Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9, 1953 Classified Advertising RATS: Two <*nU per word for each Issue Advance, it juc For S a le Minimum, ca.*h in For Sale FOR SALE—Lilies, choice day lilies EOR SALE—Nice 24 foot Phinex and perennials. Phone 094-J2 trailer house. Inquire at Roy Pounds 39-2t. 122 En.mison or at the Gate City Cleaners. 31-tf. FOR SALE—Used Hotpoint electric range—like new. Only $135—terms, t FOR SALE—Creto. the guaranteed Idea'. Gas & Appliance. 38-tf. j waterproof paint. Creto waterproof concrete, brick, cement, stucco, plas Beautiful used uprignt home freezer ter. motar and terrazzo. Water and yours for only $195. easy pay- l proofs by application and perman ments. Ez Carr Appliances. 39-lt. i ently waterproofs walls and floors, inside or outside, wet or dry, new or FOR SALE -Bendix ironer. almost old, painted or unpainted. Nyssa new. Phone 032-R4. 39-2t. Lumber Company. 20 stic ------------- ------------------------------------ Electric 40 gal waiter heater. Guar FOR SALE—Box wood $8 per truck anteed. Looks like new. Easy pay load delivered promptly. Phone ments and only ------ only $59 Easy 1042-W Ontario. Will Fleming 711 Ez Carr Appliances. 39-lt. N W. 3rd St. 36-5tp. FOR SALE—Large used oil furnace *" 1 M " will heat the whole house $50 Used washing machine at $10. ABC or Universal. Wilson Bros. Dept. Store 39-2t FOR SALE OR TRADE -Prefer Vale property, 107 Euis Ave. one six-room. FOR SALE—Oil furnace for 4-room 1 three-room house. 2 two-room house W. W. Foster. Comer of 9th cabins, cellar, price all $7000. Terms. and Bower. 39-lt. | Mrs. Date Pamprien Vale. Oregon. 23-tf. Wringer washer special. New washer worth $135. Last year model. Save FOR SALE OR TRADE—1941 Chev. $50 and get it for*easy payment plan T h truck 3-speed heavy duty, Ez Carr Appliances. 39-lt. Brownhte transmission, in good con dition throughout. Will trade for h FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall or 3 4 T pick-up of equal value. paper, complete selection. Firestone Keith Tallman, 6 miles south of Ad- store. 21Ftfc. rain on the Homedale highway. 39-3t New Hotpoint refrigerator special IT " ~ ~ ~ " ‘ For Sale or Trade $24995 regular, close out price of Heal Estate For S ale $195. Save $50. Easy E Z. Terms. __ ________________________________ 39-lt.] FOR SALE—10 acres. 3 miles south east of Nyssa in Apple Valley. 5 acres FOR SALE — Stromberg upright I pasture, 5 acres new seeding alfalfa. grand piano; coal heating stove; 2 4 room house. New barn 28x50, grain- beds with springs and good cotton ery and brooder house. All kinds of mattresses; davenport and chair; fruit. Lots of shade and nice lawn. stand of bees. Charles Harris. 4 miles Phone Parma 173-L2. 37-3tp. southwest of Adrian. 29-tf. I 2—used chests of drawers $7.00 each.' 80 acres—one 40 all in one piece, E. Z. Ez Carr Appliances. 39-lt. nice row crop ground—rest is in hay, pasture, grain. Loafing sheds, etc. New 3-bedroom house, stoker HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT For your own protection, buy heat, 2 bathroom's. This is one of state-inspected meat. Buy a quart the best large farm buys in this er half or whole beef, pork or mut area. Total price $50,000, terms. 