TH E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . D E C E M B E R 17, Thursday December 21 to 24 BRACKEN'S . . . . 207 Main EVERYBODY'S . . . 119 Main WILSON BROS. . . . 118 Main b u r i a l c/ Virginia Lewi*. £ The Following Nyssa D EPARTM ENT STORES Will Remain Open Unlil 8 P.M. For Christmas Shoppers Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - tained for members of their Mr. and Mrs. Pinochle cluo Saturday eve­ ning last. Three tables were in play. Prizes were won by Kenneth Price and June Hartley, and Mrs. Kenneth Price and Dudley Kurtz, low. ! The program, presented under the direction of Mr.- Kenneth Saur.der> 'r.riuQt-d capture reading. Mrs. Le­ tt y 5ev.u d; a Christmas tory, Miss M trie Coate and group singing Car­ ols. Pollyannas for the past year were M ission a ry G r o u p s revealed and Christina- gifts were exchanged. H a v e C h ristm a s P a rty Refreshments were served to forty- Members of the Golden H^ur ar the Jackson Missionary societies of guests. the Nazarene church held their an­ nual Christmas party Tuesday eve­ H a m iltons E n tertain ning at the home of Mrs. Don Reitz. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton enter- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cruson ar.;l family were dinner gue-ts Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Updegraff a Gayway corners. *_* I D in n er G u e sts ¡ f r i t t e s Carole Wilson, Editor G u ests A t T ea P h on e 2233 The Rev. and Mrs. Carl Gross and son were guests for tea Thursday afternoon at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Jack on. G a rd e n C lu b C h ristm a s P a rty Veterans Hall Scene Of JC-Jaycee-ette Christmas Party Members of the Ny a Jaycee- .u-.d Members of the A. N K. garden club met for their Christmas party Jayeee-ettes held their Christmas at the home of Mr.-. Don Engstrom party and dance Saturday evening Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Tom Nishu at the Veterans hall. The evening tani, assistant hostess, had made was spent dancing, and singing several Christmas arrangements Christmas Carols, with special num. which were placed about the home. bers, accompanied by Mrs. George During the brief business meeting, Cobern. A buffet supper was served the group voted to send $5 to the at eleven o ’clock. The hall was decorated with Roseburg hospital as a Christmas gift. The women will also send in- j traditional red and green rope, tin­ sel, balloons, icicles and a Christmas dividual gifts to ether places. tree. Centerpieces for the table\ An impressive Candlighting ser­ were candles and minature trees and vice was held, as is traditional in Santas. all federated garden clubs, entitled Door prizes were won by Mr and “ Every Candle, A Prayer for Peace” . Mrs. Lauren Wright, Dr. and Mr Taking part in the ceremony were E W. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mrs. Bud Wilson, Mrs. Frank Mor­ Nicholsen. Each couple was present­ gan, Mrs. Edward Boydell, and Mrs. ed with a "bag” o f gifts, donated Tom Nishitani. They were assisted from businessmen in Nyssa. by Lois Wilson and Garnet Ritchie, Special guests were Mr. and Mr violin duet and Vela Dee PoulsenJ Clyde Snider, honorary members of Janice Williams and Ellen Hunter, the organizations. vocal trio. Mrs. George Oxnam and Augie Mrs. Enstrom was surprised with Giraud are presidents o f the organi­ a pink and blue shower. A Christmas i zations. gift exchange was held among the .j._ members. During the afternoon, appropriate J a n e ll H a n e y R eig n s games were played. Mrs. Nishitani. O v e r L o lly p o p L a n d Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Clyde Snider Janell Haney reigned as queen of were winners. “ Lollypop Land” at the Nyssa First The next meeting will be a covered ward Gold and Green ball Thursday dish luncheon at the home o f Mrs. evening. Miss Haney was crowned Ray Wilson in Parma, Tuesday by her father. Burton Haney, during January 12. the floor show and presented with a gift from Bishop Charles Mann. The S u n d a y D in n e r G u ests throne, made o f lifesavers and giant Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb were lollypops, was featured on the stage dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and with a gum tree, a gingerbread Mrs. W. L. Chapin. house and a candy cane lane. The P A G E N IN & hall was decorated with brown elves and lollypops. Diane L< w. daughter of Mr. and Mr- W W. Low. wa.' crown bearer. Following the coronation o f the queen, a program was presented with Vern Moncur, master of cere­ monies, announcing the numbers: reading, "In Lollypop Land” , Mrs. Carl Burningham; “ Dance o f the Gum Drops,” M;a Maids and Ex­ plorers; vocal duet, “On the Good Ship Lollypop", Mrs. W. W. Low and Mrs. Phillip Woodard and "Candy Dance". Beehive girls. Others taking part on the program were Paul Wynn and Ersal Beus. Mr. Haney and Janell were fea­ tured in the Queens dance. Music •was furnished by Don Moss and his orchestra. Members o f the Mutual presidency, who had charge of the decorations were Mrs. Charles Mann, Mrs. Carl Burningham. Mrs. Marvin Jeffries, Vern Moncur, Doug Bateman. Er­ nest Bunn and Bishopric representa­ tive, Mr. and Mrs. Ersal Beus. E x e c u tiv e s M eet An executive meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was arid Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. H. O. Hopkins. During the bu-i- ness meeting, plans were discus ed for the coffee and homemade donut sale to be held Saturday at the Po­ well Service Station. LOCAL NEWS Mrs.