Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1952)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. JO U RNAL PORT HORT OFFICERS OF THE NYSSA school patrol are shown in the above photograph with their supervisor, Mrs John Bumgar ner, sixth grade teacher. From left to right, the officers are Jill Henneman, lieutenant; Mrs. Bumgarner; Denise Spitze, captain, and Dwight Hunter, sergeant. All are sixth graders. —Photo by Dick Yost. - "Littl* People" of Nyssa School Patrol Are Doing a "Big Job" s Sports, Science On Library List NOVEMBER 13. 1152 SP O R T S CORNER Editad by D ICK YO ST Choppers Plan Club House Latest development in the pro gress of the newly organized auto mobile chib, "Th* Choppers.” is the donation of a building site and ma ■y DICK TOST terials for a cld9 house to? Mr and The Bulldogs have laid away their Mrs Lyle Bartron. Starting with a membership of fowtball toga in mothballs for the season But. the ceremony should 20. the club is beuig beseiged by of the community seeking to have been one attended with a feei youth become members, according to Den n g of having done a good job Na- ny Bartron, organizer and presi turMly. there are pangs of disap dent. | . % pointment for having not won the The organization, dedicated to championship, but there are other driving safely, has the blessing of local and state la a en!< rvemvat Take for instance the comments] officers. and predictions of the prognostic»- | Several of the club s members en tors, dcpesters or (if you prefer) Justj tered cars in the auto racer. Sunday the plain gueseers. These say that | at Nampa and made good showings, the Bulldogs are the ones to watch it was reported. another year—bound for the top fog- sure. And' our sentiments ride along 1 First social function was a wein- er roast that had to be transplanted with them! to Brownie’s Cafe last week-end due • • « H ere it is N m . 13 w ith th e hun ting to nippy weather. One of the biggest Jobs in Nyssa is being done by some of its little«t people, namely the sixth graders of the Nyssa school. • m w w iu pretty well a th in g for The jcfc they are doing, and one ’round th e fire dtm-ussion only. they fell heir to three years ago, is th e only gam e th a t can still Spprts. science fiction, the Conti bo h m ili rl in big wente is to patrol the busy mtersmkms rn an d roistern nental army and a national memor and street crossings near the school O regon, th e season to ctoar Nov. 29. ial are among the subjects included building. in the new oooks that will go into O ne ea ste rn O regon area is extended There are three sections of the circulation at the Malheur County from Nov. 21 to Dec. 21. an d is de- scribed by th e **ate gam e com m is third grade, and each takes its regu Library Saturday. lar turn on patrol duty. Mrs. John Two books on sports may be con sion as follows: B eginning a t th e City of B aker; Bumgarner is supervisor of the sidered at least partial histories of school patrol their respective games. John Lard- th en o r south along O regon Highway Officers are Denise Spitz, captain; ner’s “White Hopes and Other Tig 7 to its ju n ctio n w ith th e S um pter Jill Henneman, lieutenant, and ers" deals with heavyweight boxing Valley road a t S alisbury; thence between 1910 and 1930 and with such n<*-thwesterly alo ng Sum pter V al Dwight Hunter, sergeant. figures as Dempsey. Firpo and Tun- ley road to S um pter, th en ce north Patrolling is done at 8 3® am ., ney- "The Rose Bowl Game.” by along th e F ru it C reek road to the noon and 3:40 pm. at the cross Rube SamueLsen, tells the story be sum m it of th e Blue M ountains; ings near the school. hind these games, giving the "hu thence n o rth e rly along th e .summit In all the time the school patrol man scoreboard” of each as well as to its posted in tersectio n w ith the has been functioning, according to ! an actual running account of the A nthony la k e s ro ad ; thence n o rth easterly along th e A nthony I>akes Mrs Bumgarner, there has never j game. road to N orth Pow der; th en ce so u th A book of a type always in de been a child injured nor lost. easterly along (J. S. Highw ay 30 to mand is Margaret Mulac’s ‘The Many persons misunderstand the Balter, th e point of beginning. purpose of the school patrol Party Game Book.” It includes party • * * programs for all ages and most it was pointed out by Mrs Bumgar occasions, with treasure hunts, ban- Nimrods with Idaho hunting li- ner. { quet games, carnivals and paper and censes are advised that the general “ I t is never our intention to stop ^pencil games among many active elk season in Benewah county has traffic,” she said. “our one and only suggestions. been extended until Nov. 16 Orig- aim is to protect our school chil A collection wihich enjoys increas- inal closing date was Oct. 31. dren by seeing them safely across | ing popularity is being augmented • * * [ with the addition of two novels of the street.” Fall breezes do m ore th a n waft science fiction: Wilson Tucker writes Importance of the patrol’s task be the odor o f b urnin g