140 acres—Ontario Heights, hay ton.. See us at plant, 1 mile north on highway, then 1/4 mile west on and pasture, $ 21 , 000 . Columbia avenue, Nyssa, Oregon, Grain and Feed Mill, no com phone 395 W or 31-M. 14dtfc petition. Doing good business. Building and equipment $8500 cash Sewing machine for rent. $5.00 per 2 bedroom house in Nyssa, nice month. Make a dozen dresses and yard, large garage best section near save money. Easy Ez. 39-lt. school. $9500. terms. FOR SALE—Oil rings for oil heater; stove grates and walls for coal heat ers and ranges. Quick service. Nyssa Furniture Co. Phone 149-W. 37-tf. "See" ISERI FOR S\LE—-1 gas range, like new, price $100. Phone 043-J2. 39-2t. FOR SALE—Sewing machines, Pfaff and Universal, new and used. Fire stone store. 21 Ftfc. Phone 139 ONTARIO, OREGON Bill Martin Is Now Associated With Us. 38-2t. FOR SALE—Rifles, shotguns, am munition, lay-away vour choice now. Firestone store, Nyssa. 32-tf. PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians Lodges SARAZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K. E. Kerby ' g a t e c i t y l o d g e No. 214 I. O. O. F. Meets Every Monday Night, 8:30 South First Street Physicians and Surgeon» Dentists L. A. MAULDING, M. D. DR. C. M. TYLER Physician and Surgeon Phone 37 Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Daily Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 WILSON BUILDING Phone 165-J, Nyssa Office Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Phone 56-J Sarazin Clinic C. J. KOPP. M. D. Physician and Surgeon FRY BUILDING Office Hours 10 to 12; and 2 to 5 Daily Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 Jew elry Stores NYSSA DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dental Clinic 7th anW Bower Phone 393-W Chiropractor EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. 101 East 1st St. Phone 259 Electro-Therapy _________ Nyssa, Oregon PAULUS JEWELRY STORE Physiotherapy Union Pacific Time Inspector JEWELRY — DIAMOND 8 WATCHES Main Street at Second Veterinarians 1 DR. B. E ROSS Veterinarian WYCKOFF JEWELRY STORE Official Time Inspector for Union Pacific ONT A RIO OREOON Optometrists DR. J. A. McFALL DR. JOHN EASLY j Dr. Marvin M. Prentic» Veterinary Surgeon Large and Small Animals | 21$ W. Park Ph- 23« New Plymouth, Idaho DR. VERNON WARD Veterinarian Lae«* or Small Animal* ■•medal*. Idaho Phone 21, Ontario, Orefwt I 7 M Phone 2971 • oe > a s .-i e * r ir.d pr d ,.d MEL BECK REAL ESTATE Farm s For Sale For Rent Farm M achinery Livestock Sale Help W anted 1:30 p.m., Saturday .October 11 S everal feeder steers will be on sa le in addition to the usual stock UNION LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. M iscellaneous POLIO KEN P O N D “ “ » « ™ Phone KEN POND E C. E. Leseberg Farm Produce FARM LOANS Veterinary Supplies Small and Large Animals Office Hours * A. M. to 8 P. M. Phone Nyssa 202-W 407 Main St. . M iscellaneous FARMS 0 ___________ ______________,________ V t 25 acres, paid 90 acres good row crop and stock room modern \ eral out MI S C I! LEA NOUS Wall-Sat :. *,1Q »* ‘ “ ‘ d Oct ;ber set up. located on the highway. 2 build.:.. jv $ "10 Here comas ct k»r A w« r.aoe rub - 4*000 f ARMS bedr.xwn modern home $J 6 ¿00 $15 - per year her.zed finish fot ir f r walls and * * t e of U pub . • N vem- •0 ' RES p 000 down 1 cite ip w « i trta 200 acres. 110 acre 1» '’ lie s ! i , i. deep rich soil Some 80 acres stock and row crop ranch, water. 2 bedroom h. u •covers mo.-t surfa*e* .n o*,# uni- R ^ ‘ '‘ r.kaemjier IM < r> » c: >p lan i Modern dairy barn. $17000. $8.500 down form oORl td n • e • of Ira ment. $ 21 . 000 . * 11 .one own. d -a lter well, small home 40 acres. 20 acres lays perfect, no •dl i O R r. d e e : e q -» Scott, dfeea-ed. HOMI x Own th:- for S18 0U0. >.