counfty th will add nearly doubfc thttt Z tiZ unon abolication and petition niTtnbcr of mmeJ to'tine regirm-oi . . . v r wfw -h-it t,v v-o- cceptnecs. of wrowih.- .The ac- , t,afe(j to ionRcT ceptanoM Urm tor -riled arc gv i- T memjKT thisassociation. to rescind, low. togrtbec wh the office for which C oynodify any such .rcutnon aach candidate accepting nominated : 3"lJJr ' J... Mi)'"'--reprtsatmiatire. -UA n f0ikkbig form of an agreement 1. i-t. jui iui . j. - 1 , nfttnMil hv th a.csfiaa ion to I.rrt .L-'rearcc, ,7 , . . Wow-ers in assigntmg to the r I auciatictis khcir crops: v "This agreement, made and entered 41. -.a .ri--.'i mne nackiirg . ti j7.ftA JJVt . -ft house to be c.ccteu oy Tne ..u party and approvxd oy m? saiu Ciatn; sani crops hh-h.ii -remain a? all times in and under the ex- 1 .u.-clnn ntrt -TltWl Ot tllC ft, UT- I 1 ft. VK3.? xd assocafricm. oucn pacKiug wv .--,'i oxUwvtoir aYui t ne saxi Dtuvi- ti4 Vft . .:. , ' r. VlVorftrftn iVl uTltllW O'l OT SvAIu '. . irv 1 . before the first day m Augusi nr .cacn l :i ... .aM-trHi ami irl1 tlcation the same may be selecRcd by tlx- a"d associatson; and tle sard asso claticw may at any time," for surneicdt C3arsd to it -"aippxM-itig, re'oke ila ap7 proval of any packing house, wheTcttpon whhm ten days Biter noiiee urawi first parry shall delect atsolhcr patkini; hottse wXh the approval of -said af iocK a:ron. tairsng wn:nua aewoti-vr itself seiert Midi oilier packing, inn. 4.--Said associalion- shall have a lien upon said crop for repayment vj H of all moTteys paid or advanced for, stor age, rrirarrcc. , ntpe"on. charge and commissions pa:u or ai. ow ed in connection wttn tne saie w iu saidcrops: . ' . .; . V. It ts agreed mat tne rrusc v f.rfttf mnhr hall tic minded and wu soiv l J ,1 , fold with other fruits of like gradjCj qtraitty and maimer ot pacKing; aiwj shall be acoimied for at fhe average ol prices at which, chining the entire year, fruits of such grside and qualiti have beeai o"d by tire u-ssoeration, amd pay mcnta on account shall be made from time to time ad proceeds of sale ate received. ' ' ' ' . "6.It is further c greed between the said parties that in cstee at any time tlie 1 , ,w,ii fa.l m fulfill orr hM part the prdv kre, or aay of them, ot 11 faJl to hdeltvef the -said crop a soon as picked aaid cure!, to tube aid association ai here iribefore prwided. that the said !assoc . 1 ' a,i ia iKitm 2 nn aeon Briian-vc . T , take exclusive powfCsiosr amd ecmsroi . . . . . n x 1 ni uiiftHji. .ftr v-. mVJnca r-ut in .any court of competent jurisdiction to obtain tne ipponiuiioii 'Hv Kiawl court Ot 2 rCCWrCT wi.i v1""-' yml authority to take exclusive poses s33tt and control of said crops, and to deliver the native a hereinbefore pro ..;, 1 IvAruiftV no diswsc of tlie TiUUlt VI - . .... j. I . . u rntirt na 11 mreai. uiii 3amo its mv; v wv. . - - . - 1 . ,nt 1 n a Vrtw or tine final dctermtnatkM of tlie right of the said par? m sxi crop anvi por- .1 - jc iVr-rA- and sucbl decree dtft-.ti nrm-Alu foV the final deternnnar. tion ot the trtgnus 01 uiwi " . 