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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1900)
WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1900. m 7"-. - , iii I : To See Clearly lh eyes must be in InormaJ condrion or assisted ,fcy. .,., GLASSES fitted by a graduate optician. Children's eyes should be tested fre quently. Minor defects of vision, cor rected during youth will strengthen the sight in old age. AA'e make examinations free, and fit glasses to all conditions of sight. ' HERMAN W. BARR, 118 State St. Sclcatinc Optlciaa TO COME TO SALEM enced quite a severe night," a thin coa many localities. For a time it was fear ed the frost had .done great damage to BAILKOAD TBAIKMEif TO PICXJC ON fruit trees, but from inquiry made oi the faih CBOlSDS. 1 I weal rchardssts l yesterday, it is the general opinion tnat m is jet too soon to reliably state the extent of the darrP f any has been done. it " is i'3 SS THE SCALP BOUNTY fk. mm a. Hiit rTrsraloa for Jama 3d I age, l.i t . jjt r - . i : inroujfii -xnc irau oerTiev nave mature i too thoronghly to be harmed by such a frost a that of Sunday 1 night al though orrhardisti admit that, it would be the best thing for the . trees and also CsbccmIoiu KceMry : lrt ct CUlxena. ' T'fea j- l 1 r Knnfw 4 i e rwrA!i4ul 4 I the fruit market M a percentage of the . . ... , ' . " . V fruit has j been killedt 1. Otherwise, the f ast legislature, will be a heaVy burden C W. Garrettson. of Portland, rep rp wnincr Sunset lodce No. I .to. Broth erhood of 'Railroad Trainmen, was in fruit trees will be overladen and the I on taxpayers of Oregon, especially I was late las night brought ;to Sa!-.n INSANE PRISONER. Mrs Ros anna Cariyle. a prisoner,, at the Ore gon penitentiary, was yesterday ex- OTZM TITTY inorBASD , uoiXARS G. P. Terrell. ; and protiounced ii PAID BT THIS STAlfc. . I She will be transferred to the asvkim" by the prison authorities. (Mrs. Cariyle" ,M'a tirroHtrhT to hr rie-riiterMiM-v TwXuUm, Ilv Derived Ko' Vmeat ago, from Jackson county, liavingecn corvic.ea ot inctmaiansm. una was sentenced to nine .years-" inrprisonmeni!. ' A CdUNTY CHARGE.I?aro;in KoWcr, aged 46 years, from Washing ton county, for some time past ah in .mate of the poor farm oi that erutvty .from the Lew, and Xeaaber 8e- eore Very Little. Salem yesterday looking op the pos- harmful trade conditions resulting' from those, in the Willamette valley counties. I Mormon Bienoae FiH s r r mi Me : Cm i-J Uc kuou. iMUr san ca te aouair tram edeca cicaicaewaaki. Owree LoM Manhood. Im Lot Power, Wlcit-toe, 8oermetorrhoea r'rnta, Pair o ttlWasi, .djwpuua, nana, bllltv. ' or wc I. vow tvm uk loan. Cnim tna. Ml cnerge to eier- tif FOR SALE BY D. J. FRY. DRUGGIST. SALEM. OR- LOG AW BE W have secured a fine lot: of . true Loganberrie tips, from Gus Fren ifil near Fatrgounds. Tliey are a cross -between the Blackberry and Red Raspberry. and arc the largest and finest and tnost prolific berry extant, color dark red. . " !' ; -" 1 ' ; ' ' . : ; stock. These berries are propagated by Mr. Freniard, and are guaranteed true ' SAVAGE & REID, Seedtnen 322 and 324 Commercial Street, North of P. O. SEE THE PRHTT ELECTRIC BELT The Tratt Electric AppJiarfc Co., of San Josej Cal., and Portland, Ore gon, have openetf a permanent office in Salem, Oregon, in Room 23 EldH edge block, over postoftice, and4nvite nil sufferers from