Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1953)
40 o • THZ NYSSA GATT CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OBEGON, THURSDAY OCTOBER 9, 1953 PAGE SEVEN -O O Conner, manager of 25 V « are Ago Oct. 7. 1927 called "D otuii " It is about all that variety of book.-» with better com J‘>e Shirts of Ontario killed a huge a and Ontario elevators. happen- when Diana .»Men ,,ts to prehension and fuller appreciation." mountain lynx near the Lackey I« * e L n 1 « t o ty n p r * retaliate against her hu band. Ar F r i m the J o u r a a l lik e s thur »in his fortiesi. when he is UM Weiser Mill, re ranch. He encountered it while driv ft M lllm e ‘mention ing from Ontario • The Krnest and attracted to eighteen-year-old Ann- i YrOJ>t A|u O*». §. 1*47 Livestock sho* at Portland Several bo * i ti > .rrent best sell able. l * * N o .« high Powell families returned from a At the regular meeting of the Ny - I I » e a r * A g o ( V I 8. 1942 hunting trip to Stein's mountain er lists headline the new book.' at ool wa Iftd Tue>dfty for a two- Eric Williams presents an absorb- so Civic club, Mr> G erm Sam told Unless someone is nominated by ■ '■ the Malheur County Library that * :• I to pwait totoM to country with a 240 pound buck ai of conditions in Holland as observed petition. Herschel Thompson, city fields.----- Bob The Idaho Power C this week con will be ready for circulation on Sat totopa and of the fruat of on her recent trip there -with Mr. councilman, will be unopposed for Brown. Martha Brown, Phyllis nected up the new Higtiy and the urday. October 11. camp life experienced by British o f Stam — Della Shuster will re-open the office of mayor in the Nov. 3 Schtreman and Margaret Sarazin Henshaw residences for lights.----- II. Thomas E Dewey's "Journey to ficers held during World War II in the Gingham Inn. Oct. 21----- The J Smith of Nampa has purchased the Far Pacific” is .» readable com a German prison camp His book is election. He was nominated at a found a number of artieles stolen state of Oregon will be represented ( several weeks ago from the high the Cozy Cafe and expects to open mentary of conditions in the Far "The Tunnel." at the national F.F.A. livestock judg caucus held in the city hall Monday- school buried in a straw stack at the it's doors next Wednesday. East where the author traveled un- "The Art of Book Reading" by ing contest at Kansas City Oct 19 night----- ‘Pvt. L. B Kindling, son of western edge if the city when they 30 Years Ago Oct. 13. 1922 officiall) in 1951 He went to Japan. Stella Center is .according to its in to 24 by Francis Thiel of Adrian. Mr and Mr.> W. F Findling, Nyssa. went for straw to use in decorating The Nyssa Commercial club start Korea, Formosa. Indo-China. Mo-1 troduction. "addrev'ed to men and Norvelle Robbins. Nyssa. and B.,1 has notified his parents that he is *or a barn dance Among articles ed a movement to establish a gym laya, and the Philippines ln the women who can read. . . but who Tolphe, of Banks', as a result of the.r "seeing quite a bit of Australia” found were a typewriter, phono nasium for the benefit of the young course of his Journey are interested in reading a greater high scores In judging at the P. I where he is stationed with the U. S. graph. records, two clarinets and a people It was decided to use a part A novel with an Eastern setting fire extinguisher.----- Billy Hamilton of the Commercial club room for is Pearl Buck’s "The Hidden Flow athletic sports and to help finance of Adrian has been declared one of er" which begins in Japan where the winners of the eastern Oregon the project, it was decided to hold • American-born Josui and Lieuten division in a better farming contest big community supper and bazaSr — ant Allen Kennedy meet and fall in sponsored by Kiwanis clubs of Ore About 150 gathered in the basement love. of the Presbyterian church to wel gon among F.F.A. Lydia Kirk in Moscow with h«T come the new pastor. Rev. J. J. 15 Years Ago Oct. 7, 1937 ambassador husband. Admiral Alan Dr J. J. Sarazin announced im Fleming and family.