Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1952)
NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13. ItH | home o f Mr I Ginley. LOCAL NEWS - , .. Mr wad Mrs. Ro» Hoff and fam , S ' * « M w <hy ©Virnidu w e ; t s ° f Mr. and Mrs. I . N Seuell of Bit; Bend. Mr«. Ah hie McGinlcv of » Ply- mouth $pent the weekend at the amt Mr- Mrs M .ar Marshall has tfrn *4» Harry M- - ¡tin* with relatives in Chico, C alif ,: for the pa t three weeks. Mr. and Mr«. W . F Kindling and Meek end | v n t i at Utr home at Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McVicker f Echo. O re. -pent Sunday with \1: Mr. arid Mrs-. C liff Main were | ., ayette the Rev. and Mrs. H J Gernhaxdti Iaáter in the afternoon they were . f the Methodist church m L a - 1 Joined by Mr and Mrs. •1 Bernard Grande, Frost o f Payette. Miss Iiorothy Erwin returned Mr». Andrew Mi Ginnis has hern Monday after a weeks Visit with U1 for several day’s. Mr and Mrs. Harry Council of Mr. and Mrs Robert Guthrrie and Salt L.tke City. Mr. and Mr Mason Adar < ! Me Mrs. Don Perdue will take care fcrd were hunting elk near Prairie ,,f Brent Bart'-n while his mother, City and were week-end nuest ol Mrs. Leroy Barton is gone cn a trip Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gutherie. I to Portland. Lorry C o*, son of Mr. and Mrs. My, how they’ve GROWN! Yes, your homefurnishings certainly have grown — in value. Are you sure you have enough fire insurance to co v e r t h is e high values? Why not check with us TODAY. WE STANO BETWEEN YOU AND LOSS! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nishida and son, Mrs. Otis i’-qulrer and daughter, Jimmy, recently returned from Chi Mrs. Kenneth Garrett, both of Boise, spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farr. Sunday afternoon ca'jlers at the Farr home were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weeks. . NEEDS Bath Sets, Water Heaters and Pressure Systems Bob Call Thompson J. C. Agency SMITH 13 Years In Nyssa Phone 78-J SOMEWHERE,! Galin E. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Frost and Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mr~. Tom Eldridge were Mr. ind Mrs E H Brubaker o f Payette. V l iting over the Armi-stk-w holiday were Mrs. Eldridge’s mother, Mrv Gertrude Fulton, and sister, Mi ami Mrs. Bill Carpenter and two children, all of Lebanon. Mrs. Bartil Ostrom and CONTINUES TILL AL] W E QUIT! BRACKEN’S HAVE PURCHASED THIS Bi l l - DING ANI) WE THEREFORE Ml ST DISPOSE OF OCR FINE. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS OF HARDWARE, ELECTRICAL AP PLIANCES, (GENERAL ELECTRIC) AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE — WE HAVE EM PLOYED E. A. CROCKETT A COMPANY, AD JUSTERS OF SEATTLE. WASHINGTON, TO < LOSE OUT THIS STOCK AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE REGARDLESS OF LOSS — TO IK) THIS THEY HAVE RE ARRANGED THE EN TIRE STORE— TAGGED AND MARKED EV ERY ITEM IN THIS BIG STOCK FOR QUICK SELLING — ALL MUST GO — PAINTS — BUILDERS HARDWARE — ELECTRICAL AP PLIANCES— PLUMBING SUPPLIES — ELEC TRICAL FIXTURES — HOUSE WARES — SPORTING GOODS — GARDEN TOOLS — CARPENTER TOOLS — MECHANIC’S TOOLS — I ASSURE THE MANY FRIENDS AND CUS TOMERS I HAVE THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE THE SAME QUALITY GOODS AND THE SAME COURTEOUS SERVICE YOU HAVE RECEIVED DURING THE TIME I HAVE OP RATED THIS HARDWARE STORE — THIS IS REALLY A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP FOR NOW AND ALSO FOR FUTURE USE. I GUARANTEE YOU WILL NOT BE DISAP POINTED WITH THE VALUES. Signed Mr. Geo. I lenneman, Owner THIS ENTIRE STOCK OF HARDWAR] NOW TICKETED AND TAGGED FOR STOCK NOW D ISPLAYED ON COUN DUCTIONS D AILY TO FORCE SELL! GREATEST MONEY SAVING SALE WHERE AT ANY TIME — WITH TH CES ON HARDW ARE, AND GOING H: OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE REAL MO INGS ON HARDW ARE, APPLIANCES MUST IS MASTER -GET HENNEMÂN M NYSSA, OREGO SENSATI« Jimmy, Mrs John Ostrom annd Mrs. Hel- mer Ostrom were business visitors in Boise Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Pederson. Suz- 1 anne and Deborah of Pocatello were holiday week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lewis anid fam ily. ». * HEAR and SEE cago are visiting at the home of Mr and M r, Vernon o f Payette attended the : - b ill |U M here Friday aften Miss Joanna Berry spent the with Mr and Mrs. B B Lienkaemp- week-end at Vale. er and were dinner guests at the Ronald Lowe visited at the home Lienkaemper home. of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. F. K. Burton left Monday to Lowe, from LaGrande. vi it relatives in Milwaukee and Portland. *:**?: ' •' S Fmmett visitors Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs Tom Eldridge at the home FOR YOUR PLUMBING li of Mr and Mrs. L. E Bolt. AI TEND C H W C tt' Ki< hard Mason lias been ill for the Herb Cox, .