Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1952)
• • THF NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST «L 1M2 NYSSA Sweet Corn Canning Former Nysson With Rescue Squadron Mrs. Elder, Guest Artist, August 27 1400 Attend L.DJS P la n e D eath C alls Women Drivers To Quarterly Conference Portland Race Next Wedne*. (Continued from page 1) the types of pack, each graded ac Carolyn Norris Elder, brilliant Airman Third Class Hubert L. Par- A c iximately 1.400 attended the * * y B B u i i t O * O l I l G I l U Women drivers are -cheduled to cording to quality. About an equal quarterly conference held Saturday Dewey Akers. 52. publisher of the participate in the jalopy races at the American concert pianist, formerly ker of Wallowa, formerly of Nyssa. amount of each type Is canned year and Sunday at the Nyssa L.D.S. Brookings Harbor Pilot at Portland, Rodeo park next week, which will of Payette, will be guest artist on has reported for duty with Flight B ly. Machinery of the cannery devours mark the final Wedm -day night the Community Concert Series. Wed- of the 6th Air Rescue Squadron, at from 15 to 18 tons of corn hourly stake house. Elder Harold B. Lee. of who was killed Friday in a plane performance, according to the Owy nesday, Aug. 27 at 8:15 p. m. at the Ernest Harmon Air Force Base in the council of the twelve apostles, crash at Brookings airport in Port- during a nine to 10-hour day. Newfoundland, according to an an- wus principal speaker. ' land, is a brother-in-law of Emil hee Riding club, sponsors of the Centre Theater in Ontario. Mrs Norris, who has been praised nouncement by Lieutenant Colonel The grower is paid by the ton. weekly event. The opening meeting Saturday Stunz of Nyssa and had visited the From each truck load he weighs in ni ht featured the film. 'T h e Slick Stunz family here a few years ago. W. Stansbury, commanding of- After that, all books will be closed by critics as "one of today's top-flight ^ l at the cannery, a 50-pound sample •A Joseph,” with special music by Stunz, together with Mr. and Mrs. for recording points for the big La- young pianists” presented concerts f‘cer of Flight B. A 3c Parker has TELEPHONE 108 is taken and sent to the sampling Rukm Huntington, of Ontario, and Rudolph Stunz and children, Mrs. bor Day races scheduled for Merid- last year in Switzerland. Holland. been assigned to the maintenance room. Here four girls count the ears, Robert E Lee, of Vale. Speakers at Roy Wood and B A Stunz, all of ian. The races may be continued at France and Germany. She is sched section wiith the rescue flight. weigh, de-moisture and otherwise the Sunday morning session were Boise left Friday evening to attend the local grounds on Sunday for a uled to play in Town Hall in New The rescue flight is a part of the THURSDAY-FRIDAY process it to determine quality. It President Arvel L. Child, Gordon the funeral. York City, December 11 and will world-wide Air Rescue service of the time, officials said .______ is in this room that the price to the Chytraus, recently returned mission United States Air Force which pro- AUGUST 21-22 According to the Portland Oregon A near-capacity crowd witnessed tour the nation. farmer is determined, as well as the ary to Sweden and William J. Beus. She attended schools in Payette, vides search and rescue service lor ian, the plane, owned and piloted the races this week, featuring 23 type and grade of pack. the University of Idaho, won a fel- ®U United States aircraft and to for- Music was rendered by the stake by Roy Brimm, was coming in for cars. Many pieces of intricate machin- | seventies male chorus and a trio a landing when the pilot saw two troonv oasn »°wship at the Juilhard Graduate eign countries upon request. Flight Qualifying for the trophy dash ery are needed to process the corn composed of Nani Child. Nannette automobiles and a group of children in the cannery, requiring a force of Bybee and Betty Fife, accompanied on the