----- John Boston O Kirk m 1949-1951, and now writes mediate construction of a modern reported sowing 180 pounds of mil her observations of social life and clinic to be erected on Main street. let seed iwioh some alfalfa mixed* to customs there ln her book called Dr. Gerold G. Van Der Vlugt of San a 10 acre tract, from which he had "Postmarked Moscow.” harvested a crop of gain, and got 40 Francisco will be an associate of An English novelist, using the Dr. Sarazin.----- Frank T. Morgan bushels to the a cre----- J. Boydell is and Dr. Sarazin were appointed building a new garage on his resl- name Henry Green, writes in dia logue form a satire on London life delegates to the National Reclama- dence Property on Third street, tion association conference to be held at Casper, Wyo, They were se lected by the Owyhee Irrigatio/i district board at a meeting Tuesday n ight-----Plans for a new city hall j were approved at a joint meeting of From Nyssa j the city council and planning board. ------H Loy of Loy's Lodge in Port- EASTBOUND | land purchased eight lots east of the 4:15 A M. Ç-f 9:15 A M. 12:10 P.M. 9:00 P M. railroad track for the site of an up- WESTBOUND • to-dat« modern auto court.----- The *6:35 P.M. 9:30 P.M. 5:50 A.M. 1 :5 « P . M Malheur Home Telephone company Every fall we're "stampeded" by folks ri Local to Boise— Daily except Sunday« and Nutional Holidays today cut over' all phones in Nyssa ‘ Local to Weiser—Daily except Sundays and Nati«>nal Holidays who want their cars winter-serviced as soon as to the new schedule automatic tele the first cold day comes. Why not bring phones, doing away with the use of Mrs. Maria Thomas. Agent Nyssa. Oregon Phone 132 220 Main St. Phone 217 a crank to call central----- Orders your car in NOW, before cold weather strikes . j have been received to transfer ap get complete service without delay . . . be all proximately 80 of the men from Co. set for trouble-free winter driving! j 926, COC. Nyssa to Baer, Ore.----- | The Nyssa Chamber of Commerce £ n A T IO N A L M A IN OFFICE > EAST PO R T LA N D B R A N C H ' H A W T H O R N E BO U LEVARD B R A N C H was host to officials of the Amalga Prestone, 6 qts. $5.62 mated Sugar Co. at a pheasant din Flush radiator 1.75 ner in celebration of the announce BRANCH 1 K LA M A T H FALLS B R A N C H , SO UTH SIX T H STREET B R A N C H ¿ IN D U ST R IA L B R A N C H Inspect hose clamps ment of the starting of the erection and lighter— labor 1.00 | of a sugar factory ln Nyssa. j* HOLLY W O O D -R O S E CITY B R A N C H SIX T H A N D M O R R IS O N B R A N C H ¿U P T O W N BRANCH ; 20 Y'ears Ago Oct. 13, 1932 Total $8.37 Franklin Fry, farmer of Nyssa, BRANCH £ N A T IO N A L EUGENE, WEST EUGENE B R A N C H , SPRINGFIELD B R A N C H £ N A T IO N A L cropped one of the best yields of Grimm alfalfa seed ever reported in From NOW until Oct. 20 we ¿ P O R T O RFO RD B R A N C H j A STO R IA I CC I SOUTHEAST PO RTLAN D B R A N C H J n ATIO Malheur county when he harvested will flush radiator and 138 bushels from seven acres. Oerrit BRANCH UNION AND RUSSELL B R A N C H £ n a t i o n a l COTTAGE G RO V E inspect hose clamps and Stam reported best red clover yield. ----- At the stroke of midnight Wed -2.75 lighter FREE BANK SHERMAN COUNTY B R A N C H ¿B E N D BRANCH nesday, water trickled from the Shea Inlet half of Tunnel No. 5 on Your Cost $5.62 SEASIDE B A N K ] THE DALLES B R A N C H B A N K ¿ N A T IO N A L the Owyhee project into the 2V4 miles of Magoffin tunnel, marking the first milestone in the construc COQUILLE B R A N C H £ ASHLAND BRAN CH ( tion of one of the most difficult pieces of tunnel work encountered NYSSA B R A N C H B A N K | CARLTON by