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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1977)
Poge Four Nyssa Gate City Journal, Nyssa, Oregon Engagement Announced Mrs. Bill Betterton of Jerome visited at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffin from Friday until Sunday. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin of Baker joined them for dinner. Sunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Short of Wendell. Mr. and Mrs. Aldon Ambrose. Nampa, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jones of Baker and Mrs. Judy Favorel. The dinner was in honor of Cecil Short's birthday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wiley of Caldwell visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Clapp and Mrs. Neta Mae Wiley and children. • • • KIM HAN JU AND SP5 Henry Morrow are making plans for a June 1 wedding in San Antonio, Texas. She is the daughter of Mrs. Paik Chong Shim of WonJu, Korea. The bridegroom-elect is the son of Mrs. Alberta Morrow of Nyssa. He returned this week from a fourteen months tour of duty with the US Army in Korea. He will return to stateside duty at Fort Sam Houston, Teras. Mrs. Frank Byers joined Mr. and Mrs. Jim Farmer and famlv of Kuna at the Owyhee Dam on Saturday. The Farmers joined Mr. and Mrs. Byers at their home on Sunday for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Byers.Tom and Todd of Ontario called later in the afternoon. • • • JOB'S DAUGHTERS .ACTIVITIES REBEKAHS MEET Yellow Rose Rebekah Lo dge met April 12 at the IOOF Hall with Rose Toomb. noble grand presiding. Sixteen members answered roll call. Yellow Rose Rebekah Lo dge will host the District meeting. July 26. That evening Lillian Gilmore, the new assembly president will visit. Several members reported making visits to the nursing home and to other members. Good of Order Chairman. Kathleen Wheeler had prac tice of the flower drill. This will be done several times before July. Helen Pittz, junior past noble grand, presented Lo uise Wemick with a gift for serving as her musician pro-tem last year. The Mother's Day lun cheon by the Friendship Club will be May 6 at the IOOF Hall. Members may bring a guest. Hostesses were Hazel Se- wright and Mae Bretz. The next meeting will be April 26. Job's Daughters. Bethel No. 33 held their regular meeting April 13 with Bar bara Holmes, honored queen presiding. Escorted and introduced were Lynn Campbell, past honored queen of Bethel No. 56 of Auburn, Washington; Jackie Chadwick. Grand Re presentative to Alberta in Oregon; Vera Webb, guar dian; Foy Sasser, associate guardian of Bethel No. 33; Louise Wernick, past guar dian; Charlie Wernick. past associate guardian of Bethel No. 33; Marian Tracy, worshipful master of Golden Rule Lodge No. 147 A.F.&A M.; Hubert Leuck. chaplain of Golden Rule Lodge No. 147. It was announced that the girls will practice Saturday, April 16. They will also visit Parma Bethel No. 27. April 18 and the Ontario Bethel No. 25 on April 20. The Grand Marshall will officially visit Bethel No. 33, April 21. Dinner will be at 6 p.m. at the Masonic Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oden visited Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Haroldsen at the Orlee Sipes home in Homedale Sunday afternoon. They also enjoyed visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Don Haroldsen of Idaho Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Haroldsen of Boise who also called at the Sipes home. • • Mr. and Mrs. Damon Savage were Sunday dinner guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don Savage. Randy and Kris. Clyde Pettyjohn of Huntington joined them for dessert. • • • Sunday evening, Mrs. J. Elwood Flinders accom panied her granddaughter Jill Saunders of Meridian to a special program, Mother, Daughter Standards Night, at the Meridian LDS Church. Jill’s mother, Mrs. Lorin Saunders was out of town so Mrs. Flinders was Jill's guest. The associate editor of The Ensign magazine which is published in Salt Lake City was the main speaker. • • • Shower Honora Miaa Lori Saito Miss Lori Saito was ho nored with a prenuptial bridal shower Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Victor Haburchak. She and her daughter Kathy hosted the event. Mrs. Don Engstrom assisted with the serving of the twenty-five guests. Lori, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Saito, and Ri chard Summers of Soda Springs will be married May 1. 1977. They are both students at Boise State University. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Stunz returned home Saturday from a two-weeks visit with their daughter, Mrs. Greta Bleak man at Portland. They also visited their granddaugh ters, Laurie Stunz. who is a student at Portland State University and Julie Bleak man, who is a student at Oregon State University. The group spent two days at Cannon Beach and also visited Emil's niece and family, Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Pullen at Lebanon. The weather during the trip was warm and nice and the spring flowers were most beautiful. • • • Wilson's April [ Ji Sale Starts Thursday, April 21 Ladies' Cannon Spring Coats WashCloths 25 4 •*. 4*1“ Kitchen Close Outs Terry Towels Men's Pants Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Holmes returned home last week from Vancouver, Wash ington, where they spent Easter visiting their son. Larry and family. While they were there, they attended the Boots Randolph and Floyd Kramer show at the Civic Auditorium in Portland. $666 $]44 Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Buchtel and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Beers. Mrs. Dorothy Nolen. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Staffel and Steve Buchtel. Ladies' Irregular Long Dresses Men's Briefs Values to »39« 87’. *11“ Wilson Bros. Dept. Store We Give Gold Strike Stamps Phone 372-3563 Nyssa, Oregon Social Scene Houseguests over the Eas ter weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Buming ham were their children and families, Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Bumingham and fa mily of Santa Rosa. Cali fornia; Mr. and Mrs. Max (Tanya) Turley and family, Idaho Falls; Mr. and Mrs. M ^.WATER? CONSERVATION: EVERYONE'S CONCERN All farmers must find ways to conserve limited water supplies this season. THE PATENTED NU- FLEX System, sold In your area, is designed to Im prove water management and eliminate the waste and much of the labor of conventional surface sys tems. The field proven NU-FLEX System replaces ditches, dams, tubes and other surface systems at a surpris ingly low cost. An average '/a mile system complete, designed to handle normal heads of water approximately $300. Ln US HELP YOU MAKE THE MOST OF AVAILABLE WATER SUPPLIES. CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION. Phone Seuell Farms Ernest M. 503-724-5294 ADRIAN, OREGON Phone Darryl L. 503-724-6503 Brad Bumingham and family and Mr. and Mrs. Del (Christine) Moody all of Orem. Utah and Mr. and Mrs. Chipper Bumingham and family of Meridian. • • • Thursday, April 21,1977 Engagement Announced District Meeting By Lyn Dohner Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elwood Flinders were their daughter, Carole Wilson and Norman Andrews of Buras. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Don Savage and son Randy called on their grandmother, Mrs. Willie Mae Flanary in Meridian Saturday afternoon. Other callers were cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Caldwell and family of Nampa. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Pack Howett of Pendleton visited at the home of their nephew and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Sappe the first of this week. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Lester Oden spent the Easter weekend at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell and family in Pilot Rock. • • • Mr. and Mrs. John Penrod of Idaho Falls were Friday to Sunday houseguests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penrod. They were enroute to California to visit their son. • • • Mrs. Mary Harden, Mrs. Laura Penrod, Jim Warren, Mrs. Alberta Morrow and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Godin and family attended the wedding of Kim Mitchell and Bryan Johnson Friday eve ning at the First Southern Baptist Church in Nampa. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Owen Gann were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Burton * Ritchie in Little Valley. Owen was guest of honor as they were celebrat ing his birthday. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Randy Findley and son of Vale and Mrs. Findley’s mother of Arlington, Oregon. • • Merle Johnson and Hubert Leuck went to Boise Thurs day where they were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norvelle Leuck. They atten ded a potluck dinner and card party at the Eagles that evening. Friday all four of them went to Baker and stayed until Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leuck. Harden ('tubs Hold KATHY COLLEEN FORUR1A and Darwin Neal Haney recently announced plans to be married April 21 in the Idaho Falls Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The bride-elect is a graduate of Emmett High School and Ricks College. She is the daughter of the late Inez Plesha and Mike Foruria of Emmett. Haney is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haney of Nyssa. He is a Nyssa High School graduate, attended Ricks College and has served a two-year mission to Louisiana and Mississippi for the LDS Church. A reception will be held in the couple's honor April 22 in the Emmett Ward Hall. They will make their home in Caldwell. Sorority Hears AFS Student Sigred Geissler, American Field Service exchange stu dent from Bremen, Germany, was the featured speaker at the April meeting of Alpha Delta Kappa, educators ho norary sorority. The meeting wys hosted by Roberta Lou Johnson at her Parma home assisted by Dorothy Tyson and Gertie Jones. Sigred was introduced by her host parent, Mrs. Jody laderosa, who explained the A.F.S. program, stressing that the money was raised locally and any eligible ippli- cant could participate in the program regardless of family finances. Becky laderosa. senior. Parma High School, is Sigred's American sister. In her presentation Sigred used slides, maps and souvenirs to acquaint the group with her native land. Her mother is a teacher and her father is with the Bremen shipyards. Asked how American school work compared with German assignments she said the American is much easier. In her school they have open campus and students have to study on their own to keep up daily assignments. President Beth Magrini announced that the meeting place of the May 14 ADK has been moved from Vale to the Charolais Restaurant in On tario starting with a get acquainted coffee hour at 11 a m. followed by lunch at noon and regular meeting at 1 p.m. State presidents of A.D.K. from Oregon and Idaho will be guests. Oregon President Violet Grossnick- lous of Albany will be accompanied by Rose Flory of Salem, who is a Regional vice president of National ADK, and Hazel Bugni of Portland, state treasurer. Mabel Biliick of Nampa. Idaho state president, will be accompanied by her sister Ada Biliick. All Tau Chapter members are urged to attend. Correction: The name