Rheumatism, Nerual- gia, Paralysis, and Kidney, Stomach, and Back troubles. Deafness and all Mice sen-ice for the ground, advertis ances. iThey are an impro-ement ovtr all others sibility of making this city he objec-jover production .. will have to be con- tive point ot 'a grand excursion on tended with. - ) Sunday, June jd. ' laiis organization 1 ; . i J is erairciy wsnnci irwiii uc iuuiuw . riiir, iaMuc . i. ferkins, Conductors, as it ts a labor and insufHcmct "cleric in the state treasury de- who.wilI derive verv little benefit from the operation of-the law. Scalps, of coyotes, wildcats and other animals in cluded in the provisions 61 . the Jaw, by Sheriff Bradford, and placed in tU asylum tot treat men t. 'She is a native of Germany.; v -- . ' ' ' ' ! NO CONTRACT SCHOOI. - AV'asliingtbn. D. C, April 9. In the ance order' and embraces conductors partment. ! yesterday received a beautir I f om -1nncipaIIy from the counties pay-1 Senate today, the amendment to the In and brakemen.! while the other is si m-jful sample toTGrarrts Pass Lmfcrble. and inK little of the tax, and some of ihe$e J iiart appropriation, bill, for rin tract ln- piy a soaal organizauoo ana lawes oniy ine. same is on lexmbitrom ; m the uunnrs waw large sums oi me mon:jr $l3in schools, was defeated, 16 to conductors. otesman orace. The slab d 'small rom tnc siaie treasury, jor me scajps . It is estimated that sucn an excursion one; is ot a dark Slate color fceauLtfullv 1 01 tnese animais, wnne many ot me I , tS H rr TJtaL would bring fully five thousand people I mottled, andibieftlv noli shed, and is valley counties secure very lutle from ,, Bu Kind Ym Haw l!rs Rnnrt . 1 -m ' u x I J v --'t !r A - . i . : I :i tUl, a 1 I en -oe to saicra am wvatu iorm nunc u urm iu iu uc cunai in nnisn ana resist-I -"' un wu iihh 0. 7ir .. , to same lipes of trade. Some conces- lance to the best grades of Italian mar-I and Washington have thus far secured 0iUI' fy jLrrTTT'i, fore concluding to come here. c They tbori ties will be called to this' material During the quarter ending March want to get the fair ground for rheir for rhe purpose f having it used in I 3ist, 8658 claim for bounties were MARBIED. amusements and for the crowd to en-the decorations & the new postbffice I audited in the office of the secretary n tnvTrrMi.-uv BiBncrVv jujr aiiu rm ireiiicivc, iiu win itij iuuuUiuS ,u waimi ( is e. 1 -p.o". . hkely bave rto difficulty in obtaining I - t- i . i law was enactea, 25.504 oounty claims the use of it from the State Board of . FOR A PARDON. 1 petition for I have been paid by the slat?, aggregating Atrricultm-e.. Tbev also ask the iDeoole Ithe pardon of John Tiaverv. sent to tht I $51,008. The claims audited for the of Salem to provide a band for the day, Penitentiary from! Harney county, 'on H38 flrter represented thirty-one At to police the grounds, and .',to see that! April 27. 1899, fojr two - years, for as- counties, and were distributed as fol tne focal papers advertise toe event as i inu d uditran weapon. ,waj " fully as possible. received in the office of Gov. T. T. County No. Scalps. It U thotiohr thcro will br little rlif- ueer yesterday. The petition bears the Baker..,.. .; ... .... 