Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, December 17, 1953, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    TH E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B E R 17,
December 21 to 24
BRACKEN'S . . . .
207 Main
EVERYBODY'S . . . 119 Main
WILSON BROS. . . . 118 Main
b u r i a l
Virginia Lewi*.
The Following Nyssa
Will Remain Open Unlil 8 P.M.
For Christmas Shoppers
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday -
tained for members of their Mr. and
Mrs. Pinochle cluo Saturday eve­
ning last. Three tables were in play.
Prizes were won by Kenneth Price
and June Hartley, h.gh and Mrs.
Kenneth Price and Dudley Kurtz,
The program, presented under the
direction of Mr.- Kenneth Saur.der>
'r.riuQt-d capture reading. Mrs. Le­
tt y 5ev.u d; a Christmas tory, Miss
M trie Coate and group singing Car­
Pollyannas for the past year were
M ission a ry G r o u p s
revealed and Christina- gifts were
H a v e C h ristm a s P a rty
Refreshments were served to forty-
Members of the Golden H^ur ar
the Jackson Missionary societies of guests.
the Nazarene church held their an­
nual Christmas party Tuesday eve­ H a m iltons E n tertain
ning at the home of Mrs. Don Reitz.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton enter-
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cruson ar.;l
family were dinner gue-ts Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Updegraff a
Gayway corners.
D in n er G u e sts
¡ f r i t t e s
Carole Wilson, Editor
G u ests A t T ea
P h on e 2233
The Rev. and Mrs. Carl Gross and
son were guests for tea Thursday
afternoon at the home of the Rev.
and Mrs. Robert Jack on.
G a rd e n C lu b
C h ristm a s P a rty
Veterans Hall Scene
Of JC-Jaycee-ette
Christmas Party
Members of the Ny a Jaycee- .u-.d
Members of the A. N K. garden
club met for their Christmas party Jayeee-ettes held their Christmas
at the home of Mr.-. Don Engstrom party and dance Saturday evening
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Tom Nishu at the Veterans hall. The evening
tani, assistant hostess, had made was spent dancing, and singing
arrangements Christmas Carols, with special num.
which were placed about the home. bers, accompanied by Mrs. George
During the brief business meeting, Cobern. A buffet supper was served
the group voted to send $5 to the at eleven o ’clock.
The hall was decorated with
Roseburg hospital as a Christmas
gift. The women will also send in- j traditional red and green rope, tin­
sel, balloons, icicles and a Christmas
dividual gifts to ether places.
tree. Centerpieces for the table\
An impressive Candlighting ser­ were candles and minature trees and
vice was held, as is traditional in Santas.
all federated garden clubs, entitled
Door prizes were won by Mr and
“ Every Candle, A Prayer for Peace” . Mrs. Lauren Wright, Dr. and Mr
Taking part in the ceremony were
E W. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mrs. Bud Wilson, Mrs. Frank Mor­
Nicholsen. Each couple was present­
gan, Mrs. Edward Boydell, and Mrs.
ed with a "bag” o f gifts, donated
Tom Nishitani. They were assisted from businessmen in Nyssa.
by Lois Wilson and Garnet Ritchie,
Special guests were Mr. and Mr
violin duet and Vela Dee PoulsenJ
Clyde Snider, honorary members of
Janice Williams and Ellen Hunter, the organizations.
vocal trio.
Mrs. George Oxnam and Augie
Mrs. Enstrom was surprised with
Giraud are presidents o f the organi­
a pink and blue shower. A Christmas i
gift exchange was held among the
During the afternoon, appropriate J a n e ll H a n e y R eig n s
games were played. Mrs. Nishitani. O v e r L o lly p o p L a n d
Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Clyde Snider
Janell Haney reigned as queen of
were winners.
“ Lollypop Land” at the Nyssa First
The next meeting will be a covered ward Gold and Green ball Thursday
dish luncheon at the home o f Mrs.
evening. Miss Haney was crowned
Ray Wilson in Parma, Tuesday by her father. Burton Haney, during
January 12.
the floor show and presented with a
gift from Bishop Charles Mann. The
S u n d a y D in n e r G u ests
throne, made o f lifesavers and giant
Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb were lollypops, was featured on the stage
dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and with a gum tree, a gingerbread
Mrs. W. L. Chapin.
house and a candy cane lane. The
P A G E N IN &
hall was decorated with brown elves
and lollypops.
Diane L< w. daughter of Mr. and
Mr- W W. Low. wa.' crown bearer.
Following the coronation o f the
queen, a program was presented
with Vern Moncur, master of cere­
monies, announcing the numbers:
reading, "In Lollypop Land” , Mrs.