1 1.4 ftr,4-iii .01 saitr 1 11 tift.11 and such dktoroe liall provide if or the alt eo4is urtfd expttiee. incmum'g eoutwcl feca. whiieh H shall havt rncur ml xi the ttrcmes. v "7.iProviied. however. tht said paity of the lirst part may transfer any or all of hJs interox m mc.aifi nU.i. ... mw.9vlr of l'h aMrOCiatlOn, SUb- icct to the prov'tskyns of this ciontroct, ' 1 . . fty.n or to catnnttrs ror canmrng oniy, v- ail mil iizm ml w w n" n ftL- a bvb r..nv.nmtrtJoirt ereen. Or to any packer . - . 1 y-i-ril rift w f ;ul wiro nau sirij ni"nv' -.-..j.. - ,,.;'.ft.r. n.t i-nvitrmir tlie trurt !o tra-nsierred: nil of such trans.fers to i.....i;4,ift. , bv tli; party of tlW5 tir part to vne prcaiuti v aiJociatjon. . . . I . Tc ,u ftirtUirT asTTCili Cnat UK cxwv H-Vai-ti ftdrall rf?bwljin2 Otttly in tlie ectiit thai on or . before June 7. 1970. persons iK-vi1 tJtm -rttrai-ti5 milar vn lorm 10 joint H. Scott, county judge, . K. T. Moores, ifuperiTitcindent -.-jchools. ! C'nas.i A. Murphy, shctriff. W. W. Hall, county clerk. - A. LJ Dooming. couiy ireanrer. J.: 1 1.5 Roland, cowByrecoTderv D. Fj Lane, coroner. ! . B. B. Henrick Jr.. inf)W ; II. T. Bruce, coal isupervfsor. ifro 4his. . . iday of. btxwcen . . i. ....I. . 100. .. bv and - ot j-niinrtv the tjvrty of the first part and the Cured wir.ft.iiMArcr-4iirftn ni mp rafinc jiin:- ..4r.o ram.rp-A nnrtM- thf faw of the tkipe of Oregon. (hcrtinatCerrefetrctl to SUNS41INE f EQFLIL. - s! , i'- i w;w of your lake t ou-ja-jx. - writ friends and acquaintances, says awnt er in the Wortran s llome rm?amon. Of bow many ot tnem wy .7? tbat-theyare ?lways in tagood humor ? That really clever ami ww-"- - -J? who dropped in for a .cup oftea . yeerday aKertvoon. and Jield fr IT: .k, deeolv and darkly blue every kindjof subject., frorn -chrysanthemum growing to et'hs; cave you gloomy views of life for ne rVst oi Hie evening. On the other Irand some cheerful soul may he din right .stupid but .yoare Httle better ior nc svi v . ' 1. ft.- .rftt.t rmrier is an tn- laugiift " . ,V,,r finucry more precious possessiou than the pAitosocJier's e ; atself couM be lt transmutes everxi"i witli Hs own fine glow the - hue ot sunlight. . . . ?;..,,wu The art of being romp"'"'-"1 .t secret worth 'finding t. -wen jl ' takes time . nJ patience . v . ' iarv Some peon e are born with- the .bajw fnTck.Pere is a Pomaneous gaiety that you expect we all charm springs trom ".7 mother', youtl. tbe other day.. one. ne saio. ( v"'"- rv were talking ol Iter not long .50 One said he remembcrea ner "r:"; night. She bad just come down stairs tiler leaving her wraps m the cloak room, and an awkward hap stepped on her frotk. tearing grc - - - the guary stuff, j VPecJ outburst ol, rage. Instead, she caught up the torn piece 01 sm. 17 to be in innumerable layersrand smded through the hole, shookher the culprit ana i tKuimcu. r 7. , ,' that she would have play C for the test of the eeninjr That bit of lively good wimor two: wen ic.v...- . 