leaves—an d beet one called "The City in the Sea" comes evident when it is pointed and Samuel Merwin "The House of pulp. T h ere is th e dim rum ble of out that the triangular Nyssa-On- Many basketball talk in th e air. coming Worlds.” tario-Adrian intersection is claimed "A Short Walk From the Station,” both from th e directio n of th e High to be one of the largest and most j by Phyllis McGinley, is a collection school an d th e tow n g reats who re hazardous in the state. | of poems which has appeared pre fuse to heed tiie signs an d w arnings of creeping—age. Patrol duties are shared by both viously in various magazines. boys and girls, the division being "Mount Rushmore,” by Gilbert W ith football out of th e way, high about equal among 100 students. Fite, is the story of the development school capers are scheduled for lim Nyssa's school patrol was formerly of tile national memorial in the bering up ro u tin es soon. In p re p a ra the duty of the junior high school, I Black Hills, and of the planning of tion fur th e ir bout w ith the H aw aii an A m bassadors, th e tow ners will but when this section of the school Gutaon Borglum, the sculptor. An account of the Continental soon he don ning th e ab breviated moved into the new building three | army in the days of the Revolution Suits. years ago, the sixth grade fell heir and following, as derived from dia to the job. ries and journals of the time, is Eddie Stanky has been with five Badges, belts and flags are sup "Rag, Tag and Bobtail,” By Lynn National League clubs but has never plied the patrol by the safety di Montross. played for Philadelphia, his home vision of the state highway depart Blair Bolles’ "How to Get Rich in town team. ment. Washington" purport? to be "a his tory of political decay,” and, accord "Begging the question” means to ing to its author, its purpose is “to take lo r granted the point to be draw attention to the erosion of he ideal of public responsibility in the proved. federal government since World War H.” Age limits for federal judges Is not prescribed by the Constitution. The Supreme Court convenes on the second Monday in October. CAR» OF THANKS We wish to thank the many fri CARD OF THANKS ends and neighbors for their kind We wish to express our sincere ness and sympathy shown during appreciation to the many wonderful i the illness and death of Curtis Pry. people and especially to our neigh Alice Fry and family bors and friends for their many acts John E. Fry and family of kindness and consideration shown Vera Lee Fry. us in our recent bereavement. We wish especially to express profound thanks to men who remained so long BIG MID-WEEK and faithfully to recover our loved ones. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cor fie Id Mrs. Emily Myers and Barbara At Mrs. Cbet. Corlield and family Mr and Mr-'. Art Hann and family Mrs. Joe Coriield and family Mr and Mrs. W. B Holmes and family Wednesday Night Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Corfield and family Parma. Ida. Mr and Mrs. Bnllie Pattee and family xk mi. Ea. on Highway 20 Mr and Mrs. Phil Aten and fam ily. TH URSDAY. Tobler's Gains In Keglar Play First place in the Men’s Commer cial Bowling league was maintained by Tobler’s Feed and Fuel in the winning Thursday night of four games. Ace Pastime clung to second spot, four games behind the pace, but only two games in front of the up-coming Waggoner's. High team series was copped by Tobler’s with a score of 2274 Ace Pastime was 50 points behind. N Van Meter tipped over 278 pins for high individual game and 673 for high individual series. Nyssa Lum ber took high single team game, with an 831 score. Standings Team Won Lost Tobler’s Feed 19 5 Ace Pantime 15 9 Waggoner’s ..... 13 11 13 ! Bowling Center ___ 11 7'-j 10 12 | Nyssa Lumber Team No. 1 6 ' ï 17*2 Stunz Lumber Within Game Of 2nd Place A new champion has been crown ed in the Snake River Valley class Nine games out in front, B & E Cafe could well afford to lose three A football conference. And it took the underdog Payette games to Owyhee Beauty in the Women’s Commercial league bowl Pirates .to spill the pre-season dope and scamper wildly off the Nyssa ing Monday night. By taking three from the Farmer- Bulldogs' field last Friday afternoon etts, Stunz Lumber came near re with the title practically assured. Holder of the title was in doubt, placing Owyhee Beauty in second place, but uame up short by one of course, penduig outcome of the night game between Vale and On game The Owyhees took high team ser tario, but the Tigers willingly oto- ies with an 1848 score, while the] lased the Ptrates by holding the Vlk- were tousv ie k in p -U ^ h i» '* * t0 » U ' 13 ~ - single game with «78 pins. Score of the Nyssa-Payett* tilt Mary Bolles, subbing on the Owv- was 13-6 in a game proclaimed by hee Beauty team, finished with the scribes and radio commentators a- high individual series. 