• down. laane. $5 000. easy term* Build your- , m hour Harold Henl * New 2 bedn >m m rn home. 29 DOWN >elf a home ower looking Uie majes- •twelve hansome color* all ready ministrator King Avenue. $3.500 , 1 - L . atn.1 1 nuie o ff oil highway, j tic Snake river to use. " 2 bedroom modern li me. $ 1 . 200 . Nyssa Lumber Co. Lovely home, and good set of farm | 80 acres good row crop and stock ll-tf. NOTH f TO ( REDITOKS buiKi.n. At* ut tialf suitable to i ranch, close to highway, good 2 bed- $500 down. $40 per month. 4 . In- In the County Court of the St*tn of Scripture Verse It is a fearful ching farming Balance good room modern home. $31.500, $15.000 tere.*t Oregon for thr County of Malheur to fall into the hands of the kving rolling farm land. $37.000, 20 down. __________ Attractive, pract :iew 2 bod In the Matter of 'he Estate of Ood. Hebrews 10 31 If vie confess down, balance $ 2.000 per year, plus 80 acres good stock deal. 15 cow poo,,, modern "himie. ies. $7.3 50. our sins He iChristi is faithful and William Van Eerden. deceased. 5‘ c interest. dairy barn, good 2 bedroom modern $1,000 down. $50 per month. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. just to forgive our sin* and cleanse home, furnace. $26.000 $15.000 down IDEAL POTATO LAND Large modern home :n Nyssa, Ore., a* from all unrighteousness I John That the undersigned. Bertram B 160 acres. 140 acres irrigated and 181 acre*. 2 homes. Been in hay for will trade for a small modern home 1:9. Study your Bible 39-lt Lienkaemper. has been appointed lays perfect, good deep soil, small in Caldwell. Nampa, or Boise. years. $50.000, h down. administrator of the estate of Will home, some out buildings, $40,000. MILK CHECKS HERE iam Van Serden, deceased, by the BUSINESS OPI'OKTl NITIES HILL LANE $ 20.000 down. County Court of Malheur County, This 40 has a good 5 room home, Your opportunity to buy a busi 80 acre ranch, 40 acres in hay and AUCTIONEER Oregon, and has qualified as such. good dairy barn, and is in a good pasture for years, part of it plowed ness building in Nyssa. netting 10'1 . Farm anil Livestock Sales NOW. THEREEX >RE, all persons KUDU Not R big deal, but a now, ready for row cropping. 3 bed Small grocery store, .veil located, Phone 169 Nyssa, Ore. having claims against the estate of good one $12.600, some terms. doing good business. $3.000 down. room modern home, furnace, hard William Van Eerden. deceased, are CROPS INCLUDED Farm Sale Dates 2 -bedroom basement home, corner wood floors, basement. $30.600. $11,- location: 200 - f,. street tixntage by 37-tf. hereby notified and required to pre 160 acres, old water right, good 000 down. sent the same, with proper vouch crop* and tractor equipment goes. 160 acres under Old Owyhee pro 136 ft Shingle roof Also large l - 1 ------------------ ers, duly varified, within six i 6 > $60,000. h down. ject, good row crop land. 2 sets room home Price $1 > hi . $500 down COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready months from the date of this Notice, $25 ino., or will tak< $1 o 00 to build your driveway, parking are*. 