1 t-L kftn Vcars. Dereo ror - r""t ,, iMany a very baa quarver ui has been averted in the jmestic. .cir cle b bright laugh or ay rejotn- der. Tlie laugh. mayeauey u the rejoinder a bit ot venrai " if it is only done good-naturedlv it will be all the more effective. It used basely to be said ot men tiiat tne u.j way to make them happy was ; to feed them well. That could only have ap plied to a small and commonplace norrty. Of course no : one wants an uninterrupted round of even tiie most brirliant smiles any more uhh wislt to make three mea s a day oil meringues and biscuits- glaces, but it is safe to say flnai ooumtni uwn willing and dcligjlvtcd ! mascuhne cap tives may be leTby the Kglrtest chains that gaiety ana gooa One result of a rreat deal of the "nper- feet education that is dealt out by the handful nowadays is iiraa some wv,.., are apt to set undue value on twfe book-learning and the ift of ootrtro versy Thi kind of person looks up- .... . 1 . .1- irl tVlftl on our little joue as ccnciur .m ty. and she treats you to a sonvljer bar angue on the necessity of having seri ous views of life at tlie moment when you are striving, to- -look at things cheerfully in an effort to forget: cares ,. ta lmtp tnav make Bit kinds of scathing renrarks aliout tne danger of degenerating into a toy or ( nn bio-her nurnose than a mrrmerrt's pastime,, but , at lie s"C time it is a woman s privilege to light-, en the shadow and oe aw tnai is gra- hail ssgn comracus muhiai. "iCn 111c sniaiows vc ,thia cctntrai Tne?n.tmg 75 V " cious and bright on. the' ornamrntal side of life. She may have high ideals and !$ty aims, too,- There is no in., congruity in doing all of it to tlie best of her ability. It is a god plan to let learning sit as Wghtly as possible and to get into the iabit of making .little troubles par like little ripples in a sunny river;" SMALLPOX CASES INCRIuNSF. Large Addition to List of ictims Throughout the Country. I. J. Scharback. constable D. Cr Minto. coTJst3t!C. EH iott M. Savage, . coroatable. . oer- a:d 1 iir' tJ- :..jL-. iVu nmw I at-rruT narti WlttreSStJtni r" . . . ' . . v 1 .1 . . . il r 1 !.,:. l c If. , .t . pi ' ...... - - atjociation. the receipt erf which ts here by acknowledged, ami ttjCOtisiiicriuoH 1 3 . i timrrcr ot tne aRKtnrem v trrrov rnvv ti Malel Brow- I rf ii .a-vr-iatSori runrcirraiter contained. nell, the ib-'year oJd daughter of Frank apcj tv ices to be rendctx-d by it lies south of. ,.1., . J . . j 1 Mt 1 - . . I - .tl Salem. s lying aangcrotrsiy m l idrred. amd noes, oy i-ncc prwcius, . family home, and her physkian an- 'aign, trartsftir atvd sct( over ttnoo the .1,1.1 r-orl Inii niffht that there was small 1 ivi ,rw.;4irrn an tindivided intTtJt chance for her recovery. The family Lj to 2 rct cent in his ownership or came trom lowa laM wii, t , -ntterewt (tred irom an inciinvuranio; lady .1 father recently went w 1 and to Jail crops of cured primes. l.c ,1, -wnnw Lorurvelx'ar rtrg trees wjacKsmj, jsitii.v. las L?nru Lane. Btfntoo.. Folk. iam- hili. .Mr:on. Washington. Clackamas, Multnonxth, Cotiiml:a, wanco, m,f. Gilliam and Umatilla ttouiUies, r u.. r-tt- W-.Ha Walla. hYakima cotmtrus. Was-hingtoH. and Hk un;Jc?s such 75 per cent of irticu acreage be secured, ih 'contract atvd ajll righlH tihereunitJtr h:all cease and beat) t cpd. It M turtneir iMKicrt;.oiN nii ' ' -a t...v ,n nyrm 4 T1 eisocfatUOT jJhail ruiv jint ft'. r inkitify in wrJtirrg the party of Ihe firs nar' wwtfKJr ctr nor i?iicii .iv,,; txien securea, wmi urav. iv. of tlc first part hafl, in case 1i:.a.n Kim snch-t acreaire . 1 ..irftf 4hirfmiii m natf M-ft.x., - j.. ... .i I t ' " T.ij. ft-ft ir-ri 4i vixe scCTJMry 01 inc. tor tne wee enucn ' iT.v . j-fn,. -tnfv -to. ; iraoo.