THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1953 Big Bend Miss Helen Hat* h Phone Parma 1-F21 rian- Joseph foe; ball game and visit then- parents. Mr and Mr* Ed Near­ ton and Burt. They all returned to their home Sunday afternoon. A family dinner was enjoyed at the Harvey Hatch home Sunday. Those present were. Mr and Mrs. Henry Hatch. Merle. Gene ar.d Dean of Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stone of Gaston. Oreg.^ Mr and Mr- R ob­ ert Weir and Mary. Mr and Mr Ralph Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fer­ guson and Evelyn of Apple Valley. « T a n d M r T 't a '‘p o t e T o ? RoTveli and Howard Hatch o f Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis and Stevie called in the late afternoon, M r_ Mary Brumbaoh entertained ^ B neighbors laid in their winter sup­ Miller. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Perk o f Bci.-e ply. Big Bend friends attending the were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Jimmy Fitzsimmons funeral in Pay­ and Mrs. Frank Miller Harvey Hatch attended the funer­ ette, Thursday were Mr. and Mr- Zeb Wilson. Mr and Mr-. L.i vrence al in Caldwell Friday alterno, n for Miller, Mrs. John Adams, Mrs. Kath­ Mrs. Joe Cumming, who was ac­ ryn Rolland, Illen and Mary Lou cidently killed in a car accident Molt. Mr». Angte Chaney, Mrs. Ger- | last Sunday evening, tie Jcne- and Mary Ellen, Mrs Mvr- ^ Stone and Harvey H itch at- tle Jones. Mary Ann and Victor, and '«^ded the funeral for Ellis M c- Mr Maude King. The pall-bearers freigh t Thursday afternoon in Par- were picked from the class who ma- graduated from Lhe eighth grade urith Jimmy. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reno were surprised one night last week when the D.A.V. of Parma came in and Modern Pioneer Club gave them a hou-e warming. There Dial 2135 were 13 adults and four children. They pre.-ented them with a lovely- bathroom set. After a plea-ant even. Mr. and Mrs. Rube Graham and ing of visiting they enjoyed cake end Mrs Ella Graham of Buhl -were din- coffee. ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Smith A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herrington Monday. Walter Abbmt Oct. 12. at the Cald- Deer hunting from Friday tuitil well Memorial hospital. Mother and Sunday around Drewsey turned out son came home Wednesday. The a little disappointing for only two baby ha- been named Leonard Ches- *dy will be paid for work done in (hit new $ 1 0 Cash Pripr campaign as all NF.W sub­ scription» turned in during tht time CM the NF.W $ 1 0 cani|*.yrii will count votes toward the or­ iginal cash comrnMioiN and bievekt prizes. In thr origin.d prize campaign ouly as many itandid.itrs will be al)r>wrd tu ke active at there are prizes or cash Commiltions and h a c ­ tive candidate will irerive a bi­ cycle or a eqSBBi OO in the New $10.00 Campaign ONE PRIZE BICYCLE FOR EACH 5 CANDIDATES 'A New Brize Campaign Only as many candidates will be allowed to be active in this campaign as there are prizes. The highest of these active candidates will receive the prize bicycles. The remaining active can­ didates will be paid a cash commission equal to 15 per cent of every dollar he or she turns in for subscrip­ tions. r to A N EW sabaorlgtian count teward the N SW prize ef $10 must be from CCmtCPn« who Is pot now taking this newspaper. It mutt add on« ham« to our hat. Changing t h e subscriber's name from one member of a fam ily to another does N O T Constitute a nrw subscription. Can you think of any betrtr way to get yourself an cjtcrp- tionally fine present than by winning one o f the bicycles or cash rommiaiions to be given in this subscription cam paign? On top of this opportunity this newspaper is now making n new offer which will enable you to win a prize of $ 1 0 in cash. The cam paign office it open each evening until 8 o ’clock and until 9 o'clock on W ednesdays and Saturdays. W e do this for your conven­ ience at we want to give you every possible aid in maWr.g your cam paign a big success. Call on the Campaign Man­ ager for any inform ation or assistance yo+i with. o o °o O o o o o o Don't be discouiisgrd by a slow star*— keep tryin g ; determ­ ination and perseverance cannot lose. W h a t new subscriptions any candidate may have se ­ cured before this time have absolutely no bearing on the new prize of $10 in CASH. Only the new Subscriptions secure«! and turned in during the A working days «Sorting Saturday morning will count for the new prize. T e n dollars In cash— here is your opportunity to win a cash prier in addition to yetir regu­ lar prize. Here it is! Go after it. Be sure to keep careful check on all promises given you and call I tack for thr subscriptions at the appointed time. Don’t be discouraged by an occasional “ off day” . Just keep trying— you will never regret it In the end. All prize winners will be announced and ell prizes mill be awarded by the Judges when they make the final count of votes on the closing night of the cam paign. With ttie announremeytt ae today’s paper o f the new $ 1 A CASH prize campaign, candi­ dates will Had that bring in the campaign is now more than ever an honor and worth while thing. In the event ef a tie In the NEW $10 cam paign each ty­ ing candidate will be given a prize of $10 in casfc. O ’ $ (Copyright Ittki by J. D. Stack) S< ie Ti ìe EDER HARDWARE CO. 202 Main, Nyssa ♦ •---- » Pirize ADVISORY BOARD OF JUDGES <*) It is the sincere aim of this newspaper to conduct tuts cam ­ paign on a strictly fair and businesslike basis from start to finish. However, not all wisdom lies with any one man or in­ stitution, so a committee of Judges has fceen selected from which two or more will be chosen to count the votes the last flight o f the campaign. HAROLD BKk#J)I.E JAKE FISCHER Bicycles