621 (r,y,nt fnA tn Au I names of about 260 of the best nmnl I Benton. . ..; the things requested. The (branches of in. Harney cbuntyj including six of the I Clackamas. L business that will be directly affected Inaf jurors.. - Clatsop. , bv the advent of such a crowd of visit- I - 1 Columbia DIED I IN IOWA Dr. R r,r. Coos. UIIU , 19 VA I . . , f -eee I . fer-tH ihrv. veiU r4irfii!1v i-AninKiiU I WTIgnt, Of tmS CltV. on Sundav receiveii Crook the required amount. -Mr. Garrettson Ve the tiath of his father. Dr Curry., the. Mariori county court, house. Sa-. lem. Oregon. Saturday, April 7. iptto, iMiss Carrie Birdsley to M D. Mdnt gomery County Judge G. P. Terrell officiating. j DIKD. will be in the city until 4:14 this after- Gf?r.f?e l:dmuiKl Newsome Cartwright. Douglas., noon and will make bis hcadqirarters "'V OCCJU"ed -aF Deborah, Iowa, on Gill jam. . at Westacott s restaurant, where he 1 ""w- ; J1Jie aereased nl attained urant. . . . can be found bv all persons interested. lbc unusual age of 8i years and he was Harney-.. Mr. Westacott is also interesting "trim- an eminent physicfan. having spent over Jackson. . self in behalf of the project and last lxtY years of tu. life in the medical Josephine, evening, in company fwith; Mr. Garret--proiesaoi$. ; j ; : Klamath.. son. e made a partial canvas of the! f f Lake.. .. city, to secure funds for the entertain- IN THE SAVINGS . -BANK. The Lane.. .. ment of the excursion, the monev thus I collections at the (different schools v- Lincoln.. pledged to be expended by a commit- terday for the sayings bank, amounted Malheur.. tee, chosen from among 'the subscrib ers. . A futher carwass - will be made foday. This ' imonev will be used ; for the purpose ' of engaging a band, securing proper po- trcatments for the above conwvlaints. both witili Ga rents. All examinations and consultations free. Call before it is Coo late We will -make no charges for caHs in the city, but will call upon you and whowlyou our goods and allow you to test their merits free. Office hours from o a. m. to 5 p. m. (A. A. PRATT. Inventor and Manager. .'WE ALSO REPAIR OLD BELTS and examine our apph-j the excursion etc. Stand privileges at Downing, of We also give t electric (the grounds will be sold by comnrittce, paid $70oo t Ivamc and Faradic cur-a rate of $15 for a -stand having been Moore, bein SOHE 1CH0IGE I TRACTS ' Two Miles! Out Ten acres in Auburn addition, a short distance cast of the asylum, with good house, barn, outbuildings, hot-house well piped; nice fruit trees; good well. All in cultivation and finest of soiL Can be bought cheap. 10 Acres 4ilr Near Shaw stationlon riilro ad; new frame house; all in fruit; Italian Qilft -.rwf I'.dt. . . 1 . i( t I . wikii nut i'iuiii.1. iiijncj, jicins, cncrrics, gooscuernes, strawberries, etc. In higli state of cultivation. $i,375- 20 Acres in same place; 15 acres house and outbuildings. $800 crchard, five acres Fine place. $,500. pasture, a good Icn acres in same mace. tics. large and small; house, barn, well, choice spot 1 i close to Shaw; all in fr uit of best vafi- springs and stream. A $1500 38 acres in same rteighborho od; o acres in bearing orchard; bal ance iu grain, except some pasture land. ; Fair house, barn and outbuildings. A good home. Several other small fruit tracts in that vicinity. 