- then t fhirtv-ftix' states and tlwJ party rhc fmst prrrt slrall be lio;tn : 1 .- I t.11 nt Itf I ft. IT- by s'Kn notice anu thhi pi i---mitscd to ckaiy tliat uch acri-age hs bona sectrrm ana tnai . v.m - biroliitg and m lull K-rce. jj . "It wLrtPS3 whercot. ine saiu pdnin 1 . .rwl fh nrcenf' lin-ditpli- cate tire day and year, first abbve wrOt- old home to settle up some business .matters, and last night a teiegram was ... isft'iftim nro-lnty him to hasten home. He will arrive at the bedside ot his rtancrhter in two or three days. niKt.JS halt4i rmwn bv cir for him on rfcvft nrm'pi hrrif jna f ter described dtir- irtg the years lono and 1901 or o"-t- wise acquirtdiby mm m --sucn cwps. rii- cpdtng.a 2: per cetn imero-3 in any -in ten." unas. '..iwi-u jv--, ., ir-r 'othrr lands during sucn years, awuwi miflanoea ont acemmt ot sta."e taxes nw undivided, interest equal to 2 per cenU thd year 1899 nons two county And rf hb owtK,rf h; or jracres,t (free irom on acaourtt of 1897 rom one incum1)ranCc') in amd to the cured Uroaiili. county rt-ut f12-000-J ituSUl of fle other deciduous fruirs here- JackKri county $7000, bcch on account. SDC1jified an! climated; tt-e tle 1.899 x. . 1 M"'?? acreage of ieaeh kind of. .-said fruits is k cotfnty frt-wardcl-$14831 . .Why DCcmc as follow: . Prune's. 01 mook cotfnty JJlJ .wtjl -Wcmc as follow : Prune': count oi One deinr,utt iau ji- Detacher. acres; pears, I .1. . .acresi-aDrico'ftS. .acres: plums. acres .'. cherries. .acres. The WHIMS OF THE MQNARCHS Royalty's Queer Fancy ior Collecting Tt ' tA, r mirihi are numerous and 1 lie " , .,1 u'.U vit, as eccentric a the foibles which both er the brains oi less iUustrious pcon- The collecting yt " ? . cV,' hobby of the princess ot.-ac.-tbJe . ,,1 ,ki lot of r.ats r. d ton- iias a it- t .u-. :,a rets, consisting 01 - rr; 1 1 ih t vears sh- has worn amiu .v:rv.ft. , kd London iasnioi.-- . ret carefully P?t away, bev.rv the t oat- ot tne seasou i-;-.." an ri..,.-,,rft, nottlcs or. all kt-.d. an t'ese r 1 pttons ""-. u ; ,r uncut ewels, goid and the bke-are c - - a-ft c r 11 a r it - T"grandmoThV-f PifZl of Russia had a similar co.v- was valued at -o.o""- . , immense y to his vast a.viii''V .. ' he nawab Of.". - - the nawao 01 i'"-" 7,- , mighty East Indian irotintate. lie has y-. ir rr TCJ-KTtri? C . I o! hrtS ii-i ivuw.i - . 1 trft.irrh'11 m t hie -nonMentaainr Irom IMJ- - - - I 1-. rniuih; vrKlfrrlaV. UrS-ler a OT.C jtrsr'j sntcrice for ol)taming rnder talye nnctettices. oi.riu; --' Oriftf irtWiicrli't. the or:- vmer to Sajem, at a cost to the state ot $8z.t3. , ta' ci7DtrtTiT V II-t Mis4 Lena Fawk is eriouy ill at her home 'in East Safcnr. . SALADS FOR THE BONY. t-i u,min ftvln looks rnourn- iully in the mirror upon the rcfkction of bony ntck and tnin arms may u ,.ift. lift- tmll2)!r with lKtle expense or effort. Olive oil is the rnot ntimtwus 01 iwuiww-i and liberal. tise of eal- ads aids materially in the acquisition of flesh. A saiaa m orausv. - . :n .m-.11 mw anti ci f t. in. in free! v in a French dressing, may te . , 1 ; 1.