506 pins, and like as the hanlest-fought and most the high individual game, 189 pins. evenly matched contest of the sea son. Standing* Payette S< *rn First Team Won Lost Payette uncorked its vaunted 30 6 B * 1 Okie passing power in the second quarter, Owyhee Beauty 21 15 but ft was a lateral from Davis to Stunz Lumber 20 16 Fleeter that was good for 30 yards Berrett's 19 17 and a touchdown. Try for point was 19 Hospital 17 good. Brownie's Cafe 14 22 The Nyssa Bulldogs had th© Bowling Center 24 12 chanoe to aveai matters Uv the third Farmerettes 11 25 quarter when Talbot took the ball on a reverse and lugged it 16 yards PARTY BAGS 2 ELK for a TD But. the try for point fail Harley Smi’h, Dale Bingman. Earl ed, leaving the .score 7-6. Purvis and Ken Renstrom were Payette iced the game with a members of an elk hunting party fourth quarter score that was set which last week-end succeeded in up by the Pirates' recovery of a bagging two bull elk fumble following a kickoff. The ball The hunting was done in the En was pushed over by Killebrcw from terprise area. the one-foot line following a series of ground plays. The word “lynch" comes from the Lovejoy Gut name of Charles Lynch. Absence of Dan Lovejoy, who suf- fered a broken coUartwne in Oie Meridian game was felt toy the Bull dogs. Their bachfieW war alao wtrk- ened when Jun OorfieM wae forced to retire with a broken item* As result of the week of upset*», Nyssa and Ontario are tied. ha th irl place in the 8KV conference b*l«j*l Payette and Vale Vale succeeded in remaining on top in the Oregon drvisloo of the league, entitling the Vikings Wo a berth m the Oregon sector.** play offs to determine the state cham pion. . Xi Hawaiicm Team to Play Local Cagers Conftirmation of Dee. 13 at* tHe date the Hawaiian Ambasiww** * » basketball team will play the Ny-sw All-stars was announced Monday before the Lions club, sponsor oJ the tilt. The date was confirmed tn a fet ter from iArthur Kim, coach of the Hawaiian' .quintet and brother of Peter Kim, high sefRj©f-feadfcer at Boise who made the initial arrange ments for the Islanders tt> «take several playing aippearances jv th# Snake River Valley. Kim's letter also stated that a troupe of native Hawaiian dancers would accompany and entertain basketball fans at each game Ray Larson, chairman, will be as sisted by Dick Tensen and Cal Wil son in whipping a team into shape to meet the barnstorming players. Pre-Thanksgiving Special 1 WEEK ONLY—NOV. 17-22 We Must Make Room for Christmas Merchandise GIRLS' BARBURY COATS GIRLS' DRESSES Annie Oakley Play Staged at Adrian Junior cta'S thespians of Adrian high school will be presented in i non-musical version of the Broad way and movie hit, "Annie Get Your Gun," next Tuesday, in the high school gymnasium. Curtain time is 8 p. m In original dialogue, the play cen ters round the love affair of Annie Oakley and Frank Butler The 17- member cast is directed by Wes Tolliver, assisted by a student-di- rector, Shirley Hoke. Leads are played by Roberta Reno and Jim Edins. General admission and reserved seat tickets are on sale. , Bulldogs Finish in Tie lor 3rd Place In SRV Con.; Payette New Champ Sizes: 3-14 Yrs. Sizes: 3-14 Yrs. The Stork Shop i Your Headquarters for Infants’ Wear Phone 301 14 No. 3rd St. DANCE THE BARN E very 4th Annual Cancer Dance SATURDAY, NOV. 15 Nyssa Eagles Hall Music by Mae Cook and Her Orchestra Admission—$1.00 Including Tax "Bestseller" that's too good to miss Y es , this is a R iv ie r a . Sleek and including the big-volume, lower-priced sw ift-lin ed , lik e a co n v e rtib le . three. Solid-topped like a sedan. Six-passenger But this Buick version has forged ahead room y —and ju st about the sm artest in popularity—and today it’s the “best number that’s made its how in years. seller” in the whole “hard top” fie ld - bar none. And how folks love it. The day it was first displayed, orders started rolling in. And when it comes to price —you will find out th is: W hat you pay for a S p e c i a l , a S u p e r or a R o a d m a s t e r R iv ie r a will shine by comparison with the price tag of anything in their fields» Isn’t that enough to make you want to try out a R iviera today? Fqmpmvnt, accessorial, trim and m odels are subject to ch a n g e w ith ou t n o tic e. *S ta n d a rd on R o a d m a ster, optional at extra cost on other Series, f O ptional at extra cost on Roadm aster and Super only. W h a t’s the reason? The rest of the industry took a look — and decided to make a carbon c'^ v. Well, it is —as you can sec —a smoothie to look at and a smoothie to drive. Over the years, these “hard top” jobs have spread to every price ra n g e — I t ’s a B u ic k —with B u ic k ’s famous F ir e b a ll 8 E n g in e —B u ic k ’s m a rv e l Sure is true for'52 When better automobiles ore built B U IC K will builtf fh«m area» televixion .vants: Sve Thu Football G am of thu Wuuk every Saturday and Bwicb’s own TV show "Tt.a Circuc k.aat Sponsored by Nyssa Aerie F.O.E. Proceeds for Runyan Cancer Fund Million Dollar Ride— Buick’s exclusive D y n a flo w D r iv e * — B u ic k room — Buick’s Power Steeringf — Buick com fort, Buick style—and Buick durability. Second St. and Good A t . . RobeTtS"NySSa, IRC. NYSSA‘ OREGON »