PT A was used incorrectly in connection with the Adrian Scholarship din ner and carnival. The correct name is Confederation of Parents and Teachers. They came from Parma, Adrian. Ontario. Nyssa, and even so far as Baker. Green thumbed ladies to plot and plan what each could do to improve this old world. Meeting was held at the Catholic parish house in Vale, and chaired by Director Mrs. John Stubstad of Ontario. The morning was taken up with a business meeting during which each club submitted a report on what it had accomplished during the past year. Beautification of the Owyhee Community Church through gardens and shrubs was the project of the Owyhee Garden Club. Town and Country reported on its garden project at the north end of Nyssa. Other projects reported on were plantings and activities at the Nursing home, saving stamps for money for World gardening, spring plant sales and cash donations to Inter national projects that work toward beauty in many places. An exciting new project, sponsored by A.N.K. Garden Club is an Intermediate Garden Club of seventh grade Adrian youngsters, NEWELL HEIGHTS • Mrs. Earl Ervin called on Mrs. Dale Witt Sunday after noon. Mrs. Tina Schiemer. Mrs. R. D. McKinley. Mrs. John Fahrenbruch and Mrs. Irvin Topliff attended the Womens Association meeting at the home of Mrs. Bill Toomb Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schutte attended the congre gational potluck dinner at the Nampa Lutheran Brethern Church Sunday. In the afternoon they visited their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grant. Mrs. Ida Fenn was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fenn and Frances were Sunday after noon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Galyen and baby of, Ontario were Wednesday evening dinner guests of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Simpson, Mrs. Marion York and girls of Vale were Sunday dinner guests in the Alfred Simpson home. and directed by their teacher, Carolyn Witty. The club is called " The Plant Hatchery" and is a terrific learning device as well as rewarding in many ways. The children sold over $500 worth of flower and vegetable seeds, earning $150 to finance other garden ing projects. They bought a two-shelf hobby house with agro-lite bulbs, and in it art starting flowers and vege tables growing for later transplant. They have an outdoor flower garden at the school in which are bulbs and peren ials providing bloom through out the summer. During the summer they hire a couple of seventh graders to weed and water this garden and they are paid from the garden fund. The District meeting stop ped for a lunch at noon, served by the church women In the afternoon slides were shown telling all about the American Land and Trust Company. This is an organi zation which buys up ecu logy-rich or important lands and preserves them for future generations. This was shown by Assistant Director Mrs, Carleton Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs Dick Kricgh attended a retirement dinner Saturday evening at the Nyssa School cafeteria honor ing Mr. W. L. McPartland There were at least 250 people attending. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson visited in the Alfred Simpson home Saturday and caw Mrs Ken Gaylen and her new baby of Ontario. Mrs Marie Moore of Adrian called on Mrs. Rav Simpson Saturday afternoon Mrs. Max Moore and granddaughter Terri of Nyss.i called on Mrs Dale Witt Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stringham Sr. and family of Farmington. Utah came Wednesday, April 6 and were overnight guests of his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Chamber lain. Next dar they went to Spokane where they visited their son. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stringham Jr and also visited her sister at Portland. They returned on Monday April 11 and were again overnight guests in the Leon Chamberlain home They returned to Farmington the next day. They are former Newell Heights residents. Notice of Rate Filing Idaho Power Company has applied to the Oregon Public Utility Commissioner for authorization to increase rates charged by it for electric service in Oregon by $1,794,400 per year or 29.74%. Idaho Power Company asked the Commissioner to allow part of the increase in an interim increase to become effective thirty-one (31) days after filing of the Application, while action is pending on the full increase. The increase would raise the average residential customer's bill by $3.88 per month or approximately 18.5%. The reason for the increase is to offset rising costs and to attract investment capital to build new service facilities required by rapid growth in customers and electric load. Idaho Power Company testimony and exhibits are available for inspection in each district office serving customers in Oregon, as well as the Company’s general office at 1220 Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho. Additional information may be obtained about the filing by contacting J. W. Coryell, Idaho Power Company, P.O. Box 70, Boise, Idaho 83721, telephone number 208-345-7210. The time and place of any hearing regarding the Company’s Application may be obtained by calling the Oregon Public Utility Commissioner toll free, 800-452-9105, or mailing requests to Oregon Public Utility Commissioner, Labor & Industries Building, Salem, Oregon 97310. The purpose of this notice is to provide Idaho Power Company customers with general information as to the proposals made by the Company and their affect upon customers. Calculations and statements made in this notice will not be binding upon the Oregon Public Utility Commissioner. Idaho Power Company