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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1953)
THE N YSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 13. 1953 Apple Valley Phone 2-27S9, Ptrnu Mr*. Woodrow Wilson Mr and Mrs Frank Plagman, Mr and Mrs, Raymond Arnold and .son Darwin, and Rodney Smith picnic ked in the Nampa park Sunday They also visited Mr and Mrs. Ever ett Houseman and family in Nampa Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Kaye, visited her brother and wife Mr and Mrs. John R Wallace in Hailey, several days last week They also visited cousins there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boston took Betty Boston to Boise Sunday even ing. She is going to work there. Mrs. Ken Robinson spent a couple o f days in the Nyssa hospital last week, where she underwent minor surgery. Mrs. Lulu Burkes of Stratton, Neb cousin of Mrs. Everett Collins, and Wesley Jones and daughter of Cam- bridge visited at the Everett Collins home Saturday. Mrs. .Ann Butcher o f Lewiston is visiting at the home o f her son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. C. A But cher. Visiting at the Vincent Parrel home is her mother. Mrs. Carrie Dav> and M: Fa rell's brother Portland The Wagner .'armly spent •ind family, Mr ar.d Mr- Truman an enj >>able Sunday evenmg s*im - Q»vis and children. , ,11 of Lincoln, mir.g a; Oivens Hot Spring» Neb A pink and blue shower was held Jim Lanes r.ephe* and family, at Arlene Dios- July 30. honoring M: ai.a Mrs George Lindsay and Mr» Janet Botner Refreshments children of Springfield, Ore., visited were served to 30 guests and many Sunday and Monday with Mr. Lane 1 vely gifts were rece.ved Mrs Alex and Mr and Mrs. C L Fritts. Wagner and Lenna Mae Lewis as Rev and Mrs Winston Ketchum sisted the hostess. and family of Sparks, Nev., visited Mr and Mr» Joe Atkins and fam with the Kenneth Saunders family ily of Walla Walla. Wash spent the last week. The two women are sis week-end at the Ted Dick home. ters. Mrs. Saunders’ parents, Mr Mr and Mrs Severt Fox and Mr and Mrs J A Kello*8 of Ogallah. and Mrs. DeLoyd Schimmels spent Kas visited over “ the week-end *" “ with **w Sunday picnicking at Karney Lakes. the Saunders family. Mr and Mrs Ken Robinson and Williard Stephens o f Portland, family spent Sunday in Boise visit nephew of Mrs, Reed, spent the ! ing her cousin. Ray Burch, and one week-end visiting at the Jack Reed of her girl friends. Mrs. Webb Be- home. He is attending the coach’s toumey. Mrs. Elizabeth Wallace and Jim- at Boise this week and will coach football and track at Portland m> Wallace of California have been high school the next term. Jack visiting relatives in the Apple Valley Reed and Robert returned Sunday community and Cow Hollow com- from a business trip to Washington, munity on the Oregon side, during Th e C. C. Melvedt family of Boise the past week Mrs Wallace is a Jonteci in a family reunion Sunday sister-in-law of Mrs. Woodrow W il- at the Jack Reed home. son and Mrs. Martha Norland They Rev. and Mrs. John Niccums and ; /LSltted Grand Canyon and the family spent part of last week at Carlsbad Caverns in Arizona before Black Lake coming here They plan to make The Alex Wagners have been ' <heir home iri Hawaii for the next keeping their nephew for the past g ® “ two weeks while his parents were 1 u 1 scnooi mere on vacation at Payette Lakes and Nu Acres News Farmerettes Club fi c5 Smarl "B ack-to-School" DRESS — SKIRTS — BLOUSES For the girl lo 14 yrs. CORDS — SLACKS — SUITS For the boy lo 8 yrs. Sunsuits — Shorts — Swimsuits 75c to 2.95 Summer Dresses 1.49 to 4.95 W W W T T wy The Stork Shop Phone 3020 14 No. 3rd a. a- a A A A A i i A l l i l l i A i l . Sure, it’« hot now! What « ! » catiewe expect this month! It won't last—we ll guarantee that! Then, after awhile it’ll be COLD... very COLD' And you’ll want a Spark oil burnt »g h rs ttr —sa/a, sure, economical cure lot COLD. Beautiful new porcelain enamel. Why not think ahead—buy ahead! If you buy a Spark this month you will save SI0.00! As your Spark dealer, we will reduce the regular price you would pay by that much in appreciation of your buy ing early. And $10.00 is $10.00! So, visit us— your Spark oil heater dealer- now and be sure of winter comfort, summer saving! THIS OFFER EXPIRES Al’C l’ST 31. 