326 Acres Eight miles from Salem; one of the best farms-in Polk county; can be had for $6.25 an acre. Salem Land thee i Up Stairs in tHe Statesman Building, WE INVITE YOUfi INSPECTION OF ODE pririgkf rivals in Shirt Waists 1 An Elegant Assortment. All; prices. Figured lawn waists 25c. 50c. 75c. and $1. Black and white striped percale with plain white lace, lace, striped yoke. I51.25. Pink, blue and lavender percale. Fleur iDe Use pattern, trimmed with inserting, $1.50. j Our line of whie lawn waists expected socPt UNDERSKIRTS tll that you could wish for in this line) Sitme fin black land gray, 75r. $1. $1.25.; 'Metallic stripe satine. $1.25 and $2, Mercer ized Silk, all colors, with knife pleated ruftlcs $2, $2.50, $j, $3.50. . Silk moreen with 12-inchi accordion pleated ruflle $4.50. t . 'HOUSE DRESSES (AND WRAPPERS From 50 cents'to $2.50, male of calico, lawns, and percales.; with separate waists and skirts. Silks, Ribbons, Chaltclainc i Bags, Corsets, 'Belts, Umbrellas. Vt H. HOBSON, No.' 297 Commer cial Street, Salem o $48. KZ. and came from the several 1 Marion. schools as follows: East $:6.fio: Morrow. coin $15 57- Centrals $0.57, 'Park $5.18 . Multnomah. ; (Sherman. STATE TAXES. iTreasorer A. T . Tillamook. f MartorKcountvi. vestefdav Umatilla. . to Mate treasurer Chas. S. f union. g the first installment of county s taxes for . the year' Wallowa. . Wasco., ., Wheeler. . t Yamhill. . TO HOLD ! ROSE SHOW . . . . 16 . .. 30 . .. 41 . 33 . .. 25 475 .... 28 . . . 120 . ... 219 665 . ..1509 . . . 216 47 553 . . .IOJI 57 . . . 46 &S6 . .. 18 . .. 418 I . . . 4 .... 56 ... 58 466 ... 168 J , . . 200 - 354 . ... 304 3 SIIEO MflHf aecweo upon. Under this license own- Marion crs of stands can sell fruits, deal in re- 1 ,899- ireshments, cigars etc., but no intoxicat ing beverages will be permitted on the grfnimSsl The persons - ubsjribing funds last evening, toward entertaining me visitors on tnat date are as follows: westacott & Stolz... . ......Si 00 Salem L & T Co......... in no I ORGANISATION MANAGED BY enter. I occurred at GervoU latelv Anit. 1 2A2 2 1 PFEFFERLE. At the Oregon lies- tto pital (for the insane, Suncfay. . April 8. 1 000. of , pneumonia. Mri Frances fir,! Ptefferle, aged 67 years. to . The remains were prepared for burial nn arid the Carirorniia expres 513 1 last nigjni 10 viraius x ass, wucrc jnicr- ttn I mcni wait xaxc oiacc. t 1 43 I-330 3iS 43 1.106 2.042 'W4 1,772 36 830 2 ; 8 112 116 93a 336 400 708 . 608 .6 Total.. .8658 Fati hens, oc per lb. . "ourig roosters, ioc per lb Spririg chickens. 15(0 20c per lb. Eggs. 9c per Uozen. i S. C. STONE, M. IX. ; . Proprietor of jr j STOIIP S DRUG SWS j SALEM, OREGON. The: stores, (two in number) are lo cated at No. 2.1s and rt r Commercial $'7-3 J 6 street, and are well stocked with a complete line of drugs and medicines, perfumery. J. P. Rogers... trcttrge Bros .... F. P. Talkirigton."... .. :. McKillop & Burkhart..;. E Eckerlen.. .. W. R, Anderson . . . : . . . M. L. Hamilton. ...... .'. Peter Back...... ... A. Schreiber George E. -Waters. . . liutte & Wend?roth. Total.. ....i . 10 ooi . S 00 5 00 - 1 5 00 . 5 00 5 00 S 00 5 00 . 5 oa 5 00 . 2 50 $82.50 1 PKISING SALEM IADIKS. 