runway. To avoid killing the ANNE BAXTER approximately 200 men and women by Lela Dee Poulsen. children. Brim took off with the in- DALE ROBERTSON to operate them. During the afternoon, talks were tention of circling the airport. In . . . rr^v-t, f K o o t past two years she studied under a luutc* y g puibright award in Paris. A 3c Parker enlisted in the United MIRIAM HOPKINS Space limitations prevent a detailed given by Elder Lee and Presidents making the circle, the plane was first place honors^ The description of the machines and Fred W Blacker and S. Milton Nel- forced to fly through dense fog and race was won by Bill Ga: oer in o. M’rg' Norris holds a Konzert diploma States Air Force in July 1951. He is CAMERON MITCHELL their functions in moving the steady on The evening session was under | ¿mashed into trees h iV nlT n? bestowed upon her by the Conserva- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Uel Parker An outstanding screen achieve and third by Holton. | t of Music in Zurich, Switzerland, of Wallowa. flow of oorn along to the cans, but the direction of the stake M. I. A. ment of the gold rush days with The state board of aeronautics BUI Garber, driving N 00. was, ^ a d loma from the Pans C on-■--------------------------------------------------- gamblers and gunmen and wo a cursory inspection tour may be of with music by the youth chorus and blamed the persons who had driven inner of rtf the fVio “B “P " ” main event PUPPf and ana i “ T " T w.e persuns «»»« winner men who were no better then a trio from Ontario. Certificates of their interest to readers. cars onto the airport and label- RllH thp V ’ matn servatoire. they had to be. The grower's load is dumped into high achievement in various activi ed it 'gross foolishness and law viola Arriving in Payette recently to A LAWSUIT event in jalopy No. 4. special wheeled bins, which are pul ties were awarded to Master M. Men, tion by trespassers.” According to visit her parents, Attorney and Mrs. AGAINST SATURDAY. AUGUST 23 led to a chain belt and the contents by Ross Butler of Vale; to Golden the report, the gate had been opened John H. Norris, Mrs. Elder is presen fed onto it. The conveyor transports Gleaners, by Mrs. Dennis Fife, and in spite of a sign warning against ting this concert in Ontario at the the ears to two lines of husking ma to Silver Gleaners,» by Mrs. Carl entering the airport. request of her many friends in Idaho chines on the ground floor. The de Burningham. A tableau was preseni- and Oregon. The pilot suffered injuries as did nuded ears then go their separate ed wlth Spencer Beus and Mary Lou Richard V. Wilson, Nyssa high Tickets lor the performance may passenger, Edward Thorn- ways on conveyors on the cream and Schenk as readers. school principal, announced this be obtained from Mrs. J. L. Herri- ton. HOWARD DUFF whole kernal lines. Someone hurt w hile Akers is survived by his widow and week that there will be a meeting o f man,"Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff and Mrs. JOSEPHINE HULL The corn goes over the floatation three children. Mrs Akers is a sister high school coaches at 8 p. m. this Bernard Eastman, all of Nyssa. on your prem ises . . . line for washing before traveling a- Friday at Ontario junior high school ________________ . Comedy and Cartoon of Stunz. long the inspection belt. Whole ker for the purpose of making plans for WAHLERT BACK TO OFFICE Mat. Sat. 1:30; Ad in. 30c -9c and now it might cost nel corn is put through a brine, then the annual high school football jam AFTER HOSPITALIZATION Ontario—Entertainment for the you e v e r y th in g you into cans by a machine that lids boree. crowds who will attend the SUNDAY AND MONDAY them before going to a third one evening W. K. (Bill) Wahlert, manager of own. Don’t risk it! Our 43rd annual Malheur County fair ’ C 4« » « « Date and time of the jamboree are which seals and draws the vacuum. has been arranged. Roy Brewer, * AUGUST 24-25 1 la n