1953 NYSSA FURNITURE CO. I Block W m I Dopot Dial 6633 The last sewing meeting of the Do-Moore 4-H club was held at Diane Tabbot's Thursday afternoon. The girls spent their time finishing projects and working on records. Mr. and Mrs. Z Davidson of Par ma visited with Mr. and Mrs. George 3mit Wednesday. Mr and Mrs George Pulsipher and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomson and Bob attended the L. D. S page ant. ’ ’Through the Ages” in Weiser Friday evening. The former Curtis Wood, her son and her parents of Parma visited at the J. J. Montague home Friday afternoon. Bob Thomson was host to an M - Y F party at his home Sunday eve- ning. Mr and Mrs. Frank Nedbalek are ! now operating the Anderson’s Cor- ned Grocery. At the regular Do-More fun night Tuesday the 4-H leaders announced that all record books must be turn- ed in at the regular meeting Aug. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Montague ! and Claudia of El Paso, Tex. visited at the J. J. Montague home Satur- i day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Albertson of St. joe, Mo. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles McTurry and son o f Lath- rom, Mo. visited at the M. C. Sewell home last week. LOCAL NEWS >lr. and Mr*. Ralph Hughes of Denver spent the weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Paul House Mr and Mrs. Grant Rinehart and family. Mr and Mrs. Dick Ten»en and family and Mr. and Mrs Finley Shuster and family spent the week end at Payette Lakes Mr. and Mr». H O. Hopkins and Mr and Mrs. Rolland Laurance and family spent last week end at P a y ette Lakes Mr. and Mrs. Jed l,ewi» »pent the weekend tn Twin Falls with then- daughter and son-tn-law, Mr. and Mrs Larry Christensen. Mr and Mrs. E. A. Liming and Mark returned Sunday evening a l ter spending a few days at Cascade, Ida . visiting Mr Limlng’s sister, Mrs. J L. Whitson and family Mr. and Airs. Bill Hadley of llay- Ward. C a lif, spent Sunday visiting at the home o f Mr and Mrs. Jim Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith »pent Friday night In Nampa visiting Mr and Mrs. Louie Smith Mr. and Airs. Clarence Mull and son o f Jordan Valley .»pent the week end with Mr and Mrs L G. Smith Mrs. Alao Vanscoy of Payette spent last week at the home of her daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Art Servoss. Wesley and Charles Walker re turned Tuesday after visiting the past 10 days in Delta, Colo., with W B Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Rill Carpenter spent Sunday at the Tom Eldndge home. Raymond Larson and liiek Tensen , attended a wedding of a fraternity brother at Hermiston last Friday Mrs. F.lla Smith is in Ontario this week visiting her sister, Lucille Johnston. Debra, Jerry and Bobby Taylor of Ontario visited la.»t week at the home of their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith John Weeks of Jordan Valley spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs T S. Week.» Air. a n d Airs. R ussell Y in s o n h a lrr and son o f Tracy. Calif., visited Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Vinsonhaler. The Vin- »onhalers are cousins. Airs. Ersel Beus attended M. I. A. i at Owyhee Wednesday evening. ;yir an(j Airs. Richard Alason and family and Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey were in Vale Wednesday night visit- home of Mr and Mrs. Le Roy Barton Air*. C. R Kesler Sallv and Kar- ma M ri v L K esler. Larry and Qariee vvere in Boise Monday. Bobby Pond and George Cuttlers returned Saturday after spending a week at the Christian youth camp there. Air. and Airs. Harold Robbins, Air. ... — — _ . and ^ rs . , ' d J * yr , l ' tended the Caldwell rodeo Thursday urday