-pent the weekend with pa t several days, friends, Billy. Wavne and Kenny ■»<**» Marcum. d a u iliU s of Mr. Gifford at their home. and Mrs. Merle Marcum, who had a Mrs. W. W. Foster returned Iasi dmht ca^e of polio, returned home Tuesday from Lebanon where she two weeks ago. was visiting her daughter Hunting near thte area and guests Mr. and Mrs Warren Farmer. Mr )f ° r and Mrs L A Paulding for a and Mrs Hugh Tobler and Mi and week were Mr and Mrs. Ed Mauld- Mrs. N G. -.Iwnnon of Nampa spent ing of Boring. Ore., and Mr. and the week-end in Reno. Nev , on busi Mr- G. F. KeUerman and sons, Keith and Jay, of Portland. ness. Henneman Hardware Co., Nyssa, Oregon, Have Placed Their Entire Stock Of Hardware, Applunc s, Etc., The Entire Stock Into Cash - Quickly As Possible Begardless Of Loss --Paints, Buildeis Hardware, Too Next Sunday Chaplain (Capt), USAF. 1300th Air Base Wing, Mountain Home Air Force Base Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Murhach and Bernadine of Spokane. Wash., were houseguests from Saturday until Thursday of last week at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs Walter Rotih and girls. Mr. and Mrs. John Stringer left He had extended service with the army of occupation in Japan as well as an enviable service otherwise. He will bring his illustrated lecture on Japan, using colored scenes. Hear his lecture appraising present conditions in that important land. 7:45 P. M. by streamliner Sunday night on a week’s business trip to Portland. Mrs Robert White and daughter, Cleo and Mrs. Wayne White s-pent several days last week visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs. Joe Bilbao at Jordan Valley. FIRST Church of Christ Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Wyatt Smith. The group at tended the theater at Ontario Ln the evening. (CHRISTIAN) Fifth and Ennis, Nyssa Austin J. Hollingsworth, Minister 10 A. M. Church School 11 A. M. Morning Worship COME! BRING1 SEND1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fax were Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Stephens of Vale were dinner guests Sunday at tire home of their daughter and < family, Mr and Mrs. Ken Pond and children. Entire Stock Must And Will Be Sold Out Regardless Of I Buy Now Christmas Gifts Save Up To Vi OPENS FRIDAY NOY. 1 Continues Till All Stock Sold Out - - Da Every Item Tagged, Ticketed, Marked - - - Select What You Want - - - Take GARDEN HOSE Wrad op. Ivory. Re*. 5.55 Swan Make B- Rubber 59 ft. Coopted. Re*. 6.M. N O W 4.40 Il s Time For Clear Glam — Re* Automatic. REVERE W A R E ROLLER SKATING Fall Is Here And Winter Is Coming, So Grab The Gang And Head For PRESTO CAN N ER S FRANK’S ROLLER RINK 21 Qt. Reg. 28.85 NOW Ontario 16 Qt. Reg. 26.85 NOW A SPECIAL MESSAGE FOR PARENTS - TEACHERS - MINISTERS - 4-H LEADERS - SCOUTS - And Other Groups 22.98 15.49 We extend to you an invitation to vis it our rink at anytime. We believe that you will find one of the finest recreation s possible for both young and old and in the kind of place you would want vour c hildren and yourself to be seen. When planning parties, why not keep u : in mind Skating is one of the few sports that boys and girls are equal at. a nd may participate in either alone or with others So. for vour smallest birthday pa rty or largest organization party, contact us for details. No party too large or sma 11 The rink will open to meet your re quirements when arrangements are made. TEACHERS Several schools have fou nd that after-school parties for the voung- er children have a good effect on class room morale and behavior. Why not give it a try? We guarantee the children will t hink it the best party they have had So, why not clip this and save it. AND CALL HOME PHONE 1154-J ENTIRE STOCK ENAMEL WARE GREATLY R E D U C E D -H U R R Y ! G-E ELECTRIC IRON Ä Ä w F“"’v Art- ‘u« Now 10.98 ENTIRE STOCK PYREX GREATLY REDUCED— Hurry WALL PAPER— Put Up In Room Size Bundles Reg. 8.00 Average Room— NOW ....................... 