Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, October 22, 1953, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Big Bend
Miss Helen Hat* h
Phone Parma 1-F21
rian- Joseph foe; ball game and visit
then- parents. Mr and Mr* Ed Near­
ton and Burt. They all returned to
their home Sunday afternoon.
A family dinner was enjoyed at
the Harvey Hatch home Sunday.
Those present were. Mr and Mrs.
Henry Hatch. Merle. Gene ar.d Dean
of Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stone
of Gaston. Oreg.^ Mr and Mr- R ob­
ert Weir and Mary. Mr and Mr
Ralph Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fer­
guson and Evelyn of Apple Valley.
« T a n d M r T 't a '‘p o t e T o ? RoTveli
and Howard Hatch o f Adrian Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Davis and Stevie
called in the late afternoon,
M r_ Mary Brumbaoh entertained
B<K)lc clu b wiUl a 1:W desert
Iuncheon at her home Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson,
Mrs. Betty Samer, Mrs. Esther Ben.
nett, Mrs. Ida Packwood. Mrs. Henry
Edens, Mrs. Irma Hopkins, Mr
Goldie Roberts, Mias Mary Weir
Miss Helen Hatch and Chas. Witty
attended the grade school P.T.A. in
Adrian Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark spent
Saturday evening at the home of his
sister, Mr. and Mrs Harvey Hatch.
Mr». Jack Jones Maryann and
Victor visited her daughter. Mrs.
Homer Diderickson and family in f
Mrv Hilda Tensen c f Nyssa gave
Newell Heights Sunday.
Mrs Myrtle Schaffer and daugh­ the book review. "The Lady of Arl­
ter, Creta, of Nampa, were dinner ington.” a biography of Mrs. Robert
E Lee. There were eight membess
guests at the Chas Reno home last
and four guests, Mr». Sim
Tuning, Mrs. Raymond Price. Mrs,
Darrell Englhh dug his late pota­
Francis French and Mrs. Frank
toes la:t Saturday and several of hi>
neighbors laid in their winter sup­ Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E Perk o f Bci.-e
Big Bend friends attending the were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
Jimmy Fitzsimmons funeral in Pay­ and Mrs. Frank Miller
Harvey Hatch attended the funer­
ette, Thursday were Mr. and Mr-
Zeb Wilson. Mr and Mr-. L.i vrence al in Caldwell Friday alterno, n for
Miller, Mrs. John Adams, Mrs. Kath­ Mrs. Joe Cumming, who was ac­
ryn Rolland, Illen and Mary Lou cidently killed in a car accident
Molt. Mr». Angte Chaney, Mrs. Ger- | last Sunday evening,
tie Jcne- and Mary Ellen, Mrs Mvr-
Stone and Harvey H itch at-
tle Jones. Mary Ann and Victor, and '«^ded the funeral for Ellis M c-
Mr Maude King. The pall-bearers freigh t Thursday afternoon in Par-
were picked from the class who ma-
graduated from Lhe eighth grade
urith Jimmy.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reno were
surprised one night last week when
the D.A.V. of Parma came in and
Modern Pioneer Club
gave them a hou-e warming. There
Dial 2135
were 13 adults and four children.
They pre.-ented them with a lovely-
bathroom set. After a plea-ant even.
Mr. and Mrs. Rube Graham and
ing of visiting they enjoyed cake end Mrs Ella Graham of Buhl -were din-
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smith
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herrington Monday.
Walter Abbmt Oct. 12. at the Cald-
Deer hunting from Friday tuitil
well Memorial hospital. Mother and Sunday around Drewsey turned out
son came home Wednesday. The a little disappointing for only two
baby ha- been named Leonard Ches- *<t deer. In the hunting party were
Gordon and Dallas Montgomery.
A birthday party was held at the Stanley. Carl Lee and David Hill,
Lester Molt home for Darrill R ol- Delbert Stephens, C. B. Hill and
land. Those attending were Victor Harmon Da ugh ter y.
Jones, Chas. Douglas, Dianne and i Mrs. Roy Hirais’ mother. Mrs.
(Robin Strong and David Rolland Matsusaka from Seattle is visiting
at the Hirai home.
and Eldon Molt.
Mr. and Mrs. Hirai and family
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Strong and
family were Sunday dinner guests spent Saturday evening at St. Hu­
at the home of his brother, Mr. and berts church carnival in Nyssa
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leedy were
Mrs. David Strong in New Plymouth.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Molt and El­ week end guests of Mr. and Mrs
don visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Warden. They were supper
C. A Molt in Ontario and his sister. guests of Verna Costley and family j
Mrs. Lem Davis and family a week Sunday evening. Mrs. Lydia was also !
a supper guest.
ago Sunday.
An extension meeting was held at |
Mr. and Mrs. John Auker and
Kathrine, Mr. and Mrs Harvey Ben­ the home of Mrs Dudley Kurtz
nett, Leroy Bennett and Dwayne, Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Stan- [
Floyd Woods, Boyce Vande Water ley Hill acting as co-hostess. The
returned home Sunday evening from demonstration -was “ Accessories for I
a week end hunting trip near Jun- for your clothe*.” given by Mrs.
tura. Each one brought home his Edna Mae Wimsatt of Ontario.
Thirteen members attended with six
Mrs. Agna Keller of Wilder is visitors. Coffee and cake were served
visiting at the home of her son, Mr. at the close of the meeting.
Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Price and
and Mr Leo Keller and family.
Mr. and Mrs Herb Thoma- visited Rodney called at the Dudley Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wyman in Oregon home Sunday evening.
Slope Saturday.
Friday evening callers at the Dale
Mrs. Herb Thomas attended the Glenn home were Mr. and Mrs
Pinochle club i»rty at the home of Claude Smith o f Owyhee Junction
Mrs. Agnas Ashcraft in Kingman The Smiths have just returned from
Kolony Friday afternoon.
Quincy, Wa-h., where work ha» been
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thoms» were completed on the Bob Riee home.
Sunday dinner gue ts at the home
Word has been received by the
of her brother. Mr and Mrs. Jack Kurtzs that Mr. and Mrs David
Raney in Parma
Highland of Coos Hay are the par-
Joe King returned home Friday ents of a girl born Thursday,
evening from Unity where he met! Several residents of this own-
his son, Lewis on a hunting trip, munity attended the PTA meeting j
Lewis returned to Portland Monday Thursday evening Rev Moore was a
with his deer. Joe remained a few guest speaker. The men's quartet
days and visited his brother.
from the Presbyterian church in
Mr. and Mrs. Byran Ruddell of Adrian
furnished entertainment.
Independence, Ore., are visiting at Refreshments were served at the |
the home of her brother, Mr. and j close of the meeting. The PTA would
Mrs. Joe King.
; like it to be known that there is |
Miss Sheryl Reuter of Adrian story hour entertainment for the
spent the week vnd with Mary Ann younger children during the meet-
Stradley at th* Walter Stradley ing.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kurts and
Mr-. Lydia Vande Water atcom - Manon Fox attended a family dlh-
panied Mrs Alta Oraham of Parma ner at the William Gohley home in
to Portland and Corvallis Friday. Parma Sunday.
They will visit Mrs. Graham V
Dale Glenn purchased a new
daughter, Mrs. Pauline Wood at Chevrolet pickup last week
Corvallis and visit Mrs. Vande | The lames McGinnis carpenter
Water's sister. Mrs. Ben Powell, at crew are starting work on the L C.
Lacomb, Ore.
McDermott home sometime this
Mr and Mrs. Herb Thomas a t - 1 week,
tended Kingman Kolony grange in
Mr. and Mrs Claude Smith called j
Adrian Monday night. New officers at the Hugh Glenn heme Sunday
were elected for the following year, evening.
Mr and Mrs Case Muntjewtrff
Mrs. Gene Pratt has been called
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George to Vale this week to serve jury duty.
Eifers to Nyssa and Ontario Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff called
Mrs Muntjewerff stopped in N » s a at the Dudley Kurtz home Friday
and visited an old friend. Mrs. E M. evening.
Hart The rest going on to Ontario
Mrs. John Koopman and daugh-
_n business and where Mrs. Eifers tew, Jo Ann and Bonnie of Ontario
Ls taking treatments.
visited Mrs. Luit Siam Thursday
Mr and Mrs. Joe Stone of Gaston, afternoon.
are visiting at the home o f
Mrs. M. L. Kurtz left Tuesday
her brother, Mr and Mrs. Ralph night for Portland and Coos Bay
lt and sister, Mrs. Myrtle Hatch where she plans to spend some time
with her family.
and family.
Mr "and Mrs. John Thompson,
Mrs. Jesse Rigney of Nyssa, and
Mr? Goldie R ob erts and Miss Helen Mrs. Dudlin Hammon attended an
. . tch attended the football game executive board meeting o f the Mai- j
Friday afternoon in Adrian when heur County PTA last Tuesday at
the seventh and eight graders play- the home o f Mrs. Fred Heston in
«1 Homed ale. The score was 12-» in Ontario
favor of Adrian.
Those from this community who
Mr and Mrs. John Thompson. I made the honor roll at the Adrian
Alice and Jimmy attended a family high school were Avanell Finn, Kaye
dinner at the home of her parents, Hammon. Yrancine Peterson. Adele
Mr and Mrs. Frank Dickerson in Hammon, Margret Butler and Alan
Parma Sunday in honor of his nep- Fahrenbruck.
hew Mr and Mrs. Earl Dickerson of
Nancy Hill spent the week end
Indianapolis Ind , who were on their with her aunt. Mrs. Jim Stephens.
wTv to California.
' Mr. atnd Mrs. Dick Krtfch. Karla
Mr* Mary Thompson, Mrs. GeftS« | and Steve sjrtrt Tuesday evening
Jones and Mrs. Ruby English »? - and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas
tended a Federated Aid meeting spent Friday evening at the Rube
las* Wednesday at the home o f Mrs Orahams.
John Steele on the Orchard Tract.
star and Middleton Garden Clubs
Mr and Mrs. Ted Newton and son, were entertained Thursday by Mrs.
Eddie of Joseph accompanied Mr M L. Judd. Thirty eight m a tte rs
and Mr- Henry Hatch and family and special guests were in attend-
heme Friday evening to see * * Ad- ance to view the chrysanthemums. 1
Newell Heights
This Newspaper Today Announces a
New Subscription CampaignJ
In Which it W ill Give a
• Prize of M0-°° in Cash
$10.00 IN CASH
Just for securing the most points on NEW sub-
criptions during the next FOUIt DAYS OF THE
The X eir Trite o f $10 in Cask
will be given to the candidate securing the most
points for turning in NEW subscriptions between
Saturday morning of this week, and Wednesday-
night of next week.
(See schedule o f points beloic.)
New suDscriptions secured and turned in be­
tween this Saturday morning and 9 o’clock the
same Saturday night, yill count points toward the
NEW $10.00 in CASH prize as follows:
10 Points per Year
New subscriptions turned in between Monday
morning and Wednesday night, will count points
toward the NEW $10 in CASH prize as follows:
E v e r y Wed nesday an d
every Saturday are RE­
PORT DAYS and each and
every candidate is expect­
ed to turn in at least two
subscriptions on each Wed­
nesday and each Saturday.
Every candidate is POSI­
turn in all subscriptions he
or she has on each Wed­
nesday and each Saturday.
This is the rule of the cam­
paign and it will he strictly
adhered to. Candidates liv­
ing outside the city limits
may send their Saturday
reports in Monday’s mail
and their Wednesday re­
porta in Thursday’s mail
and they will count the
same as though they were
in the campaign office by
9 o’clock on the report
9 Points per Year
Note that you will receive more points for NEW
subscriptions turned in by 9 o’clock Saturday-
All Start on an Equal Basis
<iwranteea Ifrerg Act ice
Non-Prize Winner!
There will 1»« one prtor btryck Hud fo c i
for each five active candidates in this campaign. No lew tlwn
four prize bicycle» will be given to any number of candidate» to
a* or under and then omc additional bicycle will be added fer
each five active caadidate». R rgtrd lr* of the number of candi­
dates m that campaign, each active candidate ii guaranteed a
W a d arw lata model bicycle pt a liberal cm h commission.
Semd er BHm$ lit Yomr Nomination Nowi
$10.00 IN CASH
The management is highly appreciative of the
wonderful interest the boya and girls of this com
munity have displayed in the subscription cam­
To show some of our appreciation— and to make
a candidate’s active participation in this campaign
more than ever a worthwhile endeavor—a new cam­
paign with a prize of $10 IN CASH is announced
Details of this new prize offer will be found
on this page and in the Page 1 story— read both
thoroughly, and if any feature is not entirely clear
to you, ask the Campaign Manager for details.
Evrrytx>dy will be paid for
work done in (hit new $ 1 0 Cash
Pripr campaign as all NF.W sub­
scription» turned in during tht
time CM the NF.W $ 1 0 cani|*.yrii
will count votes toward the or­
iginal cash comrnMioiN and
bievekt prizes. In thr origin.d
prize campaign ouly as many
itandid.itrs will be al)r>wrd tu
ke active at there are prizes or
cash Commiltions and <a> h a c ­
tive candidate will irerive a bi­
cycle or a eqSBBi
in the New $10.00 Campaign
'A New Brize Campaign
Only as many candidates
will be allowed to be active
in this campaign as there
are prizes. The highest of
these active candidates will
receive the prize bicycles.
The remaining active can­
didates will be paid a cash
commission equal to 15 per
cent of every dollar he or
she turns in for subscrip­
A N EW sabaorlgtian
count teward the N SW prize
ef $10 must be from CCmtCPn«
who Is pot now taking this
newspaper. It mutt add on«
ham« to our hat.
Changing t h e subscriber's
name from one member of a
fam ily to another does N O T
Constitute a nrw subscription.
Can you think of any betrtr
way to get yourself an cjtcrp-
tionally fine present than by
winning one o f the bicycles or
cash rommiaiions to be given in
this subscription cam paign? On
top of this opportunity this
newspaper is now making n new
offer which will enable you to
win a prize of $ 1 0 in cash.
The cam paign office
open each evening until 8
o ’clock and until 9 o'clock on
W ednesdays and Saturdays.
W e do this for your conven­
ience at we want to give you
every possible aid in maWr.g
your cam paign a big success.
Call on the Campaign Man­
ager for any inform ation or
assistance yo+i with.
o °o
Don't be discouiisgrd by a
slow star*— keep tryin g ; determ­
ination and perseverance cannot
W h a t new subscriptions
any candidate may have se ­
cured before this time have
absolutely no bearing on the
new prize of $10 in CASH.
Only the new Subscriptions
secure«! and turned in during
the A working days «Sorting
Saturday morning will count
for the new prize.
T e n dollars In cash— here is
your opportunity to win a cash
prier in addition to yetir regu­
lar prize. Here it is! Go after it.
Be sure to keep careful check
on all promises given you and
call I tack for thr subscriptions
at the appointed time.
Don’t be discouraged by an
occasional “ off day” . Just
keep trying— you will never
regret it In the end.
All prize winners will be
announced and ell prizes mill
be awarded by the Judges
when they make the final
count of votes on the closing
night of the cam paign.
With ttie announremeytt ae
today’s paper o f the new $ 1 A
CASH prize campaign, candi­
dates will Had that bring in the
campaign is now more than
ever an honor and worth while
In the event ef a tie In the
NEW $10 cam paign each ty­
ing candidate will be given a
prize of $10 in casfc.
’ $
(Copyright Ittki by J. D. Stack)
S< ie
Ti ìe
202 Main, Nyssa
•---- »
It is the sincere aim of this newspaper to conduct tuts cam ­
paign on a strictly fair and businesslike basis from start to
finish. However, not all wisdom lies with any one man or in­
stitution, so a committee of Judges has fceen selected from
which two or more will be chosen to count the votes the last
flight o f the campaign.
On Display in the
Windows of O
417 Main, Nyssa
__________________ j
For Further Information. Call on, Telephone,
or Write Campaign Manager
These citizens are well known in this section and the final
results as given out by them will be beyond di ptfQv la ttye event
any near relative o f any member o f the Advisory Board should
enter r this campaign, it
automatically eliminate that mem-
ber from Aeing chosen to shake the final count o f the votes.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ^
Office Open
Evening from 7 Until 8:00 q
Phone 2233, 109 Main Street, Nyssa
This Camf&rign
9 o'clock Saturday Night, November 7, 1953