Y 8 p m Saturday, Sept. 5, at the On- the Dessert Seed Co. of Nyssa, was modern liability policy released Monday from the Malheur The cream line carries the milky chairman of the racing program sta- j T h e Rosel H. Hunter home was a j tario high school field. Memorial hospital where he had mass to the silker before it is de ted that some 45 horses have been ! busy place over the week-end, when j C OS T S S O L I T T L E - ------------------------- been under medical treatment for 11 posited in the mixer and cooker. The committed, including several quarter j ‘t was the gathering point for a Garrisons To Observe PRO TECTS SO M UCH! days. He was able to return to the blender is the next machine to re horses, which would take care of five sroup of people from a widely scat- Golden Anniversary office for part of the day Wednes ceive it, where it is kept under 190 races each night. A saddle horse tered area. j j n honor of their golden wedding HUMPHREY BOGART degrees of heat for a short time be race could provide the sixth number! Out-of-state visitors included Mr. anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Charles day. fore being pumped to the filling and for the par-mutuels. ETHEL BARRYMORE and Mrs. Howard Johnson, of Libbey, Garrison will hold open house at Godey’s Lady’s Book was the first closing machine. KIM HUNTER Criticism of the June Race meet Mont.; Mrs. Martin Mortenson, of their home at 101 South Fourth women's magazine in the U. S. Filled cans of both types are then for not having any entertainment Tempe, Ariz.; Miss Gladys leaver,' street, Wednesday afternoon and ED BEGLEY The Scotch word “Braes’’ means trucked to retorts, where they un between races lead the committee of Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard evening, August 27, from three until You can’t murder a newspaper. hillsides. R * p r M e n t i ng dergo a heat bath of 240 degrees and to provide for a continuous three-N aegle and family, of Emmett, and eight o’clock. All their friends are in- An underworld leader tries to Penquins are natives only to the then cooled. This combined opera hour program, starting at 8 p. m. Miss Belva Hunter, of Nampa. keep his crimes out of news head vited to attend. orthwest asualty South Pole. tion takes two hours and 20 minutes. Indued in the tentative schedule! COMPANY t - lines. The Ford Motor company was es MaKain Thi, an exchange student Final machine operation is the in are the following numbers; cow cut- from Rangoon, Burma, to Oregon tablished in 1903. Use the Journal Classified Ads. Matinee Sun. 1:3*; Adin. 30<--9o verter, T h which turns the , hot cans , __ , tin8 contest, trailer race, lady’s and gt,ate college, was also a guest, as ° ^ H ,|;h . 1 Person -° children’s pleasure class, barrel race, was another student from Corvallis, I handle the individual cans as he musicai race, spot race put on by Miss Alta Mortenson. TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY puts them into the cases, prepara the Nyssa committee headed b y , AUGUST 26-27 tory to storing. Lynn Snodgrass, Skinny Tensen and Use the Journal Classified Ads, The Nyssa cannery is an import Fay Corn. ant economic factor in the commun The Ontario Kiwanis club is work ity. addiing, as it does, a consider ing up a special feautre for each able payroll to its trade area. In Its night. It is soliciting business firms Aug. 24, Arcadia Sunshine club an- t five-year existance here, it has pro and hopes to have about 10 pigs each nual watermelon feed at the Clyde I HELEN HAYES vided many thousands of dollars for night for a pig scramble. This event Bowers home at 2:30. ROBERT WALKER hundreds of men and women who has proven one of the top entertain VAN HEFLIN have not wanted to work on a year- ment stunts where ever it has been Too Late To Classify round basis. Chief benefactors, of tried. DEAN JAGGF.K course, are the growers, who have Tim's Rides will be on the grounds FOR RENT—Furnished apartment A