2.98 WINCHESTER RIFLE 58.89 30-30 Lever Action. Keg. 69.00— NOW —- SAVAGE RIFLE Model 310-0 30-30 Bolt Action Reg. 49.75Now 39.89 TARGET RIFLES 15.90 22 Mod. 217 Winchester. Reg. 18.95 NOW .22 RIFLE 29.89 Automatic. Mod. 74 Winchester. Reg. 39.20 SH O TG U N SHELLS FREE FREE FREE G ood for a FREE Skate Ticket— Whan Accompanied by Somton« Buying Rpgular You. Give the Other to Your Mom. G ood on Nighla of Nov. 16 17 18-19 or 21 Only 1-3 Horse. Reg. 23.50 NOW 17.89 Rink Open Every Night, Except Thurs. Maiinee Sat. & Sun. Rlak Phon« 511 W, Ontario 410 Max. Ixiad Hi Base 2.45— NOW .............................. 1.89 20— 2.70 Max. Load HiBase— NOW ........................ 1.99 16— 2.85 Max. Load HiBase ................................... ........ 2.09 12— Max. Load HiBase 3.10— NOW ......... 2.39 Peters — Remington — Winchester Entire Stock Rifle Shells Now Greatly Reduced! Buv Now! G-E Electric Motors Tickat. Clip Ad Below Lin# and Bring With Home Phon« 1154-J 1 3 Horse, Reg. 20.85 NOW ............. 16.89 3 4 Horse, Reg. 67.40 NOW ................... 53.89 NYSSA, OREGON Now Re*. G-E S Fuuly j 9.95 7.90 NOW G-E Electric RANGES-RI Washers - Ironers - Deep Freez G-E DISH WASHER SINK COMBINATION White F nan» el. Chome Fam et, Sw im . Regular 428.95. Disposal Unit far Abate 134.95. C om plete set Now ....................... 469.00 DEEP FREEZE ENTIRE STOCK ALUMINUM WARE GREATLY REDUCED — GET YOURS. Special Prices fur Parties RinkPHONE 511-W 4.1* 4.69 5.3!» 6.19 4.98 6.19 5.69 8.98 8» ea. Now 6 for 20c N O W 4.59 IV, Qt. Sauce Pan. 5.05— NOW ...................................... 2 Qt. Sauce Pan. 5.r,0— NOW .... 3 Qt. Sauce Pan, 6.15— NOW ........................................ 3 Qt. Double Boiler. 7.90— NOW ............................ S Inch Cov Fryer. M S —NOW ........................................ 10 Inch Cov Fryer, 7.15— NOW .... ....... ........... I Qt. Dutch Oven. 7.20— NOW ........................................ 5 'i Qt. Dutch Oven, 10.70— NOW .................................. G-E ELECTRIC IRON 1 WATER TUMBLERS BABY BEN CLOCKS 16 C able Feet. V ictor M odel R e*. 516JS. STANDARD WASHER Wringer Type with Pumj Reg. 119.95. Now .................... DELUXE W ASHER Wringer Type. Automatic Reg. 159.95. Now ....................... 438.00 Now .................... G-E HOT WATER HEATER DELUXE WASHER Special DeLuxe Wringer Automatic Timer. Reg. 17 4« Gal. Flat Top. Re*. 159.95. Now ....................... 12820 G-E REFRIGERATOR Now ............ ........ Now ....................... 314.20 G-E WATER HEATER 52 Gal. Automatic DeLux 154.95. G-E DELUXE REFRIGERATOR Now .................... 10 Cubic Feet. Mod. 1. KH' I I R 37495 . Scrutar 6 Cable Feet. Mod. 95-LF. Re*. 329.95. Now ....................... 27920 G-E Standard REFRIGERATOR 8 Cubic Feet. Mod. LC-8H. Re*. 269.95. Now ....................... 22920 G-E Apt. Electric RANGE 3 Burner Oreo. Mod. A -21. Re*. 169.95. G-E ÏRONER Table Model — 2! Deep. Mod. AR-1? R«H 7 Now ........^.. ..... G-E ROASTER OVEN Complete with Di*h®s An< Reg. 4 4.95 N o w .......................... 145.20 N O W ............ G-E ELECTRIC RANGE G-E ELECTRIC SWEEP! Round Tank - Thmwawa: With Attachments- R*g. i Deep Well, 3 Burner Oven. Re*. 209.95. Now ....................... 16920 G-E Automatic Clock RANGE 4 Rurner. Deep Well. Pressure Cooker Model. Reg. 389.95. Now ....................... 32920 G-E RANGE - Double Oven. Au tomatic. 4 Burner. Reg. 449.95. Now ................ G-E TANK SWEEPER Mod. AVT-S11. C*i"P|«te i tachments. Reg. 7J-95. Now ...................... Now ....................... 38320 G-E TABLE RADIO Dark and Light i '^ r- R*i Portable DISH WASHER Mod RA-949. Reg. 169.75. Now ...................... Now ....................... 11920 AIR MATTRESS Hodgman-Paklite, 25x72 In. Reg. 16.35. G-E ELECTRIC HEATE] Semi Round. Ba> >ow* R< Now ........— ....... G-E FAN HEATER Just Plug In. ***• Now ......................... 12.89 Now Henneman Hardws