engineers in America. ------Phin Warren, owner of Nyssa Flour Mill, TILLAMOOK B R A N C H J ¿C E N T R A L PO IN T B R A N C H reports he has sold close to 1,000 Nyssa Phone 11 sacks of Health Cereal, a Nyssa mill i ¿ H IL L S B O R O B R A N C H breakfast food. M ORELAND-SELLWOOD B A N K Army t.»e N Days Gona By in Nyssa Community Best Sellers At County Library ATTENTION W I N T E R I Z E Your Cooling System NOW -AND SAVE- Seed Growers We Are Equipped lo Process Your Alialfa and Clover Seed. If You Plan lo Place Your Seed Under Government Support Let Us Clean It For You. TRAILWAYS D E P A R T U R E S Dessert Seed Co. THOMPSON OIL CO. t B A N K ¿ Y A M H IL L B A N K BRANCH WHY d o th e p ro fit-m in d e d o u t-o f-sta te g r o c e r y ch ain sto re a n d the a llie d A ffilia te d M ilk C o m m itte e try to m a k o y o u b e lie v e th a t the su b stitu te m ilk in itia £ LIVESTOCK-KENTON B R A N C H £ N A T IO N A L ¿M O N R O E B A N K ' O N T A R IO B A N K tiv e w ill protect O r e g o n ’s D a iry F a rm e rs a n d y o u r 1 MERRILL B R A N C H s t e a d y m ilk su p p ly . . . WHEN THE TRUTH IS : M o r e lh a n 8 0 % o f O r e g o n ’s D a ir y F a rm e rs (w h o r e a lly k n o w th e m ilk b u sin e ss) o p p o s e th e tric k y su b stitu te in itiative . They a r e f ig h t in g It w ith e v e r y h a r d -e a r n e d d o lla r th e y can sp a re , be cau se th e y k n o w It could th re a te n y o u r st e a d y s u p p ly o f rich, w h o le so m e m ilk. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Portland B R A N C H ¿H E P P N E R SEPTEMBER 30, 1952 ¿ N A T IO N A L LEB A N O N M e m be r Fe d eral Deposit Insurance Corporation RESOURCES J C O O S BAY BRAN CH BRANCH C ash In vault ond In Federal Reserve Bonk $ 04,191,172.91 Due from Banks ..................................... 46,BQ9,7B9.92 Total C a s h ................................... £ ENTERPRISE United States G overnm ent O b lig a tio n *, -M Direct and Fully G u a ra n te e d ................. State, County and M unicipal Bonds and W a rra n t. ............................................. O ther Bonds ond Securities ....................... Stock in Federol Reserve B a n k .................... Loans and Discounts .................................. Accrued Interest Receivable ....................... Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures and S a fe Deposit V a u lts................................. O ther Real Estate ow ned (Branch locations purchased for future b o nk prem ises) . . . . Customers' Liability on Accounts oF letters o f Credit, Acceptances o n d Endorsed Bills. O ther Resources ........................................ | G R E SH A M B R A N C H H A N S LEUTHOLD, T illa m o o k d a ir y fa r m e r, s a y s : ¿S IL V E R T O N B A N K " T h . milk consumer in O re go n, os well a i our many sm all d a iry farmers, should be seriously concerned over the offempt of an out-of-stale grocery chain to pass a substitute milk control initiative prom oted by them lo serve their own selfish interests. Y O U ore not protected under their initiative. O re g o n 's $70,000.000 da iry industry, so vitally im portant to our state agriculture economy, is not protected, either. Your present supply of rich, sanitary, wholesome milk at present fair prices, ond our obility to better our herds and sanitary equipm ent, IS P R O TECTED under our present FAIR low. let's keep itl" | U N IO N B R A N C H £A LB A N Y BRANCH | c o r v a l l is b a n k , P h il o m a t h b . BRANCH JM ED FO RD ¿ L A GRANDE BRANCH f N EW BERG B R A N C H ] PENDLETON B R AN C H TRUTH ABOUT YOUR PRESEHT M ILK C0HTR0L LAW ! IT DOES ASSURE YO U and your family a steady supply of rich, wholesome milk at uniform, low prices the year 'round. sanitation and purity by giving dairy farmer» a stable market and so a chance to maintain better herds and keep