83 ACRE STOCK FARM buildings, terms 2 bedroom modern h. me; furnace, school yard, feed lot. lounging or to the undersigned, Bertram B Lien- Good place to run beef or dairy 80 acres, new 2 bedroom modern i der trading implement shed. Only pugiuill as- kaemper, as the laiV office of Har ORttle, paid-up water right for 90 home, 40 acres irrigated, $9,500, full basement Will 500 down $900 per year woVTh for property in Omar. P r ice $11.000. PhalUc concrete mix in this area. old Henigson at Nyssa, Oregon, R«n v . can't beat this lor $4 » C .D O U U O W ll, ix r i — . ______ ...w i « « l in m r jn lw H iv .ii-lr n which place the undersigned selects Low cost, guaranteed work, free esti $500 down $13,500 Easy terms. the money. mate Budget plan. Rt 2. Box 250A as his place of business in all mat 4 acres, highway location, 2 bed- FOR RENT l-bedreom modern 78 ACRES GOOD HOME 13-ti. ters connected with said estate. house. One 2-bedroom modern apt i or phone 196-R, Ontario. 71 acre* of good farm land here. room modern home. $7.500 Bertram B Lienkaemper Oood home and buildings. Yours Administrator of the Estate of DUPLICATE car and cylinder lock for $14,000, $4000 down. j keys made. Henneman’s 25otfc William Van Eerden, deceased Dated and first published October 60 IN BLACK CANYON 9, 1952 Listings wanted on stock and row c r o p r a n c h e s . 30 acres, good 4-room home, soft Legal Advertising INSURANCE Last publication November 6 , 1952. well water Priced below appraisal LOAN’ S NOTICE NYSSA. OREGON — I’ HONE 200 at $7500. $350J down. NOTICE OF SEASONAL U S. DEPARTMENT OF THE IN WELL LOCATED SMALL FARM DETERMINATIONS TERIOR. Bureau of Land Manage 26 good acres, 6 -room modern Notice is hereby given that each of ment. Land Office, Swan Island home, good set of outbuildings. I Portland 18. Oregon. September 9, the employers listed below has been Buildings alone are almost worth ----------------------------------------------------— 1952. Notice is herebv given that on determined to be a seasonal employ the total price of $12.500. FOR SALE -80 acres land. 3 miles FOR RENT 3-room house. Inquire , August 27, 1951, Martin Joyce, Jun- er, within the meaning of Section ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE Outdoor living, garden, chickens, S.W. of Nyssa. Gerrit Stani. 39-2tp. at Miner's Barber shop or call 154-M turn, Oregon, filed application Ore- 126-707 O.C.L.A. Any interested W -tf. ! gon 03138 under section h of the party may request a hearing before cow, pony for tne kids—all this FOR SALE—Stock ranch. 320 acres, Taylor Grazing Act as amended, to the Commission within ten days af can be yours on one of our acre 84 acre water right. 20 head Taylor RENT Furnished apartment select the E 1» sec. 14. all sec. 13. and ter the date of last publication of ages. Grocery bills go way down, | Grazing A right, fenced. 10 miles FOR with bath, light and heat furnished. the N'n sec. 24, T. 20 S.. R. 40 E.. this notice. The “off-season” of each too! Here are a few of our many 32-tf. W. M., Oregon, 1,280 acres, in ex seasonal employer is as stated be west of Vale. 4-room home and other Phone 63-J. listings: out buildings. Lots of pasture. Price change for the S '- sec. 36, T. 22 S., low; $26.000. $7000 down, balance 8 equal FOR RENT -Modern 3 room furn- R 37 E . kits 3 and 4. E 1 M W 1,. SE h . Amalgamated Sugar Co., 3-1-53 New modern home, 1 acre $12,600. payments. Plus interest. Owner, ished apartment Close in. Call S'vN E h , S E h N W h sec. 19, W '-i- through 9-5-53. Modern 2-bedroom home, 32-tf. S W ', sec. 20. lets 1. 2 and 3. EVtWtfc, Oregon Unemployment Compen 10 acres ____ $11,500 Frank Turner. Rt. I, Box 103, Vale 127-W. 37-4tp. |-------- W 'jN E k , N E '.N E 1,, NW hSEh sec. sation Commission. 3 rooms, 3 2 acres $1500 | Ore. _________________________ FOR RENT 1-bedro ill house, fur- 30. T. 20 S„ R 39 E„ W. M , Oregon. Dated and first published this 9th 5 room.