-, Hftrl without tn- iury to the digestive organs, according to a writer on such topics. Vegetable salad should tc inciuccu in j j j: ,,u wcrv dav. the con any , , - ' h authority -ays. Fth 1afjn of the more delicate. wtnte-flched fih ji . ...wi urnrnrs iti 1 1 1. v ni are cxce..nn, --;- . .,. f liable addition to t-ae ocaa.y 1 fare. Remember this tha there is .P1 er dignityand propomon to be pov rd n -he performance of every act of life. Marcus Anrehus. . Heroism feels, and never - reasons, and therefore is always nght.-Emcr-son. ' v .' ...... following is a gem ral description. of siid land above referred to. situate in tfie county of . .. . . . . .. tate oL . . . . . and desenboa or known as. ' lnt vait a-ftiririatkwt-. in COtV vt thr vaWt . ali and transfer jr . ... iL iiH iim-itvirlrid inif rest, doea ft ' t ftnft, - - - . . by there prestJn pTOrnrise and agree to undertake! tpe pecttcavwc'ing -j kt. .cvf t-n,rf j-n-ri - to e'tablish M.Inlti ,inifrM-m crraftf" of frUftS- w 'iz&-ccAfctitkn and qaaltty, and to rrrifnfw iLitin rsaKziiiz' iLf-f -nrc UMJUir? Ill cjmaoirmhy iherewith. also ' to make f4es ot sucn respective grii- uuuvn jtU own tradd and guarantee, and to ; k . . t 1 r- t. 1 make satd aies a spewjHj.a iarrj.-, r ii "hirrJw-xt oliMonable or tees. Said association: further agrees, pend g the -sate of said fruits, to procure it..Vn- atT'f r. ftsVrrw the same r ft"l uftft. inft.ifti - - in proper warcirouses; and m the d- creuon n .ikviu"' ..L : n ... rd a on t L-nt injured in a rca- IV Vft - - f" j triable amotsnt Bga:nr-lt loss or damage .11., rt Wiaiilish aireancie snd tt etn- ploy ; ,uch managers aecmtta vrA cbplovc's a may be fotmd nece&aryin C. nsftwiatirMk also ii . tnrv ml mv all cxDenses lSft3 ' i". " . -r " J OTft lr. alid packing ot tai ""i ' Jr ft irsiirirtfr h? same. ' i 1... C4 Af-kit- tiartw arerrrst liiat tie I ,J. Tft3A .- f . .ii't -..ui.fx' -wirl nM far rWe said cr?os H HI ft. ft . " . . , ' . ..nMwft fid OUT a..l fruits .u .v. i4Xa-sir of hc msoeclor ot this t-aid association, arrl srs poon a the rnrMl wm iOtlilTT B.U IM lame Jii-a -v - ... , , said crops" produced 011 faid land to WHO IS" RESPONSIBLE? crinf un- t-.1.. ,.n nnn cllfTcrinZ D ishmcnt for thctt torn tne y?y California ,' . . ,r.ift.tif ' visitor.- Utile 1 1 j 1 : .I... ,t,,iii.Mn t-h ItncS. I11S I m. . r j listener was reauing a v11"' v VJ for his conduct. 1 . , "i -fta hrouirhf no on a taiim. miu he. "and knew nothing pi the! value of money until 1 came 1 ii.. ,.nt 9 ilrftllar. Some- times mother would give m a little a 1 a. U i ftiF a v-vftr money, tut sne awayrwHi inn -it was to be spent. Very often father gave-sne a calf or a colt, but when he saw nt ne soia my jrui.-ii nut eons ultinir me. and always pock eted tlie money. They were always good to mc ami oougnt -nic . ndt Poor old mother! J This is very hard for her to bear. -1 never thought when I loft home to seek a fortune that this would te the. fortune. Sometimes I have jnoagnt tnat 1 There were 1.27 new cases of small pox in the United States the last week. This statement is made on Wv. authority of Chief Clerk Pritcliard of the health department. -mic nRurc arcn mni m . territories .how V9S2, a against 5 4 lo.iue preseni day. The state showing the largest number of - cases in Louisiana, with 2015 casea: Texas comes next, with 517. California is the state least af fected, having but three cases. New York has at present it, cases, us York has at. present but three cases. -against 74 for Illinois; Five of these seventy-four have cen discovered in Qiicago. The rfollowing is - the list showing the number, of cases in the various states": , . Alabama.. .. .. .... .ias Arkansas.... ..too California... ... .1 Colorado..... .. .t - Dist. of Columbia.... .. . .... .5 Florida .... ... .1 ....... H Georgia... J... .... .. .. .... u- Illinois.. .. .... i ...... 74 Indian Territory .... .i... 75 Nebraska. ... ..Wi. "V,..- Iowa. ..'.. ' '. ' '4 Kansas..;.. ..(.'. ...... .. ......a6.t .-Kntitckv. . ...'.!:...... .' 5.1 Louisiana..:.;, i. .i ... .. ....-,trs iMasachu setts. . . i '7 1 ichigan. . . i . , J . . .' .....'... 12 Minnesota...... !.. .... .. ... .t Mississippi.... ... ... ..... 17 Missouri. . . .... 7t Montana.,.. ...4.. .!. . .... ..... 0 Nebraska.... .... ...... ......... 39 New Jersey..: . ." . . . . ........ o Vnrk ...... .. .... . . .. 11 North Carolina.. 274 24 ometimes 1 navt umiui y'g -jliNo had known the value or money Ohio... . ....... .i . ..4 never have come to this. and I have Oklahoma.... .... .... .. .. 55 wished that I had started from home Oregon.-,.. .. ..l. ... 4 k.ti.. lrnrkivtr-dcre of blUSineSS. t)..n..Kftni- .1 J .... .. .. .. IC w till A i 'ft. .ift) .-n i . iiii, i, a. i... .... .... ..... .. .. "No wondetl tnougw tn 'v i South Carolina. . . n. .-. . t.trt nn 111 Int- T . ? . t -v.. tra !i-inrVlt Ifr nOtl-Tft 1 cry inai nugui jhvj ....-i --- ----. cx. .... caicuiarea to win .,1 utan . , . ... i - , . , . i. .a. ... .... - . . r . v. iTfti... - It was not. iwwotr, ure mi i"-' i Virginia - f .l M.nv I . . . ... . boy haa no ion i c ' ' t -vvasninKron. ....i .i tftbni iwif n... 1 or mat w . , j 'i vvesi iik"'-.' from m -witbout nis KiroiruK5 lVicon5in. .. i. . i consent, that had the greatest inuu ence in bringing the boy to state s K mflinnt. thousrii un- 11119111, fc.ft.fc ...ft. , . " . . conscious, influence for enl that the parents exerted over nun. oy mcir ay- prcoTiation "". " . i . Jrn long to tnem. iney nw i Yu r . At iririr- rnsc wcic tne mi yinn.K"-" --- j-- :i i.-a .tfttr Jrv and strenizth- ened by the training he received, until. to their great consternaKun, mc vi.u came in disgrace. ' I That as oniy one w .'hi-h rrime' can be traced home tp beginniugs so small as to cause no un . Tt,... . tt trrrat -work IO arents to do. They should remember r i , I . I. ... - c to careiuiiy stouj uihh.ih.. if they cannot discover a- reason tor the trait that seems so unaccountable in the child, and perhaps they may also discover its remedy. Stockman and. Fanner. . . . . ' ' - -4' 15 . . io ..4r -.517 ... iR ...8.1 8o ... 7 s Governor Loundslmry of ;0nncrttcut is a good horseman and fond of rio'ing and driving. He own one of the fin est pairs of horses" in Hartford and drive them about the city every few From thee, great i. God, we spring, to thee we tend, . ! :- Path, motive, guide, original, and end. . - Samuel Johnson. Like fcady sea fruit that tempts the eye, . . m -..1.-.- 1-hel rinn'mgs so small as to cause no vn-l x ashes on the Hps! -Mor,re, "Lally Rookh. mz& 1 the Im toi Kanw kn BasS lean tk 9 s