stirring tale out of today's been able to grow a top-quality pro to afford added pleasure for the with bath, light and heat furnished. headlines. What would you do of duct in a natural corn growing area youngsters. Ladles of the Sage and Phone 63-J. 32-tf. your son mixed with communists? I lie Nyssa plant was built in 1947 saddle club will have the concession FOR SALE—1 4-room house to be Sharrai, who has been with the Ida at the grandstand. moved, 1947 B & M International ho Canning Co. for 14 years, super tractor with plow and cultivator, 1 vised its construction. THURSDAY-FRIDAY 8-ft. David Bradley disc and 1 Dav id Bradley pick tooth harrow. Call AUGUST 28-29 260-NM Nj a 32-2t. (('»nlinued from Page I) Beniclo Levavio Leyba was fined FOR SALE Two Milking Shorthorn Bernadt, Marysville, Kans., 4th MARK STEVENS $100 plus $4.50 court costs and sen bulls ready for service. Oscar Sh af grade; James H. Nally, Caldwell. 6th ANGELA LANSIll RY grade; L. W. Attebery, Payette, S. F. tenced to 120 days in the county jail fer, Rt. 1. 1 mile north and 1 mile PATRIC KNOWLES east of Adrian, Phone 082-J3. Cox, Provo. Utah, and Ruth Jones, after appearing in justice court Aug. GENE EVANS 32-2tp. 18, on charges of entering a room in Somerset. Kan., high school English; Also | the Owyhee hotel between the hours Lois Bungum, Caldwell, girls' phys- j TOR SALE—Used L. <fe H electric | | ical education and health: Patricia of . 11:30 . of the 17th and and 1:45 of range with deep well, like new. only . . . | the the 18th 18th and and ’’feloniously look and $99 50. Ideal Gas and Appliance. ' I Kinter, Twin Falls ...... - _ *-■ 32-tf. and Rich Rich- ! carned away “ pocket knife, the per- school social science, and JOHNNY SH EFFIELD ard LoSasso, Rathdrum, Ida., instru * 1 sonal property of Eugene A. Mitchell I/>ST -Billfold that was a birthday of the value of less than $75 " LORETTA LUEZ mental music. He was found guilty of the charge present. If found, return to Mrs. Sam Other grade teaohers are Viola Phillips, or Phone 03&-R2. 32-lt. Fotherglll, Mrs. Nelda Schenk and by tbe cou r} B H "* unable to pay SATURDAY. AUGUST 30 the fine and costs, he was commit- WANTED—Ride to Oakland. Calif. Emma Zwemke, 1st; Clarice Notheis □ ted to 170 days in Jail. or Reno. Nev. Sept. 1. Phone 454-W and Mrs. Mildred Hite, 2nd; Mrs. ________________ 32-2tp. F in in ' H.ites. Eva Bnydell. _ ~ T~~ _ Vet.» E Fraser and Mrs Maudest j l O I X l B u m i n g h Q m 111 TOR SALE OR TRADE — 5-room REX ALLEN i home, new. on1 beautiful Piaget Teague, 3rd; Mrs. Eva Chadwick, MARY ELLEN KAY Sound, 2 blocks out of city limits of Kathryn Crandall and Oeorgia Nichol, 4th; Mrs. Hazel Lane. Mrs. | Tom Burningham. manager c f Tacoma. Wash» Full basement, Also Tressie King, Virginia Voigt and El- Mulr-Roberts and Burningham. Inc. men* garage and 2 sleeping rooms in v,n Ballou. 5th. and Mrs Dorothy of Nyssa. ia conlmed at the L. D S i f r ^ s U ^ V i e w T w a i r ^ d ^ - Nolen and Mrs. Zette Bumgarner, hospital at Salt Lake City recover- rows bridge. Full price. $11,500 In- 6th. ing from a heart attack he suffered qui^p. of Dick Yost, the Journal, Junior high school teachers will there last Thursday. The hospital phone 19 32-tf! DICK POWELL be Marie Coate. Mrs Mildred Ren- reported his condition as "fair” Wed- ---- -- ——---------- PEGGY DOW strom. Mrs. Victoria Schweizer. nesday morning. I/OST—2 keys on a Chev. car ring. Harry McOinley and Frank Parr. Mr and Mrs. Burningham and M found phone 063-J3 or contact SUN DAY-MONDAY High school instructor-. Include their daughter. Merle, left Nyssa I Mrs LaiMoi'te Fife. 32-lt. AUG. 31 - SEPT. 1 Mrs. Margaret Engstrom. Mathema- Tuesday of last week for Bountiful, ^ r„m i,h>s-hnl„» tics; Margery Nihart. bookkeeping; Utah where they had been called by | Bt,rnilK| prosL Phone 1B-W 30-tf. Charles Steffens, science: Mis Vir- the death of Burnlngham's brother. 