-, modern, 2 acres $ 7 0 » j p q r SALE—One acre, 3‘ i miles out. n.„ ,. heat \ V* V. O l d. I day of October, 1952. 6 rooms, modern, 13 acres, $12,000. | 5 _room brick house, outbuildings, 513 n . 6 th. 39-2tp. 1,281.25 acres. This notice is for the Date of last publication 23rd day purpose of allowing all persons hav LISTINGS WANTED j fruit trees, extra good soil. Cash ing bona fide objections to the pro of October, 1952. We have lots of prospetes for good price $4000. Nyssa Insurance Agency. FOR RENT 2 or 3 bedroom home, posed exchange an opportunity to farms and homes. List yours witn , Ralph O. Lawrence, agent, Nyssa, May be partly furnished. Hot and 1 Oregon. cold running water and shower. file their objections in this office to STATEMENT REQUIRED BY THE us and prepare to move. ------------------------ ----------------------------- Charles Harris, 4 miles south we t 1 f gether with evidence that a copy ACT OF AUOUST 24. 1912 AS 29- tf, i thereof has been served on the ap- AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF HOMES Adrian. HOMES FOR SALE , pJicant, within 30 days from date of MARCH 3. 1933, AND JULY 2, 1946 ENJOY COUNTRY LIFE— Special — Modern 2-bedroom — 1 FOR SALE—Nearly new 2 bedroom APARTMENT For rent, heat and first publication. Frances A. Patton, (Title 39, United States Code, Sec acre $ 6 , 000 . house; full basement, garage, nice Water furnished, $37.50. Phone 112 Manager. tion 233) SHOWING THE OWNER First publication Sept. 25, 1952. yard, paved street. Close In, $11.500, or 74-R. 18-tf. ENJOY THIS HOME! SHIP. MANAGENMENT. AND CIR Last publication Oct. 16, 1952. Near school and store, quiet street torrns' CULATION OF The Nyssa Gate City Why buy a piano win 11 you can rent w.'Uh little traific, wall-to-wall Journal published weekly at Nyssa, 3 rooms full basement, pressure one ___________ from g z enrr. S e c Ez Carr for all carpet, shiny hardwood floors, .. 2 water system. Three 50x138 ft. lots, ^inds of pianos. Oregon for October, 1952. NOTIC E OF FINAL COUNT 39-lt. bedroom- with closets, large liv- on ly $2500. $500 down. $25 per m o . _____ In the County Court of the State of 1. The name and address of the ing room and kitchen, utility room j 4 rooms and bath, part basement, f o r RENT Paint spray gun. Fire- Oregon for the County of Malheur publisher, editor, managing editor, with laundry trays, all plastered I Nice big yard, plenty of shades for , stone store. 21Ftfc. 111 the Matter of the Estate or Ira and business manager is: Publisher walls, awnings, Venetian blinds, oil ' on]y $5500. Terms to fit your pocket. — Duane R. Alters, Nyssa, Oregon. Scott, deceased. furnace, many other desirable j w e have several good pieces of ! FOR RENT Large 3 bedroom, part- 2 The owners are: Duane R. Alters, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that feature* Lawns front and back, | property for Investments. Both busi- ! ly furnished apartment. 305 Oood j the undersigned, B. B Lienkaemper, Nyssa, Oregon; Geo. L. Whorton, good garage. $9250, F. H. A. terms' s ness and residential. All paying good ] Ave. or phone 22-W 31-tf. in the Matter of the Estate of Ira I Payette, Idaho. ROOM A-PLENTY— 3 The known bondholders, mort Scott, deceased, has filed his Final rurnlshed 4 room house with four more retUmS‘ FOR RENT |P O R RS\N gagees, and other security holders Account as said administrator in 30ntfc rooms in basement. Modern ten FOR RENT—Two 3-room semi mod- cabln- Chadwick camp, the County Court of Malheur Coun owning or holding 1 percent or more ant house, always rented. Extra lot ern houses. 