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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1952)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. AUGUST 21. »5 2 >kav at the 4-H camp near Payette Lake> About Peopl Ground Observer Corps Functions Given In Report Mr and Mm Fat Patter aad son Bill and daughter, Barbara of Nam pa Visited with Mr. and Mr>. Ke:i Mrs. N v < Brarkrn. of Salt Lake arrived Sunday for a two week.' visit Reiistrom Sunday. Mr and M m (ieerg* N Bear viM- City. Utah, mother of Fred Bracken with her son. Mr«. Twa J«hn*Mi and Mrs. Mia ted last week with Mrs. W B Rod- ard McIntyre attended a birthday gers near Fruitland. The Oregon State Civil Defense a- of Mrs Johnsons granddaughter at ^ ILad Ur% Harr* Hathaway. gency released, this wee», a detailed Caldwell Thursday. Mr and Mrs Jim Nicholson and Mr report on the ground ob.'erver corps, Mr. a n d M rs. D«a B. M o m . Mr. and Mi ' Pud Long went fishing on its organisation, scope and functions and Mrs. Marvin Jefferies and Mr. the north fork of the Malheur. together with comprehensive ans and Mrs Don C. Moss spent the The answer ta ererjrëay Mr«. Lloyd Tobler. Mrs. Evan Tob- wers to many pertinent questions. weok-end at McCall. lasaranre problems.1 What is the ground observer ler, Billy and Leon vacationed in a Visiting at the Richard Mason cottage at Payette Lakes from Tues- corps? It is an organisation of civilian home over the week-end were Rich- day until Saturday. ard Mason’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Mrs. Archie Wilson of Virden. III. volunteers set up under mutual a- By George Hansen of Bremerton, Wash. arrived m Nyssa Monday evening for greement between civil defense and RALPH Mr. and Mrs. Grant Janes and a visit with her brother and sister- the U. 6. air force for the purpose daughter, Mrs. Jack E Atkeson left in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Potter. of detecting aircraft that might be LAWRENCE Housegnrsts arriving last week at hostile. Tuesday for Utah for a few days What is "operation skywatch?” the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pat visit. "Skywatch” places observation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mason. Mr. terson were Mrs. Patterson's broth and Mrs. Tom Chandler and Mrs. er. Stanley Irving. Jr. and her sister. posts of 27 bordering and coastal Dorothy Bibbey spent Sunday at Mrs. Clarice Evans, both of Los An states, including-Oregon on 24-hour geles Mr. Irving returned to his basis. This was effective July 14. Pre Ironside. Mrs. Grant Jones spent the last home Friday and Mrs. Evans re vious to that, the ground observer corps was on a standby, training week in Boise with her daughter, mained for an extended visit. Mr and Mrs. Sam Parks and fam basis. Mrs. Jack E. Atkeson while Jack Why did the air force request spent the week in Reno, Nevada on ily and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reit- business but while there he visited enbaugh returned last Wednesday "skywatch?” At a meeting of state civil defense QUESTION: A handy man who with Mr. and Mrs. Reed Ray former from a five-day fishing trip near Bend They report very successful directors in Washington. D. C. in occasionally works for us was hurt ly of Nyssa. June, Gen. Nathan F. Twining, act while sawing wood for a neighbor. Ned Snider, Vernon Frost, Larry fishing Mr and Mrs. C. K. Olson returned ing chief of staff, USAF, said: "Our I Just wondered if our Compre Vaughn and Steve Talbot spent the home Friday from a nine-day trip intelligence people estimate that the hensive Personal Liability insur week-end at Payette Lakes. ance would have protected us if Visitors at the Andrew McGinnis to Portland. Their daughter, Miss Russians can launch today more home over the week-end were Mrs. Janet Olson, who had been in the than 400 TU-4s carrying enough the accident had happened on Kendrick Dunlay of Carlton, and hospital there, accompanied them atom and conventional bombs to hit our property. Sharron and Gene Kentral of Grass home They also visited Mrs. Olson’s all our major metropolitan industrial ANSWER: Yes. Accidents to part Valley. Sunday afternoon they went brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and target areas. The existence of such time employees or servants are a striking force, at a time of serious to Emmett to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joe Jackson at Salem. covered in most policies like Mrs. Charlie White of Portland international tension, is the basic Charley Kentral. yours. Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPartland was a Saturday overnight and Sun fact that establishes the urgent re and family returned Friday evening day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd quirement for putting the GOC on •If you’ll address your own in a 24-hour operation.” from the summer’s stay at Eugene, Tobler. surance questions to this office, Mr and Mrs. Vaughn Stringer and If the military had radar, why are where Mr. McPartland attended we’ll try to give you the correct summer school at the University of family spent from Friday until Sun observers needed? answers and there will be no Radar, like all mechanical devices, day at McCall. Oregon. charge or obligation of any kind. Mr. and Mrs. Conley Ward and is subject to failures of operation. Mr. and Mrs. John Newman spent family of Notus were Sunday even- j And it can be jammed electronically. Nyssa Insurance Agency last week at McCall. 105 Main St. Phone 53 Nancy Jo House and Delores Duus ing visitors at the Aubrey Ward Observers are the human agency that will fill gaps Inherent in any returned Tuesday from a five day home. radar network. Curvature of the earth and natural barriers, such as mountains, create blind spots where radar cannot “ see.” Volunteer ob servers, spaced at regular intervals, are able to see or hear airplanes that slip in through the gaps in the net work. Secretary of the air force, Thomas K. Finletter, said that ob servers are "absolutely indispensible for detecting low-level operation. There isn’t any other practical way in which we can take care of the low-level attack.” Where are posts located? For thorough coverage, the posts are established about eight miles apart. This is a flexible system, how ever, since the location of posts is governed by population, roads and communications. Must observation posts be located in specially-constructed buildings? No. Main consideration is that they be within a few seconds of a telephone, have sanitary facilities, be within easy reach by road, and have suitable sky-scanning ability. City halls, schools and stores are be ing used successfully as sites for ob servation posts. Now you know! What qualifications are needed to ue ome an observer? I'wo good eyes and ear--, and a de sire to help in tlae defense oi the nation. Do they receive training? Ye»- The atr force is responsible for operations and training. Three air force field teams travel through out Oregon, visiting the various ob servation posts. Do observers report on aU types of aircraft? No. only the types specifically in structed by the air force. This may vary from time to time, and obser vers are kept advised of any changee. How long does a volunteer stand watch? There is no set objective. It is de sirable to have enough volunteers so that no one is overburdened. The number of hours on duty varies from two t» four hours a week. How many observation posts are there in Oregon? There are presently 200 civilian- manned posts and 133 state and fed eral forestry lookouts that the air force considers equipped to function in "skywatch.” Additional posts are being set up as rapidly as volunteers can be recruited. How can volunteers be obtained? One way to obtain volunteers is to have civic clubs, churches, veterans' organizations, granges and other groups put their memberships’ USED EQUIPMENT APRICOT NECTOR Grapes 46-oz. Del Monte 4 for S1.00 2 lbs Cants Lb. 0 7 c HAWAIIAN PUNCH 3 for $1.00 Lemons Lb. 1 5 c GARDEN GEM PEAS 2 for 23c No. 300 Scour clean, pickup altachmenta with tandem axels—Like new. 1948 JOHN DEERE 6 FT. COMBINE— With tandem axels. 