Carl Burningham; “ Dance o f the
Gum Drops,” M;a Maids and Ex­
plorers; vocal duet, “On the Good
Ship Lollypop", Mrs. W. W. Low and
Mrs. Phillip Woodard and "Candy
Dance". Beehive girls. Others taking
part on the program were Paul
Wynn and Ersal Beus.
Mr. Haney and Janell were fea­
tured in the Queens dance. Music
•was furnished by Don Moss and his
Members o f the Mutual presidency,
who had charge of the decorations
were Mrs. Charles Mann, Mrs. Carl
Burningham. Mrs. Marvin Jeffries,
Vern Moncur, Doug Bateman. Er­
nest Bunn and Bishopric representa­
tive, Mr. and Mrs. Ersal Beus.
E x e c u tiv e s M eet
An executive meeting of the
American Legion Auxiliary was arid
Thursday evening at the home of
Mrs. H. O. Hopkins. During the bu-i-
ness meeting, plans were discus ed
for the coffee and homemade donut
sale to be held Saturday at the Po­
well Service Station.
Mrs. <ilea Hillings spent Wednes­
day and Thursday in Boise at the
Gerald Wallace home.
Brow er
Thursday after spending four days
In Burley visiting relatives and
Mrs. W. R. Campbell spent last
week in Utah where she visited her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Taylor in American Fork
and her sisters, Mrs. Bill O'Brien
and Mrs. Wendell Bair in Layton.
Mrs. Gilbert Henry. They have been
v; King the past two week with Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Dewey.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. F o ster re­
turned home Tuesday after taking
their son, Tom to Salem to resume
his studies at Williamette University.
They visited with their daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
B Wilson In Lebanon and with Mr.
and Mrs. Grover Fretwell in Port­
land and were over night guest* of
Mr. and Mrs. James Wright in Ba­
ker. While in Portland. Mr. F o ste r
presided at the annual meeting o f
the Oregon Beekeepers Association.
Their daughter. Francis Foster, re­
turned to Nyssa to spend the holi­
Mrs. J . E. M ontague of I’ay ett«
visited Thursday night at the home
of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Hartle.
The Kev. and Mrs. Robert Jackson
spent Thursday evening at the Dar­
rell Williams home
Hetty and F ran ces Cruson retu rn ­
ed home Friday after spending six HI Y S M ILK IN G SH O R TH O RN
days visiting with Mr. and Mr El­
O-.var Schafer, route 1, Nyssa, ha*
mer Cruson and family.
added to his herd by the purchase
Sir. and Sirs. Gerald Zittercob of Black Canyon Redcoat from R oy
spent Wednesday evening with Mr A. Sperry & Son o f Caldwell. The
and Mrs. Harold Dail.
new animal is a purebred Milking
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Dewey left last Shorthorn and the record of trans­
Friday for Hermiston to visit their fer has been made by the American
daughter and son-in-law, Mr and Milking Shorthorn Society.
D in n er G u ests
Friday evening dinner guests of
the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Jackson
were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Seward and
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ed wards.v,
M a rily n L e w is H on ored
Marilyn Lewis was honored on her
6th birthday at a party Saturday
afternoon at the home o f her par­
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis.
The afternoon was spent playing
games, and refreshments were ser­
ved to the following guests: Marilyn
Carr, Susan Schenk, Cathy Lowe,
Mary Jane Lemon, Cheryl Bock.
Linda Wilson and Carol Wilson,
Judy Mink, Claudene Sweet and
“D a rlin g , it’s
ju st ivhat
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From . . . .
114 So. 3rd
D ia l 6648
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Powered for Performance!
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Come see the most beautiful, most powerful Chevrolet
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In every way, Chevrolet now brings you even
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More beauty with brilliant new styling in
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More power and finer performance with new
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More comforts and conveniences including
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and such new features as Power Brakes and
Give You 7-Way Proof of Value
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A rd , thanks to advanced Chevrolet engineer­
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The fact is, you’ll find that no other car offer*
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Stop in and take a good look at the best­
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The word* “ guaranteed registered
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The famous Keepsake Certificate
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The Keepsake LETTER OF CON-
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Keepsake Diamond Rings carry
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Approval and are GUARANTEED
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Power brakes
for lasier stops
N ow C hevrolet brings
you Pow er Brakes to
make stopping wonder­
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Optional on Powerglide
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New, automatic
window and seat
The touch o f a button
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More thing* more people wont, »hot’* why
New, lower price on
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New styling that will
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New interior
There's a new, lower,
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Fine new upholstery fab­
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Now, in Powerglide mod­
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“ Blue-Flame 115.”
Chevrolet Power Steering
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Keepsake prices are exactly the
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