391t We know a fellow who gets up at ty. Oregon, and that said Court has of total amount of bonds, mortgages, BERNARD EASTMAN with this. $7960. dawn to see the sun rise:-------- He appointed Wednesday, November 12, or other securities are: Klass V. Real Estate couldn't pick a better time. Eazy 1952, at 10:00 o ’clock in the forenoon Powell, Nyssa, Oregon. MOVING TO CALDWELL? Insurance 2 bedroom home on Hillcrest 1 Phone 64 5. The average number of copies Ez. 39-lt. of said day for the hearing of ob drive. $7,150, $1,800 down, $42 per] jections to said Final Account and of each issue of this publication sold I FOR RENT — New Clarke R-inCh the settlement thereof. month. or distributed, through the mails or ] floor sanders and 6 -inch edger. NOW, THEREFORE, all persons otherwise, to paid subscribers during A BRAND NEW DREAM HOME ] i Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. interested in the estate of Ira Scott. 1 the 12 months preceding the date On beautiful acreage, close In, SALE: One 36-B John Deere | deceased, are notified and required shown above was 1,627. long time financing. Total price, FOR sidehill combine, brand new. 1 6 > i-,POR R E N T -T w o furnished apart- to appear at the County Court Room (Signed) Duane R. Alters only $12,600. Foot cut. To sell at sacrifice Write ' ments- Pllo«e Brownie's cafe. 3mtfc in the Court House at Vale, Malheur Sworn to and subscribed before me PICTURE OF THE YEAR H W H , c o The McCammon News, County, Oregon, at said time, to this 6 th day of October. 1952. Your wife and children In their McCammon, Idaho. * 39-2t. ] W a n te d then and there show cause, if any Harold Henigson own yard. This is a lovely two- there be, why said Account should ' My commission expires Sept 3, 1955 bedroom home with automatic FOR SALE WANTED -Laic ensilage cutting. L. heating $7350, very easy terms. 1 — 1947 Kiest 2-row Lifter Loader E. in Robbins. Phone 018-J5. 39-2L A HOME FOR $1500 very good condition $760. Comfortable 2 room home. Beats 2 — 1947 or 1948 Kiest 2-row Lifter WANTED—Highest prices pakl for paying rent. Easy terms, or will slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, Loaders $650. discount for cash. phone 306, Ontario. Across from 1—Jtohn Deere beet loader $175. Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc 1—Used Olson beater $375. VETERANS SPECIAL 2 -bedroom modern home, nearly l_ 2 -ro w Parma lifter windrower in good condition $460 new. $6300, $1800 down, easy 1—Horn draulic manure loader $250. ____________________________________ monthly payments. 3-BEDROOM ECONOMY HOME 'Parrna I Man Wanter to service 800 family Ferguson tractor, in good shape route with nationally advertised Mr. Working-man, here is a spacl- $175 ous, comfortable home for your Watkins Products. Better than aver- family, nearly new and well lo 1-1944 Oliver 80 tractor with motor j ft(?e earnlngg If you have (.ar and cated. $8300, easy terms. rebuilt 1350. , , ¡can devote 40 hours weekly, write J. Beaters and parts for Kiest-flail.s R Watlcins Co 137 Dext,er Ave., BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN INCOME FOR LIFE ^ ' ' ‘ lUANSEN'S SHOP ¡ S' att1' »' * » * * * > » " Apartment houses provide sure Vale, Oregon WANTED Lubrication man for per- and steady incomes lor thousands I’ hone 2273 1 manent Job. Experience necessary. of owners. We have several good 3®-3t. Roberts-Nyssa, Inc. 39-lt. ones. OPPORTUNITIES UNLIMITED Country g e n e r a l merchandise JOHN DEERE. 