'kL A WILL FILED. .The will 'of the toilet i articles. late, Herman Tickcns. whose demise etc., etc, etc was admJt- f DR. STONE I. M I Judge G. P. Terrell. tMrs. Katheritie f-ickens. tlie widow, aged 74. is the brushes, . t;: o Vr,V " Has had some 25 years experience in Proeced wm Kspended in tk Krcction fon'y -heir, 'and is naimed as executrix of Public Drinkln roontaln or an Orntnntl Character. MANY DEPDTIES AT WORK. county Assessor J. W. Hobart Has Commenced Work jm Earnest' i - -His Operations. ' , . i County Assessor J. W. Hobart has commenced operations in earnest, and during the next few weeks, his field neputics will vsre eerv oortion of Marion county. Ten deputies were at At a Recent 'adjourned aicetincr the Salem Floricuftural society, held at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Brown, ore fiminary arrangements were made for the holdincr of another rose show in urcgon s capitals city. i ae society now has a fund-df about $175 on hand and it is- the intention of he ladies to proviae - ror tne expending ot ttiat amount together rith wha may be dc- nvea irom tne cqntcmpiatecj exhibition vhis year. The society -will then orob- .. ... . : ' aoiy oi?tani. In expending the money,; the society desires to leave a monumciit of some kind that will prdve a credit to the or - . 1 1 -T- kiic niuiuui unti. ,i!ne estate is vaiucdl at S7000. B. .A. Matthew Brumf Keppinger andVcslev Bovse were named a anoraisers of the etat. arteT letters testamentarv (t.tvm m. of j sued. V ine practice ot medicine and now make$ tiq charge for consultation, ex amination or prescription. ! .urK ycsieraay. ana two more will oe-1 conization. it rias leen decided to gin operations today, while several more j erect fa public dfinking fountain that win pe assignee to open territory by I shall be of an onfiamental character. next Monday. The deputies who w:ll be in the field today, together with the sphere of operation of each, are given below: . " ! - , ' J. E Iastham. Salem; Charles Cal vert, north 01 Salem; G. L. Morris, south of Salem; A. J. Shoemaker. lef- fcrson, Marion and Sidney; R. W. V'an Nuys. btayton and Mehama: I. P. Case. Milt City and east ta fine; F. f. Wright- man. Sublimity: H. I. Workman. "a;t sa em, turner at d iMzcleay; A. F. U- bart. near Silverton; E. A. M. .Cone. Butteville. Aurora and Hubbard pC. O. Bursell, Woodburn and CTervais; Edwin Hobart, Scott- Mills, 3 TO LOCATE AT nr,WTrxr . rren K. Uowersox. who k vniA.i from the medical lamctte University last week, returned last evening, accompanied by his wife from Dayton, where he ha been writ ing at rhe home of hi father. Rev. j. Bowrrsox. Dr. Bowers.x has dervlcd to locate at Stayton, where he will en gage in the practice of. .Ik rhrtcn rn. fesion. hred has a wide circle of warm frier.d arr-l acqnaintances in :his tity who wish for the energetic young phy sician an uninterrupted career of great success and a most prosperous experi ence; -..;' - " A SEVERE FROST. This ser- tion o the Willamette valley experi- The election of officers resulted as follows: 'President. Ms. R." S. Bean; vice-president, Mrs. ir. H. Raymond; secretary. Mrs. Ym. Brown; treasurer, Mrs. J. V. McKinney. Executive c m- mittec consists of Mrs. M. N. Chapman, Mrs. tA. J, Monroe, Mrs. C. L. Par menter, Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, and Mrs. A. F. Hofet Jr. ! , 'Comrrrittees were named 1 as foll3W5 On holding rmse show Mrs. A. F. Hofer Jr., 'Mrs. P. II. Raymond, Mrs. J. D. Sutherland: " Ort fountain Mrs. R. S. Bean, A. F. Hofcr Jf-. udgc R. S. Bean. On revision of premium list Mrs. A. F. Hofet Jr., Mrs. Wm. Brown, Mrs. A .N. Moores. The following resolutions were i.nan l'motisly 'adopted: Whereas, r'Cliclk'ing dcatW-to be the CON DITION - IN i KA NS AS. E. B. Smith. Salem's nitiht policeman, re turned Sunday night "from St. Johns, Kansas, where he was called on : ac count f the sickness 1 and subseauent i result of a nattirail law broken, and that oca'.Ti ot nis latner. cwing to tne un satisfactory train service that Mr. Smith encountered, he failed to reach his destination until after the , death and burial of bis father. 