1949 ALLIS-CHALMERS COMBINE— BUNS 29 0 Doz. FRENCH BREAD 2 Loaves 29c of new patterns Power take-off. pickup and bean attachments—Cheap. / ...p ri ced to fit your Come In— Make U* An Offer W estern C orrugator Phone 181 Nyssa, Oregon decorating budget' Co. DON B. MOSS Firestone Dealer Store 5th and Main Phone 2 Nyssa, Oregon Legume FERTILIZATIO N Proven for Added CROP PROFITS ICE COLD MELONS Winter Grow Peas Make Difference In Growing Tests P R IC E S H am burger our hundreds 1944 CASE 4-FT. COMBINE— fitHPftn/G Bakery Goods You’ll want to se* 6-ft. tandem axels—A good buy. ALL KINDS OF PINEAPPLE 'si* mm 1949 JOHN DEERE 6-FT. COMBINE— Tomatoes 2 lbs. 1 7 c Sunkist WALLPAPER 29c PILLSBURY PANCAKE FLOUR 4 lbs. 49c WHITE SATIN SUGAR 25 lbs. S2.69 Reg. 55c pint you’re choosy obout Bean attachments, pickup and grain bin with sacker. School and Canning Supplies 0 CARD OF THANKS We take this way of thanking our friends and neighbors during the sickness and burial of our husband and father. Thanks to the Sunset auxiliary for the food given. We love you ail for the kindness. Mrs. Agnes Chadd Mrs. Donna Stiner Mrs. Lucille Charland James Chadd. 1949 CASE 6-FT. COMBINE— GARDEN FRESH you'll Want ix tlx only agency that detects the presence o f hostile aircraft, especial ly those flying at low levels This de tection would permit the air force to take effective action as follows: (1) To dispatch fighters to inter cept and destroy the lvading planes, if posdblt, and <2 t to initiate air raid warnings, as appropriate, so that tha civilian population can take cover Gen. T » e n * s «d “it is be cause we so badly need a iMawmt’s warning that we are asking you tciv- il defense directors) and the GOC to work closely with us in an all- out air defense effort. Overhauled— Guaranteed Friday and Saturday, Aug. 22-23 groceries strength behind "operation sky- watch” Contributing to preparedness is a public service worth the atten tion of any individual, business or organization. w:-at happens to aircraft informa tion reported by observers? Once an observer has 'ighted an aircraft, he telephones an "aircraft fla-h” call to the Portland filter cen- tei The information is plotted on a grid-map of the area. This data join« the information collected from other posts. The data is filtered into the radar system, where the aircraft is identified as friendly or hostile. If identified as hostile, air defense at tempts interception, and. if neces sary. air raid warning calls are dis seminated through civil defense or ganizations to alert the civilian pop ulation. Is Oregon vulnerable to enemy at taints? There are several Soviet air bases in Siberia within six hours’ flying time from Oregon. The northern parts of the country and the two coastal areas, where "skywatch” was activated, are particularly vulnerable to air attack by polar routes. In ad dition, rockets can be launched from submarines on cities as far inland as 150 to 200 miles. Would the efforts of GOC help minimize the effects of enemy at tacks? The ground observer corps could i QUALITY MEATS Ground Beel All beef Lb. 5 9 0 Pork Chops Lb. 6 9 0 Skinless Franks Lb. 4 9 0 Tender—husky Corn King Open Sunday Ailernoon SI _________ ^____________________ mm Hubert Christensen is shown above standing in his field of Winter Grow Peas. The Nyssa farmer planted 25 acres to the legumous cover crop two weeks ago. drilling in 250 pounds to the acre. When the crop at tains an 8-inch growth he will plow it under this fall to accomplish two purposes: (1) to return organic strength to the soil, and (2) to add moisture-holding humous to the soil. INFORMATION About Winter Grow Peas Obtainable From Your Dealer W I N T E R GR OW P E A S SUPPLY SOIL IMPROVEMENT FOR BETTER CROP RESULTS Tests S h ow 1080 Pounds Artificial Fertilizer PLUS G reen Barley Manuring Crop N e e d ed to Equal Resuts of ONE LEGUME PLANTING! Winter Grow Peas Are Perfected Green Manuring Crop. They Increase Mineral and Organic Elements in the Soil. OWYHEE PRODUCE, Inc. PHONE NYSSA, OREG< NYSSA. OREGON PHONE SVJ <•)