2-row, flatbed pota- WANTED—Man to work in ware- 39-lt. house Dessert Seed Co. store, nets $40 per day, building, to digger. Phone 018-J3. Ontario. 25-tf stock, equipment all goes for $22,500, 4k down. Also will Include _ n ■ modern two-bedroom home for only $4000 more. FOR SALE—Registered Duroc and Hampshire swine. Aged sows, boars. Phone 218 Open gilts, spring boars. Weaner 16 North 3rd. 1 Mile North of Nyssa on 3rd St. New—BETTER T H A N E V E R --------------------- ----------------------------- pigs. Unrelated males, females Spec- FUK SALB ial price to 4-H and FFA boys. 200 Policy covers CANCER, as well as many other dread diseases. Costs About 2 acres, fair house, barn,: 10 P' ° 39 chicken house, pasture. 4 '1 miles 3 miles south Frultland.______ M-tt. only $12 per year for whole family. from Nyssa $3650. FOR SALE— Milk cows, Ouerr,seys, 80 acre stock farm, 53 irrigated, H0l>telns and Jerseys, milkers and 16 North 3rd. Phone 218 * xxl modern home. $18,000. Will take gpruigers. C. Clyde Smith, phone home in Nyssa as part payment. 306 . Ontario, Oregon, across from HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEAT 2 bed room, modern, 2 lots, trees Ontario sale yard. 2mtfc State Inspected. One mile north, and lawn. $3,700, $1,000 down, $ 3 5 ___________________________________ 1/4 mile west of Nyssa on Columbia per month. FOR SALE—Holstein calves, bulls ave. Custom slaughtering, cutting, 2 bedroom, modern, near city park, and heifers Bill Orasmlck. 1 ml. No wrapping, curing and rendering $4,600, terms. Parma Nyssa Junction. 34-tf. Hogs, cattle, sheep received any Oood basement house on 50x150 ------------------------------------------------------ day. Also we consign hogs, cattle ft. lot. East side location. $1,500. and sheep for farmers to Portland $500 down, east side, nice fenced market. Free cooling and free de yard and trees. $1.800. FOR HALE—Jonathan apples ‘v livery within five miles of plant. 31-M , mile west and 4 miles north of the Phone 395-W; if no answer, 3mtfc Apple Valley school. Charles Burris. BOB THOMPSON AGENCY 39-3tp. Phone 97 MISCELLANEOUS- Do you need Easy Ez Sez: money to remodel your home or to FOR SALE A man ow.s It to himself to be- build outbuilding: or garage? We Two-bedroom modern home, ex- Mme successful After that he can arrange a loan for you and give cellent condition, perfect heating owes ^ th« bureau of Internal reve- you up to three years to pay It. system, good location ___ Buy a good piano and sing Nyssa Lumber Co. nue. _____ 23atfc Two bedrooms new, completely blues away, 39-lt. modern, good location, $8000, F.H.A. Now Is the time to gravel your lanes, 1 l.l , terms. feed yards and road ways. Phone Three acres, excellent land, on 136-W. 37-tf. hiehway, new business building. Septic tanka FOR RENT — Furnished basement m i s c e l l a n e o u s Hon. Apt Stunz duplex. 38-tf and cesspooLs cleaned Phone Ray mond Hild. 164 W4, Parma, or^ 24. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY 17-tf. Ralph G_ Lawrence, Agent POR RENT—Attractive. furnished Parma Hardware. 105 Main St. Phone house belonging to Dr. John Long, will be available for five months Gate City Journal Yes, I believe in clubs for w om en- Call 248-W 38-tf Provided kindness fails. Easy Ez Classified Ads. Ose Journal Classified Ads Livestock For S ale OREGON _ To Buy Or Sell See M el BEST BUYS PAGE ELEVEN Has A Late Model D-8 Cal and 17-yd Scraper Available Now For Land Leveling - Sub-soiling f For Rent CONTACT GLENN HOFFMAN Phone 067-R1