'll__________ _ guua Steffens, homemakmg: Dwight It whs wlwle on this trip that Burn- Wyckoff. agriculture; Kinsey Kev-1 nigham suffered the heart attack eren. history; Howard Lovejoy, ath- j -------------------------- in TECHNICOLOR with Year in and year out MAUREEN O’HARA letic coach; Dale Overstake, science, JE F F CHANDLER and Mrs Harriet Brumbach. librar LON CHANEY you’ll da wed with the ian. SUSAN CABOT Supt. Hartley has announced :» Arrested August 16 by Police Of change In coaching assignments. The desert drums beat out their ficer Max Hull on a charge of as rhythm of romance and passion Harry McOinley has been rrhewd and all Araby cheers the daring of Junior high school basketball saulting with a deadly weapon, Jose deeds of the .swasbuckling tamer- coaching duties and will assist COacft Cabello was released the same day lane. Lovejoy in varsity football James .itstuiHuig * refused " * " . to . * sign ! ! * a ^ com Nally -will fill McOtnlry’s former plaint. post. TUESDAY. SEPT. 2 According to police, Cabello knifed John Chavez in the abdomen while MR. D AIRYM AN - the latter was in melee with several other Mexicans The affray took HELP KEEP COWS IN PRODUC place in front of Wilson Bros, store TION—Feed Purina Cow Chow Sup with Dwight Wyckoff. Nyssa high plement with your grain. Built to main M\RK STEVENS school agriculture instructor, Is in tain body condition as well as top milk PEGGY DOW attendance this week at the Oregon (Continued from Page 1) GIGI PEItKEAU production. State Teachers’ meeting at Eugene. I and athletics, and Marie Moore, Hi- wife and family with him CONDITION YOUR DRY COWS — You will lore the little girl who home economies The Wyckoffs were joined Tuesday mentary school are Robert Patter went to Reno. Feed Purina D F Chow to put your by Mrs Wyckoffs mother, Mrs. Bar son. eighth; Lois Williams, seventh. cows in shape for easy .calving and ney Wilson, for an outing at the Mrs. Leake Lowell, sixth. Mrs Anna heavy milk production. SEPTEMBER 3-4 beach at the close of the teachers' j Sparks, fifth; Mrs George Riddle, WED.-THURS. meeting A business trip will be made fourth: Ml«- Mary Weir and Chari*« 4:c to Corvallis before the families re Witty .third; Mrs Gladys Newblll turn to Nyssa. and Mrs Ruth Morgan, second; Mrs BÍ JW AjkD EASTMAN with Mary D»vld»on, first and Mrs J*ke Heal E state In eu rao c* Mr and M rs R alp h L t n i i i - r ai«4 LOKETTA YOUNG Phon e «4 family vacationed from Saturday Borg*, •povlal KENT SMITH until Wednesday at |i*r*rd la t e . A U l t H D I H KNOX a lto In Knglas«) levo- nade TOM» I BJtTTIO West of McCall Mr and Mr Orr- d a t e equastv T*,e tw • Iran«» k>v* «tort»« <»f a ll Curry *rd Mr arid Mrs i t . Meer.« of the st n T*r*. uia. Thomas also ,n ti e « amp i.e p« y End »a Human»*. •i.e « >n »/. and i««: «a*nf»M t u A any ah* •»* identally injured. are remaining at the lake until Sun- I h m *>« *» -• wm* ut • baby’s day. body (AM» «u *U « d illi* THEATRE Program "OUTCASTS OF POKER FLATS" Football Jamboree Plans Friday Night "THE LADY FROM TEXAS" Entertainment Lined Up For County Fair Rosel Guests Come "DEADLINE U.S.A. J KEN POND N "MY SON JOHN" Coming Events !» «■ Guy Moore C ays: Route 1, Nyssa Ü * "MUTINY" Nyssa School Roster Prowler of Owyhee Hotel Is Sentenced "AFRICAN TREASURE" "THE LAST MUSKATEER" Salt Lake Hospital 'Purina Really Helps Put "YOU NEVER CAN TELL" Milk In The Pail," Pictured above is Guy Moore with "Scarlet", an 8-year- old Jersey cow that was raised on Calf Startena, and as a growing heifer on D. & F. Chow. She was condi tioned 60 days before each calving on the Purina Dry Cow Program. The past 10 months she produced 580 lbs. butterfat. "FLAME OF ARABY" Knifer Released By Police After Arrest HARTFORD "REUNION IN RENO" Guy says: "My cows calve easily and clean fast. And the calves are strong and big so they can start eating right away. Yes, sir; it pays to use the whole Purina program." Ag. Instructor Takes In Teachers' Meeting Adrian Schools HA RTFO RD INSURANCE "PAULA" & TQBLER'S FEED AND FUEL, INC. Phone 26 il