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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1967)
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1067 BIG BEND NEWS | By Goldie Roberts < Mr. .md Mrs. Jesse Higgins had .is Thanksgiving guests, Mr. and Mrs. Shorty Hall and sons of Payette, Dr. and Mrs. James Hollingsworth and family of Boise. Mrs. Dyre Roberts; Mary, liecky and SusanCarroll visited Friday with Florence Hender- lider In Nampa. Mrs. Mary Auker left Nov. 19 for Portland to visit Mr. and Mrs. Don ( ostley and family. Little Shelly Costley was to undergo major surgery Friday. Mr. and Mis. Jerry Bell of Hermiston arrived Nov. 22 to 1» nd the holiday week-end with Mrs. Edythe Prosser. Mr. and Mi s. Delno Brock and Carol nt Sunset Valley were also Thanksgiving goes’s. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Eng lish, Ross .md Eleanor were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mis. Ken Clary in Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. John Packwood visited Sunday with Steve Gacey BIG BEND - Seventeen mem ■ be re of the Big Bend extension unit met Nov. 21 in the home of Mrs. Pete Slllonis. Mis. Hill Blevins was a guest. The lea- eon, ’’Everyday C he m I a t r y Does The Cleaning” was given by Mrs. Boyce Van de Water and Mrs. Ben Witty, and many helpful cleaning hints were given. Next meeting will be Dec. 12 in the home of Mrs. Veil Bishop with a no host dinner and gift exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Bishop and Steve left Nov. 22 tor Spo kane where they visited their son, 1* Roy and family. A daughter, Linda of Grants Pass, arrived by plane to tie with the family for Thanksgiving. The Bishop trio returned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hop- kins, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van de Watei, Mr .md Me.. Bill Van de Water and Kent attended "i Harper. Ha la a patient a fellowship dinner Sunday at in Hie Elk’s Convalescent Home the Roswell Baptist church. in Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Van de Mr. and Mrs. RayCartwright visited Sunday with Mr. and Water and Bill were last Thurs Mrs. William Lawler in day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Reed in Boise. Meridian. Mi. and Mrs. Ed Abbl left Mr. and Mrs. Du k Davis en tertained with a family dinner Nov. 21 for their home in Mc last Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. Minnville after visiting Mr. and James McGinnis Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright. Mr. and Mrs. Chet Smith, Mrs. James McGinnis Jr. and family, Mrs. Charlotte Mc Mrs. Pearle Abbott and family Ginnis of Adrian, Mr. and Mrs. were recent evening guests of Clyde Newman of Homedale. Mr. and Mrs. Ricks Gale in Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chaney Boise. Mr. anti Mrs. David laxlzin- and children of Cove, Ore., were week-end guests of their father, •ski and children of Idaho Falls H o r a c e C haney. Thanksgiving and Altieri Slllonis of Bend spent guests in the Ciianey home were the holiday week-end with their Mr. and Mrs. Don Kadel and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Mr. and Mrs. Pete family of Caldwell, Mr. and Slllonis. Mrs. Dallas Chaney and family Slllonis were hosts for a family and Mrs. Anna Chaney of Nyssa. dinner on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Seuell Mrs. Ruby Sassaman and Miss Florence Miles of Bois< and Lois spent Thanksgiving day visited Sunday evening in the with their ■■on, iFarryl and wife in Nampa. Phil Clucas home. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cluoas Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelton and Ixrna of Nyssa visited Sat attended a Sunday golden urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Knapp at Huston. Chet Smith. Mr. and Mrs. James McGin Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts visited Sunday with his niece, nis Jr. and family of Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Dowdy and were week-end guests of Mr. family in Baker. They also and Mrs. James McGinnis. Mrs. Chet Smith, Mrs. Pearle called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Abtxit and Bobbi, Mrs. Arthur King. Mrs. Ricks Gale andchiidren Gale, Mrs. Flossie Shelton and ol Unt-r, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lona were recent Saturday Riirvey of Nampa vffltr'd Mr. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ricks and Mrs. Chet Smith Sunday. Gale, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mr. and Mrs. RayCartwright, Smith in Boise. Lois Seuell represented Ad Mrs. Wilma Bernard and Jeff of Ontario were Thanksgiving rian high school in the Fairy dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. land parade in Boise last Sat urday. Raymond Cartwright. Mrs. Edythe Prosser, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hill Clucas of Ogden, Utah and Mrs. Lilly Jerry Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Voly of Concord,Calif., arrived Swigert and Mrs. Delno Brock Nov. 21 at the PhilClucas home. attended Friday funeral rites The Clucas men and Mrs. Voly for a cousin, Mrs. RuthSwigert are brothers and sister. This Hawk in Homedale. Mi. and Mrs. John Packwood was the first Thanksgiving day they had spent together in many were Thanksgiving dinner guests of their son, Jim and years. other Thursday dinner guests family near Wilder. Mrs. HoraceChaney and Ros included the trio’s uncle, Fred Clucas of Boise, and the host alie recently returned home couple’s son-in-law and daugh from Clarkston, Wash., where ter, Mr. and Mrs. VernonSlippy they spent a week with Mr. and and family of Owyhee Junction. Mrs. Pete Graham. Mrs. Evening visitors were Mr. Graham is recovering from re and Mrs. R. D. Knapp of Ros cent surgery. well, Vern Miles of Portland and Mrs. Christine Knapp of Nampa. The Utah couple and Mrs.Voly WORK SMARTER left Friday for their homes. - NOT HARDER LOSE WEIGHT Get amazing results when you take our product called SLIM- ODEX. No prescription needed. You must lose ugly fat or your money back. SLIMODEX is a tablet and easily swallowed. No starving, no special exercise, no harmful drugs. SLIMODEX •. costs $3.00 and is sold on this GUARANTEE: if not satisfied for any reason, just return the unused portion to the makers and get your full money back. SLIMODEX is sold by- NYSSA PHARMACY - Nyssa Mail Orders Filled THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON j >rilA^kM¡IVKG5 FROM OLR PERSONALS Newell Heights Mr. and Mrs. f ' Don “ Nolan, Bobby and David of Everett' Wash., spent the Thanksgiv ing holidays with his parents, tin1 Irl Nolans. • • • The Wallace Prowell family went to Baker for the Thanks giving holidays to visit his rel atives and with Mrs. Prowell’s family, the W. C. Gillettes. Mrs. Prowell and the three younger children remained in Baker and were brought to Nyssa Sunday afternoon by the Gillettes. * Sunday evening visitors in the Dave Beers home were Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jenkins. * * * Laurel Beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Beck was home for the Thanksgiving holiday from Brigham Young university. She arrived Nov. 23 and returned Sunday to Provo. • * AREA GIRLS ATTEND MT. ANGEL SESSION Thirty-seven girls from the Nyssa, «Altai io and Jordan Val ley areas left by bus on Nov. 24 for a Catholic retreat at Mount Angel, Ore. They returned Nov. 26. Sisters Guadalupe, Rosario and Grace of Ontario, accom panied the girls. Those going from this area are Teresa De- Minck, Gloria Jaramillo, Col leen Brown, Marcia and Nancy Jackson, Mary Lee Wahlert, Juanita Martinez, Margaret Dority, Kathy and Patty Mc Ginley, Margaret Gallegos and Jane Joyce. CORRESPONDENT By Dale Witt NEWELL HEIGHTS - Mr. ami Mrs. Stanley Hill had as Thanksgiving dinner guests, C. B. Hili, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Fine and Steve of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Clayborn Morris of Kent, Wash. The Morris couple left for their home Fri day morning. Thanksgiving dinner guests in the Irvin Topliff home were Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Topliff, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Topliff and family of Hazelton, Idaho. Char- 1« , Dab and Wanda Topliff were Nov. 22 overnight guests in the Topliff home. Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Topliff and family were Sunday dinner guests of her sister, Mrs. Edith Suter in Parma. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Witt and his sister, Mrs. F. S. Deem of Lawrence, Kans., went to the Owyhee reservoir area on Thanksgiving afternoon. They viewed the scenery and found that the dining room of the lodge was open for business and will be so during the winter months. Friday, tire trio drove to Fruitland to get apples for Mrs. Deem to take back to Kansas. She left Saturday morning on the Portland Rose. During a 45-minute wait in Denver, she planned to meet her brother- in-law and sister for a brief visit. This was Mrs. Deem’s first visit to this area and she stated she was favorably im pressed with this region of Oregon. Mrs. Frankie Worden and Gene, Mrs. Lydia Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spence of Boise were Thanksgiving dinner of Coos Bay arrived Nov. 18 for a pheasant hunt and stayed with cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Borge. They went to Bend on Nov. 21 to spent Thanksgiving day with a granddaughter and family. Saturday, Dale Holden and his son-in-law, Joe Shirt- liff of The Dalles, John Gar rett and son, Joe Joined in the pheasant hunt.They left Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Eilers and daughter, Dale Borge and Bill La Bounty were Thanks giving dinner guests in the Jake Borge home. Judy Pratt of Ontario spent the holiday week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pratt. Diana and Randy Jones of Nyssa were also week-end guests in the Pratt home. Frank Pratt of Corvallis ar rived Nov. 22 to spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pratt. They were .all Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mrs. Pratt’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Carr at Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Luit Siam were Sunday evening dinner guests honoring Gerrit Stam on his birthday anniversary. Collars should be pre-treated before washing. Brush a paste of detergent and water or full strength liquid detergent into the area and let it stand a few minutes. Or you can use liquid shampoo, but it will be more expensive. -B. Strawn, OSU Extension Specialist. EDER PLUMBING Nyssa, Or« PH. 372-2266 o General Repairing o ■ ■ Towne Garage Phon« 372-3570 NYSSA ... OREGON T-BONE STEAK RUMP ROAST 99’ 79’ LB. LEAN BONELESS 1/2 or WHOLE SLICED FREE! STEW BEEF 69’ 55< LB KEIMS MAC' & CHEESE 5 CORNED BEEF « OZ. PKGS. 79e PITTED DATES 1 LB. PKG. 49c TOMATO JUICE ¡MIXED NUTS 79' N00DUS0UP i i TREND 49’ Folger’s DAINTIES 2 Special TUNA 4 89’ NEW HONEY Gold Embossed 79' CRISCO Canister SOAP Sb 4 * DEL MONTE I IRDV 46 OZ. CANS PLANTERS 13% OZ. CAN LIPTONSCHICKEN AND OT. SIZE REG. 69< 12 OZ. BAGS MILLERS Vt SIZE SHORTENING 3 LB. CAN DOVE LIQUID SOAP S2™ CLEANSER 4 REG. SIZE 31b. CERTI-FRESH - jwles cabbage ; 29' 7 2 -«■ 29’ NEW CROP POTATOES TANGERINES NO. Ì 10 LB. BAG 39' 5 - 51 I STRAWBERRIES 4 PKGS. SALE DATES - NOV. 30 - DEC. 1 - 2 c : cooD|noD|cosis|iiss|inE ; LB AVOCADOS 79« 98’ 99' MARGARINE FRESH-GREEN IDAHO-RUSSET BARS J | T * IMPERIAL 49’ LOCAL DELICIOUS - - - ------------ FRESH-GREEN large : size 5 LB CAN DOVE PINK BATH $125 69’ I 3% OZ. PKGS. HERSHEY CHOC. CHIP CLOVER LEAF TROUBLE SHOWS UP MORE IN COOL WEATHER WHEN THERE IS LESS EVAPORATION, SO, IF IN DOUBT CALI WHEEL BALANCING CHOICE BONELESS 7% oz. $ a PKGS. aad U.S. CHOICE BACON I I t I FRONT END ALIGNMENT U. S. CHOICE KEIMS SLAB KRAFT DINNERS Mr. and Mr>. Jim Thomp son of La Grande, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parker and family also of La Grande were Fri day afternoon visitors in the Carl Lee Hill residence. Mrs. Leon Chamberlain and children left Friday morning for Bountiful, Utah, where they visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Stringham and other relatives. They returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Van- deWater and Kent visited Fri day evening with the Wilson Witts and their guest, Mrs. F. S. Deem of Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Parsons and children returned Saturday to their home in Eugene, after spending the holiday week-end with her mother and brother, Mrs. Thelma Hammon and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz and family were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson and family at Homedale. Other guests were Mrs. Dorothy Wilson and fam ily of Nyssa, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stanton of Big Bend. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Judd, Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Judd and (Continued on Page 8) The Luit Stams were Thanks giving dinner guests at the Jim Miller home in Big Bend. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ger rit Timmerman and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stam and children. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Webb at tended a Thanksgiving dinner at the home of Mrs. Margarete Payne in Oitario. There were 32 guests present. The Webbs were evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webb and family in Adrian. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stam and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ward and Dennis of Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phifer and Jan were turkey-day dinner guests in the Carl Lee Hill home. LIQUID WHAT WILL REMOVE THE DARK RING FROM SHIRT COLLARS? This is a con stant problem and one that comes up at every Extension educ a t ion program on laun dering. NEED A NEW DRAIN HELD For Your SEPTIC TANK? V and Mrs. John Fahrenbruch. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fenn and daughters of Albany were Sat urday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Fenn. They had Thanksgiving dinner with Ed Fenn’s sister in Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McDer mott were Thanksgiving dinner guests in the Al Parker home at Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Bud McDermott brought them home and stayed until Friday. Saturday, they were all guests of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eason in Parma. Mr. and Mrs. William Baxter and family of Kennewick, Wash., brought them home and spent Saturday night and Sunday in the McDermott home. Harold McDermott, a grandson from Rexburg, Idaho., arrived Sunday and spent the day with the Mc Dermotts. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Simpson and family went to Portland Nov. 21 and the Alfred Simpson went to the Rose city on Nov. 23. They all spent the holiday week-end with their brother, Raymond Simpson. The families returned home Sunday evening and were dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simpson. The Ray Simpsons were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Eason in Homedale. Evening dinner guests in the Simpson home were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holdt and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Simmons and family. Bill Holdt left Sunday morn- ing for Portland where he has employment. His wife and son plan to Join him Ln about two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Eilers and daughter, who spent the past month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Borge, moved last Thursday to the former Art Sparks home, now owned by Dwayne Bennett. Ernie plans to work for Bennett this year. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Holden ROUND STEAK AJAX 101 N. FIRST guests of Mrs. Verna Costley in Homedale. Gene left that evening to visit a former room mate of Oregon State university. He is now residing in Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leedy of Huntington were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Lydia Worden. Mr. and Mrs. John Schoene- wald of Ashland, Ore., arrived Nov. 18 to spend Thanksgiving holidays with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kurtz and family. Clyde Campbell of Beaveiton, John Boorhes and Connie of Tigard, Ore., spent the week-end with the Kurtz family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Webster returned home Sunday from a week’s visit with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Webster at Rodeo, Calif. They toured the San Francisco area, and spent one day and a night at Carson City. They met Mr. and Mrs. Ed Waddell there and came home together. Jaime and Danny Webster stayed with Mrs. Bobby Jo Sessions while their parents were away. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Fenn were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mrs. Mary McConnell and her brother, Bill Snyder in Nyssa. William Hipp was also a dinner guest. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Fenn were among those attending the Saturday evening wedding rites uniting Christy Parks and Mark Ward. The ceremony was per formed in the Christian church at Nyssa. Elsmore Fenn of Homedale was also present for the wedding rites. Alan Fahrenbruch of Menlo Park, Calif., arrived Nov. 21 and spent the Thanksgiving hol idays with his parents, Mr. RAGE FIVE I I I THUNOEREOO MALL - GOIO STRIKE STAMPS TOO« A 4 >