'Mr. Smith says the farmers of Kansas are in very prosperous circumstances and there is every project for an enormous srrain crop this year. He says the entire agricultural "sections of the state are a succession of gram fields, while stock was never looking better nor was it ever a source of greater revenue to the larmer. I trough a consciencious Pop uHst. ; Mr. Smith arlrrats th Y.r, tionat prosperous conditions exist un der Republican national and state ad ministrations. He saysr the United States scnatorshin in the "Snrvflowr statetrr1s-vear lies faftwern "Wt-te" Jerry Simpson and Colonel H. C. Lit tle, late of. the Twentieth. k'anu r,J. ment. and he nrwUri H-, ,t the former. Tlicre jis an increa vH i!n. rnamlin Kansas for real estate reports Mr.' Smith and prices- for realty are lonscqurmiy at&'anci ng. Mr. Smh is glad to be back in Oreerm nnm and does not care to transfer his lot to Kansas. .He resumed hi nnlir. ,i, again last night a loving father welcomes his immortal children into his actual presence, there fore be it I "Resolved, firsf, that we rejoice that the characters and lives of our dep iritd president,'' Mr. V M. Waile. and vicc ltcident. Mrs. Ida Fleming, wee Mich as to merit the plaudit, s'Wcll done enter info thy re$t,'- j "Resolved, second, that while we sirr ly miss tlieir companiorihip. geniil manners and substantial help in- the work of our society; we rejoice in the hope that the streets they tit ad 3?e; golden and the flowers they gather eierni.1. .: 1 "Re:-o4vcd. t'liiif!. that a copy of ;hee resolutions be stent to the immediate families! of our jdeparted friends, and also spread updrv the fecbrds of the Floricultural Socjiety." ( Another meeting of thesocie;y will be held ;at the hbrne of Mrs. Brown ot 2 o'clocjc Frrday atternoonj when com mi t tee reports (will be received and other details- arranged ire'V connection with She forthcoming exhibition. - :r:.y'FOR "CIVILIANS. .-Washington. April 9. At the present time there are j 1 5. vacancies in the grade 4 Second , Lieutenant in the Army. Of these sixty-eight are in the infantry arm, fourteen in the artillery and twenty-scvert in the cavalry. There will probably be j a few Tttore -places ii each, deoendinir upon the ' result of pending; examination for promorln. About half o these vacanaes will; be; filled by this-year's graduates from th West Point iMilitary Academy, and half the remainder through the customs- examination of rron-commissined of ficers in. the regular service. This will leave about thirfy vacancies for civil ians, and preference or these will be given to young men now serving in the Volunteer' regiments in the Phih'r nfnes and to sons of soldiers in the Spanish' war. ! " : . , . : KILLED HIMSELF. j ; . ! I 1 Oakland. Cal.. April 9. B.nV?r H. H. Pitcher, who has charge of the Lif erm'ore Bank. in. the. capacity of maii ager and cashier, blew his drains cut at nis Livermore home todav. Pitcher was trustee of the estate of the lcte 1 nomas Varney, deceased, valued at ?