Taf t e ^ s p e n^\ng tfir ee 'd a y s *1 n » ' ’. and Mrs. Ken Pond and fam- the Nyssa hospital for a hernia op- eration Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson | spent the week end in Caldwell where they attended the rodeo. Bar bara returned home with them Sun day, after having spent a week visit ing her aunt. Mrs. Floyd Ames. Mrs. Bernice Carlson and family and Joe Hurtle o f Nyssa spent Sun day afternoon at the J. J. Montague home. Miss Berdie Long spent Wednes day night and Thursday with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Anderson. Joy Collins spent Saturday night and Sunday with Donna Nedbalek. ¡¡^ T a flS m p a K Sunday. 42 latives were present. Air. and Airs. Have Stohr of Pay ette spent Monday evening at the C. N. Neely home. Mrs. Robert Jackson will be director for the Idaho-Oregon dist rict girls camp at McCall this week. About 10 Nyssa girls will attend. Arvel Child and William Reus re turned Wednesday night after spend ing two days in Moses Lake, Wash ington, on business. Mrs. Erscl Reus and Olive and Mrs. Paul Winn and Ann were in Boise Saturday. Mr. and Airs. Le Roy Barton and Brent of Vale visited Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chandler, Mrs Dorothy Bibbey and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mason. Alice Denner of Portland is here visiting Broshia Case at the Ed Case home. Airs. Frank Olson of North Platte, Nebr. is visiting in Nyssa at the home o f Mrs Lloyd Pounds, Mrs. Milton Connelly and Mrs. Vernal Patterson. Chester Downs and Jack Clifford LOCAL NEWS Air. and Mrs. Fldon Barker were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaw. Air. and Airs. Norton Randolph of New’ Plymouth were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tuck er. Air. and Airs. Fd Stephen. Air. and Mrs. Mark Noel and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cash and daughter spent the week-end at Bergdorf, Ida. Air. and Mis. W. I). Rinehart of Baker visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Terhune. Mr. Rinehart Ls Mrs. Terhune’s brother. Air. and Airs. Ilwiglit Smith re turned Sunday evening after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John J. Smith in Salmon, Ida. They were joined there by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Smith and daughter of John Day. Gene Servos s returned Sunday evening after spending five days at Hells Canyon fishing and working at the Lem WKson ranch. Mike Thomas End R. A. Purscell of Delta, Colo., are visiting at the Ray- ; mond Simpson home. Mr. Purscell ls Mrs. Simpson’s grandfather. Air. and Mrs. Hudson Robb were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Now ia the time to put your Mrs. Pete Wilson. Air. and Airs. Raymond Sager and furnace in condition for fall. family spent Sunday in Middleton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E, —a— Sager. Air. and Airs. Jess Ditty and Mrs. Lora Ditty returned to Nyssa re Call us for all furnace cleaning cently after spending 9 days visit and repair. ing in Dillon, Mont. Airs. J. W. Rigney went to Boise — a — today, >Wedn<?»dayi and brought her nieces. Miss Sandra Rigney and MLss Judeth Austin to visit her for a Free estimates gladly given on week. Airs. C. S. Fulton of Payette is visiting this week at the home of all sheet metal and furnace her daughter and son-in-law, Mr work and Mrs. Tom Eldridge. Mr. and Airs. Kenneth Cottle left — a— Tuesday morning for Payette Lakes. Air. and Airs. Richard Mason, Airs. Dorothy B.bbey. Mr and Mrs Tom Call Today—Don't Delay! Chandler and fam ily and Mr, and Mrs. Le Roy Barton of Vale and Don Phone 2133 Purdue went to Ironsides Sunday where they met Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barton and Mrs. Don Purdue who were camped there The group en joyed a picnic lunch. Air and Airs. George F.ichner and family left Saturday morning to make their home in Oakridge, Ore Mr and Air». Martin Manien <A Smithfield. Utah, visited over the SHEET METAL SHOP weekend with Mr and Mr - Kenneth Cottle and Mr and M: P:e;; Bia.r of Ogden »pent the first of the week Lh tr.g Karl Gohlke and Bob Gohlke of N r* York are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Johnny Goddard They will return to their homes Thursday following a weeks vac ation. Mr*. Richard Mason and Dennis and Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey were In Boise Thursday Mr and Mrv Carl Pettet and daughter. Debbie, of Klamath Falls were weekend gue.»U o f Mr and Mr» Bob McKinney. Air. and Mrs. Ernest Keiselhorst and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charles Carter at Nampa. Air. and Airs. Ljrnn Matheny left Friday morning on a trip to Under - wood. Washington They aL»o plan ned to visit their daughters and their families, Mr and Mrs Oordon Winchester and daughter at Castle- Rook and Mr and Mrs Bob Nevens and daughter at Seattle. Dr. and Airs. B. F. Rov* and Gary returned home Tuesday evening from a two weeks vacation trip to California. Included in their itiner ary were a visit with Mrs. Ross’ par ents, Mr and Mr.» H E Dunkel at PAGE SEVEN Martinez and with relatives and friend.» in the San Joaquin Valley. Air and Mrv John Alullin* and girl.» spent Wednesday and Thursday visiting Mr and Mrs Fleet Mullins at Mt Vernon, Oregon Air. and Air». Alark Anderson and family of Ashton. Idaho were visitors ax the home of Mr Anderson’s sister and family, Mr and Mrs. J E Brower and children from Friday until Sunday evenmg The Rev and Alrv Clair Smith of Boise were dinner guests Sunday of The Rev. and Mrs Lloyd Pounds Melvin Lee Afelow of Lo* Angeles and a former Nyssa resident is visit ing at the home of The Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Pounds, prior to entering the service the last o f August. Mr. Melow is a nephew of Mrs. Pounds. Air. and Mr*. Ken Pond and fam ily returned last week from Southern California, after spending two weeks there vacationing They visited their son. Vernon at the Boy Scout jam boree. Mrs Martha Pond of River side, Calif., returned to spend some time here visiting at the home of her son. Air. and Air*. Rill WiLson of Baker were houseguests Wednesday and Thursday and again Friday evening at the h->me of Mr and Mrs Walter Roth, Joy Gay and Susan. The (rou p pent Thursday afternoon in Boww and the Wilsons remained the*» overnight. Jimmv Ostrom is vacationing on the ooast as a guest o f h~s grand» parents, Mr and Mrs. F. J. Mc Kenzie of Portland. A isitor* at the Yem Moncar h «aw are Mr and Mrs. D W. Moncur and grand daughter. Joyce Moncur o f Rupert. Idaho, Mrs E A. Neely o f Salt Lake City, and Mr and Mrs. Ted Schmid and daughter of K im berly, Idaho. Air. and Mrv Douglas Bateman, Mr and Mrs Ed Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Valdo Talbot were guest* at a picnic dinner Sunday at die Howard Myrick home Alrv Clifford Fox and daughter, and M lss Catheryn Coleman and Mrs. Murl Marcum and daughter were in Boise FYiday. Mr*. Tom Linder, Air*. OrviBi Worley and Mrs Ellis Linder o f Payette visited Mrs. Scott Pearson Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Airs. Val Dee Child at Idaho Falls visited over the week end at the home of Mr. Child’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arvel Child. Want folks lo like your cooking—want ' to make good meals easy—want to save on your food bills? We re here to help you on all those things, and you'll hit the j a c k p o t this week and e v e r y week . . . with our quality foods, our low prices! Friday S aturday S unday Del Monte 7 No. 211 Cans Pinapple Juice Sun Valley 75c Colored — Cubed M A R G A R IN E 3u» 69c Joan of Arc 3 No. 2 i /2 Cans PORK & BEANS 59c 48 BAGS — BLACK 49 c Real Gold Orange - Blended - Lemonade JUICES State Fair 5 Cans 3 9 ^ Solid Pack TOMATOES 3 No. 303 Cans MINCED HAM .* • »I ;/ / / . 2 Lbs. 79 < BUTCH'S HOME-MADE LINKS 2 tbs 89 < TAYLOR’S 3\b- FO O D M ARKET BEAT THE PRICE BY SAVING TWICE— LOW PRICES PLUS EDER HARDWARE COMPANY Me asd M Blau ate slaters« , 425 .Arcadia Blvd- Dial 3111