modernized the high-priced equipment needed. appointed one-man dictator as colled for under the out-of-stote promoted initiative. At present, a 7-man Board of Agriculture fairly administer» th# G O O D Oregon Milk Control Law to your be»t interest». Vote 333 X M edv { O R E G O N ! rrwaety sm a ll dairy far mare. pv 0 , ^ « " * * i k P -e d « e « s C m £ G O L D BEACH B R A N C H £ SALEM B R AN C H P C O N D O N BRANCH ¿ N A T I O N A L PRINEVILLE ¿ F O S S IL B R AN C H ¿ H O O D RIVER B R A N C h J 'S T A Y T O N B ANCi V O T I W IT H THO SE W H O K N O W THE M IL K IN D U S T R Y ... V o te 3 3 3 X NO I » ‘H m , »<•« Cku«<k, te< » * * • ' . * * » C v W • **« .. tertteed », O '— . * 6 ,1 9 7 ,2 0 1 .1 4 2 5A 0 3 » 90 1 ,512,69 0.5 8 5 7 6 ,6 0 0 4 3 $ 6 2 0 ,1 0 9 .2 1 5 .7 5 C a p ita l .................................... T . . ......... * Surplus .................................................... U nd ivided Pro fits................ .................... Totol C a p ital fund * 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.000 .0 00 0 0 5,462,110.70 .................... f 4 3 ,4 4 2 ,1 1 0 70 Reserve for possible loan losses. This reserve is to a p p ly against a n y loan losses that m ay develop In the Future; It has not been allocated to a n y particular loans o r type of loan. .................................................... 2,312,494.31 «to«. JUSStSl Liability for Letters of Credit and a t Acceptor Endorser or M a k e r o f Acceptances and Foreign Bill. ......................................... Interest Received in A d v a n c e ....................... Reserve for Interest, Taxes, Etc.................... O ther liabilities .................................. « 'a . see « . t o « 162,947.95 TO TAL LIA BILIT IES............................ ¿ N A T I O N A L FOREST G R O V E SC IO BAN. $ 0 3 0 ,1 0 4 ,2 1 5 .7 » FIRST N A T IO N A L B A N K G R O U P Tompotjfe totals for the First N ational tan k Group: The Firsf National ta n k o f to rtla n d ond its 4 0 statewide offices ond 13 offilioted bo nki with I t banking offices. DEPOSITS The First N ational Bonk o f Portland o n d 4 » O ffic e s...........- T f 575 ,4 7 5 ,1 2 7 .3 7 18 other O re g o n Banking O ffices In the First National G ro u p _ t 1 37,041 ,6 0 4 .5 4 ' $ 712 .21 7,510.91 In to re p e a lin g o u r F A IR M IL K L A W •that h a t w o r k e d to w e ll fo r 19 y e a r*. PROTECT f M O N T A V IL L A 45 .4 3 4 .4 6 2 .2 7 4,157,454.21 1,050,00 0.0 0 2 0 3 ,3 1 5 ,1 1 5 .3 5 1 , l7 l,B 6 S .t l LIABILITIES ¿ O R E G O N CITY B R A N C H ¿ O A K R ID G E BRANCH IT DOES PREVENT YOUR rniik supply from fo'ling under control of a politically Y o u r » to a d y m ilk su p p ly a t FA IR PRICES. BRANCH B R A N C H £ W O O D B U R N IJ l A K E V IE W B R AN C H IT DOES AFFECT YOUR D O N ’T BE T R IC K E D £ m OLALLA B R A N C H ¿ N O R T H BEND B R AN C H $12 1 ,0 0 0 ,9 6 2 .0 4 124 ,45 0,502.02 TO TAL R E S O U R C E S ...................... ¿ G R A N T S P A SS B R A N C H jS W E E T H O M E S A N K HERE IS THE ^ 6 6 B A N K IN G O F F IC E S IN O R EG O N L O A N S A N 0 D IS C O U N T S ....... The First N otional Bonk o f Portland and 4 » O ffic e s ............... - , » 303 .31 1 ,1 3 1 .2 2 I S other O re g o n Banking O ffice s In the First Nationol G r o u p , v 5 0 .451 ,0 00.43 $ 3 5 4 ,7 6 0 ,7 3 0 .2 0 TOTAL RESOURCES ’ „ ________ _ The First N ational lo n k o f Portland ond 4 » Offices IB other O re g o n Banking O ffice s In the First Notional - ' G ro u p . T O T A L R t S O U R C IS ef the 6 4 B A M K IN Q O FFICE» In the 1 FIRST N A T IO N A L B A N K O R O U P ................................ ! » 6 3 0 .1 0 4 ,2 1 5 .7 5 *4 1 ,0 9 3 ,3 4 7 .10 $ 7 7 0 ,30 1.543.I f < rv FIRST NATIONAL and its 48 B AN K OF P O R T LA N D statowiJz banking offices and IS affiliated bankt with 18 offices Meixker FeSeiel Intrnexce Ceieeieliee e O