( His trust was being ir.veti- gated in court, ritcher to produce his books in court -and testify as to how he handled the bank and trust. Rathtr than appear in court he olew hi. braiiis out. 1 Ml HAIR SWITCH ON EASY CONDITIONS. Cat titia ad. out and mall to aa. a(l a inuUlMtnple ofioar halr.cuteloae totha BOUND FOR MANILA. Chicago, ! April o. Judge Henrv C. Ide. 0 Vermont.1- member' of the PhJ- ippine Comrnission, passed thrTi.a&li crricaffo 1'ajfct night on ;his. -vay to San Francisco, when the commissioners v. ijl sail on the tranport Hancock on AprU 16th. Judge Ide s daughters and hi private secretary, Paul S. Cir'.cr. t.-enc members of .his party. Judge Ide rrir fHsed to express an opinion on ihp vlxange of commanders , in the Philipi- pmes. - . i v TO PAY A DEBT. root. tK U a:utTi we will makr ami aomlna hr mall. potald,a f IM HrMAN MAIK SWITCH, aa at atlck, niatla U Inches lung from (elected touman hair, ounce, afi ort stem. We .will tnrle In paekatre with iwlirh mffirtent pnataea to ratura It to u af aat arMUf aaUrfarwrr. but it found exactly aa rayreaanteu a ntt moat extraordinary value and you ' to keep it. eMIieraeaa a tl.tear aiall wttbla' larrTAKC OHvKKa IU KWITIHI AT Ui9 BACH araonar your friend and vend to na vHaaat aay aiaaey. we to wnd -the S aadtchea to them dtrart by mall, -to te raid fnr 10 daya afcar rerelvrd If perfectly satisfactory .and jmm aaa IW ka.a '"-tm la awnca w aaaa yaelrea aaryaarteoawe. f Wrgin Ptaaaa, Orraaa, (4.ala lirtta, Caanraa aod ataar pnilaaa W latlae erara lar ear aaHaaaa. (W nrmr faaaf ariaaalaaawaaaya. aaea a,wla aeala. I hi ten. Mnl., Switch at mmm mm writetWay fbrrREKPHEMIl MnKrv.VU iMna, Ladies Hair Emporium. Chicaso. SENP5QCENTS HTJSS ana jaaaar wMmrt La HI.KTa VI IT H by eiama, CO. a., aahjeaa taeaaailaaitaa. , II k- a tieaalaa La Berla aawriraa made Instrument uf irreat beauty, perfect roaewood tlnl-Ji. very hlarhly potlafeed. Hendaomely talaid around round hole and talaM atria ha kaea, aeliaWM aaaa tea aaaa. Fiixcerhoard accurately fret ted with rained fret.. tolsM .rlmlib.Mi. tawrleaa aua M"a k.aa. aaa alekri IM4 aiiMaea. a Haul uaH.out.lirH. powerttil and aweet toned, f umi.lied comniete a ith an etlra art of beat eealMy aieel atHasa aa4 a aleaMe taalnantaa beak wbtcb teaches any one nowioaiay. KIABIMl TliK 1TIT1I at year etpena eaVe and If found exa'tlyas repreMnK-d and the a real, at barrala yaa ever aaw ar aeard at pay theeiprew amtt S3. 63 leas Mr, er t. It aad etprera eaarwa aid the eomnleto nutllt la vnura. Hatiafae. tlon ituaiaoteed or mner refunded In fullu SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. ISV.TlT ILtfccanh in full wa a .11 tri.e a lii.i riariMr Caart. It la an anrarate rukiei, barln- all note, alia i t i n ft . ( i i , i t I I abarpai and flats In full view, andean be canity ad- ClMCagO, April O. -In his address at j jote4 to any arultar without cnamrinic the lntr- the Memorial services held in memory of the late Dr. Isaac ?M.. Wise, at Isaiah TenijIe, last night, Dr. Emil G. Hirsch -made an appeal to the Jewish people of Oiicago to raise $500,00 wihich is the amount yet required ti lift the debt on the Jewish Union Col-, leue. in Cincinnati. By so doing, iDi Hirsch said, the great work which was begun by Dr. Wise, ami carried for ward by him under difficulties, could be: tuny accomplished. : TRAILS ARE i BAD. I Merchandise. I&ound for Dawson, Will Not Get Through. , ; Vancouver. B. C, 9.--Skagway pa pers state, that all reports from he interior point to an almost imoass;dU trail from Lake .Bennet to Dawson The breakin of the Ynk-oin ni is exceptronally earlv. and tt i eaif 1 tnat innnmeraoie teams, en route wittf goods for Da wsou. will be oblige! rt remain run the trail until they can be picked up by the firt steamers to Dawi sen. ' " " J Tt Kind Yw Han nlwars femgtt IT WILL STAND. j btates - Supreme Court todav rirrkW the case of Gundling vs. the City hi Chicago, involving the validity of thtf anti-fcigarcrte nrdrnance r4 that citr. The ordinance -was attacked as tinconi stitutional. .The ooirroji of Tnoi Peckham held the ordinance not to be unconstitutional. ' i MOVEMENTS OF TRANSPORTS San! Francisco. Aoril o. The trjnsi port Sheridan - and the ; tran-Pacifici steamers Bclirian Kinir nnd Doric. hy fleert released from quarantine. The transport Lawton. orme.rly the Ba-irgc, na$ comriown irom the Mare Inland navy yard to be overhauled at the Un ion .ironworks. - , S menti With the uae of the tottered nnimrtKnl any one can learn to play witnort the aid of a teacner. Write f'jr Irr.mti.Kxl tnatroment and p1.tnoand "fir. a " eatalma'iie. " -'-. it lurral .all ilm A4lrp". SEARS. ROEBUCK Jb. CO.. rHIClCO 0aaJUS tUttmi.W. A IW. are tbareafbiy nnaklr. -barter.! CLASTIC GOODS - AT HALF PRICE. If you want Ha to make to yntir tllkl III and fcttnTM lb " aSHtlKV. lit tkllimt OH. . tin a- awwI.LkS M -1 iiiii MSba, oarii.sii. 1 HBO, state your brh. welsbl sad aa. state nutuiier of Inches aroiirxl body or limb at tah lettprfhown in w rnt and .end to ua withmir HfKCIaL rBlf'K. Wewlllmaae tne s;oofis to order frm the . . a rtiaM atatrrlal, enarsntee a serbet afd if y"n do sot find It pnrffetiy a sattarartory ana equal o w"-" - othera eet double the nrtce f-r. return at oar e nenaa and we will refund your money. 1 OUR SPECIAL PRICE . rh tbatb atsrtMW, A I. -l tktek UniM, I t I. awea, KM I. Sl.fco, aaea "-'" a lati. ta.sjwi kaea bla. SI.OO, kaea eaa. tm t. I mrnrtmm ataeklae, A tm K, .? sawej " . i-j . .at aWil keN. k taSJ, le.Oa. tOTTOk kbtKTlC MUIts wB-HtlMbUUtb. aeeatal Cnaw Klaatla kawfcal kaspnelw. made of soft lla.'e thread, Interworen wa pnrtaeted rubber thread, a awbea wMe, S.iH i 1 laeaaa, . It tacbea. SJ.ta. Write for burs-ery 'atalffa, SEARS. ROEBUCK CO.. (Inc.), CHICAGO. 111. Kl tr C 9 . ije' SEND 50 ?fHTS- Jgatlb! vwim Outfit I 3 1 , ,0-l. subject aaiaaaiai "I" 'J a. Chla rlolln I r TrS WTTat VHIS is. ml wewiU sead row tola ' t sapreaa CI ta a Ciaalm atraetwiaa !. aaadit of old wood, curly anapla bark and abtoa, t.-p of aaaaoaed Hne. ar"1'' selected for lollaa.eeaaabitald abb saeSlec. bni e"'' ehaey let laea. THIS It A I0UIA S8.O0 XlOtm.beauUfully flntabed. highly pfii-be.t.ariU-a teas aaalbr. Cotn4eU with a iaala aVaall mwm 1 saaaat baw, 1 ealra act at atrtasa, a aeat. well i eaaa, laeaa alearef taala, aaa mar ta eeui aa TO :cS miani I f at ur eipreas nTW-es and If foundexactty aa refwwaenti-d ana tbesraali at bamala yaaeweaaw ar beard ef.1a.r praas aarant S3.75 leaatheaacent depoatt,sra.aBS etai iaaaaaiaaa. aaa taeaatat at eaaea. SPECIAL 'PREMIUM OFFER. ZIce" fall as am ta aaa btieees lin ar abaet. wbb-b eaa djuaaed to any irlolin without rnaa;ina7 " saeat and a ill prove relu.-J.le em trie to bes-lnnera. ana we will also ajiowtba Inatrutnent to be fietorned a'e days' trial it not found entirely aettafactory. reapect. aWMaetlsa saacaateed se a.a.y raf aeaeS m ia A4drM